this image contains text
.,G R i M S C U M 2,.
January 12, 1997
Hiya fellaz,
I hope you enjoyed this issue. Im sure you did. Youll probably say
the same thing as everyone else: Whoa man, this is wicked but its too
damn short!. Heres my answer: Would you prefer a 3-meg comic once a year
or 2 or 3 shorter comics instead?
Anyhow, Im sorry for releasing one month later than planned. I had a
major problem: Hard disk crash. Happens when you expect it the least. No need
to tell you all the important stuff i lost. Next issue will be out in less
than 6 months, dont worry.
- No More ACiD -
GrimScum isnt affiliated with ACiD anymore. I am proud to announce
you that we are now part of iCE Insane Creators Enterprises. Why this
radical change? Simply because almost all GrimScum members are in iCE now.
- The Dark Side Of The Web -
I finished the Grim Scum web page a couple of months ago. You can get
the first issue from it http://www.ice.org/assassin. Its an old page but
Im gonna change a lot of things as soon as I get my internet account working
again. Ill also add a photo album on it.
- Hidden What? -
Sound. This is one of the numerous new features in the new GrimScum
Interface. There are three hidden sounds in this issue. Try to find them by
moving your mouse on the screen. When the cursor changes to a speaker, just
lay your finger, hammer or whatever you want on your mouses left button and
listen carefully.
- Facts -
Id like you to know that were not doing this for money, drugs or whatever.
This is only for the love of art.
FunFact: As you probably noticed, this issue fits on a 1.44 megs disk so feel
free to distribute the comic wherever you want to!
- Da Crew -
If youre interested in joining the GrimScum Crew as a writer, musician, vga
artist, distro site or anything, email Overbored ovrbored@ice.org for more
info. Also, i need someone to help me with colouring, so if you are an
EXPERIENCED vga artist contact Overbored about it. We need a mailing list, so
if you can set one up for us, then again email Overbored.
- Boring Stuff -
* We are not responsible for any damages caused by this software.
* System requirements are: 486dx2-66 CPU or better, a SVGA card that supports
mode 640x480x256, and about 2 megs of free memory. Supported soundcards are
Gravis Ultrasound 512k of on-board RAM required and Sound Blaster.
* Bug reports: ovrbored@ice.org
* Comments/suggestions: fbernier@aei.ca
- Projects -
* Next issue should be written by Stone the Crow but if we cant get in touch
with him, Deeply Disturbed will take care of it. So if you know where to
contact Stone the Crow, please send him this file. sounds lame, eh?
* Major changes on the web page.
* Overbored, Random and I are currently working on a demo for Eclipse 97.
Soul Assassin / iCe
January 12, 1997
Hiya fellaz,
I hope you enjoyed this issue. Im sure you did. Youll probably say
the same thing as everyone else: Whoa man, this is wicked but its too
damn short!. Heres my answer: Would you prefer a 3-meg comic once a year
or 2 or 3 shorter comics instead?
Anyhow, Im sorry for releasing one month later than planned. I had a
major problem: Hard disk crash. Happens when you expect it the least. No need
to tell you all the important stuff i lost. Next issue will be out in less
than 6 months, dont worry.
- No More ACiD -
GrimScum isnt affiliated with ACiD anymore. I am proud to announce
you that we are now part of iCE Insane Creators Enterprises. Why this
radical change? Simply because almost all GrimScum members are in iCE now.
- The Dark Side Of The Web -
I finished the Grim Scum web page a couple of months ago. You can get
the first issue from it http://www.ice.org/assassin. Its an old page but
Im gonna change a lot of things as soon as I get my internet account working
again. Ill also add a photo album on it.
- Hidden What? -
Sound. This is one of the numerous new features in the new GrimScum
Interface. There are three hidden sounds in this issue. Try to find them by
moving your mouse on the screen. When the cursor changes to a speaker, just
lay your finger, hammer or whatever you want on your mouses left button and
listen carefully.
- Facts -
Id like you to know that were not doing this for money, drugs or whatever.
This is only for the love of art.
FunFact: As you probably noticed, this issue fits on a 1.44 megs disk so feel
free to distribute the comic wherever you want to!
- Da Crew -
If youre interested in joining the GrimScum Crew as a writer, musician, vga
artist, distro site or anything, email Overbored ovrbored@ice.org for more
info. Also, i need someone to help me with colouring, so if you are an
EXPERIENCED vga artist contact Overbored about it. We need a mailing list, so
if you can set one up for us, then again email Overbored.
- Boring Stuff -
* We are not responsible for any damages caused by this software.
* System requirements are: 486dx2-66 CPU or better, a SVGA card that supports
mode 640x480x256, and about 2 megs of free memory. Supported soundcards are
Gravis Ultrasound 512k of on-board RAM required and Sound Blaster.
* Bug reports: ovrbored@ice.org
* Comments/suggestions: fbernier@aei.ca
- Projects -
* Next issue should be written by Stone the Crow but if we cant get in touch
with him, Deeply Disturbed will take care of it. So if you know where to
contact Stone the Crow, please send him this file. sounds lame, eh?
* Major changes on the web page.
* Overbored, Random and I are currently working on a demo for Eclipse 97.
Soul Assassin / iCe
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