this image contains text
astek generic members / support boards list done on 94/01/30.
. compiled by sleep walker for the january astek pack .
currents support boards - total: 3 boards
Wave Of Weirdness/node 1 WHQ 418285-4838 1200/14400v32 QC, CAN
Digital Oxygene/node 1 HQ 214414-5041 9600/14400v32 TX, USA
Digital Oxygene/node 2 HQ 214530-4636 2400/14400v32 TX, USA
Digital Oxygene/node 3 HQ 214530-4820 2400/9600v32 TX, USA
The Main Frame BBS/node 1 Dist 914557-3567 2400/14400v32 NY, USA
currents members - total: 12 members
Astral Buster 418 member ANSI VGA artist
Blue Angel Dream 418 member k/kewl COURRIER :
Boomer The Bass Pig 214 member MUSICIAN / guest member
Dirty Jester 418 member MUSICIAN
Krystall 418 member MUSICIAN
Okeanos 418 member VGA artist
Sleep Walker 418 member SysOp / ANSI artist
Soundwave 404 member MUSICIAN / new member
The Extremist 418 member ANSI artist / coder
The Naughty Tycoon 418 member ANSI artist
Vlad Drakul 418 member ANSI VGA artist / miscs.
Young 418 member ANSI artist / handpaint
Special thanks to The Extremist for its viewer.
files list - total: 44 files
README.NOW Sorry, a little bug...
FILEID.DIZ Is it necessary to describe it? :
ASTEK2.NFO This file...
VIEWER.EXE The programm used to view our ANSIs.
MAINSCR.ANS Menu of the viewer.
0194.LST Data List of the viewer.
VENUS.FAR A GUS sound file by Krystall.
SCORP-12.GIF Scorpion BattleTech VGA by Astral Buster.
SCUD.GIF SCUD Sound Files VGA by Vlad Drakul.
ASTEK1.PCX An ASTEK PCX file by Sleep Walker.
AB-xxxxx.ANS Astral Busters ANSIs.
SW-xxxxx.ANS Sleep Walkers ANSIs.
TE-xxxxx.ANS The Extremists ANSIs.
TNT-xxxx.ANS The Naughty Tycoons ANSIs.
VD-xxxxx.ANS Vlad Drakuls ANSIs.
YNG-xxxx.ANS Youngs ANSIs.
Dump the rest... :
. compiled by sleep walker for the january astek pack .
currents support boards - total: 3 boards
Wave Of Weirdness/node 1 WHQ 418285-4838 1200/14400v32 QC, CAN
Digital Oxygene/node 1 HQ 214414-5041 9600/14400v32 TX, USA
Digital Oxygene/node 2 HQ 214530-4636 2400/14400v32 TX, USA
Digital Oxygene/node 3 HQ 214530-4820 2400/9600v32 TX, USA
The Main Frame BBS/node 1 Dist 914557-3567 2400/14400v32 NY, USA
currents members - total: 12 members
Astral Buster 418 member ANSI VGA artist
Blue Angel Dream 418 member k/kewl COURRIER :
Boomer The Bass Pig 214 member MUSICIAN / guest member
Dirty Jester 418 member MUSICIAN
Krystall 418 member MUSICIAN
Okeanos 418 member VGA artist
Sleep Walker 418 member SysOp / ANSI artist
Soundwave 404 member MUSICIAN / new member
The Extremist 418 member ANSI artist / coder
The Naughty Tycoon 418 member ANSI artist
Vlad Drakul 418 member ANSI VGA artist / miscs.
Young 418 member ANSI artist / handpaint
Special thanks to The Extremist for its viewer.
files list - total: 44 files
README.NOW Sorry, a little bug...
FILEID.DIZ Is it necessary to describe it? :
ASTEK2.NFO This file...
VIEWER.EXE The programm used to view our ANSIs.
MAINSCR.ANS Menu of the viewer.
0194.LST Data List of the viewer.
VENUS.FAR A GUS sound file by Krystall.
SCORP-12.GIF Scorpion BattleTech VGA by Astral Buster.
SCUD.GIF SCUD Sound Files VGA by Vlad Drakul.
ASTEK1.PCX An ASTEK PCX file by Sleep Walker.
AB-xxxxx.ANS Astral Busters ANSIs.
SW-xxxxx.ANS Sleep Walkers ANSIs.
TE-xxxxx.ANS The Extremists ANSIs.
TNT-xxxx.ANS The Naughty Tycoons ANSIs.
VD-xxxxx.ANS Vlad Drakuls ANSIs.
YNG-xxxx.ANS Youngs ANSIs.
Dump the rest... :
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