this image contains text
b l a d e
1 allo, and welcome to another o
f those funky fresh blade epics. this mont
h i had promised that the pak would go
out on the 3rd, and then that passed
and i had promised the 15th, and t
hat passed... it is now the 18th and i
m sending this damn thing out as soo
n as i finish this info file. sorry for
the delays!
2? strenghtening our attempt to re-o
pen the blade vga department, darkfyre
joins us this month, bringing a very original style
with him. he was a
freelance jober until we picked him up this month. welco
me aboard! also
joining blade this month is killer instinct. ki
comes to blade to start
up our very own telecommunitcations division, as well as
to be our sole
courier. we havent had much luck with couriers in the p
ast, so hopefully
this guy can do the job... welcome aboard man..
3! a few guys felt it necassary to lea
ve blade this month. after a long stay
as artist and senior staff member, modeus k
hahn has left blade to pursue
a career in professional disco dancing... er... wait.. i
know he said
something about disco.. awhell, nonetheless, mk has left
us... i thank
him for his great support of the group and also for his
kickass logos
which enhanced the paks each and every month. good luck
with what the
future holds, mk... now.. hm... did anyone else leave?..
i dont think
so.. i just cant remember.. ahwell, if anyone did leave
, sorry for
not mentioning them..
5 and last, but most certainly not le
ast, we have once again made a few
promotions in the ranks of blade productions. to replace
the vacant
spots up there in the senior staff postions, i have prom
oted errant angel
, a long time blade member and literature ext
roidinair, and shadowhand, als
o a long time blade member, who just came back af
ter a long hiatus, to the
senior staff position. these guys have already proved to
be great
additions to the blade management. welcome to the big ti
me, boys. g
thanks once again go to ckice for this font... g
b l a d e
1 allo, and welcome to another o
f those funky fresh blade epics. this mont
h i had promised that the pak would go
out on the 3rd, and then that passed
and i had promised the 15th, and t
hat passed... it is now the 18th and i
m sending this damn thing out as soo
n as i finish this info file. sorry for
the delays!
2? strenghtening our attempt to re-o
pen the blade vga department, darkfyre
joins us this month, bringing a very original style
with him. he was a
freelance jober until we picked him up this month. welco
me aboard! also
joining blade this month is killer instinct. ki
comes to blade to start
up our very own telecommunitcations division, as well as
to be our sole
courier. we havent had much luck with couriers in the p
ast, so hopefully
this guy can do the job... welcome aboard man..
3! a few guys felt it necassary to lea
ve blade this month. after a long stay
as artist and senior staff member, modeus k
hahn has left blade to pursue
a career in professional disco dancing... er... wait.. i
know he said
something about disco.. awhell, nonetheless, mk has left
us... i thank
him for his great support of the group and also for his
kickass logos
which enhanced the paks each and every month. good luck
with what the
future holds, mk... now.. hm... did anyone else leave?..
i dont think
so.. i just cant remember.. ahwell, if anyone did leave
, sorry for
not mentioning them..
5 and last, but most certainly not le
ast, we have once again made a few
promotions in the ranks of blade productions. to replace
the vacant
spots up there in the senior staff postions, i have prom
oted errant angel
, a long time blade member and literature ext
roidinair, and shadowhand, als
o a long time blade member, who just came back af
ter a long hiatus, to the
senior staff position. these guys have already proved to
be great
additions to the blade management. welcome to the big ti
me, boys. g
thanks once again go to ckice for this font... g
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