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Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is rahzel. The artist formerly known as megaman ex trank, odelay, dark, iesus, etc. I was asked to write something for this pack so here is what I have to say!
A big fizuck yizou goes to all the whores in ansi and ascii, especially that jewkike volatile and that niggerlover dezibel. Dezibel told me he likes big black cock, I told him that I wasnt interested but he kept going on. : Here is the log.
Dezibel hello!
rahzel hi my european friend, how can I help you?
Dezibel hmmm !
rahzel ?
* Dezibel is strocking his cock
rahzel Why are you telling me this?
Dezibel because i want to seduce you
rahzel Im sorry but you wont have any luck.
Dezibel i like big black cocks, i hear you have many of them in canada
rahzel Leave me alone you bastard!
I guess that shows the lameness of the majority of europeans. I guess they dont have many black people over there. But anyway. Another example of lameness is volatile, I was on irc and he kept making racist remarks about jews. I told him to stop, this is what happened:
rahzel Hello my friend.
volatile fuck you jew
rahzel Whats the matter with you? Hard day?
volatile shut up you stupid jew, my mom told me not to talk with jews!
rahzel Why?
volatile because they stink and theyre ugly and theyre dirty and they talk funny.
rahzel How can you be so rude! Oh my god!
What is the world coming to? Its full of hate. I guess its time to call those motherfucking carebears to clean things up here. Speaking of bears, I have sex with my teddy bears on a regular basis. Yes, I admit it. So what if its wrong, I dont care. Its better than going out and raping the neighbours dog like some people do d*z**el, v*la**le..... I was thinking, maybe we should start a fund to help mentally retarded euros, that way they wont come into ascii and harass us with their sexual and racist remarks. But anyway, I hope you people feel the same about this whole situation, its time for a change.
btw high to whodini and hiro and disco and bj and stuff.
A big fizuck yizou goes to all the whores in ansi and ascii, especially that jewkike volatile and that niggerlover dezibel. Dezibel told me he likes big black cock, I told him that I wasnt interested but he kept going on. : Here is the log.
Dezibel hello!
rahzel hi my european friend, how can I help you?
Dezibel hmmm !
rahzel ?
* Dezibel is strocking his cock
rahzel Why are you telling me this?
Dezibel because i want to seduce you
rahzel Im sorry but you wont have any luck.
Dezibel i like big black cocks, i hear you have many of them in canada
rahzel Leave me alone you bastard!
I guess that shows the lameness of the majority of europeans. I guess they dont have many black people over there. But anyway. Another example of lameness is volatile, I was on irc and he kept making racist remarks about jews. I told him to stop, this is what happened:
rahzel Hello my friend.
volatile fuck you jew
rahzel Whats the matter with you? Hard day?
volatile shut up you stupid jew, my mom told me not to talk with jews!
rahzel Why?
volatile because they stink and theyre ugly and theyre dirty and they talk funny.
rahzel How can you be so rude! Oh my god!
What is the world coming to? Its full of hate. I guess its time to call those motherfucking carebears to clean things up here. Speaking of bears, I have sex with my teddy bears on a regular basis. Yes, I admit it. So what if its wrong, I dont care. Its better than going out and raping the neighbours dog like some people do d*z**el, v*la**le..... I was thinking, maybe we should start a fund to help mentally retarded euros, that way they wont come into ascii and harass us with their sexual and racist remarks. But anyway, I hope you people feel the same about this whole situation, its time for a change.
btw high to whodini and hiro and disco and bj and stuff.
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