group group longname active # packs # contributors
deep 1995-1995 2 2
defacto 2 1998-1999 5 23
defiance 1996-1996 1 8
defiant 1995-1995 4 25
deg65 1999-1999 2 8
deleria 1994-1994 1 6
deluge 1996-1996 1 1
delusion 1996-1996 1 7
demonic demonic productions 1997-2003 2 2
demons 1997-1997 2 10
department 38 1996-1997 13 36
deranged 1996-1999 16 24
devil forces 1997-1997 4 7
devious 1994-1998 7 49
devious lit 1996-1996 2 13
devoid 1996-1996 1 11
devotion 1996-1996 1 9
dezign 1996-2015 6 15
dfs 2002-2006 6 7
die Demented Images of Euphoria 1993-1994 9 32
die datenbaecker 1997-1997 1 3
digital dreams 1996-1996 1 3
diode 1999-1999 1 1
dire Dire 1993-1993 1 7
disco disco 1995-1995 2 26
distant Distant Army 1998-1998 2 34
divine Divine Productions 1995-1995 1 12
divine legacy Divine Legacy 1998-1998 2 16
divine stylers 2024-2024 1 1
dma Dementia 1995-1995 1 1
dna Digital Nightmare Artists 1997-1997 1 12
doa Dead on Arrival 1994-1994 2 8
doa 93 1993-1993 1 7
dominio 1998-1998 7 44
domino Domino Fonts 1997-1997 1 10
don lokke jr 1992-1993 7 1
dope Disciples of Private Enterprise 1994-1994 3 8
dos Domination of Society 1995-1995 1 22
dox 1996-1997 9 17
dps Diabolic Poets Society 1995-1995 1 6
driven 1995-1995 1 7
droid 1996-1996 1 4
drool 1995-1995 1 13
drop 1997-1997 5 29
dtd Devotion to Darkness 1997-1997 4 4
duo daughters Duo Daughters 2015-2022 5 29
dusel 1995-1995 1 3
dynasty Dynasty Productions 1994-1994 1 3
echo 1997-1998 11 124
eclipse Eclipse 1994-1997 14 68