this image contains text
illusive criminal AliVE
Greets to: Mass Delusion ByteMan Thee 3rd
Variation Hellion PiTT Demize RagTop
The Beholder Pliny Mr. Sinister Abomination
Denizen Hammer Head Anybody i Missed
My first pic over 200 lines!!!
I know the big green and purple
guy is over used, but it was a
good pic for my drawing. The
characters in my pic are taken
from Deathmate black. different
pages, I had to use several pics
to get the full body of the girl.
!!Have a great summer guys!! Copyrighted image comics. Rob
leifeld drew em.
All ansis on this pic were If ya would like an ansi
drawn by me not copied from from myself or any other member
other drawings. Completly of AliVE leave e-mail on Packaged
mine. L8tez.. Rebellion 916. I cant be reached
at Strategy Against the Architecture
because I am in the process of moving
Greets to: Mass Delusion ByteMan Thee 3rd
Variation Hellion PiTT Demize RagTop
The Beholder Pliny Mr. Sinister Abomination
Denizen Hammer Head Anybody i Missed
My first pic over 200 lines!!!
I know the big green and purple
guy is over used, but it was a
good pic for my drawing. The
characters in my pic are taken
from Deathmate black. different
pages, I had to use several pics
to get the full body of the girl.
!!Have a great summer guys!! Copyrighted image comics. Rob
leifeld drew em.
All ansis on this pic were If ya would like an ansi
drawn by me not copied from from myself or any other member
other drawings. Completly of AliVE leave e-mail on Packaged
mine. L8tez.. Rebellion 916. I cant be reached
at Strategy Against the Architecture
because I am in the process of moving
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