this image contains text
BL/DE 94 Presents - The Edge: The Official B
lade Information File.
S e p t e m b e r
This is the Blade Info File. A monthly publi
cation from Blade Productions.
This file outlines the past months happenings of Blade.
This text is written by MindCrime, Blade founder and pr
esident. If there
are any spelling or grammatical errors within this text, please
that MC is only human, as are most other people. Blade
is a group much like
that of iCE or ACiD At least, we like to think so which relea
ses a monthly
pak of the prior months work Or something like that. B
lade paks are released on the first of each month They
can be found at any one of our lovely
distribution sites. If you wish to contact Blade in any way, p
call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780 All blade members can be
on Ei. If you like the work of Blade, let us know.
Leave a message to
MindCrime at his lame ass internet address............MCBLADE@
or call up Eternal Insanity . Enjoy the pack.
1 Starting this month, Blade has changed its policy reg
arding the quality
of ansis included in the pak. I mc now reserve the right to
reject any
and all artwork that does not live up to blade standards. Ho
this will boost the quality of the packs.
2 In name changes this month, Zephyrus, who chan
ged his handle last month,
changes it again. This time to Rai.
3 New members this month: Paendragon joins us in the lit
department and brings
some excellent work with him.. We welcome him to one of the be
st lit dept.s
in the scene today.
4 note: this section left out due to last minut
e pak changes...
5 Fluxs poetry pik for this month is STJOHN.PIK. Check
it out, some pretty
interesting lit there..
6 After a two month hiatus, Soul Seeker is back
in action. Be expecting some
great work from him in the coming months, as well as the alway
s great work
from all our other artists. Also in store for next month and t
he months
beyond, comes a new idea from the mind of StyX. Watch
for it.
...Group Greets..........................................
CiA - You guys are gettin on my nerves big grin
UNiON - Can you suck up any more groups?
TEAM - Paganz got nuttin on us..
EDEN - Good luck folks.. I liked the first pak!
...MC Greets.............................................
BiSHOP - Call me assmunch!.. We need codes...
Napalm - Do me a fucking ansi..
Mr. Dawson - Thank you so kindly for your gracious donati
on to the scene.
TechnoPhreaK - Get back here! We neeeeed ya..
StyX - BTH will rule.
Facsimile - Nice work man.. BTH will be killer!
WHiTE POWER - Join us, it is your destiny.
Trident - What was that account I was supposed to make ag
ain? g
Abomination - Come on over g
The 3l33+3st of the 3l33+3 - Join Blade! We rullllee....
EOF - Blade 1994, All this and cream filling too.
lade Information File.
S e p t e m b e r
This is the Blade Info File. A monthly publi
cation from Blade Productions.
This file outlines the past months happenings of Blade.
This text is written by MindCrime, Blade founder and pr
esident. If there
are any spelling or grammatical errors within this text, please
that MC is only human, as are most other people. Blade
is a group much like
that of iCE or ACiD At least, we like to think so which relea
ses a monthly
pak of the prior months work Or something like that. B
lade paks are released on the first of each month They
can be found at any one of our lovely
distribution sites. If you wish to contact Blade in any way, p
call Eternal Insanity @ 908.224.8780 All blade members can be
on Ei. If you like the work of Blade, let us know.
Leave a message to
MindCrime at his lame ass internet address............MCBLADE@
or call up Eternal Insanity . Enjoy the pack.
1 Starting this month, Blade has changed its policy reg
arding the quality
of ansis included in the pak. I mc now reserve the right to
reject any
and all artwork that does not live up to blade standards. Ho
this will boost the quality of the packs.
2 In name changes this month, Zephyrus, who chan
ged his handle last month,
changes it again. This time to Rai.
3 New members this month: Paendragon joins us in the lit
department and brings
some excellent work with him.. We welcome him to one of the be
st lit dept.s
in the scene today.
4 note: this section left out due to last minut
e pak changes...
5 Fluxs poetry pik for this month is STJOHN.PIK. Check
it out, some pretty
interesting lit there..
6 After a two month hiatus, Soul Seeker is back
in action. Be expecting some
great work from him in the coming months, as well as the alway
s great work
from all our other artists. Also in store for next month and t
he months
beyond, comes a new idea from the mind of StyX. Watch
for it.
...Group Greets..........................................
CiA - You guys are gettin on my nerves big grin
UNiON - Can you suck up any more groups?
TEAM - Paganz got nuttin on us..
EDEN - Good luck folks.. I liked the first pak!
...MC Greets.............................................
BiSHOP - Call me assmunch!.. We need codes...
Napalm - Do me a fucking ansi..
Mr. Dawson - Thank you so kindly for your gracious donati
on to the scene.
TechnoPhreaK - Get back here! We neeeeed ya..
StyX - BTH will rule.
Facsimile - Nice work man.. BTH will be killer!
WHiTE POWER - Join us, it is your destiny.
Trident - What was that account I was supposed to make ag
ain? g
Abomination - Come on over g
The 3l33+3st of the 3l33+3 - Join Blade! We rullllee....
EOF - Blade 1994, All this and cream filling too.
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