this image contains text
FAREWELL... --- ok - ok ------------------------------ ------------------------------ hey guysmy life sucks.. no modem, no bbsing, no scene.. b5 / I hate this. . : : . so i guess thatsit. //
/o /o
: : That was the last ansi I drew back in September of 1996. : :
: : What a downer. : :
: : Somehow my mother found out I was using credit card : :
: : generators Im pretty sure I told her, how else would : :
: : she find out? ..but that was it. She pulled my modem : :
: : and bye bye bbsing. Bye bye scene. I still tried to get : :
: : stuff to people by using friends but that eventually : :
: : fell through too. : :
: : Life went on and I tucked ansi away. : :
: : Sometime around 2010, I picked up a copy of dosbox, to : :
: : play old PC games and mess around with quickbasic. Then : :
: : I recalled my long lost love, ansi. I grabbed a copy of : :
: : aciddraw and pounded away at an earthbound piece because : :
: : why not? I submitted it to deviantart and didnt really : :
: : touch aciddraw again. : :
: : So when I started kicking around the idea of doing a web : :
: : comic, I instantly knew I was going to use ansi. It has : :
: : such a unique look to it. I started doing some research : :
: : to see if anyone had attempted an ansi webcomic. I came : :
: : across a thing or two but nothing along the lines of : :
: : what I was thinking of doing. It was then that I fell : :
: : into a forum where someone named ewheat was talking : :
: : about ansi art. Could it be? I checked his profile and : :
: : noticed he also posted in a deaf community. GOTCHA! : :
: : After all, there couldnt be 2 people named ewheat who : :
: : were deaf and into ansi art .. could there?! : :
: : Life is crazy. The internet is crazy. We got to chatting : :
: : and somehow he convinced me to join facebook curse you : :
: : ewheat!! and meet up with our old buddy misfit, who was : :
: : planning on putting out the long lost 13th apathy pack. : :
: : He then invited me into blocktronics. These dudes are : :
: : crazy. They didnt even ask for sample work or anything. : :
: : Wheres the quality control?! How times have changed! :P : :
: : So, much like ansi was there for me in my troubled : :
: : youth, it has returned for my mundane adulthood. : :
: : Ready to set my mind free. : :
: : Thank you blocktronics. : :
: : Thank you apathy. /o : :
: : /O /0 : :
/o /o
: : That was the last ansi I drew back in September of 1996. : :
: : What a downer. : :
: : Somehow my mother found out I was using credit card : :
: : generators Im pretty sure I told her, how else would : :
: : she find out? ..but that was it. She pulled my modem : :
: : and bye bye bbsing. Bye bye scene. I still tried to get : :
: : stuff to people by using friends but that eventually : :
: : fell through too. : :
: : Life went on and I tucked ansi away. : :
: : Sometime around 2010, I picked up a copy of dosbox, to : :
: : play old PC games and mess around with quickbasic. Then : :
: : I recalled my long lost love, ansi. I grabbed a copy of : :
: : aciddraw and pounded away at an earthbound piece because : :
: : why not? I submitted it to deviantart and didnt really : :
: : touch aciddraw again. : :
: : So when I started kicking around the idea of doing a web : :
: : comic, I instantly knew I was going to use ansi. It has : :
: : such a unique look to it. I started doing some research : :
: : to see if anyone had attempted an ansi webcomic. I came : :
: : across a thing or two but nothing along the lines of : :
: : what I was thinking of doing. It was then that I fell : :
: : into a forum where someone named ewheat was talking : :
: : about ansi art. Could it be? I checked his profile and : :
: : noticed he also posted in a deaf community. GOTCHA! : :
: : After all, there couldnt be 2 people named ewheat who : :
: : were deaf and into ansi art .. could there?! : :
: : Life is crazy. The internet is crazy. We got to chatting : :
: : and somehow he convinced me to join facebook curse you : :
: : ewheat!! and meet up with our old buddy misfit, who was : :
: : planning on putting out the long lost 13th apathy pack. : :
: : He then invited me into blocktronics. These dudes are : :
: : crazy. They didnt even ask for sample work or anything. : :
: : Wheres the quality control?! How times have changed! :P : :
: : So, much like ansi was there for me in my troubled : :
: : youth, it has returned for my mundane adulthood. : :
: : Ready to set my mind free. : :
: : Thank you blocktronics. : :
: : Thank you apathy. /o : :
: : /O /0 : :
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