this image contains text
::::::: :::::::::.::::. : ::::::.::::::: 96
- P R E S E N T S -
- an ascii coection by fetischasi96 -
// mSs /
part 1: conference intros part 2: board header
o1 sound o1 confs
o2 board o2 areas
o3 art o3 upload
o4 pEEcEE o4 download
o5 amiga o5 stats
o6 console / o6 login
o7 support Q0 / o7 welcome
o8 games // o8 logoff
o9 tunes / o9 operator
1o wall
11 last ons
nAME: sound pART: 1/2
/fts /
: c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e : : :
:.........................:...: s.o.u.n.d :
nAME: board pART: 1/2
/ fts/ /
: the . board :
nAME: art pART: 1/2
. the one and only! .
. fts
. a.r.t c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e :
nAME: peecee pART: 1/2
: l . : :
: / fts/ / : :
: pEEcEE : / / :/
. : c0nference / /
nAME: amiga pART: 1/2
---+---------------+-----l----------------------- ----- --- -
/ / / / // /fts / /
l / // /
nAME: console pART: 1/2
// l / / // l / / //
. / / //fts / / .
t.h.e c.o.n.s.o.l.e t.o.w.n
nAME: support pART: 1/2
. // - --------- --------fts // / .
groups are
s.u.p.p.o.r.t p.l.a.c.e
nAME: games pART: 1/2
/ / //fts : / /
/ : o.f g.a.m.e.r.s
c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e +-------------------- --+---- -
nAME: tunes pART: 1/2
: // /fts : ------------ //. //
: tunes conph : :
/ / part 2 begins
nAME: confs pART: 2/2
nAME: areas pART: 2/2
nAME: upload pART: 2/2
nAME: download pART: 2/2
nAME: stats pART: 2/2
nAME: login pART: 2/2
nAME: welcome pART: 2/2
nAME: logoff pART: 2/2
/.fts : /: . / : :/
nAME: operator pART: 2/2
: .....:...:fts/ : : : //
: heres your sysop ... . .
nAME: wall pART: 2/2
nAME: last ons pART: 2/2
respect and greets to all ascii painters ...
- P R E S E N T S -
- an ascii coection by fetischasi96 -
// mSs /
part 1: conference intros part 2: board header
o1 sound o1 confs
o2 board o2 areas
o3 art o3 upload
o4 pEEcEE o4 download
o5 amiga o5 stats
o6 console / o6 login
o7 support Q0 / o7 welcome
o8 games // o8 logoff
o9 tunes / o9 operator
1o wall
11 last ons
nAME: sound pART: 1/2
/fts /
: c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e : : :
:.........................:...: s.o.u.n.d :
nAME: board pART: 1/2
/ fts/ /
: the . board :
nAME: art pART: 1/2
. the one and only! .
. fts
. a.r.t c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e :
nAME: peecee pART: 1/2
: l . : :
: / fts/ / : :
: pEEcEE : / / :/
. : c0nference / /
nAME: amiga pART: 1/2
---+---------------+-----l----------------------- ----- --- -
/ / / / // /fts / /
l / // /
nAME: console pART: 1/2
// l / / // l / / //
. / / //fts / / .
t.h.e c.o.n.s.o.l.e t.o.w.n
nAME: support pART: 1/2
. // - --------- --------fts // / .
groups are
s.u.p.p.o.r.t p.l.a.c.e
nAME: games pART: 1/2
/ / //fts : / /
/ : o.f g.a.m.e.r.s
c.o.n.f.e.r.e.n.c.e +-------------------- --+---- -
nAME: tunes pART: 1/2
: // /fts : ------------ //. //
: tunes conph : :
/ / part 2 begins
nAME: confs pART: 2/2
nAME: areas pART: 2/2
nAME: upload pART: 2/2
nAME: download pART: 2/2
nAME: stats pART: 2/2
nAME: login pART: 2/2
nAME: welcome pART: 2/2
nAME: logoff pART: 2/2
/.fts : /: . / : :/
nAME: operator pART: 2/2
: .....:...:fts/ : : : //
: heres your sysop ... . .
nAME: wall pART: 2/2
nAME: last ons pART: 2/2
respect and greets to all ascii painters ...
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