this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : January Update February 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0295.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0195 ANS 4935 020195 + January 1995 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
*N/CACIDVIEW CFG 3973 020195 + ACiD View configuration
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 167449 020195 ACiD View version 3
*4 ACIDVIEW NFO 42051 020195 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AK-DCTC ANS 25256 020195 + Damage Control Trade Center
*6 AN-BADL1 RIP 32386 020195 The BadLands
*7 BG-COC2 EXE 26804 013195 Citadel of Chaos
*8 BK-BADL1 COM 20793 013095 + The BadLands
*9 BM-FOUR3 RIP 8251 012495 Four Degrees
*10 BZ-NEO1 GIF 15834 020195 Neo Tokyo
*11 CS-ELEUT GIF 248099 020195 Eleutheria
*12 CS-EVO1 GIF 175141 020195 Evolutions End
*13 CS-HM1 GIF 214927 020195 Harvest Moon
*14 CS-SOD1 GIF 223744 020195 State of Devolution
*15 CS-TMMH1 GIF 200272 020195 The Morbid Messhall
*16 CS-TSN1 GIF 183028 020195 The Stellar Nights
*17 33-BLOOD ANS 16630 012795 + Bloodstorm/2
*18 33-DOOMS ANS 30942 010895 + Doomsday
*N/CFILEID DIZ 488 020195 Acquisition FILE ID by 33
*19 FM-BADL1 GIF 130509 020195 The BadLands
*20 FM-DOOMS GIF 96806 020195 Doomsday
*21 GS-TF ANS 21003 012795 + Terra Firma
*22 IO-DOMIN GIF 166611 020195 The Dominion
*23 LOGO0295 ZIP 13564 020195 Logo Assortment for February
*24 MB-UREV ANS 26819 011795 + Utopian Revolt
*25 NEWS0295 ANS 13801 020195 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 7 02/9
*26 P1-TV3 ANS 31487 020195 + Terminal Velocity
*27 SR-UG ANS 18085 012595 + Undergrown Magazine
*28 SS-BADL2 GIF 197487 020195 The BadLands
*29 SS-GRAV5 GIF 169058 020195 The Shallow Grave
*30 STC-REBL ANS 18579 020195 + Rebellion
*31 STC-SEED ANS 18091 020195 + Seeds of Destruction
*32 STC-TT ANS 24796 020195 + Termite Terrace
*33 TT-CC1 ANS 16345 020195 + Cats Cradle
*34 TY-BADL1 GIF 178268 020195 The BadLands
*35 US-LOKI RIP 38412 020195 Lokis Error
*36 US-SOD1 RIP 37001 020195 State of Devolution
*37 US-TT1 GIF 161893 020195 Termite Terrace
*38 US-UT1 RIP 17160 020195 Under Tow
*39 ACDU0295 NFO 6581 020195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 41 Average Compression Rate: 13
Total Bytes: 3,149,647 Average Of Bytes/File: 76,820
Total Bytes Zipped: 2,748,400
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : January Update February 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0295.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID0195 ANS 4935 020195 + January 1995 Member/Board List
*2 ACIDAPP EXE 106288 090194 ACiD Application Form Generator
*N/CACIDVIEW CFG 3973 020195 + ACiD View configuration
*3 ACIDVIEW EXE 167449 020195 ACiD View version 3
*4 ACIDVIEW NFO 42051 020195 + ACiD View Documentation
*5 AK-DCTC ANS 25256 020195 + Damage Control Trade Center
*6 AN-BADL1 RIP 32386 020195 The BadLands
*7 BG-COC2 EXE 26804 013195 Citadel of Chaos
*8 BK-BADL1 COM 20793 013095 + The BadLands
*9 BM-FOUR3 RIP 8251 012495 Four Degrees
*10 BZ-NEO1 GIF 15834 020195 Neo Tokyo
*11 CS-ELEUT GIF 248099 020195 Eleutheria
*12 CS-EVO1 GIF 175141 020195 Evolutions End
*13 CS-HM1 GIF 214927 020195 Harvest Moon
*14 CS-SOD1 GIF 223744 020195 State of Devolution
*15 CS-TMMH1 GIF 200272 020195 The Morbid Messhall
*16 CS-TSN1 GIF 183028 020195 The Stellar Nights
*17 33-BLOOD ANS 16630 012795 + Bloodstorm/2
*18 33-DOOMS ANS 30942 010895 + Doomsday
*N/CFILEID DIZ 488 020195 Acquisition FILE ID by 33
*19 FM-BADL1 GIF 130509 020195 The BadLands
*20 FM-DOOMS GIF 96806 020195 Doomsday
*21 GS-TF ANS 21003 012795 + Terra Firma
*22 IO-DOMIN GIF 166611 020195 The Dominion
*23 LOGO0295 ZIP 13564 020195 Logo Assortment for February
*24 MB-UREV ANS 26819 011795 + Utopian Revolt
*25 NEWS0295 ANS 13801 020195 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 7 02/9
*26 P1-TV3 ANS 31487 020195 + Terminal Velocity
*27 SR-UG ANS 18085 012595 + Undergrown Magazine
*28 SS-BADL2 GIF 197487 020195 The BadLands
*29 SS-GRAV5 GIF 169058 020195 The Shallow Grave
*30 STC-REBL ANS 18579 020195 + Rebellion
*31 STC-SEED ANS 18091 020195 + Seeds of Destruction
*32 STC-TT ANS 24796 020195 + Termite Terrace
*33 TT-CC1 ANS 16345 020195 + Cats Cradle
*34 TY-BADL1 GIF 178268 020195 The BadLands
*35 US-LOKI RIP 38412 020195 Lokis Error
*36 US-SOD1 RIP 37001 020195 State of Devolution
*37 US-TT1 GIF 161893 020195 Termite Terrace
*38 US-UT1 RIP 17160 020195 Under Tow
*39 ACDU0295 NFO 6581 020195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 41 Average Compression Rate: 13
Total Bytes: 3,149,647 Average Of Bytes/File: 76,820
Total Bytes Zipped: 2,748,400
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