group group longname active # packs # contributors
gray Gray Productions 1998-1998 1 12
grf Game Review Forum 1993-1993 1 11
grill 1996-1998 4 17
grim Group of Revolutionary and Innovative Multimedia 1994-1994 1 6
grim fandango 2005-2005 3 1
grimoire Graphics Rendered in Magnificence 1992-1992 1 21
grind GRiND 1994-1994 1 3
grip Graphic Revolution in Progress Art Department 1993-1995 14 59
grungesoft 1998-2000 8 27
guerilla 1997-1997 1 0
guild 1998-1998 1 7
hail Honorable Artists in Legion 1995-1995 1 11
hallucigenia 1998-1999 9 52
hallucination 1995-1996 10 38
halo8 1997-1997 4 0
havok Havok Enterprises 1994-1994 3 14
haze 1995-1995 4 19
hazmat 1998-2000 9 56
heat Highly Experienced Artist Talent 1993-1996 4 11
heathen ansi tactics 1994-1994 1 13
helium 1996-1996 1 8
hermanas del perro magnetico Hermanas del Perro Magntico 2022-9999 4 28
hieroglyphics 1999-2001 6 25
high on ascii 2003-2004 6 9
hipe 1992-1992 1 6
hirmu 1995-2018 2 2
hive Hive Ascii 1998-1998 5 15
hli Holy Litature Interprizes 1994-1994 1 1
hmg Homage 1994-1994 1 3
hoax 1996-1998 4 10
hoe Hogs of Entropy 1995-1995 1 0
hor Horror of Reality 1995-1995 5 10
hortau 2024-2024 1 1
house of dreams 1996-1996 1 1
hr 1994-1994 3 22
hrg HellRaiser Group 1996-2000 31 61
humid 1996-1996 2 48
hype 1996-1997 9 41
hype 1992 1992-1992 1 9
hyper space 1997-1997 4 0
ice iCE Advertisements 1991-2002 330 682
icon 1995-1996 8 31
identity 1994-1995 3 11
idle 1996-1996 1 12
iesus iesus ascii 1995-1995 1 7
ifx iLLEGAL F/X 1994-1994 1 4
ignite 2024-2024 1 10
ikea 2000-2001 2 16
ildfrost 1996-1997 3 5
illness Illness Modding Crew 1995-1995 7 11