this image contains text
Hi, Im Bobothejim, a friendly fish.
Youre probably wondering why an unshaded
fish was drawn at the beginning of this ANSI.
Youre also probably wondering why I have no
fins on my side. Well, lets go right to the
artist Nitnatsnoc himself to see if he can
answer these questions.
Ummm...I dunno. Yes, Nitnatsnoc is
Leave me alone. a Fisher Price toy!
I was bored, and You heard it here
I wanted to draw first, folks!
something, so I
drew a fish. SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!
Theres nothing Just get to the stupid
wrong with that. pic or I will kill you!
Help me. I have Were not even at the
no arms. Thatd bloody ANSI header yet!
explain the Why am I screaming?!
quality of this AAAAUGGGHHH!
pic, eh? Heh.
Oh fine, you big baby.
Sheesh, no one can have
a good time nowadays.
N i t n a t s n o c
M i S T
This nice little fellow is War Machine, ripped straight from Wizard 31
d e a m o n s
g a t e
1 6 0 4 w 0 0 - w 0 0 p
s y s o p . . m a v r i k !
m i s t m e m b e r b r d
k i t s c h n e t w h q !
loser! r a i d d i s t r o s i t
a n d s h t u p h ! ! ! !
cool piccy by nitnatsnoc, ugly font by eerie,
dontcha know the fun thing? theyre both from mistigris!
if you see this sig in tribeview it will appear coloured
Youre probably wondering why an unshaded
fish was drawn at the beginning of this ANSI.
Youre also probably wondering why I have no
fins on my side. Well, lets go right to the
artist Nitnatsnoc himself to see if he can
answer these questions.
Ummm...I dunno. Yes, Nitnatsnoc is
Leave me alone. a Fisher Price toy!
I was bored, and You heard it here
I wanted to draw first, folks!
something, so I
drew a fish. SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!
Theres nothing Just get to the stupid
wrong with that. pic or I will kill you!
Help me. I have Were not even at the
no arms. Thatd bloody ANSI header yet!
explain the Why am I screaming?!
quality of this AAAAUGGGHHH!
pic, eh? Heh.
Oh fine, you big baby.
Sheesh, no one can have
a good time nowadays.
N i t n a t s n o c
M i S T
This nice little fellow is War Machine, ripped straight from Wizard 31
d e a m o n s
g a t e
1 6 0 4 w 0 0 - w 0 0 p
s y s o p . . m a v r i k !
m i s t m e m b e r b r d
k i t s c h n e t w h q !
loser! r a i d d i s t r o s i t
a n d s h t u p h ! ! ! !
cool piccy by nitnatsnoc, ugly font by eerie,
dontcha know the fun thing? theyre both from mistigris!
if you see this sig in tribeview it will appear coloured
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