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this ansi is decicated to group school, i was your fan back in 1997...
sCH00l u3
5 years late... last local group which died after 3 packs.
greets to deepsome, luminator, asphynx, prosthesis who was
nomad back then and other school artists who wont probably
see this... sometimes i wish good old times were back. and
local-groups like static, aplc, bloom, ptw etc.
sCH00l u3
5 years late... last local group which died after 3 packs.
greets to deepsome, luminator, asphynx, prosthesis who was
nomad back then and other school artists who wont probably
see this... sometimes i wish good old times were back. and
local-groups like static, aplc, bloom, ptw etc.
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