this image contains text
the following colly is 100 done by the midnight judge
* use afs.com for best viewing
* or remorse view, amiga mode
a n d
t h e m i d n i g h t j u d g e
r e s e n t s . . . . . : . . .
a n o l d s k o o l a s c i i c o l l e c t i o n
:: c a l l e d ::
k l e e n - X u l t r a I I
: //mjay
pariahFAT nMANCEr: my mommy said I looked cute in that pic
mjay /
eh y0 whats up people.. yep the midn / ight judge is
back and ready to kick your asses... /
its been a hard 2 months for me. got rejected from ed and
remorse, so i got the message alright and decided to leave.
leave, ascii. cause i couldnt think of any way to improve
my art, and my last 2 collies were identical. i felt for
the really first time in my career that i sucked. alot of
newbies told me to change my style, and i received alot of
criticizes about my stuff. newbies, that i helped when they
started the scene, even to whom i shown how to do a fuckin
colly. well to em, ive got no respect, and fuck you!
i rule your pathetic asses, and im ready to kick your butt
so after i left ascii, a whole big week, i decided to
continue drawin for fun, and to start a new group. its
oldskool only, and called FUCKYOU!ASCII. it is 100 not
serious, and it owns. everyone i know in ascii joined,
pratically, and it rules. alot of great and known
newskooler joined, and they suck bad at oldskool.. geez
it is fun.
that gave me back the feeling i had months ago, while
drawin so i had to continue. i decided to do this colly to
show everyone i can draw ascii, and if you guys dont like
it, i dont give A FUCKIN SHIT! i wont prositute and change
my style to get in a bigger group, i will draw, improve
my own style, and will do it cause i feel like it. not for
anyone else.
thanks to d2macroman, who backed me up all that time. you
greets to sargon for killing serial LAMER
to kwest cause they rule
and cain for letting me release my colly in kwest
to remorse for putting out the greatest ascii packs..
to odelay for coming back
to comic for having the greatest little group of all time
to fatal for not takin the time to review my app..
to serialt00n for being soooooo elite. i lub you anywayz
to volatile for being soooooo elite. hmmm, i dont
to mhz for your mag and your article about ops abuses..
and other personnal greets at the end..
- the midnight judge
handle: the midnight judge years drawin: 2 and a half //
date of birth: 05-11-79 years in the scene: 1 and a half
number of penises: 1 fav os artists: d2rn, whodini, ice.
number of balls: 2 fav ns artists: dy, axb, acidjack.
influences: darkfire, carpman, everlast, d2rn, wisekid, tango. :
mrk you wrote a mouse driver?
- what it say? - done for?
01 - nach0s - jizm
02 - reality - mess
03 - late riser - some bud.
04 - sarkazm - natural boy
05 - black hole - iceman
06 - minotaur - minotaur
07 - oblivio - sagittar
08 - genius - genius
09 - primus brown album - noone
10 - bazaar - severed
11 - mess - mess
12 - toil - serial2n
13 - bleak - frgnfrooz
14 - serial - greets
15 - fuckyou - me
16 - sb - sonic barrier
17 - oops!ascii - oops!ascii
18 - mushroom - shroom
19 - sarkazmmenu - n4tural boy
20 - roujin ftp - d2rn
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: nach0s :
: n a c h o s + o j i z m :
: / /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: reality :
.... / r e a l i t y - m e s s //........:.. .. .
mjay :
: it be saying: :
:.... ascii for: .........:
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: late riser :
/ l a t e r i s e r /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sarkazm :
s a r k a z m + o h n a t u r a l b o y /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: black hole :
black hole :
: mjay :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: minotaur :
/ m i n o t a u r
/ mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: oblivio :
o b l i v i o /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: genius :
g e n i u s ,mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: primus brown album :
* everyone buy primus brown album, it rules
100 non-commercial music. 100 original music. 100 quality music.
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: the bazaar :
: the bazaar / // /
: mjay /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: mess :
/ m e s S /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: toil :
t o i l mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: bleak :
mjay : :
: b l e a k :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: serial :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: fuckyou :
f u c k y o u
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sb :
: mjay:
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: oops!ascii :
. / o o p s a s c i i mjay .
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: mushroom :
m u sh r o om /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sarkazm :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
:.... command name command name command name ....:
// s a r k a z m
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: roujin ftp :
/ / // // r o u j i n f t p
: mjay// /
thatd be about the end.. stay on for greets and colly list.
ALONG WITH EVERYONE I FORGOT.. my brain is fuckin shite..
** if youd like to contact me, e-mail me.. mj@ftn.net or you always can
find me in ascii on effnet. i do take requests, it just might take a
little while before i make em. but i do em all..
mjudge/shiveem colly list:
::filename.ext - colly name group - release date - bytes::
- mj-srl01.asc - kleen-x ultra serial - jan 15th 97 - 21,309bytes
- mj-aph01.asc - sargon, my idol! aphro - feb 19th 97 - 21,256bytes
- mj-fro02.asc - btas aphro - mar 22nd 97 - 33,700bytes
- mj-bsc05.txt - aids basic - apr 30th 97 - 55,519bytes
- b-casino.txt - casino basic - may 29th 97 - 58,123bytes
- d-soup.txt - soup none - jun 17th 97 - 50,222bytes
- m-kleenx.txt - kleen-x ultra 2 kwest - aug 28th 97 - 46,828bytes
- *.* - 286,957bytes
/ m j a y p r e s e n t s . . .
an ascii collection, called kleen-x ultra 2
* thanks to kwest for releasing my colly
eh, youre dumb..
* use afs.com for best viewing
* or remorse view, amiga mode
a n d
t h e m i d n i g h t j u d g e
r e s e n t s . . . . . : . . .
a n o l d s k o o l a s c i i c o l l e c t i o n
:: c a l l e d ::
k l e e n - X u l t r a I I
: //mjay
pariahFAT nMANCEr: my mommy said I looked cute in that pic
mjay /
eh y0 whats up people.. yep the midn / ight judge is
back and ready to kick your asses... /
its been a hard 2 months for me. got rejected from ed and
remorse, so i got the message alright and decided to leave.
leave, ascii. cause i couldnt think of any way to improve
my art, and my last 2 collies were identical. i felt for
the really first time in my career that i sucked. alot of
newbies told me to change my style, and i received alot of
criticizes about my stuff. newbies, that i helped when they
started the scene, even to whom i shown how to do a fuckin
colly. well to em, ive got no respect, and fuck you!
i rule your pathetic asses, and im ready to kick your butt
so after i left ascii, a whole big week, i decided to
continue drawin for fun, and to start a new group. its
oldskool only, and called FUCKYOU!ASCII. it is 100 not
serious, and it owns. everyone i know in ascii joined,
pratically, and it rules. alot of great and known
newskooler joined, and they suck bad at oldskool.. geez
it is fun.
that gave me back the feeling i had months ago, while
drawin so i had to continue. i decided to do this colly to
show everyone i can draw ascii, and if you guys dont like
it, i dont give A FUCKIN SHIT! i wont prositute and change
my style to get in a bigger group, i will draw, improve
my own style, and will do it cause i feel like it. not for
anyone else.
thanks to d2macroman, who backed me up all that time. you
greets to sargon for killing serial LAMER
to kwest cause they rule
and cain for letting me release my colly in kwest
to remorse for putting out the greatest ascii packs..
to odelay for coming back
to comic for having the greatest little group of all time
to fatal for not takin the time to review my app..
to serialt00n for being soooooo elite. i lub you anywayz
to volatile for being soooooo elite. hmmm, i dont
to mhz for your mag and your article about ops abuses..
and other personnal greets at the end..
- the midnight judge
handle: the midnight judge years drawin: 2 and a half //
date of birth: 05-11-79 years in the scene: 1 and a half
number of penises: 1 fav os artists: d2rn, whodini, ice.
number of balls: 2 fav ns artists: dy, axb, acidjack.
influences: darkfire, carpman, everlast, d2rn, wisekid, tango. :
mrk you wrote a mouse driver?
- what it say? - done for?
01 - nach0s - jizm
02 - reality - mess
03 - late riser - some bud.
04 - sarkazm - natural boy
05 - black hole - iceman
06 - minotaur - minotaur
07 - oblivio - sagittar
08 - genius - genius
09 - primus brown album - noone
10 - bazaar - severed
11 - mess - mess
12 - toil - serial2n
13 - bleak - frgnfrooz
14 - serial - greets
15 - fuckyou - me
16 - sb - sonic barrier
17 - oops!ascii - oops!ascii
18 - mushroom - shroom
19 - sarkazmmenu - n4tural boy
20 - roujin ftp - d2rn
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: nach0s :
: n a c h o s + o j i z m :
: / /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: reality :
.... / r e a l i t y - m e s s //........:.. .. .
mjay :
: it be saying: :
:.... ascii for: .........:
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: late riser :
/ l a t e r i s e r /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sarkazm :
s a r k a z m + o h n a t u r a l b o y /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: black hole :
black hole :
: mjay :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: minotaur :
/ m i n o t a u r
/ mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: oblivio :
o b l i v i o /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: genius :
g e n i u s ,mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: primus brown album :
* everyone buy primus brown album, it rules
100 non-commercial music. 100 original music. 100 quality music.
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: the bazaar :
: the bazaar / // /
: mjay /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: mess :
/ m e s S /mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: toil :
t o i l mjay
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: bleak :
mjay : :
: b l e a k :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: serial :
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: fuckyou :
f u c k y o u
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sb :
: mjay:
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: oops!ascii :
. / o o p s a s c i i mjay .
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: mushroom :
m u sh r o om /
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: sarkazm :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
: command name command name command name :
:.... command name command name command name ....:
// s a r k a z m
: k n u 2 :
: what it says: roujin ftp :
/ / // // r o u j i n f t p
: mjay// /
thatd be about the end.. stay on for greets and colly list.
ALONG WITH EVERYONE I FORGOT.. my brain is fuckin shite..
** if youd like to contact me, e-mail me.. mj@ftn.net or you always can
find me in ascii on effnet. i do take requests, it just might take a
little while before i make em. but i do em all..
mjudge/shiveem colly list:
::filename.ext - colly name group - release date - bytes::
- mj-srl01.asc - kleen-x ultra serial - jan 15th 97 - 21,309bytes
- mj-aph01.asc - sargon, my idol! aphro - feb 19th 97 - 21,256bytes
- mj-fro02.asc - btas aphro - mar 22nd 97 - 33,700bytes
- mj-bsc05.txt - aids basic - apr 30th 97 - 55,519bytes
- b-casino.txt - casino basic - may 29th 97 - 58,123bytes
- d-soup.txt - soup none - jun 17th 97 - 50,222bytes
- m-kleenx.txt - kleen-x ultra 2 kwest - aug 28th 97 - 46,828bytes
- *.* - 286,957bytes
/ m j a y p r e s e n t s . . .
an ascii collection, called kleen-x ultra 2
* thanks to kwest for releasing my colly
eh, youre dumb..
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