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Sunflex Inc German And Arclite European Headquarter :
. Type oNegative World Headquarter
Staff: Mogue!/Sunflex IncArcliteType oNegative .
Deskline/Lightforce - eCs/TrsiSion
Exocet/AnthroxArclite - Tolpan/Type oNegative /
Goldman/Sunflex Inc - Slime!/RoyalMotion .
The Assassin/HotlineCrack Inc
Running Fame On Amiga 2ooo
.. / 68060/50Mhz With 34Mb Ram
/ / / And 25oo Mb Storage
/ / H2o!
/ / Supporting 8 Nodes
/ Usr 33k6 - Isdn 64ko - Telnet 64ko
/ All Nodes Running On Isdn
Telnet With Static Ip And Running On Isdn Daily 4 Hours
. Type oNegative World Headquarter
Staff: Mogue!/Sunflex IncArcliteType oNegative .
Deskline/Lightforce - eCs/TrsiSion
Exocet/AnthroxArclite - Tolpan/Type oNegative /
Goldman/Sunflex Inc - Slime!/RoyalMotion .
The Assassin/HotlineCrack Inc
Running Fame On Amiga 2ooo
.. / 68060/50Mhz With 34Mb Ram
/ / / And 25oo Mb Storage
/ / H2o!
/ / Supporting 8 Nodes
/ Usr 33k6 - Isdn 64ko - Telnet 64ko
/ All Nodes Running On Isdn
Telnet With Static Ip And Running On Isdn Daily 4 Hours
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