this image contains text
Milkmang is on the line, hi world.
First i want to explain what im doing in Awe since Ive had alot of shit from people lately. Around christmas, Nail asked me if i wanted to join up with
Fire. At that point i fealt alot for Nerprip but also i thought, why joint
such an inactive group as Fire?. I said to Nail i would wait and see what the
next pack contained and then leave him an email. Then, maestro asked if i
wanted to join up with Legion, and with the members he counted i couldnt say
no. It felt like something special.
Nail got very pissed at me, and Legion still havent released. I havent
released art for about, three months i think. However, since nail wasnt sure
about letting me into Fire anymore Im releasing this little logocolly with
AWE lettering instead. Im still in Legion, i will have tons of shitty
art there.
Ok, here we go, starting off with a hdr.ans for my obv2 setup, its nifty and
simple, i like it. it fits with the screens and shit.
Ok, continuing with the userlog.ans, a login screen for obv2. i like this one
name :: milkmang
pass ::
So, getting hot? Heres something for this Rage dude, youve gotta understand
it to like it, as i said to Bizzarro .
neosporin is built in hundred percent natural composits
Dataflows fsol. Dunno if it ever will be up, but i counted on it.
. singelnode artproject built by dataflow and friends .
And so another ansi for my board, the lunchbox. I dont like this one.
--- box --
An old loginansi for my board.
the lunchbox
Lunchbox again, will this madness never end?
the lunchbox, one of a kind
Closing greets to bizzarro, reanimator, stridh, orphic, mend, tas, tainted,
filth and all those that i forgot.
Chrom, selling MY bbs to lokal sceners isnt very genious,
but what was i thinking on? trusting a dude with yellow hair, to big pants and the rest signed Fila?! noway.
Signed hatemail n shit
Milkmang is on the line, hi world.
First i want to explain what im doing in Awe since Ive had alot of shit from people lately. Around christmas, Nail asked me if i wanted to join up with
Fire. At that point i fealt alot for Nerprip but also i thought, why joint
such an inactive group as Fire?. I said to Nail i would wait and see what the
next pack contained and then leave him an email. Then, maestro asked if i
wanted to join up with Legion, and with the members he counted i couldnt say
no. It felt like something special.
Nail got very pissed at me, and Legion still havent released. I havent
released art for about, three months i think. However, since nail wasnt sure
about letting me into Fire anymore Im releasing this little logocolly with
AWE lettering instead. Im still in Legion, i will have tons of shitty
art there.
Ok, here we go, starting off with a hdr.ans for my obv2 setup, its nifty and
simple, i like it. it fits with the screens and shit.
Ok, continuing with the userlog.ans, a login screen for obv2. i like this one
name :: milkmang
pass ::
So, getting hot? Heres something for this Rage dude, youve gotta understand
it to like it, as i said to Bizzarro .
neosporin is built in hundred percent natural composits
Dataflows fsol. Dunno if it ever will be up, but i counted on it.
. singelnode artproject built by dataflow and friends .
And so another ansi for my board, the lunchbox. I dont like this one.
--- box --
An old loginansi for my board.
the lunchbox
Lunchbox again, will this madness never end?
the lunchbox, one of a kind
Closing greets to bizzarro, reanimator, stridh, orphic, mend, tas, tainted,
filth and all those that i forgot.
Chrom, selling MY bbs to lokal sceners isnt very genious,
but what was i thinking on? trusting a dude with yellow hair, to big pants and the rest signed Fila?! noway.
Signed hatemail n shit
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