![Logo / Header (s0ap) by Black Jack](/pack/bj-creep/x1/bj-asc33.ans.png)
this image contains text
m, : Yb, ,l ,@ +
-- --- - -dYb, --
- --- - db ---- - - --,dl
-- come fuck with ,m@SSm,
b us?
,m@Sb,,, Y
b,n@P YS@m,,md ,
l YYS,dY,S, l
d l Y@m,
, m@,dl ,
dYb , l b,
,db,-- - + .,m, ,
Yl BJll --
: l- --,l Y
Y lY Y,db, Y
b, Y + .Y,
b, .+b YY
Sb.+ lYY ,SmSSb. +
+ , dm+ . +
i Yb dY
soap ascii : +, + S
b, . Y, bj/plain
Just some greets, that flew out with ascii.. heh..
enjoy s0apys..
- Black Jack
-- --- - -dYb, --
- --- - db ---- - - --,dl
-- come fuck with ,m@SSm,
b us?
,m@Sb,,, Y
b,n@P YS@m,,md ,
l YYS,dY,S, l
d l Y@m,
, m@,dl ,
dYb , l b,
,db,-- - + .,m, ,
Yl BJll --
: l- --,l Y
Y lY Y,db, Y
b, Y + .Y,
b, .+b YY
Sb.+ lYY ,SmSSb. +
+ , dm+ . +
i Yb dY
soap ascii : +, + S
b, . Y, bj/plain
Just some greets, that flew out with ascii.. heh..
enjoy s0apys..
- Black Jack
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