this image contains text
From president@whitehouse.gov Mon Jun 9 12:17:45 1997
Received: from server.campus.uwindsor.ca server.campus.uwindsor.ca
by internet with SMTP DuhMail/2.0
id PAA20811 Mon, 9 Jun 1997 15:11:53 -0400
X-Authentication-Warning: internet: Host server.campus.uwindsor.ca
claimed to
be president@whitehouse.gov
This is the president of the united states of america.
You have been conducting illigal activities on the net, please stop or
I will have the feds after you! This is the one and only warning you
get Ripperjack aka. Jan-Erik Bergsvik, Sotra/Norway 56311097
Clinton and Hillary
Received: from server.campus.uwindsor.ca server.campus.uwindsor.ca
by internet with SMTP DuhMail/2.0
id PAA20811 Mon, 9 Jun 1997 15:11:53 -0400
X-Authentication-Warning: internet: Host server.campus.uwindsor.ca
claimed to
be president@whitehouse.gov
This is the president of the united states of america.
You have been conducting illigal activities on the net, please stop or
I will have the feds after you! This is the one and only warning you
get Ripperjack aka. Jan-Erik Bergsvik, Sotra/Norway 56311097
Clinton and Hillary
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