this image contains text
y0lk number sixteen: how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina
helloooooo... its creed again with another classic y0lk issue! damn,
aint that exciting! two issues in a row! woo woo!
--well, not really-----------------------------------------------------------
yeah, i see your point. getting excited about a y0lk issue, heh.
well. bite me. okay.
geez, im just dazzled here. i dont know what to write about. just
thinking out loud, as usual. maybe if i keep typing what i think, something
cool will come out.
HAH! theres a knee-slapper. implying that i might think something
cool... heh. implying that i might think something at all is pretty risky.
w0o! the zines heating up now, folks! can you feel the excitement? woo hoo!
--im shaking in muh boots!--------------------------------------------------
well, considering that ive had an hpa wannabe section in the last
three issues ive written, im not going to write one again for a while.
sorry, but you know me, im the editor... i need to maintain y0lks
HAH! i give em by the dozen, kids! y0lk, integrity... eh? eh? w0o!
--gimme some of those global domination plans, broda-man!--------------------
hmm... okay.
must i bother with this? i have your clothes, you are at my mercy!!!
naked, kissing and licking at the heels of your god!!! i kick ass now! i own
da scene! all you people are naked, and theres nothing you can do about it!!!
yer ded! ded i tell you!
--whoa. youre right--------------------------------------------------------
i am right. youre all doomed. sitting at your computers, naked,
reading y0lk hopelessly. maybe if you write a y0lk issue, ill give you your
clothes back.
hmm... isnt it ironic that this issue is called how to blow your nuts
out with cornstarch and orangina, and im announcing my withdrawal from hpa
thingies? very weird.
i might mention that y0lk has a new infofile. mentions something about
the ftp site, i think. blah, who cares.
and as long as were on y0lk news, y0lknet may be going up soon, a huge
net with 3, yes 3, message bases. hook yerself up. the echo thingies are
configged, all we need is a world headquarters. call my vmb if youre
interested. 1-800-314-8885 box 842. woO!
and last, and least... hooch said he loved my last issue. he thought
the god thing was hilarious. just thought id let you know. i didnt really
think it was a strong point in the issue, but who cares.
i keep getting this feeling that im writing y0lk 17 or something...
like i havent realized that another issue has been released. heh.
--okay, pick a topic, lets go!----------------------------------------------
sorry. well, i guess ill do fake irc quotes for a bit. nothing
else on my mind.
rmacid acid is merging with flow, a 607 group, to form FLACiD.
forceten ice is merging with ROC to form RiCE.
m0rph actually, the at the end of my handle represents an ancient rune
found in western asia, which after studying in detail, archaeologists
have determined to mean K-RAD.
creed y0lk, y0lk, y0lk. get it right before i beat you to death with a
mogel actually, there are two mogels. im the calm one.
mogel sHuT uP*@* dONt tEll thEm aBout mE@*@*@*@*
boogeyman hey everyone
creed aaaah@*!@*!*@* go away!
boogeyman creed: boo!
*** boogeyman has been kicked off channel zines by creed: my mommy says
youre not real!!! ***
creed whew, he almost got me that time.
*boogeyman* just watch it, man... the next time i see those feet down on the
ground to get a glass of water, BLAM!
--that boogeyman thing was stupid--------------------------------------------
yeah, that was pretty dumb. they were all pretty stupid. even worse
than last time. well. who cares, im outa space. bye.
--chief shephards note------------------------------------------------------
hey, its me hooch! haha. this was a pretty pathetic article, except
for the irc quotes, which were hilarious. that boogeyman thing had me
laughing out loud. boy, those group merger names werent funny one bit,
though. anyway, y0lk will be having a y0lknet coming up soon. i would be whq,
but, i dont want to be. err. yeah. anyway, have fun. and write for y0lk!@
index of y0lk issues:
issue . title
01 the other white meat
02 several k-rad elite haxors sitting around a campfire and grooving
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars.
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin
05 household uses for afghanistanian food
06 pour cement down my anus
07 hail santa!
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties?
09 lunchables rock.
10 t-shirts and toejam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink
15 y0lk: bedazzled by the eliteness
. 16 , how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina ,
issues 1-5, 7, 9, 15, and 16 by creed
issues 6, 8, and 11-13 by hooch
issue 10 by bEdlAM
issue 14 by phorce
note: if you have written an issue, you are a y0lk member, have a y0lk member
board, etc. woo.
y0lk number sixteen: how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina
helloooooo... its creed again with another classic y0lk issue! damn,
aint that exciting! two issues in a row! woo woo!
--well, not really-----------------------------------------------------------
yeah, i see your point. getting excited about a y0lk issue, heh.
well. bite me. okay.
geez, im just dazzled here. i dont know what to write about. just
thinking out loud, as usual. maybe if i keep typing what i think, something
cool will come out.
HAH! theres a knee-slapper. implying that i might think something
cool... heh. implying that i might think something at all is pretty risky.
w0o! the zines heating up now, folks! can you feel the excitement? woo hoo!
--im shaking in muh boots!--------------------------------------------------
well, considering that ive had an hpa wannabe section in the last
three issues ive written, im not going to write one again for a while.
sorry, but you know me, im the editor... i need to maintain y0lks
HAH! i give em by the dozen, kids! y0lk, integrity... eh? eh? w0o!
--gimme some of those global domination plans, broda-man!--------------------
hmm... okay.
must i bother with this? i have your clothes, you are at my mercy!!!
naked, kissing and licking at the heels of your god!!! i kick ass now! i own
da scene! all you people are naked, and theres nothing you can do about it!!!
yer ded! ded i tell you!
--whoa. youre right--------------------------------------------------------
i am right. youre all doomed. sitting at your computers, naked,
reading y0lk hopelessly. maybe if you write a y0lk issue, ill give you your
clothes back.
hmm... isnt it ironic that this issue is called how to blow your nuts
out with cornstarch and orangina, and im announcing my withdrawal from hpa
thingies? very weird.
i might mention that y0lk has a new infofile. mentions something about
the ftp site, i think. blah, who cares.
and as long as were on y0lk news, y0lknet may be going up soon, a huge
net with 3, yes 3, message bases. hook yerself up. the echo thingies are
configged, all we need is a world headquarters. call my vmb if youre
interested. 1-800-314-8885 box 842. woO!
and last, and least... hooch said he loved my last issue. he thought
the god thing was hilarious. just thought id let you know. i didnt really
think it was a strong point in the issue, but who cares.
i keep getting this feeling that im writing y0lk 17 or something...
like i havent realized that another issue has been released. heh.
--okay, pick a topic, lets go!----------------------------------------------
sorry. well, i guess ill do fake irc quotes for a bit. nothing
else on my mind.
rmacid acid is merging with flow, a 607 group, to form FLACiD.
forceten ice is merging with ROC to form RiCE.
m0rph actually, the at the end of my handle represents an ancient rune
found in western asia, which after studying in detail, archaeologists
have determined to mean K-RAD.
creed y0lk, y0lk, y0lk. get it right before i beat you to death with a
mogel actually, there are two mogels. im the calm one.
mogel sHuT uP*@* dONt tEll thEm aBout mE@*@*@*@*
boogeyman hey everyone
creed aaaah@*!@*!*@* go away!
boogeyman creed: boo!
*** boogeyman has been kicked off channel zines by creed: my mommy says
youre not real!!! ***
creed whew, he almost got me that time.
*boogeyman* just watch it, man... the next time i see those feet down on the
ground to get a glass of water, BLAM!
--that boogeyman thing was stupid--------------------------------------------
yeah, that was pretty dumb. they were all pretty stupid. even worse
than last time. well. who cares, im outa space. bye.
--chief shephards note------------------------------------------------------
hey, its me hooch! haha. this was a pretty pathetic article, except
for the irc quotes, which were hilarious. that boogeyman thing had me
laughing out loud. boy, those group merger names werent funny one bit,
though. anyway, y0lk will be having a y0lknet coming up soon. i would be whq,
but, i dont want to be. err. yeah. anyway, have fun. and write for y0lk!@
index of y0lk issues:
issue . title
01 the other white meat
02 several k-rad elite haxors sitting around a campfire and grooving
03 nuclear weapons, global destruction, op wars.
04 a young man, an infant, a yak... all living in sin
05 household uses for afghanistanian food
06 pour cement down my anus
07 hail santa!
08 hasidism and sysops - a pair for the nineties?
09 lunchables rock.
10 t-shirts and toejam
11 nap-time - the dog prank - exclusive interview
12 movie reviews showgirls!@ - win95 vs. os/2 sorta
13 straight outta compton - dialchix - muh dawg!@
14 im a tall, goofy, dorky, chink
15 y0lk: bedazzled by the eliteness
. 16 , how to blow your nuts out with cornstarch and orangina ,
issues 1-5, 7, 9, 15, and 16 by creed
issues 6, 8, and 11-13 by hooch
issue 10 by bEdlAM
issue 14 by phorce
note: if you have written an issue, you are a y0lk member, have a y0lk member
board, etc. woo.
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