this image contains text
no thanks!tnaawe
last callers
time name
calling from affiliation/s
10:00pm Absent
Spinsister Somewhere in Sweden awe / oops!asc
ii 10:01pm The Night Angel
QUEBEC!! awe / cia 10:02
pm Absent Spinsister Somewhere in Sweden
awe / oops!ascii 10:03pm T
he Night Angel QUEBEC!! awe / cia
10:04pm Absent Spinsister Somew
here in Sweden awe / oops!ascii---
no thanks!tnaawe
last callers
time name
calling from affiliation/s
10:00pm Absent
Spinsister Somewhere in Sweden awe / oops!asc
ii 10:01pm The Night Angel
QUEBEC!! awe / cia 10:02
pm Absent Spinsister Somewhere in Sweden
awe / oops!ascii 10:03pm T
he Night Angel QUEBEC!! awe / cia
10:04pm Absent Spinsister Somew
here in Sweden awe / oops!ascii---
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