this image contains text
.,s Anger Produkcschions Presentz: s,.
.sS The Memberlisting For Ss.
.ss. 01-04-95 .ss.
.s. The leet has risin... .s.
.sFd Fds.
l l
., The Seniors! ,.
pixel pusher l
s. FadE, buzztone .s
l l
l ., The Ansi Division ,. l ,.
. FadE, toolz ,.
pixel pusher, Jack Daniels, Lithium, phoenstar
psybrepixel, shifter, buzztone, visual reality
obsidian, gammafunkula, psyberrape
seeker, mantazz
., The VGA Division ,.
pixel pusher
grapeape mailman obsidian
., The Coding Division ,.
pixel pusher, phoenstar, psybrepixel
cylicone, HaCKeRS uNDeRGRouND
., The Music Division ,.
., The Courierz ,.
.. Note ,.
If you noticed in every division there is either one
or two guyz at the top of the list. These membaz are the head
of their division.
.. How To Become A Member ,.
At this point in time we are only accepting a few of the
applications that come in. So if you wish to be a member you
better prove you are worthy of the privilege of carrying our name.
., The Headquarters ,.
., Name Of Board XXX N Sysop BBS Number ,.
The Stash CHQ 2 SpawN 705-XXX-XXXX
., ., Affiliated Boards ,. ,.
Lethal injection M/D 1 Jack Daniels XXX-XXX-XXXX
l Sea of Tranquility M/D 4 Visreal XXX-XXX-XXXX l
The Black Sinister M/D 1 toolz 705-XXX-XXXX
l Butane Underground M/D 1 Deathstalker 214-XXX-XXXX l
l ., ,. l
S. .,s All The Sysops Of These s,. S
s.Fd .sS Boards Are Considered Active Ss. Fd.s
. .ss. Members. .ss. .
greets from anger to demolition, drool, rile, blind, viper96, ace
anger niggaz, skate brahs, sCreamsheetzIne staff
buzztone, jesus.
.sS The Memberlisting For Ss.
.ss. 01-04-95 .ss.
.s. The leet has risin... .s.
.sFd Fds.
l l
., The Seniors! ,.
pixel pusher l
s. FadE, buzztone .s
l l
l ., The Ansi Division ,. l ,.
. FadE, toolz ,.
pixel pusher, Jack Daniels, Lithium, phoenstar
psybrepixel, shifter, buzztone, visual reality
obsidian, gammafunkula, psyberrape
seeker, mantazz
., The VGA Division ,.
pixel pusher
grapeape mailman obsidian
., The Coding Division ,.
pixel pusher, phoenstar, psybrepixel
cylicone, HaCKeRS uNDeRGRouND
., The Music Division ,.
., The Courierz ,.
.. Note ,.
If you noticed in every division there is either one
or two guyz at the top of the list. These membaz are the head
of their division.
.. How To Become A Member ,.
At this point in time we are only accepting a few of the
applications that come in. So if you wish to be a member you
better prove you are worthy of the privilege of carrying our name.
., The Headquarters ,.
., Name Of Board XXX N Sysop BBS Number ,.
The Stash CHQ 2 SpawN 705-XXX-XXXX
., ., Affiliated Boards ,. ,.
Lethal injection M/D 1 Jack Daniels XXX-XXX-XXXX
l Sea of Tranquility M/D 4 Visreal XXX-XXX-XXXX l
The Black Sinister M/D 1 toolz 705-XXX-XXXX
l Butane Underground M/D 1 Deathstalker 214-XXX-XXXX l
l ., ,. l
S. .,s All The Sysops Of These s,. S
s.Fd .sS Boards Are Considered Active Ss. Fd.s
. .ss. Members. .ss. .
greets from anger to demolition, drool, rile, blind, viper96, ace
anger niggaz, skate brahs, sCreamsheetzIne staff
buzztone, jesus.
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