this image contains text
by Don Lokke, Jr.
Mack is Heading for 100!
With the latest upload of ALLMACK5.LZH we add Mack issues 75
through 93 to the archives. Satirical material is plentiful
to say the least and Mack has plenty to say. You can expect to
continue to view Mack well past the year 2030. Of course all
bets are off if Mack runs for office. Then again maybe his
viewpoint will change?
Mack Gets an EGA/VGA Facelift
We are still in the process of translating selected Mack strips
to GIF format for a variety of uses including EGAVGA electronic
publishing formats and animated short subjects.
Multimedia Goes Telecom with BIG and CONDOR
If you are interested in telepublishing check out the DPA file
area on GENIE. You will find the latest in tele-publishing software.
Blue Instant Graphics has been uploaded along with sample
publications. This is an exciting new development in
telepublishing since, it offer online VGA, EGA, Mouse support,
Animation, Adlib and speaker sound support. BP is the offline
In a recent development, Larry Mears, the author of BIG has
released an ANSI replacement that offers command line graphics
in DOS or online. CGAEGAVGA resolutions in addition to ANSI
all without terminals or graphic presentation programs.
Online Publishing offers new ANSI publications for BBSs
As a spinoff from the popular Mack Telecomics, Online Publishing
will be offering additional subscription screen services for
Science Facts, In History, World Explorer, Home Cooking,
and Good Earth. Each series will offer subscribers weekly
screens on specific topics of interest to BBS callers. The
subscription rate is 1 per screen in groups of 10. Back issues
are 50 cents each in groups of 20.
Subscribers Are Buzzing.....
We would like to welcome Andy Nachbaur and the Wild Bees BBS
to our family of subscribers. Reggie the Rattler, Talking
Head and Yellow Bird is being carried on Wild Bees BBS,
Wild NET and BEE-NET.
MACK THE MOUSE Gets His Own Conference!!
Mack recently got his first dedicated conference on PlanoNet. Yap
a place to call home. The general format in the conference is an
online ANSI comic forum where telecomics are welcome and political
viewpoints are as diverse as those participating in discussions.
More Formats Under Consideration...
After trying unsuccessfully to convert Mack to monochrome
for message areas, Online Publishing is considering a
monochrome Mike. Mike is a human and works well in the
monochrome world. However, the project is on hold until
more time can be found to make conversions and re-writes.
The market for this product has yet to see more than
two BBSs interested in the conversions.
Clinton said to hold your
nose and vote democratic
Seems 43 did.... the other
57 are just holding their
A Weekly BBS TeleComic Strip
Copyright 1992 Don Lokke, Jr.
Mike is an ASCII interpretation of our popular
MONO NUMBER 3 ANSI Mack the Mouse Tele-comic Strip for BBSs
The Industry is Growing
Joe Rothschild recently started uploading a series in the
RIME ANSI Conference. They are called Word Puzzles.
Great entertainment value. We just wanted to take a second
to congratulate another electronic publisher and let you
know when we see something fun and new!!!
Where To Find Mack
Well, thats the news for now. For those looking for the
latest Mack updates, just tune into the ANSI Conferences,
BBSs or Electronic Magazines listed below:
ILINK - Currently mack is suspended for airing political views
PLANONET - Has his own conference now!
Emerald Online 503-942-7014
Unicorns BBS 914-961-0399
Beacon BBS 214-881-7585
Portal To Infinity 317-887-6043
Wild Bees BBS 209-826-8107
Old Poops World 214-613-6900
A Chat - Magazine 713-771-2802
GEnie Digital Publishing Roundtable
Delphi BBS Area
Compuserve QPICS Forum
Lunatic Fringe 214-422-2936
BBS America 214-994-0093
Blue Flame 214-573-3649
COMPUSA 214-620-2255
Blue Star 214-234-1647
Manuscript 214-242-5225
MotherBoard 214-542-1287
Copyright 1993 Don Lokke, Jr. All Rights Reserved
Online Publishing
3001 Princess Lane
Plano, Texas 75074
214-424-5167 Voice 9-8 CTS Weekdays
by Don Lokke, Jr.
Mack is Heading for 100!
With the latest upload of ALLMACK5.LZH we add Mack issues 75
through 93 to the archives. Satirical material is plentiful
to say the least and Mack has plenty to say. You can expect to
continue to view Mack well past the year 2030. Of course all
bets are off if Mack runs for office. Then again maybe his
viewpoint will change?
Mack Gets an EGA/VGA Facelift
We are still in the process of translating selected Mack strips
to GIF format for a variety of uses including EGAVGA electronic
publishing formats and animated short subjects.
Multimedia Goes Telecom with BIG and CONDOR
If you are interested in telepublishing check out the DPA file
area on GENIE. You will find the latest in tele-publishing software.
Blue Instant Graphics has been uploaded along with sample
publications. This is an exciting new development in
telepublishing since, it offer online VGA, EGA, Mouse support,
Animation, Adlib and speaker sound support. BP is the offline
In a recent development, Larry Mears, the author of BIG has
released an ANSI replacement that offers command line graphics
in DOS or online. CGAEGAVGA resolutions in addition to ANSI
all without terminals or graphic presentation programs.
Online Publishing offers new ANSI publications for BBSs
As a spinoff from the popular Mack Telecomics, Online Publishing
will be offering additional subscription screen services for
Science Facts, In History, World Explorer, Home Cooking,
and Good Earth. Each series will offer subscribers weekly
screens on specific topics of interest to BBS callers. The
subscription rate is 1 per screen in groups of 10. Back issues
are 50 cents each in groups of 20.
Subscribers Are Buzzing.....
We would like to welcome Andy Nachbaur and the Wild Bees BBS
to our family of subscribers. Reggie the Rattler, Talking
Head and Yellow Bird is being carried on Wild Bees BBS,
Wild NET and BEE-NET.
MACK THE MOUSE Gets His Own Conference!!
Mack recently got his first dedicated conference on PlanoNet. Yap
a place to call home. The general format in the conference is an
online ANSI comic forum where telecomics are welcome and political
viewpoints are as diverse as those participating in discussions.
More Formats Under Consideration...
After trying unsuccessfully to convert Mack to monochrome
for message areas, Online Publishing is considering a
monochrome Mike. Mike is a human and works well in the
monochrome world. However, the project is on hold until
more time can be found to make conversions and re-writes.
The market for this product has yet to see more than
two BBSs interested in the conversions.
Clinton said to hold your
nose and vote democratic
Seems 43 did.... the other
57 are just holding their
A Weekly BBS TeleComic Strip
Copyright 1992 Don Lokke, Jr.
Mike is an ASCII interpretation of our popular
MONO NUMBER 3 ANSI Mack the Mouse Tele-comic Strip for BBSs
The Industry is Growing
Joe Rothschild recently started uploading a series in the
RIME ANSI Conference. They are called Word Puzzles.
Great entertainment value. We just wanted to take a second
to congratulate another electronic publisher and let you
know when we see something fun and new!!!
Where To Find Mack
Well, thats the news for now. For those looking for the
latest Mack updates, just tune into the ANSI Conferences,
BBSs or Electronic Magazines listed below:
ILINK - Currently mack is suspended for airing political views
PLANONET - Has his own conference now!
Emerald Online 503-942-7014
Unicorns BBS 914-961-0399
Beacon BBS 214-881-7585
Portal To Infinity 317-887-6043
Wild Bees BBS 209-826-8107
Old Poops World 214-613-6900
A Chat - Magazine 713-771-2802
GEnie Digital Publishing Roundtable
Delphi BBS Area
Compuserve QPICS Forum
Lunatic Fringe 214-422-2936
BBS America 214-994-0093
Blue Flame 214-573-3649
COMPUSA 214-620-2255
Blue Star 214-234-1647
Manuscript 214-242-5225
MotherBoard 214-542-1287
Copyright 1993 Don Lokke, Jr. All Rights Reserved
Online Publishing
3001 Princess Lane
Plano, Texas 75074
214-424-5167 Voice 9-8 CTS Weekdays
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