this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : June Update July 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0795.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 070195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4188 070195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0695 ANS 4957 070195 + June 1995 Member/Board List
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 060195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW CFG 3973 030195 + ACiD View configuration
*6 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 070195 + ACiD View Documentation
*7 ALC0795A ANS 58126 070195 + ACiD logocluster 6 07/95
*8 ALC0795B ANS 57379 070195 + ACiD logocluster 7 07/95
*9 ALC0795C ANS 51459 070195 + ACiD logocluster 8 07/95
*10 AR-STRM1 ANS 42777 070195 + Storm Front
*11 AVW1601B ZIP 153046 070195 ACiD View for Windows 16-bit
*12 AVW3201B ZIP 158454 070195 ACiD View for Windows 32-bit
*13 AY-BK1 ANS 8524 070195 + Bat Kave
*14 AY-BY1 ANS 19654 070195 + Beyond
*15 AY-UTI3 ANS 25118 070195 + Under The Influence
*16 BD-EVOL1 RIP 34394 062095 Evolution Emag
*17 BD-GODS RIP 30482 062195 Gods Realm
*18 BK-TD2 ANS 30331 070195 + Terminal Drift
*19 BM-HUMA GIF 67342 070195 huma!
*20 BM-LAN GIF 70394 070195 Lans Laughter
*21 BM-TU2 RIP 33735 062395 The Unknown
*22 CS-ACID1 GIF 220061 070195 ACiD Homepage Promo
*23 CS-BOG1 GIF 167064 070195 The BoG
*24 CS-TALA1 GIF 204023 070195 Taladas
*N/CFILEID DIZ 695 070195 Acquisition FILE ID by LD
*25 GAS-TT1 ANS 63024 070195 + Termite Terrace
*26 HAL-ACID ANS 12932 062095 + ACiD 95
*27 IV-ACID ANS 25460 062895 + Need I Say More?!?
*28 IV-BADL1 ANS 32019 070195 + The BadLands
*29 LD-D2 RIP 29060 070195 Dungeon 2
*30 LD-GLUE1 BIN 13889 070195 + Glue
*31 LD-HUMA1 ANS 28407 070195 + huma!
*32 MK-ACID EXE 7337 070195 ACiD Spintro
*33 P1-ACID1 RIP 25444 061695 ACiD - Where legends are made
*34 P1-DL1 RIP 39579 061395 Deathland
*35 P1-SBZ RIP 48915 061795 Sushi Bar Z
*36 RN-SUCCO RIP 20066 070195 Succotash
*37 SM-EVOL1 RIP 60418 062895 Evolution Emag
*38 SRAT-TP1 ANS 10537 070195 + Territorial Pissings
*39 SS-RAZOR GIF 144206 070195 Razor 1911 Promo
*40 STC-APOC ANS 82583 070195 + Apocalyptic City
*41 US-DISEM ANS 39028 062995 + Disembodied Voices
*42 US-LAN1 ANS 4676 062395 + Lans Laughter
*43 US-SUCC1 ANS 26346 062795 + Succotash
*44 US-TPAN1 RIP 33624 070195 The Pantheon
*45 WE-WILL SUE 1662 070195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*46 ACDU0795 NFO 7141 070195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 48 Average Compression Rate: 27
Total Bytes: 2,613,765 Average Of Bytes/File: 54,453
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,908,475
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : June Update July 1st, 1995
Note: The file ACDU0795.ZIP is only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-TEE GIF 164921 070195 ACiD T-Shirt Promo
*2 ACID-TEE NFO 4188 070195 + ACiD T-Shirt Order Form
*3 ACID0695 ANS 4957 070195 + June 1995 Member/Board List
*4 ACIDAPP EXE 35277 060195 ACiD Application Form Generator
*5 ACIDVIEW CFG 3973 030195 + ACiD View configuration
*6 ACIDVIEW EXE 168756 030195 ACiD View version 3
*N/CACIDVIEW NFO 42282 070195 + ACiD View Documentation
*7 ALC0795A ANS 58126 070195 + ACiD logocluster 6 07/95
*8 ALC0795B ANS 57379 070195 + ACiD logocluster 7 07/95
*9 ALC0795C ANS 51459 070195 + ACiD logocluster 8 07/95
*10 AR-STRM1 ANS 42777 070195 + Storm Front
*11 AVW1601B ZIP 153046 070195 ACiD View for Windows 16-bit
*12 AVW3201B ZIP 158454 070195 ACiD View for Windows 32-bit
*13 AY-BK1 ANS 8524 070195 + Bat Kave
*14 AY-BY1 ANS 19654 070195 + Beyond
*15 AY-UTI3 ANS 25118 070195 + Under The Influence
*16 BD-EVOL1 RIP 34394 062095 Evolution Emag
*17 BD-GODS RIP 30482 062195 Gods Realm
*18 BK-TD2 ANS 30331 070195 + Terminal Drift
*19 BM-HUMA GIF 67342 070195 huma!
*20 BM-LAN GIF 70394 070195 Lans Laughter
*21 BM-TU2 RIP 33735 062395 The Unknown
*22 CS-ACID1 GIF 220061 070195 ACiD Homepage Promo
*23 CS-BOG1 GIF 167064 070195 The BoG
*24 CS-TALA1 GIF 204023 070195 Taladas
*N/CFILEID DIZ 695 070195 Acquisition FILE ID by LD
*25 GAS-TT1 ANS 63024 070195 + Termite Terrace
*26 HAL-ACID ANS 12932 062095 + ACiD 95
*27 IV-ACID ANS 25460 062895 + Need I Say More?!?
*28 IV-BADL1 ANS 32019 070195 + The BadLands
*29 LD-D2 RIP 29060 070195 Dungeon 2
*30 LD-GLUE1 BIN 13889 070195 + Glue
*31 LD-HUMA1 ANS 28407 070195 + huma!
*32 MK-ACID EXE 7337 070195 ACiD Spintro
*33 P1-ACID1 RIP 25444 061695 ACiD - Where legends are made
*34 P1-DL1 RIP 39579 061395 Deathland
*35 P1-SBZ RIP 48915 061795 Sushi Bar Z
*36 RN-SUCCO RIP 20066 070195 Succotash
*37 SM-EVOL1 RIP 60418 062895 Evolution Emag
*38 SRAT-TP1 ANS 10537 070195 + Territorial Pissings
*39 SS-RAZOR GIF 144206 070195 Razor 1911 Promo
*40 STC-APOC ANS 82583 070195 + Apocalyptic City
*41 US-DISEM ANS 39028 062995 + Disembodied Voices
*42 US-LAN1 ANS 4676 062395 + Lans Laughter
*43 US-SUCC1 ANS 26346 062795 + Succotash
*44 US-TPAN1 RIP 33624 070195 The Pantheon
*45 WE-WILL SUE 1662 070195 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
*46 ACDU0795 NFO 7141 070195 + Acquisition Information File
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 48 Average Compression Rate: 27
Total Bytes: 2,613,765 Average Of Bytes/File: 54,453
Total Bytes Zipped: 1,908,475
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