this image contains text
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1996
Note: The files ACID-53?.ZIP are only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-53 NFO 6264 120196 + Acquisition Information File
*2 ACID-53 XB 15218 120196 + December 1996 Member/Site Listin
*3 ACIDAPP EXE 45307 120196 ACiD Application Generator V2.1
*4 ACIDVIEW DAT 125438 120196 ACiD View BGI/RIP font data
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 122107 120196 ACiD View V4.31
*6 ACIDVIEW NFO 52281 120196 + ACiD View Documentation
*7 BIN2XBIN EXE 15680 120196 BIN to XBIN convertor
*8 FILEID DIZ 550 120196 Acquisition FILE ID by RA
*9 NEWS-53 ANS 40837 120196 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 14
*10 SAUCE PL 1552 120196 PERL SAUCE Reader
*11 SPOON EXE 22677 120196 Spoon II V1.20
*12 SPOON INI 8807 120196 + Spoon Initialization Info
*13 SPOON NFO 3397 120196 + Spoon Documentation
*14 ANS-53 ANS 95740 120196 + ACiD ANSI logocluster 19
*15 CT-PSAND ANS 33328 120196 + Peyote Sands
*16 CT-TML2 ANS 34118 120196 + The Missing Link
*17 KH-MALE1 ANS 20834 120196 + Malevolence
*18 ON-PIR1 ANS 24179 120196 + Piranha
*19 VG-PUREM GIF 127666 120196 Pure Malevolence
*20 VN-EYES GIF 160518 120196 Not Anymore!
*21 BN-ABRAX JPG 76214 120196 Abraxas
*22 CS-DRACE JPG 51348 120196 Deadly Race
*23 CS-XMS96 JPG 54211 120196 h0h0h0 Merry Christmas
*24 J1-EOD JPG 40651 120196 Edge of Delight
*25 J1-MESTA JPG 75294 120196 Da Mesta
*26 PR-AF JPG 43045 120196 Ancient Future
*27 PR-EARTH JPG 84134 120196 Earth
*28 TD-MLINE JPG 38448 120196 Mainline Graphics
*29 US-HOTEL JPG 378858 120196 Hotel California
*30 US-KAYA JPG 157386 120196 The Kaya
*31 US-SATEL JPG 124035 120196 Satellites
*32 WC-ANGRL JPG 152427 120196 Anime Grrrl
*33 SS-GENOT RIP 10053 120196 Genotia
*34 ST-ABYSS RIP 23321 120196 Malicious Abyss
*35 ST-PROD3 RIP 50039 120196 The Product 3 Advo
*36 ST-XMAS RIP 50286 120196 Naughty or Nice?
*37 RA-ARTPX XB 33239 120196 + ACiD Artpacks Archive Advo
*38 WE-WILL SUE 1531 120196 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Total Bytes: 2,401,018
Average Of Bytes/File: 63,185
The Acquisition - Contains A-Z of the ART Collection.
Background History: The Acquisition was originated in
San Jose, California. After it had been organized and
its contents sorted, it first appeared on Fear and
Loathing BBS. To this day the original zips are still
floating around, but as more and more high quality
computer graphics are produced, the more tighter the
zipped volumes become.
The Acquisition : November Update December 1st, 1996
Note: The files ACID-53?.ZIP are only an update of the
latest works not included in the preceding Acquisition.
FileName.Ext Size Date Data Description
*1 ACID-53 NFO 6264 120196 + Acquisition Information File
*2 ACID-53 XB 15218 120196 + December 1996 Member/Site Listin
*3 ACIDAPP EXE 45307 120196 ACiD Application Generator V2.1
*4 ACIDVIEW DAT 125438 120196 ACiD View BGI/RIP font data
*5 ACIDVIEW EXE 122107 120196 ACiD View V4.31
*6 ACIDVIEW NFO 52281 120196 + ACiD View Documentation
*7 BIN2XBIN EXE 15680 120196 BIN to XBIN convertor
*8 FILEID DIZ 550 120196 Acquisition FILE ID by RA
*9 NEWS-53 ANS 40837 120196 + ACiD Newsletter Issue 14
*10 SAUCE PL 1552 120196 PERL SAUCE Reader
*11 SPOON EXE 22677 120196 Spoon II V1.20
*12 SPOON INI 8807 120196 + Spoon Initialization Info
*13 SPOON NFO 3397 120196 + Spoon Documentation
*14 ANS-53 ANS 95740 120196 + ACiD ANSI logocluster 19
*15 CT-PSAND ANS 33328 120196 + Peyote Sands
*16 CT-TML2 ANS 34118 120196 + The Missing Link
*17 KH-MALE1 ANS 20834 120196 + Malevolence
*18 ON-PIR1 ANS 24179 120196 + Piranha
*19 VG-PUREM GIF 127666 120196 Pure Malevolence
*20 VN-EYES GIF 160518 120196 Not Anymore!
*21 BN-ABRAX JPG 76214 120196 Abraxas
*22 CS-DRACE JPG 51348 120196 Deadly Race
*23 CS-XMS96 JPG 54211 120196 h0h0h0 Merry Christmas
*24 J1-EOD JPG 40651 120196 Edge of Delight
*25 J1-MESTA JPG 75294 120196 Da Mesta
*26 PR-AF JPG 43045 120196 Ancient Future
*27 PR-EARTH JPG 84134 120196 Earth
*28 TD-MLINE JPG 38448 120196 Mainline Graphics
*29 US-HOTEL JPG 378858 120196 Hotel California
*30 US-KAYA JPG 157386 120196 The Kaya
*31 US-SATEL JPG 124035 120196 Satellites
*32 WC-ANGRL JPG 152427 120196 Anime Grrrl
*33 SS-GENOT RIP 10053 120196 Genotia
*34 ST-ABYSS RIP 23321 120196 Malicious Abyss
*35 ST-PROD3 RIP 50039 120196 The Product 3 Advo
*36 ST-XMAS RIP 50286 120196 Naughty or Nice?
*37 RA-ARTPX XB 33239 120196 + ACiD Artpacks Archive Advo
*38 WE-WILL SUE 1531 120196 + ACiD Legal Disclaimer
Data Legend
ACiD Production Animated/ANSiMated
Sound Effects/Music + Scrolling
x Multi-Screen * New Since Last Update
Total Files Net: 38 Total Bytes: 2,401,018
Average Of Bytes/File: 63,185
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