this image contains text
l ,,sS P ,s.,s Ss,
,sS s,. ll l lll,d,gSll lb
llSs, lb, :bs,. l ll
ll :l s * , .,s s,.
g ggggggggssss ssssss ,gSll sS s,. ,d,dll: :b,
g,7 g ggg : sss l lP 7 l ll
* **ll: l: l iss ggggggg gggP :l lll l P lP
P.,ds , , s sgl s sssb,..,ds , s
aphros newsletter
hi yallz.. mjay here for yet an other release of the aphro!klan.
this month has been.. weird. the fights against serial hasnt stop
yet, as sargon and martz are still fighting. its funny tho. ca1thor
now known as absent spinsister got cought ripping. was it really a
rip? sargon, pm and cie: NO. some new members, some leaves, but
we still release this month the aphro!klan 2nd ascii pack.
spinsisters rips.
as most of you already know, c1 now known as absent spinsister got
cought for the 2nd time ripping. tho, he IS STILL an aphro member
cause there are GOOD explaination for those rips.
1st rip: it was pretty unobvious. tho, he ripped an ascii that was
made for his board. he confessed to me he inspired himself
from this ascii, tho never ripped it. if u look at the rip
file sargon has, u can see thats what he did. who never
copied someone elses style once in his life? not many..
and as has his own style tew, so why would he go ripping
everywhere all the time, like sargon and pm wanna prove?
2nd rip: sargon and cie really fucked up this one. listen u fuck heads,
i got respect for u guys, but this is really lame. wont u
stop with ur caithor is a ripper, he AINT. this rip file
u can get off sargon, is pretty obvious, when u look at it
that it has been a cut and paste rip. tho, what those fuckers
knew or didnt, is that it wasnt a rip. what happened is that
caithor, when he WASNT even an artist, took a pm phont, and
changed it so it would be wrote bad religion or sumthin
like that. he cut the last line so it would fit, and it
happens that the sig of pm was there. and besides, there was
never a c1 sig on it. and this is very old, like back 1
year, when i repeat, caithor wasnt drawing at that time.
he was only a warez puppy. like i can say that i RIPPED
before, yes, some ice pics that i took to make menus in my
renegade like 3 years ago. would that means i should be
banned from the artists scene because of it?
so this is sensless, aspinsister is a good artist and he
will stay in aphro as long as he want to. HE AINT A RIPPER.
new members, and some left.
biogenesis came back in the scene this month, and joined the fro!klan.
he has pretty phat phont, newskool and oldskool. u cant see any
recent oldskool this month tho. :
desperado left serial and joined the aphro!klan also, look at his
great phont and his kickin pics.
delta9 from shade joined us too, with his awesome uncolored newskool
phont and oldskool phont tew.
and finnaly, black jack is doin a guest in the pack. thx alot mate.
mso, leaves the aphro!klan and the scene for personnal reason. he
said hed release for the last time this month, but didnt. :
blizzard leaves the ascii scene.. he wants to concentrate on the ansi
scene i think. too bad mate, ur doin the wrong choice.
they both are still in the memlist, cause hmmm... i dunno. in case
they change their minds. they both left, came back, and left again
so we never know.
how to contact us?
u can e-mail any of the big giant aphro heads, the e-mails are in the
memlist. we have a channel, in effnet, aphro if it hasnt been
taken over by serial, cause our bot always quit :
u can get our packs in aphro, ascii, ftp.matabele.com or ftp.cdrom.com
remorse, and noname who died. fuckin shite, that sux, cause that makes
every noname guy join remorse and serial. fuck em. :
greets to odelay and oops tew. along with all the new groups, keep
on goin guys. comic, omi. shades tew, u guys rocked, tew bad u died.
gdrs unit half ascii half ansi tew. and hmmm.. serial i guess.. hmmm
no. yes. sumtimes. when they dont fuck with our channel and our
members :
mjay?! - mj@ftn.net
qqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqq
errr well, beware my newskool skills....
anywayz, martoz here, the pack is out, me and kaz made this huge collie...
so did squish, i had alot of phun this month....
enjoy the pack, greets in me collie...
have phun, join the fro!klan
fartz - martyr@hotmail.com
,sS s,. ll l lll,d,gSll lb
llSs, lb, :bs,. l ll
ll :l s * , .,s s,.
g ggggggggssss ssssss ,gSll sS s,. ,d,dll: :b,
g,7 g ggg : sss l lP 7 l ll
* **ll: l: l iss ggggggg gggP :l lll l P lP
P.,ds , , s sgl s sssb,..,ds , s
aphros newsletter
hi yallz.. mjay here for yet an other release of the aphro!klan.
this month has been.. weird. the fights against serial hasnt stop
yet, as sargon and martz are still fighting. its funny tho. ca1thor
now known as absent spinsister got cought ripping. was it really a
rip? sargon, pm and cie: NO. some new members, some leaves, but
we still release this month the aphro!klan 2nd ascii pack.
spinsisters rips.
as most of you already know, c1 now known as absent spinsister got
cought for the 2nd time ripping. tho, he IS STILL an aphro member
cause there are GOOD explaination for those rips.
1st rip: it was pretty unobvious. tho, he ripped an ascii that was
made for his board. he confessed to me he inspired himself
from this ascii, tho never ripped it. if u look at the rip
file sargon has, u can see thats what he did. who never
copied someone elses style once in his life? not many..
and as has his own style tew, so why would he go ripping
everywhere all the time, like sargon and pm wanna prove?
2nd rip: sargon and cie really fucked up this one. listen u fuck heads,
i got respect for u guys, but this is really lame. wont u
stop with ur caithor is a ripper, he AINT. this rip file
u can get off sargon, is pretty obvious, when u look at it
that it has been a cut and paste rip. tho, what those fuckers
knew or didnt, is that it wasnt a rip. what happened is that
caithor, when he WASNT even an artist, took a pm phont, and
changed it so it would be wrote bad religion or sumthin
like that. he cut the last line so it would fit, and it
happens that the sig of pm was there. and besides, there was
never a c1 sig on it. and this is very old, like back 1
year, when i repeat, caithor wasnt drawing at that time.
he was only a warez puppy. like i can say that i RIPPED
before, yes, some ice pics that i took to make menus in my
renegade like 3 years ago. would that means i should be
banned from the artists scene because of it?
so this is sensless, aspinsister is a good artist and he
will stay in aphro as long as he want to. HE AINT A RIPPER.
new members, and some left.
biogenesis came back in the scene this month, and joined the fro!klan.
he has pretty phat phont, newskool and oldskool. u cant see any
recent oldskool this month tho. :
desperado left serial and joined the aphro!klan also, look at his
great phont and his kickin pics.
delta9 from shade joined us too, with his awesome uncolored newskool
phont and oldskool phont tew.
and finnaly, black jack is doin a guest in the pack. thx alot mate.
mso, leaves the aphro!klan and the scene for personnal reason. he
said hed release for the last time this month, but didnt. :
blizzard leaves the ascii scene.. he wants to concentrate on the ansi
scene i think. too bad mate, ur doin the wrong choice.
they both are still in the memlist, cause hmmm... i dunno. in case
they change their minds. they both left, came back, and left again
so we never know.
how to contact us?
u can e-mail any of the big giant aphro heads, the e-mails are in the
memlist. we have a channel, in effnet, aphro if it hasnt been
taken over by serial, cause our bot always quit :
u can get our packs in aphro, ascii, ftp.matabele.com or ftp.cdrom.com
remorse, and noname who died. fuckin shite, that sux, cause that makes
every noname guy join remorse and serial. fuck em. :
greets to odelay and oops tew. along with all the new groups, keep
on goin guys. comic, omi. shades tew, u guys rocked, tew bad u died.
gdrs unit half ascii half ansi tew. and hmmm.. serial i guess.. hmmm
no. yes. sumtimes. when they dont fuck with our channel and our
members :
mjay?! - mj@ftn.net
qqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqq
errr well, beware my newskool skills....
anywayz, martoz here, the pack is out, me and kaz made this huge collie...
so did squish, i had alot of phun this month....
enjoy the pack, greets in me collie...
have phun, join the fro!klan
fartz - martyr@hotmail.com
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