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Coeffey / BdP
Yow wassup ? I just got a lil anouncement to do ! You have all seen the
Rips in these last packs of BdP. Well its my intention to start someday
A Rip-devision of BdP. But for the moment and problaby a long while they
will appier in the BdP-packs. The devision is : Shaolin Sunz Of Men.
BdP Co
Now i whant all the members to try , that is if they are up to it , to make
rip files to ! wich is very easy so...
Oh no
So you can get this proggie from Rc.
And to go on , i would just like to say that im very proud of the lil
group i started a lil over a year ago. Bdp is worldwide with qualitie and
Quantitie , and still give starting artists a chance to grow. Like i gave
Rc , who is surly one of the best in this country.
Big-upz to...
-Bernie: for startin and ordinatin our lit-devision.
-Rc: For gettin BdP to higher standerds and for packin and guidin it !
-WiLD THiNG: Just for usin your screens wich came very handy for this txt.
-Every member and other muhfucka out there
Yow wassup ? I just got a lil anouncement to do ! You have all seen the
Rips in these last packs of BdP. Well its my intention to start someday
A Rip-devision of BdP. But for the moment and problaby a long while they
will appier in the BdP-packs. The devision is : Shaolin Sunz Of Men.
BdP Co
Now i whant all the members to try , that is if they are up to it , to make
rip files to ! wich is very easy so...
Oh no
So you can get this proggie from Rc.
And to go on , i would just like to say that im very proud of the lil
group i started a lil over a year ago. Bdp is worldwide with qualitie and
Quantitie , and still give starting artists a chance to grow. Like i gave
Rc , who is surly one of the best in this country.
Big-upz to...
-Bernie: for startin and ordinatin our lit-devision.
-Rc: For gettin BdP to higher standerds and for packin and guidin it !
-WiLD THiNG: Just for usin your screens wich came very handy for this txt.
-Every member and other muhfucka out there
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