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Heres this months info on BLADEViEW..
Scrolling support has been added! Up/down arrow keys and PgUps/PgDns are
now supported when you enter mode5, scroll. Thanks to Digital Parasite216
for his help with them, even tho he didnt greet me when releasing his viewer
w/ my pcx viewer, but oh well... Features in bladeview: Mask changing,
directory changing, normal 80x25 mode, 80x50 mode, ascii mode, grey scale
mode, scrolling mode, 38400,19200,14400,9600,2400,300 simulated baud rates.
IP - give me op f00li0!
Archmage - PMT is going to rule!
QuRan - love the board!
Scrolling support has been added! Up/down arrow keys and PgUps/PgDns are
now supported when you enter mode5, scroll. Thanks to Digital Parasite216
for his help with them, even tho he didnt greet me when releasing his viewer
w/ my pcx viewer, but oh well... Features in bladeview: Mask changing,
directory changing, normal 80x25 mode, 80x50 mode, ascii mode, grey scale
mode, scrolling mode, 38400,19200,14400,9600,2400,300 simulated baud rates.
IP - give me op f00li0!
Archmage - PMT is going to rule!
QuRan - love the board!
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