group group longname active # packs # contributors
mistigris Mistigris 1994-9999 142 758
moist 1995-1997 7 29
moonflow 2001-2002 3 9
moonlight 1996-1996 1 1
moonrise Moonrise Productions 1998-2000 4 15
mop 1995-1996 11 77
morons on parade Morons on Parade 1994-1994 1 2
morph 1997-1997 1 30
motion Motion Graphics 1995-1995 8 59
mozicart 1996-1996 8 23
mtnt 1995-1995 4 2
mud 1996-1996 1 14
mystic 1995-1995 2 10
nac NaC 1995-1995 1 2
nation The Nation Extravaganza 1994-1995 12 32
nausia Nausia 1995-1996 4 8
nba Nothing But Art 1993-1993 1 3
nc-17 1992-1992 1 2
ndt 1996-1996 1 6
nectar Nectar Font Competition 1996-1996 2 37
nemesis 1993-1993 2 27
neon strike 1998-1998 1 9
nerp 1997-1998 5 54
netrunners 1993-1993 1 2
neverland people 1996-1996 1 4
new school 2021-2021 1 22
newave artist group 1993-1993 1 3
nhg Nightmare Hijack Guild 2023-2023 2 1
nimbus NiMBUS 1995-1995 1 10
ninja penguin 2018-2018 1 18
nitro 1994-1999 4 12
nitrophusion 1997-1998 10 31
nms 1998-2020 3 2
no code 1997-1997 3 4
nocturnal holocaust 1996-1997 3 30
nodorio nODORIO 1995-1995 1 4
noir 1997-2004 23 45
noname noname brand ascii 1996-1998 15 97
none n0NE 1996-1996 1 1
npg The New Power Generation 1993-1993 1 2
nrg 1999-1999 3 8
nta Nautilus Trading Alliance 1995-1995 1 0
nuclear 1996-1996 2 1
nuke 1993-1993 1 2
nwa New Wave Artists 1994-1994 2 16
oasis 1996-1996 2 27
odelay 1996-1998 17 108
odium odium 1995-1996 6 38
oil oil ascii 1996-1997 9 47
omega 2000-2000 2 6