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Abakus 1990-
NOR Comico founder, ex Theatre, new late90.
Abakus was formed by Comico/ex Theatre and Circus of Power group late 90.
At least two small demos were released Unseen and Scheisse.
GER Lucifer trade, 01/91, Sigma Seven sysop LAST RESORT, 04/92.
??? Crap code, Pothead ex Anthrox.
Boards THE LIGHT ger, 09/90.
Abandon is a German group, initially active on the demo scene, but also
responsible for a crack or two...
For Your Entertainment 1989, ECS File.
Potheads Beast 1989, .12, ECS File.
Released at the Vision/Avenger/DDC NewYear-Party Rotterdam.
Megademo 1989, .12, ECS Megademo.
Released at the Vision/Avenger/DDC NewYear-Party Rotterdam.
Musicmaster 1990, ECS Musicdisk.
Released at the Vision, Dutchcrack, Sensor Party 90.
Yellow Scroll Showtime 1990, ECS File.
Ozone Coding Firescroll 1990, 18.11, ECS File.
Released at the BS1 .. Party 18.11/90
Bloody Data 1990, ECS File.
Huge Pile Of Bull 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
Released at the Prime Party 91.
E.J.I.D. ecs intro.
Crackintro ecs intro.
code: n/a, gfx: The Sarge/Fairlight logo, music: Megawatt and The Sound
review: This cracktro sports a nice logo by The Sarge, as its main asset.
Apart from that its not really anything special, just an OK intro, with
just text and design elements taking up the rest of the screen. Get it for
the cool logo : There is no indication as to when it was released.
The intro does not exit properly, just leaves you with a black screen
and the need for CTRL-A-A... The intro reviewed was for the 100 fixed
Quartex version of Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe.
Found at World of Cracktros http://cracktros.planet-d.net/. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Abnormal old ABN
NOR Andy code gfx, later Absence, 90, Blackie Lawless, BLC, Eclipse
music, 90, Highlander, Hugo music, 90, Izzy gfx, 90, Monzo code,
Abnormal was originally a Norwegian C64 demo crew, but since several of
their members later emigrated to the Amiga platform a section was created.
Its highly unlikely that the old Abnormal has anything to do with the new.
Little Twister 1990.
code: Monzo, gfx: Izzy, music: Hugo.
Little Demo 1990.
code/gfx: Andy, music: Eclipse.
Scribble Sine 1990, 06.10, ECS File.
Released at the No Limits Imp666 Amiga Conference 90.
Abnormal new ABN
N-L Dada music, 12/94, Earthshaker Michel Bojawal, music, 12/94,
Househakker 12/94, Rotox Rene v.d. Steen, swap.
It is highly unlikely that the old Abnormal has anything to do with this
ITA Macno Alessandro Franchetti, editor, 12/92-95.
Abnormalia is the group dedicated to releasing Abnormalia diskmagazine.
It was Italian writer Macnos new group after leaving Grace and Scene
Lyrics. While writing for his own mag, he is also one of the busiest
contributors to several other leading mags, including having his own
sections ABNOminio in RAW8 and ROM4.
Abnormalia issue 1 1992, .12, ECS Diskmag.
editor: Macno.
Abnormalia issue 2 1993, Diskmag.
Abnormalia issue 3.14 1993, late, Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Parsec/Mystic 2 tunes, editor: Macno.
Abnormalia issue 4 Diskmag.
Abnormalia issue 5 1995 or pre, Diskmag.
code: Pitagora, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Absence -1991
NOR Champ, Dma, EC Man music, Zapper.
Absence was one of the leading demo groups in Norway around 90 and 91.
When the group died, Quest 04/91, Andy 04/91, Monzo, Mr. Man 04/91,
MCS, HeadX and Wizax 03/91 joined Andromeda. Timewalker joined Dual Crew.
They were reborn almost right away, as a swapper group with Goofy Henrik
Lie-Nielsen, 03/91 as the only member, but never released a real production
again. Other small productions they made, are a.o. Ball Scroll intro, Bob
Plop intro and 4 Round Color Equalizers intro.
Norwegian swapper Rob new 03/91 joined Dexion.
Meltdown late 90/early 91, ECS File.
code: Poltergeist/XLNS, gfx: Quest, music: Mr. Man.
Cooperation with Excellence XLNS.
Reform Pack Intro 1991?, ECS Intro.
code: Andy, gfx: n/a, music: EC Man.
info: Probably used for earlier issues too.
Reform Pack Intro 26 1991, 11.03, ECS Intro.
code: Wizax, gfx: Goofy font, music: Maestro/Kefrens.
review: This intro is really very simple theres just a font plotter,
some moving colors in two lines top and bottom and some copper fades in
the letters to achieve a better look. This was a popular design concept
around these times. Goofys 1 bitplane font, the only graphics, is quite
OK, actually I also like Maestros music. Nothing special, but these
oldschool intros tend to bring a smile to my face nonetheless :
This intro was probably used from this issue on, since it says Finally
a new intro! The intro also announces the joining of Rob. The pack is
maintained by Zapper, Goofy and Quest. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Reform Pack Menu 27 ECS Intro.
Reform Pack Menu 33 ECS Intro.
Reform Pack Menu 40 ECS Intro.
Violator 1991, .04, ECS File.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, music: Mr. Man.
Vector 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
Absolute! ABS, 1992-
HUN ADT code music trade sysop LOCAL GRAVEYARD, doublememb Royal
early96, ex Soc.Brigade, 08/92-early96, B2 Man ex Live Act, Crm
code gfx, 08/92-04/94, Edge code, 93-04/94, Ern0 music codePC,
Fester Sos Balint, mainorg edit Sledge Hammer, ex 23 Celsius Crew,
93, Goophy code, ex Cerberos Design, Jean edit stopswap, ex
Surprise! Productions, new early93-97, Lord Peter Labos, org pack
sysop NUMBER OF THE BEAST, triplememb Impulse and Crimson Jihad, Mc
Green music swap, ex Live Act, Petroff Peter Wodzinsky, music,
12/93-12/94, Rack Lszl Molnr, gfx, ex Majic 12, new early93-
late96, Rainbow ex Live Act, Sliver ex Live Act.
POL Musashi code, new late95, Scorpik.
FRA Mental Eris Sassin, swap, ex Anarchy, new early93.
NOR Rancor Kristian Loksa, music swap, ex Scoopex, new RAW5.
AUS 243 trade sysop SOUTHERN COMFORT, new late95.
BEL Sike trade, Spunk, Tilt.
??? Brian music codePC, 08/92, Fate and Poko sysops FATAL CONNEXTION,
new early97, Popeye raytrace, Sike new 93, Spunk new 93.
Absolute! was formed around october 1992 by the best members of Soc.Brigade
ADT, Ben... and Live Act Asti, Viti.... Theyre probably best known for
their hungarian graphician Rack and their diskmag Sledge Hammer. There was
actually 9 issues of the mag released in Hungarian before the first English
release! After the last issue of SH had been released, there were some
rumours and loose advertising for a new cooperation mag with Dreamdealers,
called Cult. Fester would be main editor, and Napoleon from Dreamdealers
would do the code. They also arranged the Hungarian party The Hammering in
1993 and 1994, and tried to coarrange Wildstock 95 with a pc group, but
that party was cancelled. Rack has NEVER been a doublemember of Balance, as
claimed in some mags. A mag released late 95 carried news that Lord and
Fester were now main organizers. Who were before?
Other small productions ABS has released include Vector Dreamz file,
Utah Saints Fan Club AGA demo, Party IV Report and Cult Special
Partyedit 2disk AGA diskmag.
1993 - They kicked all their foreign divisions, and are now 100 Hungarian
late 93.
1994 - After travelling all the way to Finland for the assembly with
members of Sanity from Germany, Lord released the slideshow Assembly 94
Slideshow 08/94 soon after.
1995 - Graphician Skowron joined Funzine late 95. PALACE BBS is not an
HQ anymore late95.
1996 - Polish Musician Scorpik new late 95 left the Amiga scene for
Pulse on the PC in late 1996. Pulse, incidentally, features many talented
ex- and current Amiga scene celebrities, like f.ex. Lazur. Anyone with a
Pentium gathering dust would be well advised to check out their productions.
You might see a name or two you recognize :
1997 - Early in the year, Jean returned from his studies in France and
returned to his native Budapest. Mr.Now is not a member, as was stated in a
a diskmag. Poko and Fate joined with their board FATAL CONNEXTION.
In Hungary, swappers Archibald Bela Nadas Jr. and Ben founder, ex Soc.
Brigade, coders Asti 08/92 and Viti ex Live Act, musician T-Bozz
04/94 and graphicians Hamlet ex Alcatraz, old handle Jaby, 93 and
Hazel old handle Mace were kicked out due to communication problems.
Hawk was kicked.
German swapper and trader Star Sascha Hoeppner joined from Elysion 93, but
got kicked and left the scene soon after.
Rackler, Twilight and Doc. Holiday all ex Wildfire, new early93, Rodney
gfx, ex E.M.I, 93, Twice code and DSN gfx, both new 93 all joined
Musication Vol.1 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
Pizza Place 1992, 30.08, ECS File.
code: ADT, Asti, Crm, gfx: Crm, Adt, music: Brian.
Clairvoyance 1993, ECS File.
code: ADT, Edge, gfx: Rack, Rodney, ADT some fonts, music: Twilight and
Doc. Holiday.
review: Oh yeah! This must certainly be one of the best-designed demos
ever! It almost seems like theyve considered the position of every
single pixel in the whole demo! The Hungarian graphics genious Rack
delivers some of his best graphics EVER, and even manages to beat his
own amazing Ray of Hope 2 font with an AMAZINGLY colorful one! Im
putting it up for font of the year : And I havent even BEGUN
mentioning the music yet! Guess what? Its an amazingly cool tune!
It kicks in with a groove and a danceability seldom heard. AMAZING!
The animation of the race car crashing is from the movie Freejack.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sledge Hammer 11E 1993, early, ECS Diskmag.
code: ADT, gfx: ADT, Jaby, music: Chromag/Essence, Rancor/Absolute,
editor: Fester.
Vektor Dreamz 1993, late, ECS Intro.
production: ADT, Crm, Petroff, T-Bozz/independent.
review: This small crackintro or so they claim... is more a piece of
weird design than a genuine Absolute production, but nevertheless... :
It seems like a small friendship production, done just to release
something for the scene. There is no real stunning artwork here, and the
whole thing seems pretty quickly thrown together. They mention they are
all busy writing games, and have just squeezed this little prod in between
their other projects. They mention that Cream will be released at The
Party 93...guess it got delayed a little, eh? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Swedish Music Disk 1994 or pre, Musicdisk.
Hammering 94 Party Invitation 1994, .03, File.
Cream 1994, 09.04, AGA File.
code: Edge, Crm, gfx: Rack, Crm, music: T-Bozz. Released at Hammering 94.
review: The graphics are definitely the strongest point of this demo,
with Rack turning in some amazing pictures. With better code and, most of
all, better music, this could have been something really special. The way
it is now, thats not the case. Still, get it for the graphics! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Assembly 94 Slideshow 1994, late.08, AGA Slideshow, 2 disks.
code/gfx/music: none, compiler: Lord.
review: Lord stretches the concept of slideshows to the limit here, with
this offering - this is basically just two disks with a copy of a
shareware picture shower, and the jpg pictures themselves in a separate
directory. The pictures are slightly funny, though - there are 18 of them,
some showing real scene legends like Slayer/Scoopex and Cougar/Sanity!
About half are from the actual event, while the rest centers around the
trip, mostly together with members of Sanity. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sledge Hammer 13 1994, late, Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: CAT/Essence title, music: n/a.
info: CATs title picture is called Android.
Wildstock 95 Party Invitation AGA File.
review: Though the invitation intro was released, the party itself was
never held!
POL Booger Arkadiusz Stanoszek, music.
POL Bta code, later Appendix, new late97, Budgie mainorg gfx ascii
swap, later Appendix, Dziulas gfx, Jumbo swap, Opal gfx music,
Popcorn music, later Appendix.
SWE Melfis gfx ascii swap.
NOR Punisher swap, later Apathy.
??? Diablo raytrace, new late97, Mr.Kadde music, new late97.
Prism 1997, 31.08, ECS 4k Intro.
Released for the Gravity 2 4k intro competition.
Prism Part 2 1997, 14.12, 4k Intro.
3rd in the Astrosyn 97 4k intro competition.
Abuse ABS
NOR Baffle sysop BUMBLE BEE LAND, triplememb Honey and Grotesticle,
FIN Demolee sysop MOS EISLEY, doublememb Nerve Axis details, 03-
05/97, Ganja music, doublememb Nerve Axis details, 03-05/97.
CAN Coca Cola Kid sysop NEUROTICA.
??? Boheme 03/97, Choaxial 03/97, Darkman 03/97, Folar 03/97,
Kamikaze 03/97, Lagers 03/97, Loop 03/97, Mr.Studd 03/97, Naig
03/97, Nik 03/97, Psyko 03/97, Radavi 03/97, Tapsah 03/97,
Warhammer 03/97, Zeus ascii, tag zS!, 03/97.
MOTEL fin, 03-05/97, NOTABENE swe, 03-05/97, WILD PALMS DHQ
03-05/97, FREAKOUT DST 03-05/97, SPACED OUT eng, 03-05/97,
Abuse is an illegal cracker group. They seem to be based in - or at least
have strong links to - Holland. Theis may be a long shot, but Im willing to
hazard a guess that Psyko is the sysop of BATES MOTEL :
Cracktro 1997, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Mentat/Oops!, gfx: Zeus uncredited, ascii, music: Ganja.
review: Now this is more of an original intro! It features a spinning dot-
ball in a small window in thr top right corner, a textplotter in the
bottom left corner, and otherwise an Abuse ascii logo over that. The two
windows are black with white text/dots, while the rest of the screen is in
blue. Nicely different.
Though it is not mentioned in the intro, Ganja was almost certainly a
doublemember of Nerve Axis at the time. The version reviewed is from the
Cedric AGA cd-rip 03.03-97. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Abuse Intro 1997, 08.05, AGA Intro.
code: Tycoon/Oops!, gfx: Hudson Hawk/Lightforce and Hellfire pic,
Typhoon/Oops! font, music: BlockRockinChips by Ganja/Nerve Axis and
Abuse 4ch MOD format.
review: Another simple intro, with just a an abuse logo/picture, and a
text plotter overlaid on it. The pic is OK, but nothing stunning. This
intro requires AGA, though I cant for the life of me see why. The release
date and name is based on the version string within the intro itself. The
version reviewed is for the crack of Spherical Worlds AGA/ECS CD-Rip
10.05-97. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Abyss AYS, 1992-, http://www.the-leaders-of-the-eighties.de/
GER Bartman code, ex Pyrodex, 08/94-12/97, Cyclone Holger Linde, gfx,
ex Illusion, new 10/96-10/97, dRm music sysop, ex Shoot, old handle
Dreamer, new 12/95-12/96, Pink Manfred Linzner, code music, ex
Pyrodex, new 94-04/98, Poet Simon Finkenstaedt, code, ex Pyrodex,
08/94-10/96, SMC code music sysop ULTRAWORLD WHQ, new 93-10/96,
Spin code, ex Shoot, new 12/95-10/96, Tyshdomos Tisch Thomas, gfx,
08/94-10/96, Wintermute modeller, 12/98.
AUT Moon code, doublememb Kinky late95, 05/94-10/96.
ENG Devistator gfx ascii swap, ex Eltech, new late96-12/97.
??? Judas gfx, ex Capsule? 12/98.
Boards INTERNATION CHAOS WHQ usa, mid96.
GER Duke Markus Knauer, swap pack, new early93-08/94, Falcon gfx,
early93, Kyle code gfx swap, new early93, S.M.U.D.O B. Baumann,
swap, ex El Cativo/Submission, new early93.
FIN Sentinel fin swap, ex Legend,
??? Alloy consoletester, Alot gfx, new early93, Artline gfx, new
early93, Beatbrain gfx, new early93, Cazal music, new mid93,
08/94, Dragonfly code, later Arise new, new early93, Kid Frost gfx,
new early93, Lou Van B music, ex Arise, new early93, Mole ex Agoa,
new 94, Newcomer sysop, new early93, Pencl gfx, new early93, Sin
Joiner music, new early93, Skyline Alexander, swap pack, new
early93, Sodom code, ex Beyond, new early93, System X code, new
early93, TC code gfx music, new early93, Vision code gfx, later
Arise new, new early93, Zystar gfx, new mid93.
Abyss was formed late 1992 by the best members of Arise dragonfly, lou van
b, vision ++, and Beyond, and released their first intro Intoxication
shortly after, in the beginning of 1993. In 1994, the entire group Pyrodex
joined. Pink was one of them.
Dexter is the author of the amazing Abyss Highest eXperience AHX,
previously THX music system for c64-like chip tunes, and Pink is
the author of some of the best tunes for it :
Other small productions Abyss has released are a.o. Delirial
Desorientation packmenu intro, BBS Intro, Goagab intro, rel some
weeks before the Party 3, S.M.U.D.O demo, Music for the Lost 2 disk
musicdisk, Neurodancer Demo demo.
1992 - Protektor and Cardinal, sysops WORLD DOWN FALL, both joined
Crystal in september.
1993 - Mr.Night was kicked due to lameness mid93. Zeroflag code, new
early93 and Caro were kicked mid93.
1995 - Qwerty sold his Amiga and left the scene late95.
1996 - German swapper Sting Dirk Dallmann, ex Bonzai Brothers, new
late95 was kicked due to inactivity in july. Norwegian musician Chris
Meland ex Spaceballs, new 04/96 was kicked in october. Also Jumping Pixel
gfx, new early93- and Luka Gregory Engelhardt, gfx music, old handle
MemoRee, 05/94- were both kicked due to inactivity in october.
1997 - It is a little unclear what happened to the membership of german
graphician JCS ex Scoopex, doublememb Syndrome, new 10/96-12/96, but he
was in both Sector 7, Syndrome and Abyss in april - and not a member later
in the year. Swedish multitalent code/gfx/music/sysop Newt ex Crux and
Subspace, new 10/96 decided to leave the scene to concentrate on his career
as an in-line skater around 09/97.
1998 - In december, at The Party, German coder Dexter Martin Wodok,
08/94- released his last ever amiga production, the third-placed 40k intro
Cruisin II - Cruise In 12/98. Dexter was one of the original members of
the group, and participated in most of its best productions. His leaving is
certainly a major blow to the group, and he will be sorely missed as a true
amiga scene devotee to the end.
Big-Rat and Madstop, the X-Files team which doublejoined from Ethic in
early 97 have now left Abyss, and are now only members of Ethic again.
German graphician and musician Toxic Sven Dedek, ex Beyond, early93-08/95
left Abyss for his musical career. There were rumors that he was back on
the scene in the middle of 1996, but these proved to be untrue.
The Jungle 7 reported that he was a Rebels doublemember in 1994.
German musician and sysop Neurodancer AMBUSH, new early93-08/94, left
due to internal affairs. As a consequence, ULTRAWORLD is now the WHQ
BBS 04/96. Later Neurodancer joined Looker House 06/96. Neurodancer
made music for the demo Drugstore while in Abyss.
German swapper and packmaker Skindiver Andreas Schwarz, new early 93-
01/94 decided to leave the scene. He was, however, listed as editor in
the memberlist in EuroChart 30 07/97!
Cracktro ECS Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx: n/a, music: Pink.
review: Nicely designed, short and sweet, with a minimalist feel. This
crack intro is in three shades of brown two for the background, one for
the font and has two textscreens that alternate...and a THX soundtrack
from Pink. Thats about it folks! The same intro is also used by Pyrodex.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Intoxication 1993, early, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: n/a, music: Moog Gnirkel by Neurodancer.
info: The first ever Abyss intro!
X-Ray 1993, early, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon logos, Kyle fonts, music: L8neyetmovee by
review: Im sorry, but the music ruins this for me. The routines are
good, I guess, but it lacks the sting or spark of a good production.
Theres no magic here, just cold techno. These guys can do a lot better.
As a later upload to AmiNet of the module reveals, the title is supposed
to mean Late Night Movie. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Shocked 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Swap Dance Charts 1 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hypno Flight by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 2 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Nancy Youre So Trancy by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 3 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Moove Sukka! by Neurodancer.
Mona Lisa Was a Man 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
22nd in The Party 92 demo competition.
Warp 69 1994, AGA Dentro.
code: Poet, gfx: n/a, music: 4 Spirits by Neurodancer.
Dizneeland 1 1994, .05, ECS Musicfile.
code: Moon, gfx/music: MemO Ree The Player 6.0A format.
info: Included are the tunes Acidity, Black Heart, Chip Maniax, Dark
Experience, Hard To Choose, Heavenz Tearz, Jello Coat, My Voice, Pass The
Plugg, Pink Noise,
Dizneeland 2 ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Pink, MemO Ree The Player 6.0A format.
info: Included are the tunes Alf Theme pink, Amaretto Allergy mem,
Hysterical pink, January 64 mem, Journey pink, Patience mem,
Soundz Like Fuck mem, The Real World pink, Trip To mars mem and
Mario Is Missing pink.
Artcore 1994, 07.08, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Bartman, Dexter, Poet, gfx: Mem ORee logo, font, Toxic
pighead, patterns, Skindiver endfont, asciilogo, music: Artcore-
Theme and Put on the Anchors by Pink 4ch ProTracker format.
13th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
review: My immediate reaction to this intro is nice design. Theyve
certainly managed to squeeze a lot into 40k this time, with not only a
good intro, but two great tunes as well - none of which sounds the least
bit chippy! The endtune is fabulous! Recommended. 13th!? Toxics pig
picture is called Rocker Pig. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
DisIsSid issue 1 1994, 08.10, ECS Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: no credit, music: Pink The Player 6.0A format.
Released at the Doomsday Party 1994.
review: An outstanding release that manages to capture the C64 feel
PERFECTLY - by emulating it in the same manner. If you didnt know, youd
never suspect what you saw WERENT an old c64 demo. Truly outstanding.
Pink covers some true classics here, and comes out on top and with style.
Theres some very nice graphics here, including a fullscreen rendition of
Al Bundy from Married With Children, though no graphician is credited.
Tunes included are versions of Delta Highscore, Disco Zak, Disissid
Theme, Turrican 1 end and Zamzara Highscore. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Swap Dance Charts 4 1994, ECS Filemag.
INT - code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Global Confusion by Pink 4ch
ProTracker format.
MAG - code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Deep House 9 by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 5 1994, .11, ECS Filemag.
INT - code: Dexter, gfx: Toxic, music: Spice Intro by Neurodancer.
MAG - code: SMC, Dexter, gfx: Toxic title, SMC, music: Tunnel Vision
by Neurodancer, editors: Skindiver, SMC.
Return of the Space Cowboys 1994, 06.11, 40k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Pink 2 tunes in The Player 6.0A format.
Winner of the WOC Party 94 40k intro competition!
DisIsSid issue 2 1994, 06.11, ECS Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: n/a, music: Pink The Player 6.0A format.
Released at the WOC Party 1994.
info: Included are tunes like Combat Game 3 combat school?, Commando
Highscore, Last Ninja 3, Sigma Seven and Theme.
Dove 1994, 30.12, AGA Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Bartman, Dexter, Poet, SMC, gfx: Toxic abyss and dove logos,
Tyshdomos, MemoRee, Pink raytrace, Bartman raytrace, music: Pink 3
x 4ch ProTracker format. 16th in The Party 94 demo competition.
review: The competition at TP94 was stiff, but I still think this
deserved better than 16th. Its got nice design, good graphics, a nice
unoffensive synth-poppie tune thats timed perfectly to some of the
effects... Its not even boring! Tyshdomos picture Raped that appears
during the Jacko-part, was also entered in the graphics competition at
The Party, where it came in at a split 10th place. All effects look VERY
smooth and nice on my 030-50...but I suppose thats only natural when it
was designed with an 020-14 in mind.
The demo is split up into two parts, really, separated in the two files.
The first part is the demo part, while in the second one they poke fun
at three other wellknown productions. It opens with a digitized animation
of Pink going to buy a magazine at a big store Virtual Dreams 242,
before its revealed that the magazine is all about Beverly Hills 90210,
and were played a rendition of the theme Melon Dezign Romantic.
Then were shown the credits in a screen design thats very similar to
the one Sanity employed in SEVERAL of their productions...
Though originally designed to run from floppy, hard disk installation
is painless just copy the two files where you want them and run.
Couldnt possibly be easier : Works fine on standard A1200. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Orange 8 1995, Musicpack Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: Toxic title, music: n/a.
High Anxiety 1995, 12.08, AGA HD Multifile.
code: Moon, Dexter, gfx: Toxic title, abyss logo, Pink raytrace,
music: Global Confusion II by Pink and 3 other modules, The Player 6.0A
format. 11th in the Assembly 95 demo competition.
review: The opening is certainly the best part of this demo, with the
raytraced animation by Pink and the fast texturemapped tunnel ride the
definitive highlights of the demo. Theres a hefty portion of BLOCKY
goraud shading here thats more embarassing than anything else.
Pinks music is sometimes good, sometimes average, and theres a couple
of reasonable fullscreen pictures by Toxic in there. If you check out the
demos WorkBench icons, thats one of them in a miniature. Not too bad...
but Im not too fond of routines that look THIS blocky! HA will work on
any AGA Amiga with 2mb chipmem. The end module is Global Confusion II,
the module Pink competed with at Dooms Day 94! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Drugstore 1995, 12.08, ECS? 1MB Multifile, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: Toxic abyss logo, disk 2, music: Larry In A Hurry,
Space Hurrier!, Minidancer and Sleeping World by Neurodancer The
Player 6.0A format. Released at Assembly 95.
info: Can be instaled to HD, but doesnt require it. All four modules were
released to AmiNet by their author in 1998.
Voll Crass 1995, 28.12, Intro.
3rd in The Party 95 Fast Intro competition.
Indifference 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: Clue/indep additional design, music: dRm The Player
6.1A format. 13th or 21st in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
Review: This is a very good intro. The thumping music, the good effects,
the design... Most importantly, it does not fall into the advanced but
boring trend that has plagued intros ever since Pygmy Projects
G-Force. There are some good effects here, most of which Id guess were
real crowd-pleasers at The Party...unfortunately, I havent fed the
results into Scenery yet, so I dont quite know Theres some text in
the intro file, presumably an error code, that says buy AGA or run
SetPatch!, which has me hesitant if this an AGA or ECS intro...
Therefore, I have refrained from categorizing it. Should work on unexpaned
A1200s. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Symbol 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx: n/a, music: Symbol by Pink 4ch ProTracker format.
21st in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dizneeland 5 1995, 28.12, ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Sweet Seduction by Pink.
Released at The Party 5.
Pixelstorm 1995, 28.12, Slideshow.
code: Pink, gfx: Toxic, Tyshdomos, Pink design, music: Pink 4ch
ProTracker format. Released at The Party 95.
review: A nice little slide with pictures and clips that won the
competition from a german computer magazine I damned cant remember the
After a cinema-like intro you are able to slide through ten pics while
listening to a cool tune by our allround genius Pink who also did the
code, design and had the idea! You can do this with a comfortable selector
as in all good slideshows with b/w preview and autoslide function! All
settled in a good atmosphere of the well-known Abyss-style!! Tyshdomos
also Tisch Thomas drew some cool, satiric fullscreen pictures like
Michael Jackson in Take care of your children. The only bad thing is
that Toxic made nothing more than clips but therefor with some funny ideas
like the smoking nun!
My favorites here are: Peace!, Orbita a c64 revival! and Enjoy
your meal. All by Tysh... zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
Think Pink 1995, 28.12, Musicdisk.
code/music: pink, gfx: Toxic, Bartman. Released at The Party 95.
review: This time Abyss gives us eight tunes composed and written by the
multitalent Pink, whose last - and I am afraid to tell you that - for only
about 13 minutes...
With generally disco popsongs and some jazzy rhythms is this musicdisk
really no highlight! Only standard Pink music. For the entire scene a
rather good production but compared to the normal quality level of Abyss
productions less good. I like the idea for the title picture I guess only
germans will understand by Bartman but the design by Toxic lacks of
colors! Also it needs a bugfix because it only starts if the audio
channels were not used before! My favourites are Ego Tendencies 2 and
One Step Inside. zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
Dizneeland 6 1995, ECS Musicfile.
Dizneeland 7 1995, 10.07, ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Cradle of the Future by Pink AON format.
Released at Somewhere In Holland 95...this cant be right?
DisIsSid III - Getoese 1996, Music File.
code/music: Pink, gfx: Cyclone.
review: The C64 graphics style is as impressive as ever, its amazing to
see how close theyve come to the C64 look and feel... The music, as
usual, is first rate. There are 5 tunes here, all conversions of tunes
done originally for the C64. Coolness doesnt even get close.
I dont see why this shouldnt work on ECS, but I havent tested it.
Release date is an estimate the scroller says its been over a year
since the last one 11/94... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Blub! 1996, 07.04, 4k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Symposium 96 4k intro competition!
review: The design is probably what set Blub! above the other two
entries in the Symposium competition the effect is certainly the weakest
of the three. However, it does have an intro screen and some backgrounds,
and most of the time thats all it takes : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Vertigo 1996, 27.04, AGA 4mb HD Multifile.
code: Bartman main, Spin, gfx: Pink objects, textures, Cyclone/
iLLusion main, music: Pink. 6th in the Saturne 96 demo competition.
review: The first thing that struck me when I saw the opening of this
demo was Arte! The opening bars of the music, as well as the graphical
design, leave no doubt that this is indeed a homage to Sanitys classic.
So, is the demo any good? Its a killer! Though it has excellent,
advanced routines, it never forgets its true nature as an entertainment
item. The design, the music, and the weaving together of the demo all
indicate truly experienced demolitioners. Highly recommended.
Recommends 030-50 or 040-25. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Little Floove 1996, 27.04, AGA Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx/music: Pink THX Format.
Winner of the Saturne 96 intro competition!
review: Yeah! Short but sweet seems like the order of the day, and its
not a bad one! Here we have a rather fast phong routine, coupled with
minimal but nice design and a THX tune by Pink - a rendition of the theme
song from the TV series Alf. I love it! Dum-da-dum...dum-dum-dum-dum-
da-duuum, da-da-dum... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Extra 1996, 13.07, 40k Intro.
2nd in The Summer Party 96 40k intro competition.
DOS4GW.EXE 1996, 28.12, 4k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: none, music: Pink THX format.
7th in The Party 96 mixed 4k intro competition.
review: A definitive first! Abyss brings us the worlds first ever 4k
musicdisk...and the four tunes are actually good! The graphics are
reminiscent of what youd find in one of those old utility bootblocks,
though at 4k I guess thats about fair. Outstanding!
**UPDATE** - Contrary to popular belief, DOS4GW is *NOT* the worlds
first 4k musicdisk - Sapphire/Centolos was first with MD4I 07/96!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Damn! 1996, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Azure !, Spin, Bartman, gfx: Toxic, music: Pink.
4th in The Party 6 40k intro competition.
Klub Diznee - Listen or Die! 1996, 28.12, Multifile Musicdisk.
code: Dexter, gfx: n/a, music: Pink, DRM, Oxide/Sonik, Daizl/Mystic,
Geir Tjelta all in THX format. Released at The Party 6.
review: Abyss first original THX musicdisk is a goodie. You sort of know
youre in for something good when the intro picture is a manipulated
version of the Skate or Die title from the C64... Theres some truly
tasty THX tunes in here, and its a real coup to have Geir Tjelta do a
tune. For those of you who did not own a C64 and are therefore ignorant,
young Mr.Tjelta was an OUTSTANDING C64 musician in his time. His
greetings list here should be some indication! Strangely, theres no
graphics credit even though theyre certainly nothing to be ashamed of...
Some text found in the intro strongly indicates a hidden game, but I
havent been able to find it yet. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Klub Diznee II - Competition is Gone 1997, .02, AGA Musicfile.
code: Pink, gfx: Cyclone, music: various too many to mention.
review: I didnt honestly believe they could do it, but theyve gone and
done it anyway! Theyve outdone themselves and easily topped the first
KD! Theres a brand new code, this time by Pink, thats even better than
the original one, and this time theres a whopping 16 THX tunes for your
enjoyment, from as many different composers. This means theres more
variety here than in the original. The graphics are acceptable, being a
combination of cartoony stuff with an unusual palette and a graffitti
style. This is pure coolness, so go download it and become a THX addict!
The tunes in this musicpack are all from the first THX IRC competition,
held in early 1997. Pink was the winner, followed by Geir Tjelta. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
X-Files issue 13 1997, 03.02, AGA Filemag.
Cooperation with Ethic, see there for review.
Abyss In Neverland 1997, 30.03, 4k Intro.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 97 4k intro competition.
Diskobox 1997, 30.03, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: Cyclone, music: Pink.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition!
As Time Goes By 1997, 30.05, AGA Intro.
code/music: Pink, gfx: Cyclone.
review: Yes! Another winner by a crew that never ceases to amaze me!
This small 130k intro manages to evoke some feelings in an old sceners
heart... remember when there was no c2p? The special brand of Abyss
nostalgia - remembering the good times without cloning yourself - seems
amazingly fresh. Remember that these guys were the people that brought
SID-quality tunes to the Amiga in the shape of THX! The tune here,
however, is a more synthpoppy, funky affair. This was NOT released at
any party, since theyre trying to get back to the old times feel.
Just excellent, right down to the partners in crime text on their
greetings, making us remember a thousand great cracktros over the years.
I see no real reason why this should requires AGA, but it was situated
in demo/aga on AmiNet, so... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Kindergarden 97 Invitation 1997, early to mid, File.
code/gfx/music: Pink music in THX format.
Invitation to the Kindergarden 97 party.
review: One-man demo-making crew Pink does this invitation intro for a
small Norwegian Amiga-only party! The intro is nice enough, with a small
title screen with a fish jumping across it, followed by the presentation
of the invitation text itself. This seems to be 100 identical to the
text in the accompanying text file, so I didnt bother to read much of
it in the selector. Its nice, but not extraordinary. The music is by
Pink in THX format, so theres obviously nothign wrong with that aspect
of the intro : The party was held from 03-06.07, so obviously the intro
was released sometime before that. Unfortunately it doesnt contain any
release date that I can see : I have no idea if this requires AGA.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Klub Diznee 3 1997, .05, Musicfile.
Klub Diznee 4 - Beverly Hills Coped 1997, 18.09, Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: Cyclone eddie, Frame/C-Lous logo, bartman art
direction, music: various THX format.
review: Opening up with a large, stylish THX logo, then continuing in
style onto a greatlooking menu to the sounds of the classic Axel F tune!
In fact this entire issue is dedicated to cover versions of this classic
tune, presenting no less than 15 different versions all done in Abyss own
THX format I guess this is a cheap way to get product out there,
inviting other people to do the work, but it feels good, so why the hell
not? P
The tunes are, Axel F.Unk by Jazz/Haujobb, AxelF by Pink/Abyss,
Axel-F P-Mix by Prodigy/Oops!, AxelD by Juice/PhaseD, AxelAxe by
Oxide/Sonik, Axel Fooley by Tommy/Spin+, Axelf.uck! by
FreQvibez/Offence!, Axl F.Body2Body-Version by Android/3LE, Axel
Dooley by Miao/Exlex, Ackzell-Eff2 by Develin/Oops!, AxelF by
Jerry/Rebels, Fuck Me Axl by Maniac/Crux, AxelF by Filou/HM, AXL-F
by Grace/Crux and finally Axel Schmaxel by Kyzer/CSG. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
S.P.A.M. 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
code/music: Pink music THX 2.1 format, gfx: Cyclone, Pink additional.
Released for the Saturne 97 intro compeition.
Review: We all knew Pink was an excellent musician - but he kinda took me
by surprise when he proved to be an excellent coder too! This intro was
made almost entirely by him, except for some graphics by the always-cool
Cyclone. Theres some quite cool effects here, actually. Certainly a lot
better than expected! The only thing I really didnt like about this is
the irritatingly hard-to-read effect logos. These are one readable word
and one thats not. Partikel what? A complete and utter nice surprise -
I hereby declare Pink the German Laxity. C64 lovers unite! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Cruisin 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: Devistator logo, Pink 3d scene, music: Cruisin by
Pink THX format. 2nd in The Party 97 40k intro competition!
review: Another excellent little intro from Abyss that doesnt try to
be anything it isnt! This one has several THX tunes by Pink - which is
never a bad thing - a colorful opening logo and a new kind of wireframe
vector routine. Its not easy to describe, but rather has to be seen and
experienced. I bow down into the dust. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Rise of the Rabbits 2 1998, 12.04, 32k game.
Released for the 32k game competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Family Business 1998, 12.04, AGA 40k Intro.
Released for the 40k intro competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Extra Life 1998, 12.04, AGA Demo.
Released for the demo competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Wildlife 1998, 28.12, AGA Demo.
code: Pink, Kustom, gfx: Cyclone, Judas, Pink, music: Pink, Moby.
3rd in The Party 98 demo competition.
Cruisin II - Cruisin In 1998, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: Wintermute 3d scene, music: Wearing the Inside Out
by Pink AHX format. 3rd in The Party 98 40k intro competition.
review: Cruisin II opens with a requester for one of three Line-Mode-
Options. Your three choices are Burnin classic, Blurin and Clearin.
Not really knowing what to expect I chose the first classic mode, and
off to the intro I went. It all opens with a humours sing-along-rendition
of the classic theme from the movie Ghostbusters - here appropriately
renamed Gatesbusters. If theres something strange - in your network
Then onto the main part of the demo, which is something as original as a
wireframe vector intro! Its not as bad as you might think, as there is
smoothing and pretty cool colours around the wireframes especially in the
classic mode , and...well, its simply quite original! Its got a
certain, little amount of...dare I say it...charm? I just find it
amazingly cool of an established group like Abyss to have the balls to
release a WIREFRAME intro in 1998! And with style too... Love it!
The upscroller in the endpart which is NOT pausable with the right
mouse button, as is usual in intros - that button exits, as I quickly
discovered P reveals some sad news... Cruisin II is Dexters last
production for the amiga You WILL be missed, Dexter. glenn+zito
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
NOR Patient Thomas Knutsen, swap.
??? Aragorn, Azix, Dr.Kryptonix, Elf, Gringo, Metal, Native, Northcore,
Saddam, Sherwin, Wildfire.
Academy Norway is dead. Their board number later surfaced in Fraxion under
the name MIDNIGHT CALLER sysop Jotes. Other productions from Academy
include It demo, Nice Music intro and Telephonic demo.
The board FLASH POINT is now in Axe.
Phone Scrolller ECS File.
Bard In A Box 1991, 01.03, ECS Musicdisk.
Accept old
1st Demo 1990, 28.12, ECS Demo.
Released dor the demo competition at the Theatre Network Party 90.
Blit it 1991, 07.04, ECS Intro.
review: Released by Accept FR.
Little 3D Intro 1991, 08.04, Intro.
Party 1991, 29.06, ECS Demo.
Released at the Amega Party 91.
Accept new
GER Mr.Friese Robert Friese, music, 04/96.
??? Murdock old handle Wiseman.
Fettes Saumonster 1996, 07.04, AGA Demo.
6th in the Symposium 96 demo competition.
Access old
These two groups presumably have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Stranger code and Duke modem both left for Level 4 05/90.
Access new ACS
NOR Darkelf doublememb TRSI, 05/95, Shade sysop EVERYWARE, doublememb
TRSI details, 03-05/95.
SWE Dansken sysop HALL OF FAME, 01/95.
DEN Playmate sysop NORTHERN PALACE, 04/95, Tax Thomas Neumann, code,
Zouf Henrik Lynbech, music, 12/93-12/94.
ENG ANF 9sysop CHROMIUM, Axeman sysop PUBLIC EXECUTION, Bill sysop
ACE-AMIGA, Highlander sysop INNER SANCTUM.
??? Cybertracker nor? doublememb Lisence, 01/95, Label nor? 05/95,
Rastan code, 11/95.
Norwegian sysop Kingpin CHECKPOINT stopped being a doublemember
sometime between 05 and 08/95.
Symbolia 1995, 25.11, AGA ?MB HD File.
production: Rastan. Released for the Misc 95 demo competition.
review: Another State of the Art clone, with outlines of people
dancing, overlayed on different sorts of plasma. In addition, theres
endless symbols zooming onto the screen. The intro graphics ACS
Presents... are all raytraced, and the music is crap. Avoid. Comes on
two disks, and you have to join together the file in order to run it.
Requires some fast. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Accession ACC/ACS, 1988-, http://www.accession.org
FIN Asterix, Avalon, DDT Len Merikanto, mainorg, ex FIG, 11/91-01,
Drifter gfx, ex Complex, Evil founder swap, 08-11/88, Illuminator
trade, ex Bomb Squad, doublememb Bloodsuckers, 03/94, Maso music
sysop FAST LINE, 11/90-11/91, Moku founder, 08/88-03/90, Palex
sysop BAD TASTE, ex Mean Machine, 11/91-98, Shocker code, ex
Sonic, 11/93-94, Starbyte, Target, Turtle music, ex Sonic, T.U.M.B.,
XYZ founder, 08/88, Zebra sysop THE ZOO, ex Damones, Zuffel S.
Koukonen, swap pack, ex Bronx, old handles Hotchkiss, Spot, Zanu, new
ENG Coaxial org, ex Anthrox.
AUS Acid Kid ascii sysop SCREAMING METAL, later Honey.
??? Accident 98, Brainiac, Capitano 98, Chromium 98, Deature 98, D-
Ream, Diablo, Divine org, ex Sonic, Drone 98, Ice fin?, ex
Nemesis, Inspector ex Scoopex, new 09/92, Iron Code, JayJay gfx,
12/93, Liberator 98, Longplay, Lost Religion sysop NIRVANA WHQ,
ex Crack Inc., MadBoy, MATH, MrT, Nico ex Decade, new 10/92, Obitus,
Power Slave, Punisher, Raiden, Silva, Slash ex Scoopex, new 09/92,
The Kid, TVR, WyreHead, X-Ray gfx, ex-indep, 12/93, Zei fin? gfx,
06/91- 08/02, ZeR0.
Boards PLASTIC FACTORY ire, F.X. BBS aus.
Accession is a demo and cracking group based in Finland. They were born in
1988 by Evil, Moku and XYZ from the former amiga section of Finnish Gold.
When Divine joined in 94, he became the new demo section organizer DDT has
always been main organizer. The group at one point tried to split into two
separate sections demo and cracking, but since they discovered this
arrangement just wasnt working, the two sections were marged back together
again. Thanks to DDT for information!
1988 - Evil got a nasty surprise from the Finnish post late this year,
when he had to pay postage for a bunch of packages with faked stamps...
after that incident, he left the scene.
1989 - Cool J code, Santuu and Equalizer left for Unique in july.
1992 - Shocker and Turtle/Sonic, Inspector and Slash/Scoopex and Nico/
Decade all joined around september!
1993 - Prospector, Nobleman and SOB finally closed NOBLE HOUSE early
this year, and then left the scene.
1994 - Finnish swapper Poke Veli-Matti Poikola, ex Alpha Flight, old
handle Velsa, new mid93 was kicked out late this year.
Finnish swapper and trader Zakka ex Black Sheep/Alpha Flight, 93 joined
Sonic. Zakka was also an earlier handle.
Android joined Bloodsuckers.
Skywalker ex Nemesis joined Crack Inc.
Eddie ex Nemesis joined Damones.
Vyvyan joined Damones.
Maza joined Rebels old.
Shock joined Skid Row.
Chamber of Horrors Slideshow.
Defender Of The Crown Crack-Intro intro
code/gfx: Stelios/Scoopex, music: Larza.
Heavymania Musicdisk.
Urban Cowboy File.
Carrier Command cracktro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: Xyz-Soft, gfx: n/a, music: DDT and Jugi Perfecto/?.
info: The groups very first intro. It is unclear what Jugis group was at
the time, but he was not in Accession.
New Stuff Mini-Intro 1988, Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
Evelings 11 1988, Intro.
code: Xyz-Soft, gfx: H.Pulla, Moku, music: n/a.
Bobs new stuff 1989, Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
For Your Eyes Only 1989, 12.11, ECS Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
Released at the Gate Miniparty 89.
Bilbos Ultima 1990, 01.01, Intro.
code: Bilbo, gfx: Pete, Bilbo, ??/Middle Earth, music: Adept.
Black Hole To Noble House BBS 1990, Intro.
code: Pehu, gfx: S.O.B., music: 4-Mat/Core Design.
Return of the Living Dead 1990, .03, ECS File.
code: Bilbo, Nightblade, gfx: Moku, music: Android.
Fractal Frenzy 1990, .08, ECS File.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Neuromancer, Starbyte, music: Maso.
Released at the Byterapers, Scoopex, Extasy Party 90.
Greed 1991, Intro.
code: Starbyte, gfx: n/a, music: Maso.
Sunwind 1991, 03.04, ECS 1MB Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Neuro, music: Maso.
Graveyard Party Blues 1991, 19.06, ECS File.
code: Papa Monster, gfx: Zei, music: Adept.
Soft VodeoText Final 1991, 16.08, crackintro.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Zei, music: Trashman.
Made in cooperation with Skid Row.
Suomen Lista 1 1992, 16.02, ECS Chartmag.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Dole/Sonic, JayJay/Frantic, music: benefit
pr0bem2 by Turtle/Byterapers.
Made in cooperation between Accession, Byterapers, Frantic and Sonic.
Crack Intro 1993, Intro.
code: JayJay, gfx: Xray, JayJay, music: Turtle.
Cyberzerk bdersoft 1993, .07, Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: Xray, music: Turtle. info: Crackintro.
C.O.W.s In Colors 1993, .10, Intro.
code: Communist/BS, gfx: Reward/Complex, music: Turtle.
Tunnel Demo 1993, .11 or .12, ECS File.
code: Shocker, gfx: XRay, JayJay font, music: Turtle The Player 5.0A
review: Aweinspiring intro/demo with just one real effect...but what an
amazing effect it is! WOW! You travel down through a tunnel, and the
tiles get darker the further you get in and it just looks absolutely
gorgeous...and thats when the balls start bouncing at you! Amazingly
great and polished. Just fabulous.
Im sure Ive heard that chip-style tune before somewhere, but in a
different mix and without those war-drums... hmmm. Anyone? The name
Tunnel Demo does not actually appear anywhere in the demo. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Assembly 94 Invitation 1994, mid, File.
code: Shocker, gfx: Marvel/Sonic, music: Purple Motion/Future Crew pc.
Accumulators ACC, -1989
ENG Undertaker sysop GRAVEYARD.
USA Chronos sysop DAMAGE INC..
??? Bod, Chameleon crack, previously in Oracle, 07/89-02/90, Innocent
Exile, Mike, Puppet Master, Scott, The Predator crack, 07/89.
Boards DIVERSE CRIME usa, 09/90, BLOOM COUNTY usa, PUTPOST usa,
07/90, GREEN PILL usa, 09/90.
Accumulators was an illegal cracker group. When they died in late 1989,
Razor 1911 persuaded Onyx euro crack and Zodact usa supply sysop THE
CASTLE to join them.
Accuracy http://accuracy.gurcan.com/
TUR Bladerunner gfx, mid91.
Accuracy was a demo group based in Turkey, and is likely an amiga offshoot
of the Turkish c64 demo group of the same name.
1992 - Turkish graphician Kris joined Rebels mid 92. Turkish Bloody left,
and is now independent 09/92.
Snipe 1991, ECS Trackmo.
??? Acryx code gfx, 90, Charon code gfx music, 90, Psionic code.
Bubbas Oakim 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Acryx, gfx: Charon, Acryx, music: Some1/Madness.
Face The First endcECS Trackmo.
code: Acryx, Psionic, Charon, gfx: Charon, music: Charon.
Released at Hackerence 6 in Harnosand, Sweden.
Acid was a Danish demo group that never really produced anything. Z.A.P
later became Hille/Insanity.0
1991 - Z.A.P released a module for the competition at the Amiga Convention
Summit in april, but was unplaced.
Ackerlight -1989
FRA Fred Frederic Hahn, gfx music, 06-12/88.
??? C. Dryk gfx, 12/88, C.E.O org spread, mid88, Crocky org supply
spread, mid88, Dagon spread, mid88, Dark Angel code, mid88, Gojira
design, mid88, H.Syl code crack train, mid88, Kebra org gfx
spread, 10-12/88, MC2 code, 08-12/88, Mouse music, 10/88, M.P 67
code, 06-12/88, Oldrik gfx, 12/88, Overloader code, 88, Pat code
music, 12/88, Rasputin design, mid88, R.V code, mid88, Sato
spread, mid88, Solar spread, mid88, Stranger spread, mid88,
Teacher spread, mid88, Urgo supply, mid88, Wild Copper code,
mid88, Willy spread, mid88, Wolfie gfx, 10/88.
Ackerlight was a French/Swiss constellation, and one of the first good
cracking groups. They released a cool diskmag in French only, called
Akcernews. When they died in 1989, Anome 68000 formed a new Swiss group
called Zenith.Some of the original members, however, formed a software
company under the name Ackerlight Software, and released a.o. the game Wings
of Glory!
1988 - Spreader Jean-Yves Chenu aka J.Y left the scene late in the year.
Coder Sharlaan left for OMD 12/88 or 01/89, but still worked on the coop
demo Music Examples 2 with his old group.
Space Bubbles Slideshow 1 1988, ECS Slideshow.
review: Contains scanned fantasy artwork from Boris Vallejo.
Bards Tale Solver 1988, ECS Demo.
code: H.Syl, gfx: ???/Wild Copper, music: n/a.
Soundmachine Part I 1988, .06, ECS Musicfile.
code: M.P 67, gfx: Fred, music: st15/out run, new horizonnh,
bouncing ballbb and long walklw by Fred.
Compact Disk 7 1988, 20.07, ECS Packmenu.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Rasputin, music: Fred.
Soundmachine Part II 1988, .08, ECS Musicdemo.
code: M.P 67, gfx: Mr. Mistery, music: st15/bouncing ball2, dear rob,
ghostsn goblinsgg and war and peace by Fred.
Compact Disk 9 1988, .08, ECS Packmenu.
code: M.P 67, MC2, gfx: n/a, music: Fred.
Bob Morane In the Ocean crackintro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Fred.
Compact Eleven 1988, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Wolfie, Kebra, music: Mouse.
Purple Saturn Day crackintro 1988, .12, ECS Crackintro.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Kebra, C. Dryk, music: Pat.
Ackernews 2 1988, .12, ECS Diskmag.
Firezone Merry Christmas 1988, .12, ECS Intro.
code: M.P 67, MC, gfx: Oldrik, music: Fred.
Action Service crackintro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: Over Loader, gfx: C. Dryk, DarkAngel, music: Pat.
Music Examples 2 1989, .01, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Sharlaan/OMD, gfx: Andreas Starr, Fred, music: The Last Star,
Sunny Days, Spacial DreamSpace Dream, Space Harrier and Neon
Lights by Fred. Cooperation with OMD.
Acme old
SWE Blish swap, 90, Charlie gfx swap, late 90.
??? Carnail gfx, Iluminator music, Maze code.
Graphician Airbrush joined Alcatraz.
Several sources a.o. Static Bytes Eurochart 17 carried the news that
the Polish Mr.Root ex Katharsis joined Sanity, a fact which was later
denied in the news section of RAW4.
Swedish graphics ace Mithrandir 11/90 joined Agile.
Hudson Hawk crackintro Intro.
Cooperation with Extensors.
Reflection of Perfection 1991, .04, ECS Slideshow.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Slideshow 1991, 29.06, ECS Slideshow.
code: Maze, gfx: Mithrandir, Airbrush, Charlie, Carnail, music:
Illuminator. Released at the Amega Party.
Megademo 1990, .11, ECS Megademo.
info: Done by the Swedish section.
Eggstasy 1991, ECS Demo.
Acme new
HOL Aap founder gfx, Assa founder, Infant founder code, Lone Ranger
code, Radavi swap, Ricochet gfx, Simon, Simstim founder code,
Statix founder, Vic founder music, VV music.
GER Chromag founder music, JMS gfx, Krash code, Mind code.
??? Assa founder, Laxical founder, McByte founder, Zalt founder.
Acme was formed as an extension on the PC group of the same name. Hows THAT
for reversing the process D The group was born late 97 or very early 98.
The name ACME was ripped from a skatebrand, founded by a friend of us
Acme Project
NOR Splatter gfx, ex Cadaver, new early94, Founder.
??? Bro ex Ivory, new mid93, Death ex Chaos Designs, new mid93,
Mohawk ex Chaos Designs, new mid93.
Acme Project was formed by Splatter/Cadaver and some others. Shortly after
joining, Mohawk started a PC section of the group.
??? Anguish music, 08/93.
Acrid is dead.
Dan ex Converse was kicked.
Mendrik and Siriax ex Motion joined The Elektronic Knights.
Germans Technoimage music, 92, Sketch music, 92 and Fiver gfx, 08/93
all left to join TRSI. Sketch and Technoimage worked on a.o. the Phon-O-
Bomb III 92 musicdisk.
Slam ex Atomic, re GEN6 joined X-Trade early 93.
Phon-O-Bomb III 1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Sketch, Technoimage.
Information: Phon-O-Bomb was formerly a Violence production.
It received a favourable review in RAW 6s musicdisk review.
Action old -1992 http://www.action-memorial.de/
GER The Swatch Man Henning Schmidt, aka TSM, later TRSI, 08/90.
??? Bansai code, 01/90, Blackthorne ger? Michael Poldner, music, 08/90,
Brainbuster Frank Gtz, code, 01-10/91, Dreamer code, 01-10/91,
MCPoint Stefan Rittner, code gfx, 08/90-early91, Mogli Mark
Schrader, Peachy Magnus Hironimus, code gfx music, later 01-10/91,
X-Man gfx, 08/90.
Action was a mainly German demo and cracking group that contained a lot of
future German scene celebrities, most of which ended up in TRSI. Just a few
names The Swatch Man, Blackthorne, Dreamer and none other than Peachy!
1992 - The group dies early in the year one of the first four months.
German musician S-Sex early91-10/91 joins Digital.
Rage left.
Techno-One joined Amaze.
Eddie and Ice joined Agile.
Party Invitaion 1990, .08, ECS Dentro.
code: MCpoint, gfx: X-Man, music: Blackthorne introsong.
review: Invitation to WHAT party?
Action BBS Members 1991, .01, ECS Intro.
code: Bansai, gfx: n/a, music: Poormouth by ???.
Megademo Preview 1991, 21.01, demo.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, Lynxx/Panic vectorroutine, gfx: Zack
Brewster, Stage4, Peachy, music: Zack Brwester, Stage4, Peachy Shake It -
Stage4 4ch StarTrekker format. Cooperation with Vamps.
BBS Demo 1991, ECS File.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, gfx: Zack Brewster, S-Sex, music: Zack
Brewster, Peachy song.
F15 II Preview crackintro 1991, intro.
code: TSM, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Confrontation 1991, 02.03, ECS File.
Released for the demo competition at the Treacl-Panic party.
code/gfx: MCPoint, music: S-Sex.
Autum Conference 2 Invitation 1991, .07, ECS File.
code: Brainbuster, gfx: Peachy, music: Peachy NoisePacker 2 format.
Action Menue 2.0 1991, .10, Intro.
code: Brainbuster, Peachy, gfx: Peachy, music: Intro-Synth by Peachy
4ch MOD format.
Worldness X 1991, 20.10, ECS Demo.
Released for the demo competition the Action Conference II.
code: Dreamer, Brainbuster, gfx: Peachy, S-Sex, music: WNsong00 by ???.
Logo Mania 1992, .01, Trackloaded Slideshow.
code: S-Sex, gfx: various, music: n/a.
We are Dead 1992, .12, Demo.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, gfx: Peachy, music: R-Type by Chris
Huelsbeck/independent TFMX format, ripped.
review: Released under the S!P label.
Action new 1997-, http://zap.to/action/
NZL Codetapper code crack train gfx ascii docs, 10/97-04/00.
SWE Legionary code crack train intros, 10/97-02/98, Elp code trade,
10/97-02/98, Shastar gfx music, 02/98.
AUS Tachyon code crack train, 01/98-12/99.
ENG Decrator music trade, 02/98, Teatowel gfx trade, 01/99,
Sarek gfx, 04/01.
AUT LaCroix music trade, 01/00.
GRE Hfestos trade, 10/00.
NOR Fuzzbox trade ascii, 01/00.
Action was formed by Codetapper as a way to bring several AGA fixers
together and collaborate their skills. Originally Action created single
file AGA fixed games by re-releasing older, cracked games in ultimate
versions, fixed for the new generation of Amigas.
In October 1999, Codetapper moved the group away from crack fixes and
decided to use WHDLoad http://www.whdload.org as the degrading utility and
to concentrate on patching original games as well as a few cracks for good
measure : Too many cracks were found to be butchered versions with a lot of
content removed. To this day, Action is still releasing quality fixes at the
rate of about 1-2 per week! Thanks to Codetapper for information.
1999 - Scottish trader Hojus last ever email arrived in january saying he
had problems with his Amiga. He was never heard from again and was assumed
to have quit the group. Australian cracker Tachyon left the group in
2001 - On january 1st, Viz released possibly the first fix of the new
millennium due to NZs time difference : English graphics man Sarek joined
in april.
Action Direct
Hexadecimal Perfection Trackmo, 2 disks.
Action Force
Action Force changed their name to Cult.
Activas released several small productions, like Fruitbasket Demo,
Gravediving, Gravediving II and Wet Beaver Games.
Active released several small productions, like Midsummer Glory Demo
file, Second is none file and Party Snacks intro.
Aqua swap trade left for Phenomena ca 07/90.
Active Minds 1997-
POL Guma old handle Draw, Hangman, Jacool, Robak old handle Korball.
Active Minds was formed late 97 by Jacool, Hangman, Korball and Draw. They
are planning a new polish diskmag called Szelest.
Acume 1991-
GER Baraccuda ex Freagles, Eazy-E new 09/92, Executor ex Trixamixt,
Stone ex Elicma.
Acume is a German group, born late 1991.
1992 - Germans Stone/Elicma, Executor/Trixamixt and Baraccuda/Freagles all
joined in the first two months of the year. Around the early to middle time
of the year, Lucas left the scene, so DJT became the new HQ. Swoon left,
while Eazy-E joined in september.
Cruncher joined Chaos.
Chuck joined Submission.
Moonwalker joined Beyond.
The Finnish division born early to mid 92 is dead Tachtal T. Tiala, org
swap, old handle DJT, 09/92 decided to stay independent.
Addicts -1993
FIN Autocrat swap, Morgue, Yolk ex Calibra.
GER Thunder.
DEN Beejay music.
BEL Alligator, Fox.
AUS Anthrox, Cyborg new 92, Ensino, Heavyweight trade, ex Chrome, new
09/92, Image org, new 92.
??? Beathawk code gfx music, Chack old handle Autocraft, Impact old
handle Beast, Keijo ex Offworld, old handle Pifki, Salvatore ex
Alpha Flight, Yolk ex Calibra.
Addicts died mid 93. These guys have OFTEN had their group name misspellt
as just Addict! Their Australian division released one issue of the diskmag
Scene-ery Hmm, that name seems awful familiar.... , and also the German
division released a couple of issues.
1992 - The Australian division was formed by Image, who is a real annoying
character, Im told... Then Cyborg, Overdose music, another musician,
Destructor code and finally Heavyweight trade, ex Chrome joined the
australian division. Muttley, Subsonic and Hexagon left to form Disaster.
Arti left in september.
1993 - The Norwegians Rage, Genious, Apollo, Noise, Law Breaker, Crunch,
Nick and Mystra ex Paragon, new 09/92 all joined Symbiosis early 93.
Germans Kais and Spoiler joined Platin mid 93. Finnish Masque ex Celtic
Frost joined Calibra mid 93. Overdose Benedict Luke Stephenson was kicked
after 6 months as a member, then about three months later the entire group
Musician Zic left.
Drownie joined Regency.
Xentec ex Nuance joined Tech.
Finnish swapper Velsa joined Interactive.
Mini Meeting Intro ECS Intro.
code: Beathawk, gfx: Beathawk, Hitech/The Family, music: Beathwawk.
Cooperation with The Family.
Intro 1992, ECS Intro.
info: By the Australian division.
Addonic ADC, 1990-, http://www.addonic.de/
GER Case swap, 01-03/92, Crime Pioneer ex The Silents, Devil code
trade sysop CRASHPOINT WHQ, 11/91-07/93, Dragon gfx swap,
11/91-01/92, Foster gfx, 01-03/92, Giants trade, ex Voice, 11/91,
Hari code cosys, 11/91-03/92, Hedge gfx, 11/91, Hedgehog ex
Design, new 09/92, Highlander code, 11/91, JamMan gfx, 01/92,
Larry code gfx, 11/91-03/92, Leo swap, ex Violent Wave no entry,
new ca 10/90, Old Spook Erdtmann Toball, gfx music, old handle
Zirbel, later E.Toball/Sanity, 11/91-01/92, Paradigm tools docs swap,
11/91-03/92, Ray code, ex Voice, 11/91, Rufferto F. Brocksieper,
gfx, later Essence, 03/92, Slider gfx swap, 11/91-03/92, Striker
code swap, 11/91-03/92, Tab gfx trade, ex Voice, 11/91, Trucidator
swap, 11/91, Two Flower gfx, ex Survivor/The Silents, 11/91-03/92.
SWI Darkcave code music swap editor, 11/91-03/92, Imagine music, 11/91-
03/92, The Origin code gfx swap editor, 11/91-03/92.
NOR BC music, 11/91-01/92, Prowler Thomas Johansen, swap, 92.
FIN Defex gfx, 11/91, Dekay swap, 11/91, Duplex code, 11/91, Rocky
music swap, 11/91-03/92, Snail swap, 11/91-03/92, Thomas gfx
music, 11/91, Ukulele music, ex Amaze, 03-12/92, Uncut gfx, 01-
SWE Bond code, new 11/91-03/92, Chucky sysop GANG BANG, 03/92, Dexter
Thomas Sandberg, swap, new 11/91-03/92, D-Mon 11/91, Exthalion
music swap, new 11/91-03/92, Faith gfx, new 11/91-01/92, Fraz
code, new 11/91-03/92, Jac sysop HYSTERIA, 03/92-03/93, Jam
sysop, new 01/92, Mr.Tex code, new 11/91-03/92, Sacrilege gfx,
POL Dr.Cloo music, later Pic Saint Loup, 11/91, Nugie code, 11/91,
Trantor 91.
ENG Hotspur code swap, ex Coma, 11/91-01/92.
USA Brain Dead sysop FORBIDDEN CITY, ex Animators.
??? Cocaine sysop, ex SP-AI, Deicide ex X-Trade, Desto old handle
Cain, Divine fin? gfx, ex Sonik Clique, Dr.Avalanche ex Animators,
Mike, Pripps trade, new ca 01/92, Roxy ex Grace.
Boards JUNKYARD swe.
Addonic was born ca 07/90, as a merger of the two small groups Aquin and
Overdrive, in addition to Yankee/ex Brainstorm. They were a fairly active
demo group. At least 9 issues of their Message Center were released. V-Cut
left his bbs ZOOMED REALITY to a new sysop, Zool, who then joined V-Cuts
previous group Equinox, so the board returned with a new sysop!
1991 - American sysop Q changed the name of his board 007 BBS ex
Endless Piracy to CRYSTAL MONOLITH and joined Pirates around the middle
of this year. Rumours in Trader 2 that Addonic UK joined Flashing Bytes
is untrue mid 91. The entire English division was kicked mid to late 91.
1992 - Sometime in the first two months of the year, D-Mon sold his Amiga
and left the scene. Also in this time period, the board JUNKYARD joined
Pripps trade joined and german writer and founder Yankee ex Brainstorm
left for D-Tect The entire Polish division of Amaze joined Epidemic and
Ukulele of the finnish section of Amaze also joined, though Epidemic quickly
moved on to join Complex also in finland, Legend music, confirmed 01/92
and finally Index/Falcons joined. Phew! Norwegian musician Zak 91- changed
his handle to Scott and joined Spaceballs sometime between january and
april. The finnish section didnt hold together for too long, and finally
died in september Mac swap, 11/91-03/92, Index and Gator 03/92 joined
Stellar, while Legend joined Parallax. Also in september, German musician
Chromag left for Dual Crew. Adventurer left for Gothic around october.
Norwegians Dr. Chipblower, Archie code, Alien code and Turrican gfx,
all 11/91-01/92 all joined LSD this year.
1993 - German trader and sysop Ronny FATAL VISION joined Zenith early
1995 - Finnish swapper Splatterhead doublememb Triflex left for Flying
Cows Inc. late 95.
Musician Jellybean joined Mean Machine.
Norwegian swapper Nick 11/91 left for Spaceballs, but is currently in
Offence new.
XMan joined Passion.
Swiss swapper Risk ex Zeus, new late91-03/92 joined Tech.
German coder Zulu 03/92 joined Devils.
Mazon joined Equinox.
Finnish coder Razer joined Alcatraz.
Norwegian swapper Aqua 11/91-01/92 joined Vision.
Swedish sysop V-Cut ZOOMED REALITY, ex Equinox joined Submission.
Silicon Implosion 1990, 01.08, ECS File.
review: Released on the Swiss national day.
Blasting Mind BBS Demo ECS File.
Copyparty Invitation Intro ECS File.
MovieDemo No.1 Megademo.
SpreadPack 48 Intro ECS Intro.
SpreadPack 49 Intro ECS Intro.
SpreadPack 60 Intro ECS Intro.
Message Box 1 ECS Magchart File.
Fractale 1991, 25.03, ECS File.
Released for the CeBit 91 exposition.
Spread Pack 50 Intro 1991, .05, ECS Intro.
Released at the Maximum Pleasure Party.
Jellybean Muzax 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
Intro 1991, 16.11, ECS File.
code: Nugie, gfx: Dragon, music: maxellpoprawiony by Pic Saint Loup
4ch MOD format. Released at Gdynia 91 party.
review: This is a class example of if you cant do better than this,
DONT! Seriously, I dont mean to be harsh, but come on: scroll, logo,
vector object? Please!
Though the scroll clearly credits all graphics to Dragon, the intro
itself has a logo signed Aragon. Nugies first production for Addonic.
His English is not the best, making it hard to decide what hes trying to
say at times. The intro needs KillAGA, but still destabilizes my system
after exit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: See review!
Message Center 11/91 1991, .11, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
code: Darkcave, gfx: Old Spook title, font, The Origin font, Darkcave
font, music: Rocky loader, ??? main, editors: Darkcave, The Origin.
review: This is the third Message Center, and another ok release. First of
all, it loads for a while with an unexciting loadingscreen, before we
press the left mouse button and is treated to a nice fanfare and an even
nicer title picture by Old Spook! The mag part itself is not very
exciting, but that was hardly expected either. This is a messagebox, and
as such there really isnt that much exciting stuff to read. Apart from
the messages, theres a handful of adverts, a couple of articles in German
and finally the groups memberlist. The best part is the title picture.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Message Center IV 1992, .01, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
INT - code: Darkcave, gfx: Dragon font, music: Legend ProPacker 1.0
MAG - code: Darkcave, gfx: Old Spook loadpic, Dragon Jam Man all
fonts, music: 004 by Zak, editors: Darkcave, The Origin.
review: Coding is much improved since the last issue, offering a wider
variety of articles. Nothing spectacular ofcourse, this is still just a
messagebox, but at least an improvement on the prior issue. These were
quite popular once, and this is not one of the worst. The intro is barely
necessary, though. Its not good, and not bad, if you know what I mean.
As its just 22k, it would perhaps have been a better idea to link it in
front of the mag and have the not bad tune as a selectable alternative
to the one in the mag? The mag itself is not too bad either, though its
rather unexciting. The best part, I guess, is the BW loading picture of
a viking by Old Spook later E. Toball/Sanity. Luckily the mag is not all
messages, since that would have been thorougly boring for today. Theres
one or two things of interest, like the French scene report.
Conclusion: Not bad, but not terribly interesting either.
The intro needs KillAGA. The editor does not work at all seeing as it
does not open its own screen immediately, KillAGA does not help.
It doesnt crash, but you cant see what youre doing, so... :
The mag itself is a little unstable. Sometimes it works perfectly, some
times the graphics are garbled and sometimes it crashes when loading.
Once it has loaded, though, Ive never experience problems. Or advice is
to use KillAGA, for safetys sake. The mag loader does not appear to have
any problems with running from a harddisk, theres no assigns or anything
necessary. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: See review for compatibility notes.
Message Center issue 5 1992, end.03, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
INT - code: Darkcave, gfx: Dragon font, music: Legend.
MAG - code: Darkcave, gfx: Rufferto and Groo/Independent title, font,
Dragon font, music: Legend, editors: The Origin, Darkcave.
review: No code has changed since the last issue, except perhaps some
improved compatibility. The intro is also the same as last time, so no
surprises there either. The title pic this time is done by the later
wellknown graphics duo Groo and Rufferto, and is a graffiti style tag.
So, the box itself then - any interesting reading this time? Well,
actually there are a few things. With each issue MC does seem to resemble
a real diskmag more and more... The editors could be doing a better job,
though. There are adverts for people who are no longer in the group
Aqua, and a few other strange things... Like interviewing the Swedish
musician Dexter/Shining when they themselves have a Swedish swapper with
the exact same handle : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Message Center 06 1992, 13.06, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 07 1992, 29.06, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 08 1992, .12, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 09 1993, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 9.5 ECS Chartmag.
The Winner Party Demo ECS File.
Generation 02 1992, .08, ECS Diskmag.
Epidemics New Intro 1992, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Epidemic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: Released by the Finnish division.
Cebit 92 Party Slideshow 1992, 14.03, Slideshow.
Message Center 05 1992, .03, ecs messagebox.
Prestige Cracktro 1994, Intro.
code: Schizor, gfx: Devilstar/Virtual Dreams, Mr.Chain, music: Zarch.
Cooperation with Triflex.
Adept 1990-
SWE Galactus code crack, ex Top Swap, 90, Mogwai sysop STREETS OF
FIRE, later Defjam, 10/90, Pilgrim sysop THE GHETTO, 10/90,
Sensei org, ex Top Swap, 90.
GER Crime ex The Silents, Pioneer ex The Silents, Two Flower ex
Survivor/The Silents.
NOR Skykiller sysop THE MAZE, ex Razor 1911, new ca 10/92.
USA Fuse Insaneity sysops EXTINCT, 04/95.
??? Bladestorm trade, Dr.Clan ex Fate, Honcho train, Scarface.
Boards THE ILLUSION swe, 05/90.
Adept is a group concentrating on the illegal scene, and was formed when the
members of Top Swap merged with Public Enemies. They were originally 100
swedish, but later took up some members in other countries too.
1992 - German coders Crash and Argon released the packer Flash Speed
Cruncher in may. German swapper Tyrant/Palace joined in september.
Dr.Avalanche trade joined from Animators around october, as did Cocaine/
Spreadpoint-Amiga Industries with his board FLYING SAUCER. Germans Crime,
Pioneer and Survivor all joined from The Silents around october, and
Survivor immediately changed his handle to Two Flower. Norwegian sysop
Skykiller THE MAZE joined from Razor 1911, as did the sysop of
FORBIDDEN CITY in october. The three Germans Crash code, Argon code
and Mincer trade left the group for Complex around october.
German Skyfox joined from Agnostic Front around october, after a 1-day stop
in Gothic.
Ice joined Alpha Flight.
German Skywalker joined Palace.
English graphician Azi joined Digital.
Sledge 12/91 joined Crystal.
German swapper Redman ex Crux/Anarchy joined Digital RAW5.
German swapper Tyrant ex Palace, new 09/92 joined Defcon 1 RAW5.
Sultan sysop FAM NETWORK joined Alpha Flight RAW5.
Germans Decca and Sire joined Supplex RAW4.
Skyfox ex Gothic, new RAW4 joined Dual Crew RAW4.
Dr.Avalanche ex Animators and Cocaine ex SP-AI joined Spreadpoint with
their board FLYING SAUCER RAW4-5.
The Swedish section is dead, and all members Stranger and others joined
Horizon late 90.
Sine Rape Demo ECS Demo.
Soundripper Intro ECS Intro.
Brontopia 1992, 12.08, ECS File.
Fade To Black file.
Sound Series - Hopeful Town II file.
Sound Series - Nine Lifes file.
The Beginning trackloaded musicdisk.
Mayday Resistance 1992, 28.12, ecs disk.
19th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Mental Rave Series Vol. II 1992, 28.12, ecs.
Released at The Party 92.
Admirals ADM
FIN Dr.Titus, Obligator swap.
??? Deep Runner, Icebass ex Divine, new early92, Little Joe music,
03/91, Megabyte code, 03/91, Teasy gfx, 03/91.
Admirals was a demo group based in Finland. Their coder Deflex was later
Multiplex/Chrome, and version 1.0 of his famous utility FileMaster was
released under the Admirals banner!
1991 - Painkiller joined Venator, while Pilka and the rest of the south
German division were kicked in the middle of the year.
1992 - Icebass/Divine joined early in the year.
Finnish Snuffie left.
The Finnish division died, and almost all members went independent.
Mongerful Smile 1991, 24.03, ECS File.
code: Megabyte, gfx: Teasy, music: Little Joe. Released at CeBIT 91.
Party ecs intro.
Released at the Energy, Awesome and Hypnotic Party.
Psychedelic 1991, ECS Trackmo.
Advance 1990-
FIN Mr.Head music.
Advance was a Finnish demo group, where most of the original six members
were Judge gfx, Banzai code, Zoltar music, Tom code gfx, Mr.Head
code and Mr.Sam gfx. Everyone except Mr.Sam came from Doom.
When Advance died, Tom, Banzai and Zoltar joined Complex Mr.Head, Som and
Judge remain groupless.
Our First Production/Partydemo 1990, 12.08, ECS File.
code: Tom, gfx: Mr.Sam font, music: Angeldust by Zoltar 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Byterapers, Scoopex, Extasy - Grendel Party II.
review: I didnt get to see much of this small demo after starting it
once and finding Id need KillAGA to view it correctly the scrollers were
garbled, I did just that. I saw a few seconds of the demo, with a
scroller at the top, most of the screen occupied by some plasma-like
effect and an Advance linevectorlogo at the very bottom, then it
crashed. So Thats pretty much it : The music was nothing special.
This demo was released twice at this party, with slightly different
scrolltexts - hence the two titles at the top. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see review!
Beast 1990, .10, ECS File.
Beast Final ECS File.
Filled Vectors ECS Intro.
Advanced Chemistry AC
??? Ferris train.
The only production Ive ever seen from this group was a crackintro for
the game Pinkie.
Countach is the name of the cooperation between Aeon and Spirit. The name
was assumed on 01/10-90.
TEW was busted, and as a result the German division died mid 90.
Aero old
FIN Gambler swap, new mid 91.
DEN Phalcon ex Cave, new mid 91.
??? Cenobite ex Prime, Iceman code, new mid 91, Joyboy, Red Devil ex
Prime, Warlord.
Gargoyle joined Parasite.
Danes The Master code, Bionic code, new mid 91 and Cyborg swap all
joined The Silents in early 92.
Fatal Overdrive Trackmo, 1 or 2 disks ?.
Fede Farver File.
Stereo Evolution II ECS File.
Aero new
Since there is no indication whether this Aero is the same as the ones
above, not heard from in years, Ive chosen to let these guys have a
separate entry...for now.
Spaceman 1996, Demo.
3rd in the Convention 96 demo competition.
Fractal Attraction 40k Intro.
Intel Inside File.
After Eights
This is a Norwegian joke group, consisting of these members: Benning,
Blekkulf, Dr.Death, Hippleif, HurapLeif, Justin Time, Pa-Tryne, Repoman,
Skallabank, The Nurse, Titten Tei, Ingolf. Theyve released quite a lot
of weird stuff in Wild Compos around Norway.
??? Bucky trade, Klipper supply, Korb gfx ascii, Max crack h/p/a,
m0sh crack supply, Phlegm trade, Spritz trade, Steddy-1 crack
supply music, Zink mainorg sysop.
NOR Ciccone.
Agency was a mainly Norwegian group, with some Norwegian elite boards.
TRUST nor.
Agile AGL, 1990-1993
SWE Badamon ex Energy, Beltram ex Energy, Mithrandir gfx, ex Energy
or Acme, Mogwai sysop STREETS OF FIRE, ex Defjam.
BEL Mad Shitbrain and TCB sysops METAL IMPACT, ex Energy.
N-L BamBam sysop DOWNTOWN, ex Quartex.
ENG Rat sysop THE PIT, Spidey supply, later Tutoff/Crystal.
GER Malzam and Andy sysops REIGN IN BLOOD.
CAN Molten Ice sysop AMIGA NORTH.
ITA Batman sysop GOTHAM CITY, ex Legend.
USA Groo sysop HOLLOW WORLD, The Mighty Quinn sysop ILLICIT
ILLUSION, 04/95.
??? Conqueror crack, 03/91, God, Steve, Storm, Ted code.
Agile Amiga was founded by Elric in 1990. After he got busted in May 89, he
bought an Amiga and set up Agile. In late 93, the group merged into Quartex
and ceased to exist in its own right.
Optima joined LSD.
Finnish traders Eddie and Ice both ex Action, 07/91 left. They were
later in Damones.
Captain Midnight left the scene.
Zike, sysop of PLEASURE DOME left the scene.
American sysop Pizzaman FLATLINERS joined Fairlight.
Sabbath and Undertaker new! back from bust as Image/Quartex sysop
IMAGEWORKS sysops GRAVEYARD joined Fusion.
Fred and some others decided to go legal, and therefore joined Atlantys.
Twister, sysop FLASHBACK, joined Razor 1911 old, but soon moved on to join
All French members Alex, Kid, Patriot and Shocker, joined Quartex late 91.
Another source claimed Shocker joined Infinite Perfection, and in Freedom
Crack 8 it was claimed he joined Insanity Perfection...
Rockstar joined Coma mid 91.
Crack Intro ECS Intro.
code: Ted, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
C64 Style Crack Intro Intro.
Cricket Amiga Crack Diagonal Copper 1991, .05, ECS Intro.
Gods Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Switchblade II crackintro ECS Intro.
First Letters Intro.
Sinus Intro.
Miami Chase Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Mega Traveller Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Goodo Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Demoniak Crack Intro Intro.
Agnostic Front AF, 1991-
GER Acropole gfx, 93, Blackraven code, ex Awesome, later Haujobb, DSP
ex Design, Exage sysop UNGODLY, 93, Funky swap pack Funky
Bunch, 93, Holgi sysop INVISIBLE CRIME, ex Heresey, 93, Rator
sysop WONDERLAND, ex Panic, Renegade gfx, ex Design, Snake sysop
MORPHIC FIELDS, 93, Sting code, 93, Syn-T-Size music, later
Haujobb, 93.
FIN Pulstar swap, ex Slipstream, 93.
??? Chris ger? Chris Korte, music, 06/91, Coogar trade, Dark Angel,
Falcon, Ghost ex Iris, Headhunter ger? code, 06/91, Hyper trade,
Priest, Rico 11/93, Slime old handle Shadow, Vigo ger? code, ex
Iris, 11-12/93, Violator gfx, 06/91.
Boards HEARTLAND ger, 93.
Agnostic Front was a largely German demo group.
1992 - German Skyfox joined from Dual Crew in september, but stayed only
briefly. He quickly left again for Gothic, before moving on to Adept.
Germans Blackraven/Awesome code, Howie/Laserdance swap and
Effendi/Delight gfx all join around october.
1993 - Graphician Effendi ex Delight joined Arise late 93.
Psychopath code, 06/91 left.
8th Sense left the scene.
Boon Kid and Higgins were kicked.
Alienx trade joined Razor 1911 old.
German swapper Howie 93 joined Essence.
German coder Roman old handle Savage joined Essence.
Finnish graphician Frankie left and joined Stellar.
Germans Artline gfx and Neurodancer music joined Beyond.
German Backlash ex Timex left the scene pre 07/92.
Lumme Intro.
New Intro 1991, ECS Demo.
Morphic Fields BBS Intro.
Cooperation with Panic.
Lotter Intro 1991, 15.06, ECS Intro.
code: Psycopath, Headhunter, gfx: Violator, music: ShynMemory by Chris
ProTracker MOD format. Released at the Panic Meeting.
review: Pretty standard, this has a none-too good AF logo at the top of
the screen, and below that a zooming textplotter. Top and bottom are
single-pixel height copper-bars with cycling colors you know the kind.
As a matter of fact, it reminds me a bit of the crackintros at the time!
The intro says remember not 2 greet Venom any longer, we are Agnostic
Front now. It is safe to assume this is one of the groups first intros.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Hash Hash 1991, 15.06, ECS Intro.
code: Maxx, gfx: Dark Angel logo, Maxx charset, music: Awetest2 by
Pale Rider ProTracker MOD format. Released at the Panic Meeting.
review: This is actually rather nice... A red AF logo not so good
adores the top of the screen while a blue vector scroller goes in a half-
circle underneath it... The music is very good, at least in the beginning,
and helps this intro a lot. Then, the negatives: the dope promotion and
the endless bullshit scrollers
The release date is based on the assumption that the Panic Meeting is
the same one where the Lotter Intro was released. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Fantastic Pix 2 Trackloaded Slideshow.
Umbra et Imago File.
A Little BBS Intro 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Sting, gfx: Acropole, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: About as simple as they come, this small intro has a red AF logo
moving up and down the left hand side of the screen, a blue tunnel
descending into the middle of the screen and a pretty standard overlaid
scroller. Sadly there is no more exact release date than 1993.
Though the intro requires KillAGA to work properly, it still scrambles
my screen on exit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
World of Commodore 1993 1993, 01.12, ECS File Slideshow.
code/gfx: Vigo, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: This small fileslide is very simply-done, but atleast system
friendly enough to work with no problems on my machine. Its basically
just some text over and under the BW pictures, which you can cycle
through with your cursor buttons, of people attending the WOC 93 party.
Not all that interesting. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
The fact that Monty was a member at one time, and that they released two of
their productions at Saturne would suggest Agoa are a French crew...
I have some conflicting information concerning musician Iceman. While
Seenpoint 2 12/95 claimed he had joined Dylem, another source claimed he
had joined FROM Dylem. Can anyone help?
Mole joined Abyss 94.
Musica 2 Trackloaded Musicdisk.
First Think 1993, .03, ECS File.
code: Mr. Bug, gfx: Try, music: Monty.
C-Intro 1994, 24.04, ECS Intro.
code: Iceman, gfx: Rez, music: Pye. Released at Saturne Party II.
Annonce 1996, 05.04, Intro.
4th in the Saturne 96 intro competition.
Exodus Trackmo.
Pardey 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
Released for the demo competition at The Party 91.
review: Ive also seen this called The Party 1 Demo.
Agravedict AVD
Relievo 1998, 64k Intro.
code: Booster, gfx: Moniq, music: Norm.
review: A very fast 2d bumpmapper is the best thing in this minor intro,
with the rest being built up mainly of afterburned particle effects and
the like - hardly mindblasting coding. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Ahead was formed by the best members of Crime Devils after the group died.
Dogshit joined Trance Inc.
Finnish Meddler joined X-Trade.
NOR Espen Loeberg founder, Steinar Apalnes founder music.
Airborn was born when Steinar Apalnes Sphinx, Anders Claussen and Espen
Loeberg left Violence to form their own group.
1992 - Norwegian founder Anders abandoned the group for Pure Metal Coders
around january.
Torwak changed his handle to Gadget and joined Cytax.
1001 Stolen Ideas File.
Meeting File.
Alcatraz Entertainment Software ATZ, 1988-
SWI Baumax code, old handle Filou, -notmembanymore-, new 09/92, Cortez
code, ex Setrox, new 05/90, Daniel ex Trilogy, new mid90, Greg
Gregoire Dini, music, 01/90-93, Hardrider ex Trilogy, new mid90,
PGCS leader gfx, 12/88-09/94.
AUT Iluvatar gfx, 06/92-08/93, Pigment Miguel Marn, gfx, 93-01/98,
Poseidon Andreas Oberdorfer, code, 12/95, Quedex Christopher
Dissauer, code, 09/92-12/95.
FIN 4T Thieves org music, ex Cytax, new late92-93, Daddy Freddy music
swap, ex Anthrox, -notmembanymore-.
GER HoMiCide Marco, org music, ex Dual Crew, aka HMC, new 03/93, RSK
gfx, Sigma code, ex The Silents, new late92-93.
NOR Mr.Last music, 12/88, Teo gfx, 93.
BEL Cybersonik editor McDisk, ex Anarchy, new 09/92-93.
DEN Zoonie sysop HOUSE OF GAMES, ex Palace, new late92.
FRA Diskbuster ex Apology, 01-03/90.
USA Brain Dead sysop FORBIDDEN CITY, 04/90.
??? Airbrush Jim, ex Acme, Bitmaster 01/90, Broterhs 01/90, Burgame
music, -notmembanymore-, 91, Calypso code, ex Legend, Dan gfx,
04/90, Devils 01/90, Insider gfx, 09/88, Ironhawk gfx, 09-12/88,
Jackie D. ex Coma, Jawbreaker -notmembanymore-, new pre 07/92,
Magnetix 01/90, Megadeth ex Core, Mission code, ex Coma, 09/92,
New Generation 01/90, Nifty Nit code gfx, 01-04/90, Triad train,
01/90, Trigon ex LSD, Zodiac swi? code, 12/88, Zoltar music, ex
Asphyxia, new early92-09/94.
Boards PRIME TIME usa, ex The Silents, new late 92, INFORMATION SOCIETY
usa, HACKERBASE swi, LINE TO HEAVEN swi, 09/90.
Alcatraz was formed in 1988 by Metalwar code music, Helix gfx and PGCS
gfx from the more strangely named Motley Crue Team no entry. The first
two have since decided to leave both the group and the scene, leaving PGCS
as the head of the group. Their biggest success must surely have been the
Odyssey 12/91 demo, which won the demo competition at the first The
Party! The reason for its success is probably the fact that it was something
new and unique. The debate over whether it should have beaten the runner-up,
Hardwired by The Silents and Crionics, raged for months... They were at
one time in a trainer coop with Setrox.
When most of the Coma members joined, they got the diskmag McDisk as an
added bonus. When they stopped doing that, however, a new mag was planned.
This mag was given the name Compass, and editors were Disney and
ex-McDisk editor Mop. The mag got great reviews, but after just one
released issue Mop left for Essence to be maineditor of R.O.M and Disney
left for Sanity to be maineditor on their new mag, which never happened.
These days, Alcatraz Entertainment Software still exist, but only as a
gamemaking firm, and its unlikely that any new demos will ever appear.
The remaining members are Quedex, Poseidon, Pigment and Brainbug. I have
seen a short playable demo of a 3D Doom clone type game called IQ, and it
was probably one of the smoothest and bestlooking true 3D engines Ive ever
seen it flows beautifully, and almost reminds me of Duke Nukem 3D!
Also, check out Hornets action replay-like utility HRTMon on AmiNet!
1990 - Swiss trader Moses who had joined from Setrox 05/90 had a very
brief stay in the group, and by 08/90 he was no longer a member.
1991 - Famous french musician Moby ex Dragons, 01/90 joined Dreamdealers
around the middle of the year, after releasing the music disk More Than
Music 04/91 in april.
1992 - In the early months of the year, Control, Mad Butcher, Head, Jackie
D., Mission, Tom Copper, Mop, Nick OTeen and Aahz joined when Coma died.
Status Quo, Copcom, Nick OTeen ex Coma and Aahz ex Coma all got kicked
from the group in september. Jaby joined Absolute! late in the year. Finnish
graphician Dwel ex Gator/Stellar joined around october. Micro-Pals board
THE WHITE HOUSE was opened around october. Swiss graphician Fox 04/91-
left for Grace around october.
1993 - Germans Orbit and HMC joined from Dual Crew in march. Their Finnish
section died after graphician Dwel left to join Desire, and Razer code, ex
Addonic joined Stellar in october. Goozer ex Disknet didnt want to be
alone, and closed the section by joining Chryseis, also in october.
1994 - Editor Mop ex Coma, new early92 was not content with how things
were going after the first issue of Compass, and decided to join Essence
in february to edit his own magazine for them, R.O.M.
1995 - Norwegian musician Brainbug 06/92-94 joined Talent early 95. He
made the music for a.o. the Museum 92 slideshow while he was in
Alcatraz. Hes still working for the games by Alcatraz Entertainment
Software, it seems, since he was shown as a member of the games team 01/98.
2000 - The Sad news this year was that Hornet Alain Malek, code, ex
Avenger, 01/90- died of a heart attack. RIP.
German swapper Sting left to form Bonzai Brothers, but later decided to
join Abyss instead. There are LOTS of conflicting information out there
about this, but I believe what Ive given above now is the correct
portrayal of what happened. When he lost control over Alcatraz, he left
to form his own group called Bonzai Brothers, and all the German ex
Alcatraz members joined!
Austrian coder, previous WHQ and coeditor of the now defunt mag Compass,
Disney 06/92-93, joined Sanity to be editor of their new diskmag. That
project never came to fruition, and Disney was consequently kicked. His
further destiny is unknown.
Swedes Parsec sysop MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, 09/93, La Fayette and Thunor were
kicked. La Fayette is a female, who worked as cosysop on Parsecs board.
Birdie ex Yodel was kicked.
Shade ex The Silents?/Analog? joined Scoopex.
Colorbird and Schizo joined from Circle in Sweden, but soon moved on to
form Illusion.
Two Germans were kicked swapper Head and coder Mad Butcher both ex Coma,
09/92-02/93. Head joined Mirage, but its unclear what happened to Mad
Butcher, coder of the McDisk diskmag.
The Germans Link, Dynac, Speedbit new 03/93, EC-Rider music, 08/93,
and Seat were NEVER official Alcatraz members. They were simply let in
by the other German guys and not by the whole group.
Both the German and Swedish divisions were kicked out. The German duo
Control ex Coma, 09/92-08/93 and coder Orbit ex Dual Crew, new
03/93-08/93 joined TRSI, the rest of the Germans formed a new crew
called Fresh. Raw Style ex DCS, Stearo and Nose both ex Paradise
joined in Germany, but when that division fell apart they all left to join
Jetset. Swedes Lizardking music, ex Strange, new late92-03/93 and Tony
gfx, ex Voice, new late92-93 joined The Silents.
Blacky ex Legend tried to join, but was refused. As a result, Style
ex-WHQ, ex Legend left 03/93 to start a two-man crew with Blacky.
For additional information, see Style Blackys entry.
Graphician Tom Copper ex Coma, 91 joined Animators.
The germans Bros code, 12/92-93, Master and Nightlight quickly rejoined
Scoopex. Bros coded the demo Crunch-O-Matic 12/92 while in Alcatraz.
Norwegian coder, organizer and swapper Micro-Pal editor of Peanuts
packmag, 06/92 joined Banana Dezign. His board THE WHITE HOUSE was
busted while he was a member of ATZ, but was later reopened in BDZ.
French graphician Alex old handle Aldyss, 09/92, who released some
pictures in the slideshow MUSEUM, left to join The Silents.
Still, he made two logos for the 60k Intro 03/93, so theyre
obviously still on good terms...
Coder Skyman swi? fra? 01/90 joined Shining. He is the author of Seven
Colors Infogrames and all design and music by GFX-MOVIES late91. He
also coded the Cartoons Demo.
Kid Icarus ex Babygang no entry, new 03/90 is now Daryl/TRSI late 91.
He originally joined as editor of the scene papermag B.A.D.
Norwegian sysop It CONTACT ZERO, ex Razor 1911 didnt stay too long
before moving on to Nemesis pre 07/92.
Motley Crue Team is now Alcatraz 1988, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, gfx: Helix, music: Metalwar4 by Metalwar The Jungle
SoundTracker 2 format :-.
review: ATZ first demo, created by its two founders!
Megademo 1988, ECS Megademo.
code: Metalwar, Zodiac, gfx: PGCS, Ironhawk, music: Mr.Last.
Some of the parts are Sine Logo metalwarpgcs/ironhawk/reflex.m.last
st15 by mr.last, The Blitter Shock Demo zodiac/the art of fashion
by ? and New Members.Bob metalwar/muzak by Metalwar.
Copy Party Invitation 1988, .03, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, Hardrider/Supervisors, gfx: Rastan, music: SLL The Jungle
SoundTracker 2 format! :- Cooperation with Supervisors.
Invitation to a copy party to be held 28-29.05/88.
We Are First 1988, .06, ECS File.
code/gfx: Metalwar, music: Muzak by Metalwar SoundTracker 15inst
format. Specified as being released some month before AlcatrzaMeeting
7-9 July 1988.
New Stuff 1988, end.09, ECS Intro.
code: Metalwar, gfx: Insider, Ironhawk, music: Metalwar10 by Metalwar
Sound Tracker 15inst format.
The Skyline Intro 1988, ECS File.
Coop with The Softkiller Crew TSK, see there for details.
Geneva Party Demo 1988, .12, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, gfx: PGCS, music: Muzak by Metalwar SoundTracker 15inst
format. Released at the Alcatraz Copy Party 88.
Megademo II 1988, .12, ECS Multifile.
code: Metalwar, Elm, Darkblitter, TDK, TIN, gfx: Ironhawk, PGCS, Metalwar,
music: Muzak by Metalwar, Fred, Elm. Released at the Alcatraz Copy Party
88, though Zegs encyclopedia claims it was released in February of 89?
information: The demo experiences some minor problems under 2.0+
Megademo 3 ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Iron Cat, Metalwar, Moonraker.
Pentcost Party Invitation 1990, .04, ECS File.
code: Nifty Nit, gfx: Nifty Nit, Dan, music: At by Greg.
Megademo IV: Devils Key 1990, 03.06, ECS Trackmo, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: PGCS, music: Moonraker.
Winner of the Alcatraz Pentcoast Party 90 demo competition!
info: Does not work on A1200.
Magpack Preview 91 1991, ECS File.
Members 1991, ECS File.
code: Orbit/Gothic, gfx: Tom Copper, Anex/Rebels, music: Last Adventure
by Lizardking.
Ive Got The Power 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, Fox logo, music: Burgame, Greg intro.
review: The main selling point of this musicdisk is a 420k remix of the
then-popular Ive Got The Power track by pop group Snap! Still, its
not a bad little production. Graphics are very Alcatraz - not great, but
more than functional. The sword from the top of the screen is
particularly good, though. Theres not much code to speak of here.
Gregs intro music could have been great, but sounds a little unpolished.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Caches off, trackloader hates it :-
More Than Music 1991, .04, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, Fox, music: Moby.
info: This musicdisk consists of just one BIG module by Moby.
Unfortunately it wont work on my system, so I can give no further
information, sorry! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Crashes, caches off does not help.
Odyssey 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo, 5 disks.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, music: Greg.
Winner of The Party 91 demo competition!
info: Apparently there is a secret part. You must watch it to the end,
wait for the endscroller to finish, then type PRECALCULATE. HD
installable with patch.
Small Intro 1992?, ECS Intro.
code: Orbit/Dual Crew, gfx: Iluvatar, music: n/a.
info: this might be identical to the Hackfressen Tony Ist Wieder Da
crackintro intro.
Museum 1992, early, ECS Trackloaded Slideshow.
code: Quedex, gfx: Iluvatar, PGCS, Alex, Fox uncredited opening logo,
music: Brainbug.
review: This is a slideshow from three different graphicians, so the array
of style is quite varied. Theres 18 different pictures to be seen here,
choosable from a picture selector. Some of them PGCS have already been
seen in Odyssey, but theyre the best here, so we dont mind the repeat
too much. The music is okay. It doesnt irritate, at least!
This is quite rare, actually - this production works PERFECTLY on an
accelerated machine in 1997. Apart from the fact that some of the intro
effects are fast as hell at least that means theyre not precalced!,
theres nothing wrong at all. Thats a refreshing change, hehe... glenn
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
McDisk issue 4 1992, ECS Diskmag.
Peanuts issue 2 1992, .06, ECS PackMag.
code: Disney, Micro-Pal, gfx: Iluvatar, music: Brainbug.
Peanuts issue 3 1992, .07, ECS PackMag.
code: Disney, gfx: Iluvatar, Disney, music: AvecDesPeches by Brainbug.
McDisk issue 5 1992, .09, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Quedex, gfx: Iluvatar, music: Lizardking.
MAG - code: Mad Butcher, Mission, gfx: Iluvatar, Alex, Doolittle/
Interactive, music: Lizardking, editors: Mad Butcher, Head,
Cybersonik, Control, Mop.
info: After the release of issue 5, main editor Mad Butcher left the
responsibily of editor over to Cybersonik in january of 1993, for issue
6. This issue was never released, and the mag eventually died. Most of
the team behind McDisk would reemerge for a new diskmag project for
Alcatraz in 1994, Compass.
Crunch-o-Matic 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Bros, gfx: n/a, music: Physical.Compo by Lizardking.
18th in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
Memorial Songs 1993, early, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Calypso/Mauve, Colorbird/Scoopex, gfx: Tony, Duel, music:
Lizardking. info: Memorial Songs 2 95 was released by Razor 1911.
Stop Fascism 1993, .02, 2MB File.
code: Mad Butcher, gfx: Doolittle/Interactive, music: Lizardking.
60k Intro 1993, 27.03, ECS Intro.
code: Orbit, gfx: Alex/Dreamdealers, music: HoMiCide.
Winner of the CeBIT 93 intro competition!
Review: This is good! Its got a good sense of pace, good music, several
nice effects and two good logos by Alex! Alex left Alcatraz for
Dreamdealers a little earlier, but still made these logos for them...
Perhaps as a sign of no bad feelings? This intro announces the joining
Orbit, HMC, and Speedbit, and is is therefore a sort of welcome intro.
It also announces the leaving of Style. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Needs KillAGA.
The Samurai 1993, 02.08, ECS 45k Intro.
code: Orbit, gfx: Iluvatar, Control animfix, music: 2control by
EC-Rider. 3rd in the 680xx Convention 1993 demo competition.
Review: A short intro, and MUCH inferior to Orbits previous 60k Intro.
nothing very exciting... The music tries to be
thumping, but at 26k thats a hard thing to do. Im sorry, atz, but this
never really came alive for me. Those 55 frames of animation werent very
exciting either, Im afraid : Try again. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: KillAGA helps, but
Ilyad 1994, 07.08, AGA 4MB Multifile, 4 disks.
code: Hornet, Shagan/Asphyxia Design additional, gfx: PGCS, Cookie/
Asphyxia Design, music: Zoltar. Cooperation with Asphyxia Design.
4th in the Assembly 94 demo competition.
review: Whoa! Im sure this kicked ass on the big screen! This baby
features some rather revolutionary Im sure effects for its time.
There are some reasonably fast effects here, to be sure! Especially the
mapped objects during the main part and the flight sim part at the end
impressed me. The music is nothing special, just functional. Its plain
to see that both Hornet and PGCS improved their skills a lot since
Odyssey. Especially one of the ATZ logos by PGCS was nice. Still, I
expected more from a 4-disk demo... Suddenly it was just over.
The bigfiles are just lots of XPKed files linked together. There were
additional versions released after the party this review refers to
version 1.3 25.09.1994. Though it will run from disk on an A1200 with
enough mem, the documentation says it suggests a 030 and a harddisk.
When installing, remember to assign Ilyad1: to Ilyad4: to your
directory. The documentation makes no mention of this, I believe, so I
had to hex-read the executable to find out : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Compass 1 1994, early, ECS Diskmag.
info: Compass or the COMputer Article Spreading Site was a fresh start
by mostly the same people that worked on McDisk. Alcatraz released a text
file published in Scoopex packmag Nevermind 48 to announce the
imminent release of Compass, early 1994. Unfortunately, it only survived
for a single issue before most of the team behind it left the group for
new, better things.
Cyberlogik 1995, 28.12, AGA 020-28+ 4MB HD File.
code: Poseidon and Quedex/ATZ, gfx: A-Tom, Lazur, 2Sign, Bridgeclaw, GS,
Viola Bros., Pigment, Lukas A., music: Archangel, Nightshade/Crusaders.
Cooperation with TRSI and TRSI Recordz.
Split 7th in The Party 95 demo competition.
review: The first thing that strikes you about this production is WOW!
The second thing that strikes you, is shame about the design.
And thats the biggest problem with it: Virtually no attention has been
assigned to the design of the thing! Its got lots of cool, heavy
effects, a couple of cool pics Lazurs Alien pic is FAAAAANTASTIC!,
but not much work on putting it all together. With all this graphical
talent working on the demo, I can only be disappointed that the potential
was far from fulfilled. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Alchemy old
AUS Biggles code gfx, 08/92, Dreamweaver gfx, 08/92, Ginseng music,
08/92, Vision Beyond code, 08/92.
Oz-Con 1 Invitation Intro 1992, .08, ECS Intro.
code: Biggles, Vision Beyond, gfx: Biggles, Dreamweaver, music: Warp by
review: This invitation intro is a sad affair really, with a scroller at
the bottom and three sucky pictures to change between using the space
bar. It gets the job done, but its not pretty, and it sounds awful.
Sorry to be so harsh on you Alchemy, but this intro isnt really one to
make you stand up and take notice. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Alchemy new
POL Axel code editor swap, 12/93, Backfire Adam Gorski, whq swap pack
Backpack, ex Katharsis, Bob code, ex Investation, Cromax gfx
music, Exolon Maciej Turlzynin, swap, Johan editor, old handle
Frodo, Ozzy gfx, Saggitarius gfx, Scorpik music, later Absolute!,
12/93, Tiptop code, ex Investation, Vico code.
NOR The Clash music, new PRP4, Walker org swap, new PRP4.
??? Adict early92, Guru early92, Steinar.
Alchemy was originally a Polish group, though a Norwegian division was new
in Propaganda 4. Johan old handle Frodo stopped drawing. In a filemag
rel late 95, I found two ads for swapping by Exolon - one where hes in
this group, and one where hes in Tilt... Other productions I know of from
this group is Party Zanci intro and Toxic Ziemniak trackmo.
M-Iron left.
Polish musician Accord 06-09/93 was kicked, for no apparent reason PRP4.
He was later in Gel Dezign.
Marchewki 1992, .03, ECS Trackmo.
2nd in the Warzawa Party 1 demo competition.
info: Named in a best Polish demos list in RAW6. The name is polish for
Shadeways to Heaven 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Axel, gfx: none, music: Scorpik.
7th in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
Alfa Crew
Dutchmen Bigfoot, Syntag and Player One joined Legend mid 91.
Aldi 1994-.
These are some of Aldis productions: 1st Intro 02/94, ATT file,
Fleischabteilung intro, State of The Art II demo, Chrunched Sound
intro and Intro In Dutch intro.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Alien Adenoids
Intro 1994, 07.08, 40k Intro.
Split 21st in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
Alien Productions
Kinematic preview 1997, 14.12, Demo.
3rd in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition. Cooperation with Interceptors.
Aliens Designs ALS
??? AceMan org sysop, Bigfoot trade, Chillout music, Exodite
trade, FaKED IQ, RayBan sysop.
Alive -1993
NOR Beathoven music, Flash Fox swap pack, 07/90, Fluor music, Hemo
Rider gfx, Mailbox Frode Tollefsen, swap, 10/90, Mick code,
Miraculix gfx, Nameless Espen Berntsen, code, Ost code, Quez
gfx, Sciff code, The Black Devil aka The Big Dildo, Tronny Rotten
swap, 10/90.
Boards THE NEW LINE WHQ nor, 11/90.
Alive was a pure Norwegian demo group, based more around fun than actually
trying to top the charts.
1993 - At The Gathering in april was, according to Nameless, the last time
the group was officially gathered, but without releasing anything.
Norwegian coder Sciff changed his handle to Crimson and joined Compact Inc.
Norwegian musician Comajim old handle Zyc joined New Wave.
After 11 Month of Silents ECS File.
1001 ways to ...89 1989, ECS File.
Lines Sinus 1989, 07.08, ECS File.
Released at the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference 89.
Flyskrekk 1991, .04, ECS File.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 91.
NOR Jawbreaker Anders Dybdahl, code, ex Offence, new 92, Lion trade, ex
Offence, new 92, Vigilante trade, ex Offence, new 92.
USA Baser Evil sysop COURTS OF CHAOS.
Spike joined Dual Crew.
Iceberg joined Skid Row or Nerve Axis.
Lord Flight joined Digital.
Austrian BBS ASGARD is offline, rumours says sysop left the scene mid 91.
Alliance Design AD, 1991-1993
FRA 7th Eye gfx, Albatros code, ex Rebels old, Corto Pitre, code,
04/91-92, Hof gfx, ex Rebels old, Moby music, later Sanity, 04/91.
DEN Seen gfx, later Melon, new 06/91.
??? DD 04/91, Loom gfx, 04/91, Spike 04/91.
Alliance Design was probably born in the first few months of 1991 - at least
thats when their first productions started appearing. They were a french
demo group, with strong links to the illegal scene. They were the Quartex
demo division for quite a while, and released what is probably their best-
known demo, Substance 04/91, for them. After they left Quartex, there
were rumours that they became a Crystal subgroup instead, but this is
1991 - French graphician Mack who joined in april left again for Scoopex
just a few months after. Frenchmen Walt gfx and Motif code joined from
The Silents around september.
1992 - PMCs R.A.W 2 02/92 announced Corto was working on the groups
next demo, Land of Liquor, to feature music by Moby. As history proved,
this demo unfortunately never saw the light of day . Corto was busted for
blueboxing early in the year, and this lead to the death of the group. This
was even published in Pure Metal Coders diskmag R.A.W 3 07/92, but it
wasnt quite true yet since the group was later active, and released a demo
as late as january 93. What IS true is that Walt and Motif left the group
for Melon Dezign.
1993 - The groups final release came in january of this year, with the
noteworthy Arkham Asylum 01/93 in cooperation with Dreamdealers - where
most of the groups members had now migrated.
French graphicians Zebig and 7th Eye joined Dreamdealers pre 07/92.
Frenchman Traitor 04/91 joined Crystal.
Burger Man crack intro 1991, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: Seen grey QTX logo, music: n/a SIDMon 2 format.
info: Cracktro made for Quartex. Aka Another Release by The Best.
Substance 1991, 28.04, ECS File.
code: Corto, gfx: Mack, Loom, music: Knulla Kuk !!! by Moby 4ch
ProTracker format. 2nd in the Amiga Convention Summit demo competition.
Made for Quartex. Caches off, OCS on for A1200.
Little Dentro Chimay 1991, .06, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: Seen, Mack, music: Tix6, Tix5 and Tix3 by
Reflex/Delight. Made for Quartex.
The Party Invitation 1991, 22.08, ECS Intro.
Made for Quartex. Cooperation with Rebels.
Flight Of The Intruder cracktro 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: n/a, music: n/a DeltaMusic 2 format, 29744 bytes.
Drinktro 1992, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Pelforth Blues by Moby ProTracker
MOD format. Released in cooperation with Dreamdealers.
info: Intro for the upcoming Drink Charts.
Workfrench 1992, early, ECS File.
info: Released sometime soon after The Party 91, therefore early 92.
Arkham Asylum 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Redlight/Dreamdealers, gfx: Zebig, Hof/The Silents, music: Moby.
Cooperation with Dreamdealers.
Alpha Flight AFL, 1987-
GER Airwolf Normand, trade swap, 05/93, Andy Fuzzy Candi David, code
sysops DIABOLO, 05/93, Argon Helmut, trade, 05/93, Black
Frederick, trade exsysop THE MISSING LINK, 09/90-05/93, Celator
Michael, toolcode, 05/93, Cinderella Denise, trade, 05/93, Count
Zero gfx, 05/93, Cyborg sysop THE NEXT GENERATION, 10/93, Dio
Cat Mario Bianca, trade, 05/93, Dr.Mabuse Eric, code, 11/88-
05/93, Ex Machina Design Carsten, music, 05/93, Healon Christian,
code, 05/93, Jeannie Verena, trade, 05/93, Jive Christian, trade
sysop THE HOOD, 05/93, Kaoz Raven Andre Dennis, trade, 05/93,
Lance Hans Werner, trade sysop GODS HAREM, 05/93, Lance???
Armando, trade, 05/93, Mad Mac Marc, ascii trade, 05/93, Marc Sys
Marc Harry, gfx supply, 05/93, Nightshade Christian, trade,
05/93, Rod of Vanguard Elmar, crack train, 05/93, Sabine mainorg
exsysop 09/91-05/93, Schlappi Stoeberhai Stefan Peter, crack
train trade, 05/93, Spy Dirk, code, 05/93, Sting Tom, crack supply,
05/93, Sultan Klaus, sysop FAM NETWORK/SECRET CHAMBER, ex Adept,
05/93, Syntan Rexxen Christian, org gfx music, 05/93, Ultra Ingo,
org code gfx, 11/91-05/93, Undercover Tom, trade, 05/93, Vascal
trade sysop BREAK AWAY, 05/93.
SWE Cybertron Henk, org trade sysop AFTERSHOCK/AUSGEBOMBT, old handle
Lacoste, 05/93-01/95, Excalibur music, 05/93, Warhammer sysop NOTA
BENE earlier HOLOCAUST, doublememb X-Trade, 08/94-01/95.
SWI Sla/er Mathias, ascii trade sysop BLACK ROSES, 05/93, Steve org,
N-L Speed org trade sysop SHADOW WORLD, 05/93.
ENG Dangermouse Dave, org trade sysop THE TOWER, 05-08/93, Dibber
Glen, trade, 05/93, Ghostrider John, trade, 05/93, Marantz trade,
05/93, Shinobi gfx music, 05-08/93, Terminator Dave, org trade,
FIN Crime-Z99 trade, doublememb Bomb Squad, 03/94, Dr.Weird trade,
03/94, Fugitive 03/94, G.O.D trade, doublememb Bomb Squad, 03/94,
Hifi org trade sysop LAST GENERATION, doublememb Damones,
05/93-03/94, Hijack trade, doublememb Parallax details, 03/94,
Klutz trade, ex Decnite, 02-05/93, Saman trade, 03/94, Slayer
Jack, trade, 05/93, Soldier trade, 93-03/94, StN trade,
doublememb Mystic, 03/94.
BEL Berserker Gerhard, trade, 05/93, Cabal Dirk, train, 05/93, Fozzy
Patrick, trade, 05/93, Misfit Stefan, trade sysop BURNING CHROME,
05/93-04/95, Remo Gunther, code trade, 05/93, Rex Orient Alain,
code train, 05/93, Scorpio/SR Flip, cardsupply sysop FIRST ACTION,
05/93, Uli org sysop FLYING SAUCER EHQ, 05/93.
ARA Deathwish Sultan, trade sysop PSYCHOTRONIC, 05/93.
TUR Chaos trade, 05/93.
ITA Guru Meditation trade, 05/93, Luxgraph trade sysop DIGITAL BBS,
DEN Alf code crack train trade sysop1 HOLOCAUST/TRADERS HEAVEN,
05/93, Caesar code crack train trade, ex Palace, 05/93, Drac code
crack train sysop2 TRADERS HEAVEN, 05/93, Icelord gfx, 05/93.
AUS Atomic sysop WARPED REALITY, 04/95, Felony Mike, org trade,
05/93, Fugitive sysop FUTURE SHOCK, 04/95, Gangsta trade, 05/93,
Rancid Tim, train sysop, 05/93.
SPA Incubus trade, 05/93, Quijote trade sysop, 05/93.
NOR Acid Daniel Bruvoll, sysop BASIC INSTINCT, doublememb Grotesticle,
97, Wowbagger code, doublememb Session details.
CAN Elf-Co Paul, code sysop ECHO BBS, 05/93-04/95.
USA Charlie X trade, 05/939, Fahrenheit Joe, ascii, 05/93, Genghis Khan
Joe, org trade sysop WRATH OF KHAN, 05/93, King of Zombies sysop
MAIN SOURCE WHQ, 03/95, Night Shade Sam, sysop THE RESTAURANT
WHQ, 05/93, Racer X Tommi, sysop TIME TRIALS, 05/93, Slapshot
Jack, consolesupply sysop DIGITAL CHAOS, 05/93, Soulcatcher Chris,
code trade, 05/93, Wolverine Todd, trade, 05/93.
??? Andre gfx, 10/94.
Boards THE BOARD ger, 10/95.
Members below this line are no longer members, and the two have been
separated due to the staggering amount of members - and due to overall
readability. The split is at a memberlist dated 05/93:
GER Accomplishment, Aragon 03/89, BPS swap, 03/89, Brainstorm ex
Endless Piracy, CCF swap, 03/89, Crime swap, 03/89, Depode sysop
SPACE CENTER, new 12/90, FBI sysop FBI AGENTS BBS, 10/91,
Frankie Double Team editor, 11/88-12/90, Michael 03/89, Mike Dream
sysop WONDERLAND, 09/91, Saintz sysop2 S.S.M.S. later ANGEL
DUST, 01/92-04/95, Shadow Light gfx music, aka SHL, 11/88-03/89,
Warlord ex Endless Piracy.
NOR Brainbuster, The Hitcher swap, 01/90.
FIN Dipsomania 93, Hose sysop SEVERED GARDEN, 07-11/91, Mr.Spinhead
SWE Armando trade, 05/92, Butch gfx, later The Silents?, new 12/91,
Crazee swap, Emphasis music, 12/91, Mode 2 code, 12/91, Pilgrim
sysop THE GHETTO, 12/91, Xstaz sysop ICE PALACE, ex Legend.
ENG Scavenger sysop THE POOL, ex LSD.
HOL Bobo sysop THE DUTCH PIRATE, 11/91.
BEL Cocaine and Dr. Avalanche sysops FLYING SAUCER, ex Spreadpoint.
AUS Jag sysop MACH V, Obliviax sysop FUTURE SHOCK.
USA American Gladiator sysop COLISEUM, Centurion sysop FORUM,
Maimster sysop MAIMTRONIX, Warduke sysop EDGE OF INSANITY,
??? Camelot ex Desire, Cardinal ex Awake, Cevin Key swe? soon sysop,
new 12/91, Hoschy sysop NECROMANTIC, ex Frantic, Ice ex Adept,
Jerry ex Legacy, Link swe? new 12/91, Rex swe? new 12/91, Rave
swe? new 12/91, Ronny music, 08/93, Shapechanger ex Legend, Slash
sysop THE VENUE, ex Digital Warriors, Style trade, ex-indep,
Teofil ex Legend, Timdog console, doublememb Crystal.
09-12/90, MATERIAL WORLD nor.
AFL is one of the oldest Amiga groups still in existence, formed in 1987,
mostly dealing in the illegal part of the scene. There is also an Alpha
Flight 1970 AFL70 on the c64 still in existence, as well as a pc section
- though their current status is unknown. In their early years, they were
also one of the first groups to have subgroups - and they had lots of
them! Some of the most known were Vision One, Zylon and Z-Dream see
separate entries. Please note that not only did everyone else get confused,
so did AFL on a few occasions! For example, they printed in their mag that
Satan/AFL joined D-Tect, when infact Satan was in their subgroup Vision One!
They also released one of the first regular diskmags - and certainly the
best at its time - for the Amiga, in the shape of Cracker Journal.
The situation with Belgian board THE FLYING SAUCER is confusing is
Cocaine and Dr.Avalanche or Uli sysop? Anyone can help me shed some light on
this? Other prodcutions released by AFL, where I have minimum information,
is Blitter Madness file, Scroll On an Ham Picture file, Cracker
Journal Special issue 1 diskmag, Vector demo, coop Demons, Megabob
demo, coop Genesis, Dark slideshow, coop Genesis, Soundbox
musicdisk, coop Shadowlight, Soundbox II The Return 1989 musicdisk,
coop Genesis, Musiccompacting 1 musicdisk, coop Mindwarp, Megademo II
demo, coop Mindwarp, Sinus intro, coop Paradox, Grafitti demo, coop
Shadowlight, Guest Starring file, Defenda Crack Intro intro, Best
Bob demo.
1988 - The first issue of Cracker Journal 01/88 opened the year, and
was received well by the scene. 10 More issues and a few demos would come
before the end of a very successful year, when they established CJ as the 1
diskmag! Issue 10 11/88 was released in november, and finally 11 was
released at the very end of the year.
1989 - Their subgroup Prophets AG left to be an independent group in
february. German graphician Dark joined Black Monks late 89.
1990 - Captain Power left, Blackout joined TRSI and Sledge joined Defcon
One late in the year. Destroyer and Nike joined Skid Row late 90, but at
least Destroyer later returned.
1991 - Psychon changed handle to Anvil and joined Black Monks in the
middle of the year. German sysop Destroy PARADISE was busted on the 14th
of june! Luckily, he had time to format his HD before he let the cops in, so
damage was not as hard as it could have been. Following this, there was
widespread panic on the German scene, and lots of boards decided to close
shop. Germans Hajo trade, TCI sysop SKARA BRAE, Accu sysop RIVER
SIDE, FDT trade, 12/90 and Ginger all left to form a new group called
Venture late 1991. Later also Krypton sysop CONTROL TOWER opened 09/91
and Gizmo gfx joined. FDT was one of the AFL leaders at the time, and his
position was filled by Rator and Sabine. Swedish sysop Trodac UNFORGIVEN
left in december for Aurora.
1992 - Swedish sysop Dexter TOTAL DISASTER, doublememb Comakids joined
Aurora around january. German Headhunter joined The Silents early in the
year. Vindex left to join Anthrox and Winger ex Noxious was kicked out in
september. Winger joined Scoopex and did not leave the scene, as stated in
R.A.W 3. Mike, Hot and Pha joined around october. Hot and Pha later left
again. Salvatore/Paranoid joined around october.
1993 - Roger Rabbit joined Fusion early in the year. German musician SMT
left for Infect in may. In may, the group had a staggering 82 members duos
counted as one!! Among these were no less than 4 female members Germany!
Speedlock left in october.
1995 - The board DATASTORM went offline in june.
Finnish sysop Kristen joined either Decnite or Love/Desire.
American sysop Dr.Feelgood OVERDOSE joined Recline.
American sysop Nightvision THUNDERDOME, old handle Master Blaster, 11/91-
05/93 left. He was also a supplier for consoles.
Cyclotronic gfx, ex Jump, 08/93 left.
Dutch sysop THC MYSTIC PLACE, early93 joined Justice.
Finnish swapper Velsa ex Calibra, new mid 93 quickly moved on to join
American sysop Winter Mute MARTYRIUM, ex Classic, 11/91 joined Infinite
Musician Thexder ex Assult left to join Atomic.
Dutch sysop Sal-One BOONDOCKS joined TRSI.
Psycho Demon ex Nuance and Raxxion joined Scoopex.
Finnish swapper and trader Black Sheep ex Zakka/Rebels left soon after
joining and moved on to Accession late93.
Salvatore ex Paranoid joined Scoopex, he wasnt kicked! Other sources
claimed he joined Addicts.
German sysop Wolfgang CHINATOWN was kicked.
English Kitaro, sysop MILLENNIA joined Fairlight.
Magic joined Vision. News in R.A.W 3 that he joined Defjam are probably
Virus joined Palace.
Dr.No and Zacae joined Bloodsuckers.
Punisher who joined with Winger from Noxious left the scene.
Swedish sysop Xstaz ICE PALACE, ex Spirit joined Noxious. He later
returned to AFL, thats why hes on the memblist.
Germans Sniffy and Helioth joined Vision pre 07/92. In Vision, theyre
suddenly sysops of SPIRITUAL HEALING...were they in AFL too?
American sysop Flashback CYBERTECH joined Vision pre 07/92.
English sysops Sabbath and Undertaker GRAVEYARD, ex Quartex left for the
PC scene.
German swapper and trader Galaxy joined Skid Row mid to late 90.
Etron joined Cytax.
Zychon joined Black Monks.
Rascal joined Razor 1911 old.
German sysop Chronos DAMAGE INC, 09/91 left.
American sysop Armitage MADHOUSE, 11/91 left.
German sysop Red Alert ADDICTION joined Shining 8.
1st 1987, ECS Multifile 2.
code: Dr Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: looped sample.
Cracker Journal issue 1 1988, 10.01, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: none.
review: Now, THIS is history - the very first issue of CJ! Ofcourse, this
is entirely in German, so I didnt understand much. Its amazing, though,
how little it changed over the first issues.
Though the mag itself works satisfactory, the intro does not. No matter
what I attempt, it always gurus. There are no real credits to be seen
anywhere, except for in a few of the articles. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review.
Cracker Journal issue 2 1988, 10.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: none, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, GSC, Smiths inc.
review: The second issue is a marked improvement as far as content goes,
and is even mostly in English! There are perhaps too many game reviews
for some peoples liking, but I guess thats a matter of opinion.
Unlike the first issue, nothing works here neither the intro or the
mag itself can be safely executed without crashing. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Nonworking!
Cracker Journal issue 3 1988, 14.03, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, TSK-Crew, SpreadForce, GSC.
Cracker Journal issue 4 1988, 14.04, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, SpreadForce, Smiths, The 5th Dimension, Warrior, Skar.
Cracker Journal issue 5 1988, 13.05, ECS Diskmag
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse main, Skar, Dr.Soft, SpreadForce, Thaluga, Smiths, Professionals,
TSK-Crew, Contact, Chip Duo.
review: This time introless the extra diskspace devoted to the mag
itself, another issue of CJ reached the streets in may.
Cracker Journal issue 6 1988, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Cracker Journal issue 7 8 1988, 23.07, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, SpyMind, Thaluga, Nephilims, Reward, Dennis/Magicians, Tetragon,
JR, Tobber. Released at the Alpha Flight, Vision Factory and Powerslaves
copy party...probably :- Actually that party was held 29.07, but the
release date quoted here may be wrong... Released as a double issue over
the summer.
Sota 1988, 01.08, ECS File.
code: Shut Berlin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Cracker Journal 9 1988, 24.09, ECS Diskmagazine.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: Teddy, music: n/a, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, Reward/III, Dr.Soft, GSC/Sinners, Boil/TJC, Acid, U-238, Bejamin/
BBS, Stups/MDO. Released at the AFL and SpyMind Copy Party.
review: Another non-special issue, nothing much to report about it.
No-one credited for music. glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Cracker Journal 10 1988, 15.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: Victory/TopBoys comic, music: Shadowlight,
editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.Mabuse main.
review: Not much different from any other issues, expect in the contents
of the articles. The german articles irritate me, especially since most
interesting ones to me, the party reports, are mostly in german This
issue presents interviews with Bamiga Sector 1 and Defjam. It also
features what is probably the first reference to the term Tracking
History was being made... glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Cracker Journal 11 1988, 30.12, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: TAR/Prophets AG, music: Shadowlight, editors:Frankie
Double Team, Dr.Mabuse, Michael, Megatron, GSC/Sinners, AOFCF, VFBE,
review: Nothing much to say, its the usual mix of party reports and game
reviews. glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Realm of Stone... pre 1989, .03, ECS Demo.
Thirty Balls pre 1989, .03, ECS Demo.
Cracker Journal issue 12 1989, 30.01, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx/music: TAR/Prophets AG, editors: Frankie Double Team,
Dr.Mabuse, Megatron, Reward/III, Insane/Razor, Pirate/AOFCS, VFBE,Subway
DreamTeam, SSD/Cosmos, Powerslaves.
Cracker Journal 13 1989, .03, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Review: Remarkably, this issue of CJ seems to be a lot better laid out, a
lot more compatible and a has a lot better English than the only other
issue I have - 28! Theres also not the same sense of showelware - all
of these articles were MEANT for the mag, theyre not just files off the
boards! Theres more articles in German here, though. The mags content
is quite limited, at just over 50 articles, but they are one hell of a
lot more interesting than the ones in 28... There doesnt appear to be
any kind of credits except for the articles in the mag itself, but then
again theres not much code to speak of... You see, each and every
article is an IFF file, so all the coder had to make was a picture shower
that could change pictures and play some music in the background :
I like the atmosphere in this. Theres a genuine sense of stumbling to
establish the scene. These were pioneers, and as such ofcourse there were
two mistakes for every innovation. Still, they make their small mistakes
with unmistakable amounts of charm. Nice, this is. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Cracker Journal issue 14 1989, 18.05, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
info: The release date is from the previous issue, so theres no guarantee
that they actually got around to it by that date :
Cracker Journal issue 15 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 16 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 17 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 18 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Starflight 1989, 26.12, ECS Demo.
Cracker Journal issue 19 1990, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 20 1990, ECS Diskmag.
Star-Chars 1990, 21.04, ECS File.
code: Werner, gfx: Vincent, Werner, music: Thrust.
Cracker Journal Special II 1990, 01.07, ECS Diskmag.
Released at the Amiga Conference 90.
Cracker Journal issue 21 1990, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Cracker Journal issue 22 1990, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Cracker Journal issue 23 1990, 31.12, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Werner/Vision One/AFL, gfx: GGT/Zylon/AFL title, Turbo/Zombie
Boys clip, music: ???, editors: Doctor Mabuse, Frankie Double Team.
review: This issue was the first to feature the new code for the mag,
meaning no more iff pictures! That alone was an enormous step up...
Design did not change significantly, only the inner workings of the mag
did. I have chosen not to rate Satan/Vision One/AFLs small intro here,
since its not AGA compatible and really little more than a boot intro.
The compatibility rating is only for the magpart, the intro for this
mag does not run under AGA. Also, I had to run the mag with caches off,
or my keyboard would not respond after a while. Otherwise, no probs!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. -- Note: See review.
China Town BBS 1991, ECS Intro.
info: Released by the German section.
Cracker Journal issue 24 1991, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 25 1991, ECS Diskmag.
Space 1991?, ECS Intro.
code: JHL, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Huukkers 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: JHL, gfx: n/a, music: Micke Cool. Released at the Society Summer
Party 91. info: Made by the Finnish division.
Cracker Journal issue 26 1991, .10, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Ginger/Venture title, Gizmo/Venture, Satan/ex Vision 1,
music: n/a, editors: Frankie Double Team FDT/Venture, Dr.Mabuse, GGT.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Ultra Intro 1991, 11.11, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Ultra, music: none.
review: Now this is more like it! This intro says STYLE in big bold
letters! Well, actually it says Alpha Flight, but you get the picture :
The intro consists of just one nice logo in the middle of the screen,
which is in hires-lace, and a scroller that twists inbetween the letters.
Its a simple concept, but superbly executed.
The intro reviewed was the one released in connection with their
release of AutoDoc 37.1. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Happy New Year 1991, .12, ECS Intro.
info: Released by the NL section.
The Ghetto 1991, 19.12, ECS Intro.
code: Mode 2, gfx: Butch, music: Emphasis.
review: Nothing interesting in this BBS intro, just a black background
with some dots and a 16x16 text writer on top of that. There are a
million of these! Thank god that someone discovered design!
This intro is earmarked as from the Swedish division and also
announces the new memberships of Rex, Butch, Cevin Key, Rave, Link and
Cevin Keys upcoming BBS. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Cracker Journal issue 27 1992, early, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
info: CJ27 was the very last issue released as an AFL production
subsequent issues were independent, and reviews can be found under the
heading Cracker Journal Team.
Cracker Journal issue 28 1992, ECS Diskmag.
Altair new -1992
FIN Cannibal The Bastard, Fiend, Servitor.
??? Globe.
Boards WOLFSLAIR fin.
Cytax I.C.E 8 05/92 reported that Altair was born with members from
Grace, Kreators etc, and Pure Metal Coders R.A.W 3 07/92 carried the
news that Altair had been reborn a while ago - then The Official Eurochart
17 09/92 carried the news that they had died again. They seem to have
mostly released intros.
1992 - Finnish swapper Messenger joined Genoice in september.
Finnish Zon joined Zenith.
Finnish Goozer joined Disknet.
Mission Impossible 1995, 12.08, Demo.
14th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Amaze old
GER Bomber swap, ex Highlander/Cletic, new 07-12/90, Fred code swap,
92, Galaxy music, 11-12/90, Master of Noise music, 92, Microp
music, 92, Pinhead swap, ex Highlander/Celtic, new 07-12/90,
Plastic gfx, 92, Raw swap pack, ex Unlimited, 92, Smash Ingo
Kamps, gfx swap, ex Exort, 92, Smasher gfx, 90, Tron code, later
Sanity, 02/92, Vinix sysop TIMEWAR, Vizir code, new 90.
SWE Abbandon code, new ca 01/92, Cluster, Enforcer swap, 92, Junior,
Lego, Ozone, Slider code, new ca 01/92, Stanton sysop 3AM ETERNAL,
ex Anarchy, Walkyrian.
FIN Airwolf, Articfox, Bandog code, 06/91, Blockbrain gfx, 06/91,
Firecode swap, 01-06/90, Holy swap, Magnum Jerno Kueski, swap,
late90, Topaz music, 06/91, Zender gfx, 06/91.
DEN Conan, Darkside, Drone code, 12/91, Murdoc gfx, 12/91, Phraizer
sysop PHANTASIA, ex Reflectors, Shredder gfx, 12/91.
AUT Mister X swap, early92.
USA Nightstalker sysop PRISONERS OF REALITY, new ca 01/92.
??? Ace gfx, 02/92, Blizzard gfx, 02/92, Hunter trade, Mercy trade,
ex Hypnotic, Techno-One ex Action, The Punisher gfx, 12/90, Zeus
code gfx, 90.
Amaze was a demo group based in Germany, but also with strong divisions in
other countries.
Some Amaze releases where I have only a minimum of information is
Released Before intro, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Galaxy, m: Hawk by
?/Timecircle, 31st May demo, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Galaxy, m: Ode To Mon Part2
by Galaxy, Lamerbug game, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Tune, m: Lamerbug! by Tsaca,
Kriepss Again demo, c: Zecco, g: Galaxy, m: IQ64 and Shape It Down by
Galaxy, Crack of Dawn ECS File, Generation issue 1 ECS Diskmag.
1990 - The group received two new German members around july, when
swappers Bomber and Pinhead joined from the Celtic subgroup Highlander.
November saw the joining of Italian multitalent Filippetto from Savage with
his diskmag. Freedom Crack 4 12/90 was the first and only issue of the
mag to be released for Amaze.
1991 - When the German section of Amaze died in january, Filippetto ended
his short-term stay in the group, and left with his diskmag to form his
own group, named Vega.
1992 - The groups WHQ board THE PARTY ZONE changed name to SERPENT
SOCIETY, while Norwegian Edison and Swedes Slider code and Abandon code
joined around january. The two finns Epidemic code, 06-07/91 and Ukulele
music, ex Intuition, 06-07/91 both joined Addonic around january, though
Epidemic quickly moved on to Complex. Finnish Breeze code also joined
Complex, while Snowman was kicked Wizmar left the scene Df0: gfx,
07/91-, Breeze code, Dwarf and PMB all left for Dual Crew swedish
Stanton/Anarchy sysop 3AM ETERNAL joined danish Phraizer sysop
PHANTASIA joined american Nightstalker sysop PRISONERS OF REALITY
joined - all around january. Also the entire polish section of Amaze joined
Addonic at this time! Norwegian swapper Viking ex Byte Busters joined LSD
early 92. Swedish Sudden left for Spirit early 92. Tropic was kicked from
the group because of lazyness early 92. Swedish sysop Xstaz changed the name
of his board from DEADLINE to THE ICE PALACE and joined Spirit early 92.
Amaze Austria is dead. Dalmet and Sledge joined Grace. Charly left the scene
09/92. Pulstar left to form Slipstream finland 09/92. German leader Damion
ex Addonic, 92 joined Platin, while Swedish Bit ex Palace left to form
Sonic sweden, both in september. Norwegian musician The Hustler and finnish
swapper Zephyr ex Ice/Royal Amiga Force joined Razor 1911 pre 07/92.
Finnish Boomer joined TRSI.
German swapper Zaphod joined Sanity old.
German musician and editor RokDaZone ex Kraze joined Destiny.
The two swedes Buntz and Zonic who between them ran the board SERPENT
SOCIETY old name PARTY ZONE, joined Defjam. Zonic was also the WHQ,
after he took over the duty from Articfox. Heres a theory of my own:
Buntz changed his name to Zonic, AND THEN...
Genestealer joined Cult.
Finnish El Gringo left the scene.
Dr.Gassu joined Elysion.
The German editor of Disktrash, Death Angel 02/92, was kicked RAW3.
The mag is dead, and wont be published any more, and Death Angel joined
German Sodom joined Beyond pre 07/92.
Gipsy King joined Midway pre 07/92.
Abaddon joined Fairlight pre 07/92.
The Norwegian division left and split up. Dreamer ex Chris/Grace joined
Pure Metal Coders. Frequenz sysop, ex Decept joined Razor 1911. I have
one additional member, Edison ystein Homelien, but I dont know what
happened to him...though hes now boss at the internet provider Powertech
Information Systems in Norway!
Powersledge joined Flash Productions.
Swedish sysop Psychopath RAISING HELL joined Triad.
Decoy left Amaze in 91, and is now 96 in Passion.
Musiques II 1989, 31.10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Zaq, Belsebul, gfx: Tune, music: Sad Story, Brainwash, Secrets
by Zaq, Tomcat, Silverstrider by Firecode, Soft Dreams, Thrust,
Role Play by Tsaca.
1st Visir 1990, ECS File.
code: Vizir, gfx: Masher, music: Zamzara by Galaxy.
Revolutions ECS Musicdisk.
code: Zecco, gfx: Galaxy, Tune, music: Tsaca, Firecode, Belsebul,
Complications by Galaxy.
info: A Revolutions Preview 90 was also released.
First 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Zeus, Galaxy, gfx: Zeus, music: Galaxy-Tune by Galaxy.
info: 1st intro, rel by German section.
Hammer 1990, .04, ECS File.
code: Zecco, gfx: Galaxy, music: Go For ot by Galaxy by Galaxy.
Intro 1990, 10.09, ECS Intro.
Ami Expo 1990, 10.11, ECS Intro.
code: Filippetto, gfx: Galaxy, music: Galaxy Future Composer 1.4 format,
16410 bytes. Released at the Amiga Expo.
info: This intro announced Filippetto had joined from Savage.
Happy Nicolaus 1990, 06.12, ECS Intro.
code: Filippetto, gfx: Punisher, music: Starion by Galaxy.
Freedom Crack 4 1990, 26.12, ECS Filemag.
code: Filippetto, gfx: font ripped from Zine!, music: Ode To Mon Part 5
by Galaxy 4ch MOD format, editor: Filippetto.
Released at the Dexion Party 90.
review: Not that much to read, but an OK outfit make this mag slightly
worthwile. Later issues would prove to be much better. Too bad about all
the uninteresting reviews with standardised questions... The middle of the
screen is the reading area, theres a scroller at the bottom, and article
selection on top. Pretty basic, but works OK. Nothing you ccant afford to
miss. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 - note: Needs KillAGA!
The Final Absolution 1990, 26.12, ECS File.
Released at the Dexion Party 90.
Another Hot Spreading 1991, ECS Intro.
code: Zonic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
UpDate 1 1991, File Chart/Message/NewsMag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Viila by Smagu.
Electrical Ecstasy 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: Bandog, gfx: Blockbrain, music: Defender of R by Topaz.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Spiritual Connection 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: Epidemic, gfx: Zendy, DF0:, music: Sprtl.Connection by Ukulele.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Dreamin 1991, 08.06, ECS Intro.
code: Breeze, gfx: Zender, music: Magic-Music2 by Ukulele.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Out of Swapping 1991, .07, ECS File.
code: Epidemic, gfx: DF0:, music: Out of Swapping by Ukulele.
Party Intro 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Drone, gfx: Murdoc, Shredder, music: Too Speedy by Terrax/Palace.
Released at The Party 91 by the Danish section and with the help of a
Danish musician.
Bontro Powerlink BBS 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Lizer, Ziggy, gfx: Moi, Zigger, music: Partyj.1 by Lizer.
Dentro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Abbandon, gfx: Fade, Bad, music: Fajser.
No Imagination 1992, early, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Dr.Chaos, music: Magic Duke.
Vector Dream 1992, .02, ECS File.
code: Tron, gfx: Ace fonts, Blizzard logo, music: Insecure by Magic
review: Well, a bit hard to review this as Ive never seen it! Still, the
coder is Tron for gods sake, so how bad can it be? The music is a very
cool Jester-like synthie-pop thing. For the record, Magic Duke Stefan
Reisch later appeared as GTO/Digital in 1994. Totally refuses to work on
my configuration, no matter what I do to it. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Does NOT work, not even with KillAGA.
Back in 92 1992, .02, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Inner City by Magic Duke.
This intro announced the joining of Magic Duke, and was therefore almost
certainly released after Vector Dream.
Disktrash 2 1992, 24.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Prof.M, MCM improvements, gfx: Brain/Dynasty title, logo,
Genestealer logo, Cooper/Symbiosis menu, music: Magic Duke/Symbiosis,
editor: Death Angel.
Generation 1 1992, .04, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Fred, gfx: Furio logo, Shredder font, music:
MAG - code: Fred, gfx: Plastic, music: Chromag/Cult, editor: Damion.
Released at Expo 92.
review: Well, first impressions are not so good, the intro gurued...
Tried again with KillAGA, and it worked but destabilized my system...
Thankfully the mag can be loaded on its own, so we try that. Well, this is
very first issue of a mag that would grow to be legendary, but in respect
we must say that they still had a long way to go. The first issues were
more message and newsoriented, and had very little mag-content, to be
honest, and in that respect it sortof works...But this was after all 1992,
and there were MUCH better mags and boxes out there! Its a first release,
thats all. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: Needs KillAGA!
Anti Death 1992, 30.04, ECS File.
Amaze Design new 1997-1997
DEN Adonis swap, ex Passion, new late97, Misery org gfx, ex Insane, 97,
Nigel code, ex Impact, new late97.
Amaze Design is a Danish demo group formed in 1997 by Misery and Nigel from
Insane and Impact Inc. It is highly unlikely that the old Amaze has anything
to do with this new group. They died after a very short while.
Ambrosia A!A
DEN Access code raytrace, 04/96-late97, Cain gfx raytrace, 12/95-
late97, Drac Jan Knudsen, org swap pack, ex Limited Edition,
doublememb Scalaris 06/96, doublememb Cosmic Woodheads early97, 12/95-
late97, Eliss-D Martin Nielsen, gfx music, old handle Cyboman, ex
Balance, 12/95-97, Lucifer codePC gfx, late96, Raivo code sysop, ex
Black Jack, new late95-late96, Raze Thomas Petersen, org music swap,
12/95-late97, Riis gfx, Shadow Walker gfx, 12/95-late96, Syntax
codeAM+PC, 04/96-late96, Tricktrax music, ex Tribe, later Puzzle,
new late95, Wax music, new late96, Zeek code, 12/95-late96.
SWE Anfobia ascii swap, doublememb Massive, new 06/96, Hawk code,
triplememb Giants details and Darkage ROM9.
POL Draw ascii swap, doublememb Azkiness, new 06/96-late96, Guma ascii
swap, late97.
??? Dr.Zulu gfx, late97, Karina mascot, new 06/96, Nook gfx, new
late97, Spacebrain music, new early97.
Ambrosia is a demo group based in denmark, and active on both the Amiga and
pc platforms. They were organized by Raze and Drac, until Raze stopped
organizing 06/96. Powdihacker then became the new second organizer, it seems
- until he also left. Their mascot Karina is, obviously, female.
The recent smash hit doom clone game Genetic Species was made by the
Danish Ambrosia members Powdihacker code, Cain gfx, Shadow Walker gfx
and Trayzor sound! Other Ambrosia productions that I have only a minimum
amount of information on are: Psychopack 2 Packmenu intro, Genetic
Species aga hd demo - of the game, presumably?, Miracle Chips 1 aga
intro and Scenemeeting Invitation aga intro.
1995 - Spiderwork, Mr.Salinas, The Crow, Kallestrup and Jolly Roger were
all kicked late in the year. Sardonyx Seenpoint 2 12/95 reported that
Raze and Drac are the new organizers, that Jaxx left the group to become
independent, that Cyboman/Balance joined, that Raivo/Black Jack joined and
that Tricktrax joined from Tribe.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reports that Spacebrain music
joined, that Cyboman changed his handle to Eliss-D, that danish Powdihacker
org code, 12/95- left for Puzzle, that danish Artphaze gfx, new late96
left the group and probably the scene, that Drac joined Cosmic Woodheads as
a doublemember, and finally that a pc section had been established.
Dutch swapper Coolio new late96 changed his handle to Blunt and joined
Musician Trayzor 12/95 left late 96.
Vaxx left to be independent late 95.
Freaks Dont Care 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Zeek, gfx: Cyboman, Cain, music: Canellamips by Trayzor.
16th or 24th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Its an OK intro, this. Theres some OK effects, like a zoom-
rotator with jerky zooming and an OK voxel routine. The chiptune is
functional, with a very good tune for the end part. Its a remake of an
actual tune that was on the charts. My gf recognized the tune as being
called Jimmie Dean, but couldnt remember the name of the group. Very
good. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Rynkeby Morgenmild 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Powdihacker, gfx: Cain main, Shadow Walker rynkeby logo, music:
Raze. 16th or 24th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Another good TP5 intro from Ambrosia, this one gives us a
texturemapped motionblurred cube and some fractal roofs and floors as its
main attractions. The boom-boom-boom generic techno is a major drawback,
though. The opening Rynkeby logo is awful. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
4K 1995, 28.12, 4k Intro.
code: Zeek, gfx: none, music: Trayzor.
Contribution for The Party 5 4k intro compo.
review: Nothing much to this one, except that it features actual music -
unusual for a 4k intro. The only effect is a dottunnel, and weve seen
that a million times before. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Ard 1996, 05.04, AGA 4MB HD Multifile.
code: Syntax, Powdi, gfx: Cain, Cyboman, Access, music: Cyboman.
Released at The Gathering 96, outside competition.
review: There is one thing about Ard that draws it down a lot The fact
that the entire demo is presented in that ghosted mode, that apparently
saves a lot of rastertime on c2p routines. Theres just one drawback with
that, the demo has an altogether average feel to it. The code is OK, I
guess, but the graphics and music are so average it hurts. The whole
thing has a rushed together feel to it, made further evident by the
fact that this demo was released out of competition at TG. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Riverhouse LSD Mix 1996, 06.07, AGA HD Demo.
2nd in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Extel 1997, 30.03, 4k Intro.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 4k intro competition!
Amiga Freelancers AF
NOR Zap code.
AF rose from nothing to instant fame when they released the first version
of ProTracker 1.0, and stayed there until they had released their final
version. Until PT arrived, sceners had had to make do with the limited
NoiseTracker by the Swedes Mahoney Kaktus. When PT 1.1 introduced things
like a built-in sampler and an online help system, there was no turning
back. In a way, AF got their name in the Amiga demoscene history books on
the back of one single production...
1992 - Anders Hamre code joined Pure Metal Coders around january.
Amiga Industries AI
1988 - Hero was caught by the police in december.
GER Fred sysop MIND BOMB, 09/91.
Amnesia was a mainly German demo group, with members in other countries.
Some other productions were Copper History file, Cycle Meets Plasma
file, Epilepsia I musicdisk, Epilepsia II musicdisk, Plastic-Dots
file and Red is Green is Blue file.
1992 - German Skyfox left for Agnostic Front.
Amnesia is dead!
Norwegian musician Symph ONee joined Wizzcat.
Lowkick, Tim, Rease, Rahiem and Scottie joined Wizzcat.
Devil ex Damian joined The Dark Demon.
Runt joined Decade.
Cycle Meets Plasma 1992, 19.04, ECS Demo.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
Textro 1992, 10.10, ECS Intro.
code: Chip-Ram, gfx: Art/Dead Awake, music: Tim.
Released at Ami-Expo 92.
POL Aju trade cosys, late97, Ash gfx, old handle Insert, 97, Beton
trade, late97, Comanche raytrace, late97, Domel code, late97,
Fenix sysop, ex Royal, new late97, Guma swap, Hasid mainorg code,
08/96-late97, Ice code, late97, Invert music, late97, Madman
music, late97, Mephi Mercin Kwasninski, sysop, ex Damage, new
late97, Stasi trade, late97, Szudi music, late97, Umpal gfx,
08/96-late97, Zoltan raytrace, doublememb Mawi, new late97.
Amnesty are a purely Polish demo group.
1995 - The group released the intro Spume 03/95 as their first amiga
lifesign as far as I know at the Primavera party in Poland. It reached 9th
position in the intro competition there.
1996 - Insert joined Depth in june...But Depths Eurocharts 31 reported
that he was still in the group 11/97, and had changed his handle to Ash!
Anyone? Hasids 64k intro Crom received third place at the Intel Outside 3
party in august.
1997 - Polish graphician and musician Dave ex Freezers, new late96-08/96
left the group after the Rush Hours party in the beginning of 1997. He did
not find a suitable new group, and remained groupless for the remainder of
1997, before finally joining Haujobb. Artworks Generation 24 04/97
reported that polish swapper and raytracer Korball joined from Dinx Project.
He left the scene later in the year.
Spume! 1995, 12.03, Intro.
9th in the Primavera 95 intro competition.
Crom 1996, 30.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Hasid, gfx: Umpal, music: Dave.
3rd in the Intel Outside 3 64k intro competition.
review: Phong-toruses and texturestretchers abound in this 64k intro from
the Poles in Amnesty. Also a fast envmapper is given space, though all of
these effects are slightly marred by the blocky look of the objects.
Otherwise, excellent textures make them a pleasure to view, if youre not
too close to the screen. Some speedy effects, and a good soundtrack, make
this a worthwile little intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
HazMix 1996, 10.11, AGA 4k Intro.
code: Hasid, gfx: none, music: none.
Winner of the Gravity 96 4k intro competition!
review: Beautiful. Just beautiful. HazMix must surely be the best ever
4k intro - at least at the time of its release. Hasid has managed to cram
an amazing amount of variations on a couple of effects into his alotted
4k. You wont BELIEVE how long this little bastard keeps going!
An amazing achievement. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Hazchemix 1996, 10.11, AGA File.
code: Hasid, gfx: none, music: Dave.
3rd in the Gravity 96 demo competition.
review: This demo possesses an amazing amount of atmosphere! As a result
of the visuals, the great and moody music mind you, I usually hate this
kind of thing and the widescreen display youre almost spellbound the
first time you see it. Theres almost NO text or graphics, just the
visuals. Large portions of phong and bump effects are the order of the
day, and these routines seem both fast and smooth at least on my 030 :.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
NOR Ace, Bozo, Buzak, Ghost, Girton, Never Mind, Rubberduck, Slimeball,
Norwegian coder Coke joined Stone Arts.
Blaze, dff180 and Tom joined Cryptoburners.
Amonia was formed when the two small groups Lynxor and Edge fusioned.
There are no separate entries for the two source groups.
Diagonal Insanity ECS Demo.
Coppershock 1990, 29.12, ECS File.
Anadune AND, 1994-, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1895/
POL Andy trade, ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97, Green Pawel Urban,
raytrace, ex Beton Design, new 06/96-08/97, Kazik Kazimierz
Perkowski, mainorg gfx, 12/96-08/97, Madbart raytrace trade sysop
THE SECT WHQ, doublememb Appendix, 11/96-08/97, Mr.Acryl Artur
Fabrycy, code, 05/96-08/97, Norman Miroslaw Okonski, swap pack, ex
Rektum, new 06/96-08/97, QBA swap, triplememb Nah Kolor and PIL,
late96-early98, Revisq Patryk Gegniewicz, music swap, ex Legion,
doublememb Floppy late96, new 06/96-08/97, Robson code, ex
Scalaris?/Depth?, new 06/96, Scorpik music, 05/96, Tonid networker,
08/97, Zig code, 12/96-01/97.
??? BlackWine code music, ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97, Dr.Greg code,
08/97, Spoonman sysop RUSSIA, new 06/96, Zeebi music, 08/97.
Boards LOS ENDOS EHQ ger, NEMEZIS pol, REALITY BYTES nor, late97,
UPHOLD THE LAW ger distsite.
Anadune seem to take their role as the new Polish 1 very seriously.
They arranged the Gravity 96 party in Poland 11/96. It seems action may
have more or less left the scene, but this is unconfirmed.
1996 - Rekin changed his handle to Mario, but was kicked in june.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 repoted that polish Sharp gfx
swap, ex Megapoint, new 06/96 was kicked, that Action switched from being a
mailswapper to a modem, that german Celic sysop LOS ENDOS joined, and
that UPHOLD THE LAW is now the groups german distribution site.
German sysop Celic LOS ENDOS, 08/97 left the scene late 97 or early 98.
2000 - Luke code left for Skarla early in the year.
Polish trader and sysop Losiu ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97 left to be
independent late97/early98.
Polish musician, trader and swapper Action Przemek Wozny, ex Damage, new
06/96-08/97 left the scene late97/early98.
Polish VIS graphician Lazur ex Nah Kolor, new 04/96-02/97 has, in a
surprise move, left to join Scoopex ROM9. He released one slideshow for
Anadune, Wild 96 in addition to working on several of their demos.
Impast 1994, 13.11, AGA Slideshow.
Released at Gelloween 94. Anadunes first ever release!
Collage 1995, 30.04, AGA Demo.
Released at Eastern Conference 95.
Infliction 1995, 30.08, AGA Demo.
6th in the Intel Outside 95 demo competition.
Foundation 1995, 28.12, Demo.
19th in The Party 95 demo competition.
Cyberspace 1996, .03, AGA Slideshow, 2 disks.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Kazik, music: Scorpik.
Wild Preview 1996, .04, AGA File.
Wild 1996, .05, AGA Slideshow.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Lazur, music: Scorpik. Cooperation with Nah-Kolor.
information: Wild is polish graphician Lazurs second slideshow, his first
being TRSIs Sun 95. Two of the pictures here can also be seen in
Mystics Assembly96 demo Traffic 08/96.
Boombastic 1 1996, .06, AGA Admag.
The Sunrise 1996, 23.06, AGA File.
code: n/a, gfx: Lazur, music: n/a.
2nd in the Polish Summer Party 96 demo competition.
Boombastic 2 1996, .08, AGA Admag.
Soundgarden Preview 1996, .09, AGA Musicdisk.
Soundgarden 1996, AGA Musicdisk.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Fame, music: Revisq.
Gravity Party Invitation 1996, late, AGA Demo.
Invitation to the Gravity party in november.
Oops! 1996, 10.11, AGA 1MB 64k Intro.
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there.
Versor 1997, 23.02, AGA 64k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: Kazik, music: n/a.
2nd in the Rush Hours 97 64k intro competition.
review: What struck me after seeing Versor was, this is just like an
Azure intro - only more blocky! You see, were presented here with a few
effects that are quite a lot like some of what Azure did in Dawn.Remix
04/96 and other intros - the difference being that Azures routines were
1x1. The intro opens with an envmapped logo, which is afterburned and
finally fades away. Then were shown a Versor logo and some other
graphics, before another envmapped object, this time with some
transparency. The show ends with the Versor logo from before being blown
up to fill the whole screen, and a phong env object appears on top of it -
before it starts to morph, and spikes shoot out of it. One cool thing
about this intro is the graphics smoothing used here, which seems
extremely effective! All effects have background graphics. The music is
quite anonymous - I cant really remember how it went now : The intro
opens and ends with a badly drawn image of a tree. Anyone know the
significance of this?
The intro itself contains no credits, except the fact that the
signature on Kaziks logo is plainly visible. Anyone know who coded and
wrote the music for this intro? The logo can be extracted by decrunching
the file packed with Imploder and using a tool like WRip to extract the
iff file. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Yon 1997, 23.02, AGA Multifile Demo.
code: Mr.Acryl, Zig, gfx: Kazik, Lazur, Mr.Acryl objects, music: Revisq
The Player 6.1A format. Winner of the RushHours97 demo competition!
Cooperation with Floppy.
review: Not my favorite demo, but still not bad from the new Polish
masters. The most disappointing thing about this demo is the graphics!
With a quality pixeler like Lazur working on it, I expected a lot better
than what I got...and Kaziks pictures werent much comfort. Some nice
effects, bump, env and the usual shit, and a tune that doesnt get TOO
irritating makes it pass the grade. Above average but lacks the final
spark... The txt file in the demo directory suggests it was meant as a
contribution for The Party 6. I have no idea how much memory it requires,
but at least it ran fine with 4mb fast! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Gravity 97 english version 1997, AGA Intro.
Invitation to the Gravity 97 party in august.
Quark 1997, .07, AGA 64k Intro.
Released at Kindergarten 97.
Zoom 1997, 08.08, AGA Demo.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Kazik, Gryf raytrace, music: Revisq.
Contribution for the Assembly 97 demo competition.
Czyjest 1997, 31.08, AGA Intro.
Released at Gravity 97.
Whizzz! 1997, 14.12, 64k Intro.
5th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. info: Requires an FPU.
YAga 1999, 14.11, Demo.
2nd in the Satellite 2 demo competition.
Photo Cell 1x1 2000, Slideshow.
code: n/a, gfx: Kazik, music: n/a.
Released in cooperation with Madwizards.
info: A pc version was also released.
Anaheim 1994-
FIN Cancer Jarno Pato, gfx swap, 02/94, Diamond Jarmo Nikkanen, code,
02/94, E.M.F Jarmo Pitknen, swap, 02/94, Lance Ville Heijari, gfx
swap, 02/94.
??? D Fence music, 02/94.
Is D Fence the same norwegian guy that was later in Balance? Anaheim seem
to be based in Finland, wouldnt you say?
Broken Connection 1994, 15.02, ECS Intro.
code: Diamond, gfx: Cancer, Lance, music: Cellarband by D Fence.
review: A horror example of what NOT to do, this is one of a million
stereotype contact us intros out there. You know the kind, with a logo
at the top, and a scroller/plotter occopying the rest of the screen.
Words cannot describe how bored I am with these :
This is their first ever released intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Bubble 1994, 08.03, AGA Intro.
Anal Intruders AI
AI is probably most known for their fake Enigma 2 release at The Gathering
94. I remember expectations riding high when we saw the next demo would be
Enigma 2, but unfortunately it wasnt. Theyre also notorious for their nazi
sympaties...unfortunately they dont seem to be able to present their
opinions in a way thats not laughable.
KKK ECS Musicdisk.
The Analist 1993, 30.05, ECS Demo.
Released at The Computer Crossroads 93.
Analog ALG
FRA Axis 01/94, Erekose Philippe Veriere, swap music, old handle
Zorglub, ex Equinox, also in Zuul Design pc, 09/92-01/94, Geronymho
Martin, mainorg music, Ktulu and Baobab 01/94, Milena 01/94,
Pats, PTit Louis sysop EIFFEL TOWER, Potiron, Revolution 01/94,
Spoky mainorg, 01/94, Squale and Rabi sysops RHYTHM NATION,
Steelhertz Franck Abitbol, music, new 09/92, Stingray 01/94, Stone
old handle Pedro, SuperBee Thierry Ginoux, music, new 09/91-03/92,
Zac Clark Gaybeul, music, new 11/91.
GER Front 6 Sren Gessele, music, ex Dynamic, new 10/93, Justice sysop
TERMINAL FUCKUP, 08/93, Noise music, Old Spook 01/94, Rick
Marco Ricono, music, new 03/93-01/94, Sigma ex Scoopex, 01/95,
Stranger ex Saints, new ROM3/ex Impact, Tron 01/94, Venom 01/94.
SWI Bishop sysop CAPE FEAR, same as Road Runner?, 08/93, Black Sun
early92-01/94, Burgame music, Dunhill Hans Haltinner, music, new
02/92, Eurex sysop2 CIVIL WAR WHQ open 93, Excalibur sysop
BENEDICTION, 08/93, Highlander Amor Carlos, swap sysop1 CIVIL
WAR WHQ open 93, 01/94, Pinhead 01/94, Road Runner sysop CAPE
FEAR, same as Bishop?.
FIN Swan Svante Lehtinen, music, ex Swantti/Midnight Sun, 01/96.
USA Deathbringer sysop HORROR ZONE, 04/95.
??? Buckaroo ex Artefact, Cobburn fra?, Coronal ex Nova, Joker
sysop, ex Taurus, new late94, Motown ex Lunatic Earls, Remote, U2
fra? music.
Analog is a demo group based in France, but with divisions in Germany and
Switzerland. They were born in 1990 or 91, after the all-french group Sun
Connection changed their name to Analog and started taking in foreign
divisions. The Swiss section goes under the name The Sect. Their members
are also behind utilities like SunTracker II, IAM Packer, Bootshop and
Infomod. Other Analog productions, where I have a minimum of information
is New Members Joined intro, Mushroom file, not on A5001000,
Jointro intro 94 and Spidy intro 94.
1991 - Shogun and Scud left mid 91.
1992 - Germans Shade formerly Dynac/The Silents and Jason joined around
1993 - Germans Kernal code and Chaos! gfx, both ex TKOB no entry
joined Desire mid 93. German musician Dynamite ex Cyanide, new 03/93
joined Noxious mid 93. German organizer Jason left the scene mid 93.
1994 - German sysop Trooper LOST CARRIER, ex Dynamic, 01/94 joined
Lego late94.
Frenchmen Monty music, Cobburn music, 91, Geronymho music, 91, Reflex
music and End of Data are no longer members.
Dillenger and Coractor joined Dynamix.
German swapper Mr.King ex Beyond, new late92-01/94 joined Vision with his
famous pack Nevermind.
Wea ex Psycho joined, but soon moved on to join Speedy.
The two Germans Excess gfx and T.N.T Ralf Merker, raytrace music swap,
both new 03-04/93 left.
French sysop Cypher and Mery HANG LOOSE joined Fairlight early 93.
Germans coders Slash responsible for Important Note and Cockroach ex
Impact both joined DCS.
German Shade joined Alcatraz.
Germans Placid music, new 11/92 and Plasma, collectively known as Cream
Design, left to join TEK. Eternal 2 however, claimed Plasma had joined
DCS, and he IS confirmed in this group, before moving on to The Silents...
Disease Demo.
Epic Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Breastbone by Erekose.
info: The tune Breastbone was also used in the muscidisk Difficult To
Analogia 1991, ECS Megademo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Cobburn and Geronymho.
Cyclone Dentro 1991, ECS File.
info: Two versions were released one that required 1MB and one that ran
on 512k machines.
The Sun Is A Pacman 1991, ECS Intro.
Invitation to a party, but which? :-
86 Musics 1991, .05 or .06, ECS Musicdisk.
First Blood 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Dancing Light-Exp by Zorglub ProTracker
format. Released at the Iris New Year party.
Face The Facts 1992, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Facethefacts I by Noise.
One Day In The Sol-System II v1.2 1992, ECS Slideshow.
The Red And The Blue 1992, ECS Intro.
Falling Up 1992, 26.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Digital by Dunhill, Falling Up by Cobburn
and Monty. 2nd in the Hurricane Party 92 demo competition.
info: Nonworking on A1200.
Difficult To Cure 1993 or later, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Difficult intro, Breastbone and
Circles by Erekose.
info: The tune Breastbone was also used in the demo Epic.
Important Note 1993, 28.03, ECS Intro.
code: Slash, gfx: Excess, music: I Dreamed of You by T.N.T.
Released at CeBit 93.
The King Of Biscuits 1993, 05.05, ECS File.
NeverMind Pack Preview 1993, 01.08, ECS Intro.
Released at the 680xx Convention 1993.
Analogy 1992-
FIN Synx code gfx, 92-10/93.
??? Slaverider music, 92-10/93, Stephen gfx, 10/93, U.F.O music, 92,
Wizzy gfx, 92.
Analogy was formed after the group Crashead kicked all their lazy members
and decided to form an entirely new group this occured ca 10/92.
BBS-Tro 1992, ECS Demo.
code: Synx, gfx: Wizzy, Synx, music: KatseLama-Aikaan by Slaverider.
Rational Prodigy 1992, ECS Disk.
HiTech Party Invitation 1992, .10, Trackmo.
HiTech Party Invitation 2 1992, ECS Demo.
code: Synx, gfx: Wizzy, Synx, music: HerEyes by U.F.O.
Hysteria 1993, 12.08, Trackmo, 2 disks.
5th in the Assembly 93 intro competition.
Dyspepsia 1993, .10, ECS Trackmo.
code: Synx, gfx: Stephen, music: Slaverider.
3rd in the Aggression 93 demo competition, and best of the Amiga entries.
info: Requires a pre-2.04+ system.
Sub.l 7fd1 1994, 07.08, AGA HD File.
8th in the Assembly 94 demo competition.
Anarchy 1989-1993
ENG Del Derek Leigh-Gilchrist, code, 12/90, Gamma Fred, music, ex Razor
1911 old, Hammer Adam, code, 02-08/90, Kris code, Punisher code,
02/90, Raphael D.Blackmore, 08/90.
DEN Cyboman sysop, Deltaforce sysop2 BOOMERANG EHQ, Rush Rene
Mllnitz, code, 91-12/92, Streamline ex The Flashing Bytes, Trix
Flemming, org sysop1 BOOMERANG EHQ, ex Rebels, new mid91.
FRA Lethal code, new 09/92, Neptune code, ex Atlantys, Raspoutin ex
The Silents, Rookie ex The Silents, Skynet ex Rebels.
GER Deathstar swap.
FIN Griffon Janne Kammonen, music, ex Gate, new 12/90, Psycho Jani
Peltonen, code, ex Gate, new 12/90.
NOR Laiz swap, ex Gate, new 12/90.
SWE Mic 91, Odeon 91, Teeze org, 12/90-91.
USA Dr.Feelgood sysop OVERDOSE, Steve sysop MYSTIC PLACES, ex
Vertigo or Desire!?, 12/92, Trillion sysop POWERHOUSE, 04/91-
??? Cosy eng? swap pack, ex Magnetic Fields, new mid91, Marvin swe? gfx,
11/90, Twister swe? gfx music, 11/90, Zarch code.
Boards PROVOCATION swe, 12/90.
Anarchy spent some time as the definitive super-group of the demo scene,
before it grew too big and simply died. When they were on top, though, they
produced what are some of the most well-remembered demos ever... However,
when the best members went and formed Lemon. on 1st February 1993, they
pretty much nailed the coffin. After a little while, the remainders of the
group decided that the blow was too hard, and theyd rather quit on top
than keep going at half speed. Dan and Nuke were involved with the making
of several games for Core Design while still in Anarchy, like Chuck Rock.
There has NEVER been a member called Striker and Zoom was never kicked
despite rumours in some mags.
1990 - English coder Del joined the group from Mayhem sometime between
april and december. In october, the group was reinforced with Mystik gfx,
Dan code gfx and Kris code from Reaktor. Dan soon released his first
production for his new group, the demo Madness 10/90. Come december and
Stolen Data 5 12/90 - their best yet - they also announced the joining
of English musicians Nuke and Cosmos, as well as the leaving of Raistlin
code, 07/90- and Pioneer who both left the group to concentrate on their
1991 - During the easter holidays in late march, the swedish division
Odeon, Mic, Teeze arranged the Anarchy Easter Conference 91 party.
Germans Mike sysop STATE OF MIND, 09/91, Cyfreak and Koto left for
Endless Piracy in september. The entire french section of The Silents were
recruited late in the year - possibly as early as september, but more likely
around december. These members were Audiomonster who returned to TSL after
just a few days, Conquest, NHP, BKH, Performer, Ronan, Rookie, Surfer and
1992 - All Swedish and Finnish members were kicked around january,
according to R.A.W 2 02/92, because of their extreme lazyness and bad
attitudes. Swedish sysop Stanton 3AM ETERNAL joined Amaze around
january, possibly as a sideeffect of the above. German swapper Mike D. ex
Sanity joined Complex, French coder DCA joined from Rebels and danish
musician Maestro joined from Kefrens around january. Come the beginning of
april, the group arranged the Anarchy Easter Party in Barnsley, England,
which was even visited by their foreign members Facet. The group
themselves came 1st with the trackmo Krestmass Leftovers 04/92
Krest/Critical Mass and third with the musicdisk Legalise It... 04/92
Dan/Facet/Nuke in the demo competition The scrolltext in the musicdisk
revealed that Rush had now moved to England, and was working as a programmer
at Core Design alongside Dan. The french section released their first
production for Anarchy - the musicdisk Spring Melodies 04/92 - at the
Eastern Conference in Belgium a little later in april. The groups brand-new
german section won the demo competition at the Digital Symposium with
Flower Power 10/92, but soon after big problems arose in the newborn
section. Crux ex Dual Crew and Slick ex Cyberactive were first kicked
out, and as a result of this Pinny Christian also left. Anarchy then
decided to close down the entire section, and thus Tron, MCM and E.Toball
all ex Dual Crew were all kicked out! Tron joined Sanity, MCM joined
Spaceballs, E.Toball joined Complex and Crux joined Adept. RAW 5s claim
that Tron also joined Complex is untrue. Danish musician Maestro Martin
Agger, who had joined from Kefrens as early as january, was kicked out
around october because of lazyness and not being involved with the scene
at all. On the 14th of June 1996 he died in Aarhus, Denmark, at the age of
24. Swedish sysop Norad ACES HIGH was recruited around october, and this
is now the ONLY board in Anarchy. French swapper Mental ex Atlantys left
for Willow around october. Englishmen Mole 12/90 and Mr.Big John,
02-12/90 left the scene in the latter part of 1992. Mr.Big was editor of
Stolen Data for a while.
1993 - On the 1st of february 1993, a large portion of Anarchys most
talented members in England, Denmark and Holland left to form a new, smaller
group called Lemon. These members were Facet hol gfx, ex Vision, new
late91, Dan eng code, ex Reaktor, new 10/90, Nuke eng music, new
12/90, Hannibal den code, ex The Silents, old handle Sunjohn, 12/91,
Slash den gfx, ex Flash Productions, 12/91, Mad Freak den music, 12/91
and Paradroid eng code, ex Digital, new 07/92. Indirectly, it was this
act that killed Anarchy. Left without its best members, people started
losing their confidence in the supergroup, and started leaving in droves.
English coder and graphician Kreator Michael Troughton, production editor
Stolen Data, 07/90-12/92 landed a job at Reflections the people behind
the Shadow of the Beast games and consequently left the scene at the end
of january. A few months later they were stone dead. Later, dutch graphician
Danny ex Mirage also joined Lemon. The two Danes ICronite and Milkshake
both ex Rebels, who participated in such fine productions for Anarchy as
Digital Innovation 91 and Hardcore 12/92, left to form Camel
Corporation in February 1993. Frenchmen NHP BKH org music, 04-12/92,
Conquest and Zoom all 04/92, all ex The Silents joined Scoopex in early
1993. After Anarchy died, the Englishmen Judge Drokk Mark, org editor
Stolen Data, 02/90-04/92, 4-Mat Matthew Simmonds, music, 07/90-12/92,
Mystik gfx, ex Reaktor, new 10/90-12/92, Krest code and Critical Mass
code all decided to end their involvement with the scene. 4-Mats music
has since graced several games, as you all know, and it is believed that
Kris code, ex Reaktor, new 10/90 joined him in gamemaking land. This is
NOT confirmed, however.
Del Derek Leigh-Gilchrist is today a game programmer at Codemasters.
French painter Suny ex Rebels, 12/92 joined Movement.
Arpegiator music joined Chryseis late 92.
French coder Ronan ex The Silents, 04/92 joined Sanity.
Ronan coded the musicdisk Spring Melodies 04/92 for Anarchy.
Finns Destop gfx and WDO code rejoined CNCD.
In the middle of january, Danes Slammer code and Xience gfx, both ex
Rednex joined Melon Dezign. Later also Solnova gfx joined. Slammer and
Xience collaborated on the trackmo In The Kitchen 06/92 for Anarchy.
Norwegian coder and swapper Octoplex ex Gate, new 12/90 joined Palace.
French graphician Titan ex Atlantys joined Digital.
Swedes Lexter code, Mosh code, 11/90 and Dexter music, new 09/91
joined Shining pre 03/92.
Swedish sysop Norad ACES HIGH WHQ joined Virtual.
Tama ex Euphoria left the scene.
German Maec is NOT a member of Anarchy.
French coder Performer ex The Silents joined Melon Dezign. He was never a
member of Rebels, as some people claimed.
Belgian Cybersonik ex Cult who worked as coeditor on Stolen Data for a
while, was kicked by Trix! He therefore joined Alcatraz 09/92.
French trader Rhod ex Rebels old left the scene. The information in RAW3
that he was kicked seems to be untrue, especially since both the next RAW
and Anarchys own mag Stolen Data confirms he left.
French swapper Surfer David Pointu, ex The Silents left the scene.
Conquest took over the organizing of the French section.
French coder DCA ex Rebels old joined The Silents.
The entire French division of The Silents joined. However, a few days later
Audiomonster returned to TSL.
Finns Golem gfx, ex Gate, new 12/90-91 and Major Tom joined Carillon.
Banger and Mediator Andrew, eng code, 07-10/90 left Anarchy mid 91. Banger
first joined Punishers, and later left the scene altogether.
German sysop Bomber PEARL HARBOUR opened 09/91 joined Crusaders late91.
Finnish musician Bruno ex Gate, new 12/90-91 joined SCUP. Bruno released
the musicdisk Brunos Music Box 3 91 while in Anarchy.
Igor gfx, 07/90-04/91, Fobia and Cosmos eng music, new 12/90 got kicked.
Finnish coder and graphician Wraith Mika Keskikiikonen, ex Gate, new
12/90 left the scene 91 a decision he announced in Anarchys Brunos
Music Box III.
Demo Dolly Mixture No.01 ECS Intro.
code: Zarch, gfx: Marvin logo, Igor font, music: Popkorn by Nuke
4ch MOD format.
review: This intro precedes the first ever issue of Anarchys packseries
Demo Dolly Mixture compiled by Cosy, and is very very standard. The
music is a suitably cheery chip affair, and the obligatory logo at the top
of the screen is nicely done, if a little unimaginative. The rest is just
the normal text and scroller. This is the kind if intro you are likely to
see a hundred of... Please note that this is NOT a selector, just an
intro, the selection itself was probably done in DOS. The intro does not
in any way indicate any release date. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Inspired Sounds ECS Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Bob Intro 1.0 1989, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: ???/Triangle.
Kreators First 1989, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: 4-Mat.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Party 89.
Stolen Data 1 1989, .11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Codex/Razor 1911.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Tar-Snare Slider by ???/TAR,
editors: Kreator, Nosah/DCS.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: The Dark Lord font, logo, music: Tennis by
???/Spreadpoint ripped.
Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: The very first issue of SD opens with a good intro - colorful and
professional. Then on to the mag itself... You are first taken to a menu,
where you can choose to see one of three new demos so its almost a pack
too!, the charts or the mag itself. The menu is a little much, really,
too colorful and overcrowded for a diskmag. SD was originally on both
paper and disk, with the papermag containing the bulk of the material...
As a result, the editorial content of this first issue is VERY limited.
In fact, youll read this mag from start to end in about 10 minutes...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Final Samples Advertisment 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx/music: 4-Mat.
Master of Magic 1990, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Tony, music: 4-Mat.
Welcome 1990, ECS File.
code/music: Hammer, gfx: Raphael, Hammer.
Sine Intro 3.0 1990, .01, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: Raphael, music: 4-Mat SAE.
Kreators Party Demo 1990, 04.02, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Magnetic Fields Select Party demo competition!
4-Mats Jam Session 1990, 04.02, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat. info: Chipmusicdisk.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Select Party.
Stolen Data 2 1990, .02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Stolen Data Theme 1 by Gonzo/Flash
Production 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Cloud Dreaming by 4-Mat 4ch MOD
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Lovesong by 4-Mat, editors:
Kreator, Nosah/DCS.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, The Dark Lord font, music: 6beat by
4-Mat 4ch MOD format. Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: The coding of this mag remains mostly the same as last time, only
the music and text seem to have changed significantly. Its still both
disk- and paperbased, with the paper edition having most of the
significant information - sadly. There are just two demos on the disk this
time, Red Sectors Follow Me and Rebels Vectors 1990, but in addition
there are also two small utilities, Boot Memory Clear and Music Ripper for
Titanics Cruncher by Punisher/Anarchy.
The different heading above for this review means INT intro, MEN
menu, MAG magazine and CHA charts. The mag was released in february,
but after MFs Select party 03-04.02, so probably sometime around mid
february. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sine Intro 4 1990, 08.03, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Winter Conference 90 Invitation 1990, early, ECS Intro.
Invitation to the Anarchy Winter Conference 90.
Stolen Data 3 1990, .06, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, music: Stolen Data Theme 1 by Gonzo/
Flash Productions 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Caress and Fantastic by
Mr.Fancy/Giants, Live Inside Paula by Gonzo/Flash Productions all
4ch MOD format.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 6Beat by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Lies by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format,
editor: Mr. Big.
Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: Nothing has changed on the graphics front since the last issue
everything is precisely the same! Mr.Big is the new editor. Nothing much
to read here yet, most of the material was still being used for the paper
edition. There were no demos or other stuff on the disk this time, the
extra material was used for the three winning tunes from their music
competition in issue 1. No release date appears in the mag, but some
coding examples on the disk carry a 06/90 date... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
For Your Delectation Delight 1990, 08.04, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Released at The Silents, Mayhem and Quartex Party 90.
info: The intro also features graphics ripped from the game Xenon.
Vector Bobs 90 1990, 08.04, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, Del/Mayhem, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Released at The Silents, Mayhem and Quartex Party 90.
info: The intro also features graphics ripped from the game Xenon.
Mini-Intro 1990, 14.05, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: Mr.Big, music: mod.Led-Storm by 4-Mat.
Music Demo 1990, 03.06, ECS File.
code/gfx: Tony Roach, music: Jochen Hippel/independent.
Raistlins Message Box 1 1990, .07, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Slipstream Party Demo 1990, 28.07, ECS File.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
Released at the Slipstream Summer Party 90.
Slipstream Party Intro 1990, 28.07, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Raistlin, Norris, music: n/a from some game.
Released at the Slipstream Summer Party 90.
Slipstream Party - Bournemouth 90 Intro 1990, 28.07, ECS Intro.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Phantasmagoria 1990, .08, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Stolen Data 4 1990, .08, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator font, logo, music: DNA-Dream by
4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: Igor logo, Kreator bobs, music: Intro-
Music by 4-Mat, Latitude by Trevor Hamlett, Vector by
Firefox/Phenomena, New-Wave 1 by New-Wave/Reaktor all 4ch MOD
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Waterfall by 4-Mat 4ch MOD
ART - code: Hammer, gfx: The Dark Lord fonts, Kreator fonts, music:
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Music by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
Cooperation with DCS.
review: The intro remains the same, but the new menu is refreshing and
ultimately heaps better than the old one! In addition to the mag and the
charts, it also allows us to see the art gallery or listen to three cool
tunes thay have received since last time! Onto the mag we go, and its
immediately obvious that theres a lot more to read now than there used to
be! And the mag would continue to improve... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- needs KillAGA.
Dot Demo II 1990, 18.08, ECS File.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, Mystik/Reaktor, music: 4-Mat, Jochen Hippel/
independent, others. Released at the Share Enjoy Party 90.
Captured Imagination 1990, .10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Mediator, gfx: Mystik, Mediator, music: Lunawaves at Sunset, Auf
Wiedersehn, Close to the Edge, VCC+GIGICAR 1989forestst, Heli,
Wizardry, The Golden Ages, The Last V8, Gartingkippers Ahoy, Ace
II, Cluster, Red Sector-Theme by 4-Mat, Dark Water and The-
RockinRuler by Twister.
Twister Earwax 1990, 06.10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Mosh, gfx: Twister, Marvin, music: Twister 9 tunes!.
Released at the No Limits Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
Raistlin Pack 9 Intro 1990, 27.10, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Mystik, music: Dr.Awesome/Crusaders.
Madness 1990, 21.10, ECS File.
code/gfx: Dan, music: 4-Mats Madness by 4-Mat.
Winner of the Magnetic Fields Revenge Party demo competition!
Raistlins Message Box 4 1990, 27.10, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Igor, Kreator, music: Dr.Awesome/Crusaders.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Revenge Party...?
Smoker 1990, 03.11, ECS File.
code: Mosh, gfx: Twister, Marvin, music: Twister.
2nd in the Amiga Halloween Conference 90 demo competition.
Stolen Data 5 1990, .12, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Del, Kris, gfx: Dan anarchy logo, Havok/independent sd
logo, music: Nuke.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Zapped Out by 4-Mat, Celebration
by Omega/Dual Crew, Up In The Woods by Steel/Subway and You Are
Not A God by Echo/Imagine.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, music: !Noname! by 4-Mat.
GAL - code: n/a, gfx: Raphael, Havok, Plaything by Scorch/independent,
Elf by D.Kalic/Technoflight, Turtles, Warriors of Destiny and
Nightpiccy by Cryolite/Cryptic, music: none.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Forests by 4-Mat, editor: Mr.Big.
review: Anarchy goes at it alone for the first time, and the results are
the best issue of SD yet! Improved in virtually every department, with
some remarkable new graphical talent - namely Havok - just adding spice to
the package. This time the limitations of the mag code became painfully
obvious, when there was just not enough room with just one magpart for all
the text, and the mag had to be split in two! A remarkable improvement
over previous issues.
The intro for the mag announced the joining of English musicians Nuke
and Cosmos, as well as the leaving of Raistlin and Pioneer who leaves the
group to concentrate on their educations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: caches/aga off.
Winter Conference 91 Invitation late 90/early 91, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Mutley, music: 4-Mat.
Invitation to the Winter Conference 91.
Brunos Music Box III 1991, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: Golem, music: Dr.Snuggles, Uralvolga Fine, B.S.T,
Oppenheimer, Gymnopedies, Sonar5, Tunnehairio, Stracger Is
Called by Bruno.
BMB2 was released when Bruno was still in Gate he later joined SCUP.
With this release, Wraith announced he was leaving the scene.
Digital Innovation 1991, ECS Disk.
code: Dan, Rush, ICronite, gfx: Golem load, intro, lions, Dan
sinescroll, Airwalk fonts, Milkshake fonts, walkman, Music: Kings
of Dawn NoisePacker 3 format and !Same As? by Nuke.
Madness II 1991, 23.02, ECS File.
code/gfx: Dan, music: 4-Mat. Released at the Anarchy Winter Conference 91.
System Violation 1991, 23.02, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Chuck2endgame by Nuke NoisePacker 2
format. 2nd in the Anarchy Winter Conference 91 demo competition.
Ferrytales 1991, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Mosh, gfx: Marvin, music: 4-Mat.
Intro 1991, 07.04, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, Del/Mayhem, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Stolen Data 6 1991, .05, ECS Diskmag.
MEN - code: Dan, Kris, gfx: Igor logo, Mystik font, Dan font, music:
Menutune by Nuke, Buena Vista by Danko/Phenomena, Micro World
by Tama/Cycron, Trouble Vision by Romeo Knight/Red Sector Inc.
CHA - code: Dan, gfx: Mystik logo, Dan fonts, music: Charts by Nuke.
MAG - code: Kris, gfx: Mystik, Magtune by Nuke.
Cooperation with Axis and Flash Production.
review: With new cooperation partners, brand new code, and almost half a
year behind them since the last issue, SD 6 was their strongest issue
yet. It all opened with Havoks Stolen Data logo from last issues intro,
and onto a first page that immediately proved that everything was indeed
new! An unorthodox design, but also a sign of fresh ideas. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Inspiration is None 1991, 29.06, ECS File.
code: Mosh, gfx: Marvin, music: Nuke.
5th in the Amega Party demo competition.
Raistlins Message Box 5 1991, .08, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
Cooperation with Genesis.
Raistlins Message Box 6 1991, .09, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: Nuke.
The Fury 1991, .09, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Mystik, music: Ohno..A Demosong by 4-Mat.
info: Crashes after titlepic on machines with 2.0+.
Released at an internal meeting.
Raistlins Message Box 7 1991, .10, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: Gamma/Razor.
Stolen Data issue 7 1991, .10, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dan, Kris, gfx: Igor, Zoom/The Silents, Mystik, J.O.E/independent
gameboy, gun, Mithrandir/Acme pink cat, Fairfax/PMC owl, Uno/Scoopex
Stunner logo, music: Loader menu, Magazin Part mag, Mint
chart and Robozap gallery by Nuke, editors: Mr.Big, Teeze, Dexter,
Deathbringer/FP, Mystik, Rick/FP, Edison/Motion, Surfer/The Silents,
Mop/Axis, Judge Drokk, Mole, Trix, and others.
Cooperation with Flash Production FP. Released at the Digital Party.
Seeing Is Believing 1991, 28.12, ECS 1MB Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Nuke.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
3D Demo 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo, 2 disks.
code: Sunjohn, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
Visual Distortion 1992, 29.01, ECS File.
code: Dan, gfx: Krest, music: Nuke.
Krestmass Leftovers 1992, 04.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Krest, gfx: Critical Mass, music: n/a.
Winner of the Anarchy Easter Party 92 demo competition!
review: Critical Mass first prod for Anarchy.
Legalise It... 1992, 04.04, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Dan, gfx: Facet, music: Nuke.
3rd in the Anarchy Easter Party 92 demo competition!
review: Beautiful in its simplicity, Legalise It... is a classic among
amiga musicdisks. Facets perfect design touches makes us fondly remember
why he was considered one of the strongest graphical talents in the scene
back then, and Nukes perfect blend of jazzy and finnish-sounding tunes
cant help but think of Bruno, Dizzy and most of all Heatbeat when
hearing Nassum Peliti shows us a musical talent at the height of his
scene life. And Dans coding makes it all come together, creating a
production with an almost perfect sense of flow. After a brief intro
sequence, we are presented with a main menu for choosing - among other
things - what tunes to listen to. In addition, the function keys F1-F5
also allows us other choices F1 means a selection of scrollers, F2 is an
info screen on the currently played music, F3 is a credits sequence, F4
gives us a greetings scroller they originally wanted to have a separate
part for this too, but didnt have time, while finally F5 gives us our
bonus - a fullscreen picture of a dwarf warrior by Facet! The layout of
the main menu screen is simplicity itself, but nevertheless the overall
effect is one of professionality. An ANARCHY logo resides at the top,
under which the names of the six tunes are highlighted. Below this is a
simple scroll, and below that again a panel of the five function keys as
described above. Though this musicdisk is clearly inspired by
Phenomena/Scoopex/Rebels Crystal Symphonies 91, it lives perfectly in
its own right as a classic example of the magic that the scene could
create once upon a time... The disk offers six tunes on offer, none of
which to my knowledge was released before. They are Velomatrix 2:42,
Nassum Peliti 3:50, Love Funk 3:08, Time For Loving 2:28, Je
LAi Deja Vu 2:33 and Bloe Job 3:41.
Legalise It... was originally supposed to be a cooperation musicdisk
between Nuke and Maestro, but unfortunately Maestros music did not arrive
in time for inclusion on the disk. Even before it was finished, a second
installment was planned, as made evident by several of the scrolltexts.
Its release date was supposedly to be the end of april or beginning of may
- but it did not surface until november! The scrolltexts also kind of
announced Rush had moved to England and had secured a job at Core
Design, working alongside Dan.
This review was made not of the original version, but of the fixed one
released by Stingray/Darkage in june of 2001. This not merely a whdload
version or similar, Stingray has resourced the entire demo, and fixed
EVERYTHING - even sample and module replayers - to work correct on all 68k
cpus - without denting performance on older machines. As he says, it
should still work on the original configuration of an A500. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Stolen Data issue 8 1992, 04.04, ECS Diskmag.
code: Kreator main, Sunjohn charts, gfx: Zoom/The Silents SD logo,
Facet, Mystik, Slash, Morten Thuesen chart logo, Exarch/Aspect, Corny/
Shining, music: music stolendata menu, bonkynudge magazine by
Nuke, Charttune by 4-Mat ProPacker 2.1 format, editors: Mr Big, Judge
Drokk, Trix, Conquest, Cybersonik, Surfer, Rokdazone, and others.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 92.
Spring Melodies 1992, 19.04, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Ronan, gfx: Zoom, music: Ethnomagic, Game Score II, Game Score
III, Golden Path, Jazz Band, Vault of Heaven, Worlds War II by
NHP, Eliptical, Nutopia, Revealed Truths by BKH.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
review: I have not been able to get this musicdisk to work on my
configuration, no matter what Ive tried : I can get the booting logo by
Zoom which is pretty good, btw but once it finishes loading it always
crashes : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see review!
Glass Cube Frenzy 1992, .05, ECS File.
code: Dan, gfx: Mystik, Igor, music: Nuke.
In the Kitchen 1992, 29.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: Slammer, gfx: Facet title, fonts, Xience matilde, startlogo,
endpic, music: 4-Mat AC1D and PHA formats.
4th in the Hurricane Summer Party 92 demo competition.
info: There are three hidden parts. Refuses to work on my machine crashes
immediately upon loading the bootblock. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review!
Deja Vu 1992, 08.08, ECS 1MB Trackmo.
code: Paradroid, gfx: Paradroid, Krest additional, Slash additional,
music: Nuke. Winner of the Quartz Summer Conference!
review: Just weeks after he joined, Paradroid released this small, rushed
trackmo that still smells strongly of a professional attitude towards
demo coding. Paradroid also did most of his own graphics - and very well
he did them too. I guess this makes him Dans equal, in that theyre
coder-graphicians, which is a rare combination indeed. Nukes main tune
is a very bland disco affair, but the end tune is a much better, slower
affair. The code consists of mainly vector routines, but theyre strictly
state-of-the-art for the period, including stuff like ellipses and
complex shading. The graphics and design are what sets it a little
apart from the crowd, though. Very nice, if I may say so. I cannot vouch
for this needing the full 1MB or being just 512k. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
- Note: Glenz vectors bugs, otherwise perfect.
Stolen Data issue 9 1992, 27.08, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Focused On Art 1992, ECS Fileslideshow.
code: Slash/Vision, gfx: Facet, Hein Design/Vision, music: Sloom by Hein
Design/Vision 4ch MOD format. Cooperation with Vision.
info: Probably released around august.
Flower Power 1992, 24.10, ECS 1mb Trackmo.
code: MCM, Tron, gfx: E.Toball, music: Jester/Sanity main, 4-Mat
endpart, both Promizer format.
Winner of Digital Symposium 1992 demo compo.
Priority 1992, .11, ECS File.
code: Skynet, gfx: Titan, music: Audiomonster.
Legalise It 2 1992, 20.11, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Dan, gfx: Facet, music: Nuke.
info: Contains the tunes Bag Rasta, Breath of Air, Cloud Jumpin,
Money, Acid Jazz part1, Acid Jazz - Part 2, Jordan Jazz,
Emotions and Visitors. Additionally, Bruiser, Cloud Jumpin, Emus
Orgasm!, Gold Return, Intro, Menumusic.3nuke, Random Waveforms,
Trabalash and Where Now?? are hidden tunes, accessed by pressing F4-
F10. There are also 2 hidden parts.
3D Demo II Intro 1992, 27.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Hannibal, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
Released at The Party 92.
3D Demo II 1992, 28.12, ECS 1MBCHIP File.
code: Hannibal, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
2nd in The Party 92 demo competition.
info: Hannibal later released an updated version, which works on Kickstart
1.3 machines, and had some bugs fixed.
Hardcore 1992, 28.12, ECS 1MB Multifile.
code: Rush, ICronite, Dan, gfx: Facet, Milkshake, music: Nuke.
Released at The Party 92.
review: Since this demo no longer works on my current hardware, I will
have to write this review largely from memory. What I can remember,
though, is some excellent craftmanship, in all respects. I remember this
demo for Nukes great music, I remember it for Facets great Hardcore
title picture, and I remember it for its revolutionary vector code, with
complex effects like space cutting.
Technically, this demo consists of three files one small loader and
two data files. The executable and the first data files were packed with
the absolute address cruncher Time Cruncher 1.7, which may go a long way
in explaining why it doesnt work anymore. Rush, ICronite or Dan - please
release a working copy! The files must all be on a disk in df0: for the
demo to work. When you attempt to load the demo, it prints a little text
in the cli window, starts loading the first data file, and when its
done the machine gurus. This also happens with caches off, kicking down
to 1.3 etc. Believe me, Ive tried it all... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review.
Stolen Data 10 1992, 28.12, ECS Trackloaded diskmag, 2 disks.
All code: Kreator. Released at The Party 2.
LOAD - gfx: Facet, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
JUKE - gfx: Kreator, music: Above My Head, Perceptions End, Walk
at Night and 10 Untitled chip tunes by 4-Mat.
CHART - gfx: Kreator font, Mystik logo, music: Nuke.
GALRY - gfx: Facet titles, music: Nuke.
MAG - gfx: Mystik, music: NHP BKH, editor: Judge Drokk.
review: SDs swansong issue is an audio-visual feast. I LOVE the idea
theyve used, with having one disk with lots of pictures and tunes, and
one disk devoted to the mag. Presentation is flawless, as mentioned, with
lots of pictures and great design. Its not hard to understand SDs
position in the diskmag scene after having feasted on this. Excellent!
Released at The Party 92. ProPacker was used for music.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Lost Andromedeans 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lizard.
Elric joined Outlaws.
ENG Michael 96, Nova code, new 09/97, Shade swap, 96.
SWE Big Boss sysop CITY OF JOY WHQ, 01/95-02/96.
??? Penny old handle Steve Jones, late95, Thesus music, 08/95.
Boards LOYD BBS swe, mid96, MINOR MISHMASH swe, mid96.
Anathema was an English and Swedish demo group.
1995 - Thesus won the 4ch music competition at Assembly 95 with
1996 - Steve Jones joined Deep, while Sundance doublememb Technology
left to join Old Bulls in june.
The Imbassile 1993, 30.05, Musicdisk.
Released at The Computer Crossroads 93.
Hilargo 1994 or pre, Music.
info: Ambient style.
NR Seven 1994 or pre, Music.
A Febble Time 1994 or pre, ECS Demo.
Channel 4 1995, Musicdisk.
Revolution 1996, AGA File.
code: Ninja/Scoopex, gfx: Credo, Sense font, music: Michael and Style.
review: The star of the show is, naturally, the code...and thats not
even by a member of the group. The effects are advanced, but not terribly
exciting. Floyd-Steinberg gouraud is an innovation, though. Conclusion:
competent rather than exciting. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Andromeda AOA, 1989-
NOR Andy Anders, code, ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Archmage Hakon Repstad,
mainorg gfx, old handle The Mage, 09/91-95, Decker gfx, ex Scoopex,
new 04/93-04/95, Dr.Jekyll code, 09/91-12/94, Fairfax Torkell
Berntsen, gfx, ex Offence, 04/92-04/94, HeadX Terje Tho, code music,
ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Interphace music, old handle Lord Interface,
09/91-12/94, Jaz ex Scoopex, new 04/93-04/94, MCS swap, ex
Absence, 09/91-04/94, Mr.Hyde code, 09/91-12/94, Mr.Man Ronny
Nordeide, music, ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Quest gfx, ex Absence,
09/91-04/94, Size, View gfx raytrace, old handle The Main, new
92-04/94, William swap, old handle Dr.Cruz, 09/91-04/94, Wood gfx,
ex TRSI, new 05/93-04/94.
Andromeda must surely be one of the most successful demo groups of all
time. Productions like the Mirror 12/92 musicdisk and the Seven Seas
01/94 slideshow raised their international reputation, culminating in
their highlight year of 1994, when they won at both The Gathering with
Sequential and at The Party with their oustanding Nexus 7. Both those
demos made instant stars of their coders, and elevated Andromeda into the
absolute upper elite of demo groups. Unfortunately, they faded into the
inactivity that so many groups do at the top, and even though new demos have
been promised several times none has seen the light of day since their
finest hour at The Party 4. The group still exists, and is not dead as such.
Fairfax nowadays work as a graphician at Funcom.
Their internal rules are rather strict for example members are not
allowed to do packs or do modemtrading. Also, they do not allow members
from outside Norway, much like Phenomenas policy in the old days.
PRP4 brought the news that William did NOT leave the scene, despite that it
was claimed in several mags. Size closed his board RAW FUSION, but DIDNT
leave the scene, as stated in some mags ROM7. Its a small miracle that
Archmage can draw his fantastic pictures since he, like the English
graphician Red Devil/DCS, is in fact colourblind!
1992 - Dr.Cruz changed his handle to William around january. HeadX
upcoming demo Scientific Norwegian was announced through PMC and New
Waves diskmag R.A.W 2 02/92 - but would not see the light of day until
its release under the title Sequential 04/94 at The Gathering 94! Mr.Man
contributed music, and Mr.Hyde was interviewed in the same mag. Coder Wizax
ex Absence, 09/91 left the scene, while Enigma gfx, 09/91-, Bingo
09/91-, Madlock music, ex Motion, Ralph swap, 09/91- and Prophet new
92- were all kicked in september. Fairfax, Moxy and Lizard all joined from
Offence around october.
1993 - Norwegians Decker gfx and Jaz were recruited from Scoopex shortly
after The Gathering in april.
1995 - After the whole Stalin thing and the war with Lord Helmet, Hydra
Ole Ingarth Karlsen, leader since the beginning finally decided enough was
enough in the early parts of 1995, and stepped down as leader of Andromeda.
The new leader is Archmage, but it doesnt seem like he is nearly as
successful as his predecessor NOTHING has been released from Andromeda
after he took over.
2000 - Nah-Kolors new diskmag Devotion 1 revealed in an interview with
Size that Dr.Jekyll is now working for Lucas Arts in San Francisco, and
coded parts of the game Star Wars Episode 1 for the N64.
Norwegians Moxy ex Offence, new late92, Lizard ex Offence, 12/92, Duel
ex Motion, new 92-11/92 and Blazer ex Motion, new 92 all left to join
Lemon. Jason gfx and Joachim music, ex Crusaders later also joined.
Rook ex Rex/Offence was kicked due to general displease with
him from the other members.
Norwegian Monzo ex Absence, 09/91-92 is no longer a member.
The Castle 1990, .05, ECS Intro.
code: Dr.Octopus, gfx: n/a, music: Lord Interface.
M-31 The Comeback 1990, 07.10, ECS File.
code: Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, gfx: Enigma, Lord Interface, Cinematic, Mage,
Bingo, music: Lord Interface.
2nd at the No Limits and Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
info: This was Andromedas first major production.
Turrican Musicdisk 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Jochen Hippel ripped.
info: Musicdisk with music ripped from the games Turrican 1 2 - some of
the best amiga game music ever written!
Decaying Paradise 1991, 29.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: The Mage, Enigma additional, Bingo
additional, music: Lord Interface. 4th at the Amega party 91.
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Caches off.
Sufforation 1991, 29.09, ECS File.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, Facet/Vision endart picture, music: Mr.Man
NoisePacker format.
Winner of the Razor 1911 Imp-666 Amiga Conference demo competition!
review: For some reason, this 150k filedemo has no exit routine. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Spellcheck 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, music: Lord Interface NoisePacker 3 format.
Released at The Party 1.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lord Interface NoisePacker 1/2 format.
review: As usual, a very polished intro from Andromeda. It certainly
follows their standard clean style. It opens with an animation where an
Andromeda logo sort-of explodes onto the screen. It then bounces to the
bottom of the screen, and we get a tv-box lightsourced filled vector with
filled vector objects on the sides puh! in the background, and a text
writer on top of that. Does the job its supposed to, I guess. It was
released to announce the joining of Duel, Blazer, Madlock, Prophet and
The Main, and the handle changes of Archmage and William. By the way,
the opening logo animation is stored in the file as a standard IFF ANIM,
and can be ripped with WRip or a similar program. Approved. I draw the
conclusion that it was released early in the year - they tell someone they
greet theyll meet at easter, plus Williams handle change news was also
in R.A.W 2 02/92. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Multica 1992, 19.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Andy, Blazer trackloader, gfx: Quest, Duel, music: Mr.Man.
10th in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb cip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Cache off.
D.O.S. - Demonstration of Superiority 1992, 19.04, ECS Multifile.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Archmage, Quest, music: Lord Interface.
2nd in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
review: Requires at least Kickstart 1.3. Though its dos-loaded, it
denies to be read from anywhere but df0:. The demo-in-a-dos-window part
is faked, its just graphics. Just try running it on a 2.0 or 3.0 machine
to see what I mean. The endpart music is LOVELY. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Point Blank 1992, 29.06, ECS Trackmo
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lord Interface.
7th in the Hurricane 92 demo competition.
Vector Intro 1992, .11, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lizard.
Mirror 1992, 28.12, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Archmage, Fairfax, music: Mr.Man, Lord
Interface, Lizard. Released at The Party 92.
info: The name refers to just one effect in the intro... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Keyboard did not work, but turning caches off took
care of the problem.
Top Secret 15 Invitation 1993, ECS Demo.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Wood, Hydra, music: Interphace.
info: Released for Majic 12 by Andromeda, I believe.
Mind Riot 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Fairfax, The Main, music: Mr.Man.
information: Andromeda attempted to release this demo at The Party 2, but
were unsuccessful. It was released a few days later.
Surrealism 1993, .03, ECS File.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Archmage intropic, music: Lord Interface.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Lost in Legoland 1993, 07.04, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Mr. Hyde, gfx: Archmage logo, Duel fonts, music: Lord
Interface NoisePacker 3 format.
3rd in The Gathering 93 40k intro competition.
review: This is a polished intro, but without much content. The only
real cool routine here is two cubes spacecut in and out of the back-
ground. The design is also unconvincing. Demomachinery at full speed?
More like half speed... Not a problem in sight compatibility wise, tho!
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Styggtro 1993, 07.04, 40k ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx/music: Lord Interface.
5th in The Gathering 93 40k intro competition.
info: The title is norwegian, and means approximately Uglytro stygg
Seven Seas 1994, 05.01, ECS Slideshow, 2 disks.
code: Dr.Jekyll, gfx: Fairfax, Wood fonts, music: Interphace.
Review: Hold LMB pressed during boot to go directly to the selector.
Recognizes and uses df1:. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sequential 1994, 03.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: HeadX main, Dr.Jekyll trackloader, Mr.Hyde vectorexplosion,
gfx: Archmage, Fairfax, Quest, View raytrace, Decker additional,
music: Mr.Man 3 tunes. Winner of The Gathering 94 demo competition!
review: One of the last great trackmos, this suprisingly won the
Gathering 94 competition ahead of such demos as Cryptoburners Brain
State In A Box and Polka Brothers Friday at Eight. Technically
stunning, real-world realistic routines are the order of the day from
this two-year-in-development project. As far as I know, it was also sadly
HeadX final demo project.
Theres nice graphics throughout, and the three tunes by Mr.Man vary
from average to truly moodsetting - especially his orchestral tune at the
end and the end part of the main module. Truly great stuff! From the
jelly letters to the infamous roller coaster part to the dying tree -
this was indeed the last true ECS trackmo. Requires 1mb total mem?
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Nexus 7 1994, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Archmage, View, music: Interphace.
Winner of The Party 4 demo competition!
review: Andromedas TP4 winner still packs a great punch. Its a hard
production to describe, since so much of it is feeling rather than
concrete. Its still Andromeda, so its quite polished, but still a lot
rougher than some of their previous releases. When the opening symphonics
turn to that hard-hitting soundtrack, its still something of a power
rush no matter how many times I see it... The music is timed to the
routines, almost slave-likely so. A good hint: The first time you see it,
turn off all the lights. Youll appreciate the difference.
Ripping however, is not so easy. The file itself is uncrunched - at
least the header - so loading straight into a ripper doesnt help much.
Running it with Exotic in the background, and then exiting and searching
helped some. Exotic found a P50/P60 module with external samples that
looked correct, but since exotic doesnt support external samples unless
its in the registered version, thats not much help. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Angelica AGL
NOR NoName swap, Splash and Stranger swap sysops FLAMESTRIKE,
early94, Zodac swap, early93.
Danish Pearl joined Parasite.
Angels old 1990-
FRA Acetip Bernard Briais, music, 09-12/91, Cobra 12/90, Conan 12/90,
Corto code, later Alliance Design, 12/90, Garp 12/90, Megablast ex
Dragons, new 09/90, Musashi crack, 12/90, Ninja code, 09-12/91,
White Tiger 12/90.
HOL Bobo sysop THE DUTCH PIRATE, 12/90.
GER Andy trade, 12/90, Malzam crack trade sysop REIGN IN BLOOD, ex
Vision, new 07-12/90, Shut Berlin sysop WORLD TRADE CENTER.
SWI Ice-T 12/90.
BEL Scotty 12/90.
ITA Insider trade sysop, 12/90.
LUX Firefox 12/90.
DEN Mike 12/90.
SWE Conqueror ex Dragons, new 09/90-12/90, Damage sysop THE DUNGEON,
10/90, Zike! ex Dragons, new 09/90-12/90.
NOR Flesh ex Fraxion.
USA Fade 12/90, Sidesector 12/90, Tim 12/90.
??? Action Man new late90, Infiltrator new late90, Jarre code gfx
music, Lowtec ex Scoopex, new late90, Mic fra? gfx, 09-12/91,
Rakim crack, new late90, Shark mainorg, 12/90.
Boards AMIGA EAST WHQ usa, 09/90, DIGITAL EXPRESSION usa, late90,
DIGITAL EXPR. II/HOUSE OF INSANITY usa, same numb, de2 09/90, WRECK
MADHOUSE usa, new late90, SKYFOX BBS ger, 09/90, CITY LIMITS eng,
INSIDER BBS ita, ANGELS ita, 09/90.
Angels were a legendary cracking group, born in june 1990, and one of the
first two-faced crews, who not only cracked a lot of games, but released a
few good demos as well. They were based in France. Though they were
initially illegal-based, they grew a strong demo section when they swallowed
the French demo group Dragons 09/90. Shortly after joining they delivered
the very strong Copper Master 10/90 demo, but their stay unfortunately
proved to be short. Soon after its release, Corsair code, Foxy gfx and
Mr.Video gfx announced they would move on to join Classic please note
that this MAY be wrong, and that they infact went to The Company instead
some research indicates it.
1990 - Dave and Akimbo were kicked late 90.
Jaffa joined Heaven.
Dutch swapper Antichrist joined Pirates.
The ex-Genesis guys Scott sysop DULCET TONES, Mr.E, I.B.M and N.O.M.A.D
all new late90 left to join Crystal.
Brainkiller and Vinny joined Rebels old.
Party 19xx, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Jarre, gfx: Jarre, music: Heat of the Night by Jarre 4ch
StarTrekker format. Released at the Mystix party in Brisbane, Australia
year unknown. info: This intro announced Jarres joining Angels.
Born 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Will O, gfx. n/a, music: n/a Future Composer 1.3 format,
27000/26000/10000 bytes.
Crackintro 1990, ECS Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a Future Composer 1.3 format, 6740 bytes.
info: This crackintro was used for their release of Paradroid 90
The Anti Paradox 1990, .09, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Parasong by n/a.
Copper Master 1990, 06.10, ECS File.
code: Corsair, gfx: Mr.Video font, music: Dragonsfunk by Moby 4ch MOD
format. Released at the No Limits Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
review: The copper master himself, Corsair, tries to do every copper trick
ever devised...and pulls it off. Corsair made a crackintro for Angels that
looks a lot like this demo... A great little demo this, actually, which
clearly succeeds in what it sets out to do...to kill the raster-only dead
by doing EVERYTHING! Still, the big star of this show is Mobys amazing
tune... Cool and colorful is the only way to describe Copper Master!
This is a classic, and there is no excuse for not having seen it. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Silhouette 1991, ECS Crackintro.
Cooperation with Defjam. info: Crackintro for a game of the same name,
Evolution 1991, .09, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: New2 by Acetip 4ch MOD format.
info: Other sources claim the name of the music is Lost in My Dreams.
Sunrise 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: To The End of My Dreams by Acetip.
4th in the Iris New Year Conference.
Angels new 1993-
NOR Funkyfella swap, ex Shining 8, 93, Goblin sysop MIDDLE EAST, old
handle Jack Daniels, Orion trade swap, ex Shining 8, Pushead code,
ex Palace, Rastan sysop MONKEY ISLAND, ex Crusaders, old handle
SWE Psycopath sysop RAISING HELL, ex Shining 8, 09/93.
DEN Xarium Nick Jensen, code, ex Rebels new.
FRA Acetip Bernard Briais, music, Latyl Jeremy Routier, music, 09/93,
Mic gfx, 09-10/93, Ninja code, later Paradox, 09-10/93.
GER Evil Death ex Chuck/Fairlight.
??? B52 fra? code, 10/93, Badcat supply, ex Goonies or Nemesis, Contact
Zero sysop VIRTUAL REALITY, ex Nemesis, Cpt fra? gfx music,
10/93, Halfast fra? code, 10/93, Steph sysop RACE OF ACE, ex
Oracle new, Switch crack, V.I.P. train.
Boards ZERO WHQ nor, CENTRAL TOWER bel, 09/93.
Angels was reborn by some of the old members, with help from some of the
new ones. Some of the old ones are: Flesh/Paradise, Bizarre/Rebels, Thunder
and Steph/Oracle, Badcat/Goonies and Orion/Shining 8.
They released two intros at the Galemands Gilde 93 07/93, any
information on these two most welcome.
Sysop Arcane left the scene.
Trader Thunder ex Oracle new joined Fusion.
Finnish swapper and trader John Peel ex Damones, 93 joined Razor 1911.
Danish trader Weird Dream ex Rebels, old handle Bizarre, 08/93 rejoined
the new Rebels.
Founder Flesh code crack sysop ANGELS INTERNAL, ex Paradise, 12/93 left
to join Anthrox. His handle has never been Fletch, and despite what
several mags claimed, he has not formed a new group called High Breeze.
Danish sysop Yobbo THE LARCH 08/93-09/93 popped up in Rebels in
february 94.
Destroy Fascism 1993, 04.09, ECS 64k Intro.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: Greasy Duck v1 by Latyl.
Winner of the Saturne 93 64k intro competition!
review: Competently coded in every respect, with nice design and quite a
few good-looking effects. Just some of the things we get to see is
rubberglenz, fractal leaf, hiddenline vector with vectorballs inside, a
dotcube and a full-screen dot-tunnel to round it all off. There appears
to be no exit. ADLs test mentioned some problems with a 2.04
configuration, but since it runs on my machine, I do not think that the
KS was their problem. Anyway, nicely designed! A few months later, in
december, Ninja was in Paradox and released his next intro, Calimero.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, 4mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Vactro II 1993, .10, ECS Trackmo.
code: B52, Halfast, Ninja, gfx: Mic, Cpt, music: Cpt.
Released at the Iris Convention.
Animate 1989-1990
FIN Doctor DMA Niku Kaitaniemi, code, 89, Drucer code music, 04-07/89,
Smithson swapper, 89.
Animate was a Finnish demo group, born in 1989 by ex-Deathstar members
Doctor DMA, Drucer and Smithson. Cameron was kicked when it was discovered
he had bought some sources from members of Bloodsuckers. They died mid 1990,
when its members Trug, ... joined Exodus - the other group resulting from
the initial split of Deathstar! :
Animators http://www.animators.de/
??? Black Sabbath, Chris, Demon gfx, 08/93, Exhorder ex Anthrox, new
late95, Horny ex Anthrox, new late95, Jack Daniels sysop STATE
OF ADVERSIA, new late95, Jambo new late93, Jeff, Joesch, Maggoth,
Malcom, Metalhead, Morbid, Mr.Frenzy ex Awe, Phantom Lord, Stinger
new late93, Time Thrust new late93, Tom Copper ger? gfx, ex
Animators were a german demo group.
1991 - Iron Eagle joined Desire in september.
1992 - The pd game Willy The Worm was released in july. Dr.Avalanche
trade left for Adept around october.
The Norwegian division left.
Sodom and Victim joined Savage.
Icelandic swappers The Twins left the scene.
German sysop Jee Byte TOP GUN, 09/91 left.
Brain Dead, sysop of FORBIDDEN CITY joined Addonic.
Iraqi Demo 1990, 22.12, 1MB ECS Trackmo.
Animax -1992
??? Lennet, Socko, The Dictator.
Pervi left.
Animax is dead Lightman changed his handle to Jam and joined Fraxion
in early 92.
DEN Backlash sysop VALHALLA, 04/95, Circulator sysop VIRTUAL
Mr.Magoo joined Shining 8.
??? Abrasion gfx, 09/93, Raiser music, 09/93, Scorpion code, 09/93,
Shark gfx, 09/93.
64k Intro 1993, 04.09, ECS Intro.
code: Scorpion, gfx: Abrasion, Shark, music: Raiser.
Released for the Saturne 93 intro competition.
Anthrox ATX, 1989-1994, http://www.anthrox.com
ENG Aztech music, 03/91, Count Zero founder, Dream Warrior sysop BAD
DREAMS, Hydro founder gfx train swap sysop1 CITY LIMITS, ex ESI,
+stopscene+ 94, 89-94, Marvin sysop CITY LIMITS, 12/91,
Pot-Noodle Leo Davidson, sysop2 CITY LIMITS, sysop C.A.L., 12/91-
96, Retaliator Dave, code swap, Skol Simon, code train, ex
Slipstream, new early92, Trooper gfx.
SWE Joc sysop NO ORDER, 02/94, Kevin Key sysop FLASHBACK, ex
Scoopex, Mungo Robert S., org gfx swap, 03/91, Yobbo code gfx,
GER Killraven swap, ex Paradox new, new late93, Mymurth sysop
HYPERSPACE, old handle Case, 12/91-03/92 - Thargoid sysop
HYPERSPACE, old handle X-Act, 10-12/91, Warlord sysop CELTIC
CROSS, ex Platin.
NOR Flesh code crack, ex Angels new.
ITA Highlander sysop PARADISE DREAM, ex Fairlight.
FIN Mr.Spinhead sysop THREE AMIGOS, 03/91, Worm.
BEL Lithium Apex sysops CONSOLERIA, 04/95.
AUS Kirk 08/92, Krimsyn sysop SPEED BOX, 12/91-04/95.
CAN Ice Cube sysop WINDARIA.
USA Micro Scott, sysop REIGN IN BLOOD, Nitro sysop PIRATES CAVERN,
Picard sysop USS ENTERPRISE WHQ, 09/96, The Dreamer sysop, 03/91,
Voyager sysop FASTRAX, Warduke sysop EDGE OF INSANITY, 03/92,
Winter Mute sysop MARTYRIUM WHQ, 03/92.
??? Avatar music, Black Cat crack train, ex Scoopex, new pre 07/92,
Cameo code, Casanova, Coq Rouge swap, Custodian code, ex Talent,
Damien aus? gfx, 03/92, Data eng? ex Slipstream, new early 92,
Dr.Amigo swap, Fast Eddie ex Archaos, new pre 07/92, Firefly code
gfx, 92, Fluid gfx, Griffin sysop, I.O aus? code, 03/92, Jason
gfx, JHL code crack train, Laughing Hyena code, Mad Axeman
trade, Manx eng? trade, 12/91-92, Marco Polo, Marcus gfx trade,
Mechanic sysop, Mercy swe? ex Fusion, Rakim, Red Alert supply,
Ronnie gfx, Rotox ex Digital, Spider trade, Spock code crack,
Sprog eng? 12/91, Storm code crack, Sub Zero 03/91, Tantalus
swap, ex Talent, T.G.R code, The Imposter music, Thrash code
swap, Xiphoid Process sysop.
Boards MATRIX usa, 03/92, HEAD TRAUMA usa, 03/92, THE ABYSS usa,
10/91, RED RUM usa, 03/91, TRADE LINE usa, BURGER BAR eng, THE
swe, 03/91, METROPOLIS +34, OPEN ACCESS.
Anthrox was an English illegal group, born as early as 1989 though they
were announced as a new group in Zine 5, released 06/90. The Amiga section
was decleared dead in 1994. However, they remain active on other platforms,
and their web site is still at the adress on top of this entry! They were
also active on the SNES scene.
Founded in 1989 by Hydro and Count Zero, ATX has always been an illegal
group, releasing a fair few cracks and trainers in their time.
I briefly visited their website recently, and they now seem to have taken
pretty much the same path as Fairlight selling console copiers legally.
Despite information to the effect in RAW4, Autopsy and Angeldawn/Scoopex
did NOT join Anthrox they both joined The Silents. Check out the info on
the board HYPERSPACE for total confusion!
1992 - Joker joined Cytax early 92.
Basline joined Desire.
The board PLEASURE PARADISE was closed.
Finnish musician Daddy Freddy ex Spirit joined Alcatraz.
Vindex ex Alpha Flight, new 09/92 joined Spreadpoint.
Exhorder and Horny joined Animators late 95.
Nukeman joined Complex.
TDK joined Melon Dezign.
Pothead joined Abandon.
Coaxial joined Accession.
Swedish sysop The Master PRESSURE POINT,ex Fusion,03/91 joined 2000 AD.
Danish sysops Chrome and Ghost SANCTUARY stopped all activity due to a
HUGE phonebill pre 07/92.
Empty joined Spirit late91.
Former Sector 4/Anthrox is now AFL SF 06/91.
Australian coder and trainer Ice cosysop SPEED BOX, ex Punishers, who
was once dubbed the trainer god, and did over 200 trainers on the
Amiga, before he left the scene. Hes now working at Sprint Enterprises
in Australia, a computer company with several other ex-scene members.
Crack Intro ECS Intro.
code: Cameo, gfx: Ninja/Abandon, Wal font, music: Fireballs by
Mantronix 4ch MOD format.
info: Used for Metal Law Kaiko, crack: Black Cat, announces new
members: Rakim, Marco Polo, Highlander. The tune is dated september 90.
Needs KillAGA, still gfx errors! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see above!
Bobby The Ball pre 1991, .03.
code: Yobbo, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. info: This was mentioned in the plasma
intro, which means it must have been released before that.
Spread Intro 1991?, ECS File.
code: Retaliator, gfx: Retaliator, Trooper logo, music: Think Twice
III by Bug Future Composer 1.4 format.
review: A nice logo at the top, a sine scroller and some stars - and a
quite stonking chipmusic tune. Nice - nothing more, nothing less. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Incompatible. Runs a little while with KillAGA, then
Plasma Intro 1991, 10.3, ECS Intro.
code: Yobbo, gfx: Trooper logo, Kreator/Anarchy font, music: Aztech.
review: First of all, I named this intro like I did because thats what
it is - an intro with plasma : It has no actual name, so I just did it
like that. The logo is the same as in the Spread Intro, btw, and apart
from that theres a sinescroller over the plasmathing in the middle of
the screen and a small textplotter under the logo at the top. Nothing
awesome, but ok for what it is. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Firefly, music: T.D.K.
Sploosh 1993, ECS Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: TDK.
info: Some passwords to try - DAN, TGR, HIDDEN TUNE.
??? Awesome music, 03/91, Axon code, 03/91, Junior gfx, 03/91.
Gridlock left.
Warlock joined Cytax.
Second Intro 1991, 26.03, ECS Intro.
code: Axon, gfx: Junior, music: Awesome. Released at CeBIT 91.
Apathy APT
NOR Chriz Anders Dahl, swap trade, doublememb Element, 12/96-08/97, Cope
ystein Hansen, music, ex Giants, new early96-08/97, Haze Geir
Torvaldsen, swap trade, old handle Purple Haze, new late97-08/97,
Hellrazor Roger Bratts, code swap, new 12/96-08/97, Leia swap, new
late97, Maze Stian, music, 08/97, Mr.X Morten Bolstad, code swap,
doublememb Strange, later Instinct, new early96-08/97, Point
Alexander Gustavsen, gfx ascii html swap, old handle Dweeb, 12/96-
08/97, Rage Torbjrn Tangen, gfx ascii, old handles Interface and
Sunscream, 12/96-08/97, Rolex Thomas Vaags, music swap, doublememb
Massive 12/96, new early96-08/97, Strife Torgeir Amundsen, mainorg
code swap, 11/96-04/01, Tentacle gfx music, doublememb Instinct
detials, 08/97-04/01, Tracky music ascii, 12/96, Wise swap sysop
POL Dotty code swap, new early98, Korball org swap, 08/97, Terry
music, 08/97, Virge code, new early98, Zeeball org code, 08/97.
DEN Growl Kim Andersen, swap, late96-08/97.
BEL Mr.No edit, new early98.
??? Hurricane swap, 12/96, Jaydee music, 04/01.
Apathy is a demo group, based in Norway, under the leadership of Strife.
Strife presumably does all his coding in Blitz Basic 2. ROM 9 announced
their new Polish division, originally formed by Korball, Kismat and Zeeball.
1996 - Death gfx was kicked 06/96. Norwegian swapper and sysop Wiseguy
OUTER SPACE, new early96-05/97 left 12/96. Ehrm....
1997 - Polish Robak old handle Korball, doublememb Amnesty left the
scene late 97. Norwegian graphician Psycho 08/97 left late 97 for
Instinct. Coder, raytracer and swapper Hyper new 12/96-08/97 left.
1998 - Polish swapper Kismat 08/97 was kicked early 98.
2000 - Early in the year, Zito editor left for Darkage, while Axl
sysop and Wizzball Michael Phipps, code, 97- was asked to leave.
2001 - Norwegian swapper Punisher new early98 joined Darkage as his
second group early in the year, only to leave both again for Gods just a
small while later. Strife is the new main organizer. Two more departures
followed, as Voicer left for Nah Kolor and Stilgar left to be in Deputy.
Their demo Wormhole was released at Mekka Symposium in april, and on the
credits list we could read that some people were not members anymore. This
concerns: Trump nor code music, doublememb EMS Design details, new
12/96-08/97 and Marl gfx.
Disaster 1996, 05.04, 40k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: none, music: Cope.
5th in The Gathering 96 40k intro competition.
review: This pretty much sucks. Its just a text writer topaz 8! and a
small one-plane APT logo. The music is an external file. When I looked at
the file it soon became evident that it was written with Blitz Basic.
Avoidness advised. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
40k Intro 1996, 16.11, 40k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Kindergarden 6 40k intro competition!
Feedback 3 1996, 24.12
Implant issue 2 1996, 27.12, Multifile Musicdisk.
code: Mr.X, gfx: Point main, Sunscream additional, music: Trump,
Okeanos/Syndrome, Eagle/SyndromeAgoa.
review: This actually looked pretty promising...until I booted it. It
quickly becomes apparent that these guys need to rethink how they
prioritize grahics in their productions, cause this stinks. Its got no
STYLE, no edge, no excitement. Simply dreadful not even the music by two
of Syndromes musicians is any good. It was obviously designed to run
from floppy. Keep trying, though. I dont want to discourage you Apathy
guys - I always try to give fair, constructive criticism. Next time, try
going for a design thats a little more clear. Perhaps its just me,
but I dislike the fuzzy look your graphics have. Practice makes
perfect, so try again! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Get Tough! 1997, .08, AGA File Demo.
code: Wizzball, gfx: Sunscream, Lazur, music: Christian Alfs main, Maze
end. Released at Kindergarden 97.
review: Though nicely presented, this demo features OLD effects - Ill
be kind and assume they are doing the retro thing here... This features
some OK design, especially in the opening moments, but those effects...
for the record, were talking tech-tech, linevectors, filled vectors...
Another thing is that theyve used Lazurs Prszystan picture from 1994,
and I really seriously doubt they had permission from the author to do
that... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Old.Skool 1999, 14.11, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: Death, Angeldust, music: Maze.
Released for the Satellite 2 64k intro competition.
review: As we can read in comment file, Strife started work with this
intro over 4 years ago sic! and maybe if coder transports himself via.
time machine in the year of 1995 and will release Old.skool on some old
party, then hes got chances very small to make a hit. But i dont think
so... Intro is stylized for so called old school fashion try to catch
mum or dad to explain this conception: a nice logo looks bit
unfinished!, vector squares and rectangles 2D and one three dimensional
object geez, it doesnt run one frame on my 040/40!, very nice chip tune
and commercial picture looks good which informs bout forthcoming
musicpack from Apathy. Main idea which stands behind this 64Kb
presentation is to force nowadays scene to think different. Its ok, but
in my opinion think different doesnt mean back to Neolithic age.
In few words: nice, but out of date. All grandparents should be
satified. kempy
Wormhole 2001, .04, AGA Multifile Demo.
code: Strife, gfx: Psycho/ex Apathy fonts, Marl/ex Apathy first logo,
Tentacle aliens ufoattack, Angeldust, music: Jaydee part 1, Trump/ex
Apathy part 2.
Released for the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition.
review: I left Wormhole with a smile, since after all its a nice little
production... The problem I have with this is that they somehow fail to
rise above their averageness. Let me try to explain: This is a two-part
demo, opening with the biggest of the two. Its a story-demo, of sorts,
where aliens come down to earth and we stand defenseless because of the
relative lack of innovation the earth has seen compared to the aliens.
This story is related mostly through a series of pictures by Tentacle and
Angeldust, all of which are of good quality. Were not talking Danny-stuff
here, but quite acceptable. The music is timed to the text that appears
onscreen, and the overall impression is good, if not excellent. The font
is unimaginative, and a few other details make this seem less-than-state-
of-the-art. The only real effects apart from the graphics are a few tunnel
effects the wormholes of the title. After this part has concluded, we
are treated to a small endpart of sorts, where they further continue
their plea for evolution Not much to say about this one, unusual music,
No system requirements appear anywhere, so apart from the obvious its
anybodys guess how much processor power and ram this requires. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 32mb fast/3.1.
Apex old
Apex was a German group, and presumably had nothing to do with the other
group with the same name that later appeared in France.
1990 - German swapper Terminator-X left the group to join System 5 around
july. Damien joined Beta 5 no entry. German swapper Mr.Turnip left for
Prophecy late.
Apex new
FRA Bosco music, later Syndrome, 12/94, Codac Ramdane Hakim, code,
later Syndrome, 12/94, Rahow gfx, 12/94, Ranma gfx, doublememb
NHD, 12/94, Tenshu gfx, later Syndrome, 12/94.
SWI Denis swap, doublemember Excess, 12/94.
GER Javair Jan Chr. Meyer, swap.
??? Bensty swap, 12/94, Beyonder code, 12/94, Longshot gfx, 12/94,
Orgun raytrace, 12/94, Pogo gfx, 12/94, Wild code, 12/94, Xau
swap, 12/94, Zager music, 12/94.
Apex main claim to fame is probably having housed some of the people who
would later become the great French team Syndrome. They presumably had
nothing to do with the earlier German group of the same name.
1996 - Coder and keyfilemaker-maker Sunbeam 06/96- left for Shelter
between october and november.
Laufertro 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Codac, gfx: Rahow, Codac fonts, music: Littlefred by
Soundy/NGC. 22nd in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
review: Short and forgettable intro from Apex that crashed several
times when it was shown at the compo. The endpart scroller can be paused
with the right mousebutton. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dotsy 1994, 28.12, Demo.
22nd in The Party 4 demo competition.
Denzil joined LSD.
Apology -1989
Apology was a shortlived demo crew that died after the release of their
first megademo. Their only claim to fame is having once housed legendary
scene musician Moby later in Sanity. French Diskbuster joined Alcatraz.
French musician Moby ex Impact Inc. joined Dragons.
Appendix APX, http://www.appendix.optimus.wroc.pl
POL BTA Slawomir Kukurenda, code music, aka Popcorn, 09/01, Cosh gfx,
09/01, Codi raytrace, 09/01, Crust code, doublememb Amnesty, new
01-09/01, Emers code, new 01-09/01, Flapjack music pack, ex Erotic
Design, 04/97-09/01, Juen Pawe Nowak, swap, 09/01, Juma gfx
webmaster, 01/98-09/01, Kierownik code, new 11/99-09/01, Madbart
mainorg raytrace sysop THE SECT WHQ, triplememb Anadune and
Teklords, 11/96-09/01, MCR Wojtek Nowak, swap, 09/01, Neuromancer
gfx, ex Scalaris, new early96-09/01, Noxis code, new early01-09/01,
Sagrael editor, 09/01, Slayer gfx org, 04-09/01, Sobol Krzysiek
Sobolewski, swap, 09/01.
SWE Kalms Mikael Kalms, code, aka Scout, new 07/97-09/01.
SUBGROUP - Pic Saint Loup PSL
POL Adamsoft honourable, 09/01, Cloo honourable, 09/01, Grogon music,
09/01, Jazzcat org music, 09/01, Maxym music, 09/01, Ritz music,
09/01, Spektra music, 09/01, Tracker honourable, 09/01, Qix swap,
POL Aln code, doublememb Mawi, ex Dinx Project, new 07/97-01/98, Blaze
swap, 01/98, Carson gfx swap, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Cerber
code trade sysop RADIOACTIVE, 07/97-01/98, Cooper code, ex Erotic
Design, Esc code swap, Fenix sysop FENIX, 07/97, Informer code,
ex Erotic Design, 02/97-01/98, Iron Angel sysop EMERGENCY,
doublememb Ozone Free, 11/96-07/97, Judas code edit, new 06/96-
01/98, Lynx code, Madman ftp-op, 07/97-01/98, MAF raytrace,
Maverick sysop TOP GUN, 07/97, Pike whq gfx, Prefix trade,
07/97-01/98, Rappid gfx, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Sachy Piotr
Sachanowitz, code, 01/98, Spectra music, 01, SuperFML music, old
handle FML, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Sylwek raytrace webmaster,
07/97-01/98, Timer Michael Baczek, music, ex Scalaris, new
early96-07/97, Trash Head sysop TRASH YARD, 07/97-01/98, VIP
gfx, Walec swap, Wildthing trade sysop DIXIE, 07/97, X-Ceed
Wojciech Panufnik, music, old handle Snoopy, doublememb Dinx Project,
HOL Coolio swap, doublememb Grashoppers Development, new 06/96, Radavi
sysop WILD PALMS, 07/97-01/98.
SWI Offspring trade sysop OXYGEN OVERDOSE, 07/97.
GER Hansa ghq swap.
??? Acid ascii, 07/97, Cooper pol? gfx, 02/97-01/98, Deejay Jones
music, 07/97, Hangman code swap, 07/97, Mag 666 raytrace,
12/97-01/98, Nazgul code, 07/97, Speedie raytrace, 01/98, Xtro
raytrace, 07/97-01/98.
Appendix is one of the oldest polish demo groups,
is one of the better Polish-based demo groups, under the leadership of
Madbart main and Slayer. They were born in 1992, and still exist today!
Polish music group Pic Saint Loup is a subgroup of Appendix serving as
their music division. Id really love to tie up all the loose ends above, so
if anyone can help...
1995 - German musician Cie joined Phuture 303 late in the year.
1996 - Mental and Shadow polish gfx were both kicked in june. Swapper
and Fa! pack editor Klaf doublememb Scalaris, ex Depth, new 06/96 joined
Old Bulls in june...or just as a doublemember Showtime 2. Which is true?
And what happened to his doublemembership in Scalaris? It is mentioned in a
newsfile by Madbart, however, that he left both Appendix and the scene.
Blaze joined Floppy late 96...but later returned.
1997 - Informer, Flapjack, Cooper, FML, Carson and Rappid joined from
Erotic Design early in the year. Aln joined from Picco, and swede Scout from
C-Lous in july.
1998 - Sundance gfx/ascii, 07/97 was kicked due to several reasons, and
Jacobs 07/97 and Ziutek doublememb Royal, new 07/97 both left the modem
scene in january. Flapjack decreased his amiga activities almost to a
standstill in the middle of the year, to concentrate on his studies. In
november, the group arranged the Satellite 98 party in Poland!
1999 - The group arranged the party Satellite 2 in november, and not long
after polish Kierownik joined the group.
2000 - Enter and Bta coders were kicked... but its possible this
happened in 2001, Im not sure. On a memberlist from september 2001, BTA is
a member again!
2001 - Early in the year, Noxis code joined, Maq code was kicked, and
Lothar left the group. Emers code and Crust code, double Amnesty was
recruited. Sagrael, editor of Taboo, joined. The Kiss My Jazz Intro
04/01 was released for the demo competition 18th and the 64k intro
Melba 04/01 was released for the intro competition 3rd at Mekka
Symposium in april. UBik and Budgie left. Polish musician Voice 07/97- was
kicked, and is now working under the Indygo band label. Ritz joined
PSL/Appendix. Juen swap joined. Crust code joined, but is also in
Amnesty. The musicdisk Kiss My Jazz was finally released by PSL/Appendix.
At the Symphony Demoscene Festival in september, the Psychol Intro 09/01
emers/flapjack was released, announcing not only Flapjacks return to the
amiga scene after 2 years, but also his revivial of the long-running
Psychol chip packs! As announced in the intro, Crust was working on new
os-friendly code, and Caro/Nah Kolor on new graphics for the upcoming pack!
Agony 1992, ECS Slideshow.
Wave Sounds 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
Firehouse 1993, 24.10, Intro.
6th in the Polish Autumn Party 93 intro competition.
Unjust Sentence 1994, .05, Trackmo.
4th in the Primavera Party 94 demo competition.
Primavera Partro 1994, .05, Intro.
Released at Primavera Party 94.
40k Intro 1994, 12.08, 40k Intro.
Released at Intel Outside 94.
Contagion 1995, 21.07, Trackmo.
3rd in the Computer Art Festival 95 demo competition.
Fa! Pack 1995, Pack.
- Issues 01-19 released 1995-96.
Intel Inside 1996, Intro.
Radioactive 1996, Intro.
info: BBS Intro.
Zero Gravity 1996, 10.11, AGA Multifile.
Winner of the Gravity 96 demo competition!
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there for details.
Oops! 1996, 10.11, AGA 64k Intro.
Winner of the Gravity 96 intro competition!
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there for details.
Gravity96 1996, 10.11, 4k Intro.
code: Cerber, gfx: none, music: none.
7th in the Gravity96 4k intro competition.
review: This is fun and original! This one opens a small intuition window
in which it prints some text and a spinning vector cube. Is this a first?
I see no reason why it shouldnt work on ECS machines. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
UFU-S 1996, 10.11, VIDEO DEMO.
2nd in the Gravity 96 video demo competition.
Navel 1997, 23.02, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Informer, gfx: Cooper, music: MTC.
Winner of the Rush Hours 97 64k intro competition!
review: When it starts you think thats a fast, but oh so small
envmapped phong torus. Then it grows... The routine is fast at least
in the first, uncomplicated parts, Ill give it that, but its hardly
the fastest or even the best ever. This and the fact that it and
variations on it are the only routine in the intro makes it a bit
limited for my taste. The musics OK, a lot better than most in this kind
of thing. The graphics are functional, but not GOOD. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Mystique 1997, 13.07, Demo.
2nd in the Intel Outside 4 demo competition.
Introko 1997, 13.07, 4k Intro.
Released at Intel Outside 4.
UFU-S v1.99 1997, 13.07, VIDEO DEMO.
2nd in the Intel Outside 4 video demo competition.
info: A remix of the original UFU-S.
Spawn 1997, 31.08, AGA FPU 64k Intro.
code: Informer, gfx: Flapjack, Informer, Madbart 3d, music: SuperFML.
Winner of the Gravity 97 64k intro competition!
review: This is Informers first ever release not to be compatible with an
unexpanded A1200 - in that it requires an FPU. This means, unfortunately,
that it cant be run on my hardware glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Capsule 1997, 14.12, AGA 4MB FPU Multifile.
code: Informer, gfx: Mag666 3d, music: SuperFML.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition.
review: Unfortunately, I havent been able to see Capsule, since my
machine does not have the required FPU : glenn
Up nx 1997, 14.12, AGA ?MB 64k Intro.
code: Informer, Scout, gfx: Cooper, music: X-Ceed.
4th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
review: Not a bad intro at all, I was actually very very surprised that I
was able to run it! You see, the text files that come with it claim it
requires an FPU, though the intro ran fine without it on my machine!
Effectwise, theres nothing new here. The phong feels relatively smooth
and fast, but then the objects here are far from advanced. Above average.
This intro was distributed to aminet with two versions of the
executable one which was the 64k compo version, and one which is
slightly bigger, because of better textures. Music is fine. Fastram
required is less than 4MB, but the exact amount is uncertain. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Useless 1997, 14.12, 4k Intro.
code: Aln, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 4k intro competition.
review: Nice visuals help Useless a lot, even though theres only two
effects in this 4ker. The first effect is a nicelooking tunnel. Its
hard to describe, but we travel into the tunnel, then out again. The
second effect is a variation on the flame theme, with fires shooting out
from a circular sun. Not bad! Then the show finishes with a reprise of
the tunnel effect, only with a new palette, and the shows over.
A good 4ker. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Dolphinary 1998, Musicdisk.
Satellite 98 Invitation 1998, Intro.
info: Satellite was held in November.
Flea 1998, 26.04, Demo.
3rd in the Rush Hours 98 demo competition.
Midge 1998, 26.04, 256b Intro.
code: Aln, gfx/music: none.
Winner of the Rush Hours 98 256b intro competition!
Riot 1998, 29.08, Demo.
2nd in the Gravity 98 demo competition.
info: This was the groups last demo for a long time, until I Want To Be
A Machine was released in 2001.
Satellite 99 Invitation 1999, Intro.
Taboo 00 1999, Diskmag.
Released at Xenium 99.
Taboo 01 1999, Diskmag.
Tower 1999, 21.03, 64k Intro.
7th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
Possible 1999, 17.05, 40k Intro.
Released at Icing 99, possibly for the competition.
Satellite 2000 Invitation 2000, Intro.
Taboo 02 2000, Diskmag.
Electricity 2000, .08, Intro.
code: Kierownik, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
8th in the Assembly 2000 64k intro competition.
info: Kierowniks first production for the group.
I Want To Be A Machine 2000, 14.11, Demo.
code: Kierownik, gfx: Slayer, music: Experimental Trance by Spectra.
Winner of the Satellite 2000 demo competition!
info: The demomakers were interviewed for Haujobbs Devotion 2 06/01.
This was only Kierowniks second production for APX, his first being an
intro. Prior to his joining, the group had NO coders left. The entire demo
is a polish production.
Mayhem 2000, 14.11, Demo.
4th in the Satellite 2000 demo competition.
Taboo 3 AGA/CGX 2001, Diskmag.
Kiss My Jazz musicdisk intro 2001, 15.04, Intro.
18th in the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition.
info: This musicdisk intro was released for the DEMO competition, which
might go some way towards explaining why it performed so poorly,
placement-wise. It announced the upcoming musicdisk itself, to come from
Pic Saint Loup/Appendix.
Melba 2001, 15.04, 64k Intro.
3rd in the Mekka Symposium 2001 64k intro competition.
Kiss My Jazz 2001, Musicdisk.
Psychol Intro 2001, 14.09, AGA/CGX Intro.
code: Emers, gfx: Flapjack, music: Sixtus, dont... zajawka by Flapjack
AHX v2 format. Released at the Symphony Demoscene Festival.
review: This is an announce-tro for Flapjacks comeback after two years,
and his wanting to restart his long-running chippack series Psychol.
13 issues were previously released under the labels Convex, Erotic Design
and finally Appendix. This is good news for the scene, naturally, and
were certainly looking forward to seeing 14! The intro itself is very
nicely designed, with cute kittens and an ok appendix logo at the start...
It leaves you expecting greatness from the pack, thats for sure. Nice,
short, and fun. And with a non-annoying chiptune, for once glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Applause APL, 1993-
POL Alx music, Darioosh, Falcon code trade, Justus gfx, old handle
Thorgal, early93, Redman Robert Zabiegala, swap.
HOL Eva gfx swap, Franklin code, Radium music gfx swap, ex Cyanide,
new late93-08/94, Revo, Sascha org swap, ex Cyanide, new late93, old
handle Amethist.
??? Dixan05 music, early93, Uncle Mat code, early93.
Applause was formed in early 1993 by ex members of Grace joined early 93
and other Polish guys. When Cyanide died, all its Dutch members also joined.
The group is probably best known for their diskmag Thing.
1995 - Polish graphician Tolek Banan joined Bravo early in the year.
Swapper Snoop sold his Amiga and left the scene late 95.
1996 - Lovely rejoined from kick and Roberts joined Old Bulls in june.
Quasar and TCC left the scene.
Dutch editor Magic ex Cyanide left, and joined Mirage. It is unclear what
happened to Thing as a consequence of this, whats certain is that Magic
started to work for Mirages Chit-Chat instead...
Vasquez left the scene.
Chance, Jerome and Ricochet left to be independent.
Polish graphician Phantom early93 left to form Bravo, so Magic is now
editor of Thing.
Bara-Bara 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Uncle Mat, gfx: Thorgal, Phantom, music: Dixan05.
Thing VII 1994, early, Diskmag.
FIN Duq, Formercode, Scart.
Have released one awful dentro 93.
Aquin -1990
This little group died ca 07/90 when they joined forces with Overdrive under
the new name Addonic.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS Demo.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Arcadia Team, The TAT, -1990
NOR Nova old handle Tigra, Shadowcat.
The Arcadia Team who was called just Arcadia for a short while towards the
end was a Norwegian demo group, which died around the middle of 1990 after
most of its members merged with Humanoids to create the new group Scope.
Lame Game ECS Demo.
Megademo ECS Demo.
Vuku 1988, 09.10, ECS Demo.
Winner of the Razor 1911, The Cartel, Abnormal party demo competition!
Later On 1988, 09.10, ECS Demo.
Released for the Razor 1911, The Cartel, Abnormal party demo competition.
DEN Blutch swap, late90, Deflex swap, ex Kefrens, new 90, JL Soft,
??? Exorbit, JTF, Junix code, Merlin, Mike crack, Zetrix music.
Boards DANABOARD den.
Arcane were a mainly Danish group. At one time they were in cooperation
with Goonies. In addition to their demos, they also released a few cracks.
The Pink Circle ECS File.
info: Nonworking on A1200.
ENG Manx org, 06/91.
??? Magnus old handle Merlin, Rogue.
1991 - English Aardvark ceased to be a member in june.
Englishman Coaxial 06/91 joined Plague.
Uncle Len joined Jesters.
Fast Eddie joined Anthrox pre 07/92.
Arclite aL
SWE Sy-Klone sysop WHITE ROOM, doublememb Progress, 01/95.
USA Shadower sysop DEATH ROW WHQ, 01/99.
??? Karma ascii, Mark Ryder ascii, Mogue ascii signature Mo!.
Arclite is an ascii group.
Arctic Image
??? Cray code, 06/92.
Cray coded the filemag Resident for Deadline Resident issue 1 was
released in june 1992.
Area 51 A51, http://www.a51.org.uk/
ENG Axl ascii trade sysop DOSSHOUSE, Converse org music edit, Cygnus
A edit, Gobliiin gfx, GTE www edit, Jacka swap edit, MSC
edit, Nexus raytrace edit, Quartz gfx, Remix edit, Shezzor
code gfx, Skidz code edit, Slade org code www edit, Zamara code
raytrace music edit, Zebedee code edit, Zyx! ascii org edit cosys,
old handle Zylax.
Skidz is currently working on a graphic adventure called Roswell, with
graphics by Shezzor. Look for a demo version SOON!
Argon 1990-
GER Shadowman swap, ex End of Century, new mid 91.
ENG Agent X, Brain, Brainbuser, Bronx Warrior ex Pussy, new mid91,
Mandrake ex Wraith, new mid91.
NOR Dr.Randy.
??? Lon 1301.
Argon was born in the later parts of 1990 their bith was announced in Alpha
Flights diskmag Cracker Journal 23 12/90.
1991 - Ribald got kicked, so he joined Pirates around the middle of the
year. Nighthawk left the group in june.
Chef left.
Omc joined Paranoid.
Kid joined Steel no entry.
Snoopy joined The Dark Demon.
Arise old -1992
GER Crusher, Dragonfly code, later Abyss, 05/92, Equi org swap, 05/92,
Falcon gfx music, later Arise new, 05/92, Kyle code swap, later
Arise new, 05/92, Makro sysop ABS, 05/92, Maverick swap, 92,
Mystic gfx swap, 05/92, Pencl later Arise new, Pink code music,
later Abyss and Arise new, 05/92, Skyline org, later Arise new,
05/92, Vision code gfx, later Abyss, 05/92, Warden gfx swap,
FRA Gryzor code, Tik.
FIN Fix ex Coral, Hot ex Coral, Perfect ex Coral.
??? Bitworm code, 05/92, Buckrogers trade, 05/92, Lou Van B gfx music,
later Abyss, 05/92, Mark Enzo trade, 05/92, Nobody editor, 05/92,
Picolo gfx swap, 05/92, Sir Richard swap, 05/92, Suicide gfx,
05/92, System X code, ex Trackers, new 10/92.
Arise was a mainly German demo group. Organizers seem to have been Equi and
Skyline. The best members of Arise decided to form Abyss together with the
best of Beyond in late 1992, though Arise was briefly reborn in 1993.
1990 - Xact left for Supplex in june.
1992 - System X code joined from Trackers, while german Cube code swap,
05/92 joined Gothic around october.
Agent Orange and Smash both ex Cyborx joined Atomic.
Charger was kicked.
Fade joined Razor 1911.
Per and Agony was kicked.
Al Bundy joined from Dark Star, but after getting in probs with the Police,
he left the scene.
Beatbrain gfx music, 05/92 left the scene, but rejoined after a week!
My Life As A Pizza ECS File.
Unlimited 1992, 19.04, ECS Demo.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
BBS-Intro 1992, 12.05, ECS Intro.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, Suicide bbs-intro logo, music: Masterlevel by
review: A slightly unusual approach to bbs intros, this one has you
choosing pages of text from a small menu. Not bad, but far, far, far from
anything advanced Just an average production, theres a million like
this one out there. This also announces Arises summer conference, to be
held in august, though I am not sure whether it was ever really
arranged... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Arise new 1993-
GER Dragonfly code, aka DRF, later Haujobb, new 08/93, Falcon gfx music,
new 08/93-late93, Kyle code, late93, Pink swap, late93, Skyline
swap, late93, Taron music raytrace, new 08/93, Vision music, ex
Arise old, new 08/93, WOTW music, new 08/93.
ITA Virus Valerio Russo, swap, ex Zenith, new 08/93.
??? Axel ger? new 08/93, Beatbrain ger? new 08/93, Brutus ger? new
08/93, DF ger? new 08/93, Effendi ger? gfx, ex Agnostic Front, new
08/93, Jellybean music, 08/93, JPM ger? new 08/93, Kid Frost
ger? ex TRSI, new 08/93, Noname ger? new 08/93, Pencl ger? new
08/93, Poison ger? new 08/93, Posdnuos ger? new 08/93, Skindiver
ger? new 08/93, SKY ger? new 08/93, SMC ger? new 08/93.
Arise was a mainly German demo group. Among the members returning from the
original group were Dragonfly, Falcon, Kyle.
The Loop joined Platin.
Smudo new 08/93 left to join Fairlight PRP4.
Paradoxum BBS-Intro 1993, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, music: Odyssey Remix by Kid Frost 4ch MOD
review: The tune makes this little intro, but lets face it: This is not
going to set the world on fire - and was certainly never meant to. Its
just a text plotter, a small vector thingy flying around and some
functional background graphics. For the record, the PARADOXUM bbs is
not an Arise board, its in Diamonds Rust. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Smells Like Chanel No.5 1993, AGA Trackmo.
info: Received praise in Upstream 7 as the first ever AGA demo to really
LOOK like its AGA.
Realtime Margherita 1993, 27.03, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, music: Taron. Released at CeBIT 93.
info: Caches off, OCS on on A1200.
Nutzlos 1993, mid?, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
40Kb Tracktro 1993, .08, ECS Multifile.
code: Kyle, Curacao/Drinks, Pater Pink, gfx: Falcon, music: Taron.
Cooperation with Drinks. Information: Caches off on A1200.
40k Intro 1993, 02.08, ECS 40k Intro.
7th in the 680xx Convention 1993 demo competition.
info: May be the same as the above.
Ahnungslos 1993, 01.08, ECS Intro.
code: Kyle, Pink, gfx: Kyle, Pink, music: Taron.
Released at the 680xx Convention 1993.
review: Meaningless, short intro which cant have been meant seriously.
Its just a boring small tune, a graphic background which is a joke, and
a ludicrously bad textwriter. Please stop releasing this shit, people.
The intro welcomes LOTS of members Axel, Beatbrain, Brutus, DF, DRF,
Effendi, Falcon, JPM, Kid Frost, Noname, Pencl, Poison, Posdnuos,
Skindiver, SKY, SMC, Smudo, Taron, Virus, Vision, WOTW. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
The Melee Intro 1993, late, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, Taron anim, music: Ghpipahaba by Vision.
review: Melee is a charming little intro, which is a little bit ruined
for me by some truly pathetic music. Too bad they couldnt have used
another tune... But apart from the music, this is a nice intro with some
nice design and ok effects.
No release date is quoted in the intro, and the only hints were given
is the 1993 in the accompanying ansi, and the modules sampletext
saying the tune was made in october 93. This intro welcomes Effendi from
Agnostic Front. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
GER Oliver, Timecode.
??? Blowfly, Exorcist, Joe.
Armada was a demo group.
1990 - The Norwegian division left to be the Amiga division of Panoramic
Designs late in the year.
D-Man joined Eternity Corp.
Icelandic Noblestar, Othon and Hawkeye joined Dual Crew.
Against All Odds 1990, .06, ECS Demo.
Armageddon AMG
GER Aragon, Krs-One ex Antarix no entry, Maverick, Scooter swap, old
handle Cruiser, 08/91, Thunder.
??? Hotrunner, Hunter ex Starline no entry, Slaughter, Stowaway.
Merlin left.
Morbid, Professor X and Vangelis got kicked.
Sgt.Slaughter, Stingray and Error got kicked.
German swapper S.O.S. late90 left the scene.
German swapper Brutus ex Coma, early92 joined Paradise.
GER Doc D Jan Schneider, webmaster, 03/97, Shylock Sven Djatschenko,
music, 03/97, Yazoo Michael Kopacek, gfx, 03/97.
Who ARE these guys? They came out of nowhere to coorganize the
SILIConvention and code the absolutely smashing invitation intro!
Text file that came with the Fear Factory demo mentioned their new
web-mag called Expose.
German coder Axis Michael Hillebrandt, ex Oxyron, responsible for the
great SILIConvention 97 Invitation 97 and the Fear Factory 03/97
demo, decided to leave.
Death Greedy 1996, 28.12, Demo.
7th in The Party 96 demo competition.
SILIConvention 97 Invitation 1997, AGA File.
code: Axis, gfx: Gizmo Red/Icebird main, Yazoo font, music:
Tommy/Avena The Player 6.1A format.
review: This ROCKS! I guess the cool music contributes a great deal to
the superior atmosphere in this intro, but the coding and graphics will
have to take their part of the blame too : It opens with two pictures
the first is a SILIConvention logo rendered? and the second is of a
multitude of heads. Its more the way theyre faded onto the screen to
the beat of the music that appeals to me, I guess, but its a great
introduction either way. Then we get to the main part, which has a very
cool effect that remains under the information at all times. Its a
texturemapped vector cube that sort of surfs the surface underneath,
and the surface behaves like water, creating beautiful ripples all over
the place. Youll know what I mean when you see it... Overlaid over this
cool effect is the info file the same as the normal text file, and it
can be scrolled up or down by moving the mouse.
Through sheer simplicity, power and style this is one of the best
invitation intros Ive seen in a very long time! Very very cool. By the
way, Avena is an atari group, in case you were wondering why you cant
find them in scenery... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Fear Factory 1997, 30.03, Multifile.
code: Axis, gfx: Yazoo, Gizmo/Icebird fullscreen, music: Shylock.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
review: I see nothing of the exceptional qualities offered by their
previous production in this demo. There are signs of good coding, and
signs of some innovative effort, but the overall impression is not one
of professionality. The music quickly gets on your nerves, as does the
less than great graphics. A disappointment. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
??? Exlex.
Artch was formed by members of Acidforce nor and Crane nor swe.
1990 - Norwegian sysop Raven THE GOLDEN GATE joined Crusaders late
this year.
Bud Outrage joined Motion.
Artcore aC, -1995
SWE Manta sysop FORBIDDEN DREAMS WHQ, doublememb Nut Bolt,
HOL Sal One 01/95.
??? aXEbLADE 01/95, cOUNT zERO 01/95, cRAZY 01/95, dEATHLORD!
01/95, mOGUe! 01/95, mR.vAIN 01/95, nIKE 01/95, -rAPId-
01/95, tANGO ascii, doublememb Origin, 01/95, -TReAcH! 01/95,
u-mAN 01/95.
Artcore was a pure ascii and modem group, which unfortunately died around
08/95. Among their members were German 2fast ex doublememb Avantgarde, also
in Cyberforce and Cream console.
1995 - The board FINAL IMPACT went offline in june, but will soon be
back up!
Artefact 1992-
Artefact was formed late 92 by the ex-members of LSD France.
Buckaroo joined Analog.
Artemis 1990-
ICE Archmage, Ariel, Hawkeye, Odyssey, Othon, Thin Lizzy, Thor.
SWE IC, Janx code, 04/91, Bloodaxe, Freddy.
FIN Evil Spirit.
NOR Black Adder new 09/91.
??? Dr.Tox gfx, 04/91, DMC music, 04/91, Duddie code gfx, 90.
Artemis was perhaps the best known group to ever come out of Iceland :-
They were born in 1990 by the members of Opus Magnum and Blockbusters no
Peace Prod. ex RAF left.
The Swedish division died mid 91. The swedish members will be removed from
the list above once I know what happened to them :
Can I Say Something? ECS File.
Fill The Power 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Duddie, music: ripped from Kefrens Megademo 8.
Things Take Time 1991, 15.04, ECS File.
code: Janx, gfx: Dr.Tox, music: DMC.
Artificial People AP
FIN Ari sysop, Cob pccode, 08/96, Falcon music, 08/96, Iodine gfx
objects, 08/96, Johu music, Kalsu org code gfx music, 08/96-
04/98, Neure code gfx, 10/97, Rook funmemb, Scitek code, Thain
code raytrace, 10/97.
FRA Black Dragon music, triplememb Honoo details and Limited Edition,
HP gfx, triplememb Honoo details and Limited Edition.
??? Duke codePPC, new early98.
Artificial People are a finnish demo group, with some members in France.
Their old homepage, http://apeople.home.ml.org, has gone from the web.
1996 - The groups astonishing debut Clichs 08/98 unfortunately ended
up as low as 9th in the Assembly demo competition.
1998 - Kalsu did the music for Mellow Chips Gathering 98 winner Rise
Clichs 1996, 18.08, AGA HD Multifile.
code: Kalsu, gfx: Kalsu, Thain/Sensible raytrace, Iodine objects,
music: Falcon main, Kalsu end.
9th in The Assembly 96 demo competition.
review: Very reasonable for a first demo! The coder, Kalsu, proves be a
little of a Jack of all Trades, what with providing graphics and music to
this demo as well as coding it. It opens with an envmapped object of the
AP symbol, a stick-man. Then were shown an AP logo, before were on to a
very nice voxel routine...and then it goes underwater! I was blown away,
sitting there with my mouth wide open. The routine looked good and fast
in its own right, and then it actually IMPROVES on the voxel routine!
My favorite voxel was always the one Stellar used in their 40k intro
Peverly Hills 12/94. It seems there is a new king in town.
Astonishing. After that minor shock were on to a bumpmapping routine,
where the word Clics is highlighted by first one, then two light
sources. Next theres a tunnel with some greetings flying down it, before
a scanned picture of a femal model zooms onto the screen. It stays there
for a few seconds, before it zooms back and starts zoomrotating with a
whole bunch of other pictures of models. Then, the innovation strikes
back. The zoomrotator starts waving the pictures in a way I havent seen
before...before I actually see it forming some words! This is something
Ive never seen before - a first! The next effect can perhaps best be
described as a flame tunnel, before it ends with a traditional
upscroller over a raytraced picture with an AP logo.
What strikes me about Clics is that theres actually some signs of
innovation here! That voxel routine particularly stands out. The routines
all look good and fast. Im willing to bet that if this was released by a
better known group it would have been placed higher in the competition.
Im certainly eagerly avaiting the next AP demo. Keep up the good work!
Probably needs some fast. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Profusion 1996, 23.11, 80k Intro.
2nd in the Demoltion 96 II 80k intro competition.
Mosaik 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
production: Thain, Kalsu, Neure, Muffler, Dvize.
Released for the Saturne 97 64k intro competition.
review: This is an intro that shows definite promise from the word go,
not least of which is the sight of the handle Muffler among the credits!
Unfortunately for all of us, the intro itself oes not quite live up to its
premise, and apart from an interesting brown object over swirling blue
tunnel, it features little to set the world on fire. The best parts of
this intro are the ones concerned more with design than technical ability
- the intro and outro. These are the things that make the intro worth
having, nothing else. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Artwork ATW, 1994-1998
GER Argon code, 04/96, Cockroach code, ex DCS, new 11/94, Cougar
Christian Reismuller, gfx, new 04/96- 01/97, Jive ex Platin, new
11/94, SMT Sascha Michael Theel, music, ex Haujobb, 12/95-07/96, The
Loop Daniel Lafrentz, music, ex Gods, new 12/95-01/97, Tiberius
Andre Adam, 3d gfx, 03/97, Trasher Oliver Plink, swap, triplememb
Sanity and Bomb!, 02/96-01/97, Voyage Dirk Aldekamp, founder swap, ex
DCS, new 11/94.
SWE Confidence code, doublememb Balance details.
FRA Nitch Collomb Cedrick, code, ex Virtual Dreams, new late96.
Artwork is a mainly German demo group, formed in November 1994 when
Generation editor Damion/Platin took his mag with him and formed Artwork
together with Voyage/DCS. Within days Cockroach and JMS joined from DCS, and
The Loop, Jive and Detector from Platin. Soon after wellknown talent like
Tron, Fiver and Noogman followed, making Artwork a group to look out for.
1995 - With their very first production, the demo Greenday 04/95, they
WON the competition at the Black Box Symposium 95 in germany! The demo is
also amiga demo of the year for 1995 in scenery. German musician SMT was
recruited from Haujobb late in the year. Nothing more was released before
december, at The Party. There, the 40k intro Creep 12/95 in cooperation
with Polka Brothers and Azures 4k intro Dawn 12/95 both WON their
respective competitions. One can safely say it had been a great first year
for the group.
1996 - This year saw the grooup continuing to recruit talented members,
In 1996, they continued recruiting talented members such as the legendary
ex-Sanity graphician Cougar, who first joined as a double member. They went
from strength to strength, and won AGAIN at the Symposium 96 with their
awesome The Gate demo - and Azure took home the trophy for best 40k intro
at the same party with Dawn.Remix. Azures next intro, the amazing Phi
only managed to come 2nd at the South Sealand party, but was awarded the
INTRO OF THE YEAR trophy by us - Artworks second trophy!
After being reinforced in the middle of 96 by ex-Matrix amiga and pc
members Skyphos, Sharon and Nero, they released their first and last PC
production at Assembly 96, Proton 08/96.
To this day Azure retains his membership in Bizarre Arts - perhaps to show
they still have a sense of humour? Voyage used to be sysop of the board
POINT BREAK/WATERWORLD which has now been closed. Though Damion was
originally the editor of Generation, the job has now been handed down to
RokDaZone. Though The Loop joined from Platin 11/94, I seem to have him
joining from Gods in 96. One explanation may be that he joined Gods, only to
later rejoin... German graphician jMS ex DCS, 08/96 got kicked late in the
year, and subsequently left the scene... German coder Axis 02/96 left to
form a group of his own late 96.
1997 - April saw the release of Generation 24, where the announcement was
made that german coder Detector Holger Luemkemann had left the scene.
Joining from Platin as early as 11/94, his code was behind that very mag -
and remained used for subsequent issues even though the coder himself was no
longer a part of the group. The German ex-members of Matrix who joined the
group in 1996 graphician Nero Rainer Mhr, coder Sharon Oliver Belaifa
and coder-musician Skyphos Marco Thrusch all decided to leave Artwork late
97, and restart their old group Matrix on the PC.
1998 - After releasing their final demo Megademo IV 2 04/98 at the
Mekka Symposium 98, they ended the existence of one of the most successful
groups in scene history. But out of the ashes another great German group
rises Endzeit founded on the remains of Artwork in much the same way that
Lemon. was founded on the ashes of Anarchy in 1993. But not all members went
to the new group ofcourse. The people behind Generation Damion and
RokDaZone ex Infect formed Endzeit, and took graphician Noogman with them.
Also Italian writer The Ripper ex Da Press, new 06/96 went alsong to
Endzeit, to continue his work for Generation. Musician Virgill 04/95-
joined Haujobb. Famous coder Azure Tim Boeschke, doublememb Bizarre Arts,
11/95- left the scene. The further scene careers of Tron Bastian Zuehlke,
code, ex Sanity, new 01/95- and Fiver2 Thomas Mahlke, gfx, ex TRSI,
12/95- remains uncertain.
Swedish coder Scout doublememb C-Lous details, new late96 left the
group late 97 or early 98 to join The Black Lotus - and become a scene-
inactive game coder!
Lenny Dee joined briefly from Illusion, only to leave the scene a few days
Greenday 1995, 23.04, AGA Multifile, 3 disks.
code: Tron, Crash/Polka Brothers, gfx: Fiver/TRSI, Noogman logo, music:
Final Amelotatism by Virgill.
Winner of the Black Box Symposium 95 demo competition!
review: DEMO OF THE YEAR, and a hell of show from the Germans in their
first ever production...amazing! Lots of goodlooking effects are on
offer, and this time that means phong-shaded toruses, a texturemapped
cube combined with a stretching zoomrotator and then the zoom-rotators
also mapped on two sides of the cube!!, voxel landscape, and a spacecut
texture mapped cube. The tune is not quite up to Virgills best,
especially the jazz shit that accompanies the voxels are out of place.
However, an AMAZING picture by Fiver almost makes up for the shortcomings
the soundtrack has in places. The picture is called Green Trash, it
depicts a human wrapped in black plastic, and came 2nd in the graphics
competition at the same party!
Please note that I tested an incomplete distribution, and that theres
even more to this demo than what Ive outlined! Artwork was back one year
later, and won the Symposium compo for the second time in a row with
The Gate. Please read the excellent making of article in ROM4.
According to this article, the demo does NOT require a HD, but can be
run from floppy - my butchered distribution didnt give an indication of
this! Id be VERY happy to receive a proper distribution. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Tested with an INCOMPLETE distribution!!
Dawn 1995, 28.12, AGA 4k Intro.
code: Azure, gfx/music: none.
Winner of The Party 5 4k intro competition!
review: Certainly impressive for a 4k intro, Dawn set new standards for
the genre. Just some of the things featured are: Phong shading, moving
light source, environment mapping, environment glenz motion blur,
morphing, and voxelspace. Quite a list for a 4k intro :
A few months later it was re-released, with music, and won the
Symposium 40k competition! : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Creep 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Azure, Crash/Polka Brothers intro, gfx: Fiver, music: SMT
The Player 6.1A format. Winner of The Party 5 40k intro competition!
Cooperation with Polka Brothers.
review: This is one impressive intro! There are lots of great-looking
phong shaded objects on offer here, and most are a little more
imaginative than the standard donut variety. Several also offer extras,
like an afterburner effect and transparency. Around the middle of the
intro theres a full-screen picture 2x2. This picture is a redrawing of
the album cover for Mercyful Fates Dont Break The Oath album. The pic
is then waved, like a flag in the wind. The next new routine is the most
impressive one, though. Were talking about a high resolution texture
mapped phong-shaded elastic donut that looks FABULOUS! The show is
finished off with an effect thats a little hard to describe, but I
think transparent phong pulse explosions is about as close as you get.
The music is excellent throughout.
In june 1997, Azure released version 1.1, which fixes some problems
on 040/060 machines, as well as the classic The Player 6.1A bugs. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
The Gate 1996, 07.04, AGA Multifile, 4 disks.
code: Azure, Tron, gfx: Fiver, Noogman, Argon dream dos, music: SMT
main, Virgill intro, end. Winner of Symposium 96 demo competition!
review: After this there can be no doubt - Chaos is dead, long live
Azure and Tron. Artwork won the Symposium for the second year in a row
with this demo - brimming with good-looking, advanced effects! It opens
with an interpolated voxel landscape with the credits overlayed, and the
powerful opening tune which creates a great heavy demo atmosphere.
Theres a lot of bumpmapping effects in this demo, from a lightsourced
zooming bumped tunnel to a lightsourced bumped cube. Theres also a
graphicszoomer thats quite similar to the one TBL later used in their
Gathering97 winning demo Captured Dreams. Theres also some different
mapping stuff, with the metal-env-mapped ? head and the cube with the
protrouding face the highlights. Need I go on? The music is great, the
graphics are great, and its quite simply a BIG demo - in every sense of
the word. Download NOW!
The endtune, Opium by Virgill, competed in the music competition at
the same party. Some information leads me to believe there is a special
version of The Gate for the Graffitti videocard...can anyone confirm
that this is so? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dawn.remix 1996, 07.04, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Azure, gfx: none, music: The Loop.
Winner of Symposium 96 40k intro competiton!
review: Certainly technically impressive, this remix of the originally 4k
intro Dawn 12/95 is very very good. This time around, the shapes are
env-mapped and sometimes afterburned, like in Creep 12/95. The music
is cool also, and suits the intro beautifully. I like this, small as it
is. : The reason theres no entry for graphician above is that this intro
contains no graphics. Included in the archive is a 1x1 version of the
original 4k intro.
Will work on standard A1200s, but recommends fast and acceleration.
You can press your right mousebutton to skip forward one effect. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Phi 1996, 06.07, AGA 4MB 64k Intro.
code: Azure, Tron, gfx: Fiver, music: SMT.
2nd in the South Sealand Party 96 intro competition.
review: Phi, the best intro of 1996, opens with a sign of some sort and a
progress bar at the bottom of the screen. When the progress bar reaches
its end, the show starts...and what a show! To fabulous trancy music by
SMT one of his best tunes EVER were treated to one of the best intros
since Virtual Dreams won at The Party 93 with Chaosland 12/93!
Azure and Tron have managed to squeeze more demo power out of 64k here
than most people are able to in megs! With a couple of pictures thrown
in, Id vote this among the best DEMOS of 1996, for crying out loud!
The intro features some of the fastest envmapping Ive ever seen on the
Amiga, and then some! Theres also morphing objects, a fabulous bump-
mapping-cum-plasma routine, and some voxelspace stuff thats quite cool.
The intro ends with a sole image of a bleeding heart. Pretty much the same
intro can be seen in Bizarre Arts Fresh! 06/97 by Azure and Axis
released just one week later! :
The accompanying text file mentions it uses ALL of the 4mb fast it
requires, so if you like me use 512k of your fast to softkick kickstart,
you probably wont be able to run Phi on a 4mb fast only setup. Believe
me, Ive tried :
In june 1997, Azure released version 1.1, which adds a special custom
040/060 c2p routine, and fixes the classic The Player 6.1A replayer bugs.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- note: version 1.1.
Blurred Notes 1996, autumn, Musicdisk.
code: Tron, gfx: Noogman, music: The Loop.
Efrafa 1996, 02.02, AGA HD Multifile Slideshow.
code: Tron, gfx: Fiver, music: Virgill.
review: Efrafa comes across as a very SMOOTH slideshow, much thanks to
Fivers very clean style. Let me just say this first: Fiver IS one of my
favourite graphics artists, so if my review seems influenced by this in
any way, then...thats because it is! : Hehe... No, seriously: The show
opens with a clean EFRAFA logo, before the screen scrolls down to the
selection menu. Here you can choose between the different pictures with
your mouse and see info about them by pressing rmb, or access some brief
info pages. There really isnt that much to say about EFRAFA, it just does
its job of showing these great pictures, and not much else... Sonics are
nice too, but then again we are talking about Virgill here... :
The pictures are... Flight 32c, unreleased, Under Control 32c,
unreleased, Infiltration 64c, unreleased, Under A Blood Red Sky 256c,
unreleased, No More Secrets 2 64c, unreleased, Fish Food 128c, The
Party 94, Yoichi 128c, from Artworks Greenday 04/95, Virgill
Dreams 128c, unreleased, Champagne Supernova 256c, unreleased,
Efjucikay 128c, used in Generation, Kodak 256c, used in Artworks The
Gate 04/96, In The Kitchen 2000 256c, unreleased - 12 pictures in
all. Not all pictures are topquality In the Kitchen... but those that
are, are so great theyd be worth the download time ALONE No More Secrets
2, Kodak, Yoichi... Get this, ARTWORK QUALITY all the way! glenn
Generation issue 22 1996, .10, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: Maybe its me theres something wrong with, but goddamnit, this
mag DOES NOT WORK! It plays the first bars of the music and shows a black
screen, then...just crashes. This happens every time, no matter what I
try! Hmm... Anyone that can help me with a way to fix this? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Generation issue 23 1997, .01, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, gfx: Spiv/Infect title, Cougar main, Nero clip,
Skyphos clip, RokDaZone fonts, music: Tired Eyes by Azazel/TBL, A
Night At The Bar by Virgill/Essence and Artwork, editor: RokDaZone.
review: It opens nicely, with Spivs Casual Insane picture from The
Party 96 70th! graphics competition - not half bad. It shows what I
guess must be the open, staring eyes of some alien child... Unusual and
nicely executed, Spiv! The panel by Cougar is also a feast for the eyes,
so graphically theres not much wrong with Generation. This issue has two
modules from wellknown scene VIS, but none of them are outstanding in any
way... I guess this comes down to taste, but I feel these two can do a lot
better than this!
One thing that bugs me a little is the sometime dark palette choices
for some of the articles. Its a far cry from the light, happy colors of
ROM! I guess Im just not used to reading on a black background...
Another thing that irritates me slightly is that the text does not
scroll, like it has in most other good magazines since about...oh, 1992?
I suppose its a small complaint, but its got a lot to do with the way
the magazine feels like to handle. Thankfully, it multitasks just as
happily as ROM does, making things like writing this review a doodle :.
Contentwise, theres a lot of stuff from The Party 6 this time, as can
be expected. I also found the article from the Atari show interesting, as
its not the kind of thing you usually find in an Amiga diskmagazine.
Overall, though, the writing here is of a disappointing quality. I guess
weve all been spoilt rotten by ROM - the diskmag standard to which all
others are held. With some polishing, a LOT better layour for the
articles and a brigther display, Generation could be a winner... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Exit Planet Dust 1997, 29.03, AGA 030 8MB Multifile Demo.
code: Azure, Tron, Graham/Oxyron, Scout, gfx: Fiver2 5R2, Tiberius 3d,
music: Skyphos main, Virgill endpart.
2nd in The Gathering 97 demo competition.
review: EPD opens with an innovative opening part where presumably the
coders of the demo are part of the 3d scenes. Its real hard to describe,
but it sets just the right mood! Then the music changes, and we move into
space... next is a phong object over a moving background, then a
spaceship crashes through a wall, and strange pipes twist and turn... EPD
is a world of wonder, with lots of strange things going on... Then a quick
trip through a tunnel before another phongobjects, this time with some
other, smaller objects flying around... Then a falling, colorful object,
some bump and envmapping on a couple of new objects... Then - abd this is
cool - the entire screen starts twisting around the last object! Next is a
massive, colorful and fast 3d scene with a humanoid shape in the middle.
Another object follows, before 5R2s fullscreen pic Earthpeople, winner
at SILICONvention 97 that same weekend. Next is a weird sort of bumpmap
effect I really dont know what to calll... : Some more sparkly objects
follow, before a new, bumpmapped tunnel. Next is a fullscreen raytraced
pic with a red hand stretching towards the user, then some star objects
appear at the same time, before three brief objects signify EXIT - PLANET
- DUST and its all over. Technically oustanding, with generally very good
music, there was no doubt about who would win 2nd prize at The Gathering.
This is a very very good demo, no question, but... its simply just not
Captured Dreams The version reviewed is the compoversion, which is
missing the endpart Virgills module exists only in the final version,
with endpart which was omitted at TG because of the organizers imposed
space limit of 5MB. This is for some reason widely regarded as a
cooperation with C-Lous, but in actuality Scout was already a full Artwork
member at the time. His entire contribution to the demo however was just
one tunnel routine. The demo requires an 030-50, but recommends at least
040-40 or 060. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Megademo IV 1997, 30.03, AGA ?MB Multifile.
code: Azure main, Sharon morphface, Skyphos morphface, lightscape,
Tron particles, Argon loader, gfx: Fiver2 main, Noogman picture,
backdrop, Nero picture, Tiberius 3d, music: Virgill.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition!
review: Unfortunately, after seeing this demo - which is above average,
dont get me wrong - I experience a feeling of disappointment. I had just
seen the third-placer demo Thug Life by Essence, and was thinking any
demo that can beat this is worth watching. The problem is perhaps more in
the fact that Azure has made SO MANY demos like this - its got his
fingerprints all over it. Azure is one of the best - if not THE best -
coders out there, and hes technnically brilliant. However, he does not
have that much ORIGINALITY in him, and when he releases two demos so close
together, it is perhaps inevitable that they will resemble each other.
This is a technically excellent demo, but doesnt EXCITE me. After seeing
the demo, Im afraid I must conclude that Artwork won this competition as
much on name as they did on content. Azure told me via email that after
seeing the competition he imagined itd end up third. The entire demo was
put together from Exit Planet Dust leftovers in the two days after it
competed at The Gathering, which goes a long way to explain why it is what
it is.
MIV marks Artworks fourth consecutive victory at the Symposium, which
certainly means theyve earned themselves a place in the history books.
Its just sad that the demo that does it is their weakest so far. The demo
has been tested on 8MB fast machines only, but the text file mentions that
it may work on 4MB machines too - its just never been tested. 030-50
recommended for maximum pleasure. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Generation issue 24 1997, .04, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, Eksec/Infect additional, gfx: Nero title 2, Geist and
Germ/Balance title 2, RokDaZone fonts, Nero clip, Skyphos clip,
music: Crimson Pool by Azazel/TBL, Silence by The Loop both Tracker
Packer 3 format, editors: RokDaZone main, Damion, The Ripper.
review: No less than two title pictures open the show this time - another
surrealistic masterpiece by Nero opens the ball, followed by a cartoon-
like rendition by Geist - whose technique here reminds me of some of the
classics from Bustman/Crusaders, that blocky but still smooth look
The mag itself has the familiar design from Cougar, nothing has changed
here. Two reasonable pieces of music offer audial delight. This issue was
released just after the two major easter-parties of the year, The
Gathering and Mekka Symposium, and contains ample coverage of both.
Neros title picture is a rendition of Boheme 29, his 8th-placed
picture from Mekka Symposium 97, with the added text Original by Jamiri
in the top left corner, and a Generation logo in the bottom left. This
issue also announced the leaving of Detector, long-time Generation
coder. The mag would continue without him - but still with his old code...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Generation issue 25 1997, Diskmag.
info: The final issue released under Artwork, the next issue was released
under the Endzeit label.
Megademo IV 2 1998, 12.04, Demo.
production: Tron, Azure, Fiver2.
8th in the Mekka Symposium 98 demo competition.
info: The final Artwork demo...
ASCII Unlimited ASU
ENG Telemach ex Nerve Axis.
Here We Go 1993, autumn, Intro.
production: Khul/Infect, Telemach, Nimrod, Tango/Balance.
GER Black Ghost sysop LUCKY STRIKE, 09/91, Lunatic sysop ICE HOUSE,
09/91, Stingray 09/91, Synthetic Line sysop ICEHOUSE, 09/91.
Boards SPEED BIT ger, 09/91.
German Tron joined Crystal.
Aspect Incorporated
Boards ROAD TO NOWHERE WHQ usa, 07/94, BLOODY DECISION ger, 07/94,
TOTAL KAOS ger, 07/94, MAX ROCK N ROLL ger, 07/94, EVIL MOON ger,
Aspect Incorporated was a subgroup of Delirium, and released a few cracks of
German versions of some games.
The board TIME WAR joined Gothic.
??? Ares raytrace, Invert music, new 06/96, Lash swap, Misha
trade, Seb McKein trade, ex Mystic, new 06/96.
1996 - Elmek left the scene in june.
Zoltar joined Alcatraz early92.
Asphyxia Design
??? Cookie gfx, 08/94, Shagan code, 08/94.
Ilyad 1994, 07.08, AGA 4MB Multifile, 4 Disks.
Cooperation with Alcatraz, see there for review.
Thexder joined Alpha Flight.
Astra is dead. All members Saint, Aero, Tas... joined The Silents.
Astra Syntex -1996
Astra Syntex died late 1996.
FIN Boris, Benjamin.
Nightmare and Gonso joined Cyborx mid 91.
GER FCKW sysop SECOND WORLD, Joker sysop SADO CITY, TCM sysop
FIN Eddie, Ice.
USA Brain Dead sysop PURGATORY, Desert Rat sysop GURU HAVEN,
Perpetual Demise sysop CRYPT OF ETERNITY, The Skeleton sysop
??? Der Stuermer trade, 92.
FRA Anex gfx, Fred ex Agile, Reflex music, ex Rebels.
Atlantys was a French demo group, who house several french scene
celebrities in the early 90s. According to Stolen Data 10, the French
section of Rebels was rebuilt, and consisted a.o. of Anex and Reflex.
So I guess maybe Reflex rejoined his old group?
French graphician Hof joined The Silents.
Frenchmen Neptune code, Titan gfx and Mental swap, ex Tech, old handle
Agony joined Anarchy.
Slideshow 1991?, ECS Slideshow.
code: Neptune, gfx: Hof, Anex, music: Titan. info: Reviewed RAW1.
Atomic old ATC, -1993
NOR Bandit sysop DARK HELL, new late92, MC Light code, 04/92.
GER Agent Orange P.Kaufmann, swap, ex Arise, Crimeslime Bernd Stoede, ex
Paranoid, old handle Ripper, Smash Martin Busche, swap trade, ex
Arise, 04/92.
FIN Bad Karma ex Deadline.
??? Altair code, 04/92, Chronomancer swap, 04/92, Dee-Lite music,
04/92, Doc trade, 04/92, Drow music, 04/92, Lost Boy music,
04/92, Maclean gfx, 04/92, MB music, 04/92, Mr.X gfx, 04/92,
Rabies trade, 04/92, Rebell MC gfx, 04/92, Red Alert music,
04/92, Rico gfx, 04/92, Seltex trade, 04/92, The Guardian swap,
04/92, The Kidney music, 04/92, Thexder music, ex Alpha flight,
Venus swap, 04/92, Wizzler swap, 04/92.
When Atomic died, the 8 best guys formed a new crew called Stone Arts in
march 1993. Im making an educated guess that those 8 were Ice old handle
Double, Dolphin old handle Nemo, Hugo, Kekken, Shape, Storm, Rozzoe and
Syntex, and have removed them from the memberlist to reflect this.
1992 - Norwegian musician and swapper Gang Starr changed his handle to
Sonic, and joined Awe in july.
1993 - Norwegian musician Absent ex Cyborgs, new late92 joined Impulse.
1995 - When Stone Arts fell apart in 1995, Dolphin reformed Atomic.
Slam rejoined Acrid.
Norwegian Adolf joined Destiny.
Frone rejoined The Dark Demon.
Musician Dirty Harry 04/92 joined Digivision.
Intro 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Ice, gfx: Shape, music: Syntex.
Unbelievable 1992, 15.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ice, Storm, Hugo loader, gfx: Rebell MC, MacLean, Storm, Shape,
music: Syntex. 7th in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
review: This demo does not appear to work, no matter what I try. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- note: See review.
Intro 1992, 12.10, ECS Intro.
code: Ice, gfx: Kekken, music: Rozzoe.
Atomic new ATM, 1995-1996
HOL THC sysop MYSTICAL PLACES WHQ, doublememb Myth, 03/95.
The new Atomic was formed by Dolphin/Stone Arts and Colorbird/ex Razor 1911
new after Stone Arts fell apart. Their intention was to release a new
diskmag, based on the best of Headline dolphin and Propaganda
colorbird, but this project newer saw fruit, and the group slowly died
away without a single release... I have therefore speculated in a 1996 death
date, hope some of the members can step forward and tell me if this is a
faulty assumption.
Atomic Intelligence
DEN A.B.M., Deflex, E.B., Fox ex Bytestar, Garfield, Gremlin, Mask,
Radagast, Spiderman ex Bytestar, T.D.M., Victory, Zenix.
Burger and Milkshake joined Kefrens old.
Fldeskum ECS File.
Atomic Team
DEN Axe, Magician X, Megabyte.
Atomic Team was based in Denmark. Promax who would later write the
assembler Asm-One, while still a member, released one of the first module
rippers Sound-Hacker 1.1.
Danes Promax code and Nightlight music joined Kefrens old.
SWE The Yench sysop THE YENCH HOUSE, 01/95.
Attraxion is DEAD.
Aurora -1993
SWE Cyber and Slash sysops CRAZY WORLD, ex Supplex, Dee-Jay music,
ex Hypnosis, new 12/91, Dexter sysop TOTAL DISASTER, ex Alpha
Flight, new ca 01/92, Dreamweaver Per Wahlstrom, code music, 07/91,
Flex trade, 92, Horace Wimp Fredrik Skogh, music, 06/90-92,
Hyperion sysop GREAT LAKE, Joker, MegaStorm music, new 91,
Regulator Anders Larsson, code gfx music, new 09/91-12/92, The Red
Dragon swap, 11/90, Trinity ex Hypnosis, new 12/91, Trodac sysop
UNFORGIVEN, ex Alpha Flight, new 12/91, Westwood ex Hypnosis, Wico
sysop GANGZTERZ PARADIZE EHQ, 91, Zcandaler David, trade sysop
TOTAL ECLIPSE, 11/90-09/92, Zipex trade, new 91.
GER Hellraiser sysop HELLBOUND, 09/91.
??? Cougar gfx, 92, Dodger new 12/91, Dolby 12/91, Druid code gfx
music, 12/90, Eagle, Extacy ex Submission, Fignal O. music,
Leprosy sysop METAL CHURCH, Lizard gfx, 90, Nibbler, Satan Claus
sysop, Saturn code gfx, 07/91, Sputnik swe? code gfx, 06/90,
Triton code, 12/91, Yogi Bear swe? code gfx, 06/90.
Aurora was a demo group based in sweden, perhaps best remembered for their
sadly underrated but great musician Dreamweaver.
1991 - With the release of the demo Illusions 12/91 in december,
several new members were announced: Deejay, Trinity, Rocket all ex
Hypnosis, Trodac ex AFL, Dodger and Ragman.
1992 - A lot of the groups time was put into development of their game
Tomtespelet The Santa Claus Game early this year, which they were hoping
to finish sometime in the spring. Swedish Dexter joined from Alpha Flight
with his board TOTAL DISASTER around january. An upcoming music disk with
music by Dreamweaver, Dee Jay and Horace Wimp was announced for release
soon in PMC and New Waves diskmag R.A.W 2 02/92, but was never
finished as far as we are aware. Zcandaler reopened his board in september.
At The Party in december, the groups final demo Lost In Denmark 12/92
was released to a disappointing 11th position in the demo competition.
1993 - Swedish coders Spirou and Cuddley both new 09/92 joined The
Silents sometime between january and may. The group died late in the year.
Jampin and Thorax left.
Coder and graphician Rubicon 12/91 joined Fairlight.
Swede Rocket ex Hypnosis, new 12/91 joined Virtual.
The board PARTYLINE left.
German sysop Headhunter CONDEMNED CELL/PARTY LINE, 09-10/91 joined
Dual Crew.
Swedish sysop Damien PURPLE PLEXUS joined Complex.
Swedish sysop Dare SLIME CITY left the scene.
Intruder Megademo ECS Trackmo.
Reign In Blood BallisticFreakout BBS Intro ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Dreamweaver, music: Valor of Faith by Dreamweaver ProTracker
MOD format.
Starvation ECS File.
code/gfx: Triton, music: Opus2 by Fignal O. ProTracker MOD format.
In 1990 1990, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, Triton, gfx: Lizard, music: 1990 by Horace Wimp ProTracer
MOD format.
New Demo 1990, .06, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Yogi Bear, Sputnik, music: Element of Insanity by Horace Wimp
ProTracker MOD format.
Mind Field 1990, .12, ECS Game/Demo.
code/gfx: Druid, music: 007 and Walking Fire by Druid ProTracker MOD
format. info: Nibbler Game Demo.
Dreamscape 1991, ECS File.
code: Dreamweaver, Rubicon, gfx: Saturn, music: A King Is Born by
Dreamweaver ProTracker MOD format.
Back To Front 1991, ECS File.
code: Regulator, gfx: n/a, music: Global Rock by n/a ProTracker MOD
format. info: This production announced five new members joined Aurora
Regulator, Spirou, Cuddley, Zipex and Megastorm.
Board Intro 1991, .07, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Saturn, music: Shivers by Dreamweaver ProTracker MOD format.
Illusions 1991, .12, ECS Demo.
code: Triton, gfx: Rubicon fonts, Anders Finer mainlogo, music:
Genovision! by Horace Wimp ProTracker MOD format.
Info: This demo announced new members joined Deejay, Trinity, Rocket all
ex Hypnosis, Trodac ex AFL, Dodger and Ragman.
BBS Demo 1992, ECS File.
code: Spirou, Cuddley, gfx: Cougar font, picture, Regulator font,
backlogo, Spirou minfont, music: Horace Wimp Phenomena Packer format,
158834 bytes.
Lost in Denmark 1992, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Regulator, Cuddley, Spirou, gfx: Regulator, music: Skummet Maelk
by Regulator ProTracker MOD format.
11th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Prelude 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tron.
End of Aushax 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tron.
Interlude 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx/music: Ice, Tron.
Epilogue 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tmk.
Australian Crackers United ACU
AUS Donatello old handle Microchip, 07/90, TIC crack, 06/90.
ACU was an Australian demo and cracking group.
1990 - Australian Pirasoft was busted around 07/90, and got ALL his stuff
confiscated by the Police. I dont know if this means that he left scene?
Some members were kicked, like Mister A, Fugitive and Crystal.
Australian Ginnie was later in Quartex.
Megademo ECS Trackloaded Megademo.
Avalanche was a small, promising Norwegian group, but when they died their
members were spread everywhere, and none of them made much of an impact
again. Their best members Keo music, Hoaxer and Big Red joined Fraxion.
Quark, Madwand and Cybermage formed a new group called Ecthelion.
Himalaya ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Atmospheric by KEO 4ch MOD format.
Avalon AVL
NOR Aragorn code, 12/93, Scentex swap, Shine, Zak Arild Ravlosve,
??? Cujo gfx, 12/93, Osprey.
Avalon was a Norwegian demo group.
1997 - Norwegian graphician and musician Typhoon 12/93 joined Gods early
in the year.
Zack joined Saints.
Out of Time ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: Typhoon, music: n/a.
review: This starts loading, showing a picture by Typhoon. When its done
loading it crashes. Caches off/original chipset does not do any good.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- note: See review!
40k Intro 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Aragorn, gfx: Typhoon font, Cujo raytrace, music: Typhoon.
Split 19th in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
review: Nothing exceptional immediately springs to mind, but this is not
a bad intro. It certainly didnt deserve 19th place! I guess the fact
that theyre relatively unknown might have a lot to do with that...
Anyway, some ok executed effects here, though they could perhaps have
spared themselves the perilous alien animation. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Response 1995, 14.04, Demo.
2nd in The Gathering 95 demo competition.
Avantgarde 1994-1995
GER Knuckles Yann Cebron, founder code swap, Sonic gfx music swap, ex
Platin, The Crow Jens, founder ascii, doublememb Artcore details,
??? Cascay gfx swap, ex Pulse, Vadium 01/95.
Formed by 2Fast/TRSI and Donk/Pulse in the middle of august 1994. 2Fast
changed his handle to The Crow and later changed it back, and Donk to
Knuckles. The group died somewhere between january and august 1995.
1996 - MG joined Savage in april.
German swapper Gangsta joined Scoopex.
Avenger -1990
SWI Hardrider code crack sysop THE ELECTRIC CO., early92, Hornet
code crack, later Alcatraz, PGCS gfx, later Alcatraz.
??? Burgame, Columbo, Daniel, Dead Sector, Dreamer, Fox, Humanoid,
Illusion, Magnetix, Metalwar code crack, Mike, Psycho, Red Storm,
Spreadforce, Steeve, Studio 3, Zodiac.
Avenger was a swiss-based illegal group, doing cracks.
1990 - French coder Funky joined Hexodus in january. Avenger died in 1990,
and their members joined Trilogy, Brainstorm and Alcatraz.
Avirex 1989-
Avirex was officially born on the first of january 1989.
Avocado AVC, 1995-
NOR Felix Karsten L. Fischer, swap, Sixpack swap pack.
SWE Pozz gfx swap, later C-Lous, Stevie swap ascii.
FIN Addict code, Apache sysop, Grand gfx, John Harder gfx ascii
swap, KML swap, Miro gfx swap, Substance org music swap, Zandax
music swap.
GER Base swap.
BEL Buttercup music swap, Cybernaut code.
AUS Cro code.
ENG Devistator gfx swap ascii, Realitor code swap.
HOL Fate ascii swap trade.
AUT Moon code.
Avocado was born when Kinky changed its name to Avocado in late 95.
1995 - Belgian, Turkish and Polish divisions were kicked late 95.
Svos, Blade, Woober, Beholder, Madman fin music and Rockeronic ger
music were all kicked late 95.
1996 - The entire english section left, while Finnish organizer,
musician and swapper Enzyme was kicked late in the year.
Avoid -1990
Avoid ceased to exist as a separate group around june 90, when they went
into cooperation with Celtic, still under the name Celtic. Among the members
who went along to Celtic was Avalon.
GER Art Andreas Fronk, swap, Dooz, Dr.Dree, Red Luck, Vega, Vision.
HOL Nitro, R2, Riptile, Tornado.
GER Crusher.
??? Alex, Douglas ex Exort, Exciter ex Exort, Gonzo ex Exort, Jesus
P ex Exort, Kahn ex Exort.
Cardinal was kicked, and joined Alpha Flight.
German swapper Red Knight joined The Electronic Knights.
Swedish modemtrader Sali-Adalat ex Exort joined Legend.
Here We Are Demo.
info: The groups first release.
NOR Citizen gfx, 03/92, Dee-Lite ex 5th Generation, new 09/92, Sadman
swap, Sonic music swap, ex Gang Starr/Atomic, new 09/92, The
Strangler music, 03/92, Warlord swap.
??? Jim ex Cyborgs, new early93, Mr.Magic ex Cyborgs, new early93.
Awe were a wholly uninspiring Norwegian group, whose biggest claim to
fame is having spawned another mediocre Norwegian group, Talent.
1992 - Dee-Lite joined from 5th Generation 09/92.
Redferne joined Desire.
Mr.Frenzy joined Animators.
Norwegians Mace, Pensplit, Necrologic, Mr.Z code, 03/92 and Android ex
Vega left to form a new group called Talent.
Invincibility 1 Packemenu 1992, 29.03, ECS Packmenu.
code: Mr.Z, gfx: Citizen, music: Grimstad by Night by The Strangler 4ch
MOD format.
review: Ok, first of all: the raster bars were not coded by Mr.Z!!
The routine was coded by Nosferatu/Razor 1911, and published in a
Norwegian computer magazine! I remember typing it in myself, to see the
effect, and I remember the text string that was embedded in hex, so you
wouldnt see it when you typed it in, only in memory. Therefore using
other peoples routines and claiming they are your own is LAME! Avoid.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Works with KillAGA, but bugs a little.
GER Aerobase swap, ex Vanish, Black Trooper Hans Spirk, gfx swap,
02/92, Empire sysop BORDERLINE, ex Setrox.
BEL Mad Shitbrain sysop METAL IMPACT.
SWE Him code, 04/92, Mr.Crook code, 04/92.
USA Master Copy sysop DAWNS END, ex New Wave.
??? Apollo ex Hypnotic, Dyce, Mace old handle Citizen, 09/92, Raider,
Scott ex Magnetic Fields, new mid91, Storm ex Energy.
Awesome was well reinforced when most members of the group Vox Dei joined
and formed a Swedish division. These were at least Him code. Swedish
coders Mr.Crook and Him are behind the cruncher Turtle Smasher. The group is
now dead.
1991 - Lawbreaker joined Vanish, while Vindex joined Zylon/Alpha Flight
around the middle of the year. Most members left for Alpha Flight in
1992 - German swapper Wonderboy ex Energy, old handle Slider joined Dual
Crew in september. German coder Blackraven joined Agnostic Front around
september he did NOT leave the scene, as claimed in R.A.W 3.
Ninja joined Dual Crew.
Montana Rice, who joined from Vanish with Aerobase, soon moved on to The
Electronic Knights TEK.
Tomcat joined Complex.
Dane Krueger joined the new Kefrens.
Gintro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Prospector, gfx: Black Trooper, Fairfax/PMC, music: Accel.
Axe -1991
NOR Shadow swap, Slider swap.
Axe died in 1991. Members joined The Special Brothers, Decept and Digital
Chris joined Grace.
The board THE BLACK HOLE joined Wizzcat.
F.O.A.P. 1995, 30.08, ECS 64k Intro.
code/gfx: Axen, music: Harry.
Released for the Intel Outside 95 64k intro competition.
review: When was the last time you saw linevectors? Dont run this
intro and youll be spared for another 5 years. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Cool Intro 1990, 07.10, ECS Intro.
code: Dr. M, gfx: n/a, music: Chainsaw.
Axenon -89/90?
GER Phantom swap, 02/89.
Phantoms p.o. box was closed by the Police, but he soon found a new one
and kept on swapping! When Axenon died, a certain German coder renamed to
Chaos and joined The Undertakers...
??? Zalo ex The Family.
Axis old -1992
HOL Danny gfx, later TBL, 04/92.
??? Fresh gfx, old handle Roxis.
The original incarnation of Axis was once the best group on the Dutch scene,
until it fell apart. They received a reorganization in late 91, but it
wasnt enough to save the group and it died in early to late 1992. Most
members formed a new group called Freestyle. Two years later, Axis was
1991 - Dartagnan changed his handle to Mop and joined Coma mid 91.
Ofcourse, Mop would rise to the top of the diskmag pile - first with
McDisk in Coma and later Alcatraz, then with one issue of Compass for
Alcatraz, before taking on the helm of todays best magazine Essences
R.O.M. Dutchmen Claxon, Steroid and Magician Lord joined Desire at the
Prime 91 12/91 party, but only stayed for a few hours. Claxon and Steroid
rejoined Axis, while Magician Lord opted to stay independent. Later, after
Axis died, they all joined the new group Freestyle!
1992 - Liberator left Axis, and probably the scene due to lack of time
early92. However, he was back in the reborn Axis two years later! Dutch
swapper Kr33 ex Sanctuary joined Sanity with his famous pack Femur
Bundle 09/92. When Axis finally died, coder Crackerjack ex Vision, 07/91
joined Mirage, and the rest of the old members formed a new group called
Mace was kicked out.
King Dragon, Xotic, Double Dutch and Antibody got kicked.
Our Nation 1991, ECS File.
code: Crackerjack, gfx: Roxis, music: Rip-It/R.A.F.
Released at the Royal Party 91.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Unknown Territory 1991, 07.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Crackerjack, gfx: Fresh, music: Serial Killer by Jayce/Jetset.
Winner of the Prime 91 demo competition!
Axis new 1994-
N-L Anthony Anthony Jonker, code, ex Movement, late96, Radavi swap
sysop, late96, Steroid swap, ex Jetset new, late96, Tim code,
ENG Nik code, late96, Twilight music, late96.
N-L Jay-One gfx, ex Jetset new, Liberator Ronald, sysop MELANCHOLIC
THOUGHTS, ex Movement
GER Dark swap, ex TRSI, Tvaan Robby, gfx, aka Teevan, ex Melody,
ENG Paradroid code, ex Lemon., new late94, Subi music.
??? Eros gfx, 12/95, Timeless music, 12/95.
Axis was reborn in 1994 by members from a.o. Movement. They seem to be on
the descent now that some of their best and most famous members having
left them Rodney, Hollywood, Iso.
1995 - Swedish graphician Rodney joined TBL late in the year. At the party
in december, the group entered with productions for both the intro and demo
competitions. The 40k intro Headcase 12/95 stelios/lowlife/hollywood
with a little help from facet/tbl came 2nd in the competition, while the
demo Parakrishna 12/95 celtic/eros/timeless fared much worse, and
ended up at an abysmal 18th place in its competition
1996 - Female swapper Clary left in april, and is now only in Drifters.
Dutch musician Iso Christiaan Unck, 12/94 left late in the year. English
musician Hollywood ex Melody, double Desire, 12/95 and coder Stelios
12/95 both left to form their own group late in the year, called Vacuum.
Dutch coder Celtic 12/95-04/96 left the scene!
Dutch graphician Lowlife ex Hotline, 12/95 moved to the UK to work on
games, and joined TBL.
Big Time Sensuality 1994 or pre.
Picturebook AGA Disk, 4 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hollywood.
Rootcanal Intro.
Headcase 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Stelios, gfx: Lowlife logo, Facet/TBL font, music: Hollywood.
2nd in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Minimal but mighty. There are some mean shaded toruses here -
some of the bestlooking ones Ive ever seen, actually! In addition,
theres some motionblurred cubes and a colorexplosion effect - and the
whole things just 31k. Not bad at all!
In september 97, a fixed version V1.1 was released. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Parakrishna 1995, 28.12, Demo.
code: Celtic, gfx: Eros, music: Timeless.
18th in The Party 5 demo competition.
info: The text mentions it should run on an A500/1mb, but doesnt on my
system - perhaps on 1.3 A500s.
Time and Emotion 1996?, Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hollywood.
info: The folllowing tunes are featured on the disk Acoustic 1790-1990,
Eskimo Logic, Ether Symphony..., Pluto VII, Real-Life, Rejuvenation-Jazz,
Spilt Milk, Time+Emotion-Intro, TitaniumLeafPrints, Voyager.
N.G.M.M.H. 1996, 07.04, 4k Intro.
code: Celtic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Symposium 96 4k intro competition.
review: A simple 4ker, just a blocky 2x2? flame effect with the word
Celtic appearing in the flames from time to time. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Axxis -1989
Axxis died at the end of summer 1989, when the entire group swiss and
german sections left to join Brainstorm.
Azkiness AZK
POL Draw ascii swap, doublememb Ambrosia details, late96.
Azkiness is a group we know not much about, but judging from the name we
guess its a fair assumption that this is an ascii group
NOR Comico founder, ex Theatre, new late90.
Abakus was formed by Comico/ex Theatre and Circus of Power group late 90.
At least two small demos were released Unseen and Scheisse.
GER Lucifer trade, 01/91, Sigma Seven sysop LAST RESORT, 04/92.
??? Crap code, Pothead ex Anthrox.
Boards THE LIGHT ger, 09/90.
Abandon is a German group, initially active on the demo scene, but also
responsible for a crack or two...
For Your Entertainment 1989, ECS File.
Potheads Beast 1989, .12, ECS File.
Released at the Vision/Avenger/DDC NewYear-Party Rotterdam.
Megademo 1989, .12, ECS Megademo.
Released at the Vision/Avenger/DDC NewYear-Party Rotterdam.
Musicmaster 1990, ECS Musicdisk.
Released at the Vision, Dutchcrack, Sensor Party 90.
Yellow Scroll Showtime 1990, ECS File.
Ozone Coding Firescroll 1990, 18.11, ECS File.
Released at the BS1 .. Party 18.11/90
Bloody Data 1990, ECS File.
Huge Pile Of Bull 1991, 07.12, ECS File.
Released at the Prime Party 91.
E.J.I.D. ecs intro.
Crackintro ecs intro.
code: n/a, gfx: The Sarge/Fairlight logo, music: Megawatt and The Sound
review: This cracktro sports a nice logo by The Sarge, as its main asset.
Apart from that its not really anything special, just an OK intro, with
just text and design elements taking up the rest of the screen. Get it for
the cool logo : There is no indication as to when it was released.
The intro does not exit properly, just leaves you with a black screen
and the need for CTRL-A-A... The intro reviewed was for the 100 fixed
Quartex version of Kick Off 2 - Return to Europe.
Found at World of Cracktros http://cracktros.planet-d.net/. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Abnormal old ABN
NOR Andy code gfx, later Absence, 90, Blackie Lawless, BLC, Eclipse
music, 90, Highlander, Hugo music, 90, Izzy gfx, 90, Monzo code,
Abnormal was originally a Norwegian C64 demo crew, but since several of
their members later emigrated to the Amiga platform a section was created.
Its highly unlikely that the old Abnormal has anything to do with the new.
Little Twister 1990.
code: Monzo, gfx: Izzy, music: Hugo.
Little Demo 1990.
code/gfx: Andy, music: Eclipse.
Scribble Sine 1990, 06.10, ECS File.
Released at the No Limits Imp666 Amiga Conference 90.
Abnormal new ABN
N-L Dada music, 12/94, Earthshaker Michel Bojawal, music, 12/94,
Househakker 12/94, Rotox Rene v.d. Steen, swap.
It is highly unlikely that the old Abnormal has anything to do with this
ITA Macno Alessandro Franchetti, editor, 12/92-95.
Abnormalia is the group dedicated to releasing Abnormalia diskmagazine.
It was Italian writer Macnos new group after leaving Grace and Scene
Lyrics. While writing for his own mag, he is also one of the busiest
contributors to several other leading mags, including having his own
sections ABNOminio in RAW8 and ROM4.
Abnormalia issue 1 1992, .12, ECS Diskmag.
editor: Macno.
Abnormalia issue 2 1993, Diskmag.
Abnormalia issue 3.14 1993, late, Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Parsec/Mystic 2 tunes, editor: Macno.
Abnormalia issue 4 Diskmag.
Abnormalia issue 5 1995 or pre, Diskmag.
code: Pitagora, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Absence -1991
NOR Champ, Dma, EC Man music, Zapper.
Absence was one of the leading demo groups in Norway around 90 and 91.
When the group died, Quest 04/91, Andy 04/91, Monzo, Mr. Man 04/91,
MCS, HeadX and Wizax 03/91 joined Andromeda. Timewalker joined Dual Crew.
They were reborn almost right away, as a swapper group with Goofy Henrik
Lie-Nielsen, 03/91 as the only member, but never released a real production
again. Other small productions they made, are a.o. Ball Scroll intro, Bob
Plop intro and 4 Round Color Equalizers intro.
Norwegian swapper Rob new 03/91 joined Dexion.
Meltdown late 90/early 91, ECS File.
code: Poltergeist/XLNS, gfx: Quest, music: Mr. Man.
Cooperation with Excellence XLNS.
Reform Pack Intro 1991?, ECS Intro.
code: Andy, gfx: n/a, music: EC Man.
info: Probably used for earlier issues too.
Reform Pack Intro 26 1991, 11.03, ECS Intro.
code: Wizax, gfx: Goofy font, music: Maestro/Kefrens.
review: This intro is really very simple theres just a font plotter,
some moving colors in two lines top and bottom and some copper fades in
the letters to achieve a better look. This was a popular design concept
around these times. Goofys 1 bitplane font, the only graphics, is quite
OK, actually I also like Maestros music. Nothing special, but these
oldschool intros tend to bring a smile to my face nonetheless :
This intro was probably used from this issue on, since it says Finally
a new intro! The intro also announces the joining of Rob. The pack is
maintained by Zapper, Goofy and Quest. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Reform Pack Menu 27 ECS Intro.
Reform Pack Menu 33 ECS Intro.
Reform Pack Menu 40 ECS Intro.
Violator 1991, .04, ECS File.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, music: Mr. Man.
Vector 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
Absolute! ABS, 1992-
HUN ADT code music trade sysop LOCAL GRAVEYARD, doublememb Royal
early96, ex Soc.Brigade, 08/92-early96, B2 Man ex Live Act, Crm
code gfx, 08/92-04/94, Edge code, 93-04/94, Ern0 music codePC,
Fester Sos Balint, mainorg edit Sledge Hammer, ex 23 Celsius Crew,
93, Goophy code, ex Cerberos Design, Jean edit stopswap, ex
Surprise! Productions, new early93-97, Lord Peter Labos, org pack
sysop NUMBER OF THE BEAST, triplememb Impulse and Crimson Jihad, Mc
Green music swap, ex Live Act, Petroff Peter Wodzinsky, music,
12/93-12/94, Rack Lszl Molnr, gfx, ex Majic 12, new early93-
late96, Rainbow ex Live Act, Sliver ex Live Act.
POL Musashi code, new late95, Scorpik.
FRA Mental Eris Sassin, swap, ex Anarchy, new early93.
NOR Rancor Kristian Loksa, music swap, ex Scoopex, new RAW5.
AUS 243 trade sysop SOUTHERN COMFORT, new late95.
BEL Sike trade, Spunk, Tilt.
??? Brian music codePC, 08/92, Fate and Poko sysops FATAL CONNEXTION,
new early97, Popeye raytrace, Sike new 93, Spunk new 93.
Absolute! was formed around october 1992 by the best members of Soc.Brigade
ADT, Ben... and Live Act Asti, Viti.... Theyre probably best known for
their hungarian graphician Rack and their diskmag Sledge Hammer. There was
actually 9 issues of the mag released in Hungarian before the first English
release! After the last issue of SH had been released, there were some
rumours and loose advertising for a new cooperation mag with Dreamdealers,
called Cult. Fester would be main editor, and Napoleon from Dreamdealers
would do the code. They also arranged the Hungarian party The Hammering in
1993 and 1994, and tried to coarrange Wildstock 95 with a pc group, but
that party was cancelled. Rack has NEVER been a doublemember of Balance, as
claimed in some mags. A mag released late 95 carried news that Lord and
Fester were now main organizers. Who were before?
Other small productions ABS has released include Vector Dreamz file,
Utah Saints Fan Club AGA demo, Party IV Report and Cult Special
Partyedit 2disk AGA diskmag.
1993 - They kicked all their foreign divisions, and are now 100 Hungarian
late 93.
1994 - After travelling all the way to Finland for the assembly with
members of Sanity from Germany, Lord released the slideshow Assembly 94
Slideshow 08/94 soon after.
1995 - Graphician Skowron joined Funzine late 95. PALACE BBS is not an
HQ anymore late95.
1996 - Polish Musician Scorpik new late 95 left the Amiga scene for
Pulse on the PC in late 1996. Pulse, incidentally, features many talented
ex- and current Amiga scene celebrities, like f.ex. Lazur. Anyone with a
Pentium gathering dust would be well advised to check out their productions.
You might see a name or two you recognize :
1997 - Early in the year, Jean returned from his studies in France and
returned to his native Budapest. Mr.Now is not a member, as was stated in a
a diskmag. Poko and Fate joined with their board FATAL CONNEXTION.
In Hungary, swappers Archibald Bela Nadas Jr. and Ben founder, ex Soc.
Brigade, coders Asti 08/92 and Viti ex Live Act, musician T-Bozz
04/94 and graphicians Hamlet ex Alcatraz, old handle Jaby, 93 and
Hazel old handle Mace were kicked out due to communication problems.
Hawk was kicked.
German swapper and trader Star Sascha Hoeppner joined from Elysion 93, but
got kicked and left the scene soon after.
Rackler, Twilight and Doc. Holiday all ex Wildfire, new early93, Rodney
gfx, ex E.M.I, 93, Twice code and DSN gfx, both new 93 all joined
Musication Vol.1 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
Pizza Place 1992, 30.08, ECS File.
code: ADT, Asti, Crm, gfx: Crm, Adt, music: Brian.
Clairvoyance 1993, ECS File.
code: ADT, Edge, gfx: Rack, Rodney, ADT some fonts, music: Twilight and
Doc. Holiday.
review: Oh yeah! This must certainly be one of the best-designed demos
ever! It almost seems like theyve considered the position of every
single pixel in the whole demo! The Hungarian graphics genious Rack
delivers some of his best graphics EVER, and even manages to beat his
own amazing Ray of Hope 2 font with an AMAZINGLY colorful one! Im
putting it up for font of the year : And I havent even BEGUN
mentioning the music yet! Guess what? Its an amazingly cool tune!
It kicks in with a groove and a danceability seldom heard. AMAZING!
The animation of the race car crashing is from the movie Freejack.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sledge Hammer 11E 1993, early, ECS Diskmag.
code: ADT, gfx: ADT, Jaby, music: Chromag/Essence, Rancor/Absolute,
editor: Fester.
Vektor Dreamz 1993, late, ECS Intro.
production: ADT, Crm, Petroff, T-Bozz/independent.
review: This small crackintro or so they claim... is more a piece of
weird design than a genuine Absolute production, but nevertheless... :
It seems like a small friendship production, done just to release
something for the scene. There is no real stunning artwork here, and the
whole thing seems pretty quickly thrown together. They mention they are
all busy writing games, and have just squeezed this little prod in between
their other projects. They mention that Cream will be released at The
Party 93...guess it got delayed a little, eh? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Swedish Music Disk 1994 or pre, Musicdisk.
Hammering 94 Party Invitation 1994, .03, File.
Cream 1994, 09.04, AGA File.
code: Edge, Crm, gfx: Rack, Crm, music: T-Bozz. Released at Hammering 94.
review: The graphics are definitely the strongest point of this demo,
with Rack turning in some amazing pictures. With better code and, most of
all, better music, this could have been something really special. The way
it is now, thats not the case. Still, get it for the graphics! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Assembly 94 Slideshow 1994, late.08, AGA Slideshow, 2 disks.
code/gfx/music: none, compiler: Lord.
review: Lord stretches the concept of slideshows to the limit here, with
this offering - this is basically just two disks with a copy of a
shareware picture shower, and the jpg pictures themselves in a separate
directory. The pictures are slightly funny, though - there are 18 of them,
some showing real scene legends like Slayer/Scoopex and Cougar/Sanity!
About half are from the actual event, while the rest centers around the
trip, mostly together with members of Sanity. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sledge Hammer 13 1994, late, Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: CAT/Essence title, music: n/a.
info: CATs title picture is called Android.
Wildstock 95 Party Invitation AGA File.
review: Though the invitation intro was released, the party itself was
never held!
POL Booger Arkadiusz Stanoszek, music.
POL Bta code, later Appendix, new late97, Budgie mainorg gfx ascii
swap, later Appendix, Dziulas gfx, Jumbo swap, Opal gfx music,
Popcorn music, later Appendix.
SWE Melfis gfx ascii swap.
NOR Punisher swap, later Apathy.
??? Diablo raytrace, new late97, Mr.Kadde music, new late97.
Prism 1997, 31.08, ECS 4k Intro.
Released for the Gravity 2 4k intro competition.
Prism Part 2 1997, 14.12, 4k Intro.
3rd in the Astrosyn 97 4k intro competition.
Abuse ABS
NOR Baffle sysop BUMBLE BEE LAND, triplememb Honey and Grotesticle,
FIN Demolee sysop MOS EISLEY, doublememb Nerve Axis details, 03-
05/97, Ganja music, doublememb Nerve Axis details, 03-05/97.
CAN Coca Cola Kid sysop NEUROTICA.
??? Boheme 03/97, Choaxial 03/97, Darkman 03/97, Folar 03/97,
Kamikaze 03/97, Lagers 03/97, Loop 03/97, Mr.Studd 03/97, Naig
03/97, Nik 03/97, Psyko 03/97, Radavi 03/97, Tapsah 03/97,
Warhammer 03/97, Zeus ascii, tag zS!, 03/97.
MOTEL fin, 03-05/97, NOTABENE swe, 03-05/97, WILD PALMS DHQ
03-05/97, FREAKOUT DST 03-05/97, SPACED OUT eng, 03-05/97,
Abuse is an illegal cracker group. They seem to be based in - or at least
have strong links to - Holland. Theis may be a long shot, but Im willing to
hazard a guess that Psyko is the sysop of BATES MOTEL :
Cracktro 1997, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Mentat/Oops!, gfx: Zeus uncredited, ascii, music: Ganja.
review: Now this is more of an original intro! It features a spinning dot-
ball in a small window in thr top right corner, a textplotter in the
bottom left corner, and otherwise an Abuse ascii logo over that. The two
windows are black with white text/dots, while the rest of the screen is in
blue. Nicely different.
Though it is not mentioned in the intro, Ganja was almost certainly a
doublemember of Nerve Axis at the time. The version reviewed is from the
Cedric AGA cd-rip 03.03-97. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Abuse Intro 1997, 08.05, AGA Intro.
code: Tycoon/Oops!, gfx: Hudson Hawk/Lightforce and Hellfire pic,
Typhoon/Oops! font, music: BlockRockinChips by Ganja/Nerve Axis and
Abuse 4ch MOD format.
review: Another simple intro, with just a an abuse logo/picture, and a
text plotter overlaid on it. The pic is OK, but nothing stunning. This
intro requires AGA, though I cant for the life of me see why. The release
date and name is based on the version string within the intro itself. The
version reviewed is for the crack of Spherical Worlds AGA/ECS CD-Rip
10.05-97. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Abyss AYS, 1992-, http://www.the-leaders-of-the-eighties.de/
GER Bartman code, ex Pyrodex, 08/94-12/97, Cyclone Holger Linde, gfx,
ex Illusion, new 10/96-10/97, dRm music sysop, ex Shoot, old handle
Dreamer, new 12/95-12/96, Pink Manfred Linzner, code music, ex
Pyrodex, new 94-04/98, Poet Simon Finkenstaedt, code, ex Pyrodex,
08/94-10/96, SMC code music sysop ULTRAWORLD WHQ, new 93-10/96,
Spin code, ex Shoot, new 12/95-10/96, Tyshdomos Tisch Thomas, gfx,
08/94-10/96, Wintermute modeller, 12/98.
AUT Moon code, doublememb Kinky late95, 05/94-10/96.
ENG Devistator gfx ascii swap, ex Eltech, new late96-12/97.
??? Judas gfx, ex Capsule? 12/98.
Boards INTERNATION CHAOS WHQ usa, mid96.
GER Duke Markus Knauer, swap pack, new early93-08/94, Falcon gfx,
early93, Kyle code gfx swap, new early93, S.M.U.D.O B. Baumann,
swap, ex El Cativo/Submission, new early93.
FIN Sentinel fin swap, ex Legend,
??? Alloy consoletester, Alot gfx, new early93, Artline gfx, new
early93, Beatbrain gfx, new early93, Cazal music, new mid93,
08/94, Dragonfly code, later Arise new, new early93, Kid Frost gfx,
new early93, Lou Van B music, ex Arise, new early93, Mole ex Agoa,
new 94, Newcomer sysop, new early93, Pencl gfx, new early93, Sin
Joiner music, new early93, Skyline Alexander, swap pack, new
early93, Sodom code, ex Beyond, new early93, System X code, new
early93, TC code gfx music, new early93, Vision code gfx, later
Arise new, new early93, Zystar gfx, new mid93.
Abyss was formed late 1992 by the best members of Arise dragonfly, lou van
b, vision ++, and Beyond, and released their first intro Intoxication
shortly after, in the beginning of 1993. In 1994, the entire group Pyrodex
joined. Pink was one of them.
Dexter is the author of the amazing Abyss Highest eXperience AHX,
previously THX music system for c64-like chip tunes, and Pink is
the author of some of the best tunes for it :
Other small productions Abyss has released are a.o. Delirial
Desorientation packmenu intro, BBS Intro, Goagab intro, rel some
weeks before the Party 3, S.M.U.D.O demo, Music for the Lost 2 disk
musicdisk, Neurodancer Demo demo.
1992 - Protektor and Cardinal, sysops WORLD DOWN FALL, both joined
Crystal in september.
1993 - Mr.Night was kicked due to lameness mid93. Zeroflag code, new
early93 and Caro were kicked mid93.
1995 - Qwerty sold his Amiga and left the scene late95.
1996 - German swapper Sting Dirk Dallmann, ex Bonzai Brothers, new
late95 was kicked due to inactivity in july. Norwegian musician Chris
Meland ex Spaceballs, new 04/96 was kicked in october. Also Jumping Pixel
gfx, new early93- and Luka Gregory Engelhardt, gfx music, old handle
MemoRee, 05/94- were both kicked due to inactivity in october.
1997 - It is a little unclear what happened to the membership of german
graphician JCS ex Scoopex, doublememb Syndrome, new 10/96-12/96, but he
was in both Sector 7, Syndrome and Abyss in april - and not a member later
in the year. Swedish multitalent code/gfx/music/sysop Newt ex Crux and
Subspace, new 10/96 decided to leave the scene to concentrate on his career
as an in-line skater around 09/97.
1998 - In december, at The Party, German coder Dexter Martin Wodok,
08/94- released his last ever amiga production, the third-placed 40k intro
Cruisin II - Cruise In 12/98. Dexter was one of the original members of
the group, and participated in most of its best productions. His leaving is
certainly a major blow to the group, and he will be sorely missed as a true
amiga scene devotee to the end.
Big-Rat and Madstop, the X-Files team which doublejoined from Ethic in
early 97 have now left Abyss, and are now only members of Ethic again.
German graphician and musician Toxic Sven Dedek, ex Beyond, early93-08/95
left Abyss for his musical career. There were rumors that he was back on
the scene in the middle of 1996, but these proved to be untrue.
The Jungle 7 reported that he was a Rebels doublemember in 1994.
German musician and sysop Neurodancer AMBUSH, new early93-08/94, left
due to internal affairs. As a consequence, ULTRAWORLD is now the WHQ
BBS 04/96. Later Neurodancer joined Looker House 06/96. Neurodancer
made music for the demo Drugstore while in Abyss.
German swapper and packmaker Skindiver Andreas Schwarz, new early 93-
01/94 decided to leave the scene. He was, however, listed as editor in
the memberlist in EuroChart 30 07/97!
Cracktro ECS Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx: n/a, music: Pink.
review: Nicely designed, short and sweet, with a minimalist feel. This
crack intro is in three shades of brown two for the background, one for
the font and has two textscreens that alternate...and a THX soundtrack
from Pink. Thats about it folks! The same intro is also used by Pyrodex.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Intoxication 1993, early, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: n/a, music: Moog Gnirkel by Neurodancer.
info: The first ever Abyss intro!
X-Ray 1993, early, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon logos, Kyle fonts, music: L8neyetmovee by
review: Im sorry, but the music ruins this for me. The routines are
good, I guess, but it lacks the sting or spark of a good production.
Theres no magic here, just cold techno. These guys can do a lot better.
As a later upload to AmiNet of the module reveals, the title is supposed
to mean Late Night Movie. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Shocked 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Swap Dance Charts 1 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hypno Flight by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 2 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Nancy Youre So Trancy by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 3 Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Moove Sukka! by Neurodancer.
Mona Lisa Was a Man 1992, 28.12, ECS Disk.
22nd in The Party 92 demo competition.
Warp 69 1994, AGA Dentro.
code: Poet, gfx: n/a, music: 4 Spirits by Neurodancer.
Dizneeland 1 1994, .05, ECS Musicfile.
code: Moon, gfx/music: MemO Ree The Player 6.0A format.
info: Included are the tunes Acidity, Black Heart, Chip Maniax, Dark
Experience, Hard To Choose, Heavenz Tearz, Jello Coat, My Voice, Pass The
Plugg, Pink Noise,
Dizneeland 2 ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Pink, MemO Ree The Player 6.0A format.
info: Included are the tunes Alf Theme pink, Amaretto Allergy mem,
Hysterical pink, January 64 mem, Journey pink, Patience mem,
Soundz Like Fuck mem, The Real World pink, Trip To mars mem and
Mario Is Missing pink.
Artcore 1994, 07.08, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Bartman, Dexter, Poet, gfx: Mem ORee logo, font, Toxic
pighead, patterns, Skindiver endfont, asciilogo, music: Artcore-
Theme and Put on the Anchors by Pink 4ch ProTracker format.
13th in the Assembly 94 40k intro competition.
review: My immediate reaction to this intro is nice design. Theyve
certainly managed to squeeze a lot into 40k this time, with not only a
good intro, but two great tunes as well - none of which sounds the least
bit chippy! The endtune is fabulous! Recommended. 13th!? Toxics pig
picture is called Rocker Pig. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
DisIsSid issue 1 1994, 08.10, ECS Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: no credit, music: Pink The Player 6.0A format.
Released at the Doomsday Party 1994.
review: An outstanding release that manages to capture the C64 feel
PERFECTLY - by emulating it in the same manner. If you didnt know, youd
never suspect what you saw WERENT an old c64 demo. Truly outstanding.
Pink covers some true classics here, and comes out on top and with style.
Theres some very nice graphics here, including a fullscreen rendition of
Al Bundy from Married With Children, though no graphician is credited.
Tunes included are versions of Delta Highscore, Disco Zak, Disissid
Theme, Turrican 1 end and Zamzara Highscore. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Swap Dance Charts 4 1994, ECS Filemag.
INT - code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Global Confusion by Pink 4ch
ProTracker format.
MAG - code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Deep House 9 by Neurodancer.
Swap Dance Charts 5 1994, .11, ECS Filemag.
INT - code: Dexter, gfx: Toxic, music: Spice Intro by Neurodancer.
MAG - code: SMC, Dexter, gfx: Toxic title, SMC, music: Tunnel Vision
by Neurodancer, editors: Skindiver, SMC.
Return of the Space Cowboys 1994, 06.11, 40k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Pink 2 tunes in The Player 6.0A format.
Winner of the WOC Party 94 40k intro competition!
DisIsSid issue 2 1994, 06.11, ECS Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: n/a, music: Pink The Player 6.0A format.
Released at the WOC Party 1994.
info: Included are tunes like Combat Game 3 combat school?, Commando
Highscore, Last Ninja 3, Sigma Seven and Theme.
Dove 1994, 30.12, AGA Multifile, 2 disks.
code: Bartman, Dexter, Poet, SMC, gfx: Toxic abyss and dove logos,
Tyshdomos, MemoRee, Pink raytrace, Bartman raytrace, music: Pink 3
x 4ch ProTracker format. 16th in The Party 94 demo competition.
review: The competition at TP94 was stiff, but I still think this
deserved better than 16th. Its got nice design, good graphics, a nice
unoffensive synth-poppie tune thats timed perfectly to some of the
effects... Its not even boring! Tyshdomos picture Raped that appears
during the Jacko-part, was also entered in the graphics competition at
The Party, where it came in at a split 10th place. All effects look VERY
smooth and nice on my 030-50...but I suppose thats only natural when it
was designed with an 020-14 in mind.
The demo is split up into two parts, really, separated in the two files.
The first part is the demo part, while in the second one they poke fun
at three other wellknown productions. It opens with a digitized animation
of Pink going to buy a magazine at a big store Virtual Dreams 242,
before its revealed that the magazine is all about Beverly Hills 90210,
and were played a rendition of the theme Melon Dezign Romantic.
Then were shown the credits in a screen design thats very similar to
the one Sanity employed in SEVERAL of their productions...
Though originally designed to run from floppy, hard disk installation
is painless just copy the two files where you want them and run.
Couldnt possibly be easier : Works fine on standard A1200. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Orange 8 1995, Musicpack Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: Toxic title, music: n/a.
High Anxiety 1995, 12.08, AGA HD Multifile.
code: Moon, Dexter, gfx: Toxic title, abyss logo, Pink raytrace,
music: Global Confusion II by Pink and 3 other modules, The Player 6.0A
format. 11th in the Assembly 95 demo competition.
review: The opening is certainly the best part of this demo, with the
raytraced animation by Pink and the fast texturemapped tunnel ride the
definitive highlights of the demo. Theres a hefty portion of BLOCKY
goraud shading here thats more embarassing than anything else.
Pinks music is sometimes good, sometimes average, and theres a couple
of reasonable fullscreen pictures by Toxic in there. If you check out the
demos WorkBench icons, thats one of them in a miniature. Not too bad...
but Im not too fond of routines that look THIS blocky! HA will work on
any AGA Amiga with 2mb chipmem. The end module is Global Confusion II,
the module Pink competed with at Dooms Day 94! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Drugstore 1995, 12.08, ECS? 1MB Multifile, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: Toxic abyss logo, disk 2, music: Larry In A Hurry,
Space Hurrier!, Minidancer and Sleeping World by Neurodancer The
Player 6.0A format. Released at Assembly 95.
info: Can be instaled to HD, but doesnt require it. All four modules were
released to AmiNet by their author in 1998.
Voll Crass 1995, 28.12, Intro.
3rd in The Party 95 Fast Intro competition.
Indifference 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: Clue/indep additional design, music: dRm The Player
6.1A format. 13th or 21st in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
Review: This is a very good intro. The thumping music, the good effects,
the design... Most importantly, it does not fall into the advanced but
boring trend that has plagued intros ever since Pygmy Projects
G-Force. There are some good effects here, most of which Id guess were
real crowd-pleasers at The Party...unfortunately, I havent fed the
results into Scenery yet, so I dont quite know Theres some text in
the intro file, presumably an error code, that says buy AGA or run
SetPatch!, which has me hesitant if this an AGA or ECS intro...
Therefore, I have refrained from categorizing it. Should work on unexpaned
A1200s. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Symbol 1995, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx: n/a, music: Symbol by Pink 4ch ProTracker format.
21st in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dizneeland 5 1995, 28.12, ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Sweet Seduction by Pink.
Released at The Party 5.
Pixelstorm 1995, 28.12, Slideshow.
code: Pink, gfx: Toxic, Tyshdomos, Pink design, music: Pink 4ch
ProTracker format. Released at The Party 95.
review: A nice little slide with pictures and clips that won the
competition from a german computer magazine I damned cant remember the
After a cinema-like intro you are able to slide through ten pics while
listening to a cool tune by our allround genius Pink who also did the
code, design and had the idea! You can do this with a comfortable selector
as in all good slideshows with b/w preview and autoslide function! All
settled in a good atmosphere of the well-known Abyss-style!! Tyshdomos
also Tisch Thomas drew some cool, satiric fullscreen pictures like
Michael Jackson in Take care of your children. The only bad thing is
that Toxic made nothing more than clips but therefor with some funny ideas
like the smoking nun!
My favorites here are: Peace!, Orbita a c64 revival! and Enjoy
your meal. All by Tysh... zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
Think Pink 1995, 28.12, Musicdisk.
code/music: pink, gfx: Toxic, Bartman. Released at The Party 95.
review: This time Abyss gives us eight tunes composed and written by the
multitalent Pink, whose last - and I am afraid to tell you that - for only
about 13 minutes...
With generally disco popsongs and some jazzy rhythms is this musicdisk
really no highlight! Only standard Pink music. For the entire scene a
rather good production but compared to the normal quality level of Abyss
productions less good. I like the idea for the title picture I guess only
germans will understand by Bartman but the design by Toxic lacks of
colors! Also it needs a bugfix because it only starts if the audio
channels were not used before! My favourites are Ego Tendencies 2 and
One Step Inside. zito
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
Dizneeland 6 1995, ECS Musicfile.
Dizneeland 7 1995, 10.07, ECS Musicfile.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Cradle of the Future by Pink AON format.
Released at Somewhere In Holland 95...this cant be right?
DisIsSid III - Getoese 1996, Music File.
code/music: Pink, gfx: Cyclone.
review: The C64 graphics style is as impressive as ever, its amazing to
see how close theyve come to the C64 look and feel... The music, as
usual, is first rate. There are 5 tunes here, all conversions of tunes
done originally for the C64. Coolness doesnt even get close.
I dont see why this shouldnt work on ECS, but I havent tested it.
Release date is an estimate the scroller says its been over a year
since the last one 11/94... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Blub! 1996, 07.04, 4k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Symposium 96 4k intro competition!
review: The design is probably what set Blub! above the other two
entries in the Symposium competition the effect is certainly the weakest
of the three. However, it does have an intro screen and some backgrounds,
and most of the time thats all it takes : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Vertigo 1996, 27.04, AGA 4mb HD Multifile.
code: Bartman main, Spin, gfx: Pink objects, textures, Cyclone/
iLLusion main, music: Pink. 6th in the Saturne 96 demo competition.
review: The first thing that struck me when I saw the opening of this
demo was Arte! The opening bars of the music, as well as the graphical
design, leave no doubt that this is indeed a homage to Sanitys classic.
So, is the demo any good? Its a killer! Though it has excellent,
advanced routines, it never forgets its true nature as an entertainment
item. The design, the music, and the weaving together of the demo all
indicate truly experienced demolitioners. Highly recommended.
Recommends 030-50 or 040-25. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Little Floove 1996, 27.04, AGA Intro.
code: Bartman, gfx/music: Pink THX Format.
Winner of the Saturne 96 intro competition!
review: Yeah! Short but sweet seems like the order of the day, and its
not a bad one! Here we have a rather fast phong routine, coupled with
minimal but nice design and a THX tune by Pink - a rendition of the theme
song from the TV series Alf. I love it! Dum-da-dum...dum-dum-dum-dum-
da-duuum, da-da-dum... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Extra 1996, 13.07, 40k Intro.
2nd in The Summer Party 96 40k intro competition.
DOS4GW.EXE 1996, 28.12, 4k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: none, music: Pink THX format.
7th in The Party 96 mixed 4k intro competition.
review: A definitive first! Abyss brings us the worlds first ever 4k
musicdisk...and the four tunes are actually good! The graphics are
reminiscent of what youd find in one of those old utility bootblocks,
though at 4k I guess thats about fair. Outstanding!
**UPDATE** - Contrary to popular belief, DOS4GW is *NOT* the worlds
first 4k musicdisk - Sapphire/Centolos was first with MD4I 07/96!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Damn! 1996, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Azure !, Spin, Bartman, gfx: Toxic, music: Pink.
4th in The Party 6 40k intro competition.
Klub Diznee - Listen or Die! 1996, 28.12, Multifile Musicdisk.
code: Dexter, gfx: n/a, music: Pink, DRM, Oxide/Sonik, Daizl/Mystic,
Geir Tjelta all in THX format. Released at The Party 6.
review: Abyss first original THX musicdisk is a goodie. You sort of know
youre in for something good when the intro picture is a manipulated
version of the Skate or Die title from the C64... Theres some truly
tasty THX tunes in here, and its a real coup to have Geir Tjelta do a
tune. For those of you who did not own a C64 and are therefore ignorant,
young Mr.Tjelta was an OUTSTANDING C64 musician in his time. His
greetings list here should be some indication! Strangely, theres no
graphics credit even though theyre certainly nothing to be ashamed of...
Some text found in the intro strongly indicates a hidden game, but I
havent been able to find it yet. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Klub Diznee II - Competition is Gone 1997, .02, AGA Musicfile.
code: Pink, gfx: Cyclone, music: various too many to mention.
review: I didnt honestly believe they could do it, but theyve gone and
done it anyway! Theyve outdone themselves and easily topped the first
KD! Theres a brand new code, this time by Pink, thats even better than
the original one, and this time theres a whopping 16 THX tunes for your
enjoyment, from as many different composers. This means theres more
variety here than in the original. The graphics are acceptable, being a
combination of cartoony stuff with an unusual palette and a graffitti
style. This is pure coolness, so go download it and become a THX addict!
The tunes in this musicpack are all from the first THX IRC competition,
held in early 1997. Pink was the winner, followed by Geir Tjelta. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
X-Files issue 13 1997, 03.02, AGA Filemag.
Cooperation with Ethic, see there for review.
Abyss In Neverland 1997, 30.03, 4k Intro.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 97 4k intro competition.
Diskobox 1997, 30.03, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Spin, gfx: Cyclone, music: Pink.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 40k intro competition!
As Time Goes By 1997, 30.05, AGA Intro.
code/music: Pink, gfx: Cyclone.
review: Yes! Another winner by a crew that never ceases to amaze me!
This small 130k intro manages to evoke some feelings in an old sceners
heart... remember when there was no c2p? The special brand of Abyss
nostalgia - remembering the good times without cloning yourself - seems
amazingly fresh. Remember that these guys were the people that brought
SID-quality tunes to the Amiga in the shape of THX! The tune here,
however, is a more synthpoppy, funky affair. This was NOT released at
any party, since theyre trying to get back to the old times feel.
Just excellent, right down to the partners in crime text on their
greetings, making us remember a thousand great cracktros over the years.
I see no real reason why this should requires AGA, but it was situated
in demo/aga on AmiNet, so... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Kindergarden 97 Invitation 1997, early to mid, File.
code/gfx/music: Pink music in THX format.
Invitation to the Kindergarden 97 party.
review: One-man demo-making crew Pink does this invitation intro for a
small Norwegian Amiga-only party! The intro is nice enough, with a small
title screen with a fish jumping across it, followed by the presentation
of the invitation text itself. This seems to be 100 identical to the
text in the accompanying text file, so I didnt bother to read much of
it in the selector. Its nice, but not extraordinary. The music is by
Pink in THX format, so theres obviously nothign wrong with that aspect
of the intro : The party was held from 03-06.07, so obviously the intro
was released sometime before that. Unfortunately it doesnt contain any
release date that I can see : I have no idea if this requires AGA.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Klub Diznee 3 1997, .05, Musicfile.
Klub Diznee 4 - Beverly Hills Coped 1997, 18.09, Musicfile.
code: Dexter, gfx: Cyclone eddie, Frame/C-Lous logo, bartman art
direction, music: various THX format.
review: Opening up with a large, stylish THX logo, then continuing in
style onto a greatlooking menu to the sounds of the classic Axel F tune!
In fact this entire issue is dedicated to cover versions of this classic
tune, presenting no less than 15 different versions all done in Abyss own
THX format I guess this is a cheap way to get product out there,
inviting other people to do the work, but it feels good, so why the hell
not? P
The tunes are, Axel F.Unk by Jazz/Haujobb, AxelF by Pink/Abyss,
Axel-F P-Mix by Prodigy/Oops!, AxelD by Juice/PhaseD, AxelAxe by
Oxide/Sonik, Axel Fooley by Tommy/Spin+, Axelf.uck! by
FreQvibez/Offence!, Axl F.Body2Body-Version by Android/3LE, Axel
Dooley by Miao/Exlex, Ackzell-Eff2 by Develin/Oops!, AxelF by
Jerry/Rebels, Fuck Me Axl by Maniac/Crux, AxelF by Filou/HM, AXL-F
by Grace/Crux and finally Axel Schmaxel by Kyzer/CSG. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
S.P.A.M. 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
code/music: Pink music THX 2.1 format, gfx: Cyclone, Pink additional.
Released for the Saturne 97 intro compeition.
Review: We all knew Pink was an excellent musician - but he kinda took me
by surprise when he proved to be an excellent coder too! This intro was
made almost entirely by him, except for some graphics by the always-cool
Cyclone. Theres some quite cool effects here, actually. Certainly a lot
better than expected! The only thing I really didnt like about this is
the irritatingly hard-to-read effect logos. These are one readable word
and one thats not. Partikel what? A complete and utter nice surprise -
I hereby declare Pink the German Laxity. C64 lovers unite! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Cruisin 1997, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: Devistator logo, Pink 3d scene, music: Cruisin by
Pink THX format. 2nd in The Party 97 40k intro competition!
review: Another excellent little intro from Abyss that doesnt try to
be anything it isnt! This one has several THX tunes by Pink - which is
never a bad thing - a colorful opening logo and a new kind of wireframe
vector routine. Its not easy to describe, but rather has to be seen and
experienced. I bow down into the dust. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Rise of the Rabbits 2 1998, 12.04, 32k game.
Released for the 32k game competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Family Business 1998, 12.04, AGA 40k Intro.
Released for the 40k intro competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Extra Life 1998, 12.04, AGA Demo.
Released for the demo competition at Mekka Symposium 98.
Wildlife 1998, 28.12, AGA Demo.
code: Pink, Kustom, gfx: Cyclone, Judas, Pink, music: Pink, Moby.
3rd in The Party 98 demo competition.
Cruisin II - Cruisin In 1998, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Dexter, gfx: Wintermute 3d scene, music: Wearing the Inside Out
by Pink AHX format. 3rd in The Party 98 40k intro competition.
review: Cruisin II opens with a requester for one of three Line-Mode-
Options. Your three choices are Burnin classic, Blurin and Clearin.
Not really knowing what to expect I chose the first classic mode, and
off to the intro I went. It all opens with a humours sing-along-rendition
of the classic theme from the movie Ghostbusters - here appropriately
renamed Gatesbusters. If theres something strange - in your network
Then onto the main part of the demo, which is something as original as a
wireframe vector intro! Its not as bad as you might think, as there is
smoothing and pretty cool colours around the wireframes especially in the
classic mode , and...well, its simply quite original! Its got a
certain, little amount of...dare I say it...charm? I just find it
amazingly cool of an established group like Abyss to have the balls to
release a WIREFRAME intro in 1998! And with style too... Love it!
The upscroller in the endpart which is NOT pausable with the right
mouse button, as is usual in intros - that button exits, as I quickly
discovered P reveals some sad news... Cruisin II is Dexters last
production for the amiga You WILL be missed, Dexter. glenn+zito
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
ZIT tested A1200/030-42/2mb chip, 8mb fast.
NOR Patient Thomas Knutsen, swap.
??? Aragorn, Azix, Dr.Kryptonix, Elf, Gringo, Metal, Native, Northcore,
Saddam, Sherwin, Wildfire.
Academy Norway is dead. Their board number later surfaced in Fraxion under
the name MIDNIGHT CALLER sysop Jotes. Other productions from Academy
include It demo, Nice Music intro and Telephonic demo.
The board FLASH POINT is now in Axe.
Phone Scrolller ECS File.
Bard In A Box 1991, 01.03, ECS Musicdisk.
Accept old
1st Demo 1990, 28.12, ECS Demo.
Released dor the demo competition at the Theatre Network Party 90.
Blit it 1991, 07.04, ECS Intro.
review: Released by Accept FR.
Little 3D Intro 1991, 08.04, Intro.
Party 1991, 29.06, ECS Demo.
Released at the Amega Party 91.
Accept new
GER Mr.Friese Robert Friese, music, 04/96.
??? Murdock old handle Wiseman.
Fettes Saumonster 1996, 07.04, AGA Demo.
6th in the Symposium 96 demo competition.
Access old
These two groups presumably have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
Stranger code and Duke modem both left for Level 4 05/90.
Access new ACS
NOR Darkelf doublememb TRSI, 05/95, Shade sysop EVERYWARE, doublememb
TRSI details, 03-05/95.
SWE Dansken sysop HALL OF FAME, 01/95.
DEN Playmate sysop NORTHERN PALACE, 04/95, Tax Thomas Neumann, code,
Zouf Henrik Lynbech, music, 12/93-12/94.
ENG ANF 9sysop CHROMIUM, Axeman sysop PUBLIC EXECUTION, Bill sysop
ACE-AMIGA, Highlander sysop INNER SANCTUM.
??? Cybertracker nor? doublememb Lisence, 01/95, Label nor? 05/95,
Rastan code, 11/95.
Norwegian sysop Kingpin CHECKPOINT stopped being a doublemember
sometime between 05 and 08/95.
Symbolia 1995, 25.11, AGA ?MB HD File.
production: Rastan. Released for the Misc 95 demo competition.
review: Another State of the Art clone, with outlines of people
dancing, overlayed on different sorts of plasma. In addition, theres
endless symbols zooming onto the screen. The intro graphics ACS
Presents... are all raytraced, and the music is crap. Avoid. Comes on
two disks, and you have to join together the file in order to run it.
Requires some fast. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Accession ACC/ACS, 1988-, http://www.accession.org
FIN Asterix, Avalon, DDT Len Merikanto, mainorg, ex FIG, 11/91-01,
Drifter gfx, ex Complex, Evil founder swap, 08-11/88, Illuminator
trade, ex Bomb Squad, doublememb Bloodsuckers, 03/94, Maso music
sysop FAST LINE, 11/90-11/91, Moku founder, 08/88-03/90, Palex
sysop BAD TASTE, ex Mean Machine, 11/91-98, Shocker code, ex
Sonic, 11/93-94, Starbyte, Target, Turtle music, ex Sonic, T.U.M.B.,
XYZ founder, 08/88, Zebra sysop THE ZOO, ex Damones, Zuffel S.
Koukonen, swap pack, ex Bronx, old handles Hotchkiss, Spot, Zanu, new
ENG Coaxial org, ex Anthrox.
AUS Acid Kid ascii sysop SCREAMING METAL, later Honey.
??? Accident 98, Brainiac, Capitano 98, Chromium 98, Deature 98, D-
Ream, Diablo, Divine org, ex Sonic, Drone 98, Ice fin?, ex
Nemesis, Inspector ex Scoopex, new 09/92, Iron Code, JayJay gfx,
12/93, Liberator 98, Longplay, Lost Religion sysop NIRVANA WHQ,
ex Crack Inc., MadBoy, MATH, MrT, Nico ex Decade, new 10/92, Obitus,
Power Slave, Punisher, Raiden, Silva, Slash ex Scoopex, new 09/92,
The Kid, TVR, WyreHead, X-Ray gfx, ex-indep, 12/93, Zei fin? gfx,
06/91- 08/02, ZeR0.
Boards PLASTIC FACTORY ire, F.X. BBS aus.
Accession is a demo and cracking group based in Finland. They were born in
1988 by Evil, Moku and XYZ from the former amiga section of Finnish Gold.
When Divine joined in 94, he became the new demo section organizer DDT has
always been main organizer. The group at one point tried to split into two
separate sections demo and cracking, but since they discovered this
arrangement just wasnt working, the two sections were marged back together
again. Thanks to DDT for information!
1988 - Evil got a nasty surprise from the Finnish post late this year,
when he had to pay postage for a bunch of packages with faked stamps...
after that incident, he left the scene.
1989 - Cool J code, Santuu and Equalizer left for Unique in july.
1992 - Shocker and Turtle/Sonic, Inspector and Slash/Scoopex and Nico/
Decade all joined around september!
1993 - Prospector, Nobleman and SOB finally closed NOBLE HOUSE early
this year, and then left the scene.
1994 - Finnish swapper Poke Veli-Matti Poikola, ex Alpha Flight, old
handle Velsa, new mid93 was kicked out late this year.
Finnish swapper and trader Zakka ex Black Sheep/Alpha Flight, 93 joined
Sonic. Zakka was also an earlier handle.
Android joined Bloodsuckers.
Skywalker ex Nemesis joined Crack Inc.
Eddie ex Nemesis joined Damones.
Vyvyan joined Damones.
Maza joined Rebels old.
Shock joined Skid Row.
Chamber of Horrors Slideshow.
Defender Of The Crown Crack-Intro intro
code/gfx: Stelios/Scoopex, music: Larza.
Heavymania Musicdisk.
Urban Cowboy File.
Carrier Command cracktro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: Xyz-Soft, gfx: n/a, music: DDT and Jugi Perfecto/?.
info: The groups very first intro. It is unclear what Jugis group was at
the time, but he was not in Accession.
New Stuff Mini-Intro 1988, Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
Evelings 11 1988, Intro.
code: Xyz-Soft, gfx: H.Pulla, Moku, music: n/a.
Bobs new stuff 1989, Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
For Your Eyes Only 1989, 12.11, ECS Intro.
code: Nightblade, gfx/music: Adept.
Released at the Gate Miniparty 89.
Bilbos Ultima 1990, 01.01, Intro.
code: Bilbo, gfx: Pete, Bilbo, ??/Middle Earth, music: Adept.
Black Hole To Noble House BBS 1990, Intro.
code: Pehu, gfx: S.O.B., music: 4-Mat/Core Design.
Return of the Living Dead 1990, .03, ECS File.
code: Bilbo, Nightblade, gfx: Moku, music: Android.
Fractal Frenzy 1990, .08, ECS File.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Neuromancer, Starbyte, music: Maso.
Released at the Byterapers, Scoopex, Extasy Party 90.
Greed 1991, Intro.
code: Starbyte, gfx: n/a, music: Maso.
Sunwind 1991, 03.04, ECS 1MB Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Neuro, music: Maso.
Graveyard Party Blues 1991, 19.06, ECS File.
code: Papa Monster, gfx: Zei, music: Adept.
Soft VodeoText Final 1991, 16.08, crackintro.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Zei, music: Trashman.
Made in cooperation with Skid Row.
Suomen Lista 1 1992, 16.02, ECS Chartmag.
code: Starbyte, gfx: Dole/Sonic, JayJay/Frantic, music: benefit
pr0bem2 by Turtle/Byterapers.
Made in cooperation between Accession, Byterapers, Frantic and Sonic.
Crack Intro 1993, Intro.
code: JayJay, gfx: Xray, JayJay, music: Turtle.
Cyberzerk bdersoft 1993, .07, Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: Xray, music: Turtle. info: Crackintro.
C.O.W.s In Colors 1993, .10, Intro.
code: Communist/BS, gfx: Reward/Complex, music: Turtle.
Tunnel Demo 1993, .11 or .12, ECS File.
code: Shocker, gfx: XRay, JayJay font, music: Turtle The Player 5.0A
review: Aweinspiring intro/demo with just one real effect...but what an
amazing effect it is! WOW! You travel down through a tunnel, and the
tiles get darker the further you get in and it just looks absolutely
gorgeous...and thats when the balls start bouncing at you! Amazingly
great and polished. Just fabulous.
Im sure Ive heard that chip-style tune before somewhere, but in a
different mix and without those war-drums... hmmm. Anyone? The name
Tunnel Demo does not actually appear anywhere in the demo. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Assembly 94 Invitation 1994, mid, File.
code: Shocker, gfx: Marvel/Sonic, music: Purple Motion/Future Crew pc.
Accumulators ACC, -1989
ENG Undertaker sysop GRAVEYARD.
USA Chronos sysop DAMAGE INC..
??? Bod, Chameleon crack, previously in Oracle, 07/89-02/90, Innocent
Exile, Mike, Puppet Master, Scott, The Predator crack, 07/89.
Boards DIVERSE CRIME usa, 09/90, BLOOM COUNTY usa, PUTPOST usa,
07/90, GREEN PILL usa, 09/90.
Accumulators was an illegal cracker group. When they died in late 1989,
Razor 1911 persuaded Onyx euro crack and Zodact usa supply sysop THE
CASTLE to join them.
Accuracy http://accuracy.gurcan.com/
TUR Bladerunner gfx, mid91.
Accuracy was a demo group based in Turkey, and is likely an amiga offshoot
of the Turkish c64 demo group of the same name.
1992 - Turkish graphician Kris joined Rebels mid 92. Turkish Bloody left,
and is now independent 09/92.
Snipe 1991, ECS Trackmo.
??? Acryx code gfx, 90, Charon code gfx music, 90, Psionic code.
Bubbas Oakim 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Acryx, gfx: Charon, Acryx, music: Some1/Madness.
Face The First endcECS Trackmo.
code: Acryx, Psionic, Charon, gfx: Charon, music: Charon.
Released at Hackerence 6 in Harnosand, Sweden.
Acid was a Danish demo group that never really produced anything. Z.A.P
later became Hille/Insanity.0
1991 - Z.A.P released a module for the competition at the Amiga Convention
Summit in april, but was unplaced.
Ackerlight -1989
FRA Fred Frederic Hahn, gfx music, 06-12/88.
??? C. Dryk gfx, 12/88, C.E.O org spread, mid88, Crocky org supply
spread, mid88, Dagon spread, mid88, Dark Angel code, mid88, Gojira
design, mid88, H.Syl code crack train, mid88, Kebra org gfx
spread, 10-12/88, MC2 code, 08-12/88, Mouse music, 10/88, M.P 67
code, 06-12/88, Oldrik gfx, 12/88, Overloader code, 88, Pat code
music, 12/88, Rasputin design, mid88, R.V code, mid88, Sato
spread, mid88, Solar spread, mid88, Stranger spread, mid88,
Teacher spread, mid88, Urgo supply, mid88, Wild Copper code,
mid88, Willy spread, mid88, Wolfie gfx, 10/88.
Ackerlight was a French/Swiss constellation, and one of the first good
cracking groups. They released a cool diskmag in French only, called
Akcernews. When they died in 1989, Anome 68000 formed a new Swiss group
called Zenith.Some of the original members, however, formed a software
company under the name Ackerlight Software, and released a.o. the game Wings
of Glory!
1988 - Spreader Jean-Yves Chenu aka J.Y left the scene late in the year.
Coder Sharlaan left for OMD 12/88 or 01/89, but still worked on the coop
demo Music Examples 2 with his old group.
Space Bubbles Slideshow 1 1988, ECS Slideshow.
review: Contains scanned fantasy artwork from Boris Vallejo.
Bards Tale Solver 1988, ECS Demo.
code: H.Syl, gfx: ???/Wild Copper, music: n/a.
Soundmachine Part I 1988, .06, ECS Musicfile.
code: M.P 67, gfx: Fred, music: st15/out run, new horizonnh,
bouncing ballbb and long walklw by Fred.
Compact Disk 7 1988, 20.07, ECS Packmenu.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Rasputin, music: Fred.
Soundmachine Part II 1988, .08, ECS Musicdemo.
code: M.P 67, gfx: Mr. Mistery, music: st15/bouncing ball2, dear rob,
ghostsn goblinsgg and war and peace by Fred.
Compact Disk 9 1988, .08, ECS Packmenu.
code: M.P 67, MC2, gfx: n/a, music: Fred.
Bob Morane In the Ocean crackintro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Fred.
Compact Eleven 1988, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Wolfie, Kebra, music: Mouse.
Purple Saturn Day crackintro 1988, .12, ECS Crackintro.
code: Sharlaan, gfx: Kebra, C. Dryk, music: Pat.
Ackernews 2 1988, .12, ECS Diskmag.
Firezone Merry Christmas 1988, .12, ECS Intro.
code: M.P 67, MC, gfx: Oldrik, music: Fred.
Action Service crackintro 1988, ECS Intro.
code: Over Loader, gfx: C. Dryk, DarkAngel, music: Pat.
Music Examples 2 1989, .01, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Sharlaan/OMD, gfx: Andreas Starr, Fred, music: The Last Star,
Sunny Days, Spacial DreamSpace Dream, Space Harrier and Neon
Lights by Fred. Cooperation with OMD.
Acme old
SWE Blish swap, 90, Charlie gfx swap, late 90.
??? Carnail gfx, Iluminator music, Maze code.
Graphician Airbrush joined Alcatraz.
Several sources a.o. Static Bytes Eurochart 17 carried the news that
the Polish Mr.Root ex Katharsis joined Sanity, a fact which was later
denied in the news section of RAW4.
Swedish graphics ace Mithrandir 11/90 joined Agile.
Hudson Hawk crackintro Intro.
Cooperation with Extensors.
Reflection of Perfection 1991, .04, ECS Slideshow.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Slideshow 1991, 29.06, ECS Slideshow.
code: Maze, gfx: Mithrandir, Airbrush, Charlie, Carnail, music:
Illuminator. Released at the Amega Party.
Megademo 1990, .11, ECS Megademo.
info: Done by the Swedish section.
Eggstasy 1991, ECS Demo.
Acme new
HOL Aap founder gfx, Assa founder, Infant founder code, Lone Ranger
code, Radavi swap, Ricochet gfx, Simon, Simstim founder code,
Statix founder, Vic founder music, VV music.
GER Chromag founder music, JMS gfx, Krash code, Mind code.
??? Assa founder, Laxical founder, McByte founder, Zalt founder.
Acme was formed as an extension on the PC group of the same name. Hows THAT
for reversing the process D The group was born late 97 or very early 98.
The name ACME was ripped from a skatebrand, founded by a friend of us
Acme Project
NOR Splatter gfx, ex Cadaver, new early94, Founder.
??? Bro ex Ivory, new mid93, Death ex Chaos Designs, new mid93,
Mohawk ex Chaos Designs, new mid93.
Acme Project was formed by Splatter/Cadaver and some others. Shortly after
joining, Mohawk started a PC section of the group.
??? Anguish music, 08/93.
Acrid is dead.
Dan ex Converse was kicked.
Mendrik and Siriax ex Motion joined The Elektronic Knights.
Germans Technoimage music, 92, Sketch music, 92 and Fiver gfx, 08/93
all left to join TRSI. Sketch and Technoimage worked on a.o. the Phon-O-
Bomb III 92 musicdisk.
Slam ex Atomic, re GEN6 joined X-Trade early 93.
Phon-O-Bomb III 1992, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Sketch, Technoimage.
Information: Phon-O-Bomb was formerly a Violence production.
It received a favourable review in RAW 6s musicdisk review.
Action old -1992 http://www.action-memorial.de/
GER The Swatch Man Henning Schmidt, aka TSM, later TRSI, 08/90.
??? Bansai code, 01/90, Blackthorne ger? Michael Poldner, music, 08/90,
Brainbuster Frank Gtz, code, 01-10/91, Dreamer code, 01-10/91,
MCPoint Stefan Rittner, code gfx, 08/90-early91, Mogli Mark
Schrader, Peachy Magnus Hironimus, code gfx music, later 01-10/91,
X-Man gfx, 08/90.
Action was a mainly German demo and cracking group that contained a lot of
future German scene celebrities, most of which ended up in TRSI. Just a few
names The Swatch Man, Blackthorne, Dreamer and none other than Peachy!
1992 - The group dies early in the year one of the first four months.
German musician S-Sex early91-10/91 joins Digital.
Rage left.
Techno-One joined Amaze.
Eddie and Ice joined Agile.
Party Invitaion 1990, .08, ECS Dentro.
code: MCpoint, gfx: X-Man, music: Blackthorne introsong.
review: Invitation to WHAT party?
Action BBS Members 1991, .01, ECS Intro.
code: Bansai, gfx: n/a, music: Poormouth by ???.
Megademo Preview 1991, 21.01, demo.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, Lynxx/Panic vectorroutine, gfx: Zack
Brewster, Stage4, Peachy, music: Zack Brwester, Stage4, Peachy Shake It -
Stage4 4ch StarTrekker format. Cooperation with Vamps.
BBS Demo 1991, ECS File.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, gfx: Zack Brewster, S-Sex, music: Zack
Brewster, Peachy song.
F15 II Preview crackintro 1991, intro.
code: TSM, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Confrontation 1991, 02.03, ECS File.
Released for the demo competition at the Treacl-Panic party.
code/gfx: MCPoint, music: S-Sex.
Autum Conference 2 Invitation 1991, .07, ECS File.
code: Brainbuster, gfx: Peachy, music: Peachy NoisePacker 2 format.
Action Menue 2.0 1991, .10, Intro.
code: Brainbuster, Peachy, gfx: Peachy, music: Intro-Synth by Peachy
4ch MOD format.
Worldness X 1991, 20.10, ECS Demo.
Released for the demo competition the Action Conference II.
code: Dreamer, Brainbuster, gfx: Peachy, S-Sex, music: WNsong00 by ???.
Logo Mania 1992, .01, Trackloaded Slideshow.
code: S-Sex, gfx: various, music: n/a.
We are Dead 1992, .12, Demo.
code: Dreamer, BrainBuster, gfx: Peachy, music: R-Type by Chris
Huelsbeck/independent TFMX format, ripped.
review: Released under the S!P label.
Action new 1997-, http://zap.to/action/
NZL Codetapper code crack train gfx ascii docs, 10/97-04/00.
SWE Legionary code crack train intros, 10/97-02/98, Elp code trade,
10/97-02/98, Shastar gfx music, 02/98.
AUS Tachyon code crack train, 01/98-12/99.
ENG Decrator music trade, 02/98, Teatowel gfx trade, 01/99,
Sarek gfx, 04/01.
AUT LaCroix music trade, 01/00.
GRE Hfestos trade, 10/00.
NOR Fuzzbox trade ascii, 01/00.
Action was formed by Codetapper as a way to bring several AGA fixers
together and collaborate their skills. Originally Action created single
file AGA fixed games by re-releasing older, cracked games in ultimate
versions, fixed for the new generation of Amigas.
In October 1999, Codetapper moved the group away from crack fixes and
decided to use WHDLoad http://www.whdload.org as the degrading utility and
to concentrate on patching original games as well as a few cracks for good
measure : Too many cracks were found to be butchered versions with a lot of
content removed. To this day, Action is still releasing quality fixes at the
rate of about 1-2 per week! Thanks to Codetapper for information.
1999 - Scottish trader Hojus last ever email arrived in january saying he
had problems with his Amiga. He was never heard from again and was assumed
to have quit the group. Australian cracker Tachyon left the group in
2001 - On january 1st, Viz released possibly the first fix of the new
millennium due to NZs time difference : English graphics man Sarek joined
in april.
Action Direct
Hexadecimal Perfection Trackmo, 2 disks.
Action Force
Action Force changed their name to Cult.
Activas released several small productions, like Fruitbasket Demo,
Gravediving, Gravediving II and Wet Beaver Games.
Active released several small productions, like Midsummer Glory Demo
file, Second is none file and Party Snacks intro.
Aqua swap trade left for Phenomena ca 07/90.
Active Minds 1997-
POL Guma old handle Draw, Hangman, Jacool, Robak old handle Korball.
Active Minds was formed late 97 by Jacool, Hangman, Korball and Draw. They
are planning a new polish diskmag called Szelest.
Acume 1991-
GER Baraccuda ex Freagles, Eazy-E new 09/92, Executor ex Trixamixt,
Stone ex Elicma.
Acume is a German group, born late 1991.
1992 - Germans Stone/Elicma, Executor/Trixamixt and Baraccuda/Freagles all
joined in the first two months of the year. Around the early to middle time
of the year, Lucas left the scene, so DJT became the new HQ. Swoon left,
while Eazy-E joined in september.
Cruncher joined Chaos.
Chuck joined Submission.
Moonwalker joined Beyond.
The Finnish division born early to mid 92 is dead Tachtal T. Tiala, org
swap, old handle DJT, 09/92 decided to stay independent.
Addicts -1993
FIN Autocrat swap, Morgue, Yolk ex Calibra.
GER Thunder.
DEN Beejay music.
BEL Alligator, Fox.
AUS Anthrox, Cyborg new 92, Ensino, Heavyweight trade, ex Chrome, new
09/92, Image org, new 92.
??? Beathawk code gfx music, Chack old handle Autocraft, Impact old
handle Beast, Keijo ex Offworld, old handle Pifki, Salvatore ex
Alpha Flight, Yolk ex Calibra.
Addicts died mid 93. These guys have OFTEN had their group name misspellt
as just Addict! Their Australian division released one issue of the diskmag
Scene-ery Hmm, that name seems awful familiar.... , and also the German
division released a couple of issues.
1992 - The Australian division was formed by Image, who is a real annoying
character, Im told... Then Cyborg, Overdose music, another musician,
Destructor code and finally Heavyweight trade, ex Chrome joined the
australian division. Muttley, Subsonic and Hexagon left to form Disaster.
Arti left in september.
1993 - The Norwegians Rage, Genious, Apollo, Noise, Law Breaker, Crunch,
Nick and Mystra ex Paragon, new 09/92 all joined Symbiosis early 93.
Germans Kais and Spoiler joined Platin mid 93. Finnish Masque ex Celtic
Frost joined Calibra mid 93. Overdose Benedict Luke Stephenson was kicked
after 6 months as a member, then about three months later the entire group
Musician Zic left.
Drownie joined Regency.
Xentec ex Nuance joined Tech.
Finnish swapper Velsa joined Interactive.
Mini Meeting Intro ECS Intro.
code: Beathawk, gfx: Beathawk, Hitech/The Family, music: Beathwawk.
Cooperation with The Family.
Intro 1992, ECS Intro.
info: By the Australian division.
Addonic ADC, 1990-, http://www.addonic.de/
GER Case swap, 01-03/92, Crime Pioneer ex The Silents, Devil code
trade sysop CRASHPOINT WHQ, 11/91-07/93, Dragon gfx swap,
11/91-01/92, Foster gfx, 01-03/92, Giants trade, ex Voice, 11/91,
Hari code cosys, 11/91-03/92, Hedge gfx, 11/91, Hedgehog ex
Design, new 09/92, Highlander code, 11/91, JamMan gfx, 01/92,
Larry code gfx, 11/91-03/92, Leo swap, ex Violent Wave no entry,
new ca 10/90, Old Spook Erdtmann Toball, gfx music, old handle
Zirbel, later E.Toball/Sanity, 11/91-01/92, Paradigm tools docs swap,
11/91-03/92, Ray code, ex Voice, 11/91, Rufferto F. Brocksieper,
gfx, later Essence, 03/92, Slider gfx swap, 11/91-03/92, Striker
code swap, 11/91-03/92, Tab gfx trade, ex Voice, 11/91, Trucidator
swap, 11/91, Two Flower gfx, ex Survivor/The Silents, 11/91-03/92.
SWI Darkcave code music swap editor, 11/91-03/92, Imagine music, 11/91-
03/92, The Origin code gfx swap editor, 11/91-03/92.
NOR BC music, 11/91-01/92, Prowler Thomas Johansen, swap, 92.
FIN Defex gfx, 11/91, Dekay swap, 11/91, Duplex code, 11/91, Rocky
music swap, 11/91-03/92, Snail swap, 11/91-03/92, Thomas gfx
music, 11/91, Ukulele music, ex Amaze, 03-12/92, Uncut gfx, 01-
SWE Bond code, new 11/91-03/92, Chucky sysop GANG BANG, 03/92, Dexter
Thomas Sandberg, swap, new 11/91-03/92, D-Mon 11/91, Exthalion
music swap, new 11/91-03/92, Faith gfx, new 11/91-01/92, Fraz
code, new 11/91-03/92, Jac sysop HYSTERIA, 03/92-03/93, Jam
sysop, new 01/92, Mr.Tex code, new 11/91-03/92, Sacrilege gfx,
POL Dr.Cloo music, later Pic Saint Loup, 11/91, Nugie code, 11/91,
Trantor 91.
ENG Hotspur code swap, ex Coma, 11/91-01/92.
USA Brain Dead sysop FORBIDDEN CITY, ex Animators.
??? Cocaine sysop, ex SP-AI, Deicide ex X-Trade, Desto old handle
Cain, Divine fin? gfx, ex Sonik Clique, Dr.Avalanche ex Animators,
Mike, Pripps trade, new ca 01/92, Roxy ex Grace.
Boards JUNKYARD swe.
Addonic was born ca 07/90, as a merger of the two small groups Aquin and
Overdrive, in addition to Yankee/ex Brainstorm. They were a fairly active
demo group. At least 9 issues of their Message Center were released. V-Cut
left his bbs ZOOMED REALITY to a new sysop, Zool, who then joined V-Cuts
previous group Equinox, so the board returned with a new sysop!
1991 - American sysop Q changed the name of his board 007 BBS ex
Endless Piracy to CRYSTAL MONOLITH and joined Pirates around the middle
of this year. Rumours in Trader 2 that Addonic UK joined Flashing Bytes
is untrue mid 91. The entire English division was kicked mid to late 91.
1992 - Sometime in the first two months of the year, D-Mon sold his Amiga
and left the scene. Also in this time period, the board JUNKYARD joined
Pripps trade joined and german writer and founder Yankee ex Brainstorm
left for D-Tect The entire Polish division of Amaze joined Epidemic and
Ukulele of the finnish section of Amaze also joined, though Epidemic quickly
moved on to join Complex also in finland, Legend music, confirmed 01/92
and finally Index/Falcons joined. Phew! Norwegian musician Zak 91- changed
his handle to Scott and joined Spaceballs sometime between january and
april. The finnish section didnt hold together for too long, and finally
died in september Mac swap, 11/91-03/92, Index and Gator 03/92 joined
Stellar, while Legend joined Parallax. Also in september, German musician
Chromag left for Dual Crew. Adventurer left for Gothic around october.
Norwegians Dr. Chipblower, Archie code, Alien code and Turrican gfx,
all 11/91-01/92 all joined LSD this year.
1993 - German trader and sysop Ronny FATAL VISION joined Zenith early
1995 - Finnish swapper Splatterhead doublememb Triflex left for Flying
Cows Inc. late 95.
Musician Jellybean joined Mean Machine.
Norwegian swapper Nick 11/91 left for Spaceballs, but is currently in
Offence new.
XMan joined Passion.
Swiss swapper Risk ex Zeus, new late91-03/92 joined Tech.
German coder Zulu 03/92 joined Devils.
Mazon joined Equinox.
Finnish coder Razer joined Alcatraz.
Norwegian swapper Aqua 11/91-01/92 joined Vision.
Swedish sysop V-Cut ZOOMED REALITY, ex Equinox joined Submission.
Silicon Implosion 1990, 01.08, ECS File.
review: Released on the Swiss national day.
Blasting Mind BBS Demo ECS File.
Copyparty Invitation Intro ECS File.
MovieDemo No.1 Megademo.
SpreadPack 48 Intro ECS Intro.
SpreadPack 49 Intro ECS Intro.
SpreadPack 60 Intro ECS Intro.
Message Box 1 ECS Magchart File.
Fractale 1991, 25.03, ECS File.
Released for the CeBit 91 exposition.
Spread Pack 50 Intro 1991, .05, ECS Intro.
Released at the Maximum Pleasure Party.
Jellybean Muzax 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
Intro 1991, 16.11, ECS File.
code: Nugie, gfx: Dragon, music: maxellpoprawiony by Pic Saint Loup
4ch MOD format. Released at Gdynia 91 party.
review: This is a class example of if you cant do better than this,
DONT! Seriously, I dont mean to be harsh, but come on: scroll, logo,
vector object? Please!
Though the scroll clearly credits all graphics to Dragon, the intro
itself has a logo signed Aragon. Nugies first production for Addonic.
His English is not the best, making it hard to decide what hes trying to
say at times. The intro needs KillAGA, but still destabilizes my system
after exit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: See review!
Message Center 11/91 1991, .11, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
code: Darkcave, gfx: Old Spook title, font, The Origin font, Darkcave
font, music: Rocky loader, ??? main, editors: Darkcave, The Origin.
review: This is the third Message Center, and another ok release. First of
all, it loads for a while with an unexciting loadingscreen, before we
press the left mouse button and is treated to a nice fanfare and an even
nicer title picture by Old Spook! The mag part itself is not very
exciting, but that was hardly expected either. This is a messagebox, and
as such there really isnt that much exciting stuff to read. Apart from
the messages, theres a handful of adverts, a couple of articles in German
and finally the groups memberlist. The best part is the title picture.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Message Center IV 1992, .01, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
INT - code: Darkcave, gfx: Dragon font, music: Legend ProPacker 1.0
MAG - code: Darkcave, gfx: Old Spook loadpic, Dragon Jam Man all
fonts, music: 004 by Zak, editors: Darkcave, The Origin.
review: Coding is much improved since the last issue, offering a wider
variety of articles. Nothing spectacular ofcourse, this is still just a
messagebox, but at least an improvement on the prior issue. These were
quite popular once, and this is not one of the worst. The intro is barely
necessary, though. Its not good, and not bad, if you know what I mean.
As its just 22k, it would perhaps have been a better idea to link it in
front of the mag and have the not bad tune as a selectable alternative
to the one in the mag? The mag itself is not too bad either, though its
rather unexciting. The best part, I guess, is the BW loading picture of
a viking by Old Spook later E. Toball/Sanity. Luckily the mag is not all
messages, since that would have been thorougly boring for today. Theres
one or two things of interest, like the French scene report.
Conclusion: Not bad, but not terribly interesting either.
The intro needs KillAGA. The editor does not work at all seeing as it
does not open its own screen immediately, KillAGA does not help.
It doesnt crash, but you cant see what youre doing, so... :
The mag itself is a little unstable. Sometimes it works perfectly, some
times the graphics are garbled and sometimes it crashes when loading.
Once it has loaded, though, Ive never experience problems. Or advice is
to use KillAGA, for safetys sake. The mag loader does not appear to have
any problems with running from a harddisk, theres no assigns or anything
necessary. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: See review for compatibility notes.
Message Center issue 5 1992, end.03, ECS Multifile Messagebox.
INT - code: Darkcave, gfx: Dragon font, music: Legend.
MAG - code: Darkcave, gfx: Rufferto and Groo/Independent title, font,
Dragon font, music: Legend, editors: The Origin, Darkcave.
review: No code has changed since the last issue, except perhaps some
improved compatibility. The intro is also the same as last time, so no
surprises there either. The title pic this time is done by the later
wellknown graphics duo Groo and Rufferto, and is a graffiti style tag.
So, the box itself then - any interesting reading this time? Well,
actually there are a few things. With each issue MC does seem to resemble
a real diskmag more and more... The editors could be doing a better job,
though. There are adverts for people who are no longer in the group
Aqua, and a few other strange things... Like interviewing the Swedish
musician Dexter/Shining when they themselves have a Swedish swapper with
the exact same handle : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Message Center 06 1992, 13.06, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 07 1992, 29.06, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 08 1992, .12, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 09 1993, ECS Messagebox.
Message Center 9.5 ECS Chartmag.
The Winner Party Demo ECS File.
Generation 02 1992, .08, ECS Diskmag.
Epidemics New Intro 1992, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Epidemic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: Released by the Finnish division.
Cebit 92 Party Slideshow 1992, 14.03, Slideshow.
Message Center 05 1992, .03, ecs messagebox.
Prestige Cracktro 1994, Intro.
code: Schizor, gfx: Devilstar/Virtual Dreams, Mr.Chain, music: Zarch.
Cooperation with Triflex.
Adept 1990-
SWE Galactus code crack, ex Top Swap, 90, Mogwai sysop STREETS OF
FIRE, later Defjam, 10/90, Pilgrim sysop THE GHETTO, 10/90,
Sensei org, ex Top Swap, 90.
GER Crime ex The Silents, Pioneer ex The Silents, Two Flower ex
Survivor/The Silents.
NOR Skykiller sysop THE MAZE, ex Razor 1911, new ca 10/92.
USA Fuse Insaneity sysops EXTINCT, 04/95.
??? Bladestorm trade, Dr.Clan ex Fate, Honcho train, Scarface.
Boards THE ILLUSION swe, 05/90.
Adept is a group concentrating on the illegal scene, and was formed when the
members of Top Swap merged with Public Enemies. They were originally 100
swedish, but later took up some members in other countries too.
1992 - German coders Crash and Argon released the packer Flash Speed
Cruncher in may. German swapper Tyrant/Palace joined in september.
Dr.Avalanche trade joined from Animators around october, as did Cocaine/
Spreadpoint-Amiga Industries with his board FLYING SAUCER. Germans Crime,
Pioneer and Survivor all joined from The Silents around october, and
Survivor immediately changed his handle to Two Flower. Norwegian sysop
Skykiller THE MAZE joined from Razor 1911, as did the sysop of
FORBIDDEN CITY in october. The three Germans Crash code, Argon code
and Mincer trade left the group for Complex around october.
German Skyfox joined from Agnostic Front around october, after a 1-day stop
in Gothic.
Ice joined Alpha Flight.
German Skywalker joined Palace.
English graphician Azi joined Digital.
Sledge 12/91 joined Crystal.
German swapper Redman ex Crux/Anarchy joined Digital RAW5.
German swapper Tyrant ex Palace, new 09/92 joined Defcon 1 RAW5.
Sultan sysop FAM NETWORK joined Alpha Flight RAW5.
Germans Decca and Sire joined Supplex RAW4.
Skyfox ex Gothic, new RAW4 joined Dual Crew RAW4.
Dr.Avalanche ex Animators and Cocaine ex SP-AI joined Spreadpoint with
their board FLYING SAUCER RAW4-5.
The Swedish section is dead, and all members Stranger and others joined
Horizon late 90.
Sine Rape Demo ECS Demo.
Soundripper Intro ECS Intro.
Brontopia 1992, 12.08, ECS File.
Fade To Black file.
Sound Series - Hopeful Town II file.
Sound Series - Nine Lifes file.
The Beginning trackloaded musicdisk.
Mayday Resistance 1992, 28.12, ecs disk.
19th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Mental Rave Series Vol. II 1992, 28.12, ecs.
Released at The Party 92.
Admirals ADM
FIN Dr.Titus, Obligator swap.
??? Deep Runner, Icebass ex Divine, new early92, Little Joe music,
03/91, Megabyte code, 03/91, Teasy gfx, 03/91.
Admirals was a demo group based in Finland. Their coder Deflex was later
Multiplex/Chrome, and version 1.0 of his famous utility FileMaster was
released under the Admirals banner!
1991 - Painkiller joined Venator, while Pilka and the rest of the south
German division were kicked in the middle of the year.
1992 - Icebass/Divine joined early in the year.
Finnish Snuffie left.
The Finnish division died, and almost all members went independent.
Mongerful Smile 1991, 24.03, ECS File.
code: Megabyte, gfx: Teasy, music: Little Joe. Released at CeBIT 91.
Party ecs intro.
Released at the Energy, Awesome and Hypnotic Party.
Psychedelic 1991, ECS Trackmo.
Advance 1990-
FIN Mr.Head music.
Advance was a Finnish demo group, where most of the original six members
were Judge gfx, Banzai code, Zoltar music, Tom code gfx, Mr.Head
code and Mr.Sam gfx. Everyone except Mr.Sam came from Doom.
When Advance died, Tom, Banzai and Zoltar joined Complex Mr.Head, Som and
Judge remain groupless.
Our First Production/Partydemo 1990, 12.08, ECS File.
code: Tom, gfx: Mr.Sam font, music: Angeldust by Zoltar 4ch MOD
format. Released at the Byterapers, Scoopex, Extasy - Grendel Party II.
review: I didnt get to see much of this small demo after starting it
once and finding Id need KillAGA to view it correctly the scrollers were
garbled, I did just that. I saw a few seconds of the demo, with a
scroller at the top, most of the screen occupied by some plasma-like
effect and an Advance linevectorlogo at the very bottom, then it
crashed. So Thats pretty much it : The music was nothing special.
This demo was released twice at this party, with slightly different
scrolltexts - hence the two titles at the top. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see review!
Beast 1990, .10, ECS File.
Beast Final ECS File.
Filled Vectors ECS Intro.
Advanced Chemistry AC
??? Ferris train.
The only production Ive ever seen from this group was a crackintro for
the game Pinkie.
Countach is the name of the cooperation between Aeon and Spirit. The name
was assumed on 01/10-90.
TEW was busted, and as a result the German division died mid 90.
Aero old
FIN Gambler swap, new mid 91.
DEN Phalcon ex Cave, new mid 91.
??? Cenobite ex Prime, Iceman code, new mid 91, Joyboy, Red Devil ex
Prime, Warlord.
Gargoyle joined Parasite.
Danes The Master code, Bionic code, new mid 91 and Cyborg swap all
joined The Silents in early 92.
Fatal Overdrive Trackmo, 1 or 2 disks ?.
Fede Farver File.
Stereo Evolution II ECS File.
Aero new
Since there is no indication whether this Aero is the same as the ones
above, not heard from in years, Ive chosen to let these guys have a
separate entry...for now.
Spaceman 1996, Demo.
3rd in the Convention 96 demo competition.
Fractal Attraction 40k Intro.
Intel Inside File.
After Eights
This is a Norwegian joke group, consisting of these members: Benning,
Blekkulf, Dr.Death, Hippleif, HurapLeif, Justin Time, Pa-Tryne, Repoman,
Skallabank, The Nurse, Titten Tei, Ingolf. Theyve released quite a lot
of weird stuff in Wild Compos around Norway.
??? Bucky trade, Klipper supply, Korb gfx ascii, Max crack h/p/a,
m0sh crack supply, Phlegm trade, Spritz trade, Steddy-1 crack
supply music, Zink mainorg sysop.
NOR Ciccone.
Agency was a mainly Norwegian group, with some Norwegian elite boards.
TRUST nor.
Agile AGL, 1990-1993
SWE Badamon ex Energy, Beltram ex Energy, Mithrandir gfx, ex Energy
or Acme, Mogwai sysop STREETS OF FIRE, ex Defjam.
BEL Mad Shitbrain and TCB sysops METAL IMPACT, ex Energy.
N-L BamBam sysop DOWNTOWN, ex Quartex.
ENG Rat sysop THE PIT, Spidey supply, later Tutoff/Crystal.
GER Malzam and Andy sysops REIGN IN BLOOD.
CAN Molten Ice sysop AMIGA NORTH.
ITA Batman sysop GOTHAM CITY, ex Legend.
USA Groo sysop HOLLOW WORLD, The Mighty Quinn sysop ILLICIT
ILLUSION, 04/95.
??? Conqueror crack, 03/91, God, Steve, Storm, Ted code.
Agile Amiga was founded by Elric in 1990. After he got busted in May 89, he
bought an Amiga and set up Agile. In late 93, the group merged into Quartex
and ceased to exist in its own right.
Optima joined LSD.
Finnish traders Eddie and Ice both ex Action, 07/91 left. They were
later in Damones.
Captain Midnight left the scene.
Zike, sysop of PLEASURE DOME left the scene.
American sysop Pizzaman FLATLINERS joined Fairlight.
Sabbath and Undertaker new! back from bust as Image/Quartex sysop
IMAGEWORKS sysops GRAVEYARD joined Fusion.
Fred and some others decided to go legal, and therefore joined Atlantys.
Twister, sysop FLASHBACK, joined Razor 1911 old, but soon moved on to join
All French members Alex, Kid, Patriot and Shocker, joined Quartex late 91.
Another source claimed Shocker joined Infinite Perfection, and in Freedom
Crack 8 it was claimed he joined Insanity Perfection...
Rockstar joined Coma mid 91.
Crack Intro ECS Intro.
code: Ted, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
C64 Style Crack Intro Intro.
Cricket Amiga Crack Diagonal Copper 1991, .05, ECS Intro.
Gods Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Switchblade II crackintro ECS Intro.
First Letters Intro.
Sinus Intro.
Miami Chase Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Mega Traveller Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Goodo Crack Intro ECS Intro.
Demoniak Crack Intro Intro.
Agnostic Front AF, 1991-
GER Acropole gfx, 93, Blackraven code, ex Awesome, later Haujobb, DSP
ex Design, Exage sysop UNGODLY, 93, Funky swap pack Funky
Bunch, 93, Holgi sysop INVISIBLE CRIME, ex Heresey, 93, Rator
sysop WONDERLAND, ex Panic, Renegade gfx, ex Design, Snake sysop
MORPHIC FIELDS, 93, Sting code, 93, Syn-T-Size music, later
Haujobb, 93.
FIN Pulstar swap, ex Slipstream, 93.
??? Chris ger? Chris Korte, music, 06/91, Coogar trade, Dark Angel,
Falcon, Ghost ex Iris, Headhunter ger? code, 06/91, Hyper trade,
Priest, Rico 11/93, Slime old handle Shadow, Vigo ger? code, ex
Iris, 11-12/93, Violator gfx, 06/91.
Boards HEARTLAND ger, 93.
Agnostic Front was a largely German demo group.
1992 - German Skyfox joined from Dual Crew in september, but stayed only
briefly. He quickly left again for Gothic, before moving on to Adept.
Germans Blackraven/Awesome code, Howie/Laserdance swap and
Effendi/Delight gfx all join around october.
1993 - Graphician Effendi ex Delight joined Arise late 93.
Psychopath code, 06/91 left.
8th Sense left the scene.
Boon Kid and Higgins were kicked.
Alienx trade joined Razor 1911 old.
German swapper Howie 93 joined Essence.
German coder Roman old handle Savage joined Essence.
Finnish graphician Frankie left and joined Stellar.
Germans Artline gfx and Neurodancer music joined Beyond.
German Backlash ex Timex left the scene pre 07/92.
Lumme Intro.
New Intro 1991, ECS Demo.
Morphic Fields BBS Intro.
Cooperation with Panic.
Lotter Intro 1991, 15.06, ECS Intro.
code: Psycopath, Headhunter, gfx: Violator, music: ShynMemory by Chris
ProTracker MOD format. Released at the Panic Meeting.
review: Pretty standard, this has a none-too good AF logo at the top of
the screen, and below that a zooming textplotter. Top and bottom are
single-pixel height copper-bars with cycling colors you know the kind.
As a matter of fact, it reminds me a bit of the crackintros at the time!
The intro says remember not 2 greet Venom any longer, we are Agnostic
Front now. It is safe to assume this is one of the groups first intros.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Hash Hash 1991, 15.06, ECS Intro.
code: Maxx, gfx: Dark Angel logo, Maxx charset, music: Awetest2 by
Pale Rider ProTracker MOD format. Released at the Panic Meeting.
review: This is actually rather nice... A red AF logo not so good
adores the top of the screen while a blue vector scroller goes in a half-
circle underneath it... The music is very good, at least in the beginning,
and helps this intro a lot. Then, the negatives: the dope promotion and
the endless bullshit scrollers
The release date is based on the assumption that the Panic Meeting is
the same one where the Lotter Intro was released. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Fantastic Pix 2 Trackloaded Slideshow.
Umbra et Imago File.
A Little BBS Intro 1993, ECS Intro.
code: Sting, gfx: Acropole, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: About as simple as they come, this small intro has a red AF logo
moving up and down the left hand side of the screen, a blue tunnel
descending into the middle of the screen and a pretty standard overlaid
scroller. Sadly there is no more exact release date than 1993.
Though the intro requires KillAGA to work properly, it still scrambles
my screen on exit. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
World of Commodore 1993 1993, 01.12, ECS File Slideshow.
code/gfx: Vigo, music: Syn-T-Size.
review: This small fileslide is very simply-done, but atleast system
friendly enough to work with no problems on my machine. Its basically
just some text over and under the BW pictures, which you can cycle
through with your cursor buttons, of people attending the WOC 93 party.
Not all that interesting. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
The fact that Monty was a member at one time, and that they released two of
their productions at Saturne would suggest Agoa are a French crew...
I have some conflicting information concerning musician Iceman. While
Seenpoint 2 12/95 claimed he had joined Dylem, another source claimed he
had joined FROM Dylem. Can anyone help?
Mole joined Abyss 94.
Musica 2 Trackloaded Musicdisk.
First Think 1993, .03, ECS File.
code: Mr. Bug, gfx: Try, music: Monty.
C-Intro 1994, 24.04, ECS Intro.
code: Iceman, gfx: Rez, music: Pye. Released at Saturne Party II.
Annonce 1996, 05.04, Intro.
4th in the Saturne 96 intro competition.
Exodus Trackmo.
Pardey 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
Released for the demo competition at The Party 91.
review: Ive also seen this called The Party 1 Demo.
Agravedict AVD
Relievo 1998, 64k Intro.
code: Booster, gfx: Moniq, music: Norm.
review: A very fast 2d bumpmapper is the best thing in this minor intro,
with the rest being built up mainly of afterburned particle effects and
the like - hardly mindblasting coding. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Ahead was formed by the best members of Crime Devils after the group died.
Dogshit joined Trance Inc.
Finnish Meddler joined X-Trade.
NOR Espen Loeberg founder, Steinar Apalnes founder music.
Airborn was born when Steinar Apalnes Sphinx, Anders Claussen and Espen
Loeberg left Violence to form their own group.
1992 - Norwegian founder Anders abandoned the group for Pure Metal Coders
around january.
Torwak changed his handle to Gadget and joined Cytax.
1001 Stolen Ideas File.
Meeting File.
Alcatraz Entertainment Software ATZ, 1988-
SWI Baumax code, old handle Filou, -notmembanymore-, new 09/92, Cortez
code, ex Setrox, new 05/90, Daniel ex Trilogy, new mid90, Greg
Gregoire Dini, music, 01/90-93, Hardrider ex Trilogy, new mid90,
PGCS leader gfx, 12/88-09/94.
AUT Iluvatar gfx, 06/92-08/93, Pigment Miguel Marn, gfx, 93-01/98,
Poseidon Andreas Oberdorfer, code, 12/95, Quedex Christopher
Dissauer, code, 09/92-12/95.
FIN 4T Thieves org music, ex Cytax, new late92-93, Daddy Freddy music
swap, ex Anthrox, -notmembanymore-.
GER HoMiCide Marco, org music, ex Dual Crew, aka HMC, new 03/93, RSK
gfx, Sigma code, ex The Silents, new late92-93.
NOR Mr.Last music, 12/88, Teo gfx, 93.
BEL Cybersonik editor McDisk, ex Anarchy, new 09/92-93.
DEN Zoonie sysop HOUSE OF GAMES, ex Palace, new late92.
FRA Diskbuster ex Apology, 01-03/90.
USA Brain Dead sysop FORBIDDEN CITY, 04/90.
??? Airbrush Jim, ex Acme, Bitmaster 01/90, Broterhs 01/90, Burgame
music, -notmembanymore-, 91, Calypso code, ex Legend, Dan gfx,
04/90, Devils 01/90, Insider gfx, 09/88, Ironhawk gfx, 09-12/88,
Jackie D. ex Coma, Jawbreaker -notmembanymore-, new pre 07/92,
Magnetix 01/90, Megadeth ex Core, Mission code, ex Coma, 09/92,
New Generation 01/90, Nifty Nit code gfx, 01-04/90, Triad train,
01/90, Trigon ex LSD, Zodiac swi? code, 12/88, Zoltar music, ex
Asphyxia, new early92-09/94.
Boards PRIME TIME usa, ex The Silents, new late 92, INFORMATION SOCIETY
usa, HACKERBASE swi, LINE TO HEAVEN swi, 09/90.
Alcatraz was formed in 1988 by Metalwar code music, Helix gfx and PGCS
gfx from the more strangely named Motley Crue Team no entry. The first
two have since decided to leave both the group and the scene, leaving PGCS
as the head of the group. Their biggest success must surely have been the
Odyssey 12/91 demo, which won the demo competition at the first The
Party! The reason for its success is probably the fact that it was something
new and unique. The debate over whether it should have beaten the runner-up,
Hardwired by The Silents and Crionics, raged for months... They were at
one time in a trainer coop with Setrox.
When most of the Coma members joined, they got the diskmag McDisk as an
added bonus. When they stopped doing that, however, a new mag was planned.
This mag was given the name Compass, and editors were Disney and
ex-McDisk editor Mop. The mag got great reviews, but after just one
released issue Mop left for Essence to be maineditor of R.O.M and Disney
left for Sanity to be maineditor on their new mag, which never happened.
These days, Alcatraz Entertainment Software still exist, but only as a
gamemaking firm, and its unlikely that any new demos will ever appear.
The remaining members are Quedex, Poseidon, Pigment and Brainbug. I have
seen a short playable demo of a 3D Doom clone type game called IQ, and it
was probably one of the smoothest and bestlooking true 3D engines Ive ever
seen it flows beautifully, and almost reminds me of Duke Nukem 3D!
Also, check out Hornets action replay-like utility HRTMon on AmiNet!
1990 - Swiss trader Moses who had joined from Setrox 05/90 had a very
brief stay in the group, and by 08/90 he was no longer a member.
1991 - Famous french musician Moby ex Dragons, 01/90 joined Dreamdealers
around the middle of the year, after releasing the music disk More Than
Music 04/91 in april.
1992 - In the early months of the year, Control, Mad Butcher, Head, Jackie
D., Mission, Tom Copper, Mop, Nick OTeen and Aahz joined when Coma died.
Status Quo, Copcom, Nick OTeen ex Coma and Aahz ex Coma all got kicked
from the group in september. Jaby joined Absolute! late in the year. Finnish
graphician Dwel ex Gator/Stellar joined around october. Micro-Pals board
THE WHITE HOUSE was opened around october. Swiss graphician Fox 04/91-
left for Grace around october.
1993 - Germans Orbit and HMC joined from Dual Crew in march. Their Finnish
section died after graphician Dwel left to join Desire, and Razer code, ex
Addonic joined Stellar in october. Goozer ex Disknet didnt want to be
alone, and closed the section by joining Chryseis, also in october.
1994 - Editor Mop ex Coma, new early92 was not content with how things
were going after the first issue of Compass, and decided to join Essence
in february to edit his own magazine for them, R.O.M.
1995 - Norwegian musician Brainbug 06/92-94 joined Talent early 95. He
made the music for a.o. the Museum 92 slideshow while he was in
Alcatraz. Hes still working for the games by Alcatraz Entertainment
Software, it seems, since he was shown as a member of the games team 01/98.
2000 - The Sad news this year was that Hornet Alain Malek, code, ex
Avenger, 01/90- died of a heart attack. RIP.
German swapper Sting left to form Bonzai Brothers, but later decided to
join Abyss instead. There are LOTS of conflicting information out there
about this, but I believe what Ive given above now is the correct
portrayal of what happened. When he lost control over Alcatraz, he left
to form his own group called Bonzai Brothers, and all the German ex
Alcatraz members joined!
Austrian coder, previous WHQ and coeditor of the now defunt mag Compass,
Disney 06/92-93, joined Sanity to be editor of their new diskmag. That
project never came to fruition, and Disney was consequently kicked. His
further destiny is unknown.
Swedes Parsec sysop MIDNIGHT EXPRESS, 09/93, La Fayette and Thunor were
kicked. La Fayette is a female, who worked as cosysop on Parsecs board.
Birdie ex Yodel was kicked.
Shade ex The Silents?/Analog? joined Scoopex.
Colorbird and Schizo joined from Circle in Sweden, but soon moved on to
form Illusion.
Two Germans were kicked swapper Head and coder Mad Butcher both ex Coma,
09/92-02/93. Head joined Mirage, but its unclear what happened to Mad
Butcher, coder of the McDisk diskmag.
The Germans Link, Dynac, Speedbit new 03/93, EC-Rider music, 08/93,
and Seat were NEVER official Alcatraz members. They were simply let in
by the other German guys and not by the whole group.
Both the German and Swedish divisions were kicked out. The German duo
Control ex Coma, 09/92-08/93 and coder Orbit ex Dual Crew, new
03/93-08/93 joined TRSI, the rest of the Germans formed a new crew
called Fresh. Raw Style ex DCS, Stearo and Nose both ex Paradise
joined in Germany, but when that division fell apart they all left to join
Jetset. Swedes Lizardking music, ex Strange, new late92-03/93 and Tony
gfx, ex Voice, new late92-93 joined The Silents.
Blacky ex Legend tried to join, but was refused. As a result, Style
ex-WHQ, ex Legend left 03/93 to start a two-man crew with Blacky.
For additional information, see Style Blackys entry.
Graphician Tom Copper ex Coma, 91 joined Animators.
The germans Bros code, 12/92-93, Master and Nightlight quickly rejoined
Scoopex. Bros coded the demo Crunch-O-Matic 12/92 while in Alcatraz.
Norwegian coder, organizer and swapper Micro-Pal editor of Peanuts
packmag, 06/92 joined Banana Dezign. His board THE WHITE HOUSE was
busted while he was a member of ATZ, but was later reopened in BDZ.
French graphician Alex old handle Aldyss, 09/92, who released some
pictures in the slideshow MUSEUM, left to join The Silents.
Still, he made two logos for the 60k Intro 03/93, so theyre
obviously still on good terms...
Coder Skyman swi? fra? 01/90 joined Shining. He is the author of Seven
Colors Infogrames and all design and music by GFX-MOVIES late91. He
also coded the Cartoons Demo.
Kid Icarus ex Babygang no entry, new 03/90 is now Daryl/TRSI late 91.
He originally joined as editor of the scene papermag B.A.D.
Norwegian sysop It CONTACT ZERO, ex Razor 1911 didnt stay too long
before moving on to Nemesis pre 07/92.
Motley Crue Team is now Alcatraz 1988, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, gfx: Helix, music: Metalwar4 by Metalwar The Jungle
SoundTracker 2 format :-.
review: ATZ first demo, created by its two founders!
Megademo 1988, ECS Megademo.
code: Metalwar, Zodiac, gfx: PGCS, Ironhawk, music: Mr.Last.
Some of the parts are Sine Logo metalwarpgcs/ironhawk/reflex.m.last
st15 by mr.last, The Blitter Shock Demo zodiac/the art of fashion
by ? and New Members.Bob metalwar/muzak by Metalwar.
Copy Party Invitation 1988, .03, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, Hardrider/Supervisors, gfx: Rastan, music: SLL The Jungle
SoundTracker 2 format! :- Cooperation with Supervisors.
Invitation to a copy party to be held 28-29.05/88.
We Are First 1988, .06, ECS File.
code/gfx: Metalwar, music: Muzak by Metalwar SoundTracker 15inst
format. Specified as being released some month before AlcatrzaMeeting
7-9 July 1988.
New Stuff 1988, end.09, ECS Intro.
code: Metalwar, gfx: Insider, Ironhawk, music: Metalwar10 by Metalwar
Sound Tracker 15inst format.
The Skyline Intro 1988, ECS File.
Coop with The Softkiller Crew TSK, see there for details.
Geneva Party Demo 1988, .12, ECS File.
code: Metalwar, gfx: PGCS, music: Muzak by Metalwar SoundTracker 15inst
format. Released at the Alcatraz Copy Party 88.
Megademo II 1988, .12, ECS Multifile.
code: Metalwar, Elm, Darkblitter, TDK, TIN, gfx: Ironhawk, PGCS, Metalwar,
music: Muzak by Metalwar, Fred, Elm. Released at the Alcatraz Copy Party
88, though Zegs encyclopedia claims it was released in February of 89?
information: The demo experiences some minor problems under 2.0+
Megademo 3 ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Iron Cat, Metalwar, Moonraker.
Pentcost Party Invitation 1990, .04, ECS File.
code: Nifty Nit, gfx: Nifty Nit, Dan, music: At by Greg.
Megademo IV: Devils Key 1990, 03.06, ECS Trackmo, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: PGCS, music: Moonraker.
Winner of the Alcatraz Pentcoast Party 90 demo competition!
info: Does not work on A1200.
Magpack Preview 91 1991, ECS File.
Members 1991, ECS File.
code: Orbit/Gothic, gfx: Tom Copper, Anex/Rebels, music: Last Adventure
by Lizardking.
Ive Got The Power 1991, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, Fox logo, music: Burgame, Greg intro.
review: The main selling point of this musicdisk is a 420k remix of the
then-popular Ive Got The Power track by pop group Snap! Still, its
not a bad little production. Graphics are very Alcatraz - not great, but
more than functional. The sword from the top of the screen is
particularly good, though. Theres not much code to speak of here.
Gregs intro music could have been great, but sounds a little unpolished.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Caches off, trackloader hates it :-
More Than Music 1991, .04, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, Fox, music: Moby.
info: This musicdisk consists of just one BIG module by Moby.
Unfortunately it wont work on my system, so I can give no further
information, sorry! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Crashes, caches off does not help.
Odyssey 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo, 5 disks.
code: Hornet, gfx: PGCS, music: Greg.
Winner of The Party 91 demo competition!
info: Apparently there is a secret part. You must watch it to the end,
wait for the endscroller to finish, then type PRECALCULATE. HD
installable with patch.
Small Intro 1992?, ECS Intro.
code: Orbit/Dual Crew, gfx: Iluvatar, music: n/a.
info: this might be identical to the Hackfressen Tony Ist Wieder Da
crackintro intro.
Museum 1992, early, ECS Trackloaded Slideshow.
code: Quedex, gfx: Iluvatar, PGCS, Alex, Fox uncredited opening logo,
music: Brainbug.
review: This is a slideshow from three different graphicians, so the array
of style is quite varied. Theres 18 different pictures to be seen here,
choosable from a picture selector. Some of them PGCS have already been
seen in Odyssey, but theyre the best here, so we dont mind the repeat
too much. The music is okay. It doesnt irritate, at least!
This is quite rare, actually - this production works PERFECTLY on an
accelerated machine in 1997. Apart from the fact that some of the intro
effects are fast as hell at least that means theyre not precalced!,
theres nothing wrong at all. Thats a refreshing change, hehe... glenn
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
McDisk issue 4 1992, ECS Diskmag.
Peanuts issue 2 1992, .06, ECS PackMag.
code: Disney, Micro-Pal, gfx: Iluvatar, music: Brainbug.
Peanuts issue 3 1992, .07, ECS PackMag.
code: Disney, gfx: Iluvatar, Disney, music: AvecDesPeches by Brainbug.
McDisk issue 5 1992, .09, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Quedex, gfx: Iluvatar, music: Lizardking.
MAG - code: Mad Butcher, Mission, gfx: Iluvatar, Alex, Doolittle/
Interactive, music: Lizardking, editors: Mad Butcher, Head,
Cybersonik, Control, Mop.
info: After the release of issue 5, main editor Mad Butcher left the
responsibily of editor over to Cybersonik in january of 1993, for issue
6. This issue was never released, and the mag eventually died. Most of
the team behind McDisk would reemerge for a new diskmag project for
Alcatraz in 1994, Compass.
Crunch-o-Matic 1992, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Bros, gfx: n/a, music: Physical.Compo by Lizardking.
18th in The Party 92 40k intro competition.
Memorial Songs 1993, early, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Calypso/Mauve, Colorbird/Scoopex, gfx: Tony, Duel, music:
Lizardking. info: Memorial Songs 2 95 was released by Razor 1911.
Stop Fascism 1993, .02, 2MB File.
code: Mad Butcher, gfx: Doolittle/Interactive, music: Lizardking.
60k Intro 1993, 27.03, ECS Intro.
code: Orbit, gfx: Alex/Dreamdealers, music: HoMiCide.
Winner of the CeBIT 93 intro competition!
Review: This is good! Its got a good sense of pace, good music, several
nice effects and two good logos by Alex! Alex left Alcatraz for
Dreamdealers a little earlier, but still made these logos for them...
Perhaps as a sign of no bad feelings? This intro announces the joining
Orbit, HMC, and Speedbit, and is is therefore a sort of welcome intro.
It also announces the leaving of Style. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Needs KillAGA.
The Samurai 1993, 02.08, ECS 45k Intro.
code: Orbit, gfx: Iluvatar, Control animfix, music: 2control by
EC-Rider. 3rd in the 680xx Convention 1993 demo competition.
Review: A short intro, and MUCH inferior to Orbits previous 60k Intro.
nothing very exciting... The music tries to be
thumping, but at 26k thats a hard thing to do. Im sorry, atz, but this
never really came alive for me. Those 55 frames of animation werent very
exciting either, Im afraid : Try again. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: KillAGA helps, but
Ilyad 1994, 07.08, AGA 4MB Multifile, 4 disks.
code: Hornet, Shagan/Asphyxia Design additional, gfx: PGCS, Cookie/
Asphyxia Design, music: Zoltar. Cooperation with Asphyxia Design.
4th in the Assembly 94 demo competition.
review: Whoa! Im sure this kicked ass on the big screen! This baby
features some rather revolutionary Im sure effects for its time.
There are some reasonably fast effects here, to be sure! Especially the
mapped objects during the main part and the flight sim part at the end
impressed me. The music is nothing special, just functional. Its plain
to see that both Hornet and PGCS improved their skills a lot since
Odyssey. Especially one of the ATZ logos by PGCS was nice. Still, I
expected more from a 4-disk demo... Suddenly it was just over.
The bigfiles are just lots of XPKed files linked together. There were
additional versions released after the party this review refers to
version 1.3 25.09.1994. Though it will run from disk on an A1200 with
enough mem, the documentation says it suggests a 030 and a harddisk.
When installing, remember to assign Ilyad1: to Ilyad4: to your
directory. The documentation makes no mention of this, I believe, so I
had to hex-read the executable to find out : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Compass 1 1994, early, ECS Diskmag.
info: Compass or the COMputer Article Spreading Site was a fresh start
by mostly the same people that worked on McDisk. Alcatraz released a text
file published in Scoopex packmag Nevermind 48 to announce the
imminent release of Compass, early 1994. Unfortunately, it only survived
for a single issue before most of the team behind it left the group for
new, better things.
Cyberlogik 1995, 28.12, AGA 020-28+ 4MB HD File.
code: Poseidon and Quedex/ATZ, gfx: A-Tom, Lazur, 2Sign, Bridgeclaw, GS,
Viola Bros., Pigment, Lukas A., music: Archangel, Nightshade/Crusaders.
Cooperation with TRSI and TRSI Recordz.
Split 7th in The Party 95 demo competition.
review: The first thing that strikes you about this production is WOW!
The second thing that strikes you, is shame about the design.
And thats the biggest problem with it: Virtually no attention has been
assigned to the design of the thing! Its got lots of cool, heavy
effects, a couple of cool pics Lazurs Alien pic is FAAAAANTASTIC!,
but not much work on putting it all together. With all this graphical
talent working on the demo, I can only be disappointed that the potential
was far from fulfilled. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Alchemy old
AUS Biggles code gfx, 08/92, Dreamweaver gfx, 08/92, Ginseng music,
08/92, Vision Beyond code, 08/92.
Oz-Con 1 Invitation Intro 1992, .08, ECS Intro.
code: Biggles, Vision Beyond, gfx: Biggles, Dreamweaver, music: Warp by
review: This invitation intro is a sad affair really, with a scroller at
the bottom and three sucky pictures to change between using the space
bar. It gets the job done, but its not pretty, and it sounds awful.
Sorry to be so harsh on you Alchemy, but this intro isnt really one to
make you stand up and take notice. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Alchemy new
POL Axel code editor swap, 12/93, Backfire Adam Gorski, whq swap pack
Backpack, ex Katharsis, Bob code, ex Investation, Cromax gfx
music, Exolon Maciej Turlzynin, swap, Johan editor, old handle
Frodo, Ozzy gfx, Saggitarius gfx, Scorpik music, later Absolute!,
12/93, Tiptop code, ex Investation, Vico code.
NOR The Clash music, new PRP4, Walker org swap, new PRP4.
??? Adict early92, Guru early92, Steinar.
Alchemy was originally a Polish group, though a Norwegian division was new
in Propaganda 4. Johan old handle Frodo stopped drawing. In a filemag
rel late 95, I found two ads for swapping by Exolon - one where hes in
this group, and one where hes in Tilt... Other productions I know of from
this group is Party Zanci intro and Toxic Ziemniak trackmo.
M-Iron left.
Polish musician Accord 06-09/93 was kicked, for no apparent reason PRP4.
He was later in Gel Dezign.
Marchewki 1992, .03, ECS Trackmo.
2nd in the Warzawa Party 1 demo competition.
info: Named in a best Polish demos list in RAW6. The name is polish for
Shadeways to Heaven 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Axel, gfx: none, music: Scorpik.
7th in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
Alfa Crew
Dutchmen Bigfoot, Syntag and Player One joined Legend mid 91.
Aldi 1994-.
These are some of Aldis productions: 1st Intro 02/94, ATT file,
Fleischabteilung intro, State of The Art II demo, Chrunched Sound
intro and Intro In Dutch intro.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Alien Adenoids
Intro 1994, 07.08, 40k Intro.
Split 21st in the Assembly 94 intro competition.
Alien Productions
Kinematic preview 1997, 14.12, Demo.
3rd in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition. Cooperation with Interceptors.
Aliens Designs ALS
??? AceMan org sysop, Bigfoot trade, Chillout music, Exodite
trade, FaKED IQ, RayBan sysop.
Alive -1993
NOR Beathoven music, Flash Fox swap pack, 07/90, Fluor music, Hemo
Rider gfx, Mailbox Frode Tollefsen, swap, 10/90, Mick code,
Miraculix gfx, Nameless Espen Berntsen, code, Ost code, Quez
gfx, Sciff code, The Black Devil aka The Big Dildo, Tronny Rotten
swap, 10/90.
Boards THE NEW LINE WHQ nor, 11/90.
Alive was a pure Norwegian demo group, based more around fun than actually
trying to top the charts.
1993 - At The Gathering in april was, according to Nameless, the last time
the group was officially gathered, but without releasing anything.
Norwegian coder Sciff changed his handle to Crimson and joined Compact Inc.
Norwegian musician Comajim old handle Zyc joined New Wave.
After 11 Month of Silents ECS File.
1001 ways to ...89 1989, ECS File.
Lines Sinus 1989, 07.08, ECS File.
Released at the Digitech - IBB Summer Conference 89.
Flyskrekk 1991, .04, ECS File.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 91.
NOR Jawbreaker Anders Dybdahl, code, ex Offence, new 92, Lion trade, ex
Offence, new 92, Vigilante trade, ex Offence, new 92.
USA Baser Evil sysop COURTS OF CHAOS.
Spike joined Dual Crew.
Iceberg joined Skid Row or Nerve Axis.
Lord Flight joined Digital.
Austrian BBS ASGARD is offline, rumours says sysop left the scene mid 91.
Alliance Design AD, 1991-1993
FRA 7th Eye gfx, Albatros code, ex Rebels old, Corto Pitre, code,
04/91-92, Hof gfx, ex Rebels old, Moby music, later Sanity, 04/91.
DEN Seen gfx, later Melon, new 06/91.
??? DD 04/91, Loom gfx, 04/91, Spike 04/91.
Alliance Design was probably born in the first few months of 1991 - at least
thats when their first productions started appearing. They were a french
demo group, with strong links to the illegal scene. They were the Quartex
demo division for quite a while, and released what is probably their best-
known demo, Substance 04/91, for them. After they left Quartex, there
were rumours that they became a Crystal subgroup instead, but this is
1991 - French graphician Mack who joined in april left again for Scoopex
just a few months after. Frenchmen Walt gfx and Motif code joined from
The Silents around september.
1992 - PMCs R.A.W 2 02/92 announced Corto was working on the groups
next demo, Land of Liquor, to feature music by Moby. As history proved,
this demo unfortunately never saw the light of day . Corto was busted for
blueboxing early in the year, and this lead to the death of the group. This
was even published in Pure Metal Coders diskmag R.A.W 3 07/92, but it
wasnt quite true yet since the group was later active, and released a demo
as late as january 93. What IS true is that Walt and Motif left the group
for Melon Dezign.
1993 - The groups final release came in january of this year, with the
noteworthy Arkham Asylum 01/93 in cooperation with Dreamdealers - where
most of the groups members had now migrated.
French graphicians Zebig and 7th Eye joined Dreamdealers pre 07/92.
Frenchman Traitor 04/91 joined Crystal.
Burger Man crack intro 1991, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: Seen grey QTX logo, music: n/a SIDMon 2 format.
info: Cracktro made for Quartex. Aka Another Release by The Best.
Substance 1991, 28.04, ECS File.
code: Corto, gfx: Mack, Loom, music: Knulla Kuk !!! by Moby 4ch
ProTracker format. 2nd in the Amiga Convention Summit demo competition.
Made for Quartex. Caches off, OCS on for A1200.
Little Dentro Chimay 1991, .06, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: Seen, Mack, music: Tix6, Tix5 and Tix3 by
Reflex/Delight. Made for Quartex.
The Party Invitation 1991, 22.08, ECS Intro.
Made for Quartex. Cooperation with Rebels.
Flight Of The Intruder cracktro 1991, .10, ECS Intro.
code: Corto, gfx: n/a, music: n/a DeltaMusic 2 format, 29744 bytes.
Drinktro 1992, ECS File.
code: Redlight, gfx: Zebig, music: Pelforth Blues by Moby ProTracker
MOD format. Released in cooperation with Dreamdealers.
info: Intro for the upcoming Drink Charts.
Workfrench 1992, early, ECS File.
info: Released sometime soon after The Party 91, therefore early 92.
Arkham Asylum 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Redlight/Dreamdealers, gfx: Zebig, Hof/The Silents, music: Moby.
Cooperation with Dreamdealers.
Alpha Flight AFL, 1987-
GER Airwolf Normand, trade swap, 05/93, Andy Fuzzy Candi David, code
sysops DIABOLO, 05/93, Argon Helmut, trade, 05/93, Black
Frederick, trade exsysop THE MISSING LINK, 09/90-05/93, Celator
Michael, toolcode, 05/93, Cinderella Denise, trade, 05/93, Count
Zero gfx, 05/93, Cyborg sysop THE NEXT GENERATION, 10/93, Dio
Cat Mario Bianca, trade, 05/93, Dr.Mabuse Eric, code, 11/88-
05/93, Ex Machina Design Carsten, music, 05/93, Healon Christian,
code, 05/93, Jeannie Verena, trade, 05/93, Jive Christian, trade
sysop THE HOOD, 05/93, Kaoz Raven Andre Dennis, trade, 05/93,
Lance Hans Werner, trade sysop GODS HAREM, 05/93, Lance???
Armando, trade, 05/93, Mad Mac Marc, ascii trade, 05/93, Marc Sys
Marc Harry, gfx supply, 05/93, Nightshade Christian, trade,
05/93, Rod of Vanguard Elmar, crack train, 05/93, Sabine mainorg
exsysop 09/91-05/93, Schlappi Stoeberhai Stefan Peter, crack
train trade, 05/93, Spy Dirk, code, 05/93, Sting Tom, crack supply,
05/93, Sultan Klaus, sysop FAM NETWORK/SECRET CHAMBER, ex Adept,
05/93, Syntan Rexxen Christian, org gfx music, 05/93, Ultra Ingo,
org code gfx, 11/91-05/93, Undercover Tom, trade, 05/93, Vascal
trade sysop BREAK AWAY, 05/93.
SWE Cybertron Henk, org trade sysop AFTERSHOCK/AUSGEBOMBT, old handle
Lacoste, 05/93-01/95, Excalibur music, 05/93, Warhammer sysop NOTA
BENE earlier HOLOCAUST, doublememb X-Trade, 08/94-01/95.
SWI Sla/er Mathias, ascii trade sysop BLACK ROSES, 05/93, Steve org,
N-L Speed org trade sysop SHADOW WORLD, 05/93.
ENG Dangermouse Dave, org trade sysop THE TOWER, 05-08/93, Dibber
Glen, trade, 05/93, Ghostrider John, trade, 05/93, Marantz trade,
05/93, Shinobi gfx music, 05-08/93, Terminator Dave, org trade,
FIN Crime-Z99 trade, doublememb Bomb Squad, 03/94, Dr.Weird trade,
03/94, Fugitive 03/94, G.O.D trade, doublememb Bomb Squad, 03/94,
Hifi org trade sysop LAST GENERATION, doublememb Damones,
05/93-03/94, Hijack trade, doublememb Parallax details, 03/94,
Klutz trade, ex Decnite, 02-05/93, Saman trade, 03/94, Slayer
Jack, trade, 05/93, Soldier trade, 93-03/94, StN trade,
doublememb Mystic, 03/94.
BEL Berserker Gerhard, trade, 05/93, Cabal Dirk, train, 05/93, Fozzy
Patrick, trade, 05/93, Misfit Stefan, trade sysop BURNING CHROME,
05/93-04/95, Remo Gunther, code trade, 05/93, Rex Orient Alain,
code train, 05/93, Scorpio/SR Flip, cardsupply sysop FIRST ACTION,
05/93, Uli org sysop FLYING SAUCER EHQ, 05/93.
ARA Deathwish Sultan, trade sysop PSYCHOTRONIC, 05/93.
TUR Chaos trade, 05/93.
ITA Guru Meditation trade, 05/93, Luxgraph trade sysop DIGITAL BBS,
DEN Alf code crack train trade sysop1 HOLOCAUST/TRADERS HEAVEN,
05/93, Caesar code crack train trade, ex Palace, 05/93, Drac code
crack train sysop2 TRADERS HEAVEN, 05/93, Icelord gfx, 05/93.
AUS Atomic sysop WARPED REALITY, 04/95, Felony Mike, org trade,
05/93, Fugitive sysop FUTURE SHOCK, 04/95, Gangsta trade, 05/93,
Rancid Tim, train sysop, 05/93.
SPA Incubus trade, 05/93, Quijote trade sysop, 05/93.
NOR Acid Daniel Bruvoll, sysop BASIC INSTINCT, doublememb Grotesticle,
97, Wowbagger code, doublememb Session details.
CAN Elf-Co Paul, code sysop ECHO BBS, 05/93-04/95.
USA Charlie X trade, 05/939, Fahrenheit Joe, ascii, 05/93, Genghis Khan
Joe, org trade sysop WRATH OF KHAN, 05/93, King of Zombies sysop
MAIN SOURCE WHQ, 03/95, Night Shade Sam, sysop THE RESTAURANT
WHQ, 05/93, Racer X Tommi, sysop TIME TRIALS, 05/93, Slapshot
Jack, consolesupply sysop DIGITAL CHAOS, 05/93, Soulcatcher Chris,
code trade, 05/93, Wolverine Todd, trade, 05/93.
??? Andre gfx, 10/94.
Boards THE BOARD ger, 10/95.
Members below this line are no longer members, and the two have been
separated due to the staggering amount of members - and due to overall
readability. The split is at a memberlist dated 05/93:
GER Accomplishment, Aragon 03/89, BPS swap, 03/89, Brainstorm ex
Endless Piracy, CCF swap, 03/89, Crime swap, 03/89, Depode sysop
SPACE CENTER, new 12/90, FBI sysop FBI AGENTS BBS, 10/91,
Frankie Double Team editor, 11/88-12/90, Michael 03/89, Mike Dream
sysop WONDERLAND, 09/91, Saintz sysop2 S.S.M.S. later ANGEL
DUST, 01/92-04/95, Shadow Light gfx music, aka SHL, 11/88-03/89,
Warlord ex Endless Piracy.
NOR Brainbuster, The Hitcher swap, 01/90.
FIN Dipsomania 93, Hose sysop SEVERED GARDEN, 07-11/91, Mr.Spinhead
SWE Armando trade, 05/92, Butch gfx, later The Silents?, new 12/91,
Crazee swap, Emphasis music, 12/91, Mode 2 code, 12/91, Pilgrim
sysop THE GHETTO, 12/91, Xstaz sysop ICE PALACE, ex Legend.
ENG Scavenger sysop THE POOL, ex LSD.
HOL Bobo sysop THE DUTCH PIRATE, 11/91.
BEL Cocaine and Dr. Avalanche sysops FLYING SAUCER, ex Spreadpoint.
AUS Jag sysop MACH V, Obliviax sysop FUTURE SHOCK.
USA American Gladiator sysop COLISEUM, Centurion sysop FORUM,
Maimster sysop MAIMTRONIX, Warduke sysop EDGE OF INSANITY,
??? Camelot ex Desire, Cardinal ex Awake, Cevin Key swe? soon sysop,
new 12/91, Hoschy sysop NECROMANTIC, ex Frantic, Ice ex Adept,
Jerry ex Legacy, Link swe? new 12/91, Rex swe? new 12/91, Rave
swe? new 12/91, Ronny music, 08/93, Shapechanger ex Legend, Slash
sysop THE VENUE, ex Digital Warriors, Style trade, ex-indep,
Teofil ex Legend, Timdog console, doublememb Crystal.
09-12/90, MATERIAL WORLD nor.
AFL is one of the oldest Amiga groups still in existence, formed in 1987,
mostly dealing in the illegal part of the scene. There is also an Alpha
Flight 1970 AFL70 on the c64 still in existence, as well as a pc section
- though their current status is unknown. In their early years, they were
also one of the first groups to have subgroups - and they had lots of
them! Some of the most known were Vision One, Zylon and Z-Dream see
separate entries. Please note that not only did everyone else get confused,
so did AFL on a few occasions! For example, they printed in their mag that
Satan/AFL joined D-Tect, when infact Satan was in their subgroup Vision One!
They also released one of the first regular diskmags - and certainly the
best at its time - for the Amiga, in the shape of Cracker Journal.
The situation with Belgian board THE FLYING SAUCER is confusing is
Cocaine and Dr.Avalanche or Uli sysop? Anyone can help me shed some light on
this? Other prodcutions released by AFL, where I have minimum information,
is Blitter Madness file, Scroll On an Ham Picture file, Cracker
Journal Special issue 1 diskmag, Vector demo, coop Demons, Megabob
demo, coop Genesis, Dark slideshow, coop Genesis, Soundbox
musicdisk, coop Shadowlight, Soundbox II The Return 1989 musicdisk,
coop Genesis, Musiccompacting 1 musicdisk, coop Mindwarp, Megademo II
demo, coop Mindwarp, Sinus intro, coop Paradox, Grafitti demo, coop
Shadowlight, Guest Starring file, Defenda Crack Intro intro, Best
Bob demo.
1988 - The first issue of Cracker Journal 01/88 opened the year, and
was received well by the scene. 10 More issues and a few demos would come
before the end of a very successful year, when they established CJ as the 1
diskmag! Issue 10 11/88 was released in november, and finally 11 was
released at the very end of the year.
1989 - Their subgroup Prophets AG left to be an independent group in
february. German graphician Dark joined Black Monks late 89.
1990 - Captain Power left, Blackout joined TRSI and Sledge joined Defcon
One late in the year. Destroyer and Nike joined Skid Row late 90, but at
least Destroyer later returned.
1991 - Psychon changed handle to Anvil and joined Black Monks in the
middle of the year. German sysop Destroy PARADISE was busted on the 14th
of june! Luckily, he had time to format his HD before he let the cops in, so
damage was not as hard as it could have been. Following this, there was
widespread panic on the German scene, and lots of boards decided to close
shop. Germans Hajo trade, TCI sysop SKARA BRAE, Accu sysop RIVER
SIDE, FDT trade, 12/90 and Ginger all left to form a new group called
Venture late 1991. Later also Krypton sysop CONTROL TOWER opened 09/91
and Gizmo gfx joined. FDT was one of the AFL leaders at the time, and his
position was filled by Rator and Sabine. Swedish sysop Trodac UNFORGIVEN
left in december for Aurora.
1992 - Swedish sysop Dexter TOTAL DISASTER, doublememb Comakids joined
Aurora around january. German Headhunter joined The Silents early in the
year. Vindex left to join Anthrox and Winger ex Noxious was kicked out in
september. Winger joined Scoopex and did not leave the scene, as stated in
R.A.W 3. Mike, Hot and Pha joined around october. Hot and Pha later left
again. Salvatore/Paranoid joined around october.
1993 - Roger Rabbit joined Fusion early in the year. German musician SMT
left for Infect in may. In may, the group had a staggering 82 members duos
counted as one!! Among these were no less than 4 female members Germany!
Speedlock left in october.
1995 - The board DATASTORM went offline in june.
Finnish sysop Kristen joined either Decnite or Love/Desire.
American sysop Dr.Feelgood OVERDOSE joined Recline.
American sysop Nightvision THUNDERDOME, old handle Master Blaster, 11/91-
05/93 left. He was also a supplier for consoles.
Cyclotronic gfx, ex Jump, 08/93 left.
Dutch sysop THC MYSTIC PLACE, early93 joined Justice.
Finnish swapper Velsa ex Calibra, new mid 93 quickly moved on to join
American sysop Winter Mute MARTYRIUM, ex Classic, 11/91 joined Infinite
Musician Thexder ex Assult left to join Atomic.
Dutch sysop Sal-One BOONDOCKS joined TRSI.
Psycho Demon ex Nuance and Raxxion joined Scoopex.
Finnish swapper and trader Black Sheep ex Zakka/Rebels left soon after
joining and moved on to Accession late93.
Salvatore ex Paranoid joined Scoopex, he wasnt kicked! Other sources
claimed he joined Addicts.
German sysop Wolfgang CHINATOWN was kicked.
English Kitaro, sysop MILLENNIA joined Fairlight.
Magic joined Vision. News in R.A.W 3 that he joined Defjam are probably
Virus joined Palace.
Dr.No and Zacae joined Bloodsuckers.
Punisher who joined with Winger from Noxious left the scene.
Swedish sysop Xstaz ICE PALACE, ex Spirit joined Noxious. He later
returned to AFL, thats why hes on the memblist.
Germans Sniffy and Helioth joined Vision pre 07/92. In Vision, theyre
suddenly sysops of SPIRITUAL HEALING...were they in AFL too?
American sysop Flashback CYBERTECH joined Vision pre 07/92.
English sysops Sabbath and Undertaker GRAVEYARD, ex Quartex left for the
PC scene.
German swapper and trader Galaxy joined Skid Row mid to late 90.
Etron joined Cytax.
Zychon joined Black Monks.
Rascal joined Razor 1911 old.
German sysop Chronos DAMAGE INC, 09/91 left.
American sysop Armitage MADHOUSE, 11/91 left.
German sysop Red Alert ADDICTION joined Shining 8.
1st 1987, ECS Multifile 2.
code: Dr Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: looped sample.
Cracker Journal issue 1 1988, 10.01, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: none.
review: Now, THIS is history - the very first issue of CJ! Ofcourse, this
is entirely in German, so I didnt understand much. Its amazing, though,
how little it changed over the first issues.
Though the mag itself works satisfactory, the intro does not. No matter
what I attempt, it always gurus. There are no real credits to be seen
anywhere, except for in a few of the articles. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review.
Cracker Journal issue 2 1988, 10.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: none, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, GSC, Smiths inc.
review: The second issue is a marked improvement as far as content goes,
and is even mostly in English! There are perhaps too many game reviews
for some peoples liking, but I guess thats a matter of opinion.
Unlike the first issue, nothing works here neither the intro or the
mag itself can be safely executed without crashing. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Nonworking!
Cracker Journal issue 3 1988, 14.03, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, TSK-Crew, SpreadForce, GSC.
Cracker Journal issue 4 1988, 14.04, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, SpreadForce, Smiths, The 5th Dimension, Warrior, Skar.
Cracker Journal issue 5 1988, 13.05, ECS Diskmag
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse main, Skar, Dr.Soft, SpreadForce, Thaluga, Smiths, Professionals,
TSK-Crew, Contact, Chip Duo.
review: This time introless the extra diskspace devoted to the mag
itself, another issue of CJ reached the streets in may.
Cracker Journal issue 6 1988, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Cracker Journal issue 7 8 1988, 23.07, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: n/a, music: Enno, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, SpyMind, Thaluga, Nephilims, Reward, Dennis/Magicians, Tetragon,
JR, Tobber. Released at the Alpha Flight, Vision Factory and Powerslaves
copy party...probably :- Actually that party was held 29.07, but the
release date quoted here may be wrong... Released as a double issue over
the summer.
Sota 1988, 01.08, ECS File.
code: Shut Berlin, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Cracker Journal 9 1988, 24.09, ECS Diskmagazine.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: Teddy, music: n/a, editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.
Mabuse, Reward/III, Dr.Soft, GSC/Sinners, Boil/TJC, Acid, U-238, Bejamin/
BBS, Stups/MDO. Released at the AFL and SpyMind Copy Party.
review: Another non-special issue, nothing much to report about it.
No-one credited for music. glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Cracker Journal 10 1988, 15.11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: Victory/TopBoys comic, music: Shadowlight,
editors: Frankie Double Team, Dr.Mabuse main.
review: Not much different from any other issues, expect in the contents
of the articles. The german articles irritate me, especially since most
interesting ones to me, the party reports, are mostly in german This
issue presents interviews with Bamiga Sector 1 and Defjam. It also
features what is probably the first reference to the term Tracking
History was being made... glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Cracker Journal 11 1988, 30.12, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx: TAR/Prophets AG, music: Shadowlight, editors:Frankie
Double Team, Dr.Mabuse, Michael, Megatron, GSC/Sinners, AOFCF, VFBE,
review: Nothing much to say, its the usual mix of party reports and game
reviews. glenn
GLE tested UAE /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Realm of Stone... pre 1989, .03, ECS Demo.
Thirty Balls pre 1989, .03, ECS Demo.
Cracker Journal issue 12 1989, 30.01, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dr.Mabuse, gfx/music: TAR/Prophets AG, editors: Frankie Double Team,
Dr.Mabuse, Megatron, Reward/III, Insane/Razor, Pirate/AOFCS, VFBE,Subway
DreamTeam, SSD/Cosmos, Powerslaves.
Cracker Journal 13 1989, .03, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Review: Remarkably, this issue of CJ seems to be a lot better laid out, a
lot more compatible and a has a lot better English than the only other
issue I have - 28! Theres also not the same sense of showelware - all
of these articles were MEANT for the mag, theyre not just files off the
boards! Theres more articles in German here, though. The mags content
is quite limited, at just over 50 articles, but they are one hell of a
lot more interesting than the ones in 28... There doesnt appear to be
any kind of credits except for the articles in the mag itself, but then
again theres not much code to speak of... You see, each and every
article is an IFF file, so all the coder had to make was a picture shower
that could change pictures and play some music in the background :
I like the atmosphere in this. Theres a genuine sense of stumbling to
establish the scene. These were pioneers, and as such ofcourse there were
two mistakes for every innovation. Still, they make their small mistakes
with unmistakable amounts of charm. Nice, this is. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Cracker Journal issue 14 1989, 18.05, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
info: The release date is from the previous issue, so theres no guarantee
that they actually got around to it by that date :
Cracker Journal issue 15 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 16 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 17 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 18 1989, ECS Diskmag.
Starflight 1989, 26.12, ECS Demo.
Cracker Journal issue 19 1990, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 20 1990, ECS Diskmag.
Star-Chars 1990, 21.04, ECS File.
code: Werner, gfx: Vincent, Werner, music: Thrust.
Cracker Journal Special II 1990, 01.07, ECS Diskmag.
Released at the Amiga Conference 90.
Cracker Journal issue 21 1990, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Cracker Journal issue 22 1990, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Cracker Journal issue 23 1990, 31.12, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Werner/Vision One/AFL, gfx: GGT/Zylon/AFL title, Turbo/Zombie
Boys clip, music: ???, editors: Doctor Mabuse, Frankie Double Team.
review: This issue was the first to feature the new code for the mag,
meaning no more iff pictures! That alone was an enormous step up...
Design did not change significantly, only the inner workings of the mag
did. I have chosen not to rate Satan/Vision One/AFLs small intro here,
since its not AGA compatible and really little more than a boot intro.
The compatibility rating is only for the magpart, the intro for this
mag does not run under AGA. Also, I had to run the mag with caches off,
or my keyboard would not respond after a while. Otherwise, no probs!
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1. -- Note: See review.
China Town BBS 1991, ECS Intro.
info: Released by the German section.
Cracker Journal issue 24 1991, ECS Diskmag.
Cracker Journal issue 25 1991, ECS Diskmag.
Space 1991?, ECS Intro.
code: JHL, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Huukkers 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: JHL, gfx: n/a, music: Micke Cool. Released at the Society Summer
Party 91. info: Made by the Finnish division.
Cracker Journal issue 26 1991, .10, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: n/a, gfx: Ginger/Venture title, Gizmo/Venture, Satan/ex Vision 1,
music: n/a, editors: Frankie Double Team FDT/Venture, Dr.Mabuse, GGT.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Ultra Intro 1991, 11.11, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Ultra, music: none.
review: Now this is more like it! This intro says STYLE in big bold
letters! Well, actually it says Alpha Flight, but you get the picture :
The intro consists of just one nice logo in the middle of the screen,
which is in hires-lace, and a scroller that twists inbetween the letters.
Its a simple concept, but superbly executed.
The intro reviewed was the one released in connection with their
release of AutoDoc 37.1. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Happy New Year 1991, .12, ECS Intro.
info: Released by the NL section.
The Ghetto 1991, 19.12, ECS Intro.
code: Mode 2, gfx: Butch, music: Emphasis.
review: Nothing interesting in this BBS intro, just a black background
with some dots and a 16x16 text writer on top of that. There are a
million of these! Thank god that someone discovered design!
This intro is earmarked as from the Swedish division and also
announces the new memberships of Rex, Butch, Cevin Key, Rave, Link and
Cevin Keys upcoming BBS. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Cracker Journal issue 27 1992, early, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
info: CJ27 was the very last issue released as an AFL production
subsequent issues were independent, and reviews can be found under the
heading Cracker Journal Team.
Cracker Journal issue 28 1992, ECS Diskmag.
Altair new -1992
FIN Cannibal The Bastard, Fiend, Servitor.
??? Globe.
Boards WOLFSLAIR fin.
Cytax I.C.E 8 05/92 reported that Altair was born with members from
Grace, Kreators etc, and Pure Metal Coders R.A.W 3 07/92 carried the
news that Altair had been reborn a while ago - then The Official Eurochart
17 09/92 carried the news that they had died again. They seem to have
mostly released intros.
1992 - Finnish swapper Messenger joined Genoice in september.
Finnish Zon joined Zenith.
Finnish Goozer joined Disknet.
Mission Impossible 1995, 12.08, Demo.
14th in the Assembly 95 40k intro competition.
Amaze old
GER Bomber swap, ex Highlander/Cletic, new 07-12/90, Fred code swap,
92, Galaxy music, 11-12/90, Master of Noise music, 92, Microp
music, 92, Pinhead swap, ex Highlander/Celtic, new 07-12/90,
Plastic gfx, 92, Raw swap pack, ex Unlimited, 92, Smash Ingo
Kamps, gfx swap, ex Exort, 92, Smasher gfx, 90, Tron code, later
Sanity, 02/92, Vinix sysop TIMEWAR, Vizir code, new 90.
SWE Abbandon code, new ca 01/92, Cluster, Enforcer swap, 92, Junior,
Lego, Ozone, Slider code, new ca 01/92, Stanton sysop 3AM ETERNAL,
ex Anarchy, Walkyrian.
FIN Airwolf, Articfox, Bandog code, 06/91, Blockbrain gfx, 06/91,
Firecode swap, 01-06/90, Holy swap, Magnum Jerno Kueski, swap,
late90, Topaz music, 06/91, Zender gfx, 06/91.
DEN Conan, Darkside, Drone code, 12/91, Murdoc gfx, 12/91, Phraizer
sysop PHANTASIA, ex Reflectors, Shredder gfx, 12/91.
AUT Mister X swap, early92.
USA Nightstalker sysop PRISONERS OF REALITY, new ca 01/92.
??? Ace gfx, 02/92, Blizzard gfx, 02/92, Hunter trade, Mercy trade,
ex Hypnotic, Techno-One ex Action, The Punisher gfx, 12/90, Zeus
code gfx, 90.
Amaze was a demo group based in Germany, but also with strong divisions in
other countries.
Some Amaze releases where I have only a minimum of information is
Released Before intro, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Galaxy, m: Hawk by
?/Timecircle, 31st May demo, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Galaxy, m: Ode To Mon Part2
by Galaxy, Lamerbug game, c: Dr.Gassu, g: Tune, m: Lamerbug! by Tsaca,
Kriepss Again demo, c: Zecco, g: Galaxy, m: IQ64 and Shape It Down by
Galaxy, Crack of Dawn ECS File, Generation issue 1 ECS Diskmag.
1990 - The group received two new German members around july, when
swappers Bomber and Pinhead joined from the Celtic subgroup Highlander.
November saw the joining of Italian multitalent Filippetto from Savage with
his diskmag. Freedom Crack 4 12/90 was the first and only issue of the
mag to be released for Amaze.
1991 - When the German section of Amaze died in january, Filippetto ended
his short-term stay in the group, and left with his diskmag to form his
own group, named Vega.
1992 - The groups WHQ board THE PARTY ZONE changed name to SERPENT
SOCIETY, while Norwegian Edison and Swedes Slider code and Abandon code
joined around january. The two finns Epidemic code, 06-07/91 and Ukulele
music, ex Intuition, 06-07/91 both joined Addonic around january, though
Epidemic quickly moved on to Complex. Finnish Breeze code also joined
Complex, while Snowman was kicked Wizmar left the scene Df0: gfx,
07/91-, Breeze code, Dwarf and PMB all left for Dual Crew swedish
Stanton/Anarchy sysop 3AM ETERNAL joined danish Phraizer sysop
PHANTASIA joined american Nightstalker sysop PRISONERS OF REALITY
joined - all around january. Also the entire polish section of Amaze joined
Addonic at this time! Norwegian swapper Viking ex Byte Busters joined LSD
early 92. Swedish Sudden left for Spirit early 92. Tropic was kicked from
the group because of lazyness early 92. Swedish sysop Xstaz changed the name
of his board from DEADLINE to THE ICE PALACE and joined Spirit early 92.
Amaze Austria is dead. Dalmet and Sledge joined Grace. Charly left the scene
09/92. Pulstar left to form Slipstream finland 09/92. German leader Damion
ex Addonic, 92 joined Platin, while Swedish Bit ex Palace left to form
Sonic sweden, both in september. Norwegian musician The Hustler and finnish
swapper Zephyr ex Ice/Royal Amiga Force joined Razor 1911 pre 07/92.
Finnish Boomer joined TRSI.
German swapper Zaphod joined Sanity old.
German musician and editor RokDaZone ex Kraze joined Destiny.
The two swedes Buntz and Zonic who between them ran the board SERPENT
SOCIETY old name PARTY ZONE, joined Defjam. Zonic was also the WHQ,
after he took over the duty from Articfox. Heres a theory of my own:
Buntz changed his name to Zonic, AND THEN...
Genestealer joined Cult.
Finnish El Gringo left the scene.
Dr.Gassu joined Elysion.
The German editor of Disktrash, Death Angel 02/92, was kicked RAW3.
The mag is dead, and wont be published any more, and Death Angel joined
German Sodom joined Beyond pre 07/92.
Gipsy King joined Midway pre 07/92.
Abaddon joined Fairlight pre 07/92.
The Norwegian division left and split up. Dreamer ex Chris/Grace joined
Pure Metal Coders. Frequenz sysop, ex Decept joined Razor 1911. I have
one additional member, Edison ystein Homelien, but I dont know what
happened to him...though hes now boss at the internet provider Powertech
Information Systems in Norway!
Powersledge joined Flash Productions.
Swedish sysop Psychopath RAISING HELL joined Triad.
Decoy left Amaze in 91, and is now 96 in Passion.
Musiques II 1989, 31.10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Zaq, Belsebul, gfx: Tune, music: Sad Story, Brainwash, Secrets
by Zaq, Tomcat, Silverstrider by Firecode, Soft Dreams, Thrust,
Role Play by Tsaca.
1st Visir 1990, ECS File.
code: Vizir, gfx: Masher, music: Zamzara by Galaxy.
Revolutions ECS Musicdisk.
code: Zecco, gfx: Galaxy, Tune, music: Tsaca, Firecode, Belsebul,
Complications by Galaxy.
info: A Revolutions Preview 90 was also released.
First 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Zeus, Galaxy, gfx: Zeus, music: Galaxy-Tune by Galaxy.
info: 1st intro, rel by German section.
Hammer 1990, .04, ECS File.
code: Zecco, gfx: Galaxy, music: Go For ot by Galaxy by Galaxy.
Intro 1990, 10.09, ECS Intro.
Ami Expo 1990, 10.11, ECS Intro.
code: Filippetto, gfx: Galaxy, music: Galaxy Future Composer 1.4 format,
16410 bytes. Released at the Amiga Expo.
info: This intro announced Filippetto had joined from Savage.
Happy Nicolaus 1990, 06.12, ECS Intro.
code: Filippetto, gfx: Punisher, music: Starion by Galaxy.
Freedom Crack 4 1990, 26.12, ECS Filemag.
code: Filippetto, gfx: font ripped from Zine!, music: Ode To Mon Part 5
by Galaxy 4ch MOD format, editor: Filippetto.
Released at the Dexion Party 90.
review: Not that much to read, but an OK outfit make this mag slightly
worthwile. Later issues would prove to be much better. Too bad about all
the uninteresting reviews with standardised questions... The middle of the
screen is the reading area, theres a scroller at the bottom, and article
selection on top. Pretty basic, but works OK. Nothing you ccant afford to
miss. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 - note: Needs KillAGA!
The Final Absolution 1990, 26.12, ECS File.
Released at the Dexion Party 90.
Another Hot Spreading 1991, ECS Intro.
code: Zonic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
UpDate 1 1991, File Chart/Message/NewsMag.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Viila by Smagu.
Electrical Ecstasy 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: Bandog, gfx: Blockbrain, music: Defender of R by Topaz.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Spiritual Connection 1991, 08.06, ECS File.
code: Epidemic, gfx: Zendy, DF0:, music: Sprtl.Connection by Ukulele.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Dreamin 1991, 08.06, ECS Intro.
code: Breeze, gfx: Zender, music: Magic-Music2 by Ukulele.
Released at the Society Summer Party 91 by the Finnish section.
Out of Swapping 1991, .07, ECS File.
code: Epidemic, gfx: DF0:, music: Out of Swapping by Ukulele.
Party Intro 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Drone, gfx: Murdoc, Shredder, music: Too Speedy by Terrax/Palace.
Released at The Party 91 by the Danish section and with the help of a
Danish musician.
Bontro Powerlink BBS 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Lizer, Ziggy, gfx: Moi, Zigger, music: Partyj.1 by Lizer.
Dentro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Abbandon, gfx: Fade, Bad, music: Fajser.
No Imagination 1992, early, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Dr.Chaos, music: Magic Duke.
Vector Dream 1992, .02, ECS File.
code: Tron, gfx: Ace fonts, Blizzard logo, music: Insecure by Magic
review: Well, a bit hard to review this as Ive never seen it! Still, the
coder is Tron for gods sake, so how bad can it be? The music is a very
cool Jester-like synthie-pop thing. For the record, Magic Duke Stefan
Reisch later appeared as GTO/Digital in 1994. Totally refuses to work on
my configuration, no matter what I do to it. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Does NOT work, not even with KillAGA.
Back in 92 1992, .02, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Inner City by Magic Duke.
This intro announced the joining of Magic Duke, and was therefore almost
certainly released after Vector Dream.
Disktrash 2 1992, 24.02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
code: Prof.M, MCM improvements, gfx: Brain/Dynasty title, logo,
Genestealer logo, Cooper/Symbiosis menu, music: Magic Duke/Symbiosis,
editor: Death Angel.
Generation 1 1992, .04, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Fred, gfx: Furio logo, Shredder font, music:
MAG - code: Fred, gfx: Plastic, music: Chromag/Cult, editor: Damion.
Released at Expo 92.
review: Well, first impressions are not so good, the intro gurued...
Tried again with KillAGA, and it worked but destabilized my system...
Thankfully the mag can be loaded on its own, so we try that. Well, this is
very first issue of a mag that would grow to be legendary, but in respect
we must say that they still had a long way to go. The first issues were
more message and newsoriented, and had very little mag-content, to be
honest, and in that respect it sortof works...But this was after all 1992,
and there were MUCH better mags and boxes out there! Its a first release,
thats all. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: Needs KillAGA!
Anti Death 1992, 30.04, ECS File.
Amaze Design new 1997-1997
DEN Adonis swap, ex Passion, new late97, Misery org gfx, ex Insane, 97,
Nigel code, ex Impact, new late97.
Amaze Design is a Danish demo group formed in 1997 by Misery and Nigel from
Insane and Impact Inc. It is highly unlikely that the old Amaze has anything
to do with this new group. They died after a very short while.
Ambrosia A!A
DEN Access code raytrace, 04/96-late97, Cain gfx raytrace, 12/95-
late97, Drac Jan Knudsen, org swap pack, ex Limited Edition,
doublememb Scalaris 06/96, doublememb Cosmic Woodheads early97, 12/95-
late97, Eliss-D Martin Nielsen, gfx music, old handle Cyboman, ex
Balance, 12/95-97, Lucifer codePC gfx, late96, Raivo code sysop, ex
Black Jack, new late95-late96, Raze Thomas Petersen, org music swap,
12/95-late97, Riis gfx, Shadow Walker gfx, 12/95-late96, Syntax
codeAM+PC, 04/96-late96, Tricktrax music, ex Tribe, later Puzzle,
new late95, Wax music, new late96, Zeek code, 12/95-late96.
SWE Anfobia ascii swap, doublememb Massive, new 06/96, Hawk code,
triplememb Giants details and Darkage ROM9.
POL Draw ascii swap, doublememb Azkiness, new 06/96-late96, Guma ascii
swap, late97.
??? Dr.Zulu gfx, late97, Karina mascot, new 06/96, Nook gfx, new
late97, Spacebrain music, new early97.
Ambrosia is a demo group based in denmark, and active on both the Amiga and
pc platforms. They were organized by Raze and Drac, until Raze stopped
organizing 06/96. Powdihacker then became the new second organizer, it seems
- until he also left. Their mascot Karina is, obviously, female.
The recent smash hit doom clone game Genetic Species was made by the
Danish Ambrosia members Powdihacker code, Cain gfx, Shadow Walker gfx
and Trayzor sound! Other Ambrosia productions that I have only a minimum
amount of information on are: Psychopack 2 Packmenu intro, Genetic
Species aga hd demo - of the game, presumably?, Miracle Chips 1 aga
intro and Scenemeeting Invitation aga intro.
1995 - Spiderwork, Mr.Salinas, The Crow, Kallestrup and Jolly Roger were
all kicked late in the year. Sardonyx Seenpoint 2 12/95 reported that
Raze and Drac are the new organizers, that Jaxx left the group to become
independent, that Cyboman/Balance joined, that Raivo/Black Jack joined and
that Tricktrax joined from Tribe.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 reports that Spacebrain music
joined, that Cyboman changed his handle to Eliss-D, that danish Powdihacker
org code, 12/95- left for Puzzle, that danish Artphaze gfx, new late96
left the group and probably the scene, that Drac joined Cosmic Woodheads as
a doublemember, and finally that a pc section had been established.
Dutch swapper Coolio new late96 changed his handle to Blunt and joined
Musician Trayzor 12/95 left late 96.
Vaxx left to be independent late 95.
Freaks Dont Care 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Zeek, gfx: Cyboman, Cain, music: Canellamips by Trayzor.
16th or 24th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Its an OK intro, this. Theres some OK effects, like a zoom-
rotator with jerky zooming and an OK voxel routine. The chiptune is
functional, with a very good tune for the end part. Its a remake of an
actual tune that was on the charts. My gf recognized the tune as being
called Jimmie Dean, but couldnt remember the name of the group. Very
good. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Rynkeby Morgenmild 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Powdihacker, gfx: Cain main, Shadow Walker rynkeby logo, music:
Raze. 16th or 24th in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Another good TP5 intro from Ambrosia, this one gives us a
texturemapped motionblurred cube and some fractal roofs and floors as its
main attractions. The boom-boom-boom generic techno is a major drawback,
though. The opening Rynkeby logo is awful. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
4K 1995, 28.12, 4k Intro.
code: Zeek, gfx: none, music: Trayzor.
Contribution for The Party 5 4k intro compo.
review: Nothing much to this one, except that it features actual music -
unusual for a 4k intro. The only effect is a dottunnel, and weve seen
that a million times before. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Ard 1996, 05.04, AGA 4MB HD Multifile.
code: Syntax, Powdi, gfx: Cain, Cyboman, Access, music: Cyboman.
Released at The Gathering 96, outside competition.
review: There is one thing about Ard that draws it down a lot The fact
that the entire demo is presented in that ghosted mode, that apparently
saves a lot of rastertime on c2p routines. Theres just one drawback with
that, the demo has an altogether average feel to it. The code is OK, I
guess, but the graphics and music are so average it hurts. The whole
thing has a rushed together feel to it, made further evident by the
fact that this demo was released out of competition at TG. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Riverhouse LSD Mix 1996, 06.07, AGA HD Demo.
2nd in the South Sealand Party 96 demo competition.
Extel 1997, 30.03, 4k Intro.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 4k intro competition!
Amiga Freelancers AF
NOR Zap code.
AF rose from nothing to instant fame when they released the first version
of ProTracker 1.0, and stayed there until they had released their final
version. Until PT arrived, sceners had had to make do with the limited
NoiseTracker by the Swedes Mahoney Kaktus. When PT 1.1 introduced things
like a built-in sampler and an online help system, there was no turning
back. In a way, AF got their name in the Amiga demoscene history books on
the back of one single production...
1992 - Anders Hamre code joined Pure Metal Coders around january.
Amiga Industries AI
1988 - Hero was caught by the police in december.
GER Fred sysop MIND BOMB, 09/91.
Amnesia was a mainly German demo group, with members in other countries.
Some other productions were Copper History file, Cycle Meets Plasma
file, Epilepsia I musicdisk, Epilepsia II musicdisk, Plastic-Dots
file and Red is Green is Blue file.
1992 - German Skyfox left for Agnostic Front.
Amnesia is dead!
Norwegian musician Symph ONee joined Wizzcat.
Lowkick, Tim, Rease, Rahiem and Scottie joined Wizzcat.
Devil ex Damian joined The Dark Demon.
Runt joined Decade.
Cycle Meets Plasma 1992, 19.04, ECS Demo.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
Textro 1992, 10.10, ECS Intro.
code: Chip-Ram, gfx: Art/Dead Awake, music: Tim.
Released at Ami-Expo 92.
POL Aju trade cosys, late97, Ash gfx, old handle Insert, 97, Beton
trade, late97, Comanche raytrace, late97, Domel code, late97,
Fenix sysop, ex Royal, new late97, Guma swap, Hasid mainorg code,
08/96-late97, Ice code, late97, Invert music, late97, Madman
music, late97, Mephi Mercin Kwasninski, sysop, ex Damage, new
late97, Stasi trade, late97, Szudi music, late97, Umpal gfx,
08/96-late97, Zoltan raytrace, doublememb Mawi, new late97.
Amnesty are a purely Polish demo group.
1995 - The group released the intro Spume 03/95 as their first amiga
lifesign as far as I know at the Primavera party in Poland. It reached 9th
position in the intro competition there.
1996 - Insert joined Depth in june...But Depths Eurocharts 31 reported
that he was still in the group 11/97, and had changed his handle to Ash!
Anyone? Hasids 64k intro Crom received third place at the Intel Outside 3
party in august.
1997 - Polish graphician and musician Dave ex Freezers, new late96-08/96
left the group after the Rush Hours party in the beginning of 1997. He did
not find a suitable new group, and remained groupless for the remainder of
1997, before finally joining Haujobb. Artworks Generation 24 04/97
reported that polish swapper and raytracer Korball joined from Dinx Project.
He left the scene later in the year.
Spume! 1995, 12.03, Intro.
9th in the Primavera 95 intro competition.
Crom 1996, 30.08, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Hasid, gfx: Umpal, music: Dave.
3rd in the Intel Outside 3 64k intro competition.
review: Phong-toruses and texturestretchers abound in this 64k intro from
the Poles in Amnesty. Also a fast envmapper is given space, though all of
these effects are slightly marred by the blocky look of the objects.
Otherwise, excellent textures make them a pleasure to view, if youre not
too close to the screen. Some speedy effects, and a good soundtrack, make
this a worthwile little intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: See review!
HazMix 1996, 10.11, AGA 4k Intro.
code: Hasid, gfx: none, music: none.
Winner of the Gravity 96 4k intro competition!
review: Beautiful. Just beautiful. HazMix must surely be the best ever
4k intro - at least at the time of its release. Hasid has managed to cram
an amazing amount of variations on a couple of effects into his alotted
4k. You wont BELIEVE how long this little bastard keeps going!
An amazing achievement. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Hazchemix 1996, 10.11, AGA File.
code: Hasid, gfx: none, music: Dave.
3rd in the Gravity 96 demo competition.
review: This demo possesses an amazing amount of atmosphere! As a result
of the visuals, the great and moody music mind you, I usually hate this
kind of thing and the widescreen display youre almost spellbound the
first time you see it. Theres almost NO text or graphics, just the
visuals. Large portions of phong and bump effects are the order of the
day, and these routines seem both fast and smooth at least on my 030 :.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
NOR Ace, Bozo, Buzak, Ghost, Girton, Never Mind, Rubberduck, Slimeball,
Norwegian coder Coke joined Stone Arts.
Blaze, dff180 and Tom joined Cryptoburners.
Amonia was formed when the two small groups Lynxor and Edge fusioned.
There are no separate entries for the two source groups.
Diagonal Insanity ECS Demo.
Coppershock 1990, 29.12, ECS File.
Anadune AND, 1994-, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1895/
POL Andy trade, ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97, Green Pawel Urban,
raytrace, ex Beton Design, new 06/96-08/97, Kazik Kazimierz
Perkowski, mainorg gfx, 12/96-08/97, Madbart raytrace trade sysop
THE SECT WHQ, doublememb Appendix, 11/96-08/97, Mr.Acryl Artur
Fabrycy, code, 05/96-08/97, Norman Miroslaw Okonski, swap pack, ex
Rektum, new 06/96-08/97, QBA swap, triplememb Nah Kolor and PIL,
late96-early98, Revisq Patryk Gegniewicz, music swap, ex Legion,
doublememb Floppy late96, new 06/96-08/97, Robson code, ex
Scalaris?/Depth?, new 06/96, Scorpik music, 05/96, Tonid networker,
08/97, Zig code, 12/96-01/97.
??? BlackWine code music, ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97, Dr.Greg code,
08/97, Spoonman sysop RUSSIA, new 06/96, Zeebi music, 08/97.
Boards LOS ENDOS EHQ ger, NEMEZIS pol, REALITY BYTES nor, late97,
UPHOLD THE LAW ger distsite.
Anadune seem to take their role as the new Polish 1 very seriously.
They arranged the Gravity 96 party in Poland 11/96. It seems action may
have more or less left the scene, but this is unconfirmed.
1996 - Rekin changed his handle to Mario, but was kicked in june.
1997 - Artworks Generation 24 04/97 repoted that polish Sharp gfx
swap, ex Megapoint, new 06/96 was kicked, that Action switched from being a
mailswapper to a modem, that german Celic sysop LOS ENDOS joined, and
that UPHOLD THE LAW is now the groups german distribution site.
German sysop Celic LOS ENDOS, 08/97 left the scene late 97 or early 98.
2000 - Luke code left for Skarla early in the year.
Polish trader and sysop Losiu ex Megapoint, new 06/96-08/97 left to be
independent late97/early98.
Polish musician, trader and swapper Action Przemek Wozny, ex Damage, new
06/96-08/97 left the scene late97/early98.
Polish VIS graphician Lazur ex Nah Kolor, new 04/96-02/97 has, in a
surprise move, left to join Scoopex ROM9. He released one slideshow for
Anadune, Wild 96 in addition to working on several of their demos.
Impast 1994, 13.11, AGA Slideshow.
Released at Gelloween 94. Anadunes first ever release!
Collage 1995, 30.04, AGA Demo.
Released at Eastern Conference 95.
Infliction 1995, 30.08, AGA Demo.
6th in the Intel Outside 95 demo competition.
Foundation 1995, 28.12, Demo.
19th in The Party 95 demo competition.
Cyberspace 1996, .03, AGA Slideshow, 2 disks.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Kazik, music: Scorpik.
Wild Preview 1996, .04, AGA File.
Wild 1996, .05, AGA Slideshow.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Lazur, music: Scorpik. Cooperation with Nah-Kolor.
information: Wild is polish graphician Lazurs second slideshow, his first
being TRSIs Sun 95. Two of the pictures here can also be seen in
Mystics Assembly96 demo Traffic 08/96.
Boombastic 1 1996, .06, AGA Admag.
The Sunrise 1996, 23.06, AGA File.
code: n/a, gfx: Lazur, music: n/a.
2nd in the Polish Summer Party 96 demo competition.
Boombastic 2 1996, .08, AGA Admag.
Soundgarden Preview 1996, .09, AGA Musicdisk.
Soundgarden 1996, AGA Musicdisk.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Fame, music: Revisq.
Gravity Party Invitation 1996, late, AGA Demo.
Invitation to the Gravity party in november.
Oops! 1996, 10.11, AGA 1MB 64k Intro.
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there.
Versor 1997, 23.02, AGA 64k Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: Kazik, music: n/a.
2nd in the Rush Hours 97 64k intro competition.
review: What struck me after seeing Versor was, this is just like an
Azure intro - only more blocky! You see, were presented here with a few
effects that are quite a lot like some of what Azure did in Dawn.Remix
04/96 and other intros - the difference being that Azures routines were
1x1. The intro opens with an envmapped logo, which is afterburned and
finally fades away. Then were shown a Versor logo and some other
graphics, before another envmapped object, this time with some
transparency. The show ends with the Versor logo from before being blown
up to fill the whole screen, and a phong env object appears on top of it -
before it starts to morph, and spikes shoot out of it. One cool thing
about this intro is the graphics smoothing used here, which seems
extremely effective! All effects have background graphics. The music is
quite anonymous - I cant really remember how it went now : The intro
opens and ends with a badly drawn image of a tree. Anyone know the
significance of this?
The intro itself contains no credits, except the fact that the
signature on Kaziks logo is plainly visible. Anyone know who coded and
wrote the music for this intro? The logo can be extracted by decrunching
the file packed with Imploder and using a tool like WRip to extract the
iff file. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Yon 1997, 23.02, AGA Multifile Demo.
code: Mr.Acryl, Zig, gfx: Kazik, Lazur, Mr.Acryl objects, music: Revisq
The Player 6.1A format. Winner of the RushHours97 demo competition!
Cooperation with Floppy.
review: Not my favorite demo, but still not bad from the new Polish
masters. The most disappointing thing about this demo is the graphics!
With a quality pixeler like Lazur working on it, I expected a lot better
than what I got...and Kaziks pictures werent much comfort. Some nice
effects, bump, env and the usual shit, and a tune that doesnt get TOO
irritating makes it pass the grade. Above average but lacks the final
spark... The txt file in the demo directory suggests it was meant as a
contribution for The Party 6. I have no idea how much memory it requires,
but at least it ran fine with 4mb fast! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Gravity 97 english version 1997, AGA Intro.
Invitation to the Gravity 97 party in august.
Quark 1997, .07, AGA 64k Intro.
Released at Kindergarten 97.
Zoom 1997, 08.08, AGA Demo.
code: Mr.Acryl, gfx: Kazik, Gryf raytrace, music: Revisq.
Contribution for the Assembly 97 demo competition.
Czyjest 1997, 31.08, AGA Intro.
Released at Gravity 97.
Whizzz! 1997, 14.12, 64k Intro.
5th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition. info: Requires an FPU.
YAga 1999, 14.11, Demo.
2nd in the Satellite 2 demo competition.
Photo Cell 1x1 2000, Slideshow.
code: n/a, gfx: Kazik, music: n/a.
Released in cooperation with Madwizards.
info: A pc version was also released.
Anaheim 1994-
FIN Cancer Jarno Pato, gfx swap, 02/94, Diamond Jarmo Nikkanen, code,
02/94, E.M.F Jarmo Pitknen, swap, 02/94, Lance Ville Heijari, gfx
swap, 02/94.
??? D Fence music, 02/94.
Is D Fence the same norwegian guy that was later in Balance? Anaheim seem
to be based in Finland, wouldnt you say?
Broken Connection 1994, 15.02, ECS Intro.
code: Diamond, gfx: Cancer, Lance, music: Cellarband by D Fence.
review: A horror example of what NOT to do, this is one of a million
stereotype contact us intros out there. You know the kind, with a logo
at the top, and a scroller/plotter occopying the rest of the screen.
Words cannot describe how bored I am with these :
This is their first ever released intro. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Bubble 1994, 08.03, AGA Intro.
Anal Intruders AI
AI is probably most known for their fake Enigma 2 release at The Gathering
94. I remember expectations riding high when we saw the next demo would be
Enigma 2, but unfortunately it wasnt. Theyre also notorious for their nazi
sympaties...unfortunately they dont seem to be able to present their
opinions in a way thats not laughable.
KKK ECS Musicdisk.
The Analist 1993, 30.05, ECS Demo.
Released at The Computer Crossroads 93.
Analog ALG
FRA Axis 01/94, Erekose Philippe Veriere, swap music, old handle
Zorglub, ex Equinox, also in Zuul Design pc, 09/92-01/94, Geronymho
Martin, mainorg music, Ktulu and Baobab 01/94, Milena 01/94,
Pats, PTit Louis sysop EIFFEL TOWER, Potiron, Revolution 01/94,
Spoky mainorg, 01/94, Squale and Rabi sysops RHYTHM NATION,
Steelhertz Franck Abitbol, music, new 09/92, Stingray 01/94, Stone
old handle Pedro, SuperBee Thierry Ginoux, music, new 09/91-03/92,
Zac Clark Gaybeul, music, new 11/91.
GER Front 6 Sren Gessele, music, ex Dynamic, new 10/93, Justice sysop
TERMINAL FUCKUP, 08/93, Noise music, Old Spook 01/94, Rick
Marco Ricono, music, new 03/93-01/94, Sigma ex Scoopex, 01/95,
Stranger ex Saints, new ROM3/ex Impact, Tron 01/94, Venom 01/94.
SWI Bishop sysop CAPE FEAR, same as Road Runner?, 08/93, Black Sun
early92-01/94, Burgame music, Dunhill Hans Haltinner, music, new
02/92, Eurex sysop2 CIVIL WAR WHQ open 93, Excalibur sysop
BENEDICTION, 08/93, Highlander Amor Carlos, swap sysop1 CIVIL
WAR WHQ open 93, 01/94, Pinhead 01/94, Road Runner sysop CAPE
FEAR, same as Bishop?.
FIN Swan Svante Lehtinen, music, ex Swantti/Midnight Sun, 01/96.
USA Deathbringer sysop HORROR ZONE, 04/95.
??? Buckaroo ex Artefact, Cobburn fra?, Coronal ex Nova, Joker
sysop, ex Taurus, new late94, Motown ex Lunatic Earls, Remote, U2
fra? music.
Analog is a demo group based in France, but with divisions in Germany and
Switzerland. They were born in 1990 or 91, after the all-french group Sun
Connection changed their name to Analog and started taking in foreign
divisions. The Swiss section goes under the name The Sect. Their members
are also behind utilities like SunTracker II, IAM Packer, Bootshop and
Infomod. Other Analog productions, where I have a minimum of information
is New Members Joined intro, Mushroom file, not on A5001000,
Jointro intro 94 and Spidy intro 94.
1991 - Shogun and Scud left mid 91.
1992 - Germans Shade formerly Dynac/The Silents and Jason joined around
1993 - Germans Kernal code and Chaos! gfx, both ex TKOB no entry
joined Desire mid 93. German musician Dynamite ex Cyanide, new 03/93
joined Noxious mid 93. German organizer Jason left the scene mid 93.
1994 - German sysop Trooper LOST CARRIER, ex Dynamic, 01/94 joined
Lego late94.
Frenchmen Monty music, Cobburn music, 91, Geronymho music, 91, Reflex
music and End of Data are no longer members.
Dillenger and Coractor joined Dynamix.
German swapper Mr.King ex Beyond, new late92-01/94 joined Vision with his
famous pack Nevermind.
Wea ex Psycho joined, but soon moved on to join Speedy.
The two Germans Excess gfx and T.N.T Ralf Merker, raytrace music swap,
both new 03-04/93 left.
French sysop Cypher and Mery HANG LOOSE joined Fairlight early 93.
Germans coders Slash responsible for Important Note and Cockroach ex
Impact both joined DCS.
German Shade joined Alcatraz.
Germans Placid music, new 11/92 and Plasma, collectively known as Cream
Design, left to join TEK. Eternal 2 however, claimed Plasma had joined
DCS, and he IS confirmed in this group, before moving on to The Silents...
Disease Demo.
Epic Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Breastbone by Erekose.
info: The tune Breastbone was also used in the muscidisk Difficult To
Analogia 1991, ECS Megademo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Cobburn and Geronymho.
Cyclone Dentro 1991, ECS File.
info: Two versions were released one that required 1MB and one that ran
on 512k machines.
The Sun Is A Pacman 1991, ECS Intro.
Invitation to a party, but which? :-
86 Musics 1991, .05 or .06, ECS Musicdisk.
First Blood 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Dancing Light-Exp by Zorglub ProTracker
format. Released at the Iris New Year party.
Face The Facts 1992, ECS File.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Facethefacts I by Noise.
One Day In The Sol-System II v1.2 1992, ECS Slideshow.
The Red And The Blue 1992, ECS Intro.
Falling Up 1992, 26.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Digital by Dunhill, Falling Up by Cobburn
and Monty. 2nd in the Hurricane Party 92 demo competition.
info: Nonworking on A1200.
Difficult To Cure 1993 or later, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Difficult intro, Breastbone and
Circles by Erekose.
info: The tune Breastbone was also used in the demo Epic.
Important Note 1993, 28.03, ECS Intro.
code: Slash, gfx: Excess, music: I Dreamed of You by T.N.T.
Released at CeBit 93.
The King Of Biscuits 1993, 05.05, ECS File.
NeverMind Pack Preview 1993, 01.08, ECS Intro.
Released at the 680xx Convention 1993.
Analogy 1992-
FIN Synx code gfx, 92-10/93.
??? Slaverider music, 92-10/93, Stephen gfx, 10/93, U.F.O music, 92,
Wizzy gfx, 92.
Analogy was formed after the group Crashead kicked all their lazy members
and decided to form an entirely new group this occured ca 10/92.
BBS-Tro 1992, ECS Demo.
code: Synx, gfx: Wizzy, Synx, music: KatseLama-Aikaan by Slaverider.
Rational Prodigy 1992, ECS Disk.
HiTech Party Invitation 1992, .10, Trackmo.
HiTech Party Invitation 2 1992, ECS Demo.
code: Synx, gfx: Wizzy, Synx, music: HerEyes by U.F.O.
Hysteria 1993, 12.08, Trackmo, 2 disks.
5th in the Assembly 93 intro competition.
Dyspepsia 1993, .10, ECS Trackmo.
code: Synx, gfx: Stephen, music: Slaverider.
3rd in the Aggression 93 demo competition, and best of the Amiga entries.
info: Requires a pre-2.04+ system.
Sub.l 7fd1 1994, 07.08, AGA HD File.
8th in the Assembly 94 demo competition.
Anarchy 1989-1993
ENG Del Derek Leigh-Gilchrist, code, 12/90, Gamma Fred, music, ex Razor
1911 old, Hammer Adam, code, 02-08/90, Kris code, Punisher code,
02/90, Raphael D.Blackmore, 08/90.
DEN Cyboman sysop, Deltaforce sysop2 BOOMERANG EHQ, Rush Rene
Mllnitz, code, 91-12/92, Streamline ex The Flashing Bytes, Trix
Flemming, org sysop1 BOOMERANG EHQ, ex Rebels, new mid91.
FRA Lethal code, new 09/92, Neptune code, ex Atlantys, Raspoutin ex
The Silents, Rookie ex The Silents, Skynet ex Rebels.
GER Deathstar swap.
FIN Griffon Janne Kammonen, music, ex Gate, new 12/90, Psycho Jani
Peltonen, code, ex Gate, new 12/90.
NOR Laiz swap, ex Gate, new 12/90.
SWE Mic 91, Odeon 91, Teeze org, 12/90-91.
USA Dr.Feelgood sysop OVERDOSE, Steve sysop MYSTIC PLACES, ex
Vertigo or Desire!?, 12/92, Trillion sysop POWERHOUSE, 04/91-
??? Cosy eng? swap pack, ex Magnetic Fields, new mid91, Marvin swe? gfx,
11/90, Twister swe? gfx music, 11/90, Zarch code.
Boards PROVOCATION swe, 12/90.
Anarchy spent some time as the definitive super-group of the demo scene,
before it grew too big and simply died. When they were on top, though, they
produced what are some of the most well-remembered demos ever... However,
when the best members went and formed Lemon. on 1st February 1993, they
pretty much nailed the coffin. After a little while, the remainders of the
group decided that the blow was too hard, and theyd rather quit on top
than keep going at half speed. Dan and Nuke were involved with the making
of several games for Core Design while still in Anarchy, like Chuck Rock.
There has NEVER been a member called Striker and Zoom was never kicked
despite rumours in some mags.
1990 - English coder Del joined the group from Mayhem sometime between
april and december. In october, the group was reinforced with Mystik gfx,
Dan code gfx and Kris code from Reaktor. Dan soon released his first
production for his new group, the demo Madness 10/90. Come december and
Stolen Data 5 12/90 - their best yet - they also announced the joining
of English musicians Nuke and Cosmos, as well as the leaving of Raistlin
code, 07/90- and Pioneer who both left the group to concentrate on their
1991 - During the easter holidays in late march, the swedish division
Odeon, Mic, Teeze arranged the Anarchy Easter Conference 91 party.
Germans Mike sysop STATE OF MIND, 09/91, Cyfreak and Koto left for
Endless Piracy in september. The entire french section of The Silents were
recruited late in the year - possibly as early as september, but more likely
around december. These members were Audiomonster who returned to TSL after
just a few days, Conquest, NHP, BKH, Performer, Ronan, Rookie, Surfer and
1992 - All Swedish and Finnish members were kicked around january,
according to R.A.W 2 02/92, because of their extreme lazyness and bad
attitudes. Swedish sysop Stanton 3AM ETERNAL joined Amaze around
january, possibly as a sideeffect of the above. German swapper Mike D. ex
Sanity joined Complex, French coder DCA joined from Rebels and danish
musician Maestro joined from Kefrens around january. Come the beginning of
april, the group arranged the Anarchy Easter Party in Barnsley, England,
which was even visited by their foreign members Facet. The group
themselves came 1st with the trackmo Krestmass Leftovers 04/92
Krest/Critical Mass and third with the musicdisk Legalise It... 04/92
Dan/Facet/Nuke in the demo competition The scrolltext in the musicdisk
revealed that Rush had now moved to England, and was working as a programmer
at Core Design alongside Dan. The french section released their first
production for Anarchy - the musicdisk Spring Melodies 04/92 - at the
Eastern Conference in Belgium a little later in april. The groups brand-new
german section won the demo competition at the Digital Symposium with
Flower Power 10/92, but soon after big problems arose in the newborn
section. Crux ex Dual Crew and Slick ex Cyberactive were first kicked
out, and as a result of this Pinny Christian also left. Anarchy then
decided to close down the entire section, and thus Tron, MCM and E.Toball
all ex Dual Crew were all kicked out! Tron joined Sanity, MCM joined
Spaceballs, E.Toball joined Complex and Crux joined Adept. RAW 5s claim
that Tron also joined Complex is untrue. Danish musician Maestro Martin
Agger, who had joined from Kefrens as early as january, was kicked out
around october because of lazyness and not being involved with the scene
at all. On the 14th of June 1996 he died in Aarhus, Denmark, at the age of
24. Swedish sysop Norad ACES HIGH was recruited around october, and this
is now the ONLY board in Anarchy. French swapper Mental ex Atlantys left
for Willow around october. Englishmen Mole 12/90 and Mr.Big John,
02-12/90 left the scene in the latter part of 1992. Mr.Big was editor of
Stolen Data for a while.
1993 - On the 1st of february 1993, a large portion of Anarchys most
talented members in England, Denmark and Holland left to form a new, smaller
group called Lemon. These members were Facet hol gfx, ex Vision, new
late91, Dan eng code, ex Reaktor, new 10/90, Nuke eng music, new
12/90, Hannibal den code, ex The Silents, old handle Sunjohn, 12/91,
Slash den gfx, ex Flash Productions, 12/91, Mad Freak den music, 12/91
and Paradroid eng code, ex Digital, new 07/92. Indirectly, it was this
act that killed Anarchy. Left without its best members, people started
losing their confidence in the supergroup, and started leaving in droves.
English coder and graphician Kreator Michael Troughton, production editor
Stolen Data, 07/90-12/92 landed a job at Reflections the people behind
the Shadow of the Beast games and consequently left the scene at the end
of january. A few months later they were stone dead. Later, dutch graphician
Danny ex Mirage also joined Lemon. The two Danes ICronite and Milkshake
both ex Rebels, who participated in such fine productions for Anarchy as
Digital Innovation 91 and Hardcore 12/92, left to form Camel
Corporation in February 1993. Frenchmen NHP BKH org music, 04-12/92,
Conquest and Zoom all 04/92, all ex The Silents joined Scoopex in early
1993. After Anarchy died, the Englishmen Judge Drokk Mark, org editor
Stolen Data, 02/90-04/92, 4-Mat Matthew Simmonds, music, 07/90-12/92,
Mystik gfx, ex Reaktor, new 10/90-12/92, Krest code and Critical Mass
code all decided to end their involvement with the scene. 4-Mats music
has since graced several games, as you all know, and it is believed that
Kris code, ex Reaktor, new 10/90 joined him in gamemaking land. This is
NOT confirmed, however.
Del Derek Leigh-Gilchrist is today a game programmer at Codemasters.
French painter Suny ex Rebels, 12/92 joined Movement.
Arpegiator music joined Chryseis late 92.
French coder Ronan ex The Silents, 04/92 joined Sanity.
Ronan coded the musicdisk Spring Melodies 04/92 for Anarchy.
Finns Destop gfx and WDO code rejoined CNCD.
In the middle of january, Danes Slammer code and Xience gfx, both ex
Rednex joined Melon Dezign. Later also Solnova gfx joined. Slammer and
Xience collaborated on the trackmo In The Kitchen 06/92 for Anarchy.
Norwegian coder and swapper Octoplex ex Gate, new 12/90 joined Palace.
French graphician Titan ex Atlantys joined Digital.
Swedes Lexter code, Mosh code, 11/90 and Dexter music, new 09/91
joined Shining pre 03/92.
Swedish sysop Norad ACES HIGH WHQ joined Virtual.
Tama ex Euphoria left the scene.
German Maec is NOT a member of Anarchy.
French coder Performer ex The Silents joined Melon Dezign. He was never a
member of Rebels, as some people claimed.
Belgian Cybersonik ex Cult who worked as coeditor on Stolen Data for a
while, was kicked by Trix! He therefore joined Alcatraz 09/92.
French trader Rhod ex Rebels old left the scene. The information in RAW3
that he was kicked seems to be untrue, especially since both the next RAW
and Anarchys own mag Stolen Data confirms he left.
French swapper Surfer David Pointu, ex The Silents left the scene.
Conquest took over the organizing of the French section.
French coder DCA ex Rebels old joined The Silents.
The entire French division of The Silents joined. However, a few days later
Audiomonster returned to TSL.
Finns Golem gfx, ex Gate, new 12/90-91 and Major Tom joined Carillon.
Banger and Mediator Andrew, eng code, 07-10/90 left Anarchy mid 91. Banger
first joined Punishers, and later left the scene altogether.
German sysop Bomber PEARL HARBOUR opened 09/91 joined Crusaders late91.
Finnish musician Bruno ex Gate, new 12/90-91 joined SCUP. Bruno released
the musicdisk Brunos Music Box 3 91 while in Anarchy.
Igor gfx, 07/90-04/91, Fobia and Cosmos eng music, new 12/90 got kicked.
Finnish coder and graphician Wraith Mika Keskikiikonen, ex Gate, new
12/90 left the scene 91 a decision he announced in Anarchys Brunos
Music Box III.
Demo Dolly Mixture No.01 ECS Intro.
code: Zarch, gfx: Marvin logo, Igor font, music: Popkorn by Nuke
4ch MOD format.
review: This intro precedes the first ever issue of Anarchys packseries
Demo Dolly Mixture compiled by Cosy, and is very very standard. The
music is a suitably cheery chip affair, and the obligatory logo at the top
of the screen is nicely done, if a little unimaginative. The rest is just
the normal text and scroller. This is the kind if intro you are likely to
see a hundred of... Please note that this is NOT a selector, just an
intro, the selection itself was probably done in DOS. The intro does not
in any way indicate any release date. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Inspired Sounds ECS Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Bob Intro 1.0 1989, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: ???/Triangle.
Kreators First 1989, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: 4-Mat.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Party 89.
Stolen Data 1 1989, .11, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Codex/Razor 1911.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Tar-Snare Slider by ???/TAR,
editors: Kreator, Nosah/DCS.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: The Dark Lord font, logo, music: Tennis by
???/Spreadpoint ripped.
Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: The very first issue of SD opens with a good intro - colorful and
professional. Then on to the mag itself... You are first taken to a menu,
where you can choose to see one of three new demos so its almost a pack
too!, the charts or the mag itself. The menu is a little much, really,
too colorful and overcrowded for a diskmag. SD was originally on both
paper and disk, with the papermag containing the bulk of the material...
As a result, the editorial content of this first issue is VERY limited.
In fact, youll read this mag from start to end in about 10 minutes...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Final Samples Advertisment 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx/music: 4-Mat.
Master of Magic 1990, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Tony, music: 4-Mat.
Welcome 1990, ECS File.
code/music: Hammer, gfx: Raphael, Hammer.
Sine Intro 3.0 1990, .01, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: Raphael, music: 4-Mat SAE.
Kreators Party Demo 1990, 04.02, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Magnetic Fields Select Party demo competition!
4-Mats Jam Session 1990, 04.02, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat. info: Chipmusicdisk.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Select Party.
Stolen Data 2 1990, .02, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Stolen Data Theme 1 by Gonzo/Flash
Production 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Cloud Dreaming by 4-Mat 4ch MOD
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Lovesong by 4-Mat, editors:
Kreator, Nosah/DCS.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, The Dark Lord font, music: 6beat by
4-Mat 4ch MOD format. Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: The coding of this mag remains mostly the same as last time, only
the music and text seem to have changed significantly. Its still both
disk- and paperbased, with the paper edition having most of the
significant information - sadly. There are just two demos on the disk this
time, Red Sectors Follow Me and Rebels Vectors 1990, but in addition
there are also two small utilities, Boot Memory Clear and Music Ripper for
Titanics Cruncher by Punisher/Anarchy.
The different heading above for this review means INT intro, MEN
menu, MAG magazine and CHA charts. The mag was released in february,
but after MFs Select party 03-04.02, so probably sometime around mid
february. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Sine Intro 4 1990, 08.03, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Winter Conference 90 Invitation 1990, early, ECS Intro.
Invitation to the Anarchy Winter Conference 90.
Stolen Data 3 1990, .06, ECS Multifile Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, music: Stolen Data Theme 1 by Gonzo/
Flash Productions 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Caress and Fantastic by
Mr.Fancy/Giants, Live Inside Paula by Gonzo/Flash Productions all
4ch MOD format.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 6Beat by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Lies by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format,
editor: Mr. Big.
Cooperation with DCS and Tristar.
review: Nothing has changed on the graphics front since the last issue
everything is precisely the same! Mr.Big is the new editor. Nothing much
to read here yet, most of the material was still being used for the paper
edition. There were no demos or other stuff on the disk this time, the
extra material was used for the three winning tunes from their music
competition in issue 1. No release date appears in the mag, but some
coding examples on the disk carry a 06/90 date... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
For Your Delectation Delight 1990, 08.04, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Released at The Silents, Mayhem and Quartex Party 90.
info: The intro also features graphics ripped from the game Xenon.
Vector Bobs 90 1990, 08.04, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, Del/Mayhem, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Released at The Silents, Mayhem and Quartex Party 90.
info: The intro also features graphics ripped from the game Xenon.
Mini-Intro 1990, 14.05, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, gfx: Mr.Big, music: mod.Led-Storm by 4-Mat.
Music Demo 1990, 03.06, ECS File.
code/gfx: Tony Roach, music: Jochen Hippel/independent.
Raistlins Message Box 1 1990, .07, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: 4-Mat.
Slipstream Party Demo 1990, 28.07, ECS File.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
Released at the Slipstream Summer Party 90.
Slipstream Party Intro 1990, 28.07, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Raistlin, Norris, music: n/a from some game.
Released at the Slipstream Summer Party 90.
Slipstream Party - Bournemouth 90 Intro 1990, 28.07, ECS Intro.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Phantasmagoria 1990, .08, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Stolen Data 4 1990, .08, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator font, logo, music: DNA-Dream by
4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: Igor logo, Kreator bobs, music: Intro-
Music by 4-Mat, Latitude by Trevor Hamlett, Vector by
Firefox/Phenomena, New-Wave 1 by New-Wave/Reaktor all 4ch MOD
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Waterfall by 4-Mat 4ch MOD
ART - code: Hammer, gfx: The Dark Lord fonts, Kreator fonts, music:
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Music by 4-Mat 4ch MOD format.
Cooperation with DCS.
review: The intro remains the same, but the new menu is refreshing and
ultimately heaps better than the old one! In addition to the mag and the
charts, it also allows us to see the art gallery or listen to three cool
tunes thay have received since last time! Onto the mag we go, and its
immediately obvious that theres a lot more to read now than there used to
be! And the mag would continue to improve... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- needs KillAGA.
Dot Demo II 1990, 18.08, ECS File.
code: Mediator, gfx: Igor, Mystik/Reaktor, music: 4-Mat, Jochen Hippel/
independent, others. Released at the Share Enjoy Party 90.
Captured Imagination 1990, .10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Mediator, gfx: Mystik, Mediator, music: Lunawaves at Sunset, Auf
Wiedersehn, Close to the Edge, VCC+GIGICAR 1989forestst, Heli,
Wizardry, The Golden Ages, The Last V8, Gartingkippers Ahoy, Ace
II, Cluster, Red Sector-Theme by 4-Mat, Dark Water and The-
RockinRuler by Twister.
Twister Earwax 1990, 06.10, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Mosh, gfx: Twister, Marvin, music: Twister 9 tunes!.
Released at the No Limits Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
Raistlin Pack 9 Intro 1990, 27.10, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Mystik, music: Dr.Awesome/Crusaders.
Madness 1990, 21.10, ECS File.
code/gfx: Dan, music: 4-Mats Madness by 4-Mat.
Winner of the Magnetic Fields Revenge Party demo competition!
Raistlins Message Box 4 1990, 27.10, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Igor, Kreator, music: Dr.Awesome/Crusaders.
Released at the Magnetic Fields Revenge Party...?
Smoker 1990, 03.11, ECS File.
code: Mosh, gfx: Twister, Marvin, music: Twister.
2nd in the Amiga Halloween Conference 90 demo competition.
Stolen Data 5 1990, .12, ECS Diskmag.
INT - code: Del, Kris, gfx: Dan anarchy logo, Havok/independent sd
logo, music: Nuke.
MEN - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Zapped Out by 4-Mat, Celebration
by Omega/Dual Crew, Up In The Woods by Steel/Subway and You Are
Not A God by Echo/Imagine.
CHA - code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, music: !Noname! by 4-Mat.
GAL - code: n/a, gfx: Raphael, Havok, Plaything by Scorch/independent,
Elf by D.Kalic/Technoflight, Turtles, Warriors of Destiny and
Nightpiccy by Cryolite/Cryptic, music: none.
MAG - code: Kreator, gfx: n/a, music: Forests by 4-Mat, editor: Mr.Big.
review: Anarchy goes at it alone for the first time, and the results are
the best issue of SD yet! Improved in virtually every department, with
some remarkable new graphical talent - namely Havok - just adding spice to
the package. This time the limitations of the mag code became painfully
obvious, when there was just not enough room with just one magpart for all
the text, and the mag had to be split in two! A remarkable improvement
over previous issues.
The intro for the mag announced the joining of English musicians Nuke
and Cosmos, as well as the leaving of Raistlin and Pioneer who leaves the
group to concentrate on their educations. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- note: caches/aga off.
Winter Conference 91 Invitation late 90/early 91, ECS Intro.
code: Raistlin, gfx: Mutley, music: 4-Mat.
Invitation to the Winter Conference 91.
Brunos Music Box III 1991, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: Golem, music: Dr.Snuggles, Uralvolga Fine, B.S.T,
Oppenheimer, Gymnopedies, Sonar5, Tunnehairio, Stracger Is
Called by Bruno.
BMB2 was released when Bruno was still in Gate he later joined SCUP.
With this release, Wraith announced he was leaving the scene.
Digital Innovation 1991, ECS Disk.
code: Dan, Rush, ICronite, gfx: Golem load, intro, lions, Dan
sinescroll, Airwalk fonts, Milkshake fonts, walkman, Music: Kings
of Dawn NoisePacker 3 format and !Same As? by Nuke.
Madness II 1991, 23.02, ECS File.
code/gfx: Dan, music: 4-Mat. Released at the Anarchy Winter Conference 91.
System Violation 1991, 23.02, ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Chuck2endgame by Nuke NoisePacker 2
format. 2nd in the Anarchy Winter Conference 91 demo competition.
Ferrytales 1991, .03, ECS Intro.
code: Mosh, gfx: Marvin, music: 4-Mat.
Intro 1991, 07.04, ECS Intro.
code: Kreator, Del/Mayhem, gfx: Igor, music: 4-Mat.
Stolen Data 6 1991, .05, ECS Diskmag.
MEN - code: Dan, Kris, gfx: Igor logo, Mystik font, Dan font, music:
Menutune by Nuke, Buena Vista by Danko/Phenomena, Micro World
by Tama/Cycron, Trouble Vision by Romeo Knight/Red Sector Inc.
CHA - code: Dan, gfx: Mystik logo, Dan fonts, music: Charts by Nuke.
MAG - code: Kris, gfx: Mystik, Magtune by Nuke.
Cooperation with Axis and Flash Production.
review: With new cooperation partners, brand new code, and almost half a
year behind them since the last issue, SD 6 was their strongest issue
yet. It all opened with Havoks Stolen Data logo from last issues intro,
and onto a first page that immediately proved that everything was indeed
new! An unorthodox design, but also a sign of fresh ideas. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Inspiration is None 1991, 29.06, ECS File.
code: Mosh, gfx: Marvin, music: Nuke.
5th in the Amega Party demo competition.
Raistlins Message Box 5 1991, .08, ECS Demo.
code: Kreator, gfx: Kreator, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
Cooperation with Genesis.
Raistlins Message Box 6 1991, .09, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: Nuke.
The Fury 1991, .09, ECS File.
code: Kreator, gfx: Mystik, music: Ohno..A Demosong by 4-Mat.
info: Crashes after titlepic on machines with 2.0+.
Released at an internal meeting.
Raistlins Message Box 7 1991, .10, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Kreator, music: Gamma/Razor.
Stolen Data issue 7 1991, .10, ECS Diskmag.
code: Dan, Kris, gfx: Igor, Zoom/The Silents, Mystik, J.O.E/independent
gameboy, gun, Mithrandir/Acme pink cat, Fairfax/PMC owl, Uno/Scoopex
Stunner logo, music: Loader menu, Magazin Part mag, Mint
chart and Robozap gallery by Nuke, editors: Mr.Big, Teeze, Dexter,
Deathbringer/FP, Mystik, Rick/FP, Edison/Motion, Surfer/The Silents,
Mop/Axis, Judge Drokk, Mole, Trix, and others.
Cooperation with Flash Production FP. Released at the Digital Party.
Seeing Is Believing 1991, 28.12, ECS 1MB Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Nuke.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
3D Demo 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo, 2 disks.
code: Sunjohn, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
Released for The Party 91 demo competition.
Visual Distortion 1992, 29.01, ECS File.
code: Dan, gfx: Krest, music: Nuke.
Krestmass Leftovers 1992, 04.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Krest, gfx: Critical Mass, music: n/a.
Winner of the Anarchy Easter Party 92 demo competition!
review: Critical Mass first prod for Anarchy.
Legalise It... 1992, 04.04, ECS Musicdisk.
code: Dan, gfx: Facet, music: Nuke.
3rd in the Anarchy Easter Party 92 demo competition!
review: Beautiful in its simplicity, Legalise It... is a classic among
amiga musicdisks. Facets perfect design touches makes us fondly remember
why he was considered one of the strongest graphical talents in the scene
back then, and Nukes perfect blend of jazzy and finnish-sounding tunes
cant help but think of Bruno, Dizzy and most of all Heatbeat when
hearing Nassum Peliti shows us a musical talent at the height of his
scene life. And Dans coding makes it all come together, creating a
production with an almost perfect sense of flow. After a brief intro
sequence, we are presented with a main menu for choosing - among other
things - what tunes to listen to. In addition, the function keys F1-F5
also allows us other choices F1 means a selection of scrollers, F2 is an
info screen on the currently played music, F3 is a credits sequence, F4
gives us a greetings scroller they originally wanted to have a separate
part for this too, but didnt have time, while finally F5 gives us our
bonus - a fullscreen picture of a dwarf warrior by Facet! The layout of
the main menu screen is simplicity itself, but nevertheless the overall
effect is one of professionality. An ANARCHY logo resides at the top,
under which the names of the six tunes are highlighted. Below this is a
simple scroll, and below that again a panel of the five function keys as
described above. Though this musicdisk is clearly inspired by
Phenomena/Scoopex/Rebels Crystal Symphonies 91, it lives perfectly in
its own right as a classic example of the magic that the scene could
create once upon a time... The disk offers six tunes on offer, none of
which to my knowledge was released before. They are Velomatrix 2:42,
Nassum Peliti 3:50, Love Funk 3:08, Time For Loving 2:28, Je
LAi Deja Vu 2:33 and Bloe Job 3:41.
Legalise It... was originally supposed to be a cooperation musicdisk
between Nuke and Maestro, but unfortunately Maestros music did not arrive
in time for inclusion on the disk. Even before it was finished, a second
installment was planned, as made evident by several of the scrolltexts.
Its release date was supposedly to be the end of april or beginning of may
- but it did not surface until november! The scrolltexts also kind of
announced Rush had moved to England and had secured a job at Core
Design, working alongside Dan.
This review was made not of the original version, but of the fixed one
released by Stingray/Darkage in june of 2001. This not merely a whdload
version or similar, Stingray has resourced the entire demo, and fixed
EVERYTHING - even sample and module replayers - to work correct on all 68k
cpus - without denting performance on older machines. As he says, it
should still work on the original configuration of an A500. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Stolen Data issue 8 1992, 04.04, ECS Diskmag.
code: Kreator main, Sunjohn charts, gfx: Zoom/The Silents SD logo,
Facet, Mystik, Slash, Morten Thuesen chart logo, Exarch/Aspect, Corny/
Shining, music: music stolendata menu, bonkynudge magazine by
Nuke, Charttune by 4-Mat ProPacker 2.1 format, editors: Mr Big, Judge
Drokk, Trix, Conquest, Cybersonik, Surfer, Rokdazone, and others.
Released at the Anarchy Easter Party 92.
Spring Melodies 1992, 19.04, ECS Trackloaded Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Ronan, gfx: Zoom, music: Ethnomagic, Game Score II, Game Score
III, Golden Path, Jazz Band, Vault of Heaven, Worlds War II by
NHP, Eliptical, Nutopia, Revealed Truths by BKH.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
review: I have not been able to get this musicdisk to work on my
configuration, no matter what Ive tried : I can get the booting logo by
Zoom which is pretty good, btw but once it finishes loading it always
crashes : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see review!
Glass Cube Frenzy 1992, .05, ECS File.
code: Dan, gfx: Mystik, Igor, music: Nuke.
In the Kitchen 1992, 29.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: Slammer, gfx: Facet title, fonts, Xience matilde, startlogo,
endpic, music: 4-Mat AC1D and PHA formats.
4th in the Hurricane Summer Party 92 demo competition.
info: There are three hidden parts. Refuses to work on my machine crashes
immediately upon loading the bootblock. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review!
Deja Vu 1992, 08.08, ECS 1MB Trackmo.
code: Paradroid, gfx: Paradroid, Krest additional, Slash additional,
music: Nuke. Winner of the Quartz Summer Conference!
review: Just weeks after he joined, Paradroid released this small, rushed
trackmo that still smells strongly of a professional attitude towards
demo coding. Paradroid also did most of his own graphics - and very well
he did them too. I guess this makes him Dans equal, in that theyre
coder-graphicians, which is a rare combination indeed. Nukes main tune
is a very bland disco affair, but the end tune is a much better, slower
affair. The code consists of mainly vector routines, but theyre strictly
state-of-the-art for the period, including stuff like ellipses and
complex shading. The graphics and design are what sets it a little
apart from the crowd, though. Very nice, if I may say so. I cannot vouch
for this needing the full 1MB or being just 512k. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
- Note: Glenz vectors bugs, otherwise perfect.
Stolen Data issue 9 1992, 27.08, ECS Diskmag, 2 disks.
Focused On Art 1992, ECS Fileslideshow.
code: Slash/Vision, gfx: Facet, Hein Design/Vision, music: Sloom by Hein
Design/Vision 4ch MOD format. Cooperation with Vision.
info: Probably released around august.
Flower Power 1992, 24.10, ECS 1mb Trackmo.
code: MCM, Tron, gfx: E.Toball, music: Jester/Sanity main, 4-Mat
endpart, both Promizer format.
Winner of Digital Symposium 1992 demo compo.
Priority 1992, .11, ECS File.
code: Skynet, gfx: Titan, music: Audiomonster.
Legalise It 2 1992, 20.11, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Dan, gfx: Facet, music: Nuke.
info: Contains the tunes Bag Rasta, Breath of Air, Cloud Jumpin,
Money, Acid Jazz part1, Acid Jazz - Part 2, Jordan Jazz,
Emotions and Visitors. Additionally, Bruiser, Cloud Jumpin, Emus
Orgasm!, Gold Return, Intro, Menumusic.3nuke, Random Waveforms,
Trabalash and Where Now?? are hidden tunes, accessed by pressing F4-
F10. There are also 2 hidden parts.
3D Demo II Intro 1992, 27.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Hannibal, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
Released at The Party 92.
3D Demo II 1992, 28.12, ECS 1MBCHIP File.
code: Hannibal, gfx: Slash, music: Mad Freak.
2nd in The Party 92 demo competition.
info: Hannibal later released an updated version, which works on Kickstart
1.3 machines, and had some bugs fixed.
Hardcore 1992, 28.12, ECS 1MB Multifile.
code: Rush, ICronite, Dan, gfx: Facet, Milkshake, music: Nuke.
Released at The Party 92.
review: Since this demo no longer works on my current hardware, I will
have to write this review largely from memory. What I can remember,
though, is some excellent craftmanship, in all respects. I remember this
demo for Nukes great music, I remember it for Facets great Hardcore
title picture, and I remember it for its revolutionary vector code, with
complex effects like space cutting.
Technically, this demo consists of three files one small loader and
two data files. The executable and the first data files were packed with
the absolute address cruncher Time Cruncher 1.7, which may go a long way
in explaining why it doesnt work anymore. Rush, ICronite or Dan - please
release a working copy! The files must all be on a disk in df0: for the
demo to work. When you attempt to load the demo, it prints a little text
in the cli window, starts loading the first data file, and when its
done the machine gurus. This also happens with caches off, kicking down
to 1.3 etc. Believe me, Ive tried it all... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- Note: See review.
Stolen Data 10 1992, 28.12, ECS Trackloaded diskmag, 2 disks.
All code: Kreator. Released at The Party 2.
LOAD - gfx: Facet, Mystik, music: 4-Mat.
JUKE - gfx: Kreator, music: Above My Head, Perceptions End, Walk
at Night and 10 Untitled chip tunes by 4-Mat.
CHART - gfx: Kreator font, Mystik logo, music: Nuke.
GALRY - gfx: Facet titles, music: Nuke.
MAG - gfx: Mystik, music: NHP BKH, editor: Judge Drokk.
review: SDs swansong issue is an audio-visual feast. I LOVE the idea
theyve used, with having one disk with lots of pictures and tunes, and
one disk devoted to the mag. Presentation is flawless, as mentioned, with
lots of pictures and great design. Its not hard to understand SDs
position in the diskmag scene after having feasted on this. Excellent!
Released at The Party 92. ProPacker was used for music.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Lost Andromedeans 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lizard.
Elric joined Outlaws.
ENG Michael 96, Nova code, new 09/97, Shade swap, 96.
SWE Big Boss sysop CITY OF JOY WHQ, 01/95-02/96.
??? Penny old handle Steve Jones, late95, Thesus music, 08/95.
Boards LOYD BBS swe, mid96, MINOR MISHMASH swe, mid96.
Anathema was an English and Swedish demo group.
1995 - Thesus won the 4ch music competition at Assembly 95 with
1996 - Steve Jones joined Deep, while Sundance doublememb Technology
left to join Old Bulls in june.
The Imbassile 1993, 30.05, Musicdisk.
Released at The Computer Crossroads 93.
Hilargo 1994 or pre, Music.
info: Ambient style.
NR Seven 1994 or pre, Music.
A Febble Time 1994 or pre, ECS Demo.
Channel 4 1995, Musicdisk.
Revolution 1996, AGA File.
code: Ninja/Scoopex, gfx: Credo, Sense font, music: Michael and Style.
review: The star of the show is, naturally, the code...and thats not
even by a member of the group. The effects are advanced, but not terribly
exciting. Floyd-Steinberg gouraud is an innovation, though. Conclusion:
competent rather than exciting. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Andromeda AOA, 1989-
NOR Andy Anders, code, ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Archmage Hakon Repstad,
mainorg gfx, old handle The Mage, 09/91-95, Decker gfx, ex Scoopex,
new 04/93-04/95, Dr.Jekyll code, 09/91-12/94, Fairfax Torkell
Berntsen, gfx, ex Offence, 04/92-04/94, HeadX Terje Tho, code music,
ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Interphace music, old handle Lord Interface,
09/91-12/94, Jaz ex Scoopex, new 04/93-04/94, MCS swap, ex
Absence, 09/91-04/94, Mr.Hyde code, 09/91-12/94, Mr.Man Ronny
Nordeide, music, ex Absence, 09/91-04/94, Quest gfx, ex Absence,
09/91-04/94, Size, View gfx raytrace, old handle The Main, new
92-04/94, William swap, old handle Dr.Cruz, 09/91-04/94, Wood gfx,
ex TRSI, new 05/93-04/94.
Andromeda must surely be one of the most successful demo groups of all
time. Productions like the Mirror 12/92 musicdisk and the Seven Seas
01/94 slideshow raised their international reputation, culminating in
their highlight year of 1994, when they won at both The Gathering with
Sequential and at The Party with their oustanding Nexus 7. Both those
demos made instant stars of their coders, and elevated Andromeda into the
absolute upper elite of demo groups. Unfortunately, they faded into the
inactivity that so many groups do at the top, and even though new demos have
been promised several times none has seen the light of day since their
finest hour at The Party 4. The group still exists, and is not dead as such.
Fairfax nowadays work as a graphician at Funcom.
Their internal rules are rather strict for example members are not
allowed to do packs or do modemtrading. Also, they do not allow members
from outside Norway, much like Phenomenas policy in the old days.
PRP4 brought the news that William did NOT leave the scene, despite that it
was claimed in several mags. Size closed his board RAW FUSION, but DIDNT
leave the scene, as stated in some mags ROM7. Its a small miracle that
Archmage can draw his fantastic pictures since he, like the English
graphician Red Devil/DCS, is in fact colourblind!
1992 - Dr.Cruz changed his handle to William around january. HeadX
upcoming demo Scientific Norwegian was announced through PMC and New
Waves diskmag R.A.W 2 02/92 - but would not see the light of day until
its release under the title Sequential 04/94 at The Gathering 94! Mr.Man
contributed music, and Mr.Hyde was interviewed in the same mag. Coder Wizax
ex Absence, 09/91 left the scene, while Enigma gfx, 09/91-, Bingo
09/91-, Madlock music, ex Motion, Ralph swap, 09/91- and Prophet new
92- were all kicked in september. Fairfax, Moxy and Lizard all joined from
Offence around october.
1993 - Norwegians Decker gfx and Jaz were recruited from Scoopex shortly
after The Gathering in april.
1995 - After the whole Stalin thing and the war with Lord Helmet, Hydra
Ole Ingarth Karlsen, leader since the beginning finally decided enough was
enough in the early parts of 1995, and stepped down as leader of Andromeda.
The new leader is Archmage, but it doesnt seem like he is nearly as
successful as his predecessor NOTHING has been released from Andromeda
after he took over.
2000 - Nah-Kolors new diskmag Devotion 1 revealed in an interview with
Size that Dr.Jekyll is now working for Lucas Arts in San Francisco, and
coded parts of the game Star Wars Episode 1 for the N64.
Norwegians Moxy ex Offence, new late92, Lizard ex Offence, 12/92, Duel
ex Motion, new 92-11/92 and Blazer ex Motion, new 92 all left to join
Lemon. Jason gfx and Joachim music, ex Crusaders later also joined.
Rook ex Rex/Offence was kicked due to general displease with
him from the other members.
Norwegian Monzo ex Absence, 09/91-92 is no longer a member.
The Castle 1990, .05, ECS Intro.
code: Dr.Octopus, gfx: n/a, music: Lord Interface.
M-31 The Comeback 1990, 07.10, ECS File.
code: Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, gfx: Enigma, Lord Interface, Cinematic, Mage,
Bingo, music: Lord Interface.
2nd at the No Limits and Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
info: This was Andromedas first major production.
Turrican Musicdisk 1991, ECS Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Jochen Hippel ripped.
info: Musicdisk with music ripped from the games Turrican 1 2 - some of
the best amiga game music ever written!
Decaying Paradise 1991, 29.06, ECS Trackmo.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: The Mage, Enigma additional, Bingo
additional, music: Lord Interface. 4th at the Amega party 91.
GLE tested A2000/000-7 /1mb chip, 2mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Caches off.
Sufforation 1991, 29.09, ECS File.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, Facet/Vision endart picture, music: Mr.Man
NoisePacker format.
Winner of the Razor 1911 Imp-666 Amiga Conference demo competition!
review: For some reason, this 150k filedemo has no exit routine. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Spellcheck 1991, 28.12, ECS Intro.
code: Andy, gfx: Quest, music: Lord Interface NoisePacker 3 format.
Released at The Party 1.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lord Interface NoisePacker 1/2 format.
review: As usual, a very polished intro from Andromeda. It certainly
follows their standard clean style. It opens with an animation where an
Andromeda logo sort-of explodes onto the screen. It then bounces to the
bottom of the screen, and we get a tv-box lightsourced filled vector with
filled vector objects on the sides puh! in the background, and a text
writer on top of that. Does the job its supposed to, I guess. It was
released to announce the joining of Duel, Blazer, Madlock, Prophet and
The Main, and the handle changes of Archmage and William. By the way,
the opening logo animation is stored in the file as a standard IFF ANIM,
and can be ripped with WRip or a similar program. Approved. I draw the
conclusion that it was released early in the year - they tell someone they
greet theyll meet at easter, plus Williams handle change news was also
in R.A.W 2 02/92. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Multica 1992, 19.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Andy, Blazer trackloader, gfx: Quest, Duel, music: Mr.Man.
10th in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb cip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Cache off.
D.O.S. - Demonstration of Superiority 1992, 19.04, ECS Multifile.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Archmage, Quest, music: Lord Interface.
2nd in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
review: Requires at least Kickstart 1.3. Though its dos-loaded, it
denies to be read from anywhere but df0:. The demo-in-a-dos-window part
is faked, its just graphics. Just try running it on a 2.0 or 3.0 machine
to see what I mean. The endpart music is LOVELY. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Point Blank 1992, 29.06, ECS Trackmo
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lord Interface.
7th in the Hurricane 92 demo competition.
Vector Intro 1992, .11, ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx: Duel, music: Lizard.
Mirror 1992, 28.12, ECS Musicdisk, 2 disks.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Archmage, Fairfax, music: Mr.Man, Lord
Interface, Lizard. Released at The Party 92.
info: The name refers to just one effect in the intro... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Keyboard did not work, but turning caches off took
care of the problem.
Top Secret 15 Invitation 1993, ECS Demo.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Wood, Hydra, music: Interphace.
info: Released for Majic 12 by Andromeda, I believe.
Mind Riot 1993, .01, ECS File.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Fairfax, The Main, music: Mr.Man.
information: Andromeda attempted to release this demo at The Party 2, but
were unsuccessful. It was released a few days later.
Surrealism 1993, .03, ECS File.
code: Mr.Hyde, gfx: Duel, Archmage intropic, music: Lord Interface.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Lost in Legoland 1993, 07.04, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Mr. Hyde, gfx: Archmage logo, Duel fonts, music: Lord
Interface NoisePacker 3 format.
3rd in The Gathering 93 40k intro competition.
review: This is a polished intro, but without much content. The only
real cool routine here is two cubes spacecut in and out of the back-
ground. The design is also unconvincing. Demomachinery at full speed?
More like half speed... Not a problem in sight compatibility wise, tho!
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Styggtro 1993, 07.04, 40k ECS Intro.
code: Blazer, gfx/music: Lord Interface.
5th in The Gathering 93 40k intro competition.
info: The title is norwegian, and means approximately Uglytro stygg
Seven Seas 1994, 05.01, ECS Slideshow, 2 disks.
code: Dr.Jekyll, gfx: Fairfax, Wood fonts, music: Interphace.
Review: Hold LMB pressed during boot to go directly to the selector.
Recognizes and uses df1:. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Sequential 1994, 03.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: HeadX main, Dr.Jekyll trackloader, Mr.Hyde vectorexplosion,
gfx: Archmage, Fairfax, Quest, View raytrace, Decker additional,
music: Mr.Man 3 tunes. Winner of The Gathering 94 demo competition!
review: One of the last great trackmos, this suprisingly won the
Gathering 94 competition ahead of such demos as Cryptoburners Brain
State In A Box and Polka Brothers Friday at Eight. Technically
stunning, real-world realistic routines are the order of the day from
this two-year-in-development project. As far as I know, it was also sadly
HeadX final demo project.
Theres nice graphics throughout, and the three tunes by Mr.Man vary
from average to truly moodsetting - especially his orchestral tune at the
end and the end part of the main module. Truly great stuff! From the
jelly letters to the infamous roller coaster part to the dying tree -
this was indeed the last true ECS trackmo. Requires 1mb total mem?
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Nexus 7 1994, 28.12, AGA File.
code: Dr.Jekyll, Mr.Hyde, gfx: Archmage, View, music: Interphace.
Winner of The Party 4 demo competition!
review: Andromedas TP4 winner still packs a great punch. Its a hard
production to describe, since so much of it is feeling rather than
concrete. Its still Andromeda, so its quite polished, but still a lot
rougher than some of their previous releases. When the opening symphonics
turn to that hard-hitting soundtrack, its still something of a power
rush no matter how many times I see it... The music is timed to the
routines, almost slave-likely so. A good hint: The first time you see it,
turn off all the lights. Youll appreciate the difference.
Ripping however, is not so easy. The file itself is uncrunched - at
least the header - so loading straight into a ripper doesnt help much.
Running it with Exotic in the background, and then exiting and searching
helped some. Exotic found a P50/P60 module with external samples that
looked correct, but since exotic doesnt support external samples unless
its in the registered version, thats not much help. glenn
GLE tested A1200/020-14/2mb chip/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Angelica AGL
NOR NoName swap, Splash and Stranger swap sysops FLAMESTRIKE,
early94, Zodac swap, early93.
Danish Pearl joined Parasite.
Angels old 1990-
FRA Acetip Bernard Briais, music, 09-12/91, Cobra 12/90, Conan 12/90,
Corto code, later Alliance Design, 12/90, Garp 12/90, Megablast ex
Dragons, new 09/90, Musashi crack, 12/90, Ninja code, 09-12/91,
White Tiger 12/90.
HOL Bobo sysop THE DUTCH PIRATE, 12/90.
GER Andy trade, 12/90, Malzam crack trade sysop REIGN IN BLOOD, ex
Vision, new 07-12/90, Shut Berlin sysop WORLD TRADE CENTER.
SWI Ice-T 12/90.
BEL Scotty 12/90.
ITA Insider trade sysop, 12/90.
LUX Firefox 12/90.
DEN Mike 12/90.
SWE Conqueror ex Dragons, new 09/90-12/90, Damage sysop THE DUNGEON,
10/90, Zike! ex Dragons, new 09/90-12/90.
NOR Flesh ex Fraxion.
USA Fade 12/90, Sidesector 12/90, Tim 12/90.
??? Action Man new late90, Infiltrator new late90, Jarre code gfx
music, Lowtec ex Scoopex, new late90, Mic fra? gfx, 09-12/91,
Rakim crack, new late90, Shark mainorg, 12/90.
Boards AMIGA EAST WHQ usa, 09/90, DIGITAL EXPRESSION usa, late90,
DIGITAL EXPR. II/HOUSE OF INSANITY usa, same numb, de2 09/90, WRECK
MADHOUSE usa, new late90, SKYFOX BBS ger, 09/90, CITY LIMITS eng,
INSIDER BBS ita, ANGELS ita, 09/90.
Angels were a legendary cracking group, born in june 1990, and one of the
first two-faced crews, who not only cracked a lot of games, but released a
few good demos as well. They were based in France. Though they were
initially illegal-based, they grew a strong demo section when they swallowed
the French demo group Dragons 09/90. Shortly after joining they delivered
the very strong Copper Master 10/90 demo, but their stay unfortunately
proved to be short. Soon after its release, Corsair code, Foxy gfx and
Mr.Video gfx announced they would move on to join Classic please note
that this MAY be wrong, and that they infact went to The Company instead
some research indicates it.
1990 - Dave and Akimbo were kicked late 90.
Jaffa joined Heaven.
Dutch swapper Antichrist joined Pirates.
The ex-Genesis guys Scott sysop DULCET TONES, Mr.E, I.B.M and N.O.M.A.D
all new late90 left to join Crystal.
Brainkiller and Vinny joined Rebels old.
Party 19xx, .12, ECS Intro.
code: Jarre, gfx: Jarre, music: Heat of the Night by Jarre 4ch
StarTrekker format. Released at the Mystix party in Brisbane, Australia
year unknown. info: This intro announced Jarres joining Angels.
Born 1990, ECS Intro.
code: Will O, gfx. n/a, music: n/a Future Composer 1.3 format,
27000/26000/10000 bytes.
Crackintro 1990, ECS Intro.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: n/a Future Composer 1.3 format, 6740 bytes.
info: This crackintro was used for their release of Paradroid 90
The Anti Paradox 1990, .09, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Parasong by n/a.
Copper Master 1990, 06.10, ECS File.
code: Corsair, gfx: Mr.Video font, music: Dragonsfunk by Moby 4ch MOD
format. Released at the No Limits Imp-666 Amiga Conference 90.
review: The copper master himself, Corsair, tries to do every copper trick
ever devised...and pulls it off. Corsair made a crackintro for Angels that
looks a lot like this demo... A great little demo this, actually, which
clearly succeeds in what it sets out to do...to kill the raster-only dead
by doing EVERYTHING! Still, the big star of this show is Mobys amazing
tune... Cool and colorful is the only way to describe Copper Master!
This is a classic, and there is no excuse for not having seen it. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Silhouette 1991, ECS Crackintro.
Cooperation with Defjam. info: Crackintro for a game of the same name,
Evolution 1991, .09, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: New2 by Acetip 4ch MOD format.
info: Other sources claim the name of the music is Lost in My Dreams.
Sunrise 1991, 28.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: To The End of My Dreams by Acetip.
4th in the Iris New Year Conference.
Angels new 1993-
NOR Funkyfella swap, ex Shining 8, 93, Goblin sysop MIDDLE EAST, old
handle Jack Daniels, Orion trade swap, ex Shining 8, Pushead code,
ex Palace, Rastan sysop MONKEY ISLAND, ex Crusaders, old handle
SWE Psycopath sysop RAISING HELL, ex Shining 8, 09/93.
DEN Xarium Nick Jensen, code, ex Rebels new.
FRA Acetip Bernard Briais, music, Latyl Jeremy Routier, music, 09/93,
Mic gfx, 09-10/93, Ninja code, later Paradox, 09-10/93.
GER Evil Death ex Chuck/Fairlight.
??? B52 fra? code, 10/93, Badcat supply, ex Goonies or Nemesis, Contact
Zero sysop VIRTUAL REALITY, ex Nemesis, Cpt fra? gfx music,
10/93, Halfast fra? code, 10/93, Steph sysop RACE OF ACE, ex
Oracle new, Switch crack, V.I.P. train.
Boards ZERO WHQ nor, CENTRAL TOWER bel, 09/93.
Angels was reborn by some of the old members, with help from some of the
new ones. Some of the old ones are: Flesh/Paradise, Bizarre/Rebels, Thunder
and Steph/Oracle, Badcat/Goonies and Orion/Shining 8.
They released two intros at the Galemands Gilde 93 07/93, any
information on these two most welcome.
Sysop Arcane left the scene.
Trader Thunder ex Oracle new joined Fusion.
Finnish swapper and trader John Peel ex Damones, 93 joined Razor 1911.
Danish trader Weird Dream ex Rebels, old handle Bizarre, 08/93 rejoined
the new Rebels.
Founder Flesh code crack sysop ANGELS INTERNAL, ex Paradise, 12/93 left
to join Anthrox. His handle has never been Fletch, and despite what
several mags claimed, he has not formed a new group called High Breeze.
Danish sysop Yobbo THE LARCH 08/93-09/93 popped up in Rebels in
february 94.
Destroy Fascism 1993, 04.09, ECS 64k Intro.
code: Ninja, gfx: Mic, music: Greasy Duck v1 by Latyl.
Winner of the Saturne 93 64k intro competition!
review: Competently coded in every respect, with nice design and quite a
few good-looking effects. Just some of the things we get to see is
rubberglenz, fractal leaf, hiddenline vector with vectorballs inside, a
dotcube and a full-screen dot-tunnel to round it all off. There appears
to be no exit. ADLs test mentioned some problems with a 2.04
configuration, but since it runs on my machine, I do not think that the
KS was their problem. Anyway, nicely designed! A few months later, in
december, Ninja was in Paradox and released his next intro, Calimero.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, 4mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Vactro II 1993, .10, ECS Trackmo.
code: B52, Halfast, Ninja, gfx: Mic, Cpt, music: Cpt.
Released at the Iris Convention.
Animate 1989-1990
FIN Doctor DMA Niku Kaitaniemi, code, 89, Drucer code music, 04-07/89,
Smithson swapper, 89.
Animate was a Finnish demo group, born in 1989 by ex-Deathstar members
Doctor DMA, Drucer and Smithson. Cameron was kicked when it was discovered
he had bought some sources from members of Bloodsuckers. They died mid 1990,
when its members Trug, ... joined Exodus - the other group resulting from
the initial split of Deathstar! :
Animators http://www.animators.de/
??? Black Sabbath, Chris, Demon gfx, 08/93, Exhorder ex Anthrox, new
late95, Horny ex Anthrox, new late95, Jack Daniels sysop STATE
OF ADVERSIA, new late95, Jambo new late93, Jeff, Joesch, Maggoth,
Malcom, Metalhead, Morbid, Mr.Frenzy ex Awe, Phantom Lord, Stinger
new late93, Time Thrust new late93, Tom Copper ger? gfx, ex
Animators were a german demo group.
1991 - Iron Eagle joined Desire in september.
1992 - The pd game Willy The Worm was released in july. Dr.Avalanche
trade left for Adept around october.
The Norwegian division left.
Sodom and Victim joined Savage.
Icelandic swappers The Twins left the scene.
German sysop Jee Byte TOP GUN, 09/91 left.
Brain Dead, sysop of FORBIDDEN CITY joined Addonic.
Iraqi Demo 1990, 22.12, 1MB ECS Trackmo.
Animax -1992
??? Lennet, Socko, The Dictator.
Pervi left.
Animax is dead Lightman changed his handle to Jam and joined Fraxion
in early 92.
DEN Backlash sysop VALHALLA, 04/95, Circulator sysop VIRTUAL
Mr.Magoo joined Shining 8.
??? Abrasion gfx, 09/93, Raiser music, 09/93, Scorpion code, 09/93,
Shark gfx, 09/93.
64k Intro 1993, 04.09, ECS Intro.
code: Scorpion, gfx: Abrasion, Shark, music: Raiser.
Released for the Saturne 93 intro competition.
Anthrox ATX, 1989-1994, http://www.anthrox.com
ENG Aztech music, 03/91, Count Zero founder, Dream Warrior sysop BAD
DREAMS, Hydro founder gfx train swap sysop1 CITY LIMITS, ex ESI,
+stopscene+ 94, 89-94, Marvin sysop CITY LIMITS, 12/91,
Pot-Noodle Leo Davidson, sysop2 CITY LIMITS, sysop C.A.L., 12/91-
96, Retaliator Dave, code swap, Skol Simon, code train, ex
Slipstream, new early92, Trooper gfx.
SWE Joc sysop NO ORDER, 02/94, Kevin Key sysop FLASHBACK, ex
Scoopex, Mungo Robert S., org gfx swap, 03/91, Yobbo code gfx,
GER Killraven swap, ex Paradox new, new late93, Mymurth sysop
HYPERSPACE, old handle Case, 12/91-03/92 - Thargoid sysop
HYPERSPACE, old handle X-Act, 10-12/91, Warlord sysop CELTIC
CROSS, ex Platin.
NOR Flesh code crack, ex Angels new.
ITA Highlander sysop PARADISE DREAM, ex Fairlight.
FIN Mr.Spinhead sysop THREE AMIGOS, 03/91, Worm.
BEL Lithium Apex sysops CONSOLERIA, 04/95.
AUS Kirk 08/92, Krimsyn sysop SPEED BOX, 12/91-04/95.
CAN Ice Cube sysop WINDARIA.
USA Micro Scott, sysop REIGN IN BLOOD, Nitro sysop PIRATES CAVERN,
Picard sysop USS ENTERPRISE WHQ, 09/96, The Dreamer sysop, 03/91,
Voyager sysop FASTRAX, Warduke sysop EDGE OF INSANITY, 03/92,
Winter Mute sysop MARTYRIUM WHQ, 03/92.
??? Avatar music, Black Cat crack train, ex Scoopex, new pre 07/92,
Cameo code, Casanova, Coq Rouge swap, Custodian code, ex Talent,
Damien aus? gfx, 03/92, Data eng? ex Slipstream, new early 92,
Dr.Amigo swap, Fast Eddie ex Archaos, new pre 07/92, Firefly code
gfx, 92, Fluid gfx, Griffin sysop, I.O aus? code, 03/92, Jason
gfx, JHL code crack train, Laughing Hyena code, Mad Axeman
trade, Manx eng? trade, 12/91-92, Marco Polo, Marcus gfx trade,
Mechanic sysop, Mercy swe? ex Fusion, Rakim, Red Alert supply,
Ronnie gfx, Rotox ex Digital, Spider trade, Spock code crack,
Sprog eng? 12/91, Storm code crack, Sub Zero 03/91, Tantalus
swap, ex Talent, T.G.R code, The Imposter music, Thrash code
swap, Xiphoid Process sysop.
Boards MATRIX usa, 03/92, HEAD TRAUMA usa, 03/92, THE ABYSS usa,
10/91, RED RUM usa, 03/91, TRADE LINE usa, BURGER BAR eng, THE
swe, 03/91, METROPOLIS +34, OPEN ACCESS.
Anthrox was an English illegal group, born as early as 1989 though they
were announced as a new group in Zine 5, released 06/90. The Amiga section
was decleared dead in 1994. However, they remain active on other platforms,
and their web site is still at the adress on top of this entry! They were
also active on the SNES scene.
Founded in 1989 by Hydro and Count Zero, ATX has always been an illegal
group, releasing a fair few cracks and trainers in their time.
I briefly visited their website recently, and they now seem to have taken
pretty much the same path as Fairlight selling console copiers legally.
Despite information to the effect in RAW4, Autopsy and Angeldawn/Scoopex
did NOT join Anthrox they both joined The Silents. Check out the info on
the board HYPERSPACE for total confusion!
1992 - Joker joined Cytax early 92.
Basline joined Desire.
The board PLEASURE PARADISE was closed.
Finnish musician Daddy Freddy ex Spirit joined Alcatraz.
Vindex ex Alpha Flight, new 09/92 joined Spreadpoint.
Exhorder and Horny joined Animators late 95.
Nukeman joined Complex.
TDK joined Melon Dezign.
Pothead joined Abandon.
Coaxial joined Accession.
Swedish sysop The Master PRESSURE POINT,ex Fusion,03/91 joined 2000 AD.
Danish sysops Chrome and Ghost SANCTUARY stopped all activity due to a
HUGE phonebill pre 07/92.
Empty joined Spirit late91.
Former Sector 4/Anthrox is now AFL SF 06/91.
Australian coder and trainer Ice cosysop SPEED BOX, ex Punishers, who
was once dubbed the trainer god, and did over 200 trainers on the
Amiga, before he left the scene. Hes now working at Sprint Enterprises
in Australia, a computer company with several other ex-scene members.
Crack Intro ECS Intro.
code: Cameo, gfx: Ninja/Abandon, Wal font, music: Fireballs by
Mantronix 4ch MOD format.
info: Used for Metal Law Kaiko, crack: Black Cat, announces new
members: Rakim, Marco Polo, Highlander. The tune is dated september 90.
Needs KillAGA, still gfx errors! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- see above!
Bobby The Ball pre 1991, .03.
code: Yobbo, gfx: n/a, music: n/a. info: This was mentioned in the plasma
intro, which means it must have been released before that.
Spread Intro 1991?, ECS File.
code: Retaliator, gfx: Retaliator, Trooper logo, music: Think Twice
III by Bug Future Composer 1.4 format.
review: A nice logo at the top, a sine scroller and some stars - and a
quite stonking chipmusic tune. Nice - nothing more, nothing less. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Incompatible. Runs a little while with KillAGA, then
Plasma Intro 1991, 10.3, ECS Intro.
code: Yobbo, gfx: Trooper logo, Kreator/Anarchy font, music: Aztech.
review: First of all, I named this intro like I did because thats what
it is - an intro with plasma : It has no actual name, so I just did it
like that. The logo is the same as in the Spread Intro, btw, and apart
from that theres a sinescroller over the plasmathing in the middle of
the screen and a small textplotter under the logo at the top. Nothing
awesome, but ok for what it is. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0. -- Note: KillAGA.
Intro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Firefly, music: T.D.K.
Sploosh 1993, ECS Musicdisk, 3 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: TDK.
info: Some passwords to try - DAN, TGR, HIDDEN TUNE.
??? Awesome music, 03/91, Axon code, 03/91, Junior gfx, 03/91.
Gridlock left.
Warlock joined Cytax.
Second Intro 1991, 26.03, ECS Intro.
code: Axon, gfx: Junior, music: Awesome. Released at CeBIT 91.
Apathy APT
NOR Chriz Anders Dahl, swap trade, doublememb Element, 12/96-08/97, Cope
ystein Hansen, music, ex Giants, new early96-08/97, Haze Geir
Torvaldsen, swap trade, old handle Purple Haze, new late97-08/97,
Hellrazor Roger Bratts, code swap, new 12/96-08/97, Leia swap, new
late97, Maze Stian, music, 08/97, Mr.X Morten Bolstad, code swap,
doublememb Strange, later Instinct, new early96-08/97, Point
Alexander Gustavsen, gfx ascii html swap, old handle Dweeb, 12/96-
08/97, Rage Torbjrn Tangen, gfx ascii, old handles Interface and
Sunscream, 12/96-08/97, Rolex Thomas Vaags, music swap, doublememb
Massive 12/96, new early96-08/97, Strife Torgeir Amundsen, mainorg
code swap, 11/96-04/01, Tentacle gfx music, doublememb Instinct
detials, 08/97-04/01, Tracky music ascii, 12/96, Wise swap sysop
POL Dotty code swap, new early98, Korball org swap, 08/97, Terry
music, 08/97, Virge code, new early98, Zeeball org code, 08/97.
DEN Growl Kim Andersen, swap, late96-08/97.
BEL Mr.No edit, new early98.
??? Hurricane swap, 12/96, Jaydee music, 04/01.
Apathy is a demo group, based in Norway, under the leadership of Strife.
Strife presumably does all his coding in Blitz Basic 2. ROM 9 announced
their new Polish division, originally formed by Korball, Kismat and Zeeball.
1996 - Death gfx was kicked 06/96. Norwegian swapper and sysop Wiseguy
OUTER SPACE, new early96-05/97 left 12/96. Ehrm....
1997 - Polish Robak old handle Korball, doublememb Amnesty left the
scene late 97. Norwegian graphician Psycho 08/97 left late 97 for
Instinct. Coder, raytracer and swapper Hyper new 12/96-08/97 left.
1998 - Polish swapper Kismat 08/97 was kicked early 98.
2000 - Early in the year, Zito editor left for Darkage, while Axl
sysop and Wizzball Michael Phipps, code, 97- was asked to leave.
2001 - Norwegian swapper Punisher new early98 joined Darkage as his
second group early in the year, only to leave both again for Gods just a
small while later. Strife is the new main organizer. Two more departures
followed, as Voicer left for Nah Kolor and Stilgar left to be in Deputy.
Their demo Wormhole was released at Mekka Symposium in april, and on the
credits list we could read that some people were not members anymore. This
concerns: Trump nor code music, doublememb EMS Design details, new
12/96-08/97 and Marl gfx.
Disaster 1996, 05.04, 40k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: none, music: Cope.
5th in The Gathering 96 40k intro competition.
review: This pretty much sucks. Its just a text writer topaz 8! and a
small one-plane APT logo. The music is an external file. When I looked at
the file it soon became evident that it was written with Blitz Basic.
Avoidness advised. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
40k Intro 1996, 16.11, 40k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
Winner of the Kindergarden 6 40k intro competition!
Feedback 3 1996, 24.12
Implant issue 2 1996, 27.12, Multifile Musicdisk.
code: Mr.X, gfx: Point main, Sunscream additional, music: Trump,
Okeanos/Syndrome, Eagle/SyndromeAgoa.
review: This actually looked pretty promising...until I booted it. It
quickly becomes apparent that these guys need to rethink how they
prioritize grahics in their productions, cause this stinks. Its got no
STYLE, no edge, no excitement. Simply dreadful not even the music by two
of Syndromes musicians is any good. It was obviously designed to run
from floppy. Keep trying, though. I dont want to discourage you Apathy
guys - I always try to give fair, constructive criticism. Next time, try
going for a design thats a little more clear. Perhaps its just me,
but I dislike the fuzzy look your graphics have. Practice makes
perfect, so try again! glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Get Tough! 1997, .08, AGA File Demo.
code: Wizzball, gfx: Sunscream, Lazur, music: Christian Alfs main, Maze
end. Released at Kindergarden 97.
review: Though nicely presented, this demo features OLD effects - Ill
be kind and assume they are doing the retro thing here... This features
some OK design, especially in the opening moments, but those effects...
for the record, were talking tech-tech, linevectors, filled vectors...
Another thing is that theyve used Lazurs Prszystan picture from 1994,
and I really seriously doubt they had permission from the author to do
that... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Old.Skool 1999, 14.11, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Strife, gfx: Death, Angeldust, music: Maze.
Released for the Satellite 2 64k intro competition.
review: As we can read in comment file, Strife started work with this
intro over 4 years ago sic! and maybe if coder transports himself via.
time machine in the year of 1995 and will release Old.skool on some old
party, then hes got chances very small to make a hit. But i dont think
so... Intro is stylized for so called old school fashion try to catch
mum or dad to explain this conception: a nice logo looks bit
unfinished!, vector squares and rectangles 2D and one three dimensional
object geez, it doesnt run one frame on my 040/40!, very nice chip tune
and commercial picture looks good which informs bout forthcoming
musicpack from Apathy. Main idea which stands behind this 64Kb
presentation is to force nowadays scene to think different. Its ok, but
in my opinion think different doesnt mean back to Neolithic age.
In few words: nice, but out of date. All grandparents should be
satified. kempy
Wormhole 2001, .04, AGA Multifile Demo.
code: Strife, gfx: Psycho/ex Apathy fonts, Marl/ex Apathy first logo,
Tentacle aliens ufoattack, Angeldust, music: Jaydee part 1, Trump/ex
Apathy part 2.
Released for the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition.
review: I left Wormhole with a smile, since after all its a nice little
production... The problem I have with this is that they somehow fail to
rise above their averageness. Let me try to explain: This is a two-part
demo, opening with the biggest of the two. Its a story-demo, of sorts,
where aliens come down to earth and we stand defenseless because of the
relative lack of innovation the earth has seen compared to the aliens.
This story is related mostly through a series of pictures by Tentacle and
Angeldust, all of which are of good quality. Were not talking Danny-stuff
here, but quite acceptable. The music is timed to the text that appears
onscreen, and the overall impression is good, if not excellent. The font
is unimaginative, and a few other details make this seem less-than-state-
of-the-art. The only real effects apart from the graphics are a few tunnel
effects the wormholes of the title. After this part has concluded, we
are treated to a small endpart of sorts, where they further continue
their plea for evolution Not much to say about this one, unusual music,
No system requirements appear anywhere, so apart from the obvious its
anybodys guess how much processor power and ram this requires. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 32mb fast/3.1.
Apex old
Apex was a German group, and presumably had nothing to do with the other
group with the same name that later appeared in France.
1990 - German swapper Terminator-X left the group to join System 5 around
july. Damien joined Beta 5 no entry. German swapper Mr.Turnip left for
Prophecy late.
Apex new
FRA Bosco music, later Syndrome, 12/94, Codac Ramdane Hakim, code,
later Syndrome, 12/94, Rahow gfx, 12/94, Ranma gfx, doublememb
NHD, 12/94, Tenshu gfx, later Syndrome, 12/94.
SWI Denis swap, doublemember Excess, 12/94.
GER Javair Jan Chr. Meyer, swap.
??? Bensty swap, 12/94, Beyonder code, 12/94, Longshot gfx, 12/94,
Orgun raytrace, 12/94, Pogo gfx, 12/94, Wild code, 12/94, Xau
swap, 12/94, Zager music, 12/94.
Apex main claim to fame is probably having housed some of the people who
would later become the great French team Syndrome. They presumably had
nothing to do with the earlier German group of the same name.
1996 - Coder and keyfilemaker-maker Sunbeam 06/96- left for Shelter
between october and november.
Laufertro 1994, 28.12, 40k Intro.
code: Codac, gfx: Rahow, Codac fonts, music: Littlefred by
Soundy/NGC. 22nd in The Party 4 40k intro competition.
review: Short and forgettable intro from Apex that crashed several
times when it was shown at the compo. The endpart scroller can be paused
with the right mousebutton. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dotsy 1994, 28.12, Demo.
22nd in The Party 4 demo competition.
Denzil joined LSD.
Apology -1989
Apology was a shortlived demo crew that died after the release of their
first megademo. Their only claim to fame is having once housed legendary
scene musician Moby later in Sanity. French Diskbuster joined Alcatraz.
French musician Moby ex Impact Inc. joined Dragons.
Appendix APX, http://www.appendix.optimus.wroc.pl
POL BTA Slawomir Kukurenda, code music, aka Popcorn, 09/01, Cosh gfx,
09/01, Codi raytrace, 09/01, Crust code, doublememb Amnesty, new
01-09/01, Emers code, new 01-09/01, Flapjack music pack, ex Erotic
Design, 04/97-09/01, Juen Pawe Nowak, swap, 09/01, Juma gfx
webmaster, 01/98-09/01, Kierownik code, new 11/99-09/01, Madbart
mainorg raytrace sysop THE SECT WHQ, triplememb Anadune and
Teklords, 11/96-09/01, MCR Wojtek Nowak, swap, 09/01, Neuromancer
gfx, ex Scalaris, new early96-09/01, Noxis code, new early01-09/01,
Sagrael editor, 09/01, Slayer gfx org, 04-09/01, Sobol Krzysiek
Sobolewski, swap, 09/01.
SWE Kalms Mikael Kalms, code, aka Scout, new 07/97-09/01.
SUBGROUP - Pic Saint Loup PSL
POL Adamsoft honourable, 09/01, Cloo honourable, 09/01, Grogon music,
09/01, Jazzcat org music, 09/01, Maxym music, 09/01, Ritz music,
09/01, Spektra music, 09/01, Tracker honourable, 09/01, Qix swap,
POL Aln code, doublememb Mawi, ex Dinx Project, new 07/97-01/98, Blaze
swap, 01/98, Carson gfx swap, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Cerber
code trade sysop RADIOACTIVE, 07/97-01/98, Cooper code, ex Erotic
Design, Esc code swap, Fenix sysop FENIX, 07/97, Informer code,
ex Erotic Design, 02/97-01/98, Iron Angel sysop EMERGENCY,
doublememb Ozone Free, 11/96-07/97, Judas code edit, new 06/96-
01/98, Lynx code, Madman ftp-op, 07/97-01/98, MAF raytrace,
Maverick sysop TOP GUN, 07/97, Pike whq gfx, Prefix trade,
07/97-01/98, Rappid gfx, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Sachy Piotr
Sachanowitz, code, 01/98, Spectra music, 01, SuperFML music, old
handle FML, ex Erotic Design, 07/97-01/98, Sylwek raytrace webmaster,
07/97-01/98, Timer Michael Baczek, music, ex Scalaris, new
early96-07/97, Trash Head sysop TRASH YARD, 07/97-01/98, VIP
gfx, Walec swap, Wildthing trade sysop DIXIE, 07/97, X-Ceed
Wojciech Panufnik, music, old handle Snoopy, doublememb Dinx Project,
HOL Coolio swap, doublememb Grashoppers Development, new 06/96, Radavi
sysop WILD PALMS, 07/97-01/98.
SWI Offspring trade sysop OXYGEN OVERDOSE, 07/97.
GER Hansa ghq swap.
??? Acid ascii, 07/97, Cooper pol? gfx, 02/97-01/98, Deejay Jones
music, 07/97, Hangman code swap, 07/97, Mag 666 raytrace,
12/97-01/98, Nazgul code, 07/97, Speedie raytrace, 01/98, Xtro
raytrace, 07/97-01/98.
Appendix is one of the oldest polish demo groups,
is one of the better Polish-based demo groups, under the leadership of
Madbart main and Slayer. They were born in 1992, and still exist today!
Polish music group Pic Saint Loup is a subgroup of Appendix serving as
their music division. Id really love to tie up all the loose ends above, so
if anyone can help...
1995 - German musician Cie joined Phuture 303 late in the year.
1996 - Mental and Shadow polish gfx were both kicked in june. Swapper
and Fa! pack editor Klaf doublememb Scalaris, ex Depth, new 06/96 joined
Old Bulls in june...or just as a doublemember Showtime 2. Which is true?
And what happened to his doublemembership in Scalaris? It is mentioned in a
newsfile by Madbart, however, that he left both Appendix and the scene.
Blaze joined Floppy late 96...but later returned.
1997 - Informer, Flapjack, Cooper, FML, Carson and Rappid joined from
Erotic Design early in the year. Aln joined from Picco, and swede Scout from
C-Lous in july.
1998 - Sundance gfx/ascii, 07/97 was kicked due to several reasons, and
Jacobs 07/97 and Ziutek doublememb Royal, new 07/97 both left the modem
scene in january. Flapjack decreased his amiga activities almost to a
standstill in the middle of the year, to concentrate on his studies. In
november, the group arranged the Satellite 98 party in Poland!
1999 - The group arranged the party Satellite 2 in november, and not long
after polish Kierownik joined the group.
2000 - Enter and Bta coders were kicked... but its possible this
happened in 2001, Im not sure. On a memberlist from september 2001, BTA is
a member again!
2001 - Early in the year, Noxis code joined, Maq code was kicked, and
Lothar left the group. Emers code and Crust code, double Amnesty was
recruited. Sagrael, editor of Taboo, joined. The Kiss My Jazz Intro
04/01 was released for the demo competition 18th and the 64k intro
Melba 04/01 was released for the intro competition 3rd at Mekka
Symposium in april. UBik and Budgie left. Polish musician Voice 07/97- was
kicked, and is now working under the Indygo band label. Ritz joined
PSL/Appendix. Juen swap joined. Crust code joined, but is also in
Amnesty. The musicdisk Kiss My Jazz was finally released by PSL/Appendix.
At the Symphony Demoscene Festival in september, the Psychol Intro 09/01
emers/flapjack was released, announcing not only Flapjacks return to the
amiga scene after 2 years, but also his revivial of the long-running
Psychol chip packs! As announced in the intro, Crust was working on new
os-friendly code, and Caro/Nah Kolor on new graphics for the upcoming pack!
Agony 1992, ECS Slideshow.
Wave Sounds 1992, ECS Musicdisk.
Firehouse 1993, 24.10, Intro.
6th in the Polish Autumn Party 93 intro competition.
Unjust Sentence 1994, .05, Trackmo.
4th in the Primavera Party 94 demo competition.
Primavera Partro 1994, .05, Intro.
Released at Primavera Party 94.
40k Intro 1994, 12.08, 40k Intro.
Released at Intel Outside 94.
Contagion 1995, 21.07, Trackmo.
3rd in the Computer Art Festival 95 demo competition.
Fa! Pack 1995, Pack.
- Issues 01-19 released 1995-96.
Intel Inside 1996, Intro.
Radioactive 1996, Intro.
info: BBS Intro.
Zero Gravity 1996, 10.11, AGA Multifile.
Winner of the Gravity 96 demo competition!
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there for details.
Oops! 1996, 10.11, AGA 64k Intro.
Winner of the Gravity 96 intro competition!
Cooperation with Venus Art, see there for details.
Gravity96 1996, 10.11, 4k Intro.
code: Cerber, gfx: none, music: none.
7th in the Gravity96 4k intro competition.
review: This is fun and original! This one opens a small intuition window
in which it prints some text and a spinning vector cube. Is this a first?
I see no reason why it shouldnt work on ECS machines. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
UFU-S 1996, 10.11, VIDEO DEMO.
2nd in the Gravity 96 video demo competition.
Navel 1997, 23.02, AGA 64k Intro.
code: Informer, gfx: Cooper, music: MTC.
Winner of the Rush Hours 97 64k intro competition!
review: When it starts you think thats a fast, but oh so small
envmapped phong torus. Then it grows... The routine is fast at least
in the first, uncomplicated parts, Ill give it that, but its hardly
the fastest or even the best ever. This and the fact that it and
variations on it are the only routine in the intro makes it a bit
limited for my taste. The musics OK, a lot better than most in this kind
of thing. The graphics are functional, but not GOOD. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Mystique 1997, 13.07, Demo.
2nd in the Intel Outside 4 demo competition.
Introko 1997, 13.07, 4k Intro.
Released at Intel Outside 4.
UFU-S v1.99 1997, 13.07, VIDEO DEMO.
2nd in the Intel Outside 4 video demo competition.
info: A remix of the original UFU-S.
Spawn 1997, 31.08, AGA FPU 64k Intro.
code: Informer, gfx: Flapjack, Informer, Madbart 3d, music: SuperFML.
Winner of the Gravity 97 64k intro competition!
review: This is Informers first ever release not to be compatible with an
unexpanded A1200 - in that it requires an FPU. This means, unfortunately,
that it cant be run on my hardware glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Capsule 1997, 14.12, AGA 4MB FPU Multifile.
code: Informer, gfx: Mag666 3d, music: SuperFML.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 demo competition.
review: Unfortunately, I havent been able to see Capsule, since my
machine does not have the required FPU : glenn
Up nx 1997, 14.12, AGA ?MB 64k Intro.
code: Informer, Scout, gfx: Cooper, music: X-Ceed.
4th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
review: Not a bad intro at all, I was actually very very surprised that I
was able to run it! You see, the text files that come with it claim it
requires an FPU, though the intro ran fine without it on my machine!
Effectwise, theres nothing new here. The phong feels relatively smooth
and fast, but then the objects here are far from advanced. Above average.
This intro was distributed to aminet with two versions of the
executable one which was the 64k compo version, and one which is
slightly bigger, because of better textures. Music is fine. Fastram
required is less than 4MB, but the exact amount is uncertain. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Useless 1997, 14.12, 4k Intro.
code: Aln, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Astrosyn 97 4k intro competition.
review: Nice visuals help Useless a lot, even though theres only two
effects in this 4ker. The first effect is a nicelooking tunnel. Its
hard to describe, but we travel into the tunnel, then out again. The
second effect is a variation on the flame theme, with fires shooting out
from a circular sun. Not bad! Then the show finishes with a reprise of
the tunnel effect, only with a new palette, and the shows over.
A good 4ker. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Dolphinary 1998, Musicdisk.
Satellite 98 Invitation 1998, Intro.
info: Satellite was held in November.
Flea 1998, 26.04, Demo.
3rd in the Rush Hours 98 demo competition.
Midge 1998, 26.04, 256b Intro.
code: Aln, gfx/music: none.
Winner of the Rush Hours 98 256b intro competition!
Riot 1998, 29.08, Demo.
2nd in the Gravity 98 demo competition.
info: This was the groups last demo for a long time, until I Want To Be
A Machine was released in 2001.
Satellite 99 Invitation 1999, Intro.
Taboo 00 1999, Diskmag.
Released at Xenium 99.
Taboo 01 1999, Diskmag.
Tower 1999, 21.03, 64k Intro.
7th in the Astrosyn 97 64k intro competition.
Possible 1999, 17.05, 40k Intro.
Released at Icing 99, possibly for the competition.
Satellite 2000 Invitation 2000, Intro.
Taboo 02 2000, Diskmag.
Electricity 2000, .08, Intro.
code: Kierownik, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
8th in the Assembly 2000 64k intro competition.
info: Kierowniks first production for the group.
I Want To Be A Machine 2000, 14.11, Demo.
code: Kierownik, gfx: Slayer, music: Experimental Trance by Spectra.
Winner of the Satellite 2000 demo competition!
info: The demomakers were interviewed for Haujobbs Devotion 2 06/01.
This was only Kierowniks second production for APX, his first being an
intro. Prior to his joining, the group had NO coders left. The entire demo
is a polish production.
Mayhem 2000, 14.11, Demo.
4th in the Satellite 2000 demo competition.
Taboo 3 AGA/CGX 2001, Diskmag.
Kiss My Jazz musicdisk intro 2001, 15.04, Intro.
18th in the Mekka Symposium 2001 demo competition.
info: This musicdisk intro was released for the DEMO competition, which
might go some way towards explaining why it performed so poorly,
placement-wise. It announced the upcoming musicdisk itself, to come from
Pic Saint Loup/Appendix.
Melba 2001, 15.04, 64k Intro.
3rd in the Mekka Symposium 2001 64k intro competition.
Kiss My Jazz 2001, Musicdisk.
Psychol Intro 2001, 14.09, AGA/CGX Intro.
code: Emers, gfx: Flapjack, music: Sixtus, dont... zajawka by Flapjack
AHX v2 format. Released at the Symphony Demoscene Festival.
review: This is an announce-tro for Flapjacks comeback after two years,
and his wanting to restart his long-running chippack series Psychol.
13 issues were previously released under the labels Convex, Erotic Design
and finally Appendix. This is good news for the scene, naturally, and
were certainly looking forward to seeing 14! The intro itself is very
nicely designed, with cute kittens and an ok appendix logo at the start...
It leaves you expecting greatness from the pack, thats for sure. Nice,
short, and fun. And with a non-annoying chiptune, for once glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Applause APL, 1993-
POL Alx music, Darioosh, Falcon code trade, Justus gfx, old handle
Thorgal, early93, Redman Robert Zabiegala, swap.
HOL Eva gfx swap, Franklin code, Radium music gfx swap, ex Cyanide,
new late93-08/94, Revo, Sascha org swap, ex Cyanide, new late93, old
handle Amethist.
??? Dixan05 music, early93, Uncle Mat code, early93.
Applause was formed in early 1993 by ex members of Grace joined early 93
and other Polish guys. When Cyanide died, all its Dutch members also joined.
The group is probably best known for their diskmag Thing.
1995 - Polish graphician Tolek Banan joined Bravo early in the year.
Swapper Snoop sold his Amiga and left the scene late 95.
1996 - Lovely rejoined from kick and Roberts joined Old Bulls in june.
Quasar and TCC left the scene.
Dutch editor Magic ex Cyanide left, and joined Mirage. It is unclear what
happened to Thing as a consequence of this, whats certain is that Magic
started to work for Mirages Chit-Chat instead...
Vasquez left the scene.
Chance, Jerome and Ricochet left to be independent.
Polish graphician Phantom early93 left to form Bravo, so Magic is now
editor of Thing.
Bara-Bara 1993, early, ECS Intro.
code: Uncle Mat, gfx: Thorgal, Phantom, music: Dixan05.
Thing VII 1994, early, Diskmag.
FIN Duq, Formercode, Scart.
Have released one awful dentro 93.
Aquin -1990
This little group died ca 07/90 when they joined forces with Overdrive under
the new name Addonic.
Anarchy Party Demo 1991, .04, ECS Demo.
Released at Anarchy Easter Party 91.
Arcadia Team, The TAT, -1990
NOR Nova old handle Tigra, Shadowcat.
The Arcadia Team who was called just Arcadia for a short while towards the
end was a Norwegian demo group, which died around the middle of 1990 after
most of its members merged with Humanoids to create the new group Scope.
Lame Game ECS Demo.
Megademo ECS Demo.
Vuku 1988, 09.10, ECS Demo.
Winner of the Razor 1911, The Cartel, Abnormal party demo competition!
Later On 1988, 09.10, ECS Demo.
Released for the Razor 1911, The Cartel, Abnormal party demo competition.
DEN Blutch swap, late90, Deflex swap, ex Kefrens, new 90, JL Soft,
??? Exorbit, JTF, Junix code, Merlin, Mike crack, Zetrix music.
Boards DANABOARD den.
Arcane were a mainly Danish group. At one time they were in cooperation
with Goonies. In addition to their demos, they also released a few cracks.
The Pink Circle ECS File.
info: Nonworking on A1200.
ENG Manx org, 06/91.
??? Magnus old handle Merlin, Rogue.
1991 - English Aardvark ceased to be a member in june.
Englishman Coaxial 06/91 joined Plague.
Uncle Len joined Jesters.
Fast Eddie joined Anthrox pre 07/92.
Arclite aL
SWE Sy-Klone sysop WHITE ROOM, doublememb Progress, 01/95.
USA Shadower sysop DEATH ROW WHQ, 01/99.
??? Karma ascii, Mark Ryder ascii, Mogue ascii signature Mo!.
Arclite is an ascii group.
Arctic Image
??? Cray code, 06/92.
Cray coded the filemag Resident for Deadline Resident issue 1 was
released in june 1992.
Area 51 A51, http://www.a51.org.uk/
ENG Axl ascii trade sysop DOSSHOUSE, Converse org music edit, Cygnus
A edit, Gobliiin gfx, GTE www edit, Jacka swap edit, MSC
edit, Nexus raytrace edit, Quartz gfx, Remix edit, Shezzor
code gfx, Skidz code edit, Slade org code www edit, Zamara code
raytrace music edit, Zebedee code edit, Zyx! ascii org edit cosys,
old handle Zylax.
Skidz is currently working on a graphic adventure called Roswell, with
graphics by Shezzor. Look for a demo version SOON!
Argon 1990-
GER Shadowman swap, ex End of Century, new mid 91.
ENG Agent X, Brain, Brainbuser, Bronx Warrior ex Pussy, new mid91,
Mandrake ex Wraith, new mid91.
NOR Dr.Randy.
??? Lon 1301.
Argon was born in the later parts of 1990 their bith was announced in Alpha
Flights diskmag Cracker Journal 23 12/90.
1991 - Ribald got kicked, so he joined Pirates around the middle of the
year. Nighthawk left the group in june.
Chef left.
Omc joined Paranoid.
Kid joined Steel no entry.
Snoopy joined The Dark Demon.
Arise old -1992
GER Crusher, Dragonfly code, later Abyss, 05/92, Equi org swap, 05/92,
Falcon gfx music, later Arise new, 05/92, Kyle code swap, later
Arise new, 05/92, Makro sysop ABS, 05/92, Maverick swap, 92,
Mystic gfx swap, 05/92, Pencl later Arise new, Pink code music,
later Abyss and Arise new, 05/92, Skyline org, later Arise new,
05/92, Vision code gfx, later Abyss, 05/92, Warden gfx swap,
FRA Gryzor code, Tik.
FIN Fix ex Coral, Hot ex Coral, Perfect ex Coral.
??? Bitworm code, 05/92, Buckrogers trade, 05/92, Lou Van B gfx music,
later Abyss, 05/92, Mark Enzo trade, 05/92, Nobody editor, 05/92,
Picolo gfx swap, 05/92, Sir Richard swap, 05/92, Suicide gfx,
05/92, System X code, ex Trackers, new 10/92.
Arise was a mainly German demo group. Organizers seem to have been Equi and
Skyline. The best members of Arise decided to form Abyss together with the
best of Beyond in late 1992, though Arise was briefly reborn in 1993.
1990 - Xact left for Supplex in june.
1992 - System X code joined from Trackers, while german Cube code swap,
05/92 joined Gothic around october.
Agent Orange and Smash both ex Cyborx joined Atomic.
Charger was kicked.
Fade joined Razor 1911.
Per and Agony was kicked.
Al Bundy joined from Dark Star, but after getting in probs with the Police,
he left the scene.
Beatbrain gfx music, 05/92 left the scene, but rejoined after a week!
My Life As A Pizza ECS File.
Unlimited 1992, 19.04, ECS Demo.
Released at the Eastern Conference 92.
BBS-Intro 1992, 12.05, ECS Intro.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, Suicide bbs-intro logo, music: Masterlevel by
review: A slightly unusual approach to bbs intros, this one has you
choosing pages of text from a small menu. Not bad, but far, far, far from
anything advanced Just an average production, theres a million like
this one out there. This also announces Arises summer conference, to be
held in august, though I am not sure whether it was ever really
arranged... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Arise new 1993-
GER Dragonfly code, aka DRF, later Haujobb, new 08/93, Falcon gfx music,
new 08/93-late93, Kyle code, late93, Pink swap, late93, Skyline
swap, late93, Taron music raytrace, new 08/93, Vision music, ex
Arise old, new 08/93, WOTW music, new 08/93.
ITA Virus Valerio Russo, swap, ex Zenith, new 08/93.
??? Axel ger? new 08/93, Beatbrain ger? new 08/93, Brutus ger? new
08/93, DF ger? new 08/93, Effendi ger? gfx, ex Agnostic Front, new
08/93, Jellybean music, 08/93, JPM ger? new 08/93, Kid Frost
ger? ex TRSI, new 08/93, Noname ger? new 08/93, Pencl ger? new
08/93, Poison ger? new 08/93, Posdnuos ger? new 08/93, Skindiver
ger? new 08/93, SKY ger? new 08/93, SMC ger? new 08/93.
Arise was a mainly German demo group. Among the members returning from the
original group were Dragonfly, Falcon, Kyle.
The Loop joined Platin.
Smudo new 08/93 left to join Fairlight PRP4.
Paradoxum BBS-Intro 1993, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, music: Odyssey Remix by Kid Frost 4ch MOD
review: The tune makes this little intro, but lets face it: This is not
going to set the world on fire - and was certainly never meant to. Its
just a text plotter, a small vector thingy flying around and some
functional background graphics. For the record, the PARADOXUM bbs is
not an Arise board, its in Diamonds Rust. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1 -- Note: Needs KillAGA.
Smells Like Chanel No.5 1993, AGA Trackmo.
info: Received praise in Upstream 7 as the first ever AGA demo to really
LOOK like its AGA.
Realtime Margherita 1993, 27.03, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, music: Taron. Released at CeBIT 93.
info: Caches off, OCS on on A1200.
Nutzlos 1993, mid?, ECS File.
code: Kyle, gfx: n/a, music: n/a
40Kb Tracktro 1993, .08, ECS Multifile.
code: Kyle, Curacao/Drinks, Pater Pink, gfx: Falcon, music: Taron.
Cooperation with Drinks. Information: Caches off on A1200.
40k Intro 1993, 02.08, ECS 40k Intro.
7th in the 680xx Convention 1993 demo competition.
info: May be the same as the above.
Ahnungslos 1993, 01.08, ECS Intro.
code: Kyle, Pink, gfx: Kyle, Pink, music: Taron.
Released at the 680xx Convention 1993.
review: Meaningless, short intro which cant have been meant seriously.
Its just a boring small tune, a graphic background which is a joke, and
a ludicrously bad textwriter. Please stop releasing this shit, people.
The intro welcomes LOTS of members Axel, Beatbrain, Brutus, DF, DRF,
Effendi, Falcon, JPM, Kid Frost, Noname, Pencl, Poison, Posdnuos,
Skindiver, SKY, SMC, Smudo, Taron, Virus, Vision, WOTW. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
The Melee Intro 1993, late, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Kyle, gfx: Falcon, Taron anim, music: Ghpipahaba by Vision.
review: Melee is a charming little intro, which is a little bit ruined
for me by some truly pathetic music. Too bad they couldnt have used
another tune... But apart from the music, this is a nice intro with some
nice design and ok effects.
No release date is quoted in the intro, and the only hints were given
is the 1993 in the accompanying ansi, and the modules sampletext
saying the tune was made in october 93. This intro welcomes Effendi from
Agnostic Front. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
GER Oliver, Timecode.
??? Blowfly, Exorcist, Joe.
Armada was a demo group.
1990 - The Norwegian division left to be the Amiga division of Panoramic
Designs late in the year.
D-Man joined Eternity Corp.
Icelandic Noblestar, Othon and Hawkeye joined Dual Crew.
Against All Odds 1990, .06, ECS Demo.
Armageddon AMG
GER Aragon, Krs-One ex Antarix no entry, Maverick, Scooter swap, old
handle Cruiser, 08/91, Thunder.
??? Hotrunner, Hunter ex Starline no entry, Slaughter, Stowaway.
Merlin left.
Morbid, Professor X and Vangelis got kicked.
Sgt.Slaughter, Stingray and Error got kicked.
German swapper S.O.S. late90 left the scene.
German swapper Brutus ex Coma, early92 joined Paradise.
GER Doc D Jan Schneider, webmaster, 03/97, Shylock Sven Djatschenko,
music, 03/97, Yazoo Michael Kopacek, gfx, 03/97.
Who ARE these guys? They came out of nowhere to coorganize the
SILIConvention and code the absolutely smashing invitation intro!
Text file that came with the Fear Factory demo mentioned their new
web-mag called Expose.
German coder Axis Michael Hillebrandt, ex Oxyron, responsible for the
great SILIConvention 97 Invitation 97 and the Fear Factory 03/97
demo, decided to leave.
Death Greedy 1996, 28.12, Demo.
7th in The Party 96 demo competition.
SILIConvention 97 Invitation 1997, AGA File.
code: Axis, gfx: Gizmo Red/Icebird main, Yazoo font, music:
Tommy/Avena The Player 6.1A format.
review: This ROCKS! I guess the cool music contributes a great deal to
the superior atmosphere in this intro, but the coding and graphics will
have to take their part of the blame too : It opens with two pictures
the first is a SILIConvention logo rendered? and the second is of a
multitude of heads. Its more the way theyre faded onto the screen to
the beat of the music that appeals to me, I guess, but its a great
introduction either way. Then we get to the main part, which has a very
cool effect that remains under the information at all times. Its a
texturemapped vector cube that sort of surfs the surface underneath,
and the surface behaves like water, creating beautiful ripples all over
the place. Youll know what I mean when you see it... Overlaid over this
cool effect is the info file the same as the normal text file, and it
can be scrolled up or down by moving the mouse.
Through sheer simplicity, power and style this is one of the best
invitation intros Ive seen in a very long time! Very very cool. By the
way, Avena is an atari group, in case you were wondering why you cant
find them in scenery... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Fear Factory 1997, 30.03, Multifile.
code: Axis, gfx: Yazoo, Gizmo/Icebird fullscreen, music: Shylock.
2nd in the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition.
review: I see nothing of the exceptional qualities offered by their
previous production in this demo. There are signs of good coding, and
signs of some innovative effort, but the overall impression is not one
of professionality. The music quickly gets on your nerves, as does the
less than great graphics. A disappointment. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
??? Exlex.
Artch was formed by members of Acidforce nor and Crane nor swe.
1990 - Norwegian sysop Raven THE GOLDEN GATE joined Crusaders late
this year.
Bud Outrage joined Motion.
Artcore aC, -1995
SWE Manta sysop FORBIDDEN DREAMS WHQ, doublememb Nut Bolt,
HOL Sal One 01/95.
??? aXEbLADE 01/95, cOUNT zERO 01/95, cRAZY 01/95, dEATHLORD!
01/95, mOGUe! 01/95, mR.vAIN 01/95, nIKE 01/95, -rAPId-
01/95, tANGO ascii, doublememb Origin, 01/95, -TReAcH! 01/95,
u-mAN 01/95.
Artcore was a pure ascii and modem group, which unfortunately died around
08/95. Among their members were German 2fast ex doublememb Avantgarde, also
in Cyberforce and Cream console.
1995 - The board FINAL IMPACT went offline in june, but will soon be
back up!
Artefact 1992-
Artefact was formed late 92 by the ex-members of LSD France.
Buckaroo joined Analog.
Artemis 1990-
ICE Archmage, Ariel, Hawkeye, Odyssey, Othon, Thin Lizzy, Thor.
SWE IC, Janx code, 04/91, Bloodaxe, Freddy.
FIN Evil Spirit.
NOR Black Adder new 09/91.
??? Dr.Tox gfx, 04/91, DMC music, 04/91, Duddie code gfx, 90.
Artemis was perhaps the best known group to ever come out of Iceland :-
They were born in 1990 by the members of Opus Magnum and Blockbusters no
Peace Prod. ex RAF left.
The Swedish division died mid 91. The swedish members will be removed from
the list above once I know what happened to them :
Can I Say Something? ECS File.
Fill The Power 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Duddie, music: ripped from Kefrens Megademo 8.
Things Take Time 1991, 15.04, ECS File.
code: Janx, gfx: Dr.Tox, music: DMC.
Artificial People AP
FIN Ari sysop, Cob pccode, 08/96, Falcon music, 08/96, Iodine gfx
objects, 08/96, Johu music, Kalsu org code gfx music, 08/96-
04/98, Neure code gfx, 10/97, Rook funmemb, Scitek code, Thain
code raytrace, 10/97.
FRA Black Dragon music, triplememb Honoo details and Limited Edition,
HP gfx, triplememb Honoo details and Limited Edition.
??? Duke codePPC, new early98.
Artificial People are a finnish demo group, with some members in France.
Their old homepage, http://apeople.home.ml.org, has gone from the web.
1996 - The groups astonishing debut Clichs 08/98 unfortunately ended
up as low as 9th in the Assembly demo competition.
1998 - Kalsu did the music for Mellow Chips Gathering 98 winner Rise
Clichs 1996, 18.08, AGA HD Multifile.
code: Kalsu, gfx: Kalsu, Thain/Sensible raytrace, Iodine objects,
music: Falcon main, Kalsu end.
9th in The Assembly 96 demo competition.
review: Very reasonable for a first demo! The coder, Kalsu, proves be a
little of a Jack of all Trades, what with providing graphics and music to
this demo as well as coding it. It opens with an envmapped object of the
AP symbol, a stick-man. Then were shown an AP logo, before were on to a
very nice voxel routine...and then it goes underwater! I was blown away,
sitting there with my mouth wide open. The routine looked good and fast
in its own right, and then it actually IMPROVES on the voxel routine!
My favorite voxel was always the one Stellar used in their 40k intro
Peverly Hills 12/94. It seems there is a new king in town.
Astonishing. After that minor shock were on to a bumpmapping routine,
where the word Clics is highlighted by first one, then two light
sources. Next theres a tunnel with some greetings flying down it, before
a scanned picture of a femal model zooms onto the screen. It stays there
for a few seconds, before it zooms back and starts zoomrotating with a
whole bunch of other pictures of models. Then, the innovation strikes
back. The zoomrotator starts waving the pictures in a way I havent seen
before...before I actually see it forming some words! This is something
Ive never seen before - a first! The next effect can perhaps best be
described as a flame tunnel, before it ends with a traditional
upscroller over a raytraced picture with an AP logo.
What strikes me about Clics is that theres actually some signs of
innovation here! That voxel routine particularly stands out. The routines
all look good and fast. Im willing to bet that if this was released by a
better known group it would have been placed higher in the competition.
Im certainly eagerly avaiting the next AP demo. Keep up the good work!
Probably needs some fast. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Profusion 1996, 23.11, 80k Intro.
2nd in the Demoltion 96 II 80k intro competition.
Mosaik 1997, 31.10, AGA 64k Intro.
production: Thain, Kalsu, Neure, Muffler, Dvize.
Released for the Saturne 97 64k intro competition.
review: This is an intro that shows definite promise from the word go,
not least of which is the sight of the handle Muffler among the credits!
Unfortunately for all of us, the intro itself oes not quite live up to its
premise, and apart from an interesting brown object over swirling blue
tunnel, it features little to set the world on fire. The best parts of
this intro are the ones concerned more with design than technical ability
- the intro and outro. These are the things that make the intro worth
having, nothing else. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Artwork ATW, 1994-1998
GER Argon code, 04/96, Cockroach code, ex DCS, new 11/94, Cougar
Christian Reismuller, gfx, new 04/96- 01/97, Jive ex Platin, new
11/94, SMT Sascha Michael Theel, music, ex Haujobb, 12/95-07/96, The
Loop Daniel Lafrentz, music, ex Gods, new 12/95-01/97, Tiberius
Andre Adam, 3d gfx, 03/97, Trasher Oliver Plink, swap, triplememb
Sanity and Bomb!, 02/96-01/97, Voyage Dirk Aldekamp, founder swap, ex
DCS, new 11/94.
SWE Confidence code, doublememb Balance details.
FRA Nitch Collomb Cedrick, code, ex Virtual Dreams, new late96.
Artwork is a mainly German demo group, formed in November 1994 when
Generation editor Damion/Platin took his mag with him and formed Artwork
together with Voyage/DCS. Within days Cockroach and JMS joined from DCS, and
The Loop, Jive and Detector from Platin. Soon after wellknown talent like
Tron, Fiver and Noogman followed, making Artwork a group to look out for.
1995 - With their very first production, the demo Greenday 04/95, they
WON the competition at the Black Box Symposium 95 in germany! The demo is
also amiga demo of the year for 1995 in scenery. German musician SMT was
recruited from Haujobb late in the year. Nothing more was released before
december, at The Party. There, the 40k intro Creep 12/95 in cooperation
with Polka Brothers and Azures 4k intro Dawn 12/95 both WON their
respective competitions. One can safely say it had been a great first year
for the group.
1996 - This year saw the grooup continuing to recruit talented members,
In 1996, they continued recruiting talented members such as the legendary
ex-Sanity graphician Cougar, who first joined as a double member. They went
from strength to strength, and won AGAIN at the Symposium 96 with their
awesome The Gate demo - and Azure took home the trophy for best 40k intro
at the same party with Dawn.Remix. Azures next intro, the amazing Phi
only managed to come 2nd at the South Sealand party, but was awarded the
INTRO OF THE YEAR trophy by us - Artworks second trophy!
After being reinforced in the middle of 96 by ex-Matrix amiga and pc
members Skyphos, Sharon and Nero, they released their first and last PC
production at Assembly 96, Proton 08/96.
To this day Azure retains his membership in Bizarre Arts - perhaps to show
they still have a sense of humour? Voyage used to be sysop of the board
POINT BREAK/WATERWORLD which has now been closed. Though Damion was
originally the editor of Generation, the job has now been handed down to
RokDaZone. Though The Loop joined from Platin 11/94, I seem to have him
joining from Gods in 96. One explanation may be that he joined Gods, only to
later rejoin... German graphician jMS ex DCS, 08/96 got kicked late in the
year, and subsequently left the scene... German coder Axis 02/96 left to
form a group of his own late 96.
1997 - April saw the release of Generation 24, where the announcement was
made that german coder Detector Holger Luemkemann had left the scene.
Joining from Platin as early as 11/94, his code was behind that very mag -
and remained used for subsequent issues even though the coder himself was no
longer a part of the group. The German ex-members of Matrix who joined the
group in 1996 graphician Nero Rainer Mhr, coder Sharon Oliver Belaifa
and coder-musician Skyphos Marco Thrusch all decided to leave Artwork late
97, and restart their old group Matrix on the PC.
1998 - After releasing their final demo Megademo IV 2 04/98 at the
Mekka Symposium 98, they ended the existence of one of the most successful
groups in scene history. But out of the ashes another great German group
rises Endzeit founded on the remains of Artwork in much the same way that
Lemon. was founded on the ashes of Anarchy in 1993. But not all members went
to the new group ofcourse. The people behind Generation Damion and
RokDaZone ex Infect formed Endzeit, and took graphician Noogman with them.
Also Italian writer The Ripper ex Da Press, new 06/96 went alsong to
Endzeit, to continue his work for Generation. Musician Virgill 04/95-
joined Haujobb. Famous coder Azure Tim Boeschke, doublememb Bizarre Arts,
11/95- left the scene. The further scene careers of Tron Bastian Zuehlke,
code, ex Sanity, new 01/95- and Fiver2 Thomas Mahlke, gfx, ex TRSI,
12/95- remains uncertain.
Swedish coder Scout doublememb C-Lous details, new late96 left the
group late 97 or early 98 to join The Black Lotus - and become a scene-
inactive game coder!
Lenny Dee joined briefly from Illusion, only to leave the scene a few days
Greenday 1995, 23.04, AGA Multifile, 3 disks.
code: Tron, Crash/Polka Brothers, gfx: Fiver/TRSI, Noogman logo, music:
Final Amelotatism by Virgill.
Winner of the Black Box Symposium 95 demo competition!
review: DEMO OF THE YEAR, and a hell of show from the Germans in their
first ever production...amazing! Lots of goodlooking effects are on
offer, and this time that means phong-shaded toruses, a texturemapped
cube combined with a stretching zoomrotator and then the zoom-rotators
also mapped on two sides of the cube!!, voxel landscape, and a spacecut
texture mapped cube. The tune is not quite up to Virgills best,
especially the jazz shit that accompanies the voxels are out of place.
However, an AMAZING picture by Fiver almost makes up for the shortcomings
the soundtrack has in places. The picture is called Green Trash, it
depicts a human wrapped in black plastic, and came 2nd in the graphics
competition at the same party!
Please note that I tested an incomplete distribution, and that theres
even more to this demo than what Ive outlined! Artwork was back one year
later, and won the Symposium compo for the second time in a row with
The Gate. Please read the excellent making of article in ROM4.
According to this article, the demo does NOT require a HD, but can be
run from floppy - my butchered distribution didnt give an indication of
this! Id be VERY happy to receive a proper distribution. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Tested with an INCOMPLETE distribution!!
Dawn 1995, 28.12, AGA 4k Intro.
code: Azure, gfx/music: none.
Winner of The Party 5 4k intro competition!
review: Certainly impressive for a 4k intro, Dawn set new standards for
the genre. Just some of the things featured are: Phong shading, moving
light source, environment mapping, environment glenz motion blur,
morphing, and voxelspace. Quite a list for a 4k intro :
A few months later it was re-released, with music, and won the
Symposium 40k competition! : glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Creep 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Azure, Crash/Polka Brothers intro, gfx: Fiver, music: SMT
The Player 6.1A format. Winner of The Party 5 40k intro competition!
Cooperation with Polka Brothers.
review: This is one impressive intro! There are lots of great-looking
phong shaded objects on offer here, and most are a little more
imaginative than the standard donut variety. Several also offer extras,
like an afterburner effect and transparency. Around the middle of the
intro theres a full-screen picture 2x2. This picture is a redrawing of
the album cover for Mercyful Fates Dont Break The Oath album. The pic
is then waved, like a flag in the wind. The next new routine is the most
impressive one, though. Were talking about a high resolution texture
mapped phong-shaded elastic donut that looks FABULOUS! The show is
finished off with an effect thats a little hard to describe, but I
think transparent phong pulse explosions is about as close as you get.
The music is excellent throughout.
In june 1997, Azure released version 1.1, which fixes some problems
on 040/060 machines, as well as the classic The Player 6.1A bugs. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
The Gate 1996, 07.04, AGA Multifile, 4 disks.
code: Azure, Tron, gfx: Fiver, Noogman, Argon dream dos, music: SMT
main, Virgill intro, end. Winner of Symposium 96 demo competition!
review: After this there can be no doubt - Chaos is dead, long live
Azure and Tron. Artwork won the Symposium for the second year in a row
with this demo - brimming with good-looking, advanced effects! It opens
with an interpolated voxel landscape with the credits overlayed, and the
powerful opening tune which creates a great heavy demo atmosphere.
Theres a lot of bumpmapping effects in this demo, from a lightsourced
zooming bumped tunnel to a lightsourced bumped cube. Theres also a
graphicszoomer thats quite similar to the one TBL later used in their
Gathering97 winning demo Captured Dreams. Theres also some different
mapping stuff, with the metal-env-mapped ? head and the cube with the
protrouding face the highlights. Need I go on? The music is great, the
graphics are great, and its quite simply a BIG demo - in every sense of
the word. Download NOW!
The endtune, Opium by Virgill, competed in the music competition at
the same party. Some information leads me to believe there is a special
version of The Gate for the Graffitti videocard...can anyone confirm
that this is so? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Dawn.remix 1996, 07.04, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Azure, gfx: none, music: The Loop.
Winner of Symposium 96 40k intro competiton!
review: Certainly technically impressive, this remix of the originally 4k
intro Dawn 12/95 is very very good. This time around, the shapes are
env-mapped and sometimes afterburned, like in Creep 12/95. The music
is cool also, and suits the intro beautifully. I like this, small as it
is. : The reason theres no entry for graphician above is that this intro
contains no graphics. Included in the archive is a 1x1 version of the
original 4k intro.
Will work on standard A1200s, but recommends fast and acceleration.
You can press your right mousebutton to skip forward one effect. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Phi 1996, 06.07, AGA 4MB 64k Intro.
code: Azure, Tron, gfx: Fiver, music: SMT.
2nd in the South Sealand Party 96 intro competition.
review: Phi, the best intro of 1996, opens with a sign of some sort and a
progress bar at the bottom of the screen. When the progress bar reaches
its end, the show starts...and what a show! To fabulous trancy music by
SMT one of his best tunes EVER were treated to one of the best intros
since Virtual Dreams won at The Party 93 with Chaosland 12/93!
Azure and Tron have managed to squeeze more demo power out of 64k here
than most people are able to in megs! With a couple of pictures thrown
in, Id vote this among the best DEMOS of 1996, for crying out loud!
The intro features some of the fastest envmapping Ive ever seen on the
Amiga, and then some! Theres also morphing objects, a fabulous bump-
mapping-cum-plasma routine, and some voxelspace stuff thats quite cool.
The intro ends with a sole image of a bleeding heart. Pretty much the same
intro can be seen in Bizarre Arts Fresh! 06/97 by Azure and Axis
released just one week later! :
The accompanying text file mentions it uses ALL of the 4mb fast it
requires, so if you like me use 512k of your fast to softkick kickstart,
you probably wont be able to run Phi on a 4mb fast only setup. Believe
me, Ive tried :
In june 1997, Azure released version 1.1, which adds a special custom
040/060 c2p routine, and fixes the classic The Player 6.1A replayer bugs.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0 -- note: version 1.1.
Blurred Notes 1996, autumn, Musicdisk.
code: Tron, gfx: Noogman, music: The Loop.
Efrafa 1996, 02.02, AGA HD Multifile Slideshow.
code: Tron, gfx: Fiver, music: Virgill.
review: Efrafa comes across as a very SMOOTH slideshow, much thanks to
Fivers very clean style. Let me just say this first: Fiver IS one of my
favourite graphics artists, so if my review seems influenced by this in
any way, then...thats because it is! : Hehe... No, seriously: The show
opens with a clean EFRAFA logo, before the screen scrolls down to the
selection menu. Here you can choose between the different pictures with
your mouse and see info about them by pressing rmb, or access some brief
info pages. There really isnt that much to say about EFRAFA, it just does
its job of showing these great pictures, and not much else... Sonics are
nice too, but then again we are talking about Virgill here... :
The pictures are... Flight 32c, unreleased, Under Control 32c,
unreleased, Infiltration 64c, unreleased, Under A Blood Red Sky 256c,
unreleased, No More Secrets 2 64c, unreleased, Fish Food 128c, The
Party 94, Yoichi 128c, from Artworks Greenday 04/95, Virgill
Dreams 128c, unreleased, Champagne Supernova 256c, unreleased,
Efjucikay 128c, used in Generation, Kodak 256c, used in Artworks The
Gate 04/96, In The Kitchen 2000 256c, unreleased - 12 pictures in
all. Not all pictures are topquality In the Kitchen... but those that
are, are so great theyd be worth the download time ALONE No More Secrets
2, Kodak, Yoichi... Get this, ARTWORK QUALITY all the way! glenn
Generation issue 22 1996, .10, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
review: Maybe its me theres something wrong with, but goddamnit, this
mag DOES NOT WORK! It plays the first bars of the music and shows a black
screen, then...just crashes. This happens every time, no matter what I
try! Hmm... Anyone that can help me with a way to fix this? glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Generation issue 23 1997, .01, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, gfx: Spiv/Infect title, Cougar main, Nero clip,
Skyphos clip, RokDaZone fonts, music: Tired Eyes by Azazel/TBL, A
Night At The Bar by Virgill/Essence and Artwork, editor: RokDaZone.
review: It opens nicely, with Spivs Casual Insane picture from The
Party 96 70th! graphics competition - not half bad. It shows what I
guess must be the open, staring eyes of some alien child... Unusual and
nicely executed, Spiv! The panel by Cougar is also a feast for the eyes,
so graphically theres not much wrong with Generation. This issue has two
modules from wellknown scene VIS, but none of them are outstanding in any
way... I guess this comes down to taste, but I feel these two can do a lot
better than this!
One thing that bugs me a little is the sometime dark palette choices
for some of the articles. Its a far cry from the light, happy colors of
ROM! I guess Im just not used to reading on a black background...
Another thing that irritates me slightly is that the text does not
scroll, like it has in most other good magazines since about...oh, 1992?
I suppose its a small complaint, but its got a lot to do with the way
the magazine feels like to handle. Thankfully, it multitasks just as
happily as ROM does, making things like writing this review a doodle :.
Contentwise, theres a lot of stuff from The Party 6 this time, as can
be expected. I also found the article from the Atari show interesting, as
its not the kind of thing you usually find in an Amiga diskmagazine.
Overall, though, the writing here is of a disappointing quality. I guess
weve all been spoilt rotten by ROM - the diskmag standard to which all
others are held. With some polishing, a LOT better layour for the
articles and a brigther display, Generation could be a winner... glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Exit Planet Dust 1997, 29.03, AGA 030 8MB Multifile Demo.
code: Azure, Tron, Graham/Oxyron, Scout, gfx: Fiver2 5R2, Tiberius 3d,
music: Skyphos main, Virgill endpart.
2nd in The Gathering 97 demo competition.
review: EPD opens with an innovative opening part where presumably the
coders of the demo are part of the 3d scenes. Its real hard to describe,
but it sets just the right mood! Then the music changes, and we move into
space... next is a phong object over a moving background, then a
spaceship crashes through a wall, and strange pipes twist and turn... EPD
is a world of wonder, with lots of strange things going on... Then a quick
trip through a tunnel before another phongobjects, this time with some
other, smaller objects flying around... Then a falling, colorful object,
some bump and envmapping on a couple of new objects... Then - abd this is
cool - the entire screen starts twisting around the last object! Next is a
massive, colorful and fast 3d scene with a humanoid shape in the middle.
Another object follows, before 5R2s fullscreen pic Earthpeople, winner
at SILICONvention 97 that same weekend. Next is a weird sort of bumpmap
effect I really dont know what to calll... : Some more sparkly objects
follow, before a new, bumpmapped tunnel. Next is a fullscreen raytraced
pic with a red hand stretching towards the user, then some star objects
appear at the same time, before three brief objects signify EXIT - PLANET
- DUST and its all over. Technically oustanding, with generally very good
music, there was no doubt about who would win 2nd prize at The Gathering.
This is a very very good demo, no question, but... its simply just not
Captured Dreams The version reviewed is the compoversion, which is
missing the endpart Virgills module exists only in the final version,
with endpart which was omitted at TG because of the organizers imposed
space limit of 5MB. This is for some reason widely regarded as a
cooperation with C-Lous, but in actuality Scout was already a full Artwork
member at the time. His entire contribution to the demo however was just
one tunnel routine. The demo requires an 030-50, but recommends at least
040-40 or 060. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Megademo IV 1997, 30.03, AGA ?MB Multifile.
code: Azure main, Sharon morphface, Skyphos morphface, lightscape,
Tron particles, Argon loader, gfx: Fiver2 main, Noogman picture,
backdrop, Nero picture, Tiberius 3d, music: Virgill.
Winner of the Mekka Symposium 97 demo competition!
review: Unfortunately, after seeing this demo - which is above average,
dont get me wrong - I experience a feeling of disappointment. I had just
seen the third-placer demo Thug Life by Essence, and was thinking any
demo that can beat this is worth watching. The problem is perhaps more in
the fact that Azure has made SO MANY demos like this - its got his
fingerprints all over it. Azure is one of the best - if not THE best -
coders out there, and hes technnically brilliant. However, he does not
have that much ORIGINALITY in him, and when he releases two demos so close
together, it is perhaps inevitable that they will resemble each other.
This is a technically excellent demo, but doesnt EXCITE me. After seeing
the demo, Im afraid I must conclude that Artwork won this competition as
much on name as they did on content. Azure told me via email that after
seeing the competition he imagined itd end up third. The entire demo was
put together from Exit Planet Dust leftovers in the two days after it
competed at The Gathering, which goes a long way to explain why it is what
it is.
MIV marks Artworks fourth consecutive victory at the Symposium, which
certainly means theyve earned themselves a place in the history books.
Its just sad that the demo that does it is their weakest so far. The demo
has been tested on 8MB fast machines only, but the text file mentions that
it may work on 4MB machines too - its just never been tested. 030-50
recommended for maximum pleasure. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Generation issue 24 1997, .04, AGA HD Multifile Diskmag.
code: Detector, Eksec/Infect additional, gfx: Nero title 2, Geist and
Germ/Balance title 2, RokDaZone fonts, Nero clip, Skyphos clip,
music: Crimson Pool by Azazel/TBL, Silence by The Loop both Tracker
Packer 3 format, editors: RokDaZone main, Damion, The Ripper.
review: No less than two title pictures open the show this time - another
surrealistic masterpiece by Nero opens the ball, followed by a cartoon-
like rendition by Geist - whose technique here reminds me of some of the
classics from Bustman/Crusaders, that blocky but still smooth look
The mag itself has the familiar design from Cougar, nothing has changed
here. Two reasonable pieces of music offer audial delight. This issue was
released just after the two major easter-parties of the year, The
Gathering and Mekka Symposium, and contains ample coverage of both.
Neros title picture is a rendition of Boheme 29, his 8th-placed
picture from Mekka Symposium 97, with the added text Original by Jamiri
in the top left corner, and a Generation logo in the bottom left. This
issue also announced the leaving of Detector, long-time Generation
coder. The mag would continue without him - but still with his old code...
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.1.
Generation issue 25 1997, Diskmag.
info: The final issue released under Artwork, the next issue was released
under the Endzeit label.
Megademo IV 2 1998, 12.04, Demo.
production: Tron, Azure, Fiver2.
8th in the Mekka Symposium 98 demo competition.
info: The final Artwork demo...
ASCII Unlimited ASU
ENG Telemach ex Nerve Axis.
Here We Go 1993, autumn, Intro.
production: Khul/Infect, Telemach, Nimrod, Tango/Balance.
GER Black Ghost sysop LUCKY STRIKE, 09/91, Lunatic sysop ICE HOUSE,
09/91, Stingray 09/91, Synthetic Line sysop ICEHOUSE, 09/91.
Boards SPEED BIT ger, 09/91.
German Tron joined Crystal.
Aspect Incorporated
Boards ROAD TO NOWHERE WHQ usa, 07/94, BLOODY DECISION ger, 07/94,
TOTAL KAOS ger, 07/94, MAX ROCK N ROLL ger, 07/94, EVIL MOON ger,
Aspect Incorporated was a subgroup of Delirium, and released a few cracks of
German versions of some games.
The board TIME WAR joined Gothic.
??? Ares raytrace, Invert music, new 06/96, Lash swap, Misha
trade, Seb McKein trade, ex Mystic, new 06/96.
1996 - Elmek left the scene in june.
Zoltar joined Alcatraz early92.
Asphyxia Design
??? Cookie gfx, 08/94, Shagan code, 08/94.
Ilyad 1994, 07.08, AGA 4MB Multifile, 4 Disks.
Cooperation with Alcatraz, see there for review.
Thexder joined Alpha Flight.
Astra is dead. All members Saint, Aero, Tas... joined The Silents.
Astra Syntex -1996
Astra Syntex died late 1996.
FIN Boris, Benjamin.
Nightmare and Gonso joined Cyborx mid 91.
GER FCKW sysop SECOND WORLD, Joker sysop SADO CITY, TCM sysop
FIN Eddie, Ice.
USA Brain Dead sysop PURGATORY, Desert Rat sysop GURU HAVEN,
Perpetual Demise sysop CRYPT OF ETERNITY, The Skeleton sysop
??? Der Stuermer trade, 92.
FRA Anex gfx, Fred ex Agile, Reflex music, ex Rebels.
Atlantys was a French demo group, who house several french scene
celebrities in the early 90s. According to Stolen Data 10, the French
section of Rebels was rebuilt, and consisted a.o. of Anex and Reflex.
So I guess maybe Reflex rejoined his old group?
French graphician Hof joined The Silents.
Frenchmen Neptune code, Titan gfx and Mental swap, ex Tech, old handle
Agony joined Anarchy.
Slideshow 1991?, ECS Slideshow.
code: Neptune, gfx: Hof, Anex, music: Titan. info: Reviewed RAW1.
Atomic old ATC, -1993
NOR Bandit sysop DARK HELL, new late92, MC Light code, 04/92.
GER Agent Orange P.Kaufmann, swap, ex Arise, Crimeslime Bernd Stoede, ex
Paranoid, old handle Ripper, Smash Martin Busche, swap trade, ex
Arise, 04/92.
FIN Bad Karma ex Deadline.
??? Altair code, 04/92, Chronomancer swap, 04/92, Dee-Lite music,
04/92, Doc trade, 04/92, Drow music, 04/92, Lost Boy music,
04/92, Maclean gfx, 04/92, MB music, 04/92, Mr.X gfx, 04/92,
Rabies trade, 04/92, Rebell MC gfx, 04/92, Red Alert music,
04/92, Rico gfx, 04/92, Seltex trade, 04/92, The Guardian swap,
04/92, The Kidney music, 04/92, Thexder music, ex Alpha flight,
Venus swap, 04/92, Wizzler swap, 04/92.
When Atomic died, the 8 best guys formed a new crew called Stone Arts in
march 1993. Im making an educated guess that those 8 were Ice old handle
Double, Dolphin old handle Nemo, Hugo, Kekken, Shape, Storm, Rozzoe and
Syntex, and have removed them from the memberlist to reflect this.
1992 - Norwegian musician and swapper Gang Starr changed his handle to
Sonic, and joined Awe in july.
1993 - Norwegian musician Absent ex Cyborgs, new late92 joined Impulse.
1995 - When Stone Arts fell apart in 1995, Dolphin reformed Atomic.
Slam rejoined Acrid.
Norwegian Adolf joined Destiny.
Frone rejoined The Dark Demon.
Musician Dirty Harry 04/92 joined Digivision.
Intro 1992, ECS Intro.
code: Ice, gfx: Shape, music: Syntex.
Unbelievable 1992, 15.04, ECS Trackmo.
code: Ice, Storm, Hugo loader, gfx: Rebell MC, MacLean, Storm, Shape,
music: Syntex. 7th in The Gathering 92 demo competition.
review: This demo does not appear to work, no matter what I try. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- note: See review.
Intro 1992, 12.10, ECS Intro.
code: Ice, gfx: Kekken, music: Rozzoe.
Atomic new ATM, 1995-1996
HOL THC sysop MYSTICAL PLACES WHQ, doublememb Myth, 03/95.
The new Atomic was formed by Dolphin/Stone Arts and Colorbird/ex Razor 1911
new after Stone Arts fell apart. Their intention was to release a new
diskmag, based on the best of Headline dolphin and Propaganda
colorbird, but this project newer saw fruit, and the group slowly died
away without a single release... I have therefore speculated in a 1996 death
date, hope some of the members can step forward and tell me if this is a
faulty assumption.
Atomic Intelligence
DEN A.B.M., Deflex, E.B., Fox ex Bytestar, Garfield, Gremlin, Mask,
Radagast, Spiderman ex Bytestar, T.D.M., Victory, Zenix.
Burger and Milkshake joined Kefrens old.
Fldeskum ECS File.
Atomic Team
DEN Axe, Magician X, Megabyte.
Atomic Team was based in Denmark. Promax who would later write the
assembler Asm-One, while still a member, released one of the first module
rippers Sound-Hacker 1.1.
Danes Promax code and Nightlight music joined Kefrens old.
SWE The Yench sysop THE YENCH HOUSE, 01/95.
Attraxion is DEAD.
Aurora -1993
SWE Cyber and Slash sysops CRAZY WORLD, ex Supplex, Dee-Jay music,
ex Hypnosis, new 12/91, Dexter sysop TOTAL DISASTER, ex Alpha
Flight, new ca 01/92, Dreamweaver Per Wahlstrom, code music, 07/91,
Flex trade, 92, Horace Wimp Fredrik Skogh, music, 06/90-92,
Hyperion sysop GREAT LAKE, Joker, MegaStorm music, new 91,
Regulator Anders Larsson, code gfx music, new 09/91-12/92, The Red
Dragon swap, 11/90, Trinity ex Hypnosis, new 12/91, Trodac sysop
UNFORGIVEN, ex Alpha Flight, new 12/91, Westwood ex Hypnosis, Wico
sysop GANGZTERZ PARADIZE EHQ, 91, Zcandaler David, trade sysop
TOTAL ECLIPSE, 11/90-09/92, Zipex trade, new 91.
GER Hellraiser sysop HELLBOUND, 09/91.
??? Cougar gfx, 92, Dodger new 12/91, Dolby 12/91, Druid code gfx
music, 12/90, Eagle, Extacy ex Submission, Fignal O. music,
Leprosy sysop METAL CHURCH, Lizard gfx, 90, Nibbler, Satan Claus
sysop, Saturn code gfx, 07/91, Sputnik swe? code gfx, 06/90,
Triton code, 12/91, Yogi Bear swe? code gfx, 06/90.
Aurora was a demo group based in sweden, perhaps best remembered for their
sadly underrated but great musician Dreamweaver.
1991 - With the release of the demo Illusions 12/91 in december,
several new members were announced: Deejay, Trinity, Rocket all ex
Hypnosis, Trodac ex AFL, Dodger and Ragman.
1992 - A lot of the groups time was put into development of their game
Tomtespelet The Santa Claus Game early this year, which they were hoping
to finish sometime in the spring. Swedish Dexter joined from Alpha Flight
with his board TOTAL DISASTER around january. An upcoming music disk with
music by Dreamweaver, Dee Jay and Horace Wimp was announced for release
soon in PMC and New Waves diskmag R.A.W 2 02/92, but was never
finished as far as we are aware. Zcandaler reopened his board in september.
At The Party in december, the groups final demo Lost In Denmark 12/92
was released to a disappointing 11th position in the demo competition.
1993 - Swedish coders Spirou and Cuddley both new 09/92 joined The
Silents sometime between january and may. The group died late in the year.
Jampin and Thorax left.
Coder and graphician Rubicon 12/91 joined Fairlight.
Swede Rocket ex Hypnosis, new 12/91 joined Virtual.
The board PARTYLINE left.
German sysop Headhunter CONDEMNED CELL/PARTY LINE, 09-10/91 joined
Dual Crew.
Swedish sysop Damien PURPLE PLEXUS joined Complex.
Swedish sysop Dare SLIME CITY left the scene.
Intruder Megademo ECS Trackmo.
Reign In Blood BallisticFreakout BBS Intro ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Dreamweaver, music: Valor of Faith by Dreamweaver ProTracker
MOD format.
Starvation ECS File.
code/gfx: Triton, music: Opus2 by Fignal O. ProTracker MOD format.
In 1990 1990, ECS Demo.
code: n/a, Triton, gfx: Lizard, music: 1990 by Horace Wimp ProTracer
MOD format.
New Demo 1990, .06, ECS Demo.
code/gfx: Yogi Bear, Sputnik, music: Element of Insanity by Horace Wimp
ProTracker MOD format.
Mind Field 1990, .12, ECS Game/Demo.
code/gfx: Druid, music: 007 and Walking Fire by Druid ProTracker MOD
format. info: Nibbler Game Demo.
Dreamscape 1991, ECS File.
code: Dreamweaver, Rubicon, gfx: Saturn, music: A King Is Born by
Dreamweaver ProTracker MOD format.
Back To Front 1991, ECS File.
code: Regulator, gfx: n/a, music: Global Rock by n/a ProTracker MOD
format. info: This production announced five new members joined Aurora
Regulator, Spirou, Cuddley, Zipex and Megastorm.
Board Intro 1991, .07, ECS Intro.
code/gfx: Saturn, music: Shivers by Dreamweaver ProTracker MOD format.
Illusions 1991, .12, ECS Demo.
code: Triton, gfx: Rubicon fonts, Anders Finer mainlogo, music:
Genovision! by Horace Wimp ProTracker MOD format.
Info: This demo announced new members joined Deejay, Trinity, Rocket all
ex Hypnosis, Trodac ex AFL, Dodger and Ragman.
BBS Demo 1992, ECS File.
code: Spirou, Cuddley, gfx: Cougar font, picture, Regulator font,
backlogo, Spirou minfont, music: Horace Wimp Phenomena Packer format,
158834 bytes.
Lost in Denmark 1992, 28.12, ECS File.
code: Regulator, Cuddley, Spirou, gfx: Regulator, music: Skummet Maelk
by Regulator ProTracker MOD format.
11th in The Party 92 demo competition.
Prelude 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tron.
End of Aushax 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tron.
Interlude 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx/music: Ice, Tron.
Epilogue 1990, ECS File.
code/gfx: Ice, Tron, music: Tmk.
Australian Crackers United ACU
AUS Donatello old handle Microchip, 07/90, TIC crack, 06/90.
ACU was an Australian demo and cracking group.
1990 - Australian Pirasoft was busted around 07/90, and got ALL his stuff
confiscated by the Police. I dont know if this means that he left scene?
Some members were kicked, like Mister A, Fugitive and Crystal.
Australian Ginnie was later in Quartex.
Megademo ECS Trackloaded Megademo.
Avalanche was a small, promising Norwegian group, but when they died their
members were spread everywhere, and none of them made much of an impact
again. Their best members Keo music, Hoaxer and Big Red joined Fraxion.
Quark, Madwand and Cybermage formed a new group called Ecthelion.
Himalaya ECS Demo.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Atmospheric by KEO 4ch MOD format.
Avalon AVL
NOR Aragorn code, 12/93, Scentex swap, Shine, Zak Arild Ravlosve,
??? Cujo gfx, 12/93, Osprey.
Avalon was a Norwegian demo group.
1997 - Norwegian graphician and musician Typhoon 12/93 joined Gods early
in the year.
Zack joined Saints.
Out of Time ECS Trackmo.
code: n/a, gfx: Typhoon, music: n/a.
review: This starts loading, showing a picture by Typhoon. When its done
loading it crashes. Caches off/original chipset does not do any good.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0 -- note: See review!
40k Intro 1993, 28.12, ECS 40k Intro.
code: Aragorn, gfx: Typhoon font, Cujo raytrace, music: Typhoon.
Split 19th in The Party 93 40k intro competition.
review: Nothing exceptional immediately springs to mind, but this is not
a bad intro. It certainly didnt deserve 19th place! I guess the fact
that theyre relatively unknown might have a lot to do with that...
Anyway, some ok executed effects here, though they could perhaps have
spared themselves the perilous alien animation. glenn
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Response 1995, 14.04, Demo.
2nd in The Gathering 95 demo competition.
Avantgarde 1994-1995
GER Knuckles Yann Cebron, founder code swap, Sonic gfx music swap, ex
Platin, The Crow Jens, founder ascii, doublememb Artcore details,
??? Cascay gfx swap, ex Pulse, Vadium 01/95.
Formed by 2Fast/TRSI and Donk/Pulse in the middle of august 1994. 2Fast
changed his handle to The Crow and later changed it back, and Donk to
Knuckles. The group died somewhere between january and august 1995.
1996 - MG joined Savage in april.
German swapper Gangsta joined Scoopex.
Avenger -1990
SWI Hardrider code crack sysop THE ELECTRIC CO., early92, Hornet
code crack, later Alcatraz, PGCS gfx, later Alcatraz.
??? Burgame, Columbo, Daniel, Dead Sector, Dreamer, Fox, Humanoid,
Illusion, Magnetix, Metalwar code crack, Mike, Psycho, Red Storm,
Spreadforce, Steeve, Studio 3, Zodiac.
Avenger was a swiss-based illegal group, doing cracks.
1990 - French coder Funky joined Hexodus in january. Avenger died in 1990,
and their members joined Trilogy, Brainstorm and Alcatraz.
Avirex 1989-
Avirex was officially born on the first of january 1989.
Avocado AVC, 1995-
NOR Felix Karsten L. Fischer, swap, Sixpack swap pack.
SWE Pozz gfx swap, later C-Lous, Stevie swap ascii.
FIN Addict code, Apache sysop, Grand gfx, John Harder gfx ascii
swap, KML swap, Miro gfx swap, Substance org music swap, Zandax
music swap.
GER Base swap.
BEL Buttercup music swap, Cybernaut code.
AUS Cro code.
ENG Devistator gfx swap ascii, Realitor code swap.
HOL Fate ascii swap trade.
AUT Moon code.
Avocado was born when Kinky changed its name to Avocado in late 95.
1995 - Belgian, Turkish and Polish divisions were kicked late 95.
Svos, Blade, Woober, Beholder, Madman fin music and Rockeronic ger
music were all kicked late 95.
1996 - The entire english section left, while Finnish organizer,
musician and swapper Enzyme was kicked late in the year.
Avoid -1990
Avoid ceased to exist as a separate group around june 90, when they went
into cooperation with Celtic, still under the name Celtic. Among the members
who went along to Celtic was Avalon.
GER Art Andreas Fronk, swap, Dooz, Dr.Dree, Red Luck, Vega, Vision.
HOL Nitro, R2, Riptile, Tornado.
GER Crusher.
??? Alex, Douglas ex Exort, Exciter ex Exort, Gonzo ex Exort, Jesus
P ex Exort, Kahn ex Exort.
Cardinal was kicked, and joined Alpha Flight.
German swapper Red Knight joined The Electronic Knights.
Swedish modemtrader Sali-Adalat ex Exort joined Legend.
Here We Are Demo.
info: The groups first release.
NOR Citizen gfx, 03/92, Dee-Lite ex 5th Generation, new 09/92, Sadman
swap, Sonic music swap, ex Gang Starr/Atomic, new 09/92, The
Strangler music, 03/92, Warlord swap.
??? Jim ex Cyborgs, new early93, Mr.Magic ex Cyborgs, new early93.
Awe were a wholly uninspiring Norwegian group, whose biggest claim to
fame is having spawned another mediocre Norwegian group, Talent.
1992 - Dee-Lite joined from 5th Generation 09/92.
Redferne joined Desire.
Mr.Frenzy joined Animators.
Norwegians Mace, Pensplit, Necrologic, Mr.Z code, 03/92 and Android ex
Vega left to form a new group called Talent.
Invincibility 1 Packemenu 1992, 29.03, ECS Packmenu.
code: Mr.Z, gfx: Citizen, music: Grimstad by Night by The Strangler 4ch
MOD format.
review: Ok, first of all: the raster bars were not coded by Mr.Z!!
The routine was coded by Nosferatu/Razor 1911, and published in a
Norwegian computer magazine! I remember typing it in myself, to see the
effect, and I remember the text string that was embedded in hex, so you
wouldnt see it when you typed it in, only in memory. Therefore using
other peoples routines and claiming they are your own is LAME! Avoid.
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Note: Works with KillAGA, but bugs a little.
GER Aerobase swap, ex Vanish, Black Trooper Hans Spirk, gfx swap,
02/92, Empire sysop BORDERLINE, ex Setrox.
BEL Mad Shitbrain sysop METAL IMPACT.
SWE Him code, 04/92, Mr.Crook code, 04/92.
USA Master Copy sysop DAWNS END, ex New Wave.
??? Apollo ex Hypnotic, Dyce, Mace old handle Citizen, 09/92, Raider,
Scott ex Magnetic Fields, new mid91, Storm ex Energy.
Awesome was well reinforced when most members of the group Vox Dei joined
and formed a Swedish division. These were at least Him code. Swedish
coders Mr.Crook and Him are behind the cruncher Turtle Smasher. The group is
now dead.
1991 - Lawbreaker joined Vanish, while Vindex joined Zylon/Alpha Flight
around the middle of the year. Most members left for Alpha Flight in
1992 - German swapper Wonderboy ex Energy, old handle Slider joined Dual
Crew in september. German coder Blackraven joined Agnostic Front around
september he did NOT leave the scene, as claimed in R.A.W 3.
Ninja joined Dual Crew.
Montana Rice, who joined from Vanish with Aerobase, soon moved on to The
Electronic Knights TEK.
Tomcat joined Complex.
Dane Krueger joined the new Kefrens.
Gintro 1992, early, ECS Intro.
code: Prospector, gfx: Black Trooper, Fairfax/PMC, music: Accel.
Axe -1991
NOR Shadow swap, Slider swap.
Axe died in 1991. Members joined The Special Brothers, Decept and Digital
Chris joined Grace.
The board THE BLACK HOLE joined Wizzcat.
F.O.A.P. 1995, 30.08, ECS 64k Intro.
code/gfx: Axen, music: Harry.
Released for the Intel Outside 95 64k intro competition.
review: When was the last time you saw linevectors? Dont run this
intro and youll be spared for another 5 years. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0. -- Note: Needs KillAGA!
Cool Intro 1990, 07.10, ECS Intro.
code: Dr. M, gfx: n/a, music: Chainsaw.
Axenon -89/90?
GER Phantom swap, 02/89.
Phantoms p.o. box was closed by the Police, but he soon found a new one
and kept on swapping! When Axenon died, a certain German coder renamed to
Chaos and joined The Undertakers...
??? Zalo ex The Family.
Axis old -1992
HOL Danny gfx, later TBL, 04/92.
??? Fresh gfx, old handle Roxis.
The original incarnation of Axis was once the best group on the Dutch scene,
until it fell apart. They received a reorganization in late 91, but it
wasnt enough to save the group and it died in early to late 1992. Most
members formed a new group called Freestyle. Two years later, Axis was
1991 - Dartagnan changed his handle to Mop and joined Coma mid 91.
Ofcourse, Mop would rise to the top of the diskmag pile - first with
McDisk in Coma and later Alcatraz, then with one issue of Compass for
Alcatraz, before taking on the helm of todays best magazine Essences
R.O.M. Dutchmen Claxon, Steroid and Magician Lord joined Desire at the
Prime 91 12/91 party, but only stayed for a few hours. Claxon and Steroid
rejoined Axis, while Magician Lord opted to stay independent. Later, after
Axis died, they all joined the new group Freestyle!
1992 - Liberator left Axis, and probably the scene due to lack of time
early92. However, he was back in the reborn Axis two years later! Dutch
swapper Kr33 ex Sanctuary joined Sanity with his famous pack Femur
Bundle 09/92. When Axis finally died, coder Crackerjack ex Vision, 07/91
joined Mirage, and the rest of the old members formed a new group called
Mace was kicked out.
King Dragon, Xotic, Double Dutch and Antibody got kicked.
Our Nation 1991, ECS File.
code: Crackerjack, gfx: Roxis, music: Rip-It/R.A.F.
Released at the Royal Party 91.
GLE tested A500 /000-7 /mb chip, mb fast/2.04.
Unknown Territory 1991, 07.12, ECS Trackmo.
code: Crackerjack, gfx: Fresh, music: Serial Killer by Jayce/Jetset.
Winner of the Prime 91 demo competition!
Axis new 1994-
N-L Anthony Anthony Jonker, code, ex Movement, late96, Radavi swap
sysop, late96, Steroid swap, ex Jetset new, late96, Tim code,
ENG Nik code, late96, Twilight music, late96.
N-L Jay-One gfx, ex Jetset new, Liberator Ronald, sysop MELANCHOLIC
THOUGHTS, ex Movement
GER Dark swap, ex TRSI, Tvaan Robby, gfx, aka Teevan, ex Melody,
ENG Paradroid code, ex Lemon., new late94, Subi music.
??? Eros gfx, 12/95, Timeless music, 12/95.
Axis was reborn in 1994 by members from a.o. Movement. They seem to be on
the descent now that some of their best and most famous members having
left them Rodney, Hollywood, Iso.
1995 - Swedish graphician Rodney joined TBL late in the year. At the party
in december, the group entered with productions for both the intro and demo
competitions. The 40k intro Headcase 12/95 stelios/lowlife/hollywood
with a little help from facet/tbl came 2nd in the competition, while the
demo Parakrishna 12/95 celtic/eros/timeless fared much worse, and
ended up at an abysmal 18th place in its competition
1996 - Female swapper Clary left in april, and is now only in Drifters.
Dutch musician Iso Christiaan Unck, 12/94 left late in the year. English
musician Hollywood ex Melody, double Desire, 12/95 and coder Stelios
12/95 both left to form their own group late in the year, called Vacuum.
Dutch coder Celtic 12/95-04/96 left the scene!
Dutch graphician Lowlife ex Hotline, 12/95 moved to the UK to work on
games, and joined TBL.
Big Time Sensuality 1994 or pre.
Picturebook AGA Disk, 4 disks.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hollywood.
Rootcanal Intro.
Headcase 1995, 28.12, AGA 40k Intro.
code: Stelios, gfx: Lowlife logo, Facet/TBL font, music: Hollywood.
2nd in The Party 5 40k intro competition.
review: Minimal but mighty. There are some mean shaded toruses here -
some of the bestlooking ones Ive ever seen, actually! In addition,
theres some motionblurred cubes and a colorexplosion effect - and the
whole things just 31k. Not bad at all!
In september 97, a fixed version V1.1 was released. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 4mb fast/3.0.
Parakrishna 1995, 28.12, Demo.
code: Celtic, gfx: Eros, music: Timeless.
18th in The Party 5 demo competition.
info: The text mentions it should run on an A500/1mb, but doesnt on my
system - perhaps on 1.3 A500s.
Time and Emotion 1996?, Musicdisk.
code: n/a, gfx: n/a, music: Hollywood.
info: The folllowing tunes are featured on the disk Acoustic 1790-1990,
Eskimo Logic, Ether Symphony..., Pluto VII, Real-Life, Rejuvenation-Jazz,
Spilt Milk, Time+Emotion-Intro, TitaniumLeafPrints, Voyager.
N.G.M.M.H. 1996, 07.04, 4k Intro.
code: Celtic, gfx: n/a, music: n/a.
2nd in the Symposium 96 4k intro competition.
review: A simple 4ker, just a blocky 2x2? flame effect with the word
Celtic appearing in the flames from time to time. glenn
GLE tested A1200/030-50/2mb chip, 16mb fast/3.0.
Axxis -1989
Axxis died at the end of summer 1989, when the entire group swiss and
german sections left to join Brainstorm.
Azkiness AZK
POL Draw ascii swap, doublememb Ambrosia details, late96.
Azkiness is a group we know not much about, but judging from the name we
guess its a fair assumption that this is an ascii group
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