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Akira 32 @2374
Sunday, July 8, 1990 7:32 pm
And Now
sTORSotory DirectionbyTetsuo TetsuoAnsi Animation Ansi Animation Ansi Animation Ansi Animationbykr zkr kr
Prtart 2
O /--
That was veryinteresting.
The park looksa bitohhhhhhdifferent.
The boy had been unmwillinglysucksed into an time portal. Its now
isabout time we introduce our character.
Young boy- Jared - Jared Scott
Tahhanks YOu!
UNtNot yet introduced characters yet.THAKD SOOOO OO OOOTHANKK S
oO oO-
mRMr. Scott?
Yeah what do youwant? Come withme.
Why? Shut up and come on.
UHh yeah... Dontt wotrryyou aintgonna get
raped or anything. That makes me feelso much moreconfident.
- O - / O --/
O-- / O- / O- / O-- / O -- /
O- / O - - Gotta bad feeling about this.
To Be ContinureedAgain Aginain!
Sunday, July 8, 1990 7:32 pm
And Now
sTORSotory DirectionbyTetsuo TetsuoAnsi Animation Ansi Animation Ansi Animation Ansi Animationbykr zkr kr
Prtart 2
O /--
That was veryinteresting.
The park looksa bitohhhhhhdifferent.
The boy had been unmwillinglysucksed into an time portal. Its now
isabout time we introduce our character.
Young boy- Jared - Jared Scott
Tahhanks YOu!
UNtNot yet introduced characters yet.THAKD SOOOO OO OOOTHANKK S
oO oO-
mRMr. Scott?
Yeah what do youwant? Come withme.
Why? Shut up and come on.
UHh yeah... Dontt wotrryyou aintgonna get
raped or anything. That makes me feelso much moreconfident.
- O - / O --/
O-- / O- / O- / O-- / O -- /
O- / O - - Gotta bad feeling about this.
To Be ContinureedAgain Aginain!
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