group group longname active # packs # contributors
illusion 1993-1993 5 22
illusion 1994 1994-1994 1 7
illusion 1997 1997-1997 1 6
illusion art 1995-1995 1 1
illusion ascii 1995-1995 2 9
image Image Productions 1993-1993 3 21
image 1992 1992-1992 1 6
image 1994 1994-1994 2 13
image 201 1994-1994 1 8
impact 1997-1997 2 15
imperial 1994-1994 5 45
impure Impure!ASCII 1940 1998-2025 88 142
impure compo 1996-1996 1 19
incarnate iNCARNATE GRAPHICS 1994-1994 2 9
ind iNDependant Productions 1994-1994 1 0
independence 1993-1993 1 15
independent 1997-1997 2 25
indigo 1995-1995 1 5
infectious 1996-1997 2 5
infinite 1997-1997 3 9
infliction 1998-1999 2 1
innate 2003-2004 7 20
innuendo iNNUENDO 1994-1994 1 2
insomnia iNSOMNiA 1995-1996 5 44
integrity Integrity 1995-1995 10 26
intensity 1996-1996 1 8
intrance 1995-1995 1 2
invasion Invasion Ascii 1995-1995 1 1
ioa Intellectuals of Art 1995-1995 4 22
iph 1997-1999 8 3
ira International Retarded Ansi 1995-1996 5 12
irato 1997-1998 7 28
itch 1995-1995 1 4
itp Into The Pentagram 1999-1999 1 5
itr iCE Trial 1994-1995 3 25
jasper Jasper 2001-2002 8 38
jihad 1994-1995 6 10
jive 1996-1996 3 37
juice 1995-1995 1 1
just-x 1999-2005 8 3
justice 1994-1994 3 17
kaa 1999-2000 3 9
karma 1998-1998 7 33
katharsis 1994-1995 19 15
kibosh 1999-2000 6 27
kimp KiMP 1994-1994 1 4
kindred KiNDRED 1994-1995 2 11
klexikal 1996-2002 6 10
kos kreators of sabotage 1996-1996 1 6
kwest 1997-1998 9 47