group group longname active # packs # contributors
lacidus 1997-1997 1 9
lapiz de perro lAPiZ dE pERRO lANOSO 1996-1996 2 0
lapse Lapse Productions 1994-1994 8 21
layerone 2019-2019 1 18
lazarus Lazarus 1996-2024 21 120
lbo Little Big One 1993-1995 7 4
lc Logo Creators 1996-1996 1 3
ld 1995-1995 1 1
leech 1996-1996 1 0
legacy Legacy 1992-1993 3 31
legacy krew Legacy Krew 2019-2022 4 34
legend Legend 1995-1996 13 41
legends 1995-1995 1 1
leper society 1994-1996 16 26
light 1994-1995 4 18
limit League of Imaginative Makers of Intense Art 1994-1994 1 5
liquid LiQUiD 1994-1994 3 7
lithium LiTHiUM 1993-1993 1 3
lithium argentina 1997-1998 2 10
loco Loco Arts 1995-1995 1 1
locus Locus Art Productions 1999-2000 2 17
looney 1996-1996 1 4
lore 1998-1998 1 19
lsp Litespeed 1995-1995 1 4
ltd Licensed to Draw 1992-1993 3 34
lucid 1994-1994 2 1
lupus 1993-1994 4 11
lure 2001-2002 3 24
mace 1992-1992 1 2
mad Malicious Art Denomination 1994-1995 12 54
mafia jeopardy 2001-2002 2 15
magic 1993-1994 2 11
magma 1997-1997 2 19
maiden brazil 1996-1998 16 49
maiten1 1996-1996 4 15
manifest Manifest Innovations 1994-1994 5 35
masakre MASAKRE PRODUCTiONS 1996-1996 1 9
matrix 1994-1995 2 4
max Masters of the Art Experience 1993-1993 8 44
mean scheme 1996-1998 15 18
mesoxoton 1998-1998 2 1
mga 1996-1996 2 5
mge 1994-1994 1 3
miis Menace II Society 1994-1994 3 4
milk 1999-1999 2 0
mimic Mimic Art Productions 1998-2008 88 204
mindless Mindless Incorporated 1993-1994 3 16
mirage MiRAGE 1992-1994 7 55
misery productions 1997-1997 1 5
mistergirls Mistergirls 2018-2018 2 15