this image contains text
e x p l i z i t
organising staff Ch:ilm Phoncie Mekx
composers Phoncie Jay KoMAH Batjo
Mekx Thunderbass Armadon Sturm Probe
coding LightWing
Art Director Dirt Bag
Artists Infinite Oblivion MoRGaNa
LD Trading MoDeM Cosmo
internet and couriering
world hq http://www.explizit.org
usa hq ftp://tillbm2.stu.rpi.edu/explizit/
euro ftp ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/groups/explizit/
italy ftp ftp://ftp.geanet.it/scream/groups/explizit/
explizit files are distributed worldwide by:
sunset professional art couriers
the outer limit zone 8
myztic-net zone 12
supported bulletin-board systems
world headquarters sl1210 ch:ilm
.......... .............................................. . H O L L A N D
member jiehaaaaa phoncie +31-413-474630 fr/sa/su 22/07
member overdrive mad max +31-78-6819320 fr/sa 18/07
member xperience dirt bag/gloomy +31-53-4328041
frontline cyclone cyclone +31-79-331-5963
site boiling grave pope-x +31-180-669 955
site x-connection hardattack +31-252-221334
site sound garden spinoza +31-30-2441479 +31-30-244-1237
site braindead brain +31-50-5418168
site distortion sfinx +31-521-321-608
site future dimenzion thunderstrike 31-77-3829675
.................................................................. E U R O P E
belgium hq astralasia weezer +32-3-7440883
site poussin poussin +32-2-6468657
site the black lodge emenius +32-13-327027
site unreal notalgic +32-3-6530365
site The Asylum Sike +32-59-324094 +32-59-333335
danish hq cybernoise shodan +45-74-745262
finland hq hard disk cafe patrician
+358-60-316456 +358-60-346555 +358-60-366115
site handshake terror morpheus +358-19-462201
france hq free zone mayweed +33-1-6934-2267
germany hq X-press Sinus
+49-30-40632377 +49-30-40632378 +49-30-401354
frontline Spirit World Larry +49-89-32928640
site Rave Line nr One MoDeM +49-3381-703478
site Mystic Universe +49-69-514523 +49-69-510736
site Splatterpunk Teasy +49-2378-2627
hungary hq dune2 bat +36-76-49-2351
ireland hq powerstation madmax +353-41-32568
italy hq Midnight Scream Technolord +39-522-855716
kroatian hq mater pound mater +385-1-215132
norway hq spacebar hybris +47-64-93-3499 +47-64-93-7034
site neural network megantereon +47-611-93998
poland hq Mathom Mathom +48-61-675850
portugal hq escape tiago dias +351-1-2746171
explizit releases reqable on escapebbs on dalnet
russia hq komis station vadim
+7-8422-320410 +7-8422-320412 +7-8422-320413
slovakian hq digital land cosmo +42-7-788094
site Unknown Coolio +42-7-815126
swedish hq the rave cave slaze +46-454-29705
site phasia gentech +46-013-135348
site Checkpoint Charlie Rickard Fors
+46-451-83139 +46-451-85939
site Injection Robber +46-46-152786 +46-46-152789
site Newmill Frederic Nilsson +46-451-59259
swiss hq the underworld synoptic
+41-22-9600621 +41-22-9600622 +41-22-9600623
frontline ravebase maverick +41-22-3485521
site insekts in spaze jobe +41-62-824-4561
uk hq unknown enemy niavasha +44-1981-240840
site purple haze bios +44-16-285-80150
site logics bbs fingers +44-1432-278319
site Nurophobia Daniel +44-1733-333043
..................................................... N O R T H A M E R I C A
california industrial evil bigod-20 +1-714-7794116
florida the nether world distorted silence
+1-813-942-4147 +1-813-943-0777
florida the toy box buzz lightyear +1-904-733-5852
texas warp speed alex gen +1-708-776-2395
utah Oceanside Encino Man +1-801-621-8202
virginia edge of insanity insane +1-804-5832565
tennessee raves nitemare rave n madd +1-615-9040079
canada hq impact impact +1-604-477-7023
site 808 state tricky +1-604-248-3690
site myriad synergy cyre +1-418-285-4838
site Cybernetic Alliance Punkie +1-514-926-1941
..................................................... S O U T H A M E R I C A
argentina hq unknown d-menxion rave-n/excess +54-1-866-4987
site sistema 1 billy +54-1-384-7444
brazilhq altconn *fox +55-11-8162031
site graint shot dark vender +55-21-5364942
site legacy of distrust ayres +55-21-4392170
............................................................. A U S T R A L I A
australia hq warhammer legend +61-2-9879-6261
site the garage nitro +61-73888-5949
site Refraction Nutbutter +61-35-9714723
site Staesis Cyntax +61-296-832403 +61-296-833442
.......................................................... M I D D L E E A S T
bahrain hq the electric cube lightning knight +973-740611
israel hq dark hell dark angel +972-7-9972448
site sugar rush barbq +972-3-9679723
site Art of Trance Bblooga +972-6-6398278
................................................................... A F R I C A
south africa hq Ice Breaker Iceman +27-21-991622
site Fusion Tuna +27-21-531-7034
copyright notice
All our music, available on the internet homepage, FTP, BBS or any
other source, is c copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Explizit and
DefDance Underground Music. All rights reserved.
Unauthorised use of our songs, including but not limited to: selling
our music on a CD-ROM software collection disk, taping, burning or
otherwise recording this music to analogue or digital tape, CD,
MiniDisk or other media, broadcast of our music in any broadcast
television, satellite, cable, radio or other means, usage in a
demo and public performance is prohibited.
Right is hereby granted to freely distribute our music in original
form only via electronic networks, distribution via electronic
bulletin-board system or any other non-commercial means of
duplication between computer systems. Archieval onto audio recording
media is allowed for personal use only.
If you wish to include any Explizit production on a CD-ROM
disc, or have any questions, contact us on root@explizit.org
d-sign by DiRT BAG
organising staff Ch:ilm Phoncie Mekx
composers Phoncie Jay KoMAH Batjo
Mekx Thunderbass Armadon Sturm Probe
coding LightWing
Art Director Dirt Bag
Artists Infinite Oblivion MoRGaNa
LD Trading MoDeM Cosmo
internet and couriering
world hq http://www.explizit.org
usa hq ftp://tillbm2.stu.rpi.edu/explizit/
euro ftp ftp://sdc.wtm.tudelft.nl/pub/music/groups/explizit/
italy ftp ftp://ftp.geanet.it/scream/groups/explizit/
explizit files are distributed worldwide by:
sunset professional art couriers
the outer limit zone 8
myztic-net zone 12
supported bulletin-board systems
world headquarters sl1210 ch:ilm
.......... .............................................. . H O L L A N D
member jiehaaaaa phoncie +31-413-474630 fr/sa/su 22/07
member overdrive mad max +31-78-6819320 fr/sa 18/07
member xperience dirt bag/gloomy +31-53-4328041
frontline cyclone cyclone +31-79-331-5963
site boiling grave pope-x +31-180-669 955
site x-connection hardattack +31-252-221334
site sound garden spinoza +31-30-2441479 +31-30-244-1237
site braindead brain +31-50-5418168
site distortion sfinx +31-521-321-608
site future dimenzion thunderstrike 31-77-3829675
.................................................................. E U R O P E
belgium hq astralasia weezer +32-3-7440883
site poussin poussin +32-2-6468657
site the black lodge emenius +32-13-327027
site unreal notalgic +32-3-6530365
site The Asylum Sike +32-59-324094 +32-59-333335
danish hq cybernoise shodan +45-74-745262
finland hq hard disk cafe patrician
+358-60-316456 +358-60-346555 +358-60-366115
site handshake terror morpheus +358-19-462201
france hq free zone mayweed +33-1-6934-2267
germany hq X-press Sinus
+49-30-40632377 +49-30-40632378 +49-30-401354
frontline Spirit World Larry +49-89-32928640
site Rave Line nr One MoDeM +49-3381-703478
site Mystic Universe +49-69-514523 +49-69-510736
site Splatterpunk Teasy +49-2378-2627
hungary hq dune2 bat +36-76-49-2351
ireland hq powerstation madmax +353-41-32568
italy hq Midnight Scream Technolord +39-522-855716
kroatian hq mater pound mater +385-1-215132
norway hq spacebar hybris +47-64-93-3499 +47-64-93-7034
site neural network megantereon +47-611-93998
poland hq Mathom Mathom +48-61-675850
portugal hq escape tiago dias +351-1-2746171
explizit releases reqable on escapebbs on dalnet
russia hq komis station vadim
+7-8422-320410 +7-8422-320412 +7-8422-320413
slovakian hq digital land cosmo +42-7-788094
site Unknown Coolio +42-7-815126
swedish hq the rave cave slaze +46-454-29705
site phasia gentech +46-013-135348
site Checkpoint Charlie Rickard Fors
+46-451-83139 +46-451-85939
site Injection Robber +46-46-152786 +46-46-152789
site Newmill Frederic Nilsson +46-451-59259
swiss hq the underworld synoptic
+41-22-9600621 +41-22-9600622 +41-22-9600623
frontline ravebase maverick +41-22-3485521
site insekts in spaze jobe +41-62-824-4561
uk hq unknown enemy niavasha +44-1981-240840
site purple haze bios +44-16-285-80150
site logics bbs fingers +44-1432-278319
site Nurophobia Daniel +44-1733-333043
..................................................... N O R T H A M E R I C A
california industrial evil bigod-20 +1-714-7794116
florida the nether world distorted silence
+1-813-942-4147 +1-813-943-0777
florida the toy box buzz lightyear +1-904-733-5852
texas warp speed alex gen +1-708-776-2395
utah Oceanside Encino Man +1-801-621-8202
virginia edge of insanity insane +1-804-5832565
tennessee raves nitemare rave n madd +1-615-9040079
canada hq impact impact +1-604-477-7023
site 808 state tricky +1-604-248-3690
site myriad synergy cyre +1-418-285-4838
site Cybernetic Alliance Punkie +1-514-926-1941
..................................................... S O U T H A M E R I C A
argentina hq unknown d-menxion rave-n/excess +54-1-866-4987
site sistema 1 billy +54-1-384-7444
brazilhq altconn *fox +55-11-8162031
site graint shot dark vender +55-21-5364942
site legacy of distrust ayres +55-21-4392170
............................................................. A U S T R A L I A
australia hq warhammer legend +61-2-9879-6261
site the garage nitro +61-73888-5949
site Refraction Nutbutter +61-35-9714723
site Staesis Cyntax +61-296-832403 +61-296-833442
.......................................................... M I D D L E E A S T
bahrain hq the electric cube lightning knight +973-740611
israel hq dark hell dark angel +972-7-9972448
site sugar rush barbq +972-3-9679723
site Art of Trance Bblooga +972-6-6398278
................................................................... A F R I C A
south africa hq Ice Breaker Iceman +27-21-991622
site Fusion Tuna +27-21-531-7034
copyright notice
All our music, available on the internet homepage, FTP, BBS or any
other source, is c copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Explizit and
DefDance Underground Music. All rights reserved.
Unauthorised use of our songs, including but not limited to: selling
our music on a CD-ROM software collection disk, taping, burning or
otherwise recording this music to analogue or digital tape, CD,
MiniDisk or other media, broadcast of our music in any broadcast
television, satellite, cable, radio or other means, usage in a
demo and public performance is prohibited.
Right is hereby granted to freely distribute our music in original
form only via electronic networks, distribution via electronic
bulletin-board system or any other non-commercial means of
duplication between computer systems. Archieval onto audio recording
media is allowed for personal use only.
If you wish to include any Explizit production on a CD-ROM
disc, or have any questions, contact us on root@explizit.org
d-sign by DiRT BAG
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