![aqua 03 infofile](/pack/aqua_003/x1/AQUA_003.NFO.png)
this image contains text
. .,sdSSbs,.
. .,sdSSbs,. . .sSP TSs.
.. .sSP TSs. :: : .SP TS:..
.:: .SP TS. . dP Tb
: dP Tb :I:.. . rr ::
dI IbI: ::
:: ... .. ... . :Tb . ..,s.. . dP
:Ibss********************s*ssdI: Tb,. Tb .,dP
Tbs,,..dbdP .
.bs,.. .. . . ..,sd. ..,::TTPPTb ..:: :
IP TI .,sdSSbs,. T
:: .:dSP TSs.
Tb dP TS. :: aqua ::
Tb,. .,dPP:... .. Tb
:: Tbs,,..,,sdPTI : :: Ib ascii ..
::: TTPP :: :
.. ...::: :Ibss*s********************ssdI :: ..
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . N E W S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- --- *db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
The last month was pretty quiet, unless you count the world wide riot
caused by Santa Claus, the new years eve and an add to our happy lil
family. Thats right Cindy, Astarte, a Finnish newschool artist appli
ed and was approved. So, altough quiet, still pretty smooth month for
all of us in Aqua.
But for Gods sakes people, try to be more origional. If someone does
something with a cool font and with a cool charset, that doesnt mean
you have to plagiate it 1-1. In my opinion, its OK if you develop da
style more further, and possibly make it more smoother than the Elvis
himself Yes, Elvis the king, not Elv!s the ascii toid. Having a lil
of your OWN touch in asciis does not make your asciis worse than they
already are. It gives em a taste and a feeling that theres sumthing
YOUVE created. And this small burst of words was not ment for Aqua
only. It was ment for the newschool artscene as a whole.
Yes yes yes, I know that you dont make your way to the stars at one
night, should it even be that way? Grab yourself 10 artists. Take a
look at their style development. What do you see? A radical change
which seems to appear in periods. Theres a strong possibility that
within those 10 newschool ascii artists, you see ONE or TWO bombers
whose style would knock your panties off if it was given the chace.
Free your mind.
With these words I welcome you to aqua issue 3.
- h7 Aquabc!charm.aR
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . M E M B E R S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . B O A R D S :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
asphynx ........................................ asphynx@hotmail.com
h7 .................................................. cowboy1@sci.fi
mice ................................................ mikkol@icon.fi
apollo .......................................... apollo@dystopia.fi
astarte ............................................................
denude ................................................. dnd@sgic.fi
heck ........................................ heck@venture.fipnet.fi
insert ............................................... riku99@sci.fi
luminator ............................ jari.petersen/jessen@mbnet.fi
naam10 ......................................... naam10@mailcity.com
neurotrance .......................... neurotrance@venture.fipnet.fi
riddler aka deuce GUEST! ....................... r1ddler@iname.com
sculpture ..........................................................
* twain .............................................. twain@icenet.fi
woodoo .................................... woodoo@venture.fipnet.fi
* new artist
abstract hallucinations world hq .......... asphynx +358-9-3881460
haciend el bananas memberboard ................. h7 +358-3-GANGSTA
highlands memberboard ................. neurotrance +358-15-REGGAE
dont apply as your country/state hq unless youve got a static ip
telnet board up 24hrs/day + 7 days/week and so on.
AQUA-WEBtm is still coming ... someday
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . C O N T A C T I N G :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . A Q U A :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
to give feedback, to apply as an artist or as your country hq, or
just to share opinions your opinions with us, contact one of the
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . G R E E T S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
basic infofile by h7aqua :: dividers and top-logo by riddlerfire
. .,sdSSbs,. . .sSP TSs.
.. .sSP TSs. :: : .SP TS:..
.:: .SP TS. . dP Tb
: dP Tb :I:.. . rr ::
dI IbI: ::
:: ... .. ... . :Tb . ..,s.. . dP
:Ibss********************s*ssdI: Tb,. Tb .,dP
Tbs,,..dbdP .
.bs,.. .. . . ..,sd. ..,::TTPPTb ..:: :
IP TI .,sdSSbs,. T
:: .:dSP TSs.
Tb dP TS. :: aqua ::
Tb,. .,dPP:... .. Tb
:: Tbs,,..,,sdPTI : :: Ib ascii ..
::: TTPP :: :
.. ...::: :Ibss*s********************ssdI :: ..
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . N E W S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- --- *db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
The last month was pretty quiet, unless you count the world wide riot
caused by Santa Claus, the new years eve and an add to our happy lil
family. Thats right Cindy, Astarte, a Finnish newschool artist appli
ed and was approved. So, altough quiet, still pretty smooth month for
all of us in Aqua.
But for Gods sakes people, try to be more origional. If someone does
something with a cool font and with a cool charset, that doesnt mean
you have to plagiate it 1-1. In my opinion, its OK if you develop da
style more further, and possibly make it more smoother than the Elvis
himself Yes, Elvis the king, not Elv!s the ascii toid. Having a lil
of your OWN touch in asciis does not make your asciis worse than they
already are. It gives em a taste and a feeling that theres sumthing
YOUVE created. And this small burst of words was not ment for Aqua
only. It was ment for the newschool artscene as a whole.
Yes yes yes, I know that you dont make your way to the stars at one
night, should it even be that way? Grab yourself 10 artists. Take a
look at their style development. What do you see? A radical change
which seems to appear in periods. Theres a strong possibility that
within those 10 newschool ascii artists, you see ONE or TWO bombers
whose style would knock your panties off if it was given the chace.
Free your mind.
With these words I welcome you to aqua issue 3.
- h7 Aquabc!charm.aR
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . M E M B E R S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . B O A R D S :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
asphynx ........................................ asphynx@hotmail.com
h7 .................................................. cowboy1@sci.fi
mice ................................................ mikkol@icon.fi
apollo .......................................... apollo@dystopia.fi
astarte ............................................................
denude ................................................. dnd@sgic.fi
heck ........................................ heck@venture.fipnet.fi
insert ............................................... riku99@sci.fi
luminator ............................ jari.petersen/jessen@mbnet.fi
naam10 ......................................... naam10@mailcity.com
neurotrance .......................... neurotrance@venture.fipnet.fi
riddler aka deuce GUEST! ....................... r1ddler@iname.com
sculpture ..........................................................
* twain .............................................. twain@icenet.fi
woodoo .................................... woodoo@venture.fipnet.fi
* new artist
abstract hallucinations world hq .......... asphynx +358-9-3881460
haciend el bananas memberboard ................. h7 +358-3-GANGSTA
highlands memberboard ................. neurotrance +358-15-REGGAE
dont apply as your country/state hq unless youve got a static ip
telnet board up 24hrs/day + 7 days/week and so on.
AQUA-WEBtm is still coming ... someday
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . C O N T A C T I N G :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . A Q U A :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
to give feedback, to apply as an artist or as your country hq, or
just to share opinions your opinions with us, contact one of the
AQUA 03 :
.. . .:.. db,. :
db T ,sPTs, : , dPTb . G R E E T S :
P dPTb T dP.. .Tb,,d.. : SS dP Tb . :
P dP Tb T :i i: rr .. dP .Tb . :
- dP. Tb :i .d, i: I,. **I**db******Tb* -- ---
*db******db**Tb, T,d :: ... :: dP,. ..
. .. Tb s,.:T, ,s,,,s ,
basic infofile by h7aqua :: dividers and top-logo by riddlerfire
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