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Its not pretty though it never is , but nothing thats too hard to bear. Pay noattention to the dark circles, they have always been there . Dont mistake me tobe broken down just because Im on my knees. I can withstand most anyhting, I was born with teeth, born with teeth. Out the womb into an ugly world Ive been thrown. Welcome to the race. Up on 2 legs before it tumbles on me. Im not lookingfor a kind word to keep me going, its so much better off this way to be born with teeth. After all that Ive seen taken place very little has affect. Ive been treated like I shouldve been. At least thats wh at my mind says. Ill be around when everyone has been satisfied or overco me. Its possible even m y happiness will be stum AChangeareAADLeechfileZDCChatsiz-uPC bled on, stumbled on, oh LListfileZLUFeedusfileZ4QBack 2 maiNQ yeah. I can get along. I SSearchfilESPPrivatefeeDPLIamstupiDL can get along without to o much advice, ah, but if it werent so hard to make things right. Its gonna be whatever fate will bring. Ive managed to look good so far but theres no use pretending . Out the wombinto an ugly world Ive been thrown. Welcome to the race. Up on 2 legs before itstumbles on me. Im not looking for a kind world to keep me going , its so muchbetter of this way to be born with teeth.Born with teethCock Robin 1985CR
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