this image contains text
arsmanhaswonderedwhereitishissocksandunderwearhavebeengoing.ItwasoncethoughtonFroodgoosMinorthat itwastheplotofseverlofthelargerFabric
andTextileCompanies tokeepstealingbackallofthe underwearand socksthat wereoncebought fromthem.
It was the popular theory that the Omnicron Flying Underwear C
ompany had invented little green robots which invaded the bedrooms and washing machines of the populous. These robots were supposed to be the felons in this little plan of Empire by the horrible ruler of the Onmnicron Corp
oration, Platyus Timhocknory.
Platyus TimhocknoryGremiln RobotThis plan fell short oftrue when Platy
us himself fouunnd that he too was out of underwear. found that he too was out of underwear. Despite the realization of the people that it was, in fact, NOT Platyus Timhocknory perpetrating htesethese cr
imes, they went ahead and burned him alives anyway.
x xIt was also b
elievedthat HANGERS are the perpetrators of this crime. While it is understood that
leaving handgers unattended in a closet will undoubtedly result in the grossreproduction of hanger population, it was not understood just what gave theselittle buggers such an appetite for sex.
It was then believed that hangers actually ate socks and underwear.
It was explaned, that a hanger would fallto the floor on an unsuspecting pair of underwear, or a disused sock, and would, in affect, eat the garment, leavinf g hanger droppings behind.
Hanger droppoings greatly resemble dust balls and lint, thus leaving thebefuddled clothes loser without a clue. This theory lead to the outlaw of hangers on the Freed denim system . This
also lead the Freed denims eventualdecline in the fashion world, as wrinlkles went out of style eons ago.
Fashion Statement News
Freed OthersSALE
iIt wasleater realized the hangers are carnoivores and do not eat fibers. -
After years of more careful investigation, it was discovered that underwear, and their accomplice socks, are escaping via the sub-etha to a far off planetha
ven planet for linens and such. This planet, Linendia
------------orbits the distant star of Losian and has been the abode of linen from aroung the galaxy for hundredsof
years. Linendias sister planet, Stationarius, also in the same orbotit as Linendia, is the haven of lost pens, papers, paperclips, other office materi
als, and cherished books, . The two are recruiting for their eventual apocalyptic war.
WAR, ORGANIC MOUSE TRAPS, SHOE POLISH. This file is downloadable from
the file section. .
arsmanhaswonderedwhereitishissocksandunderwearhavebeengoing.ItwasoncethoughtonFroodgoosMinorthat itwastheplotofseverlofthelargerFabric
andTextileCompanies tokeepstealingbackallofthe underwearand socksthat wereoncebought fromthem.
It was the popular theory that the Omnicron Flying Underwear C
ompany had invented little green robots which invaded the bedrooms and washing machines of the populous. These robots were supposed to be the felons in this little plan of Empire by the horrible ruler of the Onmnicron Corp
oration, Platyus Timhocknory.
Platyus TimhocknoryGremiln RobotThis plan fell short oftrue when Platy
us himself fouunnd that he too was out of underwear. found that he too was out of underwear. Despite the realization of the people that it was, in fact, NOT Platyus Timhocknory perpetrating htesethese cr
imes, they went ahead and burned him alives anyway.
x xIt was also b
elievedthat HANGERS are the perpetrators of this crime. While it is understood that
leaving handgers unattended in a closet will undoubtedly result in the grossreproduction of hanger population, it was not understood just what gave theselittle buggers such an appetite for sex.
It was then believed that hangers actually ate socks and underwear.
It was explaned, that a hanger would fallto the floor on an unsuspecting pair of underwear, or a disused sock, and would, in affect, eat the garment, leavinf g hanger droppings behind.
Hanger droppoings greatly resemble dust balls and lint, thus leaving thebefuddled clothes loser without a clue. This theory lead to the outlaw of hangers on the Freed denim system . This
also lead the Freed denims eventualdecline in the fashion world, as wrinlkles went out of style eons ago.
Fashion Statement News
Freed OthersSALE
iIt wasleater realized the hangers are carnoivores and do not eat fibers. -
After years of more careful investigation, it was discovered that underwear, and their accomplice socks, are escaping via the sub-etha to a far off planetha
ven planet for linens and such. This planet, Linendia
------------orbits the distant star of Losian and has been the abode of linen from aroung the galaxy for hundredsof
years. Linendias sister planet, Stationarius, also in the same orbotit as Linendia, is the haven of lost pens, papers, paperclips, other office materi
als, and cherished books, . The two are recruiting for their eventual apocalyptic war.
WAR, ORGANIC MOUSE TRAPS, SHOE POLISH. This file is downloadable from
the file section. .
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