this image contains text
yyyo**aq**yyyo*--*ayy**yyyo**aq p*-qqyyp*ay**yyyo***aqyynqyyyyy**qyy :
.... P ,g@p, T ,g@p, **P ,g@p, jL ggP ,g@p, Tb, T ..:
: **l j TP jL
: , TP , TP , L TP , TP , , *ao**qL TD0P j
: @uuu@uu@uuu@uu@yyy@yy@y@yy@yy@@yy@u@
: : . . DDPTDjakRMRS
:......:........: : D p ,db db ,db T :
: : P ,g@ P j L TP j j :
: : P j: T9 ,L T9 :
:................: T, Ql :pg@bg@pgpg@by@ ....:
@p,, ACiD Productions, 1997
ACiD View Java 5.00b
Coded by MrK
Graphics by Acid Jack, Catbones, and RaD Man
Documentation by MrK
This is Acid View for Java. It is a platform independant file-viewer.
This means you can run this on Windows 95, X windows, MacOs, practically
any system that has a Java Virtual Machine JVM.
:NOTICE: This is a Java application, not an applet. This has nothing
to do with the web at all. This runs stand-alone, just like any other
program you own.
Obtaining a JVM.
You dont have a program to run java applcations? You can get one
from several locations. Microsoft has one. There is a freeware one
the one I used to develop this applcation called the Java Development
Kit JDK from Sun. You can get the SunOs and Windows 95 versions of JDK
from java.sun.com. You can get the Linux version from www.blackdown.org.
Running Acid View for Java.
I have included 2 shell routines to run Acid View. Both require
that your JVM is called java. The first is called avj, and is for unix
systems. The second is called avj.bat, and is for Windows 95/NT. To
run just type avj at the prompt.
What Can It View?
As of now version 5.0b Acid View can view ANSIs, ASCIIs, GIFs,
JPEGS, XBINs, and any text file you happen to have. The line length for
textfiles and ANSIs is limited to 400 lines, however this will be changed
soon. And for XBINs its 1000 lines.
Where will it go from here?
Im not sure. I want to speed up the ansi displaying routines.
SAUCE support will be added soon. I will recode it using JDK1.1.1 as soon
as I get my hands on a Linux version. Hopefully it will run a little faster.
Mr. Kite
ACiD Productions
.... P ,g@p, T ,g@p, **P ,g@p, jL ggP ,g@p, Tb, T ..:
: **l j TP jL
: , TP , TP , L TP , TP , , *ao**qL TD0P j
: @uuu@uu@uuu@uu@yyy@yy@y@yy@yy@@yy@u@
: : . . DDPTDjakRMRS
:......:........: : D p ,db db ,db T :
: : P ,g@ P j L TP j j :
: : P j: T9 ,L T9 :
:................: T, Ql :pg@bg@pgpg@by@ ....:
@p,, ACiD Productions, 1997
ACiD View Java 5.00b
Coded by MrK
Graphics by Acid Jack, Catbones, and RaD Man
Documentation by MrK
This is Acid View for Java. It is a platform independant file-viewer.
This means you can run this on Windows 95, X windows, MacOs, practically
any system that has a Java Virtual Machine JVM.
:NOTICE: This is a Java application, not an applet. This has nothing
to do with the web at all. This runs stand-alone, just like any other
program you own.
Obtaining a JVM.
You dont have a program to run java applcations? You can get one
from several locations. Microsoft has one. There is a freeware one
the one I used to develop this applcation called the Java Development
Kit JDK from Sun. You can get the SunOs and Windows 95 versions of JDK
from java.sun.com. You can get the Linux version from www.blackdown.org.
Running Acid View for Java.
I have included 2 shell routines to run Acid View. Both require
that your JVM is called java. The first is called avj, and is for unix
systems. The second is called avj.bat, and is for Windows 95/NT. To
run just type avj at the prompt.
What Can It View?
As of now version 5.0b Acid View can view ANSIs, ASCIIs, GIFs,
JPEGS, XBINs, and any text file you happen to have. The line length for
textfiles and ANSIs is limited to 400 lines, however this will be changed
soon. And for XBINs its 1000 lines.
Where will it go from here?
Im not sure. I want to speed up the ansi displaying routines.
SAUCE support will be added soon. I will recode it using JDK1.1.1 as soon
as I get my hands on a Linux version. Hopefully it will run a little faster.
Mr. Kite
ACiD Productions
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