this image contains text
. -/- R i s e I n S u p e r i o u r C o u r i e r i n g -/- .
R -x R i s c F a m i l y x//- R
Ace Aldog Amano Analog Kid Bad Spirit Bandido Bender
Bigjilm Biker Bizzy Brain Chainsaw Cockroach Coolio
Dark Druid Darklord Devan Diaxes Dual Standard Dutchman
Enforcer Fiona Flavor Gbit GGeneral Hades
Hfb Holger Inphi Jabbera Jamaican Illusion Jman Maximizer
Mancow Moz Natural Newage Night Crawler Pele Plo Pozzo
Progge Prophet Psedo Racer Red Dragon Runner Saul Scan
Scott Shivan Sir Aragorn Suspicious Image Syntholik Syrup
Twz USteppin Virgo Youthx X
i -x R i s c N o t e s x// u
RiSC is the longest lasting courier group by far, and continues to bring
honor and respect to the courier scene as only RiSC can. To our
supporters we can only say, that YOU are what keeps the group going. And
to our competitors we say, keep trying guys, you can only aspire.
We have removed quite a few inactive members, if you become active again
then please feel free to reapply and we will consider reactivating your
membership ASAP.
The RiSC website can be found at http://www.risc2000.com.
s -x R i s c G r e e t s x//- l
c -x B b s S i t e s x// e
If youre in RiSC, you will know it, there is no point in listing our
famous sites here.
logo by xzip, layout by Somberlain of arc
R -x R i s c F a m i l y x//- R
Ace Aldog Amano Analog Kid Bad Spirit Bandido Bender
Bigjilm Biker Bizzy Brain Chainsaw Cockroach Coolio
Dark Druid Darklord Devan Diaxes Dual Standard Dutchman
Enforcer Fiona Flavor Gbit GGeneral Hades
Hfb Holger Inphi Jabbera Jamaican Illusion Jman Maximizer
Mancow Moz Natural Newage Night Crawler Pele Plo Pozzo
Progge Prophet Psedo Racer Red Dragon Runner Saul Scan
Scott Shivan Sir Aragorn Suspicious Image Syntholik Syrup
Twz USteppin Virgo Youthx X
i -x R i s c N o t e s x// u
RiSC is the longest lasting courier group by far, and continues to bring
honor and respect to the courier scene as only RiSC can. To our
supporters we can only say, that YOU are what keeps the group going. And
to our competitors we say, keep trying guys, you can only aspire.
We have removed quite a few inactive members, if you become active again
then please feel free to reapply and we will consider reactivating your
membership ASAP.
The RiSC website can be found at http://www.risc2000.com.
s -x R i s c G r e e t s x//- l
c -x B b s S i t e s x// e
If youre in RiSC, you will know it, there is no point in listing our
famous sites here.
logo by xzip, layout by Somberlain of arc
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