this image contains text
/d!s fiNE wARE fELL fR0M dA dRiVEZ oF tHE jADE gAtE.../
/ / 2o3938/xxxx
nup: m1000
/ : 28,8ksupra
/ 0-10 day
/ / fAST tRADERs
/ : : pLEASE aPPLy
-/tJG/-/ /
2o3938/0143 / /
2 n0dez! /
14,4kusr /.
1.4 gigz
siCK rATiOZ / /
phOR Ld-eRz / /
PCBored 15.2 wit some modz iNfiNiTy dist : HyBRID Distro
HyPeR VeLoCiTy distro The Dead 0nes WHq .
sYSgOd: Fastalker MtX/HyP
cOgOD: Dark Angel S0p:uWe cOgOD: LiMit S0p:fS
/ / 2o3938/xxxx
nup: m1000
/ : 28,8ksupra
/ 0-10 day
/ / fAST tRADERs
/ : : pLEASE aPPLy
-/tJG/-/ /
2o3938/0143 / /
2 n0dez! /
14,4kusr /.
1.4 gigz
siCK rATiOZ / /
phOR Ld-eRz / /
PCBored 15.2 wit some modz iNfiNiTy dist : HyBRID Distro
HyPeR VeLoCiTy distro The Dead 0nes WHq .
sYSgOd: Fastalker MtX/HyP
cOgOD: Dark Angel S0p:uWe cOgOD: LiMit S0p:fS
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