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the eerie 94-95 pack .. elite!
- introduction -
since its been exactly 1 year since i made my first appearance in the scene
in the 07/94 imperial pack i decided it was time for me to release a lil
something. so here is a compilation of all the ansi pictures i chose not to
release logos and small pics for obvious reasons ive done in that 1-year
period. also included are a few graphics i released, plus 2 movies. you may
ask why im doing this.. i dunno.. just feelin like it.
- group history -
uh, this is the list of all the groups ive been in in the past 12 months..
w00p. its elite. i also included the number of pics, gifs and movies ive
done for every of them.
group time number of pics
imperial 0794 - 0894 12
relic 0994 - 0195 42
mistigris 1094 - 0295 6
shiver 0195 - 0295 2
union 0195 - 0195 3
acid 0195 - 0295 2
spastic 0395 - 0595 16
integrity 0695 - now! 5
- conclusion -
i think thats all.. enjoy this pack seeya around mang..
- introduction -
since its been exactly 1 year since i made my first appearance in the scene
in the 07/94 imperial pack i decided it was time for me to release a lil
something. so here is a compilation of all the ansi pictures i chose not to
release logos and small pics for obvious reasons ive done in that 1-year
period. also included are a few graphics i released, plus 2 movies. you may
ask why im doing this.. i dunno.. just feelin like it.
- group history -
uh, this is the list of all the groups ive been in in the past 12 months..
w00p. its elite. i also included the number of pics, gifs and movies ive
done for every of them.
group time number of pics
imperial 0794 - 0894 12
relic 0994 - 0195 42
mistigris 1094 - 0295 6
shiver 0195 - 0295 2
union 0195 - 0195 3
acid 0195 - 0295 2
spastic 0395 - 0595 16
integrity 0695 - now! 5
- conclusion -
i think thats all.. enjoy this pack seeya around mang..
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