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Andrew Crawford 3 @6994
Tue Mar 12 20:01:52 1991
// / /o // Synapsis had reachedLordAlfredscastleanddecidedtowaittillnightfallbeforesneakingi / / / n . . . . . . . . .x x / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / /SynapsislookedcarefullyandsawthesecretpassagethatEarlhaddescribedtohim o o o/ / o/ / / / // / o / / o / / / o o Synapsiswalkeddownadarkstairway. /o/ / / o Synapsispushedonthe walluntillhefoundthebricktotriggerthepassage. / / / // / / When the passage opened Synapsissawthathewasinthedungeon. o / / o/ / o / o // o / / o // o / / o / / o // o / / Synapsisheardaloudscreemandathud/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Thud andthensomefootsteps................. Suddenlythedooropened! LordAlfredandaguardsteppedoutandsynapsisattackedthem/o/ o / /o / / x/x x / x /x / x / x/ x x x / x x / o// o / / o / o/ / / / o / / o / o/ / o / o /o o LordAlfredranbackinthecellandtriedtoclosethedoor...x /o / /x / o / /ButSynapsisgottheirfirst.andraninside. o / / / / / o/ //o/ o o // OnemorestepandshesdeadyelledLordAlfred...................... .. Throwoutyoursword....Now!x / x/ x / x x o / o / o /oo// o // o/ o // o / o o oAlfredthrewthemaidenhewasholdingasideandsaidnowyoudie o/ x o x/ / o /x / LuckilySynapsishadalwayscarriedadaggerwithhimafterhisfirstexpiriencewithoutasword. / o/ o - / o / / o o o / o / TheBeutifulmaidenstoodupandrantoSynapsis. o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o o / / Then SynapsiskissedtheBeutifulmaidenMelissaofLoxley....andthentheyescapedintothenight.
Control Central Putting you in Control!
619-432-0051 300 - 2400 24hrs Take Control!
Tue Mar 12 20:01:52 1991
// / /o // Synapsis had reachedLordAlfredscastleanddecidedtowaittillnightfallbeforesneakingi / / / n . . . . . . . . .x x / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / /SynapsislookedcarefullyandsawthesecretpassagethatEarlhaddescribedtohim o o o/ / o/ / / / // / o / / o / / / o o Synapsiswalkeddownadarkstairway. /o/ / / o Synapsispushedonthe walluntillhefoundthebricktotriggerthepassage. / / / // / / When the passage opened Synapsissawthathewasinthedungeon. o / / o/ / o / o // o / / o // o / / o / / o // o / / Synapsisheardaloudscreemandathud/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Thud andthensomefootsteps................. Suddenlythedooropened! LordAlfredandaguardsteppedoutandsynapsisattackedthem/o/ o / /o / / x/x x / x /x / x / x/ x x x / x x / o// o / / o / o/ / / / o / / o / o/ / o / o /o o LordAlfredranbackinthecellandtriedtoclosethedoor...x /o / /x / o / /ButSynapsisgottheirfirst.andraninside. o / / / / / o/ //o/ o o // OnemorestepandshesdeadyelledLordAlfred...................... .. Throwoutyoursword....Now!x / x/ x / x x o / o / o /oo// o // o/ o // o / o o oAlfredthrewthemaidenhewasholdingasideandsaidnowyoudie o/ x o x/ / o /x / LuckilySynapsishadalwayscarriedadaggerwithhimafterhisfirstexpiriencewithoutasword. / o/ o - / o / / o o o / o / TheBeutifulmaidenstoodupandrantoSynapsis. o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o / / o o / / Then SynapsiskissedtheBeutifulmaidenMelissaofLoxley....andthentheyescapedintothenight.
Control Central Putting you in Control!
619-432-0051 300 - 2400 24hrs Take Control!
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