this image contains text
Session Start: Sun Mar 30 23:02:41 1997
Chat with Sidewinder
Bl: BluRry / 0P8
Sw: Sidewinder
Bl: So whats up with the sheep fascination?
Sw: i love wool heh
bl: hehehe.. I noticed.
Sw: you seen my page then?
bl: god, yes... : Youve changed it around a bit, havent you?
Sw: recently. putting a few more songs up there
Sw: so I can try and promote my CD as well as my sheep tendencies.
Sw: my new album will have SHEEP.
Sw: im also coming out with a line of stuffed sheep toys.
bl: : cool... are you still with the 4-channel mods?
Sw: always 4 channel. I find it rather amusing everyone thinks multichannel
is better. For me, I like a challenge.. 4 tracks are better my opinion
bl: You sound like Deathjester.
Sw: hows he doing? havent talked with him since 1992. damn i forget
bl: Hes alright. He fried part of his amiga, and should get it back to
commission soon. Hes also starting to use pc trackers ft2 and the like
Sw: oh no PC trackers.. wow Im the only Texan using an Amiga exclusively!
bl: He hasnt released anything PC yet, so you two are still in the ranks. :b
bl: How long have you been tracking?
Sw: too long
Sw: Im a legend.. heh
* blurry feels like he walked into a rest home -- j/k :
Sw: imagine being a legend for only being on the scene for 4 years or so..
and still not getting paid for any of it hah!
Sw: yea 1990 or so
bl: damn
Sw: 1992 discovered PT
bl: Protracker has to have been the Sliced Bread of the tracking scene.
Sw: its my butter its my jam Jell-O and whatever else I put on my toast
Sw: i also like MLED
Sw: but its so far far superior to any thing out there of course it was
never accepted
bl: MLED? Is that similar to OctaMed?
Sw: nope, tho it has multichannel capabilities up to 16 I believe
bl: On an Amiga? A four-channel machine in nature -- not bad!
Sw: full synth engine emulation wave sequencing its mind-blowing
Sw: it does 8 no prob on my A3000 even
Sw: its sequencer -- puts PT and anything on the PC to shame even! works
on any Amiga even 500
bl: :O
Sw: on aminet MLED1.15 :
bl: What got you into tracking, anyway?
Sw: boredom. I was overseas. It was hot and I was inside my air conditioned
room. Then I remember getting a package from a friend in Finland -- Teijo
bl: Is he on the scene?
Sw: hes the inventor of MED
bl: Kewl. :
Sw: OCtaMED Soundstudio those things
Sw: i didnt care at the time i just wanted to trade music disks heh
bl: A lot of stuff was based on MED wasnt it? multi-channel and otherwise
Sw: MED was to Protracker like BetaMax was to VCRs.
Sw: awesome, slower in some ways, more of everything, never accepted even
though Teijo made probably millions on it later selling to the US market.
bl: Wow. I was still potty-training on a //e at the time
Sw: hehe. Im still potty training. It never stops.
Sw: I hate.. WINDOWS.. argg ok. just though id say that now..
bl: I d/led Just Like That from your page -- Is that one of your newest?
Sw: those songs there you found on my front page are the newest released
Bl: how long does it take for you to crank out a tune?
Sw: takes about 1 night and 1 day.. generally i start around 2pm end at 6am
the next day
bl: Did you sample yourself for JLT?
Sw: yea.. im a real great singer as you can see haha hear, even
Sw: my vocals phear my range! heh
bl: What is your opinion on the music scene at the moment?
Sw: I believe the scene is a world all its own
bl: Any differences since Amigas downfall? Commodore, I mean
Sw: dont ask me.. it just goes on without Amiga heh
Sw: hey Amiga was just bought btw
Sw: GateWay2000 heh
Sw: its now called Amooiga
Sw: its had 4 owners.. all have died horrible and costly deaths. Its the
Amiga curse.. my hope is now that a major PC maker has bought Amiga slowly
all PC clone manufactures will own Amiga and that will effectively kill off
the PC
bl: How do you decide what goes and what stays in a mod when juggling 4
Sw: good question-- let me think.. hmm
Sw: I start with a sample from my keyboards
Sw: I have a song cut up, spliced, take parts i think can fit in 2 channels.
Sw: so all my new songs will sound beautiful at least on headphones you
know that 4 channel curse
Sw: I basically chop and cut loops to fit huge amounts of music into well 1
MEG or less usually
bl: Yeah, but arent repetitive loops a pain to work with? you dont want
a tune to sound
all the same, do you?
Sw: not at all!
Sw: i love getting more out of it.. there are secrets if you listen and take
my songs. for instance try sheepdance.lha
Sw: there is much variety even more so than my original 16bit version
Sw: and even that fit under 1 MEG with total sound you would think I had 32
Sw: i in term translate what i sketch later on into my sequencer and
sometimes the
MOD version sounds better hah
bl: What all do you have for equipment?
Sw: really for my now MODs are just something to draw my ideas
Sw: Ensoniq keyboard, SQ-2/32+, cheap mixer, some effects, beer..
Sw: yea ive got all i need i think
bl: Are there any sample sources youve used that you would consider unusual?
Sw: my dog? i did a song funny for ACME BBC once, it had my dog in it.
Sw: just good fun clean bouncy silly pop music
bl: Okay, Im going to throw out a word -- just give me the first response
that comes to mind... kay?
Sw: sheep
Sw: ok
bl: hehe...
Sw: false start
bl: Workbench
Sw: OS!
bl: Workgroups
bl: Kurzweil
bl: Sheep
bl: Gates
bl: Spaceballs
Sw: ANNA ::sigh::
Sw: shes a babe
Sw: Anna is the girl in the State Of The Art demo
Sw: i wrote to her once..
Sw: to tell her.. I LOVE YOU.. or something silly
Sw: she had those hip gyrations
bl: That demo rox. Even for todays stuff...
Sw: Amiga ruled.. she just rocked
Sw: ::sigh:: its been 5 years already since that was released ive YET seen
anything come close not even the sequel to that
bl: So what advice do you have for the newbie trackers?
Sw: get a job heh
Sw: dont do it for money -- never!
Sw: get into MIDI.. then get paid
Sw: these days we have so many tools to work with and MODs are just a part
of history
bl: What are your plans in the future?
Sw: I want to travel to Europe..
Sw: promote my new CD when I get that done
Sw: get married have a kid and name him after me.
Sw: im 30 now.. so i guess i should look for a life..
bl: Is your real name disclosable?
Sw: if you can pronounce it
Sw: Eric Gieseke GEEAASEEKA
Sw: i get by.. cant say what i do for a living tho.
bl: Why? dope smuggling? hehehe -- my ex-roomate did that
Sw: heh no comment next question :
bl: Where did the handle come from?
* sidewinder is a sheep dealer..
Sw: ive had my handle for about 20 years
Sw: i .. SHEEP .. had it because i had a snake bite me and it stuck with me,
since i didnt die, i was SIDEWINDER back in the mid 70s
Sw: i cant see at all
Sw: 40-80 vision can you see me now?.. heh oh wait damn screen in the way
bl: heheheh...
bl: So what should the people of the scene know about Sidewinder the
Sw: i love snakes
Sw: missiles too
Sw: im WIneCider the sheep keeper
Sw: and also Camel Jockey Extraordinare!
Sw: im a perfectionalist
Sw: buy my CD if you have 12 its a bargain and ill even sign it
bl: And what about your tracking style? what do you feel makes your stuff
different from the norm?
Sw: i only use 1 finger
bl:1 finger for what? or should I be afraid to know?
Sw: ooh and hehe for tracking and i also never know what the hell im doing.
Sw: i really never know.. im drunk ..
bl:All the time or just now? :
Sw: right now.. im so wasted.. i can taste the camel cider. im happy
Sw: i cant get along with other musicians very well in real life.. fuck..
hard to get a band started.
bl: Okay, this is my opinion -- Mod musicians cant get along with members
in a band because in developing their style, they learn to depend on
themselves for a full sound... whereas a band is a whole, and each member is
a part.
Sw: i got into music just because i had an accident.
Sw: and i could release all my life shit into my tracker.
Sw: hey did i mentioned i talked to Moby?
bl: No... When was that?
Sw: years ago on a conf call. hah -- remember those? yea that was my highlight..
Sw: MOBY the MOD guy is my friend too
Sw: MOBY the techno-badass is not heh
Sw: hes rich i bet now..
Sw: why do people accept him and not me????
bl: really? or r u kidding?
Sw: heh i asked him that once :
Sw: asked him.. offered i mean
bl: Deathjester taught me how to track, so you can imagine how weird my
style was initially. :
Sw: oh my!
Sw: i hate MODS sometimes.
bl: Why is that?
Sw: they tend to break nails.. making them that is
Sw: ive spilled every known substance on my keyboard. you know my Amiga has
sticky keys
Sw: my PC is very bouncy and posseses a responsiveness that is akin to a
hummingbird in its tactical feedback.. i dont track on it thats why
bl:What would you do if forced to use a pc? build a linux/x-windows box,
Sw: FORCED? im being forced now
bl: How so? I thought the Amiga is stil working.
Sw: it is.. its alive it breaths it consumes electricity it has a disk
drive with a screwdriver in it
Sw: i got pissed off at my Amiga once and i stabbed it hard. i killed my
boot drive
Sw: it still works it just makes a klicking sound and the disk inside is
permentantly attached to the belt-chain
Bl: Ouch. :O
Sw: nauu thats the good part i also had a fire trying to chase the roaches
away from my computer. i sprayed something into it. this was a while back
a large family was living in my A500
bl:What happened to the machine?
Sw: it burned. damn thing worked still! roaches stayed.. tho
bl:Really? BWAHEHEHE....
Sw: i can say i loved that thing
Sw: 7 years of abuse in 4 continents
Sw: i miss it heh
* sidewind fights back tears
bl: I remember when John Sculley killed the Apple // line... I felt like my
dog had died.
Sw: yea you know what im talkin about then
Sw: its like your world is.. well its your life..
Sw: PC to me gives you a warm fuzzy feeling only when I accidentally touch
something I shouldnt..
Sw: There are About 1 billion sheep on the planet!
Sw: There are About 900 different breeds of sheep!
Sw: Each sheep is About as unique as you!
Sw: Yes, each sheep has a noseprint as distinctive as your fingerprints
are for you!
Sw: i spread that message
Sw: that sheep have the right to be respected and not eaten
Sw: they are beautiful lovely and very polite and never complain
Sw: sheep are wonderful warm and .. hmm what else.. just rock
Sw: im surrounded here in San Antonio
Sw: drive-by shootings
Sw: if you listen carefully on my MODs you can hear GUNSHOTS in the samples
Sw: yea i like it here.
bl: Really? or r u kidding?
Sw: nauu.. listen to some of them
Sw: its fucked up here on the weekends -- WARZONE
Sw: its funny i get a lot of girls on my page i got voted in some hunk of
the month club.. I laughed my ass off
Sw: you know BLuTex?
bl: No... Whos that?
Sw: some guy i knew. hes from Texas too.
bl: So many damn texans...
Sw: yea tell me about it! hahahaha
Sw: i was at the TG97 channel and tried to get a MOD into the compo.. damn
it was hillarious but i tried anyway
Sw: i nearly got married twice to girls i met online, funny eh?
bl: Yeah, but it sux when their online personalities dont match their real
ones Ive had it happen before -- it sucked -- she was a bigger lewzer than
Sw: i hate girls sometimes
Sw: shit i met another one and then i figured out love sucks again. right
now Id rather enjoy their company. fuck love
Sw: i get into my music and women just screw it up
bl: I hear ya. Ive written three kewl tunes to women -- and 2/3 of them
ditched me in the long run shortly thereafter. :
Sw: tons of tunes i dedicated to girls
bl: What kind of music do you listen do? besides the droning 20 speakers
zooming down your street at 12am
Sw: i dont listen to much radio
bl: Why not?
Sw: i like classic shit like Tomita or Vangelis or something
Sw: i dont like music a lot
bl: No paticular favorite artist or anything?
Sw: nope.. nobody
bl: So why write it?
Sw: thats a good question
Sw: i enjoy the process of making it
bl: Ah... But even artists need to consult other artwork to get ideas...
Sw: yea i like to hear things -- my music is nature ya know?? STORMS, or a
Sw: i hate pop music yet i embrace it, technically
bl: Maybe you try to redefine pop?
Sw: to love and to hate ones own art..
bl: And thats a big struggle...
Sw: is an individual taste yes its a struggle, too. You seek what you need
and carve out the rest.
bl: Music Philosophy Lesson 1 : Fuck Theory. :
Sw: STAB IT GOOD. hahahha
Sw: i let my hamster free once. he played me a song. musta made no sense
to him at all but i liked it.
Sw: yea
Sw: well thats my life
Sw: same old thing ya know pain, revenge,
Jealousy, booze, love, hate, death, sheep, PCs, sex, drugs, and the
occasional mod
bl: How come you dont take the one-instrument-to-a-channel approach? It
could cut the size down considerably...
Sw: im from Texas you see
Sw: and we do things BIG BIG BIG!
Sw: you ever go to RAVES?
bl: Teah, they do wonders for the pulpy mass we call our brains...
Sw: haha
Sw: i wanna go!
bl: Tell ya what, if you can make it to Austin, yer welcome to crash over
here man.. :
Sw: cool.. i got yer emails. Seeya then!
bl: Night!
Session Close: Mon Mar 31 01:16:54 1997
Chat with Sidewinder
Bl: BluRry / 0P8
Sw: Sidewinder
Bl: So whats up with the sheep fascination?
Sw: i love wool heh
bl: hehehe.. I noticed.
Sw: you seen my page then?
bl: god, yes... : Youve changed it around a bit, havent you?
Sw: recently. putting a few more songs up there
Sw: so I can try and promote my CD as well as my sheep tendencies.
Sw: my new album will have SHEEP.
Sw: im also coming out with a line of stuffed sheep toys.
bl: : cool... are you still with the 4-channel mods?
Sw: always 4 channel. I find it rather amusing everyone thinks multichannel
is better. For me, I like a challenge.. 4 tracks are better my opinion
bl: You sound like Deathjester.
Sw: hows he doing? havent talked with him since 1992. damn i forget
bl: Hes alright. He fried part of his amiga, and should get it back to
commission soon. Hes also starting to use pc trackers ft2 and the like
Sw: oh no PC trackers.. wow Im the only Texan using an Amiga exclusively!
bl: He hasnt released anything PC yet, so you two are still in the ranks. :b
bl: How long have you been tracking?
Sw: too long
Sw: Im a legend.. heh
* blurry feels like he walked into a rest home -- j/k :
Sw: imagine being a legend for only being on the scene for 4 years or so..
and still not getting paid for any of it hah!
Sw: yea 1990 or so
bl: damn
Sw: 1992 discovered PT
bl: Protracker has to have been the Sliced Bread of the tracking scene.
Sw: its my butter its my jam Jell-O and whatever else I put on my toast
Sw: i also like MLED
Sw: but its so far far superior to any thing out there of course it was
never accepted
bl: MLED? Is that similar to OctaMed?
Sw: nope, tho it has multichannel capabilities up to 16 I believe
bl: On an Amiga? A four-channel machine in nature -- not bad!
Sw: full synth engine emulation wave sequencing its mind-blowing
Sw: it does 8 no prob on my A3000 even
Sw: its sequencer -- puts PT and anything on the PC to shame even! works
on any Amiga even 500
bl: :O
Sw: on aminet MLED1.15 :
bl: What got you into tracking, anyway?
Sw: boredom. I was overseas. It was hot and I was inside my air conditioned
room. Then I remember getting a package from a friend in Finland -- Teijo
bl: Is he on the scene?
Sw: hes the inventor of MED
bl: Kewl. :
Sw: OCtaMED Soundstudio those things
Sw: i didnt care at the time i just wanted to trade music disks heh
bl: A lot of stuff was based on MED wasnt it? multi-channel and otherwise
Sw: MED was to Protracker like BetaMax was to VCRs.
Sw: awesome, slower in some ways, more of everything, never accepted even
though Teijo made probably millions on it later selling to the US market.
bl: Wow. I was still potty-training on a //e at the time
Sw: hehe. Im still potty training. It never stops.
Sw: I hate.. WINDOWS.. argg ok. just though id say that now..
bl: I d/led Just Like That from your page -- Is that one of your newest?
Sw: those songs there you found on my front page are the newest released
Bl: how long does it take for you to crank out a tune?
Sw: takes about 1 night and 1 day.. generally i start around 2pm end at 6am
the next day
bl: Did you sample yourself for JLT?
Sw: yea.. im a real great singer as you can see haha hear, even
Sw: my vocals phear my range! heh
bl: What is your opinion on the music scene at the moment?
Sw: I believe the scene is a world all its own
bl: Any differences since Amigas downfall? Commodore, I mean
Sw: dont ask me.. it just goes on without Amiga heh
Sw: hey Amiga was just bought btw
Sw: GateWay2000 heh
Sw: its now called Amooiga
Sw: its had 4 owners.. all have died horrible and costly deaths. Its the
Amiga curse.. my hope is now that a major PC maker has bought Amiga slowly
all PC clone manufactures will own Amiga and that will effectively kill off
the PC
bl: How do you decide what goes and what stays in a mod when juggling 4
Sw: good question-- let me think.. hmm
Sw: I start with a sample from my keyboards
Sw: I have a song cut up, spliced, take parts i think can fit in 2 channels.
Sw: so all my new songs will sound beautiful at least on headphones you
know that 4 channel curse
Sw: I basically chop and cut loops to fit huge amounts of music into well 1
MEG or less usually
bl: Yeah, but arent repetitive loops a pain to work with? you dont want
a tune to sound
all the same, do you?
Sw: not at all!
Sw: i love getting more out of it.. there are secrets if you listen and take
my songs. for instance try sheepdance.lha
Sw: there is much variety even more so than my original 16bit version
Sw: and even that fit under 1 MEG with total sound you would think I had 32
Sw: i in term translate what i sketch later on into my sequencer and
sometimes the
MOD version sounds better hah
bl: What all do you have for equipment?
Sw: really for my now MODs are just something to draw my ideas
Sw: Ensoniq keyboard, SQ-2/32+, cheap mixer, some effects, beer..
Sw: yea ive got all i need i think
bl: Are there any sample sources youve used that you would consider unusual?
Sw: my dog? i did a song funny for ACME BBC once, it had my dog in it.
Sw: just good fun clean bouncy silly pop music
bl: Okay, Im going to throw out a word -- just give me the first response
that comes to mind... kay?
Sw: sheep
Sw: ok
bl: hehe...
Sw: false start
bl: Workbench
Sw: OS!
bl: Workgroups
bl: Kurzweil
bl: Sheep
bl: Gates
bl: Spaceballs
Sw: ANNA ::sigh::
Sw: shes a babe
Sw: Anna is the girl in the State Of The Art demo
Sw: i wrote to her once..
Sw: to tell her.. I LOVE YOU.. or something silly
Sw: she had those hip gyrations
bl: That demo rox. Even for todays stuff...
Sw: Amiga ruled.. she just rocked
Sw: ::sigh:: its been 5 years already since that was released ive YET seen
anything come close not even the sequel to that
bl: So what advice do you have for the newbie trackers?
Sw: get a job heh
Sw: dont do it for money -- never!
Sw: get into MIDI.. then get paid
Sw: these days we have so many tools to work with and MODs are just a part
of history
bl: What are your plans in the future?
Sw: I want to travel to Europe..
Sw: promote my new CD when I get that done
Sw: get married have a kid and name him after me.
Sw: im 30 now.. so i guess i should look for a life..
bl: Is your real name disclosable?
Sw: if you can pronounce it
Sw: Eric Gieseke GEEAASEEKA
Sw: i get by.. cant say what i do for a living tho.
bl: Why? dope smuggling? hehehe -- my ex-roomate did that
Sw: heh no comment next question :
bl: Where did the handle come from?
* sidewinder is a sheep dealer..
Sw: ive had my handle for about 20 years
Sw: i .. SHEEP .. had it because i had a snake bite me and it stuck with me,
since i didnt die, i was SIDEWINDER back in the mid 70s
Sw: i cant see at all
Sw: 40-80 vision can you see me now?.. heh oh wait damn screen in the way
bl: heheheh...
bl: So what should the people of the scene know about Sidewinder the
Sw: i love snakes
Sw: missiles too
Sw: im WIneCider the sheep keeper
Sw: and also Camel Jockey Extraordinare!
Sw: im a perfectionalist
Sw: buy my CD if you have 12 its a bargain and ill even sign it
bl: And what about your tracking style? what do you feel makes your stuff
different from the norm?
Sw: i only use 1 finger
bl:1 finger for what? or should I be afraid to know?
Sw: ooh and hehe for tracking and i also never know what the hell im doing.
Sw: i really never know.. im drunk ..
bl:All the time or just now? :
Sw: right now.. im so wasted.. i can taste the camel cider. im happy
Sw: i cant get along with other musicians very well in real life.. fuck..
hard to get a band started.
bl: Okay, this is my opinion -- Mod musicians cant get along with members
in a band because in developing their style, they learn to depend on
themselves for a full sound... whereas a band is a whole, and each member is
a part.
Sw: i got into music just because i had an accident.
Sw: and i could release all my life shit into my tracker.
Sw: hey did i mentioned i talked to Moby?
bl: No... When was that?
Sw: years ago on a conf call. hah -- remember those? yea that was my highlight..
Sw: MOBY the MOD guy is my friend too
Sw: MOBY the techno-badass is not heh
Sw: hes rich i bet now..
Sw: why do people accept him and not me????
bl: really? or r u kidding?
Sw: heh i asked him that once :
Sw: asked him.. offered i mean
bl: Deathjester taught me how to track, so you can imagine how weird my
style was initially. :
Sw: oh my!
Sw: i hate MODS sometimes.
bl: Why is that?
Sw: they tend to break nails.. making them that is
Sw: ive spilled every known substance on my keyboard. you know my Amiga has
sticky keys
Sw: my PC is very bouncy and posseses a responsiveness that is akin to a
hummingbird in its tactical feedback.. i dont track on it thats why
bl:What would you do if forced to use a pc? build a linux/x-windows box,
Sw: FORCED? im being forced now
bl: How so? I thought the Amiga is stil working.
Sw: it is.. its alive it breaths it consumes electricity it has a disk
drive with a screwdriver in it
Sw: i got pissed off at my Amiga once and i stabbed it hard. i killed my
boot drive
Sw: it still works it just makes a klicking sound and the disk inside is
permentantly attached to the belt-chain
Bl: Ouch. :O
Sw: nauu thats the good part i also had a fire trying to chase the roaches
away from my computer. i sprayed something into it. this was a while back
a large family was living in my A500
bl:What happened to the machine?
Sw: it burned. damn thing worked still! roaches stayed.. tho
bl:Really? BWAHEHEHE....
Sw: i can say i loved that thing
Sw: 7 years of abuse in 4 continents
Sw: i miss it heh
* sidewind fights back tears
bl: I remember when John Sculley killed the Apple // line... I felt like my
dog had died.
Sw: yea you know what im talkin about then
Sw: its like your world is.. well its your life..
Sw: PC to me gives you a warm fuzzy feeling only when I accidentally touch
something I shouldnt..
Sw: There are About 1 billion sheep on the planet!
Sw: There are About 900 different breeds of sheep!
Sw: Each sheep is About as unique as you!
Sw: Yes, each sheep has a noseprint as distinctive as your fingerprints
are for you!
Sw: i spread that message
Sw: that sheep have the right to be respected and not eaten
Sw: they are beautiful lovely and very polite and never complain
Sw: sheep are wonderful warm and .. hmm what else.. just rock
Sw: im surrounded here in San Antonio
Sw: drive-by shootings
Sw: if you listen carefully on my MODs you can hear GUNSHOTS in the samples
Sw: yea i like it here.
bl: Really? or r u kidding?
Sw: nauu.. listen to some of them
Sw: its fucked up here on the weekends -- WARZONE
Sw: its funny i get a lot of girls on my page i got voted in some hunk of
the month club.. I laughed my ass off
Sw: you know BLuTex?
bl: No... Whos that?
Sw: some guy i knew. hes from Texas too.
bl: So many damn texans...
Sw: yea tell me about it! hahahaha
Sw: i was at the TG97 channel and tried to get a MOD into the compo.. damn
it was hillarious but i tried anyway
Sw: i nearly got married twice to girls i met online, funny eh?
bl: Yeah, but it sux when their online personalities dont match their real
ones Ive had it happen before -- it sucked -- she was a bigger lewzer than
Sw: i hate girls sometimes
Sw: shit i met another one and then i figured out love sucks again. right
now Id rather enjoy their company. fuck love
Sw: i get into my music and women just screw it up
bl: I hear ya. Ive written three kewl tunes to women -- and 2/3 of them
ditched me in the long run shortly thereafter. :
Sw: tons of tunes i dedicated to girls
bl: What kind of music do you listen do? besides the droning 20 speakers
zooming down your street at 12am
Sw: i dont listen to much radio
bl: Why not?
Sw: i like classic shit like Tomita or Vangelis or something
Sw: i dont like music a lot
bl: No paticular favorite artist or anything?
Sw: nope.. nobody
bl: So why write it?
Sw: thats a good question
Sw: i enjoy the process of making it
bl: Ah... But even artists need to consult other artwork to get ideas...
Sw: yea i like to hear things -- my music is nature ya know?? STORMS, or a
Sw: i hate pop music yet i embrace it, technically
bl: Maybe you try to redefine pop?
Sw: to love and to hate ones own art..
bl: And thats a big struggle...
Sw: is an individual taste yes its a struggle, too. You seek what you need
and carve out the rest.
bl: Music Philosophy Lesson 1 : Fuck Theory. :
Sw: STAB IT GOOD. hahahha
Sw: i let my hamster free once. he played me a song. musta made no sense
to him at all but i liked it.
Sw: yea
Sw: well thats my life
Sw: same old thing ya know pain, revenge,
Jealousy, booze, love, hate, death, sheep, PCs, sex, drugs, and the
occasional mod
bl: How come you dont take the one-instrument-to-a-channel approach? It
could cut the size down considerably...
Sw: im from Texas you see
Sw: and we do things BIG BIG BIG!
Sw: you ever go to RAVES?
bl: Teah, they do wonders for the pulpy mass we call our brains...
Sw: haha
Sw: i wanna go!
bl: Tell ya what, if you can make it to Austin, yer welcome to crash over
here man.. :
Sw: cool.. i got yer emails. Seeya then!
bl: Night!
Session Close: Mon Mar 31 01:16:54 1997
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