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A Tempest BBS : A3000 25 Mhz / 10 Megz RAM / 600+ Megz Online!
/. ./. . ./. -ATXS- . /. ./. .
O- - ---------O
S-NES . .. .. .. .. .
O------------------ ---------------------------------------------O
.: SNES CODER :. // . .:: CRYSTAL USHQ . VISA USHQ ::. .
.::: CONFERENCE :::. Fastest With The Console Warez!!
Node1: 1-718-xxx-xxxx Node2: 1-718-xxx-xxxx Node3 :1-718-xxx-xxxx
USR14.4 HST Ringdown- USR16.8 Dual Ringdown - USR16.8 Dual
/. ./. . ./. -ATXS- . /. ./. .
O- - ---------O
S-NES . .. .. .. .. .
O------------------ ---------------------------------------------O
.: SNES CODER :. // . .:: CRYSTAL USHQ . VISA USHQ ::. .
.::: CONFERENCE :::. Fastest With The Console Warez!!
Node1: 1-718-xxx-xxxx Node2: 1-718-xxx-xxxx Node3 :1-718-xxx-xxxx
USR14.4 HST Ringdown- USR16.8 Dual Ringdown - USR16.8 Dual
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