this image contains text
skillsintroductory issue number one
good day kind reader, and thank you for obtaining the skills ascii review.
this was originally going to be a fun, all out, elite, ansi-like ascii
scene magazine, with contributors, distro sites, headquarters, gay stuff,
and the like, but that idea tired me, so i thought id just review some
of the latest ascii packs. thank you for listening, and enjoy the mag.
as far as reviews go, they dont seem to be out of ten, now do they?
basically 6 is average, 5 is below average, and 7 is above. anything
higher is rarely awarded.
What you are viewing the the third revision of this magazine, the revision
that finally got released. Expect bigger and better things in further mags.
Contributors are welcome, in the way of art, rumors, et cetera.
- Megga Hertz the Kingpin
skills, basic pack six, 06, basic-06.zip.
/ / / Not bad boys, not bad at
-------//---------//-----/ all. A hardcore showing
5q: : from this Makaveli style
BBBBB A S i C SiXX --- resureccted ascii group.
... bACK2dA bASiCS ...
5qbsc6 asc 6 Way to break the ??-????? trend buddy. Pretty bad
assed, amiga overtones werent needed.
ack-bas6 asc 6
b-quake txt 6 Though not a perfect colly format, these logos rule.
bio-air? asc 5 Did I ask to see the same thing twice?
bio-rev1 asc 6 Lacked background, hardass otherwise.
bm-* asc 7 Buckwild madstyle.
cn-* asc 7 Unreadable Good, its obvious cain is developing his
own unique style.
dsp-fln asc 7 Oooohhyeah baby, this is true high-qual.
ko-as01 asc 6 Alright, but a lot of acidjack style.
kz-ba06! asc 7 Fat, Phat, and good. Good use of multiple chars.
mso-bsun asc 7 Looks like graf.
Oldschool highlight : Squish
.Ss p l e e nN.
. Ss o u pP /
+o jizm
Newschool highlight : Ack
g,,g g,,g g,ggggg,g g,
ggggg. : : :
+ basic ascii / in 1997
+ by : aCk/rMRS1981/bASiCgUESt
skills, comic pack two, 02, comic-02.zip.
/ // / Spinns newer group hits hard
l / / / with a second pak release that
-----O--i-- contains some very impressive
oldschool, along with some al-
comic!ascii packet number 02 right newschool. Due to the
our mustaches are getting bigger fact that this pak had a large
number of pieces from a few
-------------------------------mess--- members, individual piece rev-
iews will not be given.
Oldschool highlight : Spinn.
Newschool highlight : Absent Spinsister.
skills, remorse pack twelve, 12, rmrs-12.zip.
ll ll
.aP l 12 packs long, 12 packs strong, the ACiD
ll ii based Remorse!Ascii shines with a strong
II showing of both old and newschool ascii.
lmm m Powerful contributions from a resurected
MrK and Christopher Robin made this pack
.. ll. my pick of the month.
Y spremorse
ack-0697 asc 7 With an not a perfect colly format, its still hard.
axb-rmrs asc 7 Newschool shapes with oldschool outlines, aXB proves a
formidable force in both mediums with this quality pic.
bds-* asc 6 Skilled oldschool, nice shaping.
c4-sign asc 6 Messy enough to be called a winner.
cg-0697 asc 5 These logos shoulda been taken further, comeon maing..
cn-rmrs asc 6 The mob always on their job! Bubbly, and good.
cn-p42 asc 6 Cains bubbles with Maestro-like fading, skillish.
cr-ascii asc 7 Chris Robin just doesnt follow any standards, which
is what makes his ascii so damn good.
jak-avj asc 8 Not only my hands down favorite acidjack logo, but
probably one of the best newschools ever.
mk-cult asc 8 Apparently mrk is back, and in a big way.
mk-os asc 7 A damn good use of oldschool for pic formation.
mt-high asc 5 Shouldnt have been in the pack g
nm-mny asc 7 Quite possibly Necromancers best ever.
nm-rms1 asc 7 Quite possibly Necromancers best ever.
nu-kwest asc 5 Not detailed enough for my liking, draw pics again.
r-eden txt 6 Madstyle.
r-money txt 7 Jesus, this is as long as one of those Abba-Zabba bars,
and its good the whole way down.
sp-named asc 6
t2-nm1 ans 7 An accurate pictorial of Necromancers bawlz. An ansi
pic that snuck into the pack + an ascii font. Verygood.
tm-group asc 6 Its called Remorse, for next time, nice logo.
tm-mci asc 7 Whoa, it pops out like those old cartoon books, badass.
Oldschool highlight : Christopher Robin/Hiro Protagonist
---- GroundZero ------------------------------------------------------------
G R 0 U N D Z E R 0
. V . : . /
hP! l .......:::::: :::::::
Newschool highlight : Mrk/Acid Jack
i: ::ii. :iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMM888TTTiii: :i::
ii : : ::: .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!MM!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM888TTTiiii:: i:
ii::::: : .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8888TTiiiii: ::
::i:iii: .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!MM!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM88888TTTiiii: ::i:
:: i:iii: :iiiiiTTT8888MMMMMMMMM!!!!MMMM!!!MMMMMMMMMMMM88888TTTiiii: :ii:
i:: ::::: iiiiiiiiiTT88888MMMMMM!!MMMMMM!!!MMMMMMMM8888TTiiiiii:: :i:
i:::. ::: iiTT88888MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!MMMMM88Ti :
:::::.. .::iiiii:.. iiT888MMMMMMMMMMMM88TTi ...::a8iiii::. :
:::: .:i88iiiiiiiiii::. iiT88MMMMMMMMM88TTii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:: ::
::i: :i8iiiii :iiiiiTT88MMMMMMM8TTiiiiiii::::::: ::
:iiii .88 * i8iiiiT88MMMMMM8TTiiiiiiiMM. * a. :: :
:iiiii. iMi. aMM8iiiiT88MMMMM8TiiiiTii88Mi. .aMP
:iiiTTiii:. YMMM888iiiiiiT8MMMM88TiiiT88Tiii88MRK ..::.
Presenting the new Cult of the Remorsed. It seems that ascii artists are
accepted as real artists now. Weve graduated from A bunch of wackos
to Cult. Soon it will be mainstream.. and I shudder to think of what
will happen then. Anyways, for those of you unfamiliar with my work, this
is my old style. It takes forever to draw.. this one took 1 week, and
youll notice that its exactly the size of the Pico editing screen
yyyo**aq**yyyo*--*ayy**yyyo**aq p*-qqyyp*ay**yyyo*--*aqyynqyyyyy**qyy :
.... P ,g@p, P ,g@p, **P ,g@p, jL ggP ,g@p, Tb, T ..:
: **l j TP jL
: , TP , TP , , TP , TP , , *ao**qL TD
0P j
: @uu@uu@uuu@uu@yy@qy@y@yy@yy@@yy@u@
: : . . PD
:......:........: : D
p ,db db ,db T :
: : P ,g@ P j L TP j j :
: : P j: T9
,L T9
:................: , Ql :p
g@by@ ....:
,.I ACiD Productions, 1997
skills, serial pack five, 05 serial05.zip.
Look beyond the rumors, the hatred,
/ // / /. and the attitude of this Badboy
. / ./ Records of the ascii scene, and you
l / . l might find some fairly decent art.
5qvol .
.S E R I A L 5.
l l
5q-srl5 asc 6 Nice oldschool. If nothing else, Squish is consistent.
74-futa asc 6 Very nice pic, font was alright.. .
arl-rara asc 5 The shaping skills just arent there.
axb-col7 asc 7 aXB is good Very good.
axb-sr04 asc 7 Now this is just badass, Im afraid to see stuff like
this colored.
bd-salt ans 5 Colored too much like Absent Spinsters style.
cm-one ans 6 Nice looking. Also pumpking looking.
dx-soq ans 6 The best of dxs colored newschools.
gv-s05os asc 6 Nice, but too mHz-ish.
gv-tnp ans 6 Good coloring skills.
hzn-srl5 asc 6 Whoa, theres no food on my plate, and I dont remember
mp-colly asc 4 If every 2 logos I released was a colly, Id be on my
92,479th or so. The coloring didnt look done.
prf-dep asc 6 Not a bad font from a guy who is primarly a pic artist.
purify cap 0 Making fun of your own members couldnt be too good.
sar-nd asc 6 The guy with the hat in the background is pretty cool.
tg-mf asc 6 Tango accomplishes that amiga look in a pc world.
tn-cokrk txt 6 Its good to see that tzeentechs style has evolved into
something... Not bad.
tr-grngu asc 4 This is a dupe, from an older OiL pack.
tr-joint asc 6 Good, but looks unfinished.
Oldschool highlight : aXB
/------//---, / , / u
// / , / / -,,, ----,, r
+ -- -----,----,//---,/ . , -,, // : i
------- -- -- - o -, - --//-+ n
. ::,- / . gotst4 t4ke ,,----,
/ a p1zzzzs ,---- / / --,, a
/--- . ,-,/----x,, / l
. . : ---------- . , u3!!! / /
. . . . : . o . /-,
:. . :: :,/ +d4 sh1tt4h . :. / .
wype y0 a b1tch---+ - - - - ,
Newschool highlight : aXB
,sSSSs SSSSSSSs, ,,ss fruite!? , Ss
, s . Ss,,-sS s, iss s .
,sSSi ,i -s, i , - s, ,
,s s Si SSssssS,s
,ssssSSSS ss,,, ,, ,, isss,,,, ,
ssSS i i iSSS ,S
i i i ,- ,
i , , ,s s ,
x ,s i s ,
aB- sSS ,,, , S,,,,Ss, ,,,i,
i -,, ,
fruite s,,----,
skillsrecent colly index
Title Filename Artist Availability
Money r-money.txt hiro p G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
The Godfather r-mhztgf.txt mhz G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
The Future r-future.txt hp/ckid G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
Casino b-casino.txt mjay basic 6 BASIC
Quake b-quake.txt seismic basic 6 BASIC
Raras Artes arl-rara.asc arlequin serial 5 SRL
MofUNKY tg-mf.asc tango serial 5 SRL
Cock Rock tn-cokrk.txt tzeentch serial 5 SRL
Break The Rules spn-btr.asc spinn comic 3 COMIC
Cybergod and Wise-K of Serial, also of Epsilon Design, and Jedi Arts,
respectively, have left Serial for Remorse ASCII.
Odelay has been renamed Seiken.
Megga Hertz has been resurected as BUGSY.
------ File Identification -----------------------------------------------
:. ./ . .: mHzbugsy2 :.. ...:
------ end of file, sauce description lies below ----------------------
COMNTsKILLS aSCII aRT pRESS - rELEASE oNE ,,--------------,, // ,,// .... // ,-- /.... ::: / : : .. . ..: / : SAUCE00Skills Ascii Press Number 1 Megga Hertz Skills 19970607w
skillsintroductory issue number one
good day kind reader, and thank you for obtaining the skills ascii review.
this was originally going to be a fun, all out, elite, ansi-like ascii
scene magazine, with contributors, distro sites, headquarters, gay stuff,
and the like, but that idea tired me, so i thought id just review some
of the latest ascii packs. thank you for listening, and enjoy the mag.
as far as reviews go, they dont seem to be out of ten, now do they?
basically 6 is average, 5 is below average, and 7 is above. anything
higher is rarely awarded.
What you are viewing the the third revision of this magazine, the revision
that finally got released. Expect bigger and better things in further mags.
Contributors are welcome, in the way of art, rumors, et cetera.
- Megga Hertz the Kingpin
skills, basic pack six, 06, basic-06.zip.
/ / / Not bad boys, not bad at
-------//---------//-----/ all. A hardcore showing
5q: : from this Makaveli style
BBBBB A S i C SiXX --- resureccted ascii group.
... bACK2dA bASiCS ...
5qbsc6 asc 6 Way to break the ??-????? trend buddy. Pretty bad
assed, amiga overtones werent needed.
ack-bas6 asc 6
b-quake txt 6 Though not a perfect colly format, these logos rule.
bio-air? asc 5 Did I ask to see the same thing twice?
bio-rev1 asc 6 Lacked background, hardass otherwise.
bm-* asc 7 Buckwild madstyle.
cn-* asc 7 Unreadable Good, its obvious cain is developing his
own unique style.
dsp-fln asc 7 Oooohhyeah baby, this is true high-qual.
ko-as01 asc 6 Alright, but a lot of acidjack style.
kz-ba06! asc 7 Fat, Phat, and good. Good use of multiple chars.
mso-bsun asc 7 Looks like graf.
Oldschool highlight : Squish
.Ss p l e e nN.
. Ss o u pP /
+o jizm
Newschool highlight : Ack
g,,g g,,g g,ggggg,g g,
ggggg. : : :
+ basic ascii / in 1997
+ by : aCk/rMRS1981/bASiCgUESt
skills, comic pack two, 02, comic-02.zip.
/ // / Spinns newer group hits hard
l / / / with a second pak release that
-----O--i-- contains some very impressive
oldschool, along with some al-
comic!ascii packet number 02 right newschool. Due to the
our mustaches are getting bigger fact that this pak had a large
number of pieces from a few
-------------------------------mess--- members, individual piece rev-
iews will not be given.
Oldschool highlight : Spinn.
Newschool highlight : Absent Spinsister.
skills, remorse pack twelve, 12, rmrs-12.zip.
ll ll
.aP l 12 packs long, 12 packs strong, the ACiD
ll ii based Remorse!Ascii shines with a strong
II showing of both old and newschool ascii.
lmm m Powerful contributions from a resurected
MrK and Christopher Robin made this pack
.. ll. my pick of the month.
Y spremorse
ack-0697 asc 7 With an not a perfect colly format, its still hard.
axb-rmrs asc 7 Newschool shapes with oldschool outlines, aXB proves a
formidable force in both mediums with this quality pic.
bds-* asc 6 Skilled oldschool, nice shaping.
c4-sign asc 6 Messy enough to be called a winner.
cg-0697 asc 5 These logos shoulda been taken further, comeon maing..
cn-rmrs asc 6 The mob always on their job! Bubbly, and good.
cn-p42 asc 6 Cains bubbles with Maestro-like fading, skillish.
cr-ascii asc 7 Chris Robin just doesnt follow any standards, which
is what makes his ascii so damn good.
jak-avj asc 8 Not only my hands down favorite acidjack logo, but
probably one of the best newschools ever.
mk-cult asc 8 Apparently mrk is back, and in a big way.
mk-os asc 7 A damn good use of oldschool for pic formation.
mt-high asc 5 Shouldnt have been in the pack g
nm-mny asc 7 Quite possibly Necromancers best ever.
nm-rms1 asc 7 Quite possibly Necromancers best ever.
nu-kwest asc 5 Not detailed enough for my liking, draw pics again.
r-eden txt 6 Madstyle.
r-money txt 7 Jesus, this is as long as one of those Abba-Zabba bars,
and its good the whole way down.
sp-named asc 6
t2-nm1 ans 7 An accurate pictorial of Necromancers bawlz. An ansi
pic that snuck into the pack + an ascii font. Verygood.
tm-group asc 6 Its called Remorse, for next time, nice logo.
tm-mci asc 7 Whoa, it pops out like those old cartoon books, badass.
Oldschool highlight : Christopher Robin/Hiro Protagonist
---- GroundZero ------------------------------------------------------------
G R 0 U N D Z E R 0
. V . : . /
hP! l .......:::::: :::::::
Newschool highlight : Mrk/Acid Jack
i: ::ii. :iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMM888TTTiii: :i::
ii : : ::: .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!MM!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM888TTTiiii:: i:
ii::::: : .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM8888TTiiiii: ::
::i:iii: .:iiiiTT8888MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!MM!!MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM88888TTTiiii: ::i:
:: i:iii: :iiiiiTTT8888MMMMMMMMM!!!!MMMM!!!MMMMMMMMMMMM88888TTTiiii: :ii:
i:: ::::: iiiiiiiiiTT88888MMMMMM!!MMMMMM!!!MMMMMMMM8888TTiiiiii:: :i:
i:::. ::: iiTT88888MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!MMMMM88Ti :
:::::.. .::iiiii:.. iiT888MMMMMMMMMMMM88TTi ...::a8iiii::. :
:::: .:i88iiiiiiiiii::. iiT88MMMMMMMMM88TTii::iiiiiiiiiiiiiii:: ::
::i: :i8iiiii :iiiiiTT88MMMMMMM8TTiiiiiii::::::: ::
:iiii .88 * i8iiiiT88MMMMMM8TTiiiiiiiMM. * a. :: :
:iiiii. iMi. aMM8iiiiT88MMMMM8TiiiiTii88Mi. .aMP
:iiiTTiii:. YMMM888iiiiiiT8MMMM88TiiiT88Tiii88MRK ..::.
Presenting the new Cult of the Remorsed. It seems that ascii artists are
accepted as real artists now. Weve graduated from A bunch of wackos
to Cult. Soon it will be mainstream.. and I shudder to think of what
will happen then. Anyways, for those of you unfamiliar with my work, this
is my old style. It takes forever to draw.. this one took 1 week, and
youll notice that its exactly the size of the Pico editing screen
yyyo**aq**yyyo*--*ayy**yyyo**aq p*-qqyyp*ay**yyyo*--*aqyynqyyyyy**qyy :
.... P ,g@p, P ,g@p, **P ,g@p, jL ggP ,g@p, Tb, T ..:
: **l j TP jL
: , TP , TP , , TP , TP , , *ao**qL TD
0P j
: @uu@uu@uuu@uu@yy@qy@y@yy@yy@@yy@u@
: : . . PD
:......:........: : D
p ,db db ,db T :
: : P ,g@ P j L TP j j :
: : P j: T9
,L T9
:................: , Ql :p
g@by@ ....:
,.I ACiD Productions, 1997
skills, serial pack five, 05 serial05.zip.
Look beyond the rumors, the hatred,
/ // / /. and the attitude of this Badboy
. / ./ Records of the ascii scene, and you
l / . l might find some fairly decent art.
5qvol .
.S E R I A L 5.
l l
5q-srl5 asc 6 Nice oldschool. If nothing else, Squish is consistent.
74-futa asc 6 Very nice pic, font was alright.. .
arl-rara asc 5 The shaping skills just arent there.
axb-col7 asc 7 aXB is good Very good.
axb-sr04 asc 7 Now this is just badass, Im afraid to see stuff like
this colored.
bd-salt ans 5 Colored too much like Absent Spinsters style.
cm-one ans 6 Nice looking. Also pumpking looking.
dx-soq ans 6 The best of dxs colored newschools.
gv-s05os asc 6 Nice, but too mHz-ish.
gv-tnp ans 6 Good coloring skills.
hzn-srl5 asc 6 Whoa, theres no food on my plate, and I dont remember
mp-colly asc 4 If every 2 logos I released was a colly, Id be on my
92,479th or so. The coloring didnt look done.
prf-dep asc 6 Not a bad font from a guy who is primarly a pic artist.
purify cap 0 Making fun of your own members couldnt be too good.
sar-nd asc 6 The guy with the hat in the background is pretty cool.
tg-mf asc 6 Tango accomplishes that amiga look in a pc world.
tn-cokrk txt 6 Its good to see that tzeentechs style has evolved into
something... Not bad.
tr-grngu asc 4 This is a dupe, from an older OiL pack.
tr-joint asc 6 Good, but looks unfinished.
Oldschool highlight : aXB
/------//---, / , / u
// / , / / -,,, ----,, r
+ -- -----,----,//---,/ . , -,, // : i
------- -- -- - o -, - --//-+ n
. ::,- / . gotst4 t4ke ,,----,
/ a p1zzzzs ,---- / / --,, a
/--- . ,-,/----x,, / l
. . : ---------- . , u3!!! / /
. . . . : . o . /-,
:. . :: :,/ +d4 sh1tt4h . :. / .
wype y0 a b1tch---+ - - - - ,
Newschool highlight : aXB
,sSSSs SSSSSSSs, ,,ss fruite!? , Ss
, s . Ss,,-sS s, iss s .
,sSSi ,i -s, i , - s, ,
,s s Si SSssssS,s
,ssssSSSS ss,,, ,, ,, isss,,,, ,
ssSS i i iSSS ,S
i i i ,- ,
i , , ,s s ,
x ,s i s ,
aB- sSS ,,, , S,,,,Ss, ,,,i,
i -,, ,
fruite s,,----,
skillsrecent colly index
Title Filename Artist Availability
Money r-money.txt hiro p G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
The Godfather r-mhztgf.txt mhz G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
The Future r-future.txt hp/ckid G0AT/remorse 12 RMRS
Casino b-casino.txt mjay basic 6 BASIC
Quake b-quake.txt seismic basic 6 BASIC
Raras Artes arl-rara.asc arlequin serial 5 SRL
MofUNKY tg-mf.asc tango serial 5 SRL
Cock Rock tn-cokrk.txt tzeentch serial 5 SRL
Break The Rules spn-btr.asc spinn comic 3 COMIC
Cybergod and Wise-K of Serial, also of Epsilon Design, and Jedi Arts,
respectively, have left Serial for Remorse ASCII.
Odelay has been renamed Seiken.
Megga Hertz has been resurected as BUGSY.
------ File Identification -----------------------------------------------
:. ./ . .: mHzbugsy2 :.. ...:
------ end of file, sauce description lies below ----------------------
COMNTsKILLS aSCII aRT pRESS - rELEASE oNE ,,--------------,, // ,,// .... // ,-- /.... ::: / : : .. . ..: / : SAUCE00Skills Ascii Press Number 1 Megga Hertz Skills 19970607w
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