this image contains text
: :i:
l . .,d: .,:: ,.
,:: iP :Y:S: ::.
... ,l lYS:YYP :
--- l: sP .sb, ::: /-----
:: :Yyb :Sl l: dY: :P .,db. YY:::...
: i :T,PyP ds, YT,
l l: ,:Y::s :i
:l i i,d: Y::
. ::: :: ::Y d:Y:l l:Y ::
::: S.:,l: P:Yi li! dPd: ::.
.ai:Il : ll P l
s.S i :7 ,:.lP:YmdY ::
sl l: Y: .s@SbS@s.YS., Y l..
:: :s ::l 7,dY: llYa, b :Yb, YP,Y:
:.:.: .,dP. Y : i.: d :bs,.,d
l l:dP d:: l: Y:: Y :.
, : :l b.YYl :l .,YP ,dY: :::
i: P d,b.,y dyP,dP:::::
. .l ! db,?: P .,dsY:
:: : dSb P:l .,dP. :ll ::
: l P .,yd @S P l:i :
. !b, d ,syP s@S : , .
:::::b,...,y@Ssl d l ll :, ::
isY:: YPP :: l : l b.
. . Yl. dS l:P lyl l :l j: sS@s,.
:: b, b, b.,P:: :l :: : ldl 7
b. y, . @l
.:: ib,.,d:, Y, lPy: :sl :
---/:lPi, . i :slll:-----
: ,i.,.S,T7:: j: . .
: :S :Syyydl l: :Sl:l i:Y: ..: spud
. SbSy, :l,dl: lY: .
:Y: ,7:P ,dP ll :s: :::
Sli:Y: :: .,d:::s: l
:YY:: ::sSP :l Y ll :PST
,s .vOFF!aSSKEE. :: lSP:
l::keeping the spirit alive l :
howdy thar.voffske is a produkt af pur dumbfuckersheadmindedthoughts.
a littel grit tu tha aydi behaynd kwest.and a littel grit tu maself,
and tu vrm i gess,and tu tha voff-drudies,for maiking tha drim kom
tru,its alaiv,and its waild.and thets abut it.cheers!hug spud.
we really coulndt giv a shait, could we?
right. just like all the others.
l . .,d: .,:: ,.
,:: iP :Y:S: ::.
... ,l lYS:YYP :
--- l: sP .sb, ::: /-----
:: :Yyb :Sl l: dY: :P .,db. YY:::...
: i :T,PyP ds, YT,
l l: ,:Y::s :i
:l i i,d: Y::
. ::: :: ::Y d:Y:l l:Y ::
::: S.:,l: P:Yi li! dPd: ::.
.ai:Il : ll P l
s.S i :7 ,:.lP:YmdY ::
sl l: Y: .s@SbS@s.YS., Y l..
:: :s ::l 7,dY: llYa, b :Yb, YP,Y:
:.:.: .,dP. Y : i.: d :bs,.,d
l l:dP d:: l: Y:: Y :.
, : :l b.YYl :l .,YP ,dY: :::
i: P d,b.,y dyP,dP:::::
. .l ! db,?: P .,dsY:
:: : dSb P:l .,dP. :ll ::
: l P .,yd @S P l:i :
. !b, d ,syP s@S : , .
:::::b,...,y@Ssl d l ll :, ::
isY:: YPP :: l : l b.
. . Yl. dS l:P lyl l :l j: sS@s,.
:: b, b, b.,P:: :l :: : ldl 7
b. y, . @l
.:: ib,.,d:, Y, lPy: :sl :
---/:lPi, . i :slll:-----
: ,i.,.S,T7:: j: . .
: :S :Syyydl l: :Sl:l i:Y: ..: spud
. SbSy, :l,dl: lY: .
:Y: ,7:P ,dP ll :s: :::
Sli:Y: :: .,d:::s: l
:YY:: ::sSP :l Y ll :PST
,s .vOFF!aSSKEE. :: lSP:
l::keeping the spirit alive l :
howdy thar.voffske is a produkt af pur dumbfuckersheadmindedthoughts.
a littel grit tu tha aydi behaynd kwest.and a littel grit tu maself,
and tu vrm i gess,and tu tha voff-drudies,for maiking tha drim kom
tru,its alaiv,and its waild.and thets abut it.cheers!hug spud.
we really coulndt giv a shait, could we?
right. just like all the others.
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