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IF you wish to request an ansi from
me, contact me on Channel Zero,
Last Resort,
FacsimileFac leFacsi e mileFacsimileFacsimileFacsimile Divide Overflow,
or Eternal Insanity.
No beggin for free ansis. Col-
fx laterals include free d/ls,
hardware, etc.etc.etc.:
f a c s i m i l e
The dialouge bubbles got in the way:
Sysops Metal Fang Stinger Cosysops Striker ConTra Terminator2
1+ gigbytes online PARALYSIS World Headquarters 4 nodes
0 day IBM Fast consoles Art support
Running PCBoard 15.1 Modded
tm Greets go to BE, MC, ME, MF, PS, SO, SS, TP, ZY
and every artist and group out there!
p r o du ct io n s
me, contact me on Channel Zero,
Last Resort,
FacsimileFac leFacsi e mileFacsimileFacsimileFacsimile Divide Overflow,
or Eternal Insanity.
No beggin for free ansis. Col-
fx laterals include free d/ls,
hardware, etc.etc.etc.:
f a c s i m i l e
The dialouge bubbles got in the way:
Sysops Metal Fang Stinger Cosysops Striker ConTra Terminator2
1+ gigbytes online PARALYSIS World Headquarters 4 nodes
0 day IBM Fast consoles Art support
Running PCBoard 15.1 Modded
tm Greets go to BE, MC, ME, MF, PS, SO, SS, TP, ZY
and every artist and group out there!
p r o du ct io n s
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