this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : December Update January 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0194.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID1293 ANS 9187 123193 + December Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 106712 010194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 1.32
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 8561 010194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AN-LD ANS 21218 120493 + Lost Destiny
*5 AT-CCI ANS 27668 122393 + Cybercrime International Net
*6 AT-NS ANS 15594 121893 + Northern Sector
*7 AT-PSY ANS 3911 121293 Psychosis Magazine
*8 BE-GOD1 ANS 19886 123193 + Gates of Destiny
*9 BK-CH01 ANS 64968 121293 + Channel Zer0
*10 BK-HARD1 ANS 17467 123093 + Hard Wired
*11 CA-CTE EXE 177773 010194 Countdown to Extinction
*12 CB-ADC1 ANS 35253 121593 + After Dark Club
*13 CE-ACID EXE 218230 123093 x ACiD Television
*N/CFILEID DIZ 249 123093 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*14 GD-CODE1 ANS 16491 010194 + Codename: Overlord
*15 GU-GOD1 ANS 44305 122193 + Gates of Destiny
*16 IC-ADRN1 COM 3968 122393 + Adrenalin WideScroller
*17 IM-EOT1 ANS 29438 010194 + End of Time
*18 IZ-KEG1 ANS 10507 010194 + The Keg
*19 KS-CRI ANS 254268 122893 Critic
*20 KS-PLOST ANS 17605 120193 + Paradise Lost
*21 MX-TMS ZIP 215932 122093 The Morbid Sacrilege
*22 QR-HRVST ANS 25767 123093 + Harvest Moon
*23 RN-CH01 RIP 110252 123193 Channel Zer0
*24 RN-DG1 RIP 48088 120593 Dark Guild
*25 RN-TPP1 RIP 110232 122493 The Phunk Palace
*26 SW-CTE EXE 176884 123193 Countdown to Extinction
*27 SW-WHERE EXE 115769 121993 Out of Nowhere Access Denied
*28 SX-CP1 ANS 18776 123093 + Corrosive Poison
*29 TC-REICH ANS 17321 123193 + The Fourth Reich
*30 ACDU0194 NFO 5861 010194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 32 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 2,046,253 Average Of Bytes/File: 63,945
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,092,502
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : December Update January 1st, 1994
Note: The file ACDU0194.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID1293 ANS 9187 123193 + December Member/Board Listing
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 98112 102993 ACiD Application Form Generator
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 106712 010194 ACiD Acquisition Viewer + 1.32
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 8561 010194 + ACiD Acquisition Viewer Docs
*4 AN-LD ANS 21218 120493 + Lost Destiny
*5 AT-CCI ANS 27668 122393 + Cybercrime International Net
*6 AT-NS ANS 15594 121893 + Northern Sector
*7 AT-PSY ANS 3911 121293 Psychosis Magazine
*8 BE-GOD1 ANS 19886 123193 + Gates of Destiny
*9 BK-CH01 ANS 64968 121293 + Channel Zer0
*10 BK-HARD1 ANS 17467 123093 + Hard Wired
*11 CA-CTE EXE 177773 010194 Countdown to Extinction
*12 CB-ADC1 ANS 35253 121593 + After Dark Club
*13 CE-ACID EXE 218230 123093 x ACiD Television
*N/CFILEID DIZ 249 123093 Acquisition FILE ID by BE
*14 GD-CODE1 ANS 16491 010194 + Codename: Overlord
*15 GU-GOD1 ANS 44305 122193 + Gates of Destiny
*16 IC-ADRN1 COM 3968 122393 + Adrenalin WideScroller
*17 IM-EOT1 ANS 29438 010194 + End of Time
*18 IZ-KEG1 ANS 10507 010194 + The Keg
*19 KS-CRI ANS 254268 122893 Critic
*20 KS-PLOST ANS 17605 120193 + Paradise Lost
*21 MX-TMS ZIP 215932 122093 The Morbid Sacrilege
*22 QR-HRVST ANS 25767 123093 + Harvest Moon
*23 RN-CH01 RIP 110252 123193 Channel Zer0
*24 RN-DG1 RIP 48088 120593 Dark Guild
*25 RN-TPP1 RIP 110232 122493 The Phunk Palace
*26 SW-CTE EXE 176884 123193 Countdown to Extinction
*27 SW-WHERE EXE 115769 121993 Out of Nowhere Access Denied
*28 SX-CP1 ANS 18776 123093 + Corrosive Poison
*29 TC-REICH ANS 17321 123193 + The Fourth Reich
*30 ACDU0194 NFO 5861 010194 Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 32 Average Compression Rate: 47
Total Bytes: 2,046,253 Average Of Bytes/File: 63,945
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,092,502
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