this image contains text
: : : // // : // / mjay?! / :
: : b :.........: i : ...:........:. . :
. a s c ..:................: c i :.......:
: a s i
w i t h t h e c o l a b o r a t i o n o f
: / /-wk!/ja /
m j a y
a c o l l y c a l l e d
// m j a y
:/ / a m e r i c a / :
: d i e i n g :
: / s l o w l y / / :
// america is dieing slowly //
::::::::: .....:: :. .... i n t r o 2 2 0 v
. . /. l::::: ::::::.
l l / l / .::: ::::::::
----./ l:::....:::::::
welp an other colly.. i didnt release it in serial, no, but in basic
i am explaining it at the end of the colly.
THANKS TO: d2rn for the divider, . ...:.........
tango for the greet ascii, : :
arlequin for the intro ascii, : :
wisekid for the mjay ascii. :
/mjay?! /
i n d e x
. ascii title - ascii for
: 1. the 11th hour - enigmatic? :
: 2. code zero - shift :
: 3. passion - martz :
:..... 4. feral - feral .....:
5. funeral fog - catharsis /
6. flip flop - serial t00n
cockwomen i suck cock, 10
....... 7. fucked up the ass - discofunk .......
: 8. goodbye - god knows :
: 9. genius - genius :
: 10. plastik heroes - pariah :
: 11. modemland - hiro --+ :
. : . ... 12. moslem - mjay ......:
weed good, i was looking for ya
: 13. system rules - cant member
: 14. smarket - god knows
: 15. spur posse - xavii
: 16. heippa - god knows
: 17. mess - mess
:...... 18. phusis - fongus .. . .
19. seiken - ohseven
:: there we gooooo :::: : can u tell what that is? hmm neither can i.
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: enigmatic? / / :
-- lOGO : the 11th hour . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
/ / -----// the 11th hour
/ mjay?!
eh, never sent it to you, u aint gonna use it. i did it tho.
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: shift / / :
-- lOGO : code zero . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
/ //mjay?!
c o d e z e r o / +o shift
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: martz / / :
-- lOGO : passion . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
. . p a s s i o n . . /
// -mjay?! //
ascii: passion // for: martzkaz
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: feral / / :
-- lOGO : feral . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: .---+ ascii title: feral mjay?!:
. ------ done for: feral .
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: catharsis / / :
-- lOGO : funeral fog . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
..funeral fog.. // /
+o catharsis
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: serial2n / / :
-- lOGO : flip flop . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
ascii : flip flop / / /
done for : serial toon / / /
-mjay?! /
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: discofunk / / :
-- lOGO : fucked up the ass . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
+o discofunk..
..fucked up the ass.. /
/ / / / mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : goodbye . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: goodbye pal!
: -mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: genius / / :
-- lOGO : genius . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
g e n i u s /
: http://www.inetw.com/home/genious :
. genius@hit.handshake.de .
ansi, maiden, cfs ircnet
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: pariah / / :
-- lOGO : plastik heroes . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
....... p l a s t i c //.......
:...... h e r o e s //......:
h e r o e s
::::::: +oh pariah
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: hiro / / :
-- lOGO : modemland . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
m o d e m l a n d /
+o hiro protagonist
: /mjay?! :
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: meself / / :
-- lOGO : moslem . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: ya need to fuckin phear it /:
mjay?! :...............: / :..: /
/ o0/
: m o s l e m /.ooOOoo,
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : System rules . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
t h e s y s t e m r u l e s //
/ mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : Smarket . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
. s m a r k e t .
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: xavii / / :
-- lOGO : spur posse . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: p o s s e
s p u r
mjay?! //
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : heippa . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
// h e i p p a
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: mess / / :
-- lOGO : mess . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
m e s s /
/ mjay?!
requested ascii: mess requested by: mess
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: fongus / / :
-- lOGO : phusis . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
mjay?! // //
p h u s i s +o fungus
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: ohseven / / :
-- lOGO : seiken . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
:: s e i k e n //
+o ohseven mjay?!
quitting the scene?
w00p. d2 is leaving the scene, this is really sad. seing one of the best
oldskool artist there is, leaving the scene cause its no fun anymore,
makes me sick. and since drawin ascii is no fun anymore for him, i cant
blame him to quit the scene.. and i think d2 never got the respect he
deserved. greetings mate, u are the best..
*** what about me huh? ***
when aphro died, i realized how fucked the ascii scene was. full of lame
politics, fighting, non-respect and stuff like this. when u are fighting
to kill a group who dont wanna to compete, and is alive only for the
fun of it, it gets fuckin pathetic. i thought about leaving the scene,
but then 2 geezers of basic convinced me of joining it. now, i joined
basic, and left me bud of serial behind me. sorry bout this guys, but
i couldnt stay in a group where i wasnt happy, and a group who
destroyed the one i was running.
basic has no lame politics, and i think it has a respected name. hopefully
i will be able to draw for the fun of it, w/out being dissed by people.
as of ppl i may have attacked by this text, i have nuthin against you.
i have great respect for sargon, i just hope he can respect me back, and
the rest of the basic crew, along with every other ppl in the scene.
after all, hes a damn newbie.
i hope i wont have to leave the scene like d2 did, and the only way i see
this happening, is having fun drawin asciis, in a group i like. i am
bored of lame fights, and god knows the pc ascii scene has alot of em.
thats the only reason why i joined basic.
:: G R E E t S ::
:: Love Flies To These Brothers And Sisters ::
not much greets this month, dont be offended.
- d2macroman, martz, squish, blindman, sargon.
- basic, remorse, serial, kwest, nonamerip, odelayrip, oops, comic.
thats it for this month.. -mjay?!
* remember, respect the small groups, theyre the ones who make the scene
what it is. where do u think all the artists come from?
--1138th line--------------------------------------------------------------
: : b :.........: i : ...:........:. . :
. a s c ..:................: c i :.......:
: a s i
w i t h t h e c o l a b o r a t i o n o f
: / /-wk!/ja /
m j a y
a c o l l y c a l l e d
// m j a y
:/ / a m e r i c a / :
: d i e i n g :
: / s l o w l y / / :
// america is dieing slowly //
::::::::: .....:: :. .... i n t r o 2 2 0 v
. . /. l::::: ::::::.
l l / l / .::: ::::::::
----./ l:::....:::::::
welp an other colly.. i didnt release it in serial, no, but in basic
i am explaining it at the end of the colly.
THANKS TO: d2rn for the divider, . ...:.........
tango for the greet ascii, : :
arlequin for the intro ascii, : :
wisekid for the mjay ascii. :
/mjay?! /
i n d e x
. ascii title - ascii for
: 1. the 11th hour - enigmatic? :
: 2. code zero - shift :
: 3. passion - martz :
:..... 4. feral - feral .....:
5. funeral fog - catharsis /
6. flip flop - serial t00n
cockwomen i suck cock, 10
....... 7. fucked up the ass - discofunk .......
: 8. goodbye - god knows :
: 9. genius - genius :
: 10. plastik heroes - pariah :
: 11. modemland - hiro --+ :
. : . ... 12. moslem - mjay ......:
weed good, i was looking for ya
: 13. system rules - cant member
: 14. smarket - god knows
: 15. spur posse - xavii
: 16. heippa - god knows
: 17. mess - mess
:...... 18. phusis - fongus .. . .
19. seiken - ohseven
:: there we gooooo :::: : can u tell what that is? hmm neither can i.
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: enigmatic? / / :
-- lOGO : the 11th hour . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
/ / -----// the 11th hour
/ mjay?!
eh, never sent it to you, u aint gonna use it. i did it tho.
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: shift / / :
-- lOGO : code zero . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
/ //mjay?!
c o d e z e r o / +o shift
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: martz / / :
-- lOGO : passion . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
. . p a s s i o n . . /
// -mjay?! //
ascii: passion // for: martzkaz
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: feral / / :
-- lOGO : feral . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: .---+ ascii title: feral mjay?!:
. ------ done for: feral .
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: catharsis / / :
-- lOGO : funeral fog . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
..funeral fog.. // /
+o catharsis
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: serial2n / / :
-- lOGO : flip flop . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
ascii : flip flop / / /
done for : serial toon / / /
-mjay?! /
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: discofunk / / :
-- lOGO : fucked up the ass . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
+o discofunk..
..fucked up the ass.. /
/ / / / mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : goodbye . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: goodbye pal!
: -mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: genius / / :
-- lOGO : genius . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
g e n i u s /
: http://www.inetw.com/home/genious :
. genius@hit.handshake.de .
ansi, maiden, cfs ircnet
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: pariah / / :
-- lOGO : plastik heroes . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
....... p l a s t i c //.......
:...... h e r o e s //......:
h e r o e s
::::::: +oh pariah
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: hiro / / :
-- lOGO : modemland . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
m o d e m l a n d /
+o hiro protagonist
: /mjay?! :
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: meself / / :
-- lOGO : moslem . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: ya need to fuckin phear it /:
mjay?! :...............: / :..: /
/ o0/
: m o s l e m /.ooOOoo,
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : System rules . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
t h e s y s t e m r u l e s //
/ mjay?!
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : Smarket . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
. s m a r k e t .
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: xavii / / :
-- lOGO : spur posse . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
: p o s s e
s p u r
mjay?! //
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: god knows / / :
-- lOGO : heippa . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
// h e i p p a
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: mess / / :
-- lOGO : mess . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
m e s s /
/ mjay?!
requested ascii: mess requested by: mess
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: fongus / / :
-- lOGO : phusis . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
mjay?! // //
p h u s i s +o fungus
r d , /
N! 2!. / :./
, .// /. l/ /
--------- - REQUESTED: ohseven / / :
-- lOGO : seiken . - -- oO /----l-
/ - --------------l-
:: s e i k e n //
+o ohseven mjay?!
quitting the scene?
w00p. d2 is leaving the scene, this is really sad. seing one of the best
oldskool artist there is, leaving the scene cause its no fun anymore,
makes me sick. and since drawin ascii is no fun anymore for him, i cant
blame him to quit the scene.. and i think d2 never got the respect he
deserved. greetings mate, u are the best..
*** what about me huh? ***
when aphro died, i realized how fucked the ascii scene was. full of lame
politics, fighting, non-respect and stuff like this. when u are fighting
to kill a group who dont wanna to compete, and is alive only for the
fun of it, it gets fuckin pathetic. i thought about leaving the scene,
but then 2 geezers of basic convinced me of joining it. now, i joined
basic, and left me bud of serial behind me. sorry bout this guys, but
i couldnt stay in a group where i wasnt happy, and a group who
destroyed the one i was running.
basic has no lame politics, and i think it has a respected name. hopefully
i will be able to draw for the fun of it, w/out being dissed by people.
as of ppl i may have attacked by this text, i have nuthin against you.
i have great respect for sargon, i just hope he can respect me back, and
the rest of the basic crew, along with every other ppl in the scene.
after all, hes a damn newbie.
i hope i wont have to leave the scene like d2 did, and the only way i see
this happening, is having fun drawin asciis, in a group i like. i am
bored of lame fights, and god knows the pc ascii scene has alot of em.
thats the only reason why i joined basic.
:: G R E E t S ::
:: Love Flies To These Brothers And Sisters ::
not much greets this month, dont be offended.
- d2macroman, martz, squish, blindman, sargon.
- basic, remorse, serial, kwest, nonamerip, odelayrip, oops, comic.
thats it for this month.. -mjay?!
* remember, respect the small groups, theyre the ones who make the scene
what it is. where do u think all the artists come from?
--1138th line--------------------------------------------------------------
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