this image contains text
January 31, 1993 19:00 ET
Welcome to another production of
When the sky is no longer the limit
About the song
Title: Twenty million miles to Venus
Type: Farandoles .FAR
Length: 36 patterns / 4 minutes 23 seconds
Patterns: 22 patterns
Nb. Voices: 16 voices
I promised you a techno song so here it is! : Sorry but I had to do it
in a hurry since the Astek January pack will be released tomorrow. The
samples for this song were taken from KLFs In God We Trance MTM.
About me
First of all, Im 18 years old and I study in computer science at
Cgep Ste-Foy. I live in Cap-Sant, a little 1700 peoples town near the
St-Lawrence river and Qubec city, Canada. I touched the keyboard of a
computer for the first time when I was 4 years old. It was an old Ohio
Scientific C2-8P with 8 inches disk drives! In 1984, we bought our first
PC and since this time we have kept this kind of computer. Im also the
proud owner of a Gravis Ultrasound. I started making music when Ultra-
tracker first came out in June 93. I now mainly use Farandole Ultra-
About Astek:
Astek is a group that mainly make Ansi and other art related computer
stuff. The group is at his beginning but you will see more from us soon.
It is composed of:
Astral Buster - Ansi / VGA
Blue Angel Dream - Courrier
Boomer the Bass Pig - Musician Guest Member
Dirty Jester - Musician
Krystall - Musician
Okeanos - VGA
Sleep Walker - Ansi
Soundwave - Musician
The Extremist - Ansi
The Naughty Tycoon - Ansi
Vlad Drakul - Ansi
Young - Ansi, Hand Painting
In no particular order
Sleep Walker, Blue Angel Dream, Coaxial Karma, Young, Skyzofren, The
Naughty Tycoon, The ExtremisT, Dirty Jester, Vlad Drakul, Soundwave,
Live Wire, Evil-E, Doomsday, Marc Andr Schallehn Of Mysterious, Dr. Zon
Of X-Pose, Boomer The Bass Pig Of Parental Advisory, Daniel Potter, Snowman
And All The Other Digital Infinity Members, Ryan Cramer Of Renaissance,
Mike Phillips Of Digital Oxygene, Prescience Of Super House, Jurassic Mark
For His Wonderful Glist And All The Other People I Talked To In My 18 Years
Long Life. :
Also a mega-greets to all Gravis Ultrasound Owners around the world!
Other Releases
Here is an alphabetical list of all the other songs I released to date:
Archive name Ext. Song Title Comment
4TH.ARJ ULT 4th Dimension
WINDS.ARJ ULT Antarctic Winds My second release.
NATION.ARJ ULT Dance of the nations
JAMS.ARJ FAR J.A.M.S. My first try with Farandole.
KOOLAIDS.ARJ ULT Kool Aids Took 30 minutes to do :
TIME.ARJ FAR Once upon a time...
OURWORLD.ARJ FAR Our World For Digital Infinitys Musicdisk.
PARACID.ARJ FAR Paracidize This one is for the techno lovers!
SUNSHINE.ARJ ULT Sunshine Dance mix of an old .MOD I did.
SWEET.ARJ ULT Sweet Rhapsody Surely my best .ULT!
SYMPH1.ARJ FAR Symphony 1 Winner of the Music Contest 1
FOREST.ARJ ULT Trip to the forest My first release.
VENUS.ARJ FAR 20M miles to Venus Astek pack 1
How to contact me:
You can contact me by E-Mail at P.MATTE1@genie.geis.com
Note that PMATTE1@delphi.com is no longer valid.
You can also call one of the astek distro site:
Wave of Weirdness ........ 418 285-4838 WHQ - Qubec
Digital Oxygene Node 1 ... 214 414-5041 US HQ - Texas
Node 2 ... 214 530-4636
Node 3 ... 214 530-4820
The Main Frame BBS ....... 914 557-3567 Distro. - New York
Krystall / Astek94
Welcome to another production of
When the sky is no longer the limit
About the song
Title: Twenty million miles to Venus
Type: Farandoles .FAR
Length: 36 patterns / 4 minutes 23 seconds
Patterns: 22 patterns
Nb. Voices: 16 voices
I promised you a techno song so here it is! : Sorry but I had to do it
in a hurry since the Astek January pack will be released tomorrow. The
samples for this song were taken from KLFs In God We Trance MTM.
About me
First of all, Im 18 years old and I study in computer science at
Cgep Ste-Foy. I live in Cap-Sant, a little 1700 peoples town near the
St-Lawrence river and Qubec city, Canada. I touched the keyboard of a
computer for the first time when I was 4 years old. It was an old Ohio
Scientific C2-8P with 8 inches disk drives! In 1984, we bought our first
PC and since this time we have kept this kind of computer. Im also the
proud owner of a Gravis Ultrasound. I started making music when Ultra-
tracker first came out in June 93. I now mainly use Farandole Ultra-
About Astek:
Astek is a group that mainly make Ansi and other art related computer
stuff. The group is at his beginning but you will see more from us soon.
It is composed of:
Astral Buster - Ansi / VGA
Blue Angel Dream - Courrier
Boomer the Bass Pig - Musician Guest Member
Dirty Jester - Musician
Krystall - Musician
Okeanos - VGA
Sleep Walker - Ansi
Soundwave - Musician
The Extremist - Ansi
The Naughty Tycoon - Ansi
Vlad Drakul - Ansi
Young - Ansi, Hand Painting
In no particular order
Sleep Walker, Blue Angel Dream, Coaxial Karma, Young, Skyzofren, The
Naughty Tycoon, The ExtremisT, Dirty Jester, Vlad Drakul, Soundwave,
Live Wire, Evil-E, Doomsday, Marc Andr Schallehn Of Mysterious, Dr. Zon
Of X-Pose, Boomer The Bass Pig Of Parental Advisory, Daniel Potter, Snowman
And All The Other Digital Infinity Members, Ryan Cramer Of Renaissance,
Mike Phillips Of Digital Oxygene, Prescience Of Super House, Jurassic Mark
For His Wonderful Glist And All The Other People I Talked To In My 18 Years
Long Life. :
Also a mega-greets to all Gravis Ultrasound Owners around the world!
Other Releases
Here is an alphabetical list of all the other songs I released to date:
Archive name Ext. Song Title Comment
4TH.ARJ ULT 4th Dimension
WINDS.ARJ ULT Antarctic Winds My second release.
NATION.ARJ ULT Dance of the nations
JAMS.ARJ FAR J.A.M.S. My first try with Farandole.
KOOLAIDS.ARJ ULT Kool Aids Took 30 minutes to do :
TIME.ARJ FAR Once upon a time...
OURWORLD.ARJ FAR Our World For Digital Infinitys Musicdisk.
PARACID.ARJ FAR Paracidize This one is for the techno lovers!
SUNSHINE.ARJ ULT Sunshine Dance mix of an old .MOD I did.
SWEET.ARJ ULT Sweet Rhapsody Surely my best .ULT!
SYMPH1.ARJ FAR Symphony 1 Winner of the Music Contest 1
FOREST.ARJ ULT Trip to the forest My first release.
VENUS.ARJ FAR 20M miles to Venus Astek pack 1
How to contact me:
You can contact me by E-Mail at P.MATTE1@genie.geis.com
Note that PMATTE1@delphi.com is no longer valid.
You can also call one of the astek distro site:
Wave of Weirdness ........ 418 285-4838 WHQ - Qubec
Digital Oxygene Node 1 ... 214 414-5041 US HQ - Texas
Node 2 ... 214 530-4636
Node 3 ... 214 530-4820
The Main Frame BBS ....... 914 557-3567 Distro. - New York
Krystall / Astek94
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