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Febuary BAD ANSi Pak.
Released: March 2, 1993
Text: Last Minute Stuff
Created by: Section 8
Well, this is BAD Pak 2. Thanks to everyone for getting their work
to me on time. Wish I had done the same.. Sigh The packet was delayed 2
days due to myself getting tied up, and not having time to even get it all
together.. BUT its out, finally! Youll notice that our number of ANSis
went down this packet a bit, that was due to 3 things:
1: 2 members got jobs, Myself and Squirrel and havent had as much
time to draw.
2: Some members spent more time on their loaders this time than last.
3: Our quality of work went up, and this meant more time working on
the Ansis. which is good, actually.
And hows this for news: BAD will no longer put out ANSi packets under
the same name. We are merging with C to form a NEW and EXCELLENT group
for Ansis/VGAs/Sound. I wont give the name out yet, but if you look closely
at one of the ANSis in this pack, youll find the name. Our first packet
will be out on the first of April. Look for it.
Anyhow, thats it. Enjoy the packet, and give us a ring if you want
a Ansi done, or would like to join our new group.
-Section 8
Released: March 2, 1993
Text: Last Minute Stuff
Created by: Section 8
Well, this is BAD Pak 2. Thanks to everyone for getting their work
to me on time. Wish I had done the same.. Sigh The packet was delayed 2
days due to myself getting tied up, and not having time to even get it all
together.. BUT its out, finally! Youll notice that our number of ANSis
went down this packet a bit, that was due to 3 things:
1: 2 members got jobs, Myself and Squirrel and havent had as much
time to draw.
2: Some members spent more time on their loaders this time than last.
3: Our quality of work went up, and this meant more time working on
the Ansis. which is good, actually.
And hows this for news: BAD will no longer put out ANSi packets under
the same name. We are merging with C to form a NEW and EXCELLENT group
for Ansis/VGAs/Sound. I wont give the name out yet, but if you look closely
at one of the ANSis in this pack, youll find the name. Our first packet
will be out on the first of April. Look for it.
Anyhow, thats it. Enjoy the packet, and give us a ring if you want
a Ansi done, or would like to join our new group.
-Section 8
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